• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,015 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 2- Blaze and Arsenal

Author's Note:

I put '[Cue Opening]' as a fun addition since I usually listen to an opening when I think of the story to try and image it like an actual Kamen Rider series. So, I thought it'd be fun to suggest it. You can use any opening or song you think fits it.

Also, I realized I got two things for OOO and Decade a bit wrong. So you might notice the small corrections I did. Just to give ya a heads up.

Canterlot High

It has been a couple days since the battle for the seal. Everyone in the school either still talks about the battle and the Riders or just continue on with their school lives. Some of the students were curious who the heroes were and where they came from. Which kind of made the guys confused since they thought that everyone would be able to tell it was them since they had the symbols on their clothes.

The guys had been doing their best to adjust to school life, along with having started training on building up their strength. Truthfully it was mostly to help train Connor and Ressha to fight with or without magic. Which had left the two wishing the Riders powers would've also given them knowledge on how to fight. Though now they were about to leave school for the day, walking down the hall to go help at the animal shelter like they told Fluttershy that they would.

Reiji sighs feeling bored. "When is the darkness or Molten gonna make another move? Ever since we started practicing, I've been dying to get into another fight."

Negi chuckles smiling. "Don't let the girls hear you say that. Besides Rainbow and Pinkie, the rest of the girls would rather have the days stay peaceful."

"Especially with Fluttershy. Since we're going to be helping around the shelter today and tomorrow." Ressha added.

"Plus, not all of us knows how to fight." Connor answered with a deadpan look. "So, I'd rather keep the week as normal as possible."

"Can you blame me? Having become OOO was awesome." Reiji said as he pulled out the unicorn and bat core medals. "Then there's still the two medals I haven't used yet."

"I'm surprised you didn't try using the pony combo during that fight." Connor pointed out.

"Hey! I may be eager to fight. But I'm not an idiot. Combos aren't to be taken lightly from how they can tire and strain someone."

Drago grabs the medals from him. "I can pretty much guess how unicorn is gonna go for you. But are you sure about using bat? You guys did say this medal didn't exist in your world. Who knows what this could do to you."

"I doubt it. If the darkness had to corrupt it, then it means it's the same as the others." Discord said waving it off. "Now hurry up. I want to get this boredom over and done with."

"He says that, yet I'm sure he's looking forward to causing some chaos." Drago said making Discord start whistling with a grin. "Heads up, Reiji." Drago says as the tosses the medals back to him.

Reiji is about to catch them but ends up bumping into someone. Causing both of them to fall on their butts and the medals landing flat on his head.

"Ouch." Reiji said rubbing his rear. "Sorry about that. I should've...wow." Is all he can think to say after seeing the girl in front of him.

In front of him is a petite light green skinned girl long green unkempt looking hair with bangs parted to the left, freckled cheeks, light brown eyes, a striped sweater being both brown and light brown, leggings in a bluish gray color, and black shoes. She shakes her head before giving him an annoyed look that then goes confused looking at his head. Reiji quickly figures she's probably looking at the medals and begins trying to think of an excuse along with the others.

"Is that a dinosaur?" The girl asks pointing to his head.

The question dumbfounds them, making them look at what she means and find a small silver mechanical rex standing on Reiji's head. The rex that has red crystal on parts like the top of its head, claws, and tail. Its arms, legs and back looking like they're coated with obsidian rock.

"HUH?!" They all yell at once, startling the rex. With a mini roar goes charging through under the guys, knocking them off their feet and onto the floor. They look back to it in time to see the rex knock other students over before running out the door.

"What was that?" Connor asked.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." Drago said as he got up and ran after it.

"Count me in." Negi says following his lead.

Discord wanted to follow but he knew what Drago would say and make him do. With a sigh he gets up. "Come on guys. The rest of us should go to the shelter. I'd rather not deal with Fluttershy being sad and then Rainbow wanting to kill us for it."

Connor and Ressha go pale with that thought. "Yeah. Right behind ya on that." Connor said as he and Ressha stood up. Then makes a deadpan look seeing Reiji still staring at the girl who had stood up with a confused look towards where the rex left. "Reiji!" Connor shouts quietly as he kicks the bonehead back into reality as the girl turns back towards them.

"Hey there." Reiji says to her having quickly stood up and acting natural. "Sorry about bumping into you like that." He smiles to her but only get annoyed look in return.

"It's alright." Is all she says before walking away.

"Wait." Reiji says making the girl stop and make a tired sigh before turning to him with the same annoyed look. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking."

"It doesn't matter. Not like you would remember." The girl said as she walks away. Reiji is confused for a second till he smiles and runs in front of her.

"Try me."

She's surprised by this and ponders about for a second. "If you see and ask me again tomorrow, then maybe I'll tell you." She walks past him after saying that.

Reiji watches she walks away. "I'll look forward to it then." He says to himself.

Within a Dark Realm

Inside an area where the whole space around is a dark void with the floor being a clear white crystal with large spikes sticking out in different directions. Molten is there angrily beating away at one of the spikes, as he kept breaking parts off it while it kept continuously restoring itself.


"Oh, someone seems sensitive." A mocking voice said to him. Molten clenches his fist tighter as the voice continued. "To think your sorry ass was sent running with your tail between your legs by six clowns in suits."

"The same will happen to you if you underestimate the Riders." Molten said as he turned to face a teen girl laying on a large spike coming out of the ground sideways. This girl has white skin matching Rarity's, with long red crimson hair wearing tank top shirt matching her hair's color, a long black skirt, crimson high heels and a gray cloak. "Or else you'll regret it, Scarlet." He ends with a hiss.

"We'll see. Where are the others?" She said as she looks around. "Or am I the only one who thought they should at least thank the failure for at least getting one part of the mission done." She smirks seeing his rage.

Molten walks up to Scarlet, while her arm becomes a blade behind her back. As the two are about to strike each other, the whole area underneath them rumbles and shakes as the two are then slammed into the ground. The two feel the gravity increase around them as they look to the ground to see deep in the white crystal a dark shapeless figure moving around the center. They are then lifted up in the air and slammed right back down.

"Forgive us, Master!" The two shouted causing the two to be released. "AAAAHHHHH!!" They screamed as they held their hands to their heads in pain feeling as though they're being split in half slowly. The second the pain stopped; they went limp onto the ground as a dark mist engulfed Molten and disappears leaving a belt on Molten with a teal colored progrise key. The belt's buckle was black with a large red button and a small bit of silver in the front along with a silver strap. As for the teal progrise key it had the image of a shark, along with words saying 'BITING SHARK' and 'ABILITY FANG' on it.

"We understand." Molten says standing in a kneeling position with Scarlet doing the same.

"We won't fail you, Master." She said before the two got up. They turned around and walked off as they disappeared into a shroud of shadow. The minute they were gone the whole area shook as the darkness relentlessly moves around as if beating on the crystal with rage.

[Cue Opening]

At the Park

Drago and Negi had chased the rex all the way to the park but then lost track of it. They had split up to search around spots and areas they thought it could hide at. After a while and meeting back up, they had come no closer to finding it.

"Where could that little thing had run off to?" Negi asks as he and Drago look around a pond. "I doubt it could've left without someone screaming or shouting like they did on the way over here."

"Beats me. It's a slippery little guy, that's for sure. For all we know it could-" Drago stops seeing a girl come walking up to them. "Please tell me you were popular with girl back in your world." He said hoping their luck wasn't up.

Scarlet smirks. "So, you're the Kamen Riders? The heroes who sent our Molten running like the sorry beaten ass rodent he is."

Negi and Drago back up a bit. "Should've guessed the next opponent would be a witch." Negi says as he and Drago get into a stance. "Knowing demons like you, you didn't come just to chat."

"You wouldn't be wrong." Scarlet said with a smirk as she snaps her fingers and Riotoozes spawn all around them. "You may call me Scarlet. I came to say hello and rock you around a bit. And don't worry about your friends. Molten said he was at least going to say hi to them if he couldn't fight Zero-One yet." She points a finger towards the two making the Riotoozes charge them.

Drago and Negi nods to each other, "Let's skip the pleasantries then." Drago said as the two turn their backs towards each other and activate their magic. Instead of hopper's ability appearing on Negi's right arm, the words 'ABILITY STRONG' appeared. While Drago's right knuckle is covered in a red aura.

Right when the Riotoozes got close enough, Drago slams his fist into the ground sending a red wave that bursts all the ones in front of him into pieces. Negi crosses his arms wide creating two huge parts of a hercules beetle pincer horns around both arms and goes past the two side ends of the Riotoozes. He then closes the pincer to grabs all of them which he then lifts them up with ease, flips them around over himself before slamming them splattering onto the ground.

Scarlet chuckles with delight. "Oh, I was hoping you'd make this fun." She said grinning as she becomes metal and then incased in blades that cover over her completely that then crystalize.

"They really do have them." Drago said clenching his fists.

Following the same process as Molten's, the crystal cracks and burst into pieces revealing a female humanoid lizard kaiju. This one was silver, parts of its body looking like metal armor, with black bladed crystals coming out its shoulders, feet and head, and yellow crystal eyes. The kaiju holds out both its arms, making the crystal that broke off, form around the arms and creates a huge, long white crystal looking blade on both arms. Scarlet grinds the blades against each other making sparks while chuckling.

Seeing this, Negi and Drago reach under their sweaters and pull out their drivers. The two attaché the drivers to their waists with one saying (Zero-One Driver!) and the other making a rex growl noise. The two then push the buttons on both their items. (Strong!/Alpha Tyranno!) Negi presses the key to his belt while Drago inserts the adapter key into the belt. (Authorize!/Infusion!) A huge mechanical yellow grasshopper and lime green hercules beetle come out of the sky, while an obsidian wall comes out of the ground with the rex skeleton with both drivers playing jingles.

"Henshin!" The two shouted as they insert the key and core into the drivers. (Progrize! Rough! Strong! Hard! Amazing Hercules! With mighty horn-like pincers that flip the opponent helpless!/Core Blaze! Stomp! Slam! Roar! Alpha Tyranno!) The two were now transformed into Zero-One Amazing Hercules form and Jurassic.

"Let the fun begin." Scarlet said in a wicked voice.

The Animal Shelter

The guys were in the middle of helping Fluttershy at the shelter. Connor and Ressha were cleaning out the litter of the cages, Discord was helping Fluttershy bathing the animals, Reiji was supposed to be combing a cat but seemed to have his head in the clouds.

"Is something wrong with Reiji?" Fluttershy asked with a worried look.

Discord looks over to him for a second and ponders after looking back. "Hm...I honestly have no idea. He's been like that since we left the school. I'm sure it was something, but...I can't remember. I'm sure it was at the tip of my-"

"I wanted Zero-One." The guys get surprised by the voice, while Fluttershy goes cold. They look to the entrance and see Molten with the belt around him. "But the master had other plans. So, you'll have to do." He ends holding up the progrise key. (Fang!) The key announced as Molten pushed the button, along with four piles of sand appearing next to him.

"A Raidriser? How does he have that?" Connor asked surprised.

Ressha's magic switches him with Momo. "Doesn't matter. Right now, we've got an asshole in need of another lesson." Saying this Momo and the other pulled out their drivers from their pockets and placed them on their waist.

"We'll see about that." Molten said as he inserts the key into the belt starting a jingle that ended when he pushed the red part of the belt. (Raid Rise!) The belt says as tubes shoot out the key and bend wrapping around him with a DNA strip going down through it from the top. (Biting Shark!) A mechanical humanoid kaiju with its body mostly being white with a bit of silver, it has teal colored shark like fins on its arms and legs. Its head had a teal shark looking face with white fangs going around the mouth and smaller teal fins on the top and sides of the head. (Fangs that can chomp through concrete!)

Molten was now a Shark Raider with the sand turning into kaiju. One looked a bit like a green chameleon with frills around its neck, wrists, and ankles holding a whip. The other three looked similar being blue with red long leather jackets, having metal looking helmet heads with red round lenses having a drill at the top of their heads and coming out of its jagged mouth, having four long claws on the right hand but have different left hands. One has an axe like blade, the other has a bird like claw, and the last having drill.

"A chameleon Imagin and 3 mole Imagins." Reiji says pointing to them and then smiles while inserting the taka, tora, and batta medals. "Looks like I got my wish."

Connor glares at him. "I'm so happy for you." He says sarcastically as he shakes the rabbit and tank bottles.

Discord looks to Fluttershy. "Stay behind us." As he opens his belt, she looks at him with worry.

"B-But Discord-" Fluttershy is cut off hearing his belt as he placed the card in it. (Kamen Rider!) "Be careful." Is all she gets to tell him as he disappears snapping his fingers and teleporting himself along with the guys and the kaiju outside the shelter.

Back at the Park

Jurassic and Zero-One had been having a difficult time in their fight against Scarlet. She has had the upper hand in this fight from her having blades all over her body. The two were sent flying back with sparks flying off their chests.

"This isn't going so well." Zero-One said as he and Jurassic stood back up. "Got any ideas?"

"Just one." Jurassic answered.

"Is talking all you have left to offer?" Scarlet said as she swings her arms over and over sending energy slashes at the two. Jurassic quickly responds by pressing the hammer of the belt making a guitar noise and then pushes the slot up and down. (Flaming! Stomp!) Fire starts to build around Jurassic and then stomps on the ground sending a burst of fire in a big wave that takes out all the slashes making them explode.

Scarlet grinds her blades against the floor. "Not bad. Let's see how-" (Rising Hopper!) Before she could turn, Zero-One had gotten behind her by changing back into his basic form, jumped around and over to her by using the trees, and then knees the back of her head. The hit makes her stammer forward into an upper cut from Jurassic who came running out of the smoke and after the hit he pushes the hammer twice making the guitar noise again, followed by pushing the slot up and down twice also. (Crushing! Slam!)

Jurassic then attacks her as a red crystal rex tail, hitting her a couple times before he tries to swing it upward. The second it was about to make contact; Scarlet's crystal blades came off her arms and turned into katana like blades that she uses to cut the attack into pieces. "What?" Jurassic said getting surprised on how his attack got cut into pieces and seeing his other attacks didn't seem to had affected her.

"My turn." Scarlet said sounding a bit angered. She then dashes forward and slashes at Jurassic who tries to dodge each attack but gets hit a couple times making sparks with each hit. "Is this all you can offer to entertain me." She says as continued with the attacks. (Bit-Byte-Kilo-Megarize!) "What?!" She peeks behind herself to see Zero-One at the corner of her eyes.

"Not even close!" Jurassic shouted before she refocused back on him. Jurassic pushes the slot up and down 3 times. (Roar!) She quickly tries to react by slashing down on him, but Jurassic just took the hits, grabs ahold of her arms and takes a deep breath before letting out a powerful red roar.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!" Scarlet screamed out in pain as Jurassic pulls the slot up and then quickly pushes both the hammer and slot down before the jingle could play. The two Riders then jumped up and came down towards Scarlet from both sides as kicks. (Rising! Mega! Impact!/Flaming Crushing Bite!!) The crystal blades on her body began to glow. "DON'T GET FULL OF YOURSELVES!!" Scarlet screamed out in fury. She starts spinning around with the blades extending out acting like the blades of a blender and acted as a shield that creates an explosion the moment the attacks collided.

Jurassic and Zero-One landed next to each other and look towards the smoke from the explosion. "Do you think that did it?"

"When it comes to Rider kaiju, hardly ever." Zero-One answered and is proven right when Scarlet comes spinning out of the smoke hitting the Riders multiple times like a spinning-top making sparks fly with each hit making the guys yell out in pain.

Meanwhile at the Shelter

As people are running away from the area, OOO and Den-o were battling the Shark Raider. The two Riders were mostly on the defensive with OOO using his claws and Den-o using his sword to guard and block the Raider's fin blades. As they both try to go for a hit, the kaiju blocks both hits and holds them in place as it proceeds to make teal shark fangs appear hovering in front of its mouth that it uses to chomp down on the Riders making sparks fly where they hit. OOO and Den-o stammer back from the hit and then see the Raider push the same red button it used to transform. (Biting Bolide!)

"What's the fish bastard up to now?" Den-o asks as rows of teal shark teeth appear hovering next to the fins on the arms and legs.

"Uh oh." Is all OOO says as the Raider swung closing its arms making the teeth hit them in a biting motion as they pass by them, then swings its arms open to make the teeth hit again. and then the Raider spins 3 times swinging its legs as kicks to make the teeth hit the Riders 6 times making many sparks fly off them as they yelled out in pain.

Build was mostly getting hit around since his opponent was blending in with the area. He keeps trying to look around to spot the kaiju but the second he does by chance see it, its whip hits him before he could attack.

"Aaaahhh!" Build screams as he stammers back and falls to one knee. "I've had enough of this." Build said to himself as he pulls out the rabbit bottle and pulls out the hedgehog fullbottle. After shaking and twisting the top, he places it into the belt. (Harinezumi! Tank!) Build then turns the crank making the two constructs appear with the front part making a white armor. "Build up." The construct closes and replaces rabbit parts with the white hedgehog parts. The legs matched tanks but is white, while the shoulder and arm have spikes armor over it with a round spike knuckle armor covering the hand, and the eye being a hedgehog now,

Build waits a bit for the Imagin to make a move. When it strikes at him with the whip, Build reacts quickly after it hits, to wrap the whip around the spike knuckle, makes the spikes on the knuckle expand to keep a hold of it when he stabs the knuckle into the ground. He then activates the tank treads under his foot as he steps on the whip causing it to be pulled towards him along with the Imagin. As the Imagin got closer, it let go of its weapon. Build takes this chance to quickly run up and strike it a couple times with the spikes on the knuckle extending, making sparks fly with each hit and makes it take a couple steps back. As he goes for another attack, the Imagin pulls out a weapon from a small void it creates and blocks the attack. "What?!"

Build is shocked about the weapon it blocked with. What its using is OOO's weapon, the Medajaribur. A black sword looking a bit like a katana with a light blue color lining the inside of it and a blue edged blade. Build gets another surprise when the Imagin pulls out a green core medal with the image of a mantis looking forward holding its raptorial to both sides in it. "Henshin." The Imagin says in a mocking voice as it pushed Build back and jams the medal into its chest.

The Imagin's burst into a bunch of silver medals and then reformed itself back. It mostly still looked the same but the two horns on its head were replaced with insect antenna, its arms and legs now had braces with red circles going down in fours in 4 rows, the Medajaribur and its whip merged together. The sword's edge became green, the blue on the sword became red, along with mantis raptorial blades with jagged edges forming out of the blade, and the core medal is implanted into its chest.

"This isn't good." Build says as the Imagin chuckles. Its mantis blades look like it multiples turning into a mantis blade whip. The Imagin swings the whip at Build, who tries to block but the the spikes get cut through easily. Seeing this the Imagin chuckles as it begins swinging the whip around wildly, cutting through a bunch of trees and other objects, along with Build too, with sparks fly off his body with each hit. "AAAAAHHHH!!"

Decade was fighting the 3 mole Imagin, who even though was outnumbered, was actually having fun with them. Decade blocks and holds the axe mole, while dodging the claw mole and kicking it to the side. As the drill mole was about to attack him, Decade pulls the axe mole in the way, making it take the hit. As it cries in pain and falls to the floor, Decade shoots the drill mole with his gun and makes it stammer back. He changes the card case into sword mode and slashes the claw and axe moles a couple times sending them falling onto their backs.

Drill Imagin stands up. "You can't keep this up, Decade. Sooner or later, we'll wear you out."

"Hm? Is that so? Then...let's try this." Decade had said to himself when he looked at the drill mole's drill hand and then looking back at the other two Imagin as he opens his driver. "Henshin." Decade said as he shows a card. He places the card in the belt and closes it, making a dial pressing noise. (Kamen Ride! Faiz!) Red glowing lines start spreading and shine brightly in a blinding light for a second. Decade was now a Rider with the suit mostly being black and silver with red lines where the glowing red lines had been, 2 half circle like yellow insect eyes with red tracing around the making two small antennas on the top of the head.

He opens the belt again and closes after putting another card in. (Form Ride! Faiz Accel!) The chest of the armor opens up to show the inner circuits and parts as the chest pieces rotated over the shoulders. After this the red lines turns silver and eyes become red. "I'll give you 10 seconds." Decade said as he holds up his left arm that has a watch-like device strapped to it and the case in sword mode in hand, also known as the Faiz Accel watch, and pushes a red button on it. (Start up.) The watch announced as Decade switch the sword to his right hand and wind built up around him as a 10 second timer on the watch started.

"Get him!" All three Imagin yell as they charge towards him. As they got close and swung at him, Decade runs past the two in front of him at high speed, making them hit each other. The three start arguing with each other till Decade races by them a couple times, slashing and makes sparks fly with each hit. Decade ends the barrage of hits by hitting them with one last slash that sends them rolling back as the timer reached 5 seconds. (Final Attack Ride! F-F-Faiz!) The Imagin heard Decade's belt announce as six spinning cones appear hovering over them with the pointed end facing towards them. "WAIT!WAIT!WAIT!" The three say in panic to Decade as something is shot into the three Imagin.

Before they could do anything, the cones came shooting down into them one at a time, as Decade went kicking into them as the timer passed was down to 3 seconds. (3...2...1. Time out! Deformation!) Decade had stopped a few feet away from them as the watch said this and changed back to his basic form when the Imagin exploded.

Decade scoffed smiling under his helmet. "So much for their big talk. 10 seconds was all it took." He turns back towards the smoke. "Hm?" He sees the smoke starts to darken with a light coming from the middle. "I should've guessed the darkness wasn't going to make this easy."

When the darkness disappeared, what stood there now were 3 different kaiju now. Two kaiju were huge walking on all four, with a horn coming out the top of their heads and has tusks coming out the shoulders. They were big enough to wrap their hands around Decade's body and has four eyes. They were mostly black and has purple glowing eyes. Their claws, horns, waist and marks on their body were in a crimson red color.

The 3rd on was the drill mole Imagin but it had changed. Its sweater was gone and replaced with a darken gray colored armor on its arms, legs, chest and shoulders. Its right claw had been replaced with the rhino looking pile-driver and the left hands drill changed also. The base of the drill where it was attached was black with a gauge meter red and silver on different sides of it. While the drill itself was a different shape with a yellow tip, two small yellow blades coming out the middle of the drill and a yellow crown like ring circling the bottom.

The Imagin's drill begins to spin with power and wind building around it. (Vortex Break!) It thrusts the drill forward that sends a spiraling rhino horn, hitting Decade and sends him flying back landing into Build. "Ouch." Decade says as he got off and stood up with Build. "Do you have any idea what those are?"

"What now- Shit! Two Gigandeaths." Build then notices the Imagin's drill. "Wait! That's supposed to be my weapon. The Drill Crusher." Build says shocked. Then OOO and Den-o come flying and landing next to them. As Build helps them up, they see the Raider stands in front of the kaiju and then holds out its right hand. It summons a black case with a big yellow line going through it and then unfolds it into a bladed sword.

"First mine and your weapons. And now Zero-One's Attache Calibur." OOO sees the Raider pull out a progrise key. (Magma!) After pushing the button, the Raider puts it into the hilt of the sword. (Progrisekey confirmed. Ready to utilize. Unicorn's ability.) "That's not good!" OOO yelled as they backed up a bit from the Raider lifting up the sword and pushing the trigger. (Volcanic Kaban Strash!) The sword announced as the Raider sent a slash of magma at the Riders, that hits them and explodes. "AAAAAHHHH!!"

The Riders land in front of the doors of the Shelter. They hear Fluttershy scream out to them from inside the shelter as they struggle to stand and see the kaiju walk towards them. "This wasn't even worthy of a challenge. Gigandeath. Finish them." The Raider said pointing to the Riders making the Gigandeaths roar.

"Well, it's now or never." OOO told himself as he stands tilting his belt back up, takes out the taka medal and replaces it with the unicorn before tilting the belt again. (Yunikon! Tora! Batta!) The scanner said as OOO ran it over the belt and the taka helmet changes to purple with a gem-like horn coming out the center of the forehead, a purple mane going from the top to the back of the helmet, the eyes are still green but has pony shaped ears coming out above the eyes. "Now let's see what this can do."

"Wait. Hold on." Decade tried warning as OOO lights up his horn. OOO creates a huge flash of light that blinds everyone and when it gone, the Riders find their legs inside the ground. "I told you dumbass." Decade said as he hits the back of OOO's head. As the kaiju laughed, the gigandeaths prepare to attack. Decade then realizes something as he grabs ahold of OOO's horn, making him surprised and confused. "I hate you for making me do this."

As the huge kaiju were about to attack, Decade channeled OOO's magic into his own and snaps his fingers. All the kaiju get pulled into a vortex that appeared under them. As soon as the kaiju were gone, the vortex disappeared and Discord's transformation comes undone as he passed out. "Discord!" OOO shouted and quickly switches the batta medal with the horse medal and runs the scanner over the belt. (Yunikon! Tora! Uma!) As Fluttershy runs out to them, OOO uses the horse legs to break free from the ground and then stomps break the others free. Then his transformation comes undone and Reiji falls to his hands and knees panting.

"Is Discord okay?" Fluttershy asks as the other two undo their transformations after Build helped Discord out of the ground.

Connor sighs. "I think he just passed out from using up his magic. Whatever he did to them, saved us." Connor looks to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, call the others and tell them to meet us at the cafe." Fluttershy nods and runs back inside the shelter.

Back at the Park

Jurassic and Zero-One were laying on the floor with Scarlet walking up to them. She chuckles as she stops pointing one her swords at them.

"Looks like this is the end of our game." She said as she lifted the swords over her head. "Goodbye Ka-" Scarlet is suddenly lifted up a bit and slammed into the ground.

"What?!" The two Riders say in surprise as they look down and see the small rex biting onto Scarlet's foot.

"Let go you lit-" As she was about to attack the rex with her sword, the rex lifted and slammed her into the ground again. The rex kept doing it another 4 times before it spun her around and then let go sending her flying away through the sky.

"I guess he's on our side." Zero-One said with the rex then roaring as confirmation.

The Dragons Cavern

After getting a call and short description, Sunset and the girls had quickly left and met up with Fluttershy and the guys at the cafe. When they arrived, they found Connor, Reiji and Ressha were watching as Drago and Negi were being patched up by Emerald and Fluttershy.

"Oh goodness, are you all alright?" Rarity asked.

Connor deadpans at her. "Well aside getting our asses thrown around, Molten becoming a Raider and the kaiju somehow having our weapons; I'd say we're good."

"WHAT?!" All the girls shout in shock making the guys cover their ears.

"Does everyone around here have to yell?" Connor asked himself.

"Wait! Where's Dissy?" Pinkie asked while looking around. "Don't tell me he's-"

Right then. the little rex jumped onto the table. "AH!" Everyone screamed.

"What is that?" Sunset asked still getting over the scare.

Drago and Negi shrug. "We got no idea. It just kinda showed up at the school and saved us from one of Molten's buddies." Drago told them.

"Really now? This little thing delt with a kaiju? That sounds impressive." Applejack said as Fluttershy picked it up.

The little rex roared at her. "Aw. He's so cute." Fluttershy started petting the rex that it started wagging its tail and growling happily.

Reiji looks to them. "If it's gonna be part of our group, I say it needs a name."

"I say we name it Steel Fang then." Rainbow suggested. "OW! Hey!" She yelled when the rex jumped out of Fluttershy's hands and hit Rainbow on the head.

"Looks like it didn' like that name." Applejack said.

"Maybe he should decide his name." Pinkie said and then knelt down to bring her head down to come eye to eye with the rex. "What do you want your name to be?"

To Emerald's horror, the rex moved around the room knocking the tables out of the way to make room and then jumped onto a table to breathe fire at the floor while moving it around. "HEY! DON'T BURN DOWN MY LIBRARY!" Emerald began chasing the rex around and the group looked at the burnt floor to see it say 'Blaze'.

"Huh. That's a simple name." Rarity said.

"I think it's a nice name." Fluttershy said smiling as Blaze leapt to her arms to have her protect him from Emerald.

"Now that we got that out of the way, what did happen to you guys and Discord." Sunset asked making the guys sigh exhausted.

"Okay. We'll explain." Connor answered.

Connor, Reiji and Ressha explained their part and told them that Discord was now resting in his room having exhausted himself. After getting finished being treated and hearing the guys story, Drago and Negi told them their story.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" Sunset shouted scolding Reiji. "Of course, the magic backfired on you. You've never used unicorn magic before. It takes months of learning and practice to be able to use magic properly."

Applejack places a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Now, now sugarcube. Ah'm sure he's learned his lesson. Hm?"

"Maybe I can keep trying to use the magic randomly till I get used to it." Reiji pondered to himself till he felt a chilly presence. He looks behind himself to see Sunset and Applejack glaring at him. "Um...Maybe I should ask you or Twilight to teach me, Sunset."

Sunset sighs frowning. "Sorry. It's just that magic can be really dangerous if you don't know how to control it. Plus, I'm sure Twilight would be a better choice on teaching you." She said looking away while rubbing her right arm.

Fluttershy looks up one of the stairs leading to the second floor. "I just hope Discord is okay. He's been asleep ever since he used that spell on the kaiju."

"Don't worry so much, Flutters." Rainbow said as she roughly pants Fluttershy's back, almost making her fall out her seat. "He just ran out of steam. I'm sure the goof is fine. I'm more curious on what he used and why he didn't use it sooner before. I mean, if it could get rid of kaiju so easily, he should use it more often."

Sunset deadpans at Rainbow. "That's because of the spells backlash. There's also no guarantee the spell will work every time."

"True." Drago said. "Plus, the spell he used didn't get rid of them. It only put them in a void till Scarlet breaks them out of it. He did it that because he knew we needed to regroup and make a plan."

Negi leans back in his chair. "So, Molten has our weapons. First the monsters, then the items and now the weapons. How'd they get their hands on our weapons?"

"Along with the primal cores." Drago added crossing his arms.

Rarity makes a confused look. "What are primal cores?

"They're the soul fragments of past warriors." A new voice said out load.

The group gets startled and turn to find a man neither of them has seen before sitting at a recliner near a window. This man has pink skin like Pinkie Pie's but has long red spikey hair and orange eyes. From the black muscle shirt he's wearing, they could tell he's well fit, also wearing black track suit pants with a red line going down the sides and wearing black boots.

Drago raises a brow. "Who are you? And how do you know about the primal cores?"

The man smiles. "The name is Orbital Satellite. Your direct contact to Zea."

"ZEA?!" Connor. Negi and Reiji shouted.

"Um...What's this Zea thing?" Applejack asked confused along with everyone else.

Negi turns to look to everyone. "Zea was a communications satellite that helped Zero-One by providing and creating his arsenal, along making new progrise keys. It summons those animals that I use to transform. I was wondering if Zea was here, but I guess that's answered now." He ends looking back to Orbital.

"That still doesn't answer my question on how you know about the primal cores." Drago said.

"Let's let the guessing genius take a guess." Orbital says smiling to Pinkie.

Pinkie actually ponders about for a few seconds before going wide eyed while inhaling deeply to speak really quickly. "YouknowabouteverythingbecauseZeahasbeenaroundsincewhentheRiderpowerscameandthecoreswerecreated.Andhasbeenkeepinganeyeoneverything,waitingfortheRiderstoawakenandrunintotroubletohelpout." She was panting while everyone looks at her questioningly and then look to Orbital who has a surprised happy face.

"Right on the spot. Zea is right. You are unpredictably good at guessing."

"So. you're a Humagear?" Connor asked.

"Nope. I'm just one of a long generation of caretakers for Zea." Orbital answered. "I was sent by Zea to help assist the Riders. It'll be a pleasure to help out the legends." He said bowing.

"Okay. Not that this isn't good or anything. But" Rainbow said sounding annoyed. "can someone explain what primal cores are?"

Drago sighs. "Like Orbital said, primal cores are soul fragments of warriors that died during the war against the darkness. When the crystal cores or now called alpha cores were created, the energy from the cores had spread around the area and crystalized the lingering fragments of souls which are now known as primal cores. They were safe guarded by a family but were thought destroyed after that family's home was destroyed in an explosion."

"But looks like Molten and his group took them." Discord said from upstairs surprising everyone. As he walked to and down the steps, his legs were shaking a bit and almost topples over till Negi and Applejack quickly caught him. "Who knew things look so much better spinning around." He said laughing.

"You really shouldn't be up yet." Negi said.

"He's right, Discord. Ya need some more rest before tryin' to get up." Applejack said with concern.

"There's time to rest later. With six enemies, we need all hands-on deck." Discord countered.

Fluttershy walks up to him. "But you're already exhausted from the last battle. You'll just get yourself hurt trying to act tough." She scolded him with a look of worry.

"The second they chose to pick a fight at the shelter, they made this personal." Everyone looks at him surprised at those words. "I mean do you know how many hours I slaved there, and they were thinking making all that go to waste." Now everyone gives him a deadpan look, except for Fluttershy, Pinkie and Orbital who are smiling at him.

"Well, that's all and good but how are we supposed to fight them? They have the upper hand with the weapons." Connor pointed out. "Which we still don't know how they got their hands on them."

"I know the answer to that." Orbital stated.

"Well...If you actually know, care to explain then?" Connor asked.

"The darkness forced its way into Zea when it first got to this world. Zea made sure to prioritize the link that the Rider powers were using to get here but the darkness able to take mostly all the weapons and most of the transformation items, while the rest of the items were scattered throughout the world."

Ressha groans. "So, we're screwed. Great."

"No. There's a way." Negi said as he and Applejack helped Discord sit down. "Orbital, Zea used to design and make Zero-One's weapons and progrise keys before. Do you think it can make us new weapons?"

"Of course." Orbital answered. "Why do you think I'm here? Zea predicted you'd need help and sent me here to look or get any info on what to create." He looks to Drago. "Especially you, Jurassic. The alpha cores came from warriors who each specialized in using different weapons. So even tyranno needs a weapon."

Drago nods. "Alright then." He then turns to the girls. "I was never the creative type. Do any of you mind helping me?"

"You can count on me." Sunset answered smiling.

"I call helping Connor." Rainbow said wrapping an arm around Connor's shoulder.

"What? We don't need help." Connor said. "Plus, we already have designs for them."

"Don't worry about it darling. We just think you could use a second opinion." Rarity said as she patted his head which made Connor give her an annoyed look.

"Plus, those snakes might expect what type of weapons ya'll would make." Applejack added.

Negi ponders about it. "You've got a point. Though I know something else you, Rainbow and Pinkie could work on instead." They make confused looks as he walks over to his backpack and takes out a notebook. He flips through the pages till he stops on a page and shows it to them. "This."

Pinkie gasps in excitement seeing the original look of the Riders motorcycles. "No way! We get to make you guys new wheels?" She asked shouting full of joy and eagerness.

Negi nods making Rainbow grin. "Now we're talking! Let's get started then!"

"Yeah!" Everyone shouts in agreement.

Emerald walked up to Discord. "Then while you're all at work. I'll handle restoring any amount of Discord's magic that I can."

Fluttershy follows Emerald's lead. "Um...I don't think...I would be of much help on any of those. So...is it okay, if I help you too?"

Discord lets out a breath of exhaustion. "Be my guest. I won't be able to do much on my own for a while. Also..."

"Um.. Yes?" Fluttershy asks wondering what he wants to say.

Discord wobbles a bit. "I think I over did it by moving around too soon." They were confused till he went limp like a puppet.

"DISCORD!!" They all screamed and rushed to check on him.

After making sure Discord was okay and helped get him back to his room, everyone was hard at work looking over the designs of the weapons and of the bikes. Connor was looking over his design for a new weapon and changes some parts. Reiji was satisfied with his but decided to add another weapon, Drago and Sunset were both arguing and working hard on a design. Hours later, Negi walked up to Orbital.

"What's up?" Orbital asked while playing with a rubik's cube.

Negi pulled out his driver. "If I put this on, will I be able to connect to Zea? I need his help with this." He shows Orbital the blank progrise key. "I'll need an edge if I'm going to take on Molten with the shark key. So, I think Zea can help me bring this to life."

Orbital smirks at the question. "Why don't you put it on and find out." Negi answers by nodding and then proceeding to put it on. (Zero-One Driver!) Negi's eyes go wide while looking up to the ceiling and then a blue transparent version of him made out of ones and zeroes. His transparent self is flies out of the building and travels all the way into space and enters into a big round blue lens of a huge black circle satellite with rectangle panel on both sides of it. He then finds himself inside a white room with blue lines of ones and zeroes.

He looks around but already knows where he is and smiles being able to hear Zea speak to him. "Glad to be working with you too." Negi nods hearing Zea speak to him. "Yeah. I kinda figured you couldn't make more progrise keys while the originals exist. That's why I wondered if could help me give this key life." Negi shows the blank key and then smiles. "Yup. I already have an idea for it. I just need help giving this key a spark to get started."

Hours after everyone left and the guys went to sleep, a mysterious assembly looking room inside an unknown part of the cafe started having machines and lights turning on. The machines started working building something while showing blueprints on the screens.

Outside the Area of Canterlot City

Scarlet had annoyingly been trying to break the void field her allies were trapped in by making it appear and slashed at it from night to morning. By the afternoon she succeeded in destroying it and her allies reappeared in front of her.

"I can't believe you got yourself put into such an easy trap." Scarlet said to the shark Raider.

"QUIET! Don't think we didn't sense how you were thrown out of the city by something that was the size of your foot!" The Raider shouted at Scarlet.

"It just got me by surprise. The Riders won't escape their next encounter with me." Scarlet hissed at the last part.

A dark aura surrounds the kaiju and starts causing them pain. "AAAAAHHHHH!! WE UNDERSTAND MASTER! PLEASE STOP!!" The pain stopped as the aura disappeared.

"You heard the master's orders. Let's go do our jobs and see who does the best." Scarlet said as she started walking towards the city.

The Raider scoffs. "I don't need you or anyone to order me. " Then starts walking along with her, while the other kaiju went in a different direction.

While at the Dragons Cavern

The guys had snuck out of school and gotten back to the Dragons Cavern when then received a message from Emerald saying that Orbital wanted to show them their work. Discord was already there from having taken the day off to rest. They tried seeing if the girls wanted to tag along, but they couldn't because they were planning to help Fluttershy at the shelter since the guys were gonna be busy. They tried Sunset also but she refused saying she had something else to do.

They followed Emerald and Orbital to the back of the building and into what looks like a mechanics workspace full of tools and machines. In the middle of the room were the new motorcycles. Decade's is still the same original Machine Decade, a motorcycle being white and black with salmon pink going down the top of it with the front matching his helmet. But sees a few cards were set on it.

Den-o's was still based on a Honda XR250 but was modified with a new armor and frame. The blue color on it had been changed to black, the wheels had rectangular shaped armor parts on both sides of both wheels, the front ones had blades, matching the blade of Den-o's sword, coming out the front of them, the back ones seem to act as boosters, the front of the cycle matched Den-o's mask and the back was still the same but was in a silver color now. This is Den-o's Denrailer.

OOO's was still looked similar as the original Ridevendor but the front had the lion mouth from its ToRidevendor mode, along with red looking feathers going around the sides of the face making it look like a lion's mane, the part from the back wheel was moved to the front and changed from exhaust pipes to gun barrels and the back exhaust piece was replaced with a black new armor frame having four exhaust pipes that resembles the legs of a grasshopper pointing upward diagonally having green lining some of it. This is OOO's NeoRidevendor.

Build's was still the same too but has been modified. The front of the bike now had the shape of a rabbit's head with the ears in the shape of lightning bolts, along still having a gear going through the middle of the front but the edges were made to sharp. The bottle like piece was replaced with a red and silver tank looking design that has tank like barrels on both sides along with black linings. And a white spring design going around the sides of the motorcycle. This is Build's Mach Builder.

Zero-One's Rise Hopper was just about still the same but with a few changes. One of the changes was the black on the Zero-One like face frame of the motorcycle being replaced with yellow to get rid of the face and the black part of the frame being changed a bit to look more like an insect's mandibles with yellow outlining it to help it standout more. The fork of the bike had been modified to look more rotatable with yellow like parts going along the sides having a yellow hopper leg design on both the back and front of the wheels. And a black tail stabilizer piece on the back of the bike with yellow outlining it. This is Zero-One's Strike Hopper.

And finally, Jurassic's motorcycle was an adventure type that's been enhanced with stronger parts and made to go at faster speeds. The main colors of it are obsidian black and titanium silver with amber yellow high beams. The frame of the bike being made to have a silver fossil design going all around it. The top of the bike having a silver ribcage going around from the top to the sides, a tail like mold for the rear of the bike, the front having the top look of a dino skull, and fang shaped rims. This is Jurassic's Core Booster.

The guys were amazed see their cycles and began looking over them. "This is so awesome!" Reiji shouted as seated himself on his bike. "I really like what Rarity did with this beauty. I can't wait to take this for a spin."

"I have to admit, Rainbow did make it look '20% cooler' as she would put it." Connor said.

Negi nods in agreement. "I agree. I was right leaving it to the girls." He then notices Drago and Ressha looking over theirs with a warm smile. "I take it you guys like your rides."

Discord scoffs with a smile. "You have no idea. Though I think Drago feels differently about it." He said leaving on his cycle.

"I just really appreciate how much work Sunset put into it making the design for this bike." Drago said as he rubbed the top of his bike. "You can tell she put a lot of spirit and thought into it."

"I know what you mean." Ressha said staring at his. "Compared to the original, this bike got an upgrade. I'm amazed with what Pinkie has done."

Drago looks up to the guys. "We really need to thank the girls properly for their hard work."

Emerald smiles to them till she sees Drago and Negi's expressions get serious as they begin looking around themselves meaning one thing. "They're back, aren't they?" She asked them which they answered by them getting on their bikes.

Reiji cracks his knuckles. "Time for round 2."

Orbital chuckles as he presses a few switches. "Then get a move on Riders." He said as screens turned on and showed News channels showing the kaiju attacking different areas with policemen trying to stop the kaiju but failing. "Molten and Scarlet seem to be heading to the school and Gigandeaths are on their way to the shelter. The other kaiju seem to be headed to the mall and a huge building in the middle of the building."

Discord scowled. "They're after the sherlter again? The seal must be the reason why they're targeting the shelter."

"Same old thing then. To create negative emotions." Connor says. "That's why they're showing themselves to the public as well. They want to create as much fear and panic as they can. Which will earn them a large amount of it."

Drago scowled. "Then there's no time for discussions. We need to move now." The guys all agree by placing on their belts, with all except Zero-One's belt making confirmation noises.

The Front of the Canterlot High

Scarlet and Molten as kaijus were making their way towards the school as they just kept walking through the barrage of police gunfire as they hit or knock them out of their way. Molten as the Shark Raider used the teal teeth to rip apart every police car and Scarlet was slashing through every gun that shot at her. Ahead of this were a row of police cars and trucks placed as a barricade with officers waiting and aiming their guns at the kaiju.

"How long till the national guard get here, Chief Dusk?" One of the officers asked with fear in their voice looking towards a middle aged man with purple colored eyes, dark purple skin and black unkept hair, wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a badge pinned on it, dark gray pants and trench coat, and black shoes.

"Hopefully soon." Chief Dusk said keeping his eyes on the kaiju till he hears a car screech to a stop behind them. They turn see a young man getting out of his car and running over to them. The man had white skin and two dark blue hair colors with a cyan highlights and colored eyes, wearing a gray trench coat with light gray dress shirt and pants, and a black tie and shoes. "Detective Shining, what are you doing here? I thought I gave you orders to evacuate everyone out of the area?"

"Already done, unc- I mean, Chief Dusk." Shining said as he pulled his gun out after getting beside them and aims it to the kaiju. "Plus, I'm sure we're gonna need all hands-on deck here."

Dusk sighs. "Just don't any of you die on me." He said setting his sights back on the kaiju who are now closing in on them. "Let them-" Dusk is cut off as the Raider made a row of shark teeth and swings them ripping through the cars and trucks, causing the officers to run back as the vehicles exploded. As Dusk began to stand, Scarlet stomped her foot on top of his back pinning him to the ground and brings her sword's blade next to his neck. "What are you?"

Scarlet chuckles darkly. "Doesn't matter. Not like you could do anything to us. Now I wonder how I should-" Scarlet stops as gun shots hit her face. She looks a bit ahead and sees Shining pointing his gun at her and shoots her again. "I really hate the hero types." Scarlet said annoyed and then charged at Shining who keeps shooting at her. "I'll enjoy cutting you down the middle." She shouted as she prepared both her swords.

As Shining braces for the end, Scarlet stops seeing what's standing in front of him. "You!" Shining looks confused at her anger and looks down in front of him to find Blaze, who roars at Scarlet. "You'll be the first thing I'll kill today." She says with anger but then sees the rex roar a bunch of times before looking to her left. As soon as she looks in that direction, Jurassic rams into her with the Core Striker and drags her off.

"What?!" The Raider surprised but then looks behind himself after hearing an engine. He also gets rammed into and dragged off by Zero-One.

Shining helps his uncle up as they looked at the direction the kaiju were dragged off to. "What was that?" He asked Dusk.

"I don't know. For now, help me check the wounded before we go after them, Detective."

"Yes sir." Shining said getting to work.

At the Mall

People were panicking and running away in fear from the drill Imagin. It laughs as he destroys the place and sends blasts at the people. He stops upon noticing a bluish gray skinned boy, with purple eyes, hiding under a table in the food court. He had two-tone dark gray spikey hair, wearing red shirt and white under shirt, black shorts, along with black and white shoes.

"Look at what we have here." The Imagin said as it walks towards the scared boy who's too afraid to move. "Don't worry. I'll make this quick and painful." It said as stopped next to the table and builds power into both his weapons. Then slams his arms into the table, crushing it in an instant. People were screaming in the backround as the kaiju laughs in joy. "Stupid child thought it could be protected from me by a table. Damn idiotic child."

"I'm pretty sure there's only one idiot here." The kaiju gets startled and turns around to find Build behind him on the Mach Builder with the boy the kaiju thought it killed sitting in the seat with Build. Build turns to the kid. "Get to safety, kid. Leave this guy to me."

"Thanks." The boy said as he gets off the bike and runs off to the side to watch as Build turns back towards the kaiju.

"Do you really think you stand a chance against me, Build?" The Imagin said slamming both its weapons into each other.

"Yeah. I definitly can." Build answered as tubes came out of his belt and turned into his new weapon. Which is a drill saber like weapon. The handle looked similar to the Drill Crusher, but the gauge was replaced with a clear circle, similar to the one on his belt, with the insert slot leading into the weapon gone and replaced with a slot like the belt, and the slot at the hilt to put the drill into was gone, now having his symbol there. The drill now has four sharp edges leading from the hilt and straight to the top, with four small barrels next to the edges. This is the successor to the Drill Crusher, the Vortex Saber.

"What?! You aren't supposed to have your weapons."

Build holds up his left hands finger and shacks it slowly. "The originals are gone. But that didn't mean we couldn't make new ones, dumbass." He then runs the finger along the rabbit side of the helmet. "Now...I'll solve the formula to this problem."

The two then charge at each other. After clashing, Build goes on defense by blocking each of the kaiju's attacks, making the kaiju get cocky without realizing Build is only doing this to study its attacks. After a while, the saber's drill starts spinning as Build counters each of the attacks before knocking the kaiju's arms open and delivering a powerful slash as he moves past it making sparks come off its side. He then quickly turns, lands another hit across the kaiju's back, and then jumps a good distance back using the rabbit leg.

"How'd- Raaahhh!" The kaiju becomes enraged and charges at build. Build responds by taking out the hedgehog fullbottle, shakes it and twists the top, then enters it into the slot. (Harinezumi!) As a sound similar to the belts crank being turned starts along with a white energy wrapping around the weapon. (Solo Attack!) The weapon announced as Build pressed the trigger making spikes come out of the white energy, he first blocks the hit and then swings the saber breaking the rhino arm along with many sparks from all the spikes hitting the Imagin.

"Fine! Let's see which is better!" The Imagin shouts charging the Drill Crusher. Build takes out the bottle from the saber and repeats the process putting the dragon and firetruck in. (Dragon! Syoubousya!) The sound played again till Build pressed the trigger as the two launched their attacks. (Cross Combo!) Build sends a spiraling slash mixture of blue and regular colored fire. The attack clashes and struggles with the rhino shaped attack for a second till the slash breaks through, hits the kaiju and send it rolling back.

"AAAAHHHH!!" Build stops hearing someone screaming and looks away from the kaiju to see people trapped on the second floor with the floor on both their sides broken and ceiling cracking over them. "Shit!" Build was about to run to them till he's shot from behind. He turns back to see the kaiju turned the weapon into gun mode and shoots spiraling shots at him. "Two can play at that game." Build said as he guarded against the shots using his arm and then rotates his drill's hilt changing it to gun mode. He points it at the kaiju, pulls the trigger unleashing multiple shots one at a time from each barrel, blasting through the spiral shots and hitting the kaiju.

As the kaiju fell to the floor, Build ran and jumped up to the people while switching the rabbit and tank bottles with hedgehog and firetruck, and turns the crank. (Harinezumi! Syoubousya! Best Match! ... Are you ready!) "Build up." (Rescue kenzan! FireHedgehog! Yeah!) Build lands now being in FireHedgehog form as he then extends the spikes on his knuckle to stab into the ceiling and holds it up. He then extends the ladder cannon on his arm to the first floor.

"Get to safety now." Build ordered. The people comply sliding down the cannon. The Imagin kaiju gets up to see Build help the last of the people down, it starts shooting at him again with anger. "Not this time." Build said as he avoided the shot and then jumps down towards the kaiju while blocking and hitting the shots with the hedgehog side. As he reached the floor, he shot fire at the kaiju with the ladder cannon, then runs up to it as it recovered and strikes it a couple times with the spike knuckle before send the kaiju land on its back against the floor in the middle of the mall.

"It's about time to wrap this up."Build said as he inserted the rabbit and tank bottles into the Vortex Clasher. (Rabbit! Tank!) Build points the gun at the kaiju as it spins with whirls of red and blue circling it and then pulls the trigger after a second unleashing a big powerful shot. (Vortex Match!)

The Imagin jumps up to avoid the shot. "Too slow!" The kaiju shouted triumphantly.

"Later dumbass." Build said it, making the kaiju to look down at the shot that's just pressing against the ground. Before it could do anything, the shot bounced off the ground and rams into the kaiju sending it flying up and breaking through to the ceiling's window. "The laws of victory have been set!" Build shouted as he ran while turning the crank a couple time. As he stopped underneath the kaiju, Build extends the ladder cannon all the way to the kaiju in the sky and jams the cannon into it. The Imagin that started becoming round as water filled it. (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!) The ladder was then retracting with the Imagin back towards him as his knuckle's spikes extended with fire covering them and then trusts his knuckle into the kaiju causing an explosion.

When the smoke cleared, Build walks over to the side and picks the rhino fullbottle. "Another addition."

At the Shelter

The girls were hard at work finishing up bathing the animals till the ground and building started shaking.

"What the heck is going on? Is it a earthquake?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack's eyes go wide looking out the window. "Nope. We've got bigger trouble headin' our way. Look."

The girls look out to see the two Gigandeaths in the distance heading their way.

"Why must all these kaiju have to look so horrid?" Rarity said with a disgust look.

Pinkie ponders looking at the huge kaiju. "Maybe they'll leave us alone if we give them some cake."

Rainbow rolls her eyes. "Yeah, Pinkie. Why don't we have them come in and have them dance with Angel." She said full of sarcasm as she motions towards Fluttershy's white bunny.

"But Angel is way too small for either of them to dance with him." Pinkie said with a confused look making Rainbow slap a hand to her forehead.

"We need to get out of here." Applejack stated.

"But we can't leave the animals behind." Fluttershy said making a sad worried look at just the thought of leaving her animal friends behind. "We have to get them out first."

"Too late for either now!" Rainbow shouted as the Gigandeaths were now closing in on the shelter.

Decade and Den-o then show up coming in from both of the side streets and turn into the middle street with the kaiju in front of them. They kept charging towards the huge kaiju till they hit the breaks and slide sideways to a stop, ramming into the kaijus legs knocking them over.

"Don't even think about." Decade said as he got off his bike and opened his belt. "We're your opponents." He the puts a card in before closing the belt. (Attack Ride! Illusion!) Two copies of Decade appeared next to both his sides and they charged towards the huge kaiju while using another card. (Attack Ride! Blast!) The Decades each run to different sides it and shoot multiple shots at the kaiju while avoiding it swinging its arms at them. The Gigandeath then gathers a dark green energy into its fists and slams them into the ground creating a small explosion.

(Attack Ride! Slash!) The kaiju heard through the smoke now surrounding it. Two of the Decades came running through the smoke and slashed the legs of the kaiju making it tumble to its arms and knees. The third Decade came jumping out and slashes it across its face. The Gigandeath roars in pain while rubbing its face as Decade lands across from it panting. "I need to try hold out till the end."

Den-o was drive around and by the Gigandeath while avoiding its fists and chainsaw. He was also hitting it with as many slashes as he could while avoiding the saw. "Just fall already, idiot!" Den-o shouted at it. As the kaiju shoots out balls of energy at him, the Denrailer's red front glowed for a second and as the shot was about to hit, train rails appeared leading up with the bike following it. "What the hell?! What's this thing doing?!" As the Denrailer's rails then circled around the kaiju as it went by, the blades on both sides of the front wheel glowed and then rammed into the sides of the kaiju making it roar in pain. "Ah ha! Now we're talking. Let's go! Let's go!" Den-o then started circling, going by and under the Gigandeath hitting it with his sword and the blades of the bike.

"Hm...Decade!" Den-o shouts seeing the other Gigandeath beat Decade around. "Damn idiot! I knew he still hadn't recovered enough. Hang on, Idiot!" Den-o shouted as uses the Denrailer to knock the Gigandeath he's facing to its back and then turned back to ram into it. He dragged it into the other Gigandeath, knocking them both over. Den-o gets off his bike after stopping next to Decade. "You okay, idiot?"

"I-I'm...fine. " Decade said between pants. "We need to finish this while we both still can."

"Then let's end these bast-" Den-o is cut off as the Gigandeaths recovered and shot the blast of energy at them. "Damn it! We need to do something!"

Decade stopped panting as his eyes glowed for a second. "Got it. I'll try it." He said as he opened his case and pulls out a card that has a picture of two different images with a line splitting it in half to the side. One image is of Den-o on one half and the other is the image of a red demon looking being that changes to an image of a train-looking vehicle. Decade then looks to Den-o as he opens his belt and gets behind Den-o. "This will tickle a bit." (Final Form Ride! D-D-Den-o!)

"Hm? What do you- Wha!" Den-o yells as Decade put his hands on Den-o's back and then spread them apart making parts start appearing on him. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Decade then kicks Den-o making him spin floating in the air and transform into a small version of Denliner. As Den-o lands, the Denrailer's parts moved around a bit to turn itself into a train cart and connect to Den-o.

"May the chaos begin." Decade said as he jumps onto Den-o and Den-o's sword flying into his hand.

"I'll get you back for this! But for now, let's go! Let's go!" Den-o shouted as he started moving forward toward the Gigandeaths as they start shooting at them. Den-o was shooting back at them and then Decade slashing at both the huge kaiju as they went by a couple times. "Hit them with everything!" Decade knowing what he means, jumps off as Den-o's train sides open up a bit as the parts of the Denrailer move a bit as they both now show missiles and cannons. He then starts going wild shooting everything he has at the Gigandeaths, making them cry in pain.

The Gigandeaths fall flat to the floor. One looks ahead towards the shelter and charges a blast of energy. Decade notices this and moves in between the two as he puts a card into the belt and closes it. (Final Attack Ride! D-D-Decade!) A large row of cards appears in front of him facing towards the attacking kaiju. Decade points the case in gun mode and fires into the cards, the blast becoming more stronger each card it went into as it went twords the kaiju's attack. The blast struggle for a few seconds till Decade's went through the kaiju's and hits the Gigandeath make it rise and fall on top of the other.

Decade changes the case back to attache it back to his left side of his belt and pulls out a card from it. "I'd like to keep this going but I could really go for a good meal. Hm?" Decade looks towards the kaiju as it growls at him. He smiles under his helmet as he shows the front side of the card towards the kaiju. "I'm just your local chaotic Rider. Remember that." He said as he places the card that has Den-o's symbol on it into the belt and closes it. (Final Attack Ride! D-D-Den-o!)

The Denrailer disconnects from Den-o. "Now face our special attack." Den-o said as he and Denrailer form blades the same shape as his sword's and begin following Decade's movement on how he moves the swords. Decade makes the two strike the huge kaiju a couple times till he makes them rise over them. "Railer Version!" Den-o said as Decade then brought them down making the slash through the waist of the kaiju in an 'X' shape and makes them turn to slash through the necks making them explode.

As Den-o and Denrailer came to a stop on the ground, they transformed back. "I hate that feeling. I'll kill you if you do tha-" Den-o was saying angrily till he turns and finds Decade lying face flat on the ground. "Decade!" Den-o, along with the girls running out, ran over to him. "Dumbass, are you okay?!"

Decade groans. "Just get me back to the house." Everyone lets out a sigh of relief.

In the City

The chameleon Imagin was wreaking havoc with many people running away by shooting blasts of fire at buildings and using the Medajaribur whip to slice through objects and cars all around. When the cops showed up and fired at it, the kaiju found it amusing as it walked up to them while shots hitting the Imagin were doing nothing to it. As it reached them, the kaiju used its whip to cut their cars to pits and then proceeds to hit and throw the police officers around.

"Ah. Nothing can beat the sound of screams. Although..." The Imagin turned back towards the officers who go pale with fear hearing its sinister chuckle. "One thing that does come close is the screams of seeing others die in front of their eyes. So, do me a favor and...STOP BREATHING!!" The kaiju shouted swinging its whip at officers.

Right then, OOO came riding in between them and has the NeoRidevendor bite onto the whip and drags the Kaiju down the street making it slam into parked cars and poles. OOO stops with his bike letting go of the whip to send the Imagin crashing into a building. As the kaiju got itself out of the rubble, the NeoRidevendor comes to a stop and OOO gets off while grabbing a sword from the side of his bike.

This sword was exactly like Medajaribur but with a bit of a bulkier look with the linings on the inside are of 6 different colors from top to bottom being red, yellow, green, silver, blue, and orange with the silver on the medal slot changed to purple, the storage window on the sword was now covered by a part having a similar look to the O Scanner, and the blade's color was now an emerald, green color. The sword is known as Medajaribur Ver. Scanner.

"You know if you really wanted a fight, then you should pick on someone your own size." OOO said as he walked up to the Imagin while resting his sword on his shoulder.

"Is that so?" The Imagin said dusting off its right shoulder. "Are you offering yourself as a sacrifice?"

OOO scoffs. "Nope. Sorry pal. But I'll be happy to be your opponent and crush that twisted desire of yours." OOO then gets into a stance while holding his sword at the ready. "Now, I shall judge your greed."

The Imagin was about to use its whip, but OOO use the batta legs to get close to keep it from using the whip part of its weapon and the two start exchanging clashes of their swords. OOO makes a mistake of jumping back from a strike from the kaiju and giving it the chance to use its whip. OOO keeps dodging the whip till the kaiju stop. "I doubt you can avoid this." The Imagin said as waved its whip around the air making multiple green spinning mantis blades.

"We'll see about that." OOO says as he turns to the NeoRidevendor and holds out his left hand to it. "Neo! The Medabuster!" He calls out which the bike responds with a roar and launches a gun from the back to OOO's hand. The gun weapon being most black with lines in it like the Medajaribur. The linings were red with the edges being silver. It has a slot and lever on it, just like the sword. "Let's get started!"

He just goes charging in as the Imagin launches the blades, which OOO uses his gun to shoot through some, slash through others and used the batta legs to jump avoiding the blades or kicking to counter them. "What?" The Imagin said being surprised but then makes an angry growl seeing that OOO seems to be enjoying himself. "Fine. Let's how he handles this." The kaiju says with a hiss as it camouflaged itself while OOO was distracted with the mantis blades. The Imagin started getting closer not making any noise. OOO barely noticed the Imagin gone and begins looking around with his eyes glowing a bit.

As the Imagin jumps at him as OOO's line of sight turned towards it. To the kaiju's surprise, OOO jumped onto his back and fires at the Imagin making sparks and silver medals fly off it as it falls back. "Did you really think that'd work? Sorry but the taka helmet can easily find you." OOO picked up a couple of the silver medals. "I could put these cell medals to use."

"Why don't we test that sight of yours then." The Imagin said as it created the mantis blades again but makes them bigger and spin faster. OOO noticed strong winds start to form around and lifts up objects and wreckage off the ground. The kaiju then started swinging it whip around wildly making it slice through buildings along with parts of the street and cutting objects apart to completely cover the area. The Imagin then camouflaged again as it sneakily kept moving around the area.

"Where'd he-Ah!" OOO gets hit from behind. He looks around the area trying to spot the kaiju but couldn't from everything around shielding it. "Now he just made this annoying." He was able to see mantis blades headed towards him in time to shot or block them but every time he did, the Imagin would attack him from the back or sides.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER, OOO? CAN'T KEEP UP? The Imagin yelled out as it continued attacking OOO. He continued taking the attacks till an idea pop into his head and pulls out the horse, pegasus and bat medals. OOO tilt's the belt up and removes all three medals and inserts the horse and pegasus medals. He hesitates putting the bat medal in and looks at it.

"Please lend me your power." He said as he put the bat medal in and tilts the belt sideways as he then runs the scanner. (Komori! Pegasus! Uma!) OOO flies up after the form changed to the uma legs and pegasus arms. The helmet changed to light gray as the hawk shape changed. The face hawk's wings changed to the shape of open bat wings, the eyes turned to a yellow color along with the forehead, where a small gem was at, had the image of a bat's face on it with the gem in the mouth, and two small spikes come out above the image to act as the bat's ears.

Activating the bat's power, OOO is focusing on finding the Imagin by using echo location. He sees all the blades heading towards him and proceeds to put two cell medals into the gun after having placed the sword on his back. The Medabuster makes a power charging noise that gets loader as he put the second medal in. (Twin Charge!) OOO hovers in place till last second, then flies straight up dodging the blades and then points the gun down towards them pulling the trigger. (Scatter Cell!) Multiple shots are fired out destroying all the blades at once.

OOO sees the Imagin trying to sneak attack him again with the whip by using echo location again. "Not this time." He then quickly uses his sword to block and the coil the whip around. OOO then creates a storm cloud, to hit the whip with lightning that electrocutes the kaiju, stunning it and then flies up to it. As the Imagin recovered, OOO flew up to it and begins delivering powerful kicks to its chest making many sparks and cell medals fly off it. He hits the kaiju with one more kick, then flips back landing on his feet while taking a deep breath, and then releases a hyper screech that hits the Imagin, sending it flying out of the field it created.

(Single Charge!) The gun announced as OOO put a medal in and pulled the trigger. (Cell shot!) He then started flying in a huge circle around the debris, making a strong cyclone while destroying the big blades with the powered gun shots, and lets all the debris land softly by using the cyclone's wind. "I think it's about time we end this." OOO said looking towards the Imagin as he takes out the unicorn medal and puts it into the gun's slot. (Core Charge!) The gun starts charging magic towards the barrel as OOO slowly points it towards the kaiju. "Now I'll show you the true strength of desire."

He then pulls the trigger as the kaiju stood up, firing a magical blast making the shape of a unicorn's horn, hitting the kaiju and freezing it completely in place. OOO then quickly drops the gun to take out and put the tiger medal into the sword making a scan noise. (Tora!) He then flew low towards the kaiju and pulled the trigger as he got close. (Tora Claw!) The swords blade turned yellow and made two other yellow blades on both sides of it. "Seiya!" OOO yelled as he sliced the Imagin into four pieces and explodes after flying past it with cell medals flying everywhere.

The mantis medal flies out of the explosion, OOO notices it and flies up catching it. "And they thought the bat medal was evil." OOO was smiling till a bunch of cell medals came raining down on him.

The Outskirts of the City

Chief Dusk and Detective Shining after having helped everyone they could, had been following after Zero-One and Jurassic who had dragged off the kaiju somewhere. They had found themselves at a construction site where the fence blocking the entrance seemed to have been smashed through. Dusk and Shining carefully made their way in and look around till they heard a commotion coming from two different parts of the site.

Not wanting take chances, Dusk has Shining stay by his side as they go check the middle of the site. There they unfortunately found Zero-One battling the Shark Raider whose teeth blades come close to getting them by passing over their heads. They ducked to the floor, then look up ahead to see Zero-One mostly just avoiding the teeth.

"Is that all you're going to do, Zero-One?" The Raider asked angerly while continuously attacking him. "You didn't seem like much of a coward before. Your friends at least had the backbone to face me." As the Raider tried closing the teeth on Zero-One but he avoids them by jumping back a good distance and then shows the Raider a progrise key with a white color having the image of a feline-type of animal with the words 'Striking Liger' and 'ABILITY CLAW'.

"Then the warm up ends here." Zero-One said as he slid the belt close, pulling the hopper key out and presses the new key's button and presses it to the belt's right side. (Claw! Authorize!) As the standby music plays and the Raider tries attacking him, a mechanical white liger comes crashing through the ceiling and in one claw strike, breaks all the teeth blades. "Let's go liger." Zero-One then inserts the key. (Progrise!) The liger separated into six pieces as Zero-One's face split in half moving to the sides of the head, the top of the chest shifts to the shoulders, and the leg's armor shifting to the back.

(Force! Strength! Speed! Striking Liger! Fierce claws that break the enemy with powerful strikes!) The belt said as the liger pieces became a white chest piece with two yellow lines in the middle making look like eyes and a head, the whole bottom of both arms and hands gained white armor with yellow claws at the tip of his fingers, knuckles and a yellow pointed piece going up to the elbows, the front of the legs became white with the sides having a pointed fur look and yellow in the shape of claws at the front of the feet, and a new face having yellow eyes along with a lion mane-like look on both sides of the face and top of the head with some going to the hopper face pieces to form ears,

The Raider chuckles watching Zero-One getting into stance. "Interesting. Show me what your liger can do." After the Raider does the same the two charge each other. The Raider still tried using the teeth blades to attack but Zero-One's new form made it easy for him to strike them down with his fists and kicks as he continued towards the kaiju. When he reached it and the Raider tried using its fins, Zero-One countered using his own arms making sparks fly with each counter till he caught and wraps his left arm around both the Raider's arms.

While holding it in place. he uses the claws on his knuckle as a brass knuckle to hit the Raider with multiple punches making sparks fly and it tumbles back. As the Raider growled with fury trying to recover, Zero-One got it with three claw strikes with his hands and did a sweep kick at the Raider's legs making a claw streak knocking it on its back. And then sent the Raider sliding back with a claw slash that dragged it along the ground.

The Raider gets up in fury and summon out the Attache Calibur. "I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU AGAIN!!" It said full of anger. Zero-One's belt shot out a laser printer like line that creates two large black progrise key shaped objects with a bit of red on one and blue on the other. The one with red has a piece slide forward to reveal a handle and unfolds the front to make a dagger. While the second one unfolded part way, rotates around and to the other side to fold back down with the bottom having a handle too making it a gun. These are the Progrise Dagger and Progrise Gunner. The Raider stomps in anger and then charges at Zero-One while also pressing the button on the Raidriser. (Biting Bolide!)

As the Raider sent shark teeth at him, Zero-One shot through most of them as he charged to meet the Raider and then started clashing blades as soon as they reached each other. They both either clashed or avoided the others strike, making the battle seem so even and epic leaving the two officers who are watching speechless. Zero-One eventually was able to land a hit with his dagger and then quick hits it with another six slashes. Before the Raider recovered, Zero-One spins around once to deliver a kick sending it flying back.

The Raider gets up roaring in fury and then takes out its other progrise key. (Magma!) It then puts the key into the sword, then closes up the sword and opens it again. (Progrisekey confirmed! Ready to utilize! Unicorn's Ability! Chargerize! Full Charge!)

"I could let anything done at me go. But the second you hurt or threaten my friends and loved ones, don't expect any mercy from me." Zero-One then holds the dagger and gun against each other while aligning the triangle shapes on both with each other making a connection sound and then holds it against the belt. (Twin Access Charge!) Zero-One points a finger to the Raider and then to himself. "There's only one who can stop you. And that's me." The two then get into stances and then slash forward with their weapons. (Volcanic Kaban Dynamic!) (Unison Slash!)

The volcanic and power purple slashes collide and struggle for a while. Zero-One then uses the gun. (Cross Blast!) He shoots a purple blast from the gun that hits and boosts his slash helping it break through the slash. The Raider just tries guarding the combined attack as it drags him into the wall. It thinks it survived as the attack ended till he hears Zero-One's belt. (Striking! Impact!) The Raider looks up in time to see Zero-One slam his right hand into its chest and drags it along with him through the wall. Energy builds up into his hand as he and the Raider go through walls but stops slamming the Raider into a large pillar and then slashes through the two while leaving a claw streak.

(Striking! Impact!) As Dusk and Shining get into the area to see this, the explosion of the Raider throws them back, slamming into a wall and fall to the floor out cold. Zero-One not having noticed, picks up the shark key and looks over to Molten using the Attache Calibur to stand. He the takes out a completely silver progrise key and it starts taking data from the sword after he pushed the button and held it towards the sword. (Data Retrieved) "There. Now you won't be the one to have the Attache Calibur."

Molten glares at him as darkness surrounds him. "One day, Zero-One. I'll end you. Till then, don't you dare lose to anyone." With that, he was gone,

On the Roof

Jurassic has sparks flying off as his chest as he goes sliding across the ground. He gets up and looks ahead to stare at Scarlet who laughs at him.

"Did you really think you could beat me on your own? Not a chance." She chuckles seeing him tighten his fist. "If you beg, I might be willing to let you be my pet." She becomes annoyed when he laughs at her offer. "Are you really that willing to die?"

"Nope. I just think you're too full of confidence."

"Why shouldn't I? As far as I can see you're nothing to fear."

"Your right. I'm nothing to fear. because I don't bring fear. I'm a Kamen Rider. A warrior who will protect the innocent and help bring out the core of their hearts. So, let's put an end to the misuse of that core. Blaze!" Jurassic shouts making the little rex jumping out from the floor with an object in his mouth and tosses it to Jurassic who catches it.

The object is a gun looking weapon with a guard in front of the handle. The middle of the barrel and handle being silver and the rest being obsidian black with a round clear green grid screen above the handle. Jurassic changes the gun by straighten it and then holds the screen side of the in front of the core slot of the belt causing a rex skull to appear on the screen. (Tyranno Sword!) Obsidian builds up around the barrel and shatters to reveal a sword made of an obsidian black metal with silver spine going through the middle of the sword with a clear red bladed edge.

"I'll test your strength this time." Jurassic shouts charging towards Scarlet with her doing the same. The two clash swords as Jurassic easily counters against her and Scarlet tries slashing at him with her swords. They clash and counter each other till he blocks both her swords to shove her arms apart, to then bring his sword onto her shoulder and slashes it across her chest making sparks fly off.

"What? But how-" Jurassic uses Scarlet's confusion as a chance to hit one of her swords out her hands and slashes her across her chest again. "Your attacks shouldn't be able to be able to hurt me. It didn't before." Scarlet was saying as the two dodge, clashed, or avoided each other's swords.

"That's because the original warrior this core came from was a knight. Meaning it's stronger when using the weapon the warrior originally used." Jurassic was saying as he kept blocking Scarlets attacks and then held her in place as the two tried pushing each other back. "Meaning there's no reason to hold back now!" Jurassic shouted as he adds strength pressing against and breaks Scarlet's sword. He then delivers a couple of punches and slashes till he uses his belt. (Crushing! Stomp!) He sends Scarlet flying back by turning sideways and delivering a red crystal rex foot kick to her chest.

"Riotooze!" Scarlet shouted snapping her fingers making Riotoozes appear between them. "GET HIM!" She shouted with rage pointing at Jurassic. The Riotoozes begin attacking Jurassic who just mows through them by mostly slashing them down, while blocking to either punch or kick the others. While he was fighting the Riotoozes, Scarlet runs to the sword that was hit out of her hand.

Jurassic finishes them using the belt. (Flaming!) He turns in a circle while breathing fire out at all the rest of the Riotoozes. "I suggest you quit while you're ahead." Jurassic said before turning around to look at Scarlet, who now has her other sword again.

"There no way I'll give in to you Riders! I refuse to be as low of a failure as Molten!" She begins building up energy into her sword and the blades on her body. "I REFUSE! I REFUSE! I REFUSE!" Scarlet starts spinning becoming like a large spinning top with blades coming out of it.

"Then I'll show you just how wrong you are." Jurassic places the screen of the sword against the core slot of the belt again and makes a confirmation noise. (B-B-Blaze!) The sword kept repeating with a guitar noise playing with it and fire circling it. Jurassic gets into a pose and waits as Scarlet started move towards him. Right at last second, Jurassic turns in the direction he predicted she would go. Getting it right he swings the sword towards her while pushing the trigger. (Tyranno Crushing Fang!)

"AAAAHHHH!!" Scarlet screamed out in pain as a powerful slash of red aura and fire is unleashed from Jurassic's sword, hitting and drags her off the edge. The slash goes through her, and she explodes the next second. Jurassic looks at the explosion till he sees Blase down below grab something and throws it up to him.

Jurassic catches it with his left hand and sees it's the same as the last primal core, being a clear silver crystal with a fang in it. He then looks towards what's left of the smoke cloud from the explosion and then holds his sword against his chest. "Extinction."

Dusk wakes up and looks around to see that the battle seemed to be over from the sounds having stopped. He then nudges Shining wake groaning from his head feeling shaken up.

"Is that brain of yours still alive in there, right?" Dusk asked getting up and moving towards the spot the kaiju exploded.

"Yeah. Still as jumbled as it'" Shining asked shakingly standing up. He then notices where his uncle had walked to. "Who or what were those? Because neither of those were human for sure."

Dusk makes an uncertain look. "I'm not so sure about that?" Dusk something under his breath catching Shining's attention.

"Huh? Did you say something, Chief."

Dusk shakes his head. "Nothing. But even if either of them is human, what both sides are doing is still unacceptable."

"I'm just more worried how things are gonna be for now on." Shining says as he looks at all the damage done around.

Canterlot High

It was now the next day in the afternoon, the guys were now eating lunch with the girls, except for Discord who had to take another day off to rest up. They had gotten back to the cafe yesterday after having lost the few cops and news copters that chased them. It turned out to be easy from the fact Zea predicted this outcome and had Orbital set a spell for the bikes to take a normal form when the guys weren't in Rider form. So, they just had to get out of sight and undo their transformations.

Rainbow slams a hand on the table. "I can't believe this! They're labeling the Riders as dangerous vigilantes!" She shouted while looking at her phone. "Do those boneheads not remember who saved their sorry asses?"

Connor shrugs. "We'll when you look at it from their point of view, we technically are." He tries leaning back when Rainbow comes close face to face.

"Don't just be fine with it!" She looks to the rest of the guys, "Doesn't this bug any of you?"

"Not really." Drago answered. "I mean not everyone is gonna be on our side. What really matters is just stopping Molten, Scarlet and the kaijus."

"Plus" Negi said cutting in. "We're happy with the little support we get." He shows them the school paper which Pinkie snatches in a flash.

"Once again the mysterious masked heroes know showed up in our time in need. Risking their lives to protect and defend us." Pinkie read out loud. "Like the one known as Build, he ended up saving the life of people trapped on the second floor of the mall and save one of our fellow classmates, Rumble from being crushed. Did you really, Connor?" She asked a bit loudly.

"Yes, Pinkie, but keep it down." Connor warned. Rarity took the paper and continued.

Rarity took the paper and continued reading. "Along with OOO saving officers from being sliced to bits. While Jurassic and Zero-One took the kaiju away from endangering anyone else. There was even talk of two huge kaiju having been delt with before they could harm our local animal shelter. Many might not see them in a good light, like how the police see them. But if you ask anyone in this school what we believe, we all believe they're heroes who will show up in our time of need or darkest hour to bring light back to us." Rarity smiles. "I completely agree."

Applejack nodded in agreement. "No doubt about that."

Fluttershy looks around. "Where's Reiji?"

Everyone barely realizes this and don't see him anywhere around. "Maybe...he's in the bathroom?" Ressha suggested questioning it himself.

Reiji was running around the school looking for the girl from yesterday. He had run just about everywhere around school. He'd gone to the cafeteria, gym, library, classrooms, and even the principal's office. He was thinking of giving up till he sees her walking down a hallway. He smiles running up behind her and then just walks quietly behind her without her noticing for a while with a smirk.

"You're hard to find." He said startling her.

"Ah! W-When'd you get here?" She asks with a hand over her chest from the scare but then goes wided eyed from surprise. "Wait. You...remember me?"

Reiji raised a brow smiling. "Yeah I remember you. Why wouldn't I?"

She looks away with a sad look. "I don't know. Everyone...just seems to forget me." She looks back to him. "How are you able to remember me?"

"I'm not sure." Reiji answers only half serious while fiddling with a core medal in his pocket with a thought in mind. "So, do you mind telling me your name now?" She looks at him looking uncertain if she should. "Well you don't have to tell me. I'd be fine just hanging out with you from time to time. Since I want to get to know as many people as I can. So I won't be able to hangout sometimes." He holds out his hand to her. "What do you say? Want to be friends." She looks away making him feel a bit down.

"Wallflower." She says quietly. Confusing him till she looks back and shakes his hand. "My name is Wallflower Blush. I hope we can be good friends."

To Be Continue