• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,016 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

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Chapter 1 Part 3- Battle's Conclusion and Darkness Beginning

Canterlot High School

Everyone was still trapped in the seals realm with the school being torn into pieces with each piece being alternated a bit. The guys had been losing a second ago while fighting the kaiju and Riotoozes. But now, Twilight and everyone were watching with amazed and speechless looks at what had and is now happening. The guys had transformed into Kamen Riders and are now fighting on equal ground with the kaiju.

"W-what...just happened to them?" Fluttershy asked as Decade dodged the Phantom's axe as he slashed down two Riotoozes behind it with his sword and then blocks the axe as he saw it when he faced back to it.

"They've...become Kamen Riders." Twilight answered.

"Kamen what?" Applejack asked confused but smiles as she watched Zero-One uppercut Molten under his jaw. "Well, whatever they are, ah sure do hope they give that snake and varmints a good beatin'."

"Who care what they are." Rainbow said as her grin widened watching the Riders easily beat down Riotoozes while fighting the kaijus. "THIS! IS!"

"AMAZINGLYTASTIC!!" Pinkie cheered.

Den-o runs chasing the Undead around the front of the school as it's mixed with a rocky field, with Riotoozes following after them. Den-o clashes blades with the Undead a couple times before ducking under the next and running past him to slash down some Riotoozes as he goes down a straight line. He then grabs a hold of one swinging at him to headbutt it and then use it as a shield to block a blue fireball.

"Hey! Lizard bastard, I told you no one likes a cheap shot." He shouted as he charged back towards the Undead while blocking and deflecting fireballs it shot at him. The Undead then tries to get Den-o by surprise as it grabs a boulder and throws it at him, and then prepares to strike. "I ain't that easy to fool!" Den-o shouts as he slashes the boulder in half, like the Undead predicted.

What the Undead didn't predict as it swung its blue flame covered blade, is Den-o not having been slowed down from it as he tackled straight into it before the blade came near him. As the Undead recovered from the tackled and brought up its blade to swing again, Den-o brought out the pass and ran it over the belt again. (FULL CHARGE!) The belt announced as energy is sent from the belt to his right leg charging it with power. As the Undead brought down its blade again, Den-o swung the charged leg into it as a kick and breaks the blade as they made contact.

"It's my turn now." Den-o stated as he swung his sword at the Undead, causing sparks to fly off it with each hit. As the Undead stammered back, Den-o runs up to it and swung his blade into an upward slash, sending it flying back and rolling along the floor with sparks. As he walked up to it, he's stopped by Riotoozes surrounding him as the Undead gets up to run away. "Oh no you don't. I already said, from start to finish, I begin at a climax. Den-o said as he passed the pass over the belt again. (FULL CHARGE!) "Now tastes my special attack" The blade of the sword goes shooting off and hovers around as the blade follows the handle's movements. He swings the floating blade into a circular motion slashing through the Riotoozes around him, then thrusts the handle forward towards the Undead, making blade follow it and hitting it straight on its back. Den-o then sends the blade along with the Undead into the air as he swung the handle upward. "Crown Version!" He shouted as the blade left the Undead in the air going past it and then swings the blade downward, making the blade slash through it before slamming into the ground.

The Undead and Riotoozes all explode at once making an explosive crown shaped ring. The blade then flew back and attached back onto the handle. Den-o sighs satisfied "Man, I'm so much cooler than Rainbow."

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted, though he couldn't hear her. Without Den-o noticing, a bottle flew out of the explosion and landed across the floor from him.

In a mix of multiple classrooms, Decade gets sent flying back with sparks flying off him after the Phantom had hit on him with its axe. He rolls to a stop and stands on one knee as he faces the Phantom. "Is that all you have to offer, Decade?" Minotauros says mockingly.

"Not even close." Decade said as he opened up his belt before changing the sword back into a card case and pulls out a card from it. "Let's see if this satisfies you." (Attack Rider. Invisible!) The belt called out from him having inserted the card into the belt and closing it, which he then turned invisible.

"What?" Minotauros surprised as it goes on guard looking around. Minotauros begins getting slashed at all around its body before stammering back. As it turned around, Decade reappeared in front of him and drop kicks Minotauros, sending it flying back and falling flat on its back. Minotauros quickly got up to shoot fireballs from its hand. Decade dodges the first ones as he turned the card case into gun mode before putting another card into the belt and closing it. (Attack Rider. Blast!) Transparent images of his gun appear around it as he aimed it at Minotauros. Decade first shoots all the fireballs before shooting at Minotauros with all the shots sending many sparks fly off it. "DAMN YOU!!" Minotauros yelled standing and then charging at him. Decade waited a bit before jumping to the side to dodge but as soon as he did Minotauros pointed his head towards him as its horns extended, hit Decade and pinned him to a wall after slamming him into it.

"Agh!" Decade shouted. Minotauros then dragged Decade up the wall with sparks flying before he's flipped over it and falls slamming onto the floor.

"You're mine now, Decade." Minotauros stated as it extended its horns towards him. Fluttershy gasps thinking he's about to get killed. Decade's eyes glow a second and makes him grin under his helmet.

"Not even close." Decade says with confidence as he opens the driver , takes a card out from the case and tosses it into the belt before closing it. (Kamen Rider. Agito!) Decade's belt creates a bright light while making a motorcycle noise. When the light ended, Decade's armor had changed to a black and silver suit with a black clear round rectangle piece at the center of his chest, pointed shoulder armor and has gold covering most of the chest, wrist, knees, ankles and going along the center of the face. The helmet looked more insect now with 2 horns coming out the top of his head and has red eyes.

Twilight and the girls go wide eyed. "HE TRANSFORMED AGAIN!!" They shouted as Decade waits till the very last second to move to the side turning himself towards the horns and readied his right fist. As the fist glowed with light, he then swings his fist forward and easily breaks the horns off. Minotauros stammers back and then stomps his foot on the ground in anger. "DAMN YOU, DECADE!!" Minotauros roared in fury as he brought out his Bull Axe and charges at Decade. Decade responds by opening the driver again as he then pulled out another card from the case.

"Such a hot head bull." Decade then tosses the card in the belt and closes it. (Form Ride. Agito Storm!) A spiral swirl appears around him changing the chest armor blue, the left arm gained blue armor with the shoulder having changed into a bigger round shape and a pole arm weapon, also known as the Storm Halberd flies out of the center of the belt. As he took a hold of it, the pole extended out into a staff with blades also folding out at both ends. As Minotauros swung the axe at him, Decade blocks the attack with the staff and then pushed the axe back to swing the staff to slash the Phantom across the chest making sparks fly.

"How many transformations does he have?" Rainbow asked out loud as Decade kept easily using the Storm Halbard to hit Minotauros axe to the side as he then proceeded to hit and slash the Phantom. (Attack Ride. Halberd Spin!) The belt called as Decade put a card into the driver and closed it. As the Phantom was going to go for another swing, Decade start twirling the staff around, along with moving it side to side creating whirling vortex around him. As the Phantom brought the axe down, Decade used the vortex to hit the axe out of the Phantom's hands and then hits it with multiple slashes making multiple sparks before sending it rolling along the ground..

Minotauros slow gets up and shoots fireballs at Decade. He just uses the staff to hit the fireballs to the side and then throw the Storm Halberd like a spear at Minotauros, hitting it dead in the chest. "You've failed, Decade." Minotauros said trying to stand up again. "The master will awaken no matter what you Riders do now."

"It doesn't matter if your so called 'master' gets freed." Decade said as he reverts back to his first form, pulls and holds two cards in his left hand and the card case in sword mode in the right hand. "As long as the Kamen Riders are here, your master will never have his way." (Attack Rider. Slash!) The belt had said when he put one of the two cards in it and closed it. Transparent images of the sword's blade appeared around the sword. "What matters most is the bull is gonna become seasoned steak." Decade goes charging forward at the end.

As Minotauros tries to guard using his Bull Axe, Decade's slashed it in half as it was swung downward and then slashes it 3 times before running past him with a slash, bringing Minotauros to his knees. "Now for the final shot." Decade said as he turned around opening the belt and closes it after putting the second card in. (Final Attack Rider. D-D-Decade!) A row of large versions of Decades cards appears between him and the Phantom. Decade jumps up into air with one end of the row following him as Minotauros stood up and turned in time to see him.

Decade goes flying through the row in a kick position and kicks Minotauros before it could do anything. Decade lands on his feet as Minotauros goes sliding across the floor till coming to a stop and exploding. "Now that's a nice shot. Hm? Decade had said looking at the picture of him Rider kicking Minotauros till he noticed a progrise key fall next to his feet. He picks it up and sees an image of a hercules beetle on it. "And a prize too."

In the soccer field, OOO got a Riotooze into an armlock as he kicked three others across the chest, then sweeps its legs out from under it to easily swing and throw it into a group of them. "Who knew OOO could have so much fun." A group of Riotoozes run up to him and fire blasts of dark purple energy from their mouths at OOO. The blasts seem to hit, creating an explosion that covers the area in smoke.

Though as the smoke clears OOO is nowhere to be seen. The Riotoozes look around for him till they hear a someone whistle, they look up to see him standing on a floating boulder and waving a hand to them. "The goal is lined up. Now for the score." OOO does a backflip to get himself behind boulder with both feet planted on it, he kneels as his legs and batta image glow green filling with power for a second before he uses the boulder to jump back a good distance, while also sending the boulder forward crushing the Riotoozes as it ran over a goal post.

"Goal! Woah!" OOO avoids a stream fire and looks to his left to see the Burnt Smash. "Oh great." OOO jumps around to dodge the flames, along with Riotoozes shooting blasts at him. OOO hopped on some of them, squashing them and unfolded the claws on his arms to rip some others apart as he either ran or hopped past them. "I need to think of something before I...Wait!" OOO lands and quickly pulls out the pegasus and horse medals before continuing to avoid the fire. "Now's good enough time as any, to test these out.

OOO tilted his belt back up and pulls out the tora and batta metals to replace them with the new ones. OOO tilts the belt again while dodging the flame, then grabs the scanner and runs it over the belt. (Taka! Pegasus! Horse!) The tiger image on the chest changed to a pegasus, the color of the armor changed to lavender, the shoulders changed to a lavender lightning bolt going along the edges and around the shoulder, the elbows gained a feather shape and design, while the wrist armor became a cloud shape. The batta changed to a horse image, with the color changing to magenta. The armor changed to look more like armored boots with branch designs engraved on it and the foot looking like hooves with a root design at the bottom of the foot.

"Wow. Now this is amazing." OOO looked over his new look for a bit in amazement before looking back to the Smash. As the Smash shot flames at him again, OOO jumped back but instead of landing on the ground, big, long pegasus wings grew from his back having a cloud look on the joints and a lightning shaped feather tips. OOO grinned from underneath his helmet before he flies straight at the Smash. "Wahoo!" OOO yelled out in excitement as he flew at high speed, using the hawk helmet to see and help him maneuver past the stream of flames. OOO began circling around the Smash creating clouds around it, which then the clouds started spinning into a cloudy tornado and winds on the inside lifts up the Smash into the air. As it reached the top, OOO made a dark cloud above the Smash and then stomps above it to send a powerful lightning bolt at the Smash, sending straight back to the ground. While it was still laying on the floor, OOO flew straight down towards it with the legs and horse image glowing. OOO then land on the ground stomping his feet on top the Smash's flamethrower, crushing its arm weapon with sparks flying.

The Smash stood up enraged and starts swinging at OOO, who easily avoids the attacks while countering with a couple powerful kicks. Then he jumps up reeling both his legs in before delivering two strong kicks making sparks fly off its chest. The Smash stammers back and then fires multiple shots of fire after recovering from the kicks. (Tatoba!) OOO's belt announced as OOO jumped away from the shots and landed on the bleachers. "This has been amazing. Though it's time for finish." OOO used the scanner over the belt again. (Scanning Charge!) "Now I'll you the true strength of desire."

OOO got into a pose as energy built up in the armor, as the smash shot fire at him again, OOO's legs turned into hopper legs as he jumped high up avoiding the shots and then launched himself forward towards the kaiju with both his legs in a kick position. OOO went through three rings, that each shrunk around his legs, and hits it dead center of its chest. "Seiya!" OOO yelled out as the Smash is sent flying back. When the Smash landed, it exploded with the image of three rings in a row. a bottle then came falling out of the smoke that OOO quickly noticed and caught. The bottle was red with the image of a firetruck on it. "A Build bottle? Hm...Is that Snips?" OOO sees the Snips laying were the kaiju blew up. "I was wondering where he and Snails went."

"These bastards are starting to get annoying." Den-o said to himself as he strikes down Riotoozes but stopped he heard someone scream out. Den-o turned to see Flash knocked out on the floor with the stone manticore in front of him, but that wasn't what worried him. He got worried when Spike got in between it and Flash. "Chibi dragon!" Den-o was about to run to help but was blocked when Riotoozes got in his way. "Out of my way, you assholes!"

Spike shivered as the manticore got closer to him. He looks behind himself to look at Flash, along with Twilight and the girls bodies who are a bit further back. His face hardens into a determined one and turns back to glare down the manticore while holding out his arms spread out acting as defensive wall. "I won't ever let my friend be hurt. Not when I can do something about it." Spike said to it.

Everyone whether Spike could hear them or not screamed his name in worry. As the manticore pounced at Spike and he braced himself, the bottle on the floor near Den-o light up with blue flames surrounding it and shot off the ground as a burning Chinese dragon, that flew ramming through Riotoozes as it made its way and tackling into the stone manticore, sending it sliding back. It circled around Spike before shooting itself straight into his hand. Spike looks at the object his hand and finds a bottle like Build's with the image of a dragon on it. "What is this?" Spike mostly asked himself as the stone manticore started getting up.

OOO slashed down Riotoozes before turning to Spike. "Spike! Shake that bottle while clenching it in your hand! It should help you!" OOO yelled to him. Spike nods and did as he said. As he the shook the bottle, OOO got surprised from seeing not only just blue flames but green flames as well. As the manticore jumped at him again, Spike closed his eyes and swung his right fist with the bottle in it at the manticore. The second the burning fist made contact, a huge burning impact on its chest that shattered it to pieces.

"That was amazing." Spike said to himself panting not noticing the shards lift up and are about to fly at him. Final Attack Rider. D-D-Decade! "Huh?" Spike barely noticed in time for the shards to be taken out by a huge red energy blast and then looks to his right to see Decade with his gun pointed towards the direction the shards were at.

"I have to admit, I really underestimated you. We sure did choose the right dragon to leave the girls protected." Spike smiles hearing this. Decade notices something. "Watch out!" Decade gets in front of Spike and uses his arm to shield him and Spike from needle quills.

"D-Decade! Are you okay?" Spike asked worried seeing the sparks fly off Decade's arm.

"I'm fine. It was nothing. Although-" Decade and Spike look to the direction of the attack and see Build still fighting the Needle Smash and looks to the bottle in Spike's hand. "I think Build might need that bottle."

Build is running around the cafeteria dodging the needle quills of the Smash. "I really need to think of something quick." As he dodged the next attack, Riotoozes tried attacking him but Build jumps over them and lands kicking one that came running up to him. "If only I could use Build's weapon. I gotta keep mov- Oh shit! Build was about to move but two Riotoozes grabbed and held on to him, keeping him in place. Before Build could do anything. the Smash took this moment to attack him, running up to Build with quills extending out its arm and then swings its quilled arm across hitting the Riotoozes and Build in one hit.

"Build!" Twilight and the girls screamed out as Build was sent falling on his back with sparks flying off his chest.

Build got to his feet. "At this rate I'm not gonna last long."

"Build!" Build turns to see OOO yelling to him. ""Here!" OOO tosses the firetruck bottle to Build. "Put it to good use!

Build catches the bottle. "It's worth a try. Build shakes the bottle and twists the top. (Rabbit! Syoubousya!) The belt announced as he replaced the tank bottle with the new bottle and cranks the lever. "Build up." A short jingle played as the blue tank side is replaced with a red fire truck design with his left arm having a firetruck ladder looking like a small cannon, the chest to shoulder had a firetruck design, along with the tank eye also being replaced with a firetruck. "This could help." Build pointed the ladder cannon at Riotoozes charging at him and shoots at them with water, knocking them over. Some got close to him but Build quickly jumped up and as they looked up at him, he pointed the cannon down at them. The cannon shot fire instead of water and burnt them all to ash. As he lands, Build quickly moves out of the way of quills. "I'm not gonna be able to beat it from a distance,

"Build, try this!" Spike shouted getting his attention and throws the bottle to him. Build gives him a nod, after catching it and shaking the bottle before twisting the top.

(Dragon! Tank!) Build cranked the lever and the armor changed as he said "Build up." The tank side returned but the rabbit was replaced with blue armor that had white on the right shoulder and around his ankle, and the rabbit eye was replaced with a dragon head. "Alright. Let's go." Build said as he charged at the Needle Smash. It shot quills at Build, who quickly counters it by making a blue fireball and lauching it. The fireball easily blasts through the quills and hits the Smash dead center on its chest making sparks fly. Build had reached the Smash as soon as it got up, then he gave it a couple jabs before igniting his fist and punched it sending it flying back.

(RabbitTank! Yeah!) The belt announced as Build had switch back to his first form. "The laws of victory have been set. Build declared as he cranked the lever again as the Smash was standing, jumps backwards onto landing on a floating lunch table with spring on the left leg coiling in, and two white energy dotted line hill charts appear on both sides of the Smash before converging in on each other and hold it in place. (Ready go! Vortex Finish! Yeah!) The belt called out as the spring sprang forward, making Build jump to the top of the chart and then goes sliding down it with the tank leg in a kick position with red and blue power radiating around him. When the kick made contact, the treads on his foot started moving to grind on its face and breaks off its needle-like nose as he shot past it.

As Build landed on the ground behind it across the room, the Smash fell over before exploding. A bottle comes flying out of the explosion that build noticed and quickly catches it. He looks at the white bottle and sees the image of a hedgehog. "Oh. Another best match I could use." Build hears a groan and looks to see Snails lying where the Smash exploded. "Hey, Snails.

Around an extended gymnasium room, Molten falls on top of a table breaking it in two. Zero-One with yellow lines of light, that shoot off his body, propelled him forward as he jumped all around the area dodging and avoiding stream of flames from Molten, along with hitting him a couple times. After the kaiju got back up he glared at Zero-One with anger. "Stand still you coward!!" Zero-One then, having used his momentum, grabs onto Molten's arm while wrapping his legs around Molten's head and brings Molten slamming down onto the floor having him in a lock.

"Like I'd listen to a moldy jack-ass." Zero-One releases the lock to roll out of the way of a stream of fire and then before Molten could attack again, Zero-One then leapt forward kneeing the kaiju in the face as he got up.

"You damn fucking insect!! Molten roared out in anger as he resumed shooting flames at Zero-One. "I'll burn down this whole school to ashes, if it means you'll be dead at the end."

"Then I better be straight forward." Zero-One right then goes straight at Molten, he crosses his arms in front of himself to shield himself as he breaks through the streams of flames.

"WHAT?!" Molten being surprised, reacted too slow as Zero-One had broken through the flames and then jumped at him landing a couple powerful kicks on Molten's chest. Molten growled before taking a couple swings at Zero-One, who dodges them and avoids each strike. He ducks under the last strike to jab at Molten's chest, before repeating the process of dodging and delivering different hits at Molten. But as Zero-One jumps up and kicks Molten across the face. Molten grabs on to his leg and then places the palm of his hand against chest. "BURN!!" Molten hits Zero-One point plank with his stream of fire that pushes Zero-One back a couple feet. As Zero-One recovers, Molten ignites his arms on fire which the flames begin to compress, he then swings his arms forward crossing them and sends two spiraling claw rings of fire.

Zero-One crosses his arms together to guard against the attack as it hit." Gaaahhhh!! He screamed as the claws exploded and sends him flying into the front of the stage. "Okay. That...wasn't such...a good idea." He said as he shook off the pain on his arms and Molten charged at him.

"Heads hup!" Decade throws the progrise key to Zero-One as soon as he looked his way and as soon as he caught it, pushed the button on it. (Strong!) Zero-One then slides the left side of the belt back into the front and taking out the hopper key. As Molten roared approaching, Zero-One pressed the key against the belt. (Authorize.) Before Molten could get near, a giant transparent lime green colored mechanical hercules beetle came flying from the side, grabbing Molten with its horn, then swings and throws him back across the room.

(Progrize!) The belt announced when he inserted it and the image of the hercules beetle in the circle of the belt that slide open. The hopper face split in half and move to the sides of the helmet, the upper parts of the chest separated and move to the arms while the bottom moved to the sides of the waist and moved to the sides of the leg. (Rough! Strong Hard! Amazing Hercules! With mighty horn-like pincers that flip the opponent helpless!) The beetle separated into 6 pieces and broke into streams of data that turned into lime green armor on the now open spots of the suit. The new armor chest looks stronger and tougher, the shoulders look like a beetle shell and are pointed at the end, the top front part of the legs resemble the pincers of the beetle, and the new face resembled the beetle with the eyes now being orange.

"Okay. Now, let's try that again." Zero-One said as he began walking towards Molten, which made the kaiju growl as he sent the claw rings again. Zero-One guards the same way with his arms crossed again but this time, he held them back with ease and then sends them flying to the side as he swung his arms apart. Molten roars seeing Zero-One just continuing to walk towards him and then charges at Zero-One. As Molten swung his claw, Zero-One easily blocks it with his left arm alone, which he then uses to wrapped around Molten's arm and used his right to send powerful jabs at the chest that makes sparks with each hit. As Molten stands from having been thrown rolling to the side, Zero-One walked up to him and hits him with two fists. He grabs ahold of Molten, lifts him up and then slammed him into the ground as he swung him over himself. "Up you go!"

As Molten stood, Zero-One upper cuts him into the air and then pushed the key. (Amazing! Impact!) The hercules horn on his head extended, used them to grab Molten in the air and then slammed him into the ground across from him as it had built up with power. (Rising Hopper!) Molten looks up to see Zero-One back in his first form and stand in place. "I told you Molten, you'll pay for what you've done. Now for the crimes you've committed and people you've hurt, 'we' the Kamen Riders shall pass judgement on you.

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK!! I REFUSE TO LOSE TO WANNABE HEROES!!" Molten roared in fury as he began building and compressing fire into the palm of his hands and mouth. Zero-One responds to this by pressing the hercules key onto the belt a couple times. (Bit-Byte-Kilo-Mega-Gigarize!) "I'LL FRY YOU TILL THERE'S NOTHING LEFT!!"

Zero-One points a finger at him. "There's only one who can stop you." He said as he pushed the hopper key. (Rising! Giga! Impact!) Right then Molten unleashed three huge streams of fire at Zero-One, that burns the ground as it heads towards him. Molten grins when he sees the flames reach him and seems to engulf him, but he loses it when he sees Zero-One slide up to him underneath the fire. Before he knew it, Zero-One quickly jumped up kneeing Molten in the gut and sending flying high up into the air. "And that's me!" Zero-One then jumped his way upward against floating rocks and debris towards Molten. Upon reaching him, Zero-One begins hitting up and down continuously with punches and kicks, keeping him in the same spot in the air for a while till he punched Molten straight to the ground.

Molten shakenly looks up to see Zero-One launch himself from up in the air towards him. As he's descending towards Molten, Zero-One puts himself into a kick position with the image of a large transparent yellow hopper leg around it. "ZERO-ONE!!! (Rising! Giga! Impact!) The second the kick made impact, there was a shock wave that's followed by a huge explosion, Zero-One then jumps out of it a second after. As the smoke cleared, Zero-One turns back to catch a falling item before looking back towards the creator to see Molten stand slowly back up. "This isn't over, Zero-One. Not by a long shot." Molten said in a low threatening voice as he limped back and got swallowed up into darkness, glaring at Zero-One before disappearing.

"I kind of figured he'd say that. But...I wouldn't have it any other way." Zero-One said to himself, which he then looks at the item in hand. In his hand is a crystal like the one Jurassic has but smaller one that's a clear silver color with a fang in it. "Though I don't liking them having Rider items one bit."

"Yeeha! Now that's the beatin' I was talkin' about!" Applejack shouted cheerfully.

"Yeah, you're tell me. I mean, did see how fast Zero-One was? It was so awesome!" Rainbow shouted.

"They may be waiting winning but," Rarity looks to Jurassic who is only dodging and avoiding the bat kaiju attacks. "Jurassic hasn't done anything."

Fluttershy looks to the scene with worry. "That's because he can't. Or it'll hurt Sunset."

"We need to do something. Who knows how much more longer Jurassic can last." Twilight said and then turns to Sunset. "Sunset, do you have any ideas on how we can break the connection?"

"Yeah! Like any spells? Prayers? Or magical scissors?" Pinkie asked out loud appearing next to Twilight, starling her doing this.

"No. I'm sorry." Sunset admitted sadly. "I don't think...Wait. You all figured reversing the negative emotions to good by changing my heart would cancel it out, right?" The girls nod. "But at this rate even changing me would do no good."

Rainbow raised a brow. "Then what do you suggest we do? Give up?"

"No. What I suggest is we follow their example." Sunset said motioning to the Riders. "They are examples that good people, bonds of friendship, and the need to help others can be answered from anywhere. If we use what's left of the element's magic to reach out, the other elements might respond from Equestria."

"What good would that do?" Applejack asked.

Sunset floats next to Twilight. "If we could get the elements to understand what we need-"

"Then they could transfer the good emotions from Equestria to here." Twilight said excitedly. "Sunset, that's brilliant!"

"Then how do we do that?" Rarity asked.

"Follow my lead." Sunset said as she flew down towards the crown with Twilight and the girls following. Reaching the crown, Sunset has Twilight hold out the front of her hands toward the crown. "Focus on wishing. Wishing for the elements to answer our wish to help save our friends and loved ones by showing the light that can come from others' emotions."

Twilight follows Sunsets words and begin to focus; the girls decide to do the same by circling around the crown while holding out their hands to it. As the focus sending their wishes and prayers to the crown, the Element of Magic begins to glow softly along with the girls.

Within the Crystal Empire

A while ago, the mirror's reflective surface had begun to darken with a dark green looking void appearing in it. Now the princesses were looking at the mirror with both shock and horror, while Twilights friends were holding back Rainbow Dash from flying into the mirror.

"Let me go! We need to go help Twilight!"

"And do what, Dash? We don't even know what'll happen if we go in now." Applejack tried reasoning.

"Yeah! You could end up in Smallville! Or Townsville!" Pinkie yelled and gasps. "Or maybe even the Dome City of Corinth!" All the girls stop to look at her with confused looks. "What?"

Rainbow shakes her head. "Then what are we supposed to do? Twilight probably needs us and were just here sitting on our sorry flanks waiting."

"Rainbow dear, we all feel the same way. But you know Twilight would never want us risking ourselves on this without knowing what could happen to use." Rarity answered. "All we can do is-" Rarity is cut off as a bright flash of light blinds them. After the light died down, the girls found themselves outside the crystal castle now and look down at their necks to find their elements now around them.

"Our elements?" Fluttershy asked bewildered. "Are they trying to tell us something?"

Fluttershy's question is answered when the 5 elements began to glow and shoot their light towards the Crystal Heart. The heart spins faster as it glows brighter with more magic with the whole kingdom glowing along with it before a beam of light shoots out from it and begins circling the castle. After circling several times, the light flies into the castle and going straight into the mirror startling the princesses again, who were trying to figure out what happened to Twilight's friends.

Canterlot High

As the fight was continuing, a beam of light came flying out of the statue and flies going by or around the fights till it reached the crown. The light gets absorbed into the crown and light begins radiating from the gem of the crown. The girls' bodies began to glow and float syncing themselves with their transparent selves. The moment they synced, the girls were back in their bodies as their hair grew longer with it tied in the middle making it look like they had a pony's tail, grew pony ears, while Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash gained wings.

The girls continued to focus as the light built around them and the crown. The light the illuminated the whole area in a bright light that turned the realm into a mixture of light and dark that started to make the school slowly start bringing itself back together. The bat kaiju stopped its attack on Jurassic as it clenched its chest and screeched out in pain.

The black around the core metal in its chest started to crack and break off. The core metal had become completely light gray with the image of a bat in it and lead to Sunset waking up back in her body with the crown still on her head. Sunset looked herself over before looking to Twilight and the girls who are smiling at her. "We did it!" They all shouted.

Sunset then goes wide eyed. "Flash!" She screamed in worry seeing Flash passed out on the floor next to a tired Spike and runs over to them.

"Spike. Are you okay?" Twilight asks him with worry in her eyes, while Sunset rests Flash's head on her legs as she checks him for any injuries.

"Yeah. Just tired out. That bottle really drained me." Spike said as he smiles. "I say I deserve a whole bowl of ge-" Spike is cut off as they covered their ears from the bat kaiju screeching at them with rage as it charged at them. They were scared of what was about to happen to them till Jurassic slid in front of them and punched the kaiju square in the chest, making sparks fly off it as it flew back.

"Now I finally fight back." Jurassic cracks both his knuckles. "No need to hold back anymore!" Jurassic shouted as charged at the kaiju as it got up. Jurassic held out his right arm, clotheslining the kaiju and drags it along as he continues running. As the school was returning to normal along with it returning back to their world, Jurassic runs straight through a couple walls till he gets outside of the school parking lot and tosses the kaiju into a parked car. The bat kaiju screech after getting up and charging straight at Jurassic, with him doing the same.

As the two are about to collide, Jurassic slid past him and tried going for a sweep kick. The kaiju flew up that second avoiding the kick and soars around the sky. Jurassic looks up in time to see the kaiju swoop down to attack him with its blades and avoids it close to a second. The kaiju repeated this a couple times missing some and getting Jurassic twice. "Okay. I've had enough of that trick." Jurassic said annoyed as he waited for the kaiju to come in again as he proceeded to lift up and bring down the crystal's slot twice. (Slam!) The belt announced as Jurassic ran up to it be jump up. As he got higher than it, a red transparent rex tail formed behind him. Which he then flipped forward in the air to bringing the tail down on the kaiju and slams it straight into the ground. Jurassic brought the slot up and down again as he landed. (Stomp!) He runs up to the kaiju as red transparent rex feet appear around his leg and begins kicking the kaiju multiple times, sending sparks flying with each hit before striking it once with the tail. Then he wraps the tail around it as he swung it and threw it through a couple trees.

Jurassic is about to charge the kaiju again, but the kaiju unleashed a sonic screech at him that causes him to stop in tracks. "AAAAHHH!! " He shouts out in pain while holding hands on the side of his helmet. The kaiju charges up to Jurassic and uses its blades to slash across his chest, making sparks fly off his chest. The girls, Sunset, Flash, Spike, the students and teachers watch the battle as the kaiju uses its screech to keep Jurassic from moving and attacks him with its blades. Twilight runs a bit forward when she sees him fall to one knee.

"JURASSIC!" Twilight yells out to him making him turn his head to see her from the corner of his eye under the mask. "Don't you dare break your oath." She shouted out to him as the girls join Twilight by her side.

Spike ran in front of them and shout to him. "Don't let it push you around!"

"Yeah! Don't let that clown one up you!" Rainbow shouted encouraging him.

"Come on, Jurassic. You can do it!" Rarity cheered.

"That's right! Show that overgrown flyin' rat who's boss, Jurassic!" Applejack added.

"And try to be careful too." Fluttershy said in a soft shout.

"Finish this so we can party!" Pinkie shouted cheerfully.

Flash and Sunset nod to each other before to Jurassic. "COME ON, JURASSIC! " They shouted cheering for him. As they cheered, little by little students and teachers started cheering for him. Barely having been able to hear them through the screech, Jurassic smiles under his helmet, slowly stands himself up and he pushed the hammer on the right side of the belt making guitar noise. (Flaming!) The belt said as he then pushes the slot up and down 3 times. (Roar!) He then took a deep breath making mouth guard glow a bit and then unleashing a powerful red aura roar that overcame the kaiju's screech and caught it on fire when the red aura hit it causing everyone to cheer happily.

Jurassic roared as he pushed the hammer twice making guitar noises 2 times. (Curshing!) The belt called as he run up to it and red crystal grew over the rex claw and foot on his armor. The kaiju's left blade broke off by his left crystal knuckle as it and Jurassic both swung their left arms at each other and then hits the kaiju with a couple jabs sending it stumbling back a bit. As its going to swing its right blade, Jurassic jumps up to spin and swings a kick to counter. As the crystal foot broke the blade, Jurassic reels back his right leg after land and then thrusts it forward sending it flying back.

As it recovers and got up about to fly, Jurassic pushes the hammer 3 times. (Bite! Red crystal fang blades grew from his arms and legs. The kaiju tried flying up, but Jurassic jumped up after it and slashes his arms down over its wings, making the fang blades rip through it and fall back to the floor. As soon as he landed, he attacked it with 3 kicks, send sparks flying each hit, then brings his arms down crossed on top of its shoulders and then pulls them down in a crossing manner ripping into it, then making an x-shaped spark as he spread out his arms and sent it rolling back.

As the other Riders each finished off the Riotoozes, Jurassic glared at the kaiju from under his helmet as it got up. "You're a creature born from the dark greed that was put into a girl. A physical image of something she never wishes to be. By my oath to her, I'll rid this world of you and bring back light to her heart. I'll restore the light of her core!" Jurassic shouted the last part as he lifted the slot up and pushed the hammer causing a guitar jingle to play, before he pushed the slot down. (Flaming Crushing Bite!!) As the belt shouted this, Jurassic jumped high up as fire built up around him and then put himself into a kick position as he descended towards the kaiju.

It tried countering with its sonic screech but as the attacks held each other in place, the flames built up around his leg and forms the head of the rex. Jurassic then pushed through the screech and the rex head hits as the kick landed. As Jurassic lands facing away from the kaiju, the flame rex head dragged the kaiju back a bit before biting down on it and causing it to explode. Jurassic catches the bat core metal without turning around and looks at it before to Twilight, Spike and everyone else. He keeps staring till he sees Sunset smile to him with tears in her eyes and nods to him as thanks.

Jurassic looks to both his sides seeing each Rider walk up next to him and nod to him. After he throws the metal to OOO, he turns towards where the explosion was and then puts his right hand over his chest. "Extinction." Jurassic said to himself as he ran his hand across his chest in a claw motion.

Hour Later

After the school was full restored, Jurassic and the other Riders disappeared without anyone noticing to undo their transformations. When the girls found them, they looked exhausted and a little sore but still great. They got to rest while Twilight and everyone gave the crown back to the principle and got help from the other students to fix the Fall Formal. But the guys' rest ended and got exhausted again when they ran away from Rarity and most of the girls as they chased them through the cafe. As they were caught and tired together, Rarity took their measurements and got started on making them suits for the dance.

When the guys had gotten to the dance, they were wearing just their regular outfits. They had let Rarity have her fun in making them suits but decided not to wear them since they just wanted to rest for the remainder of the day. Though she didn't let Drago, Discord and Ressha go without, in her words, a more shining look. Drago's new look had him wearing a crimson red shirt with the Jurassic symbol on the front, black pants, red and black shoes with sliver fangs design on the side of it, and a black sweater with a red skeletal image going up the spine, continuing going around the shoulders and down the arms with silver outlining it.

Discord's new look was a shirt with multiple different animal prints on it matching the mix of animal parts and color that the Equestria Discord, black pants with card like designs going down the leg with different random chaotic images in them, sneakers that are a cotton candy pink color with chocolate milk looks rain image on it, and a salmon pink colored leather jacket with a black image shape of the Equestrian Discord circling the Decade symbol.

And Ressha was grateful for his looking normal. His was just a white shirt with the symbol of Den-o at the top corner right, light brown pants, black and white shoes with red rail lines on the bottom side, and a white unbutton shirt with a black checkered square line outline on it. As a bonus, she also made a black sweater with neon yellow for Negi. Which he was happy to wear for the night.

The guys had just been sitting on the sidelines watching everyone and just feeling glad seeing everyone have fun and enjoying the dance. They had also gotten a great surprise when they found a sign next to the Fall Formal one saying, [THANK YOU KAMEN RIDERS!]. The guys were also glad that they used up most of their energy because it meant Discord was limited to what he could do and didn't have to worry about him.

Spike had also been hanging around with them for a while, talking about each other's hobbies and what it was like being heroes. Though the guys told him they were confused about that since he was a hero too from how he protected Flash and the girls. This made him happy. That is till he got asked to dance by a red haired girl who said she's part of a club called the Canterlot Movie Club. He was about to refuse but the guys made him go with her saying a hero should learn to have fun and enjoy the little things. At first, he seemed really nervous but after a while, he seemed to have start having fun.

"You guys seem to be enjoying yourselves." They got spooked and look behind them to see the source of the voice. There they find Sunset Shimmer standing next to Flash Sentry. Flash was just wearing a normal suit with a blue vest and white undershirt. As for Sunset, she was wearing a long black sleeveless dress with gold trimmings, black high heels with gold outlines on it, a black headband with an image of the sun on the left side, and gold wristbands with a flame design on them. The beauty that came off her made Connor and Ressha's jaws drop, making her giggle and Flash giving them a smirk. "I'll take it that I look nice."

"Nice is an understatement." Ressha admitted.

Reiji holds out his fist to Flash. "She's definitely a keeper." He then leans next to his ear. "Try not to mess up getting her to go out with you again and get her to love you back." He whispered to him.

"You and me both." Flash answered as he fist pumped with Reiji.

"What are you guys even doing here on the side? You should be celebrating with everyone." Sunset scolded them while smiling.

Discord scoffed. "You try using magic and transforming to fight kaiju and annoying grunts, then tell me if you still have the energy to do something."

Flash raised a brow. "Did it really take that much out of you?"

"Yeah. Kinda." Connor answered. "I think it was mostly from not being used to it. Plus, we had used a lot of magic before transforming. Both seem to use stamina and using a lot of magic or staying transformed can be a burden."

"I see. That could be worrying." Flash said.

Negi waved it off dismissing it with a smile. "Nah. It should be fine so long as we train and build up our strength." He then leans back in his seat and crosses his arm. "Besides, we're new here. Who'd we have to dance wi-" Negi gets cut off as Applejack pulls him out of his seat along with the other girls getting the rest of the guys.

"Come on, ya lazy heads. Don't you think you've rested long enough?" Applejack asked as she pulled Negi to the dance floor.

"Yeah! Look at Spike. He was tired too and he's already ready to party. So get moving!" Rainbow pointed out as she shoved Connor.

"I regret having Spike go now." Discord whispered to Connor.

"W-would you please...enjoy the dance with everyone? I-I'm...everyone would be...h-happy if you all joined." Fluttershy asked hiding her face behind her hair. "T-that is if you don't mind. Or you don't ha-"

"We'll do it." Discord quickly said stopping her. "Just stop making that face." He said with him and the other guys looking away from her.

'I told you Fluttershy could convince them." Rarity whispered to Applejack.

"THEN LETS PARTY!!" Pinkie screamed out cheerfully as they made their way to the dance floor with Flash and Sunset following. Everyone that is except Drago and Twilight who watched the whole thing. They then turned to each other.

Drago sighs and then smiles to her. "When do you think Flash will realize Sunset already loves him?"

"Hm? That's a good question." Twilight ponders but then looks to Drago. "Though what about Sunset? Do you think any of the other students will forgive her? Or she'll learn to forgive herself as well?" She asked worried a bit.

Drago seemed to think about it for a couple of seconds before shrugging with a smile. "Who knows. Maybe one day. She'll have to work her way into gaining their trust. But I don't think that should matter." Twilight looked at him questioningly before he continued. "It shouldn't matter because that'll just come within time. For now, she should just learn to enjoy herself and work to bringing out the core of who she wants to be. If she can do that, I'm sure everything else will work out. Don't you agree."

Twilight nods smiling. "I think you're right. It's always more enjoyable to be able to show your true self to your friends." Twilight gets surprised for a second when Drago holds out his hand to her.

"May I have this dance, Twilight?" He asked winking at the end making her chuckle.

Twilight takes his hand. "I'd be glad to." She answered with a smile.

The two walked to join the others and enjoyed the dance, which had been a lot. Especially when Twilight had accidently started dancing like a pony. See her embarrassed made his laugh but he decided to put himself on the spotlight as well by copying her but then also mixing in steps of dancing like a rex. The two laughed and enjoyed the dance copying each other, along with having fun with everyone till it was time to announce the Princess of the Fall Formal. To no one's surprise, Twilight won without any problem. Along with the fact Sunset withdrew from the running. At the end of the dance, the group went the school's statue and said their goodbyes. As the portal closed behind the two, an idea came to Drago that made him grin.

The Crystal Empire

The second Twilight and Spike came out of the portal, they were brought into a big group hug with Pinkie nearly crushing everyone in the hug. Twilight was really happy to be back home with all her friends and family that she almost didn't notice everyone gasps. Her and Spike were confused and a bit worried why they were looking at them with such shocked looks and with their eyes wide open.

"Is...something wrong?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy slowly pointed a hoof at her back. "T-Twilight, w-what happened...}

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR WINGS?!" Rainbow questioned shouting.

"What?!" Twilight panicked turning to the mirror.

Twilight quickly looked herself over, even using the mirror to help, and found no wings on her back. She kept checking herself over to make sure and tried reaching over to feel if they were invisible. Everyone was confused and were asking Twilight questions.

"So, that's how you look as a pony."

Everyone gets startled and turn around to see a dragon who looked strong and powerful despite being their size with gray scales had a red underbelly and three rows of fins going down his back with the middle being red and the sides being black. He also had clear crystals coming out his body. Everyone backs away from the from the dragon and keep their eyes on him till a silver veil appeared behind him. Right then, a draconquus they all knew came out of the veil making some of them sigh in relief of look at him annoyed.

"Interesting place. Could use some improvements though." Discord said to himself looking around till he stops on Twilight and everyone else. "You all look pretty neat for ponies. Right, Drago?"

"Yup. Though I'd wish they'd stop looking at us like that."

Everyone raised a brow to his odd behavior. Fluttershy then walks up to him. "Discord?

"Yes, but not the one you know." As he said this, 4 others walked out of the mirror surprising everyone but Twilight and Spike smile knowing who they are. There were two ponies, a changeling, a wolf and a dragon. One of the ponies was a unicorn with a light purple coat, a long messy black mane and tail with a red and blue streak through the middle of them, a cutie mark being Build's symbol. The second, is an earth pony with a dark grey coat, a silver mane and tail with three different colored strips in the front, and OOO symbol as his cutie mark.

The changeling was actually different from the others. This one doesn't have holes in his legs, his shell looked like it had a silver shine to it, had a hercules and stag beetle horns on his head, and had Den-o's symbol where a cutie mark would be for a pony. The wolf was light gray with a neon yellow scarf that had the Zero-One symbol as a pin.

The dragon smiles at Twilight and Spike. "Hey guys. You forgot this." He holds out a picture of the whole group at the dance.

Twilight holds the picture in her magic. "Thank you." Her friends then walk up to her.

"So, Twilight, who are...'these' fine gentle creatures?" Cadence asks with an all-knowing smirk along with Rarity.

Twilight blushes. "N-n-nothing like that. T-they were part of the reason I was able to get my crown back."

"In that case, I cannot begin to thank you all enough for all that you've done for us." Celestia said smiling to them. "Who are you, if I may ask?"

"I'm Drago. These are my friends Connor, Negi, Reiji and Ressha. And this is my brother Discord." Drago said surprising them.

"Me and my sister didn't know that Discord had a brother?" Luna admitted.

Discord smirks. "I'm pretty sure there's a lot of thi-" Drogo hit the back of Discord's head. "Ow!"

"Be nice." Drago said sternly. "I'm sorry about my brother. I'm sure the one here causes you a lot of headaches."

Rainbow scoffs. "You have no i-" Rainbow was cut off too when Twilight hits the back of her head. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You should try being nice to him." This surprised everyone when they heard Twilight. Twilight smiles and points a hoof to them. "They're also mine and Spike's new friends too. They're also now heroes of their world. They're known as the Kamen Riders. If not for them, I don't think we would've been able to win."

"What are you talking about? We just took care of the pests. You're the ones who stopped seal from breaking." Drago said motioning to her and Spike. "You two and the girls did the harder part of the work. Regardless, it was a team effort. Though it was great having met you two. I feel like we kind of learned a bit more about each other's worlds." Behind them the rest of the guys started talking to Twilight's friends.

She nods smiling. "Yeah. I agree. Which reminds me, I've got to definitely start looking for those portals when I get the chance to."

Drago chuckles. "By the way, I thought you said you were an alicorn." He said confused. "Where are your wings?"

"We were wondering too."

"Maybe these are the reason." They heard Discord say and turn to see Equestrian Discord hold out the three pink core metals while holding Reiji back as he tried reach for them with his hooves.

"Of course!" Twilight shout in realization. "That's why these are like ponies. They absorbed all my alicorn magic and abilities into them and changed themselves into these while turning me back into a unicorn."

"Then will you change back it we break these coins or something?" Rainbow asked. Twilight looks to the metals for a few seconds before answering.

"Maybe. But I don't need them back."

"WHAT?!" Everypony shouted.

"B-but Twilight, you're a princess." Cadance said.

"No. I'm not." Twilight looks to Celestia. "I don't mean any disrespect princess. All I ever wanted was to learn as much as I could about magic, along with any other knowledge or history I came by. But I never wanted to be an alicorn. That was something you chose for me. If I'm going to be an alicorn, I want to choose it for myself." Twilight then turned to Drago and the guys smiling. "Just like how the new friends I've gained were put into the position they're in now and chose for themselves to become heroes of their world to help save those who are hurting or need someone to reach out to them to help."

Twilight turns to her teacher who's giving a happy yet also sad smile. "I'm really proud of you, Twilight. No matter what challenges you face or how much you already know, you and your friends always seem to grow more stronger and gain more light to shine upon others,"

Twilight frowns sadly as she looks to the guys. "I just wish I could've done the same for them." The guys go confused till Twilight uses her magic to make the image of a black stone with red markings on it. "What is this?" Twilight asks Drago. "I saw you guys speaking to each other outside the cafe while show them this stone. What's special about it?"

Drago sighs as he looks to the floor. "I was hoping you didn't see that." He then pulls out the same stone from the image out from behind his back but as he shows it to them, they see its shattered into pieces. "This is a stone that Emerald helped me find and make. This stone represents the state the darkness is in. It was supposed to break in half and turn to dust if the seal was broken."

"What does it mean if it shatters then?"

"It means the darkness has now awakened inside the seal. Meaning the darkness and kaijus will try anything to free it now. Which means our world is about to get even more hell happening in it."

Twilight's gets worried. "Will you all be okay?" She gets her horn flicked by Discord.

"You should be more worried about your world and let us worry about ours." Discord said grinning.


Connor cuts her off as he steps forward. "You don't have to worry, Twilight. We've got this covered."

"Plus, we know just about all of the Riders original powers and some of the monsters." Reiji added in.

"And unlike how the Riders mostly had to fight on their own, we're all here and can work together to fight as a team." Negi says as he looks to his friends with a smile.

"I...may not be as confident as them," Ressha admitted. "But I know if we stick together, we'll be able to defeat anything the darkness will throw at us. Or at least get there any difficulty."

Twilight smiles hearing their confidence and belief. "Then if you ever need help, you'll always have allies here."

"The same goes for us." Drago said. "After all, we are friends and heroes who can back you up."

"I think it's time for us to go. Who know if something interesting might happen back home." Discord says with a grin.

You're right. We should-" Drago stops seeing the Equestrian Discord stare at him with a sad smile. "Is something wrong?"

"No. I just almost thought you were my brother when I felt your presence. Though I should've figured he'd still not want anything to do with me or anyone still."

Fluttershy walks up to her friend and puts a hoof to mismatch draconiquus paw. "Discord. Is your brother made at you?" Equestrian Discord just nods sadly.

Drago gives him a kind smile. "I'm not sure what happened with my Equestrian version of me here, but I'm sure he probably misses his family. So, if you can reach out to him, you might be able to be a family again." Equestrian Discord gives him a surprised look. "Besides, with friends like them" Drago looks to Spike, Twilight and her friends. "Or at least 3 friends, I'm sure they'd be happy to help you."

Equestrian Discord sighs. "I'll think about it. I'm not sure if anypony here is ready fo-"

"I think they are!" Twilight happily shouts but then blushes when some of the others gave her surprised looks and other half give her an all-knowing smirk. "I-I mean...I'd be happy to help i-if you want." Everyone laughs while she hides her blushing face.

"Hey Spike." Connor called getting his attention. "Catch." Connor throws a bottle over to him. Spike caught it and saw it was the dragon full bottle. Spike being surprised looked up to Connor. "From what happened, I'd say the bottle chose you to entrust its power to. So, I'll entrust it you too. Plus" He pulls out a second dragon bottle. "The original is too power to use as a best match like in the show. So, I had Emerald help me make this copy but with a more leveled energy that I can try to tune later."

Spike smiles. "Thanks. I won't let you down, Connor!" He said happily out loud while saluting.

Connor nods to him before looking at everyone else. "It was great to have to meet you all but it's time for us to go."

"Now don't be strangers, you hear me Twilight and Spike." Reiji said grinning.

"Yeah. You can count on us visiting again." Spike said smiling.

Ressha nods as he turns to the ponies. "And if we're ever here, I hope you'll give us a tour of your guy's' world."

"After helping our dear friend Twilight, we'd be glad to." Rarity said happily. "I'll even make you each a special outfit as thanks." The guys sweat both nervously and frightened hearing this.

"We'll have to think about that." Ressha said scratching the back of his head.

"I'll throw you all a huge party!" Pinke shouted.

"I'll be glad to help by caterin' the party." Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash flies up to them. "I'll give you guys an airshow showing off my awesomeness."

"That'd be awesome. You better keep your words on that." Reiji said.

"Yeah. You're not just saying all this to be nice, right?" Discord added. Then Negi and Drago smacked the two in the back of their heads. "Ow!" The two yelled.

"Don't be rude." Negi turns to the girls and gives them an apologetic smile. "Sorry about the two blockheads. We'd be happy with anything you girls could offer. Even if it's just a tour of your town."

"I-it's okay. We're...kind of still getting use to Discord." Fluttershy said but then quickly turns to the two. "I-I'm sorry if that-" The two put a finger to her mouth.

"It's alright. No harm done." The two Discords said at the same time. "Jinx! Double jinx! You owe me a chocolate milk rain over Celestia!!" Right then they both snapped their fingers making cotton candy clouds over Celestia and drizzling down chocolate milk rain over her. She sends them an annoyed/angry glare at the two Discords. "Two minds think a like!" The two shouted to each other. Drago sighs as he grabs Discord by the tail and throws him into the silver veil. "Woah!" Yelled the Rider Discord as he flew into the veil.

"And that'd be the good thing of having the me of here around. He'd be able to help keep Discord in line." He then turns to the guys. "Well, time to go boys." The guys nodded in agreement as they start leaving into the veil one by one saying their goodbyes.

"Drago." Twilight called getting his attention. "You all take care of yourselves okay. I won't forgive you guys if you lose and give up to the darkness."

Drago chuckles as he holds out his fist to her. "Then I'll make an oath that I'll never give up if it means that it'll make others suffer and bring sadness. You can count on us."

Twilight smiles to this and gives him a hoof/fist pump. "I'm glad to hear that. Good luck protecting your world, Kamen Rider Jurassic."

Drago smiles. "To you as well, the Bearer of the Element of Magic." As he walks over and is about to go through the veil, he stops to look back at her. "And good luck finding and helping Drago of your world. I have a feeling you two will get along great." Twilight blushed as red as a tomato and glares at him as he and everyone laughs at her reaction. "Hey, you never know. It could happen." At the end of this, he left going into the silver veil that then started to fade till it disappeared.

The girls and Spike walked next to Twilight looking where the veil was before looking to her. "Will they really be alright with this darkness. No offence to them, but they didn't seem the hero types." Rainbow said.

Spike grins at her. "You have no idea how wrong you are."

"Yes. They're the Kamen Riders after all. Though if I had to choose" Twilight turns away from her friends to look at where the veil had been. "I'd call them The Knights of Harmony."

To Be Continue

Author's Note:

I'm gonna try to make any future chapters shorter so I don't have to separate them into parts. I hope you enjoy the end of this chapter and look forward to the next. Which I'll try to work on as fast as I can. I'm kinda slow. So sorry if I take a while to publish the chapters.