• Published 31st Jan 2022
  • 1,016 Views, 43 Comments

Kamen Rider Jurassic - NexusZero66

With monsters attacking and the innocent in danger, the Riders will always arise to defend and protect.

  • ...

Chapter 4- Makings of a Hero

Canterlot High

"This is so unfair." Pinkie said with a frown.

"You're telling me." Reiji agreed annoyed. "I still don't get how you talked your way out of getting detention, Connor." Connor ignores him while looking at his phone. "And you're completely in invent mode, I see. Okay. Nice talk."

It had been a couple hours since Connor, Pinkie and Reiji were called to the office for the ballooon and confetti disaster. It was the middle of lunch time now; the group were seated at the table with everyone eating their lunches except Connor and Sunset, who both didn't have anything. Sunset is in the middle of reading the school paper while Connor is looking over his phone that he had taken apart.

"Once again the school paper has the Rider's latest battle in it." Sunset says as she looks through the paper. "Listen to this. 'Along with stopping the new kaiju, the Riders also saved our one and only Derpy who had replaced by a kaiju. But thanks to the Rider, know as Jurassic, she was saved in time and is also now even more happy than ever with having gotten a job at the Dragons Cavern.' Glad to see at least the school apricates you guys."

Reiji nods. "Yup. It's good to feel the love from the people."

'Though I wish that would help with healing your body faster.' "That's true. But it's still nice to have a little support too." Ressha chuckled while saying this to himself. "Hm. Though I wonder how the school news keeps getting this info." As he pondered; Discord, Pinkie and Rainbow all looked away whistling.

Rarity was looking between Sunset and Connor with a mix of bewilderment and concern from the two not having any lunch with them.

"Please tell me you two aren't really planning to go through lunch without eating anything." Rarity said hoping they weren't.

"Yeah. I kind of was." Sunset replied while scratching the back of her head. "I just don't feel that hungry right now."

"That's no good. A lady needs to keep up their energy and health." Rarity says then turns looking at Connor. "What about you, Connor? What's your reason?" She asked but he just continues looking over the phone. "Connor? Connor?" She waved her hand in front of him but was still being ignored. "What's the matter with him?"

Pinkie gasps. "Maybe a kaiju is hypnotizing him! Or his mind was taken! Or maybe he's sad because we forgot to go to his party!" She stops to ponder but then shakes her head. "Nah. There's no way I'd forget that. Hm? Maybe-" Pinkie is cut off as Momo stuffed an apple into her mouth which she happily eats.

"Thanks." Applejack thanked Momo who nods before switching back to Ressha and continues eating. "So, what exactly is goin' on in that head of his?" She asked Negi.

"Who knows." Negi replied. "When he gets an invention idea, he puts all his concentration into it. Like coming up with the idea, what and how he's going to build it, and then goes fully into it until he either succeeds or fails at it."

"What does he do if he fails? Does he just scrap it?" Rainbow asked jokingly.

Negi nods. "Yup. Pretty much."

"What? Really? Why?" Rainbow asks dumbfounded. "What's the point in putting in the work if he just quits the moment he fails? Is he a sore loser or something?"

Negi smirks. "Why not find out from the guy himself? I feel like you two could learn a thing or two from each other."

Rainbow rolls her eyes smiling. "Yeah right. Learn about boring science? I'll pass. I have more important things to do today." Except for Connor and Discord, everyone turns to look at her curious.

"Doing what exactly?" Drago asks.

Rainbow snatches the paper from Sunset. "This!" She said with a smile showing them the front page that talks about Canterlot High School's first musical showcase which had been announced just the other day and mentions the rules for those who decide to participate. "Isn't it awesome? I'm going to enter with my own band. So, I need to get started on who I'm going to ask to join." Drago and Negi look at each with an all-knowing look. "You guys should join too. I remember Negi being great on a guitar."

"Maybe." Negi was pondering a thought till an idea came to mind. "But that wouldn't be fair, don't you think?" He said confusing Rainbow. "If we joined in, your band would easily be overlooked by our band out shining yours." Negi smirks seeing her react the way he predicted she would.

"Yeah right. Your band would need to be 20% cooler to outshine my band." Rainbow ended with a competitive glare.

"Big talk from someone who hasn't assembled a band yet." Discord added in enjoying her reactions. "Unlike us who technically have our band assembled, you've just got a solo band."

"We'll let the school decide at the showcase. So, you better join." Rainbow instructed.

"Nah. We'll leave it to Connor to decide if we join the event." Negi said. "He doesn't like to take part in events like these. So, if you really want to prove which band will rock more, then you have until the end of this to convince him."

Rainbow waves it off. "No problem. This'll be easy. I'll do it by the end of tomorrow."

"Okay then." Negi said smirking. "Tomorrow it is then. Good luck convincing him while he's inventing." Rainbow goes wide eyed remembering the way he is right now and slaps a hand to her forehead.

Across the lunchroom, Rumble sitting at a table next to his older brother, Thunderlane who is talking with his friends. His brother has dark gray skin with amber colored eyes, cyanish gray hair with white streaks. Wearing a white shirt with a storm cloud and lightning bolt design on it, a black sweater with a yellow streak going down the sleeves, gray pants, and black sneakers. Rumble was just there looking over the fullbottles he found the other day. There's a yellow, red, three bule, and two white bottles.

"Hm...A lock and motorcycle." Rumble quietly spoke to himself. He then looks at the blue ones. "These are a shark, magnet and I think a unicorn. And these two are a ghost and...an eraser?" He said questionably about the last one, getting his brother's attention.

"Whatcha got there, little bro?" Thunderlane asked seeing Rumble quickly hide something. "What? Trying to hide your love letter for Build from me?" He said teasingly earning him a deadpan look.

"Ha-ha. Real funny." Said Rumble full of sarcasm but then looks sadly away. "I'm just thinking of heading straight to home. That's all"

A concerned look comes onto Thunderlane. "Are you still being made fun of? You know you can always count on me, right?"

Rumble frowns. "I'm not weak you know. I can fight my own battles." He said a bit coldly.

Thunderlane surprised by his tone makes a hurt look. "No! I just-"

"Maybe you should mind your own business." Rumble said cutting him off as he got up and walked away.

Thunderlane held his head down a bit feeling sad, then looks to his two friends when one of them pats him on the back. The one that patted him is his friend Soarin who has light grayish blue skin with emerald, green eyes and navy-blue hair. Wearing a red t-shirt with the image of a formula racecar, a white short sleeved unbuttoned shirt with the image of lightning bolt going through a dark cloud dark blue jeans and shoes.

His second friend is a girl named Spitfire who has yellow skin with orange eyes and firey shaped short hair in a light orange color with the outer part being a darker color. Wearing a cobalt-colored hoodie with sleeves rolled up and the image of burning phoenix like bird, black jeans and sneakers with a flame design on them.

"I'm guessing he's still not over that incident. Don't worry man. I'm sure he'll get over it at some point." Soarin said trying to cheer him up.

Spitfire shakes her head in thought. "I don't know. With a monster almost having tried killing him and classmates making fun of him hiding under a table."

"What am I supposed to do?" Thunderlane said. "Every time I try to help him or talk to the ones making fun of him, he gets mad at me. I just don't get why. What I'm doing wrong that upsets him?"

Sighing, Spitfire flicked Thunderlane's head. "How about try to use that brain of yours for once."

Thunderlane rubbed his head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Sorry bud but you have figure that out on your own." Soarin answered.

Thunderlane groans. "Come on, just tell me. I really want to help Rumble."

While they were talking a janitor, who was emptying out the trash can, had been listening to everyone in the room and leaves as soon as he collected the trash. As soon as the janitor got outside the school, he becomes enshrouded in darkness with Brutus walking out of it next second.

He flips an orange medal and catches it. "The next target has been decided. Now I'll get to test the Riders in my own way. Along with retrieving the fullbottles from the boy." Brutus said as he opened his hand to show the orange medal with a crocodile image in it and a primal core. "Even if I have to end the boy's life."

[Cue Opening]

The Dragons Cavern

"Come on, Connor. At least say something." Rainbow said annoyed.

Ever since lunchtime, Rainbow had been trying to at least get his attention only to feel like she'd been talking to a brick wall. She had tried during class, between classes, after school, and now was in his room. It was just a simple room with a hard wood floor, a single person bed, window, nightstand, a board filled with paper with either descriptions of an idea or sketches of the invention, and wooden desk with 3 drawers and a laptop on it.

The room seemed a bit dal to her since he hadn't done anything to add or change anything in the room. The only thing that seemed to be an addition to the room were two pins that caught her eye. One was a red rabbit and the other was a blue tank. But what they were wasn't what caught he attention, it was that they were a bit scratched up and bended.

"Leave those alone." Connor said from over his shoulder. She had been so caught up in the pins that she didn't notice she had reached to grab them. His sudden voice startled her out of it and turned to see he was still working on his project's idea. "And no, you cannot ask anything about them." He said from over his shoulder.

"Really?! That's all it took for you to talk?!" Rainbow shouted annoyingly irritated and then sighed defeated. "Oh well. Anyways, I been trying to tell you that you and the guys should join in the school's musical showcase and see which band can get the most applause. You're in, right?" She sits down on his bed.

Connor shakes his head slow with his eyes still glued on his work. "Nope. Thanks for the offer but it's not my kind of thing. Plus, I'm working on something right now."

"Oh, come on! You can't be that scared of losing."

"It's not about winning or losing. I just don't like to be the center of attention."

"What do you mean? You and the guys are always the center of attention when you fight kaiju."

"No. That's Build they have their eyes on. Plus, I don't focus on them while I'm fighting." He opens his laptop and starts typing after opening a program. "If there's nothing else you need to talk about then can I focus completely back on my work?"

Rainbow makes a defeated frown before getting up to walk over to him. "What are you even working on that involves the primal cores?" She asked when she noticed the cores on his desk.

"I just thought that Jurassic is at a disadvantage in the fights. Unlike us, Jurassic doesn't have any power up attachments or different forms to change into yet. So, while I was coming up with phones that won't break easily, I thought I'd make Drago's combatable with the cores to see if they could boost Jurassic's power in some way."

Rainbow has a confused look. "So, something to make Jurassic even more cooler and stronger, right? Sounds awesome." She said smiling after imagining the idea.

Connor sighs. "In short terms, yes it is."

"How does it work?" Rainbow asked curious.

"Not sure yet." Connor answered. "I'm still trying to come up with a way to use the primal core's powers without them completely attaching or corrupting him. That's why I'm sending Zea my idea and data I've made so far to see if it can help me come up with anything." He sends the data to Zea.

"How long is going to take?"

Connor thinks for a second. "Who knows. It could take minutes, hours, maybe even a day or two. Can't be sure how long an AI will take."

"Then how about rethinking on not wanting to join the musical event?" Asked Rainbow with a smile.

Connor deadpans at her. "Rainbow-Hm?" He stops when he gets a notification.

"What's up. Another kaiju?" Rainbow sounding eager as she looks at the notification and sees a picture of a park with random images added to it such as unicorns running around, erasers getting rid of trees, ghosts floating around, along with four other different images. "Weird. I don't get what it means. Maybe a kid did this for fun."

"Do you know this park?" Connor asks.

Rainbow raised a brow confused. "Yeah. Everyone knows this park. So, we should-Hey!" She shouted the last part as Connor dragged her out the room.

At a Park

This park was at the corner edge of their side of the city. It has a couple benches, park grills, and playground but was surrounded by trees making it seem like it's in the middle of the woods, though truthfully it was at the front part of one, that has vines growing onto some of the things around. The park is deserted with no one around in sight. That was true up till a couple minutes ago.

Rumble had gone to this park straight after school to set his plan into action. The minute he got to the park, he took a picture of a part of park that was cover with grass and flowers, that had a wooden bench next to a big tree with bushes around it and a playground in the background. Vines were growing along and hanging off the branches tree's, and smaller ones growing onto the benches.

He was the one who had made that edited picture that Zea had showed to Connor. After posting this, he had left one of the bottles on the bench and hid behind the bushes to wait to see if Build would show up like planned. He waited patiently for 25 minutes now and continued to wait till he heard someone stepping towards the bench.

"A motorcycle?" He jumped out upon hearing a voice next to the bench without listening much to it, only to find his brother Thunderlane. "Waah! Huh? Rumble? I thought you said you were going straight home?"

Rumble raised an eyebrow. "Me? What about you? Shouldn't you be at soccer practice?"

"I skipped practice today because of this." Thunderlane pulled out his phone showing him a message on it. "A friend of yours named Button Mash said he was coming here to find answers."

Rumble read the message. 'Hi. I'm a friend of your brother's named Button Mash. Lately your brother has been acting strange. Especially yesterday in class, when he said he was going to head straight home after school. I'm going to head to Everwood Park to see if rumors of Rumble going there lately is true.'

"That's weird." Rumble said confused. "Button wasn't at school yesterday. He was sick at home."

Thunderlane looks around the area. "Then, who sent me that message?"

"That would be me." The brothers get startled by a voice sudden voice come from all around them. "I was hoping you'd run into your brother when I sent you here. It makes my job easier."

"Rumble, stay close to me." Thunderlane instructed as they moved a bit closer to each other. "Who are you? What do you want with me and my brother?" After Thunderlane said this, a cloud of darkness appeared close to them. Brutus appeared walking out of it and stands a few feet away from them.

"Hand the bottles over to me." Brutus demanded holding out his hand, then closes it into a fist with his fingers and knuckles making cracking noises. "And I promise you'll leave with both your lives and bodies intact." Rumble answered by moving a bit back while tightening his grip on his backpack's strap. "Have it your way."

The two get startled when cracks appear all over Brutus's body and then crumbles into pieces that sink into the ground. The next second a big purple crystal comes breaking out of the ground, cracks appear on it before bursting into pieces revealing a primeval.

This primeval is a triceratops type with a mix of teal and light green scaled skin. It has black crystal going around its chest, head, wrists, shoulders and bottom part of its legs with most of in the shape of a Rajput warrior's armor. The crystal on the chest is in the shape of a triceratops face with a small purple horn on its chest with a bigger piece in the shape of a frill going around the collar of its armor, a face with a closed beak like mouth, red crystal eyes, and the helmet has three small horns.

Rumble and Thunderlane slowly walk back in fear of the kaiju in front of them as it forms katar weapons on both its arms with the handles and part that shields its hands being black, and the blades looking like they're made of purple crystal. "You'll regret the decision you've made." Tricera said as it walked towards the two.

Thunder looks to his scared little brother, then makes determined look as he turned back towards the kaiju as he pushes him back a bit. "Rumble, get out of her. I'll distract it."

"B-But Thunder-" Rumble tried speaking but fear was stopping him.

"Go now!" Thunderlane yelled as he charged tackling into Tricera but having no effect not even making it move a bit.

"Thunder!" Rumble shout worryingly as Tricera easily knocked Thunderlane to the side sending him rolling across the grass. The second he stopped; Thunder kept running up to the primeval only to keep getting hit to the side every time he kept doing this. Rumble really wanted to help his brother seeing this but couldn't get his legs to move forward and instead moved back.

Tricera moved towards him a bit only to stumble a bit when Thunder tackled it from the side. "Run!" Thunder yelled to Rumble, startling and making him turn running.

"You really think that'll make a difference? That doing this could help him?" Tricera questioned as it kneed Thunder knocking the air out of him, back of its hand him after getting rid of its weapons, and then keeps Thunder pinned by stomping its foot onto his shoulder making him scream from the pain. "But it's just a wasted effort." The primeval gathered energy into its weapon before thrusting it into the ground next to Thunder's head and travels through the ground in a circle.

"Wha?!" Rumble gets surprised when a stone wall sprouts out of the ground in front of him. He looks around to see the wall going through the park, dividing it in half. Rumble quickly tried looking for a way to escape. He caught sight that the primeval had built energy around its other weapon a second too late as Tricera sent a purple wave thrusting the katar forward. "Shit! Ugh!" Rumble grunted in pain as he barely avoided the wave but the force of it sent him flying against the wall and falls to the floor unconscious.

Thunderlane eyes widen seeing this. "Rumble!" He shouted fighting off his pain as he struggled to force Tricera's foot off him. "You fucken bastard! Why? He wasn't a threat to you!" He shouted angrily with a glare at the primeval as he continued trying to break free but to no avail.

"I warned and gave him a chance to give me the bottles. He made his choice." Tricera said as it pressed its foot more onto Thunderlane's arm, making him feel like his arm was being crushed. "Meaning I have no reason to show any mercy." Tricera then kicked Thunder all the way over to the wall, making him slam against it and fall to the floor close to his little brother.

"R-Rumble." Thunder said pulling himself along the ground at a slow pace from the pain as Tricera walked over to them. "D-Don't you dare touch him! Leave him alone!" He shouted as the primeval stopped next to Rumble and uses its katar to lift him off the ground hanging by his backpack. "Put him down!"

Tricera scoffed. "Pathetic. Shouting is all you're capable of doing at this point. Your demands mean nothing." The primeval stated. It looked at Rumble with its eyes glowing a bit to see his core. Cracks started appearing on the core till the center broke leaving a hole. "At least now his existence will finally have worth." Tricera said as it banished its free katar to bring out the core medal and primal core.

"W-What are you-" Thunder was about to ask confused but stopped as the primal core makes Rumble's core appear on his chest. The primal core is placed into the core making it's glow darken and a symbol of a sansetsukon. As the core flew out, a slot appeared over Rumble's heart and then Tricera threw the crocodile medal into it as a dark aura covered it. The slot then dissolves leaving a hole, cell medals came flying out, and flew off leaving the area with the core.

From a far distance, Connor and Rainbow come driving up seeing the wall and barely catch the sight of the two objects leaving towards the forest. "Looks like trouble up ahead," Connor told Rainbow from over his shoulder as he stopped the bike. "I'm gonna need you to get off, so I can handle this."

"Alright. Then I'll head in after you smash that wall down and fight any kaiju in the way." Rainbow instructed with Connor responding with a nod as he puts on his driver and started heading straight towards the wall.

(Rabbit! Tank! Best Match!) The belt announced as he put the bottles into it and the constructs appeared as he turned the crank with it moving along with the bike. (Are you ready?!) "Henshin!"

Tricera knocks Thunderlane unconscious before he could say anything. It then looks back to Rumble who's beginning to wake up. "Now, I shall keep my word to you, boy." The primeval said as it raised its other katar with the end of the blade pointed towards Rumble's heart. (Hagane no moonsult! RabbitTank! Yeah!) Tricera stopped hearing the announcement as Build comes jumping over the wall on his bike.

Build instantly takes notice of the situation below him as he summoned out the Vortex Saber in gun mode and quickly took out the tank bottle from the belt to place it into saber. (Tank!) Upon landing a distance behind them, Build went full throttle towards them which Tricera responded be tossing Rumble to the side, where he lands next to his brother, and then stabs his katars into the ground to send waves of purple aura towards Build.

Build swerves and jumped past each of the attacks as he pointed his weapon towards Tricera while pulling the trigger. (Solo Attack!) Tricera gets pushed back bit by bit as the saber shot multiple tank-like shots till it is against the wall and Build rams the primeval through the stone wall. Tricera is dragged back a bit till it stops the bike by digging its feet into the ground. Build jumps off his cycle landing a few feet back as Tricera lifted it up and threw it to the side.

Rainbow snuck by, as Build fired regular rapid shots as Tricera charged towards him easily taking the shots. Build switched his weapon back into saber mode as he dodged Tricera's tackle and the two begin clashing weapons. The two mostly swung and blocked each other's attacks Though Build was mostly dodging the attacks he didn't block, while Tricera easily took the hits.

Getting a bad feeling, Build quickly jumps back away from Tricera as it thrusted the katar towards him which glowed that second and leaves a huge crater in the ground. Build lands a few feet back. "You don't fight the way a regular kaiju would." He pointed out while keeping his guard up. "So, I'm guessing you're an ally of Molten and Scarlet, right?" He asked as Rainbow ran through the hole the two had made in the wall and runs over to Rumble and Thunderlane after spotting them.

"Thunderlane? Thunder, are you okay?" Rainbow asked shaking him. "No time to sleep, Thunder. Who knows if more kaiju will show up." She smiles when Thunder began moving a bit while groaning. "Come on, wake up already. We need to get out of here." He tried getting himself but fell back down. Seeing this, Rainbow held out her hand. "Here. I'll help you up."

Thunder shook his head. "No. Please get Rumble out of here first." He requested making Rainbow look back and forth between the two with an uncertain look for a bit before looking back to Thunder with a serious face.

"Alright. But I'm coming straight back for you as soon as I've gotten him far enough, got it?" Rainbow informed as she picked up Rumble.

"Thank you." Thunder said to her with a small smile.

While this had happened, Tricera answered Build's question. "Yes. I am Brutus. The master's follower from the Dragon Lands."

"Follower from the Dragon Lands?" Build questioned tilting his head. "What do you mean by that?"

"If you want answers," Tricera said then charging at Build, who avoids a strike from its katar and blocks the second with his saber. "then defeat me and earn the answers." The primeval said hitting the saber out of the way and thrusts the second katar into Build's chest sending him moving back a bit with sparks flying.

"Ugh! Okay, that really hurt." Build said holding a hand over his chest where the attack hit. He looks towards the hole seeing Rainbow wave to him, she motions towards an open direction while holding Rumble behind her back and then he looks back towards Tricera. "I'm gonna have to buy them some time." (Sai!) "Build up." He said as he switched rabbit out with the rhino bottle and turned the crank. Build's rabbit part was replaced with a gray colored one with a bit of an armored look on his arm with the shoulder shaped like a rhino's head and the rabbit image on mask with a rhino.

Rainbow watched as Build runs at Tricera, with the primeval doing the same. "Now's a good time as any." She said to herself as she runs towards the open direction she was aiming for.

"Mhm...what?" Rumble begins waking up along with catching sight of the two reaching each other. Build uses the tank tread on his foot to help him slide past Tricera and then, with the saber in his left hand, slashed at its back. Build ducks under Tricera's katar when it swung it at him as the primeval turned towards him, he then punched it straight in the chest with the rhino arm making a small shockwave, which has no effect on it as Tricera hit his arm away to hit Build twice with the katars across the chest. "Build!" Rumble starts trying to break out of Rainbow's hold. "Where's my backpack?"

"Hey! Would you stop squirming around like that!" Rainbow shouted annoyed trying to keep her hold on him. "You can worry about your backpack later. We need to get somewhere safe."

Tricera walks forward slowly allowing Build's saber to slash it with the drill spinning and trying a couple punches again, but they don't seem to be having much effect on it. "Is this all you have to offer, Build? Pathetic." The primeval started swinging its katars wildly making Build go on the defensive using the saber and rhino arm to guard. "You'll need more than strength and defense in a battle against me. I thought you Riders would know this. But instead I'm disappointed to be fighting such a weak enemy as my first opponent." Tricera said as it continued swinging at him.

Keeping his guard, Build was dragged back bit by bit with each hit. "Easy for you to say, when I don't have all the fullbottles with me." Build said trying to block each hit. 'I've got to think of a new strategy. My arm feels like it's starting to go numb.' Build thought to himself. He was brought out of his thoughts from Tricera using both its katars to hit his arms apart and then ramming its head into Build, making sparks fly off his chest as he fell.

"Instead of focusing on what you don't have, focus on fighting me with the strength you have." Tricera lectured as Build slid across the ground until he rolls himself to a stop getting up on one knee and pulling out the dragon fullbottle.

"I could try countering him with this but dragon's power might not be enough on it's own." Build said to himself trying to decide.

Tricera looks away from Build after taking notice of Rainbow struggling to keep a hold on Rumble. "Maybe you need more of a motivation." Tricera said catching Build's attention seeing the primeval turn towards the two as it built up energy into both its katars.

"Damn it. No time to think." Build told himself as he switched the bottles in the belt. (Harinezumi! Syoubousya! Best Match! Are you ready?!) "Build up." Build said after turning the crank. (Rescue kenzan! FireHedgehog! Yeah!) Having switched to FireHedgehog, Build extends the ladder cannon forward ramming into Tricera a second before the primeval could use its attack. "Don't you dare get anyone else involved. This is between you and me." He said as he lifted the primeval while the ladder continued extending till it stopped as he swung it over himself and then slammed Tricera down at the top of the stone wall where it went breaking down through the wall with the ladder retracting.

Tricera breaks out of the rubble roaring. "Then enough stalling and just fight." Tricera shouted charging at Build.

"Not that smart, are you?" Build says pointing the ladder cannon towards the primeval, the cannon then fires high pressured water that hits and pushes Tricera back bit by bit. "Maybe I can end this-" (Wheel On!) "What?" Build gets surprised hearing the familiar sound, then sees Tricera suddenly comes shooting through the water and delivers a slash across his chest making sparks fly off as it zoomed past him. Quickly getting up, Build turns towards the primeval to see a darkened teal colored armaments on its legs with large wheels on the outer side of both feet. "Fourze's astro switch?"

"You Riders aren't the only combo users." Tricera said as it sped past Build getting another slash across his chest. The primeval continued speeding past him while slashing at him. "What will the genus Rider do now."

"Build!" Rainbow and Rumble shouted worried seeing Build getting hit with multiple slashes, while trying to dodge some. Rainbow watches with a frustrated look, holding herself back from running in to help him but doesn't knowing she'd just get in the way.

Tricera stops a good distance away seeing Build doing his best to stay standing. "This battle shall end with your head." The primeval speeds charging towards him crossing its blades over its chest. A second before it was about to strike, Build ducks under the blades and quickly held out the hedgehog shoulder spikes making Tricera ram straight into them. "What?!"

(Tank! Dragon!) The Vortex Saber announced as Build pushed it in gun mode with the drill spinning against Tricera's chest as blue flames were spiraling to the tip. "Like I said, you're not that smart." He said with a bit of pain in his voice. (Cross Combo!)

The two get caught in an explosion as Build fired the attack at pointblank. "Build!/Connor!" Rumble and Rainbow shouted as he flew out of the explosion, rolling a bit across the ground before laying face flat on the ground. Build tries pushing himself back up but Connor's transformation comes undone as his suit glows and dissolves into white and red particles as he fell flat on his back. Rainbow runs over to him while Rumble just stared towards him. "Connor! Are you okay?" She asked helping him up a bit.

"Ugh." They all turn towards the smoke to see Tricera step out holding a claw over its chest that has a scorch mark on it. "You surprised me with that attempt. I was right knowing you Riders would be worthy opponents." The primeval said looking towards the two seeing Rainbow put herself in front of Connor defensively as he forces himself up. "Yet you seem to be lacking. I wonder-Hm?!" The primeval seems to ponder on something till it suddenly looks to the forest questionably. Tricera then turns walking towards Thunderlane.

"Don't even think about it." Rainbow said about to run to Thunderlane till Connor quickly grabs her hand making her look at him annoyed. "Hey! Let- Whoa!" She gets surprised Connor pulls her onto himself a second before spikes of stone come out of the ground. "Oh. That wouldn't had ended pretty." She says looking towards the spikes and then looking down to Connor who she's laying on top of against his chest. "Thanks for the save there."

"No problem. Now get the hell off me." Connor ends with a hiss. "My body is still hurting."

Rainbow quickly getting off. "S-Sorry about that." She said with apologetic smile.

The two get surprised by Rumble's backpack landing next to them with three fullbottles falling out. The two with confused looks turn their sights to Tricera. Its standing on the other side of the hole in the wall holding Thunderlane over its shoulder.

"It seems our match will have to be postponed. Something of more importance has come up." Tircera said looking towards the forest and then turns back to look at them pointing towards the bottles. "You may have the boy and those bottles but the older one and these bottles stay with me." It said holding out the motorcycle, ghost, unicorn and lock looking bottles in its free claw.

Connor looks to the bottles but shakes his head. "No. Take the bottles but return Thunderlane now."

"No. I need insurance."

"Insurance? For what?" Rainbow questioned with a raised brow.

"Like I said, the battle has merely been postponed." Tricera stated. "If it wasn't for the distraction, I would've finished the battle. So to make sure we finish this battle, I'll be taking the sibling to make sure the battle between us continues, Build." The primeval turns leaving towards the forest.

"Wait-Ugh!" Connor felt a sting from his side and falls to one knee.

Rainbow helps him stand. "Easy there. Nows not a good time to start another fight."

"You have till noon tomorrow to return here." Tricera said as the hole began repairing itself. "If you want him back alive then don't be late, Build." The primeval ended with it entering the forest as the wall closed up.

"You alright, Connor?" Rainbow asked him as he had gotten up and walked over to the backpack. "You should probably take it easy. You were beaten around pretty badly."

Connor shook his head as he picked up the fullbottles. "I'm fine. Sore all around but fine none the less." He said sighing at the end. "Though I think he deserves that question more." Rainbow follows his sights look towards a teary-eyed Rumble who just stares at the stone wall with his fists clenched.

The Dragons Cavern

The guys had all met up back at the cafe a bit after Connor had gotten back with Rainbow and Rumble. When they got there, they only found Rainbow sitting at one of the tables.

"Are you guys okay?" Drago asked looking around. "Where's Connor?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "He was here a while ago with Derpy patching him up a bit and then left to the garage to do something after she was done."

"Sounds exactly like something he'd do." Reiji said smiling.

"He's always been like that." Negi says walking over and taking a seat. "He always leaves off to think on his own to of ways to solve the problem that's put in front of him."

Ressha raised a brow. "Why didn't he stick around to come up with a plan along with us like he usually does?" He asked as he and the rest took a seat at the table. "It would've made things easier to think of a way to beat this new guy." 'Damn fuckin' roaches. You beat the hell out of one, another shows up./Having multiple enemies would be too much for a pup./Hey! Who are you calling a pup?/Is there any other being physically in this mind?/If you want to start something, just tell me and I'll start beating your ass, Winnie the Pooh./It's sad to hear that you need confirmation for something so simple. Such a small mind./That's it! You-' Ressha sighs blocking them out as he shakes his head. "Are they ever going to get along?"

"No. This is different compared to the other times." Negi answered. "The last couple times, no one was targeting him specifically. But judging from what Rainbow said about this guy, Brutus, in the message, he challenged Connor directly to a one on one."

"Meaning he's going to do all he can to handle this on his own." Reiji finished for him.

"Why?" Discord questioned. "Does he have an over inflated ego like our colorful friend here?"

"Hey, I can at least back up my ego." Rainbow stated with a glare and her arms crossed.

Negi shakes his head. "No. He does have his reasons on why does this. But it's not our place to say what that reason is. If you want to know you'll have to wait till he'd be willing to tell you."

"If that's the case, then we should leave Brutus to Connor and focus on the other problem." Drago spoke up. "The Desire and other Primeval need to be dealt with before they become a problem."

Negi looks at his phone getting a notification. "Zea hasn't gotten any activity from them." He told them before putting his phone away. "Guess they're planning to stick around with Brutus if they haven't left the forest."

"Hi guys. What are you up to?" Derpy ask walking over to them with a tray of muffins.

"Same as usual." Discord answered. "Though we're gonna be short on hand this time." He said in a bored tone.

Derpy tilts her head. "What do you mean?"

"He means since we benched him and Ressha." Drago said while Discord grabs a muffin. "He's just annoyed with the decision. Though we only decided on that to make sure the two fully recover."

Reiji raised his hand. "And I'm out because I have to go to detention with Pinkie for a week. There's no way, I'm going to get on vice principle Luna's bad side again." He shivers from the thought. "Who knew a lecturing lady could be scary."

"Oh. I'm guessing that'd leave him really bored." Derpy says as she sets the tray down. "Well, if they can't help fighting, maybe you two can help around the cafe." She suggested which brightens Discord's bored look.

"You make a good point, Derpy." Discord said getting up and walking over to her. "Emerald shouldn't leave all the work to just the two of you. Nope. This cannot be allowed. We won't allow it." He said in a dramatic playful voice. "After all, the three of us could cause so much "entertainment" together." He quoted at the end with a mischievous grin spreading across his face seeing Emerald smiling with angry aura from the corner of his sights knowing what he's implying.

Derpy smiles brightly. "That's a great idea, Discord. Maybe everyone would like it if we added music or something to the cafe." Everyone groans from what she said, oblivious to what Discord meant, even with him chuckling next to her. "We should talk to Emerald about it later. By the way, where's everyone else? Are they getting here late?"

Reiji shrugs. "Nah. Part of them had schoolwork that needs to be finished. While the others have to work later. Though Sunset just said she was busy again." Drago raised a brow hearing that part. "We at least told them to keep an eye out for Rumble, since he might be a kaiju."

"Well, I'm gonna let you guys handle that problem." Rainbow said as she stood up. "While I continue with my plan to convince Connor on joining the event."

"You're really gonna continue that idea?" Ressha asked with a raised brow.

"Heck yeah." Rainbow says smiling. "I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm going to convince him to form a band one way or another.

Negi chuckles. "Good luck with that. He's not that easy to talk to while in invent mode." He told her as she left.

Along her way to the garage, Rainbow was thinking of ways she could try to convince him. Like helping him open up in class. She had noticed during one of their classes together that he avoids speaking to others and keeping a distance from anyone unless he has to interact with them. Or as much as she hates nerdy stuff, offer to help him with building or testing his inventions since it seems to take him a long while to think and build them from what she could see. So, she figures he'd appreciate having maybe an assistant.

"Why won't you help?!" Rainbow is brought out her thoughts hearing someone shout. "But you need to go save Thunder."

She realizes the voice is Rumble's coming from the garage with its door slightly open. She walks quietly over to the door to peek into the small opening. Inside she sees Connor sitting at the work bench working on something with Rumble glaring at his back with frustrated look.

"Brutus said I had till noon tomorrow to face him again." Connor replied to Rumble without turning to look at him. "So, I'm going to make full use of the time he gave me. If you want someone to go risk your brother's life, then be my guest." He slides the chair over to a computer next to him to start running a testing check to see if the a program and system are working well.

"Why? Didn't he give you three of your powers back?" Rumble questioned him. "Can't those to give you a different ability? That means you should have an edge on that guy now."

The screen shows the systems of the program go green. "Yes, he did. But none of the bottles have their best matches." Connor says as he slides back to work on the circuits of the device he's working on.

Rumble goes to Connor's left side and slams his hands onto the table. "So what? You can still use them. Plus, your weapon can use them. Then there's also your friends that you could ask to help you."

"It's not that easy. And asking them is not an option." Connor says as he checks the computer's screen to see if the program and system is all still working fine.

"Then you're just planning on waiting in here while working on useless junk." Rumble said looking at Connor with a look of disbelief before changing into one of anger. "Don't lie! You're just afraid. That's why you're just hiding here like a coward. You're no hero."

Connor sighs stopping what he's doing as he turns facing Rumble holding up one of his fingers. "Look first of all, I never claimed to be a hero. That's something you and everyone else at the school decided to call us. I never considered myself a hero. Second, don't judge how my powers and weapons work when you know nothing about them. I know them best." He added a finger as he continued. "Third, this enemy isn't a mindless or regular kaiju. It's a person who knows what they're doing. The fact he was studying my strength while fighting and giving me those bottles after saying I was lacking; means he's been in many fights before judging from the fact he was willing to give me more options and time to prepare against him. There's no doubt he's confident in this fight. I can't underestimate that and do my best to surprise him. Unless you don't care what happens to your brother." Connor ends with a serious look in his eyes that startle Rumble making him back up.

"N-No. I do. I-It's just-" Rumble tried arguing but stops when Connor stands up.

"And lastly, what's wrong with being afraid?" Connor questioned Rumble as he walked past him going to a drawer of tools. "Because to me, there's nothing wrong with it. Fear helps us know of dangers to avoid or give us challenges that help us become stronger." Grabbing the tools he needed, he turns to look at Rumble. "Do you consider your brother a coward?"

Rumble goes wide eyed. "W-What? No! He was anything but afraid. He was brave enough to face that thing without fear to give me a chance to get away." He shouted at Connor.

"You're wrong about that." Connor said as he walked past him to sit back down.

Hearing this, Rumble gets angry. "What would you know?" He yelled at Connor as he went to the other side of the table and slams both hands onto the table looking down at Connor with a glare. "What would you know how my brother felt? What would someone with powers know how my powerless brother felt?"

"I barely got these powers." Connor says as he stops working but keeps his eyes on his work. "Before I came here, I was the same as you and everyone else. I had no powers. I was just a normal guy living my life with my parents." Rumble's glare softens. "I don't have any siblings. So, I can't say I understand how an older brother would feel. But...I do know what it's like to be so scared of something but being more afraid of something happening to someone you care about. That's how I know that he was definitely afraid. There was something or...someone he was more afraid of getting hurt." His eyes look up to Rumble making him lose the glare completely from realizing what he means.

"He was afraid...I was going to get hurt." Rumble said softly.

Connor nods confirming. "He was afraid of something happening to you. That's why he tried fighting Brutus." He reaches into his pocket to pull out the rabbit and tank pins that he gives a small sad smile. "I used to have a friend that meant the world to me. He pulled me out of an empty life I had put myself into. Sadly unlike your brother, I wasn't strong enough to protect them." The last part catches Rumble's attention along with Rainbow's. "In my opinion, my friend should've been Build. They were more of the hero and the better fighter. They probably would've done better in that fight."

Connor tightens his grip on the pins. "That's why I can't ever let fear stop me." He says getting a serious look in his eyes as he puts the pins away and resumes working. "I'll definately defeat Brutus to get both your brother and the bottles he took back."

"B-But what...what if-" Rumble stops catching a blank fullbottle.

"Hey, as long as I show up, he won't do anything to your brother." Connor had said having thrown the bottle to him over his back without turning to look. "Just believe in the words of the inheritor of the Genus Rider title when I say that I'll get there in time. For now, you should get home to make up a story to tell your parents so that your they don't worry about your brother."

Rumble looks at the blank bottle for moment. "How did you lose them?" He asked looking up to Connor. "How did you lose your friend?"

Connor pauses for a second before resuming his work. "It was because of me. I made a mistake that costed both of us everything. Not one day goes by that I don't regret what I caused. I'll never forgive myself for it." Rainbow looks down at the floor sadly hearing that part. "But I will try my best to live my life for them by helping those I can reach." Connor looks to him from the corner of his eye. "Is that a good answer?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Rumble said with a small smile. He was about to run out the door but stops midway. "I'm counting on you, Connor. Please save Thunder." Rumble had said turning to look towards him before looking back to leave running out the door.

Before she could be seen, Rainbow hid behind the door as it was pushed open by Rumble as he left. Rainbow comes out of hiding the second Rumble was gone. She peeks into the garage to see Connor focused on what he's building before rearing her head back to think about what she heard. Rainbow never would've guessed he was hurting like that from the way he's never once shown any sign of it since she'd met him. She couldn't stand the thought of losing friend from something she caused. She wondered if he'd be willing to talk about her about it.

"Rainbow, you do know it's not "cool" to ease drop on people, right?" Connor called out from over his shoulder startling Rainbow out of her thoughts and peeking back through the door. "Before you ask, I saw your reflection from the reflection on the computer screen."

Rainbow decides to walk in while wondering if he's mad. "H-Hey Connor!" She said nervously scratching the back of her head trying to think of an excuse as she walked in but slouches sighing giving up. "I didn't mean to listen in on what you two were talking about. I just happened to get here when Rumble started yelling at you. I honestly thought he'd already left back home. I'm...sorry for listening in." Rainbow said looking a bit down.

"It's okay. No harm done." Connor says sliding over to the computer again. "It's not like I was trying to hide it. Just...please don't ask me about what happened, okay?" He asked while inserting a flash drive into the right side of the computer. He looks over to Rainbow, after not hearing her say anything, seeing her seem like she wants to ask something but isn't sure if she should. "All I ask is that you don't ask about what happened. Anything else besides that is fine." She relaxes a bit hearing that.

"What was your friend like?" Rainbow asked after walking over to stand next to him. "Were they cool and awesome? Well, I doubt they were as cool and awesome as me. But-" She stops when seeing Connor giving her a deadpan stare and quickly looks away chuckling nervously. "Sorry. I didn't mean to-Ow." She stops after Connor flicks her forehead.

Connor chuckled. "It's fine. You weren't actually that far off?" He told her as data almost finished downloading into the flash drive.

"Really? Which part?" Rainbow asked curious while rubbing her forehead.

Connor leaned back in the chair. "If you really want to know, you have to earn the right to know first." He smiles seeing Rainbow grin.

"What do you need me to do?" Rainbow asks as she cracks her neck and knuckles as the data finished downloading.

Connor grabs the flash drive and holds it up between them. "How fast can you draw?"

Within the Everwood Forest

Brutus had been walking around the woods ever since the battle, looking around with Thunderlane unconscious over his shoulder as he walked past each tree. After a while, he stops in front of a big, tall tree looking as if it's been around for ages with the center of the trunk having a green glow seep out from a small crack in it.

Brutus examines the crack for a second before dropping Thunder to the grass covered floor as he places his hands over the it. Brutus then presses his fingers against the crack till green energy started seeping out to shock him. Fighting through the pain for a while, Brutus changes into his kaiju form before putting all his strength into tearing the bark of the trunk apart with a bright green glow shining through the whole area around him.

Brutus pants after changing back. "Now this was unexpected. But what did it react to?" He says to himself pondering the thought before realizing something. "Maybe the two of us facing each other was fate at work, Build."

The Dragons Cavern

Hours had gone since Connor had been working on his invention with Rainbow lending a helping hand. The cafe had closed a couple hours ago, the time was now 11:26pm as they continued working to finish in time.

Rainbow had mostly just helped with making the images of what Connor's trying to make, along with getting tools he needed. Even when he told her to head home to rest, she decided to stick around to see how the invention would turn out. Rainbow did many things to keep herself entertained such as talking to Connor about the fun of having a band, talking about her favorite Daring Do books, and practicing playing her guitar.

Rainbow comes out of the bathroom having left need to use it after all the water and juice she had drank during the whole time. On her way back, she stops in the hallway leading back to the garage when she sees Derpy peeking into the room with a smile. Curious to the reason, Rainbow quietly walks over to her, taps her shoulder, and quickly covers her mouth when she was about to scream from being surprised.

"Oh. Hi Rainbow Dash." Derpy said quietly while holding a hand over her chest. "You really surprised me there."

"Sorry about that." Rainbow chuckled saying. "I was just on my way back from the bathroom till I saw you standing here. Though, why are you still here? I thought you would've already been back at home catching some z's."

"Well, Emerald said I could spend the night since I was wanting to try a new recipe. It didn't turn out so well unfortunately." Derpy said chuckling sadly. "After I cleaned up the kitchen, I thought I'd come check up on you two before going to bed. But I stopped when I saw Connor." She says smiling as she peeks back into the garage. "I just thought it was funny to how he looked so similar."

Rainbow makes a confused look. "Similar to what?"

Derpy looks back to her smiling. "To you. Didn't you notice?" Rainbow looks at Derpy unsure of her meaning before they both peek back in to stare towards Connor. "He has that same determined look in his eyes like how you have during one of your matches. The work he's putting into what he's building looks similar to how you practice moves and strategies. And that happy grin," Rainbow looks at his grin as he worked on a program. "it matches the one you make when you're confident on what you're doing. Don't you think so too?"

"Yeah. I...think I get what you mean." Rainbow says in a soft quiet manner as she recalls what Negi told her. "Why not find out from the guy himself? I feel like you two could learn a thing or two from each other."

She thought Connor and her could learn nothing from each other. She could now see why he had said that now. They may not do the same activities or be into the same hobbies, but they do share the same pride and confidence in what they love to do and are great at.

Derpy holds in a giggle almost being able to physically see a new admiration grow from Rainbow's eyes for Connor as she continued to watch him. "Well, it's getting pretty late now. I'm going to head to bed now. Good night, Rainbow." She said as Rainbow turned to watch her walk down the hall and turn around the corner. "Don't stay up for too long or Rarity might see it in a certain way." Derpy quickly said sticking her head out for a second.

"W-What?! Derpy...what do you...No...Rarity...She wouldn't...right?" Rainbow blushing questioned at the end but then shakes her head. "Yes. Yes, she would."

Walking back into the garage, Rainbow took notice that Connor was getting more and more faster the longer he continued working with a burning fire in his eyes, that she's never seen before. She continues staring at his eyes till they met with hers.

"You really took your time getting back from the bathroom." Connor said looking back at his work after she quickly looked away. "If you're tired, you should head to sleep already. I can finish the rest from here." He looks back to her to see her look back and forth between the floor and him while scratching her arm nervously. He sighs while turning back to work. "I already told you the only thing not to ask. If you want to ask something, then ask."

"Why do you give up on what you invent when you fail?" Rainbow asks seeing him look at her questionably. "You see, Negi told me about how you scrap inventions when they fail. So, I was just wondering why you do that instead of continuing till-" She pauses a second seeing him laugh to himself with a smile. "...you succeed? Is something I said funny?"

"No. Sorry." Connor apologized. "I was just laughing because that definitely sounds like something Negi would do. Though to answer your question, I scrap them so I can start back to square one. Isn't that the reasonable thing to do when failing at an invention?"

He chuckles seeing Rainbow tilt her head confused before looking back as he finishes working on the system that he's programing. "I find inventing as competitive and fun. It also really bugs me when all you have to do is solve a small problem with it and get it working so easily. So, when it fails, I consider it my lost and get rid of everything involving what I'm working on to start it all over again to try and win it from the start."

"It feels more of a win to me when I complete these inventions without any failures." Connor pushed the enter key at the end of saying that with the words saying, 'Construction Initialized' on the screen with a progress bar showing up with the percentage going up slowly. "Does that make me weird to you?"

"No. Sound pretty normal if you ask me." Rainbow said smiling to him as she walked over to him. "So, when do we get to test these fellas?" She asked as they continued working through the night.

The Next Morning

CHS was full of life as ever as classes were going on. In the middle of a literature class as the teacher was talking, Rarity stares over to an empty desk with a curious look. She leans a bit over to Sunset, who's seated at the desk next to her, as the teacher has their back turned.

"Sunset?" Rarity whispered to Sunset getting her attention. "Do you know where Connor is at? He's never been late to class since he started school."

"Well from what Drago told me," Sunset said quietly trying to remember. "Connor and Rainbow worked through the night together to finish what he was building. It seems like they were able to finish but were completely tired out. So, he and the others left them in the garage to rest up."

Rarity is completely surprised hearing this. Rainbow helping out a friend through a whole night with something uninteresting to her like science. She has helped friends out with things opposite of hers but never for a whole night without complaining or causing trouble to entertain herself. Thinking this brings a huge grin to her smile.

"Really now?" Rarity said as she giggles with thoughts racing through her head. "I'll have to ask her for the details later. By the way, you've been offly busy lately, darling. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. Everything is fine. I...just haven't had much free time." Sunset said while avoiding eye contact. "We should focus on class. I don't want to get a my grade to drop again." She had said quickly to stop Rarity from asking any more questions.

While they and everyone else was in class, Drago and Negi snuck out of their classes and met up on the roof while having made sure no one noticed them.

Drago looks at his phone. "30 minutes till noon. Connor might wake up in time at this point."

"No. He'll get there in time. I know that for sure." Negi looks towards the direction of Everwood Park. "But we should still head there. Someone needs to deal with the Desie and Primeval, right?" He says as he holds up his driver.

Drago nods as he brings his out and puts it on, "Then let's head out."

"HENSHIN!" (Alpha Tyranno!/Rising Hopper!) The two and their belts called out as the next second as they jump down from the roof as Jurassic and Zero-One. No one notices as their motorcycles start up and drive themselves from the parking lot to the front as they change themselves their Rider bike forms. The two jump on as they then ride off towards the park.

The Police Station

Shining was sitting at his desk looking over the little information they had gathered on the Riders. They had mostly only gotten images of the Riders, that their appearance could change, they each had different ability and traits, and that they had a mysterious hacker or group helping them based on the fact that any footage from cameras are either erased or edited over.

Shining slams the report down in frustration. "Who are these guys. They hardly leave any evidence; nothing is left of the kaiju they destroy, and they don't leave any trace of themselves behind as they get away." He leans back in his chair. "What can we do to get the upper hand on them?"

"Shining!" An officer called out almost making him fall backwards. Shining turns to the officer. "The Riders, Jurassic and Zero-One have been seen. From where they were seen, they seemed to be heading towards the edge of the city."

"Towards the edge? Where could they be heading?" Shining asked himself. "Alright. I'll head over there now."

Everwood Park

Riding through the park, the two Riders see the stone wall up ahead and take notice of Brutus standing at the top off the wall. They get off their bikes after getting a good distance close and run up to it.

"You must be Brutus. Build told us of his encounter with you." Jurassic said with him and Zero-One stopping a few feet away and look up to Brutus.

"Then I'm sure he's also told you that this match is exclusively between him and me." Brutus stated crossing his arms. "If you're here to get in the way-" He stops seeing Zero-One shake his head.

"Don't get the wrong idea. We're here for a different reason." Zero-One said.

Brutus raises a brow. "Oh. And what would that be?"

Jurassic points a finger to him. "You created a Primeval using Rumble's core. Either Return it or have that Primeval face us."

"Hm...very well. This is a good opportunity to test more than one Rider. Although" Brutus pauses to snap his fingers making the two brace themselves. "I would rather test Jurassic's power first."

The Riders get surprised when they hear an explosion. They turn around to look towards the direction the front of the park would be leading back to the city as the sound of screeching tires could be heard in the distance. The next second, guns being fired echoed over the area.

"What'd you do, Brutus?" Jurassic yelled out as the two turned back to Brutus.

"I was going to save them for Build, but the police seemed to have wanted to be entertained." Brutus said holding his hand out towards the sound of the shots. "I suggest you hurry, Zero-One. If you wait too long, there might be a body count."

"Damn it." Zero-One said to himself.

Zero-One rushed back to his bike and drove towards the battle in the distance. Jurassic watched till he was out of sight before looking back to Brutus.

"Now that he's gone, I can test you properly now, Jurassic." Brutus then snaps his fingers.

Jurassic looks in front of him to the wall as it opens up to let two kaiju walk over to his side. The first kaiju is another humanoid pegasus looking Desire but is blueish gray with a two-tone gray mane. But this Desire has crocodile parts instead like having crocodile looking legs and feet, clawed fingers coming out of the hooved knuckles, orange colored crocodile skin coming out random spots all around the body, and having the head of a crocodile.

The second is a mouthless Primeval also with red crystal eyes, blueish gray color scales with some of the parts like the chest, arms and legs being in the shape of a shaolin monk. The shoes, belt and collar of the uniform being made of a dark gray crystal with small blue kite shaped plates coming out the side of the wrists and ankles. It summons a dark gray crystal sansetsukon with four blue spikes coming out both ends of the three section staff.

"Desire! Stego! Help show me the extent of Jurassic's power." Brutus ordered.

"I'll put an end to the misuse of that core." Jurassic said summoning out the Exacore in sword mode before charging towards the kaiju.

Stego runs to meet him. Their weapons clash as they pass each other. Jurassic jumps up as Stego tried sweeping part of its staff at his feet, he then brings sword down onto the Primeval but is blocked by Stego using the other end of the staff and then by pushing both ends forward, the center of the three section staff hits Jurassic square in the chest making him stagger back.

"That was surprising. Uh!" Jurassic said taking notice of the Desire running at him. He puts up his sword in front of him to guard as the Desire relentlessly threw punches. 'How tough is this thing? My hands feel like they're going numb from just the vibrations its sending through the Exacore.'

Jurassic jumps back dodging the next punch. He notices Stego run up from behind him as he was landing. He then quickly ducks under the Primeval's sansetsukon while pressing the hammer on the belt as the two move passed each other. (Flaming!) The belt announced as he beathed fire at them. "My turn." He said as the fire surrounded them and ran up to them. (Stomp! Crushing!)

Using his crystalized red aura claw, he gets a couple hits on the Primeval while it recovered from the fire making it roll to the floor with sparks flying off it. As he swung his right arm at the Desire, his arm gets caught by an orange crocodile head made of energy biting down on him. "What? Ugh!" The Desire used its free hand to create another head that bites onto his other arm before it lifts Jurassic up putting pressure on his arms and then throws him to the side.

Jurassic rolls on the ground for a second, then uses the momentum to stand back up. As soon as he does though, he's hit in the back by Stego's sansetsukon. He turns to face the Primeval, only to get hit across the chest by the other end of the weapon. Jurassic is sent falling back a bit. He quickly stands up on one knee to look to the Primeval standing across in front of him and then to the Desire across behind him.

"This is't going to be an easy fight." Jurassic said looking back and forth between the two kaiju.

The Front of the Park

Chief Dusk, Shining and the other officers were taking cover behind their cars, rocks and other objects around as they were being bombarded with bullets. They peeked out to take a couple shots before ducking back down.

Shining tries to peek out again to shoot but get back down when shot pass by him. "What the hell are these things?"

Slowly marching towards them are a small army number of gray humanoid machines with flat diamond shaped face. They're all caring assault rifles with large bayonet blades attached. These machines continued advancing forward without stopping.

"Ah!" An officer screamed as they fell over after getting his shoulder shot. A female officer quickly pulls him back behind the car as a bullet hits the spot where his head was a second ago. "God fucking damn it!" The officer hissed in pain while holding his hand over his hurt arm.

"We aren't going to survive if this keeps up. Chief! How long till back up gets here?" The female officer shout to Dusk.

Before he could respond, Dusk takes notice that a bit of the gun fire stops. Making sure not to stick out too much, Dusk looks out towards the machines which lets him barely see that some of the ones in the back have turned to start shooting in the direction behind them. He was wondering what they were shooting at till three energy shots were fired at them, instantly destroying one of them as the shots hit it.

"Looks like back up is here." Dusk yelled out catching everyone's attention.

Carefully Shining and a couple officers that could, peeked out to see Zero-One come ramming in on his bike holding the Progrise Gunner in his left hand, then jumps off as the Progrise Dagger flew out the bike and unfolded in front of him.

"Guardians? What are these pieces of junk doing here?" Zero-One said to himself as he slashed at two of them that were closest to him. He then runs and jumps dodging the gun shots while he slashed those he could and shot others that were getting close to hitting him. "This is going to take a while." He said while looking around at all the Guardians.

Middle of the Park

Brutus continued watching Jurassic's battle from the top of the wall as the kaiju were having the upper hand at the moment. He watched as Jurassic tried his best to guard and fight off the two kaiju as they took turns charging at and attacking him.

Such as Jurassic ducking under and around the Desire's attack only to get hit by Stego's weapon a couple times making him stumble back. "Ugh. Aaahhh!" He shouted as his right arm gets bitten onto by the Desire's energy crocodile mouth, it has the mouth put pressure on his arm causing him to scream a bit and dropping his sword. The Desire then threw Jurassic over itself and before he could react, Stego swung its sansetsukon down into him. Jurassic slams onto the grass covered floor as he slid across it.

"I was expecting more from Jurassic than this." Brutus said to himself as he looked at his watch. "Build still has five more minutes to get here. Any later than that, then I'll have no further use for...hm?" Brutus had looked back to where he had left Thunderlane and sees Rumble had ran through the hole, that he had made to let the two kaiju walk through, making his way over to his unconscious brother. "Seems the boy wishes to die."

"Thunder! Thunder!" Rumble shouted as he reached Thunderlane and shook him a bit. "Thunder, please wake up."

"Ugh...five more minutes, Rumble. My head still feels like it's spinning." Thunderlane said as he started to wake up groaning.

Rumble smiles while he punches his brother's shoulder. "Don't ever do that again, dumbass. You scared me half to death." He laughs seeing his brother flinch and hiss from his shoulder's pain. "Come on, Thunder. We need to get out of- Agh!" He gets cut off as he gets kicked across the field.

Rumble lands holding his hands over his stomach where he got kicked as Tricera walks in front of Thunderlane.

"Rumble!" Thunder shouts worried before glaring at Tricera. "Leave him alo-Ugh!" He said trying to get up but is brought back to the floor by the Primeval pressing its foot down on his back.

Tricera looked down at Thunder. "Quiet. The boy was given a chance by Build to live. A chance to leave the work to those that could face me, but decided to return to face his death."

Tricera was about to look towards Rumble, it gets a bit surprised when Rumble rams himself into it trying to get it off his brother but does nothing to even move the Primeval. Tricera looks down at Rumble as the boy continues pushing against it. The Primeval easily hits him off. Rumble gets up to ram himself into it again, only for Tricera to hit him to the side again.

"Is there a point to this, boy? Why keep up this pointless action? Throwing yourself at me will always end in the same result." Tricera said as it kept having to hit Rumble to the side who continued ramming into it. "Why return when it would only end with your death?" Tricera summoned its katars.

"Because I don't want to abandon Thunder again." Rumble said as he almost gets stabbed by one of the katars and grabs ahold of the Primeval's arm. Tricera begins swinging him around. "I don't want to live with regret of leaving others to fight for me. So even if I get hurt or killed, I'll give my all to help my brother."

"Very well, boy." Tricera removes its foot off Thunder's back and then slams its left arm, along with Rumble, into the ground next to him. Rumble gasps for air for a second having had the air knocked out of him. "Then I shall answer your resolve."

Thunderlane sees the Primeval raise its right katar with it aimed at Rumble. "No!" Thunder forces his body to move, placing himself over Rumble as Tricera thrusts its weapon forward.

Both brothers had shut their eyes having braced themselves for the end with Thunder's phone alarm going off. but feel nothing as the sound metal clangs were heard. Both being curious, open their eyes to see Build standing between them and Tricera, having caught its weapon in his left arm while using the Vortex Saber to stop the other katar that was about to be used on him.

"It's noon, Brutus. Here I am. This fight is between you and me now." Build said as he used his rabbit side leg to kick Tricera back. (Dragon!) "Build up." After stumbling back a bit, the Primeval looks back after hearing a jingle play and sees the rabbit parts of Build were switched to dragon as he inserts a bottle into the saber. (Magnet!)

"I'll solve the formula...no. That doesn't sound right. Waoh!" Build said as he ponders in thought for a second till he dodges Tricera's katar.

The Front of the Park

As the battle with the Guardians continued, the machines had all switched their focus from the police onto Zero-One after he had destroyed about have of them and continued as he jumped up shotting at two of them.

(Dagger Access Charge!) The dagger announced as he pressed it against the belt with energy being charged into the dagger's blade. (Delta Slash!) The second Zero-One landed, he slashed through three of them. He stops to see how many are left and to catch his breath.

"Just a couple more and- Ugh!" Zero-One gets hit by a rocket that explodes on impact and sends him flying back a bit. "Agh...what was that?" He looks ahead to see a couple Guardians armed with rocket launchers. "Oh shit. I forgot they had those." Before he could recover or move, they started to bombard Zero-One with rockets. "Aaaahhh!"

Chief Dusk, Shining and the other officers watched Zero-One being showered with explosions from the rockets till they hear the sound of vehicles and propellers approaching. They turned to look behind them to see swat trucks and two helicopters arriving. Swat teams started exiting the trucks as soon as they stopped and ran over to the Chief Dusk and his men.

"Sorry for the wait, Chief." One of the swat members ran up to Chief Dusk.

"Just glad you got here at all, Captain Rook." Dusk said smiling.

Rook looked over to the battle. "It's like a damn fucking war was happening over here as we got closer. Seems like that Rider is finding out the hard way." He looked back to Dusk. "What do you need us to do, Chief?"

Dusk looks over to Zero-One as smoke from the explosions of the Guardians continued rocket covers most of him, then looks back to Rook. "Provide Zero-One with back up. I'm not sure if anything we have can stop these things. But he has a better chance of getting rid of them."

"On it." Rook turns to his men. "You heard the chief! Assist Zero-One!" He shouted as he, Dusk, Shining and the rest postisioned themselves and started firing at the Guardians with most of their shots focused on the ones with the rocket launchers.

Some of the Guardians started to switch their target towards the officers. Zero-One took notice of the lesser number of rockets as most of them were starting to miss him. As he was trying to stand up, something big hits his shoulder. He looks at what it was and finds a green colored progrize key with an image of a hedgehog.

Zero-One picks it up before looking to where they came from and sees Molten before they he disappeared into a dark smoke. "I get it." He said looking back to the battle. "I'll make sure not to lose to anyone. Since you want to face me again." (Revolver! Authorise!)

"Get down!" Dusk shouts as the Guardians shoot rockets towards them. But none of the rockets reach them as a giant green transparent mechanical hedgehog came falling between the two and curls into a ball as it rams into the rockets. Dusk and the rest watched with surprised looks as this happened and then see it roll next to Zero-One.

"Let's end this in one go." (Progrise!) The belt announced as Zero-One inserted the key. His armor on his chest and thighs rotate around and face splits in half moving to the side as the hedgehog seperates into six pieces and turn into streams of data towards the open spots. (Unstoppable rapid shots! Gatling Hedgehog!) Zero-One new armaments on his chest, shoulders and thighs were green with spikes sticking out them, along with the new face resembling a hedgehog face with quill shaped spikes at the top of the head and still has red colored bug like eyes. (Infinite spines shoot towards the enemy.)

(Bit-Byte-Kilo Rise!) The belt announced as he pressed the hopper key against it three times. (Gatling! Kilo Impact!) Zero-One curls up with his armor changing into a round shape as he rolls around and jumps over the Guardians as he begins to rotate faster. Thorns start shooting all around either stabbing into or piercing through the Guardians. (Gatling! Kilo Impact!) They all explode the next second.

Zero-One lets out an exhausted breath. "Job done. Time to get the hell out of here." He rolls back into a ball as he leaves the area while the smoke blocks the officers view of him.

In the Middle of the Park

(Flaming Crushing Bite!!) Jurassic's battle with the Desire and Stego continued as he tried to use his finisher on Stego but is stopped by the Desire getting in front of the Primeval to use the crocodile heads to bite down on the attack. "What?" Being held in place, Stego took the chance to charge energy into its weapon and swinging it at him with full force. "Aaahh!" The attack breaks through Jurassic's finisher, sending him fall and roll across the ground with sparks flying off him.

Jurassic gets up slowly as the two kaiju charge at him. He was about to using his finisher again till he hears the sound of small heavy footsteps along with a small roar.

"Blaze? Ugh!" Jurassic had said looking behind himself only to get something thrown into his face as Blaze ran past him to attack and confuse the kaiju by running around them. "A little warning would've been nice, Blaze. Hm?" He finds a suitcase shaped touch screen phone next to him. He picks it up to look it over. It's a in a black metallic color with a silver fossil design and red lining around the silver on it. The words 'Primal Cell' appears on the screen before changing to show his symbol on it.

"Wait. Is this for..." Jurassic brings out one of the primal cores and holds it under the phone. The numbers '091' appear on the phone, which he decides to dial in the code. (Ceratosaurus.) The cell announced after Jurassic pressed enter with a beam of light going into the ground. The Desire catches Blaze and hits him to the side as it charges at Jurassic.

As it was about to reach him, a silver fossil Ceratosaurus with red eyes and obsidian rock filling the inside of it behind the Desire. Having a bladed tail and small horn, it jumps above the kaiju hit it with multiple slashes of its tail. Jurassic stood up pressing a trigger button on the top right corner of the phone. (Dial in!) The dino stops attacking the Desire, leaving it stunned, to run up to Jurassic and jumps up towards him, splitting into two pieces. (Core Armament! Cerato Blade!) With the legs and arms folding in, the upper part attached onto his left shoulder with the head looking towards the side, while the bottom half attaches to the same arm as the tail separates and unfolds into a blade. Blaze runs up to the Exacore and tosses back to Jurassic.

"Amazing." Jurassic said admiring the armament after having caught his sword. Stego runs up to him swinging its weapon at him. He dodges the Primeval's first couple swings before crossing his weapons to block both ends of the staff. When he swings his weapons apart to push Stego back, the armament blade sends a line of energy trailing along from the sansetukon to its body with sparks flying off following the line.

"Huh. Neat ability." Jurassic gets into a stance as both kaiju get. "There's no need to hold back anymore." He then charges at the kaiju with the two doing the same. As he used his sword and blade to block their attacks or hits, his blade sent slash trails a couple times, along with getting in some hits with his sword.

Both kaiju try attacking Jurassic at the same time which he responds by guarding with the sword to stop both hits and hold them in place, and then pushes the hammer of the belt twice. (Crushing!) Red crystals grew around the blade before he lined the blade up between them and then thrusts it forward hitting both kaiju and sending them flying back.

While they recovered, he takes out the other two primal cores to hold under the phone and gets the codes '294' and '673'. (Acrocanthosaur. Microraptor.) The cell called out as both fossil dinos are summoned. One similar to a rex with three claws and fire surrounding it, and the other a raptor looking dinosaur with feathers on its arms, legs and tail. (Dial in!)

Cerato detaches itself for the other two to s[lit into twos and attach onto both arms. (Core Armament! Acrocan Burner! Micro Fan!) Acrocan attached onto the right arm with the lower half on the shoulder and the upper part on the arm with the head hanging over his hand. Micro attached to the left arm in the same way Cerato was but the arms of the dino were folded outward so the feathers could cover the dino's face from the sides.

"First keep them in one place." (Roar!) The two kaiju heard as they looked forward. Before they could do anything, Jurassic sweeps the fan sending a red burst of wind towards them that forms into a strong red whirling cyclone, trapping them in the middle of it. "Now to roast them." (Flaming!) Normal colored fire and red one began swirling inside the Acrocan mouth, then he launches it towards the cyclone after building up the flames for a while. The cyclone takes in the fire as it became a small tornado of fire.

Jurassic watched as they take damage inside the tornado. "This will end it." Jurassic hold the back of the phone over the tyranno core in the belt. (Alpha Input!) He then redials all three primal core codes as a standby jingle plays and then jumps high up. Jurassic then pressed the trigger button of the phone. (Alpha Tyranno! Primal Stampede!)

Jurassic gets surrounded in his own tornado of two fires along with two large feathers that postioned themselves like blades at the tip of the tornado as he went down towards the two kaiju in the fire tornado. The kaiju notice too late as Jurassic passes in between them as the flaming feather blades split them into two. He lands sliding on his feet across the grass as the two kaiju blew up inside the tornado.

Jurassic turned towards the tornado had been at as cell medal rained down. "Extinction." He said running a hand across his chest in a claw motion, along with Blaze and the dinos roaring next to him. Jurassic then looks over towards the wall. "The rest is up to you, Build."

On the other side of the wall, Build continued to be in a thinking state as he just kept avoiding or exchanging hits with Tricera. Having moved to a safe distance, Rumble and Thunderlane watched the battle. They get startled for a second when Rainbow ran up next to them.

"Rainbow? What are you doing here?" Thunder asked confused.

"I came to watch the fight. Why else would I be here?" Rainbow asked sarcasticly as she smiled looking back. "How's Build doing so far?"

Rumble shakes his head. "Not sure. It's mostly been even from how its looked. Though he seems to have something stuck on his mind."

"Maybe he's trying to think of a way to beat that thing?" Thunder suggested.

Rainbow shakes her head smiling. "Nope. That egg head is probably thinking of something dumb." She said making Thunder looking at her confused.

Build seems to finish thinking as he avoids Tricera's next attack as he then places his dragon sided hand against the waist of the Primeval and shoots blue flames that push both of them a good distance back while he switched the saber to gun mode. (Harinezumi! Solo Attack!) Build fires multiple quill needles that Tricera just places his katars in front of him to guard with making the needles bounce off them, making the needle lay sread around it.

Tricera sighs disappointedly. "I was expecting more than this small display, Build. Or was I giving you too much credit?"

(Magnet!) "I really was right. You're not so smart." Build said as he aimed the gun as blue energy swirled along with the spinning drill to the tip along with an 'S'. "I shall be the one to find the formula to this equation."

"What?!" Tricera said surprised as multiple red 'N's started appearing around its body. (Cross Combo!) Build fired blue needles this time towards the Primeval with the other needles laying all around becoming the same and launching themselves at Tricera. The Primeval roared in pain as it starts being hit from all around it by the needles with sparks flying off it. "How'd you do that?"

Build held out the magnet fullbottle. "Did you really think the magnet bottle did nothing when I first put it into the saber? That's disappointing."

"Impressive. Then what will you about this." Tricera shouted slamming its katars into the gound, making it shake with the stone wall breaking into pieces and then raises the katars back up to thurst them forward with the pieces of the wall doing the same as they head towards Build.

Build takes the bottles out the weapon to replace them. (Keshigomu! Syoubousya! Cross Combo!) Build fires water towards the pieces of stone and literally washes them away making them disappear.

Tricera gets surprised seeing this as it looks to see none of the stone is left. (Dragon! Same!) The Primeval heard this as it looks back to Build seeing he had switched his weapon back to saber mode as some shark fin form on the drill as blue flames circled along with the drill. Before it could react, Build sends a shark fin slash made of the blue flames that travels fast towards hitting Tricera and making it fly back with sparks flying off it. "Ugh!!"

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!/Yeah, Build! Keep it up!" Rainbow and Rumble shouted with smiles at the same time in a cheering manure.

"Wow. He isn't a hero for nothing." Thunder said as he and the others continued to watch.

(Wheel on!) Tricera activates the astro switch making the wheel armaments appear on the Primeval again as it raced towards Build. "Shit! Agh!" He doesn't get much of a chance to react as it speeds by him getting him with a slash.

"No. Not again." Rumble said with a bit of worry in his voice. He looks to Rainbow when she places her hand on his shoulder.

Rainbow smiles to him. "Don't worry, Rumble. Build has this covered." She said as she looked back. "He didn't use up that time for nothing you know."

As Tricera keeps speeding past Build, hitting him with slashes, he takes out a phone similar to Jurassic's but has red and blue tubes on it instead of a fossil design. Build quickly dials the codes 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005, and then pushes the trigger button. (Engine Casts; Engines Tank-Firetruck-Jet-Submarine-Rocket Deploy.)

Five tubes come out of the phone, each taking on five small different forms. The forms were a blue tank with two barrels, a red firetruck, a sky blue jet, a light blue submarine, and a light blue rocket. They all each had an empty slots in the back.

The second they finished materializing, the jet and rocket flew at Tricera and started showering the Primeval with shots and missiles, along with the submarine firing mini torpedoes. "Ugh! What are these things?"

"My new support." Build said as he shook the rabbit and hedgehog bottles before throwing them to the tank and firetruck. As the bottles insert into the open slots, parts of the two start openning and unfolding transforming them. The tank was now a red and blue rabbit with the two barrels acting as the ears, and the firetruck's front part was now a white and red hedgehog with the back part staying the same.

"You guy know what to do." He told the two as they nod understanding before heading towards Tricera.

"Gaaahhh!" Tricera is taken by surprise as the hedgehog started spinning into a ball making the ladder on its back start jabbing at the Primeval by making it extending into it. "What?!" Tricera takes notice of the ladder hit the bag on its side making it fall to the floor spilling out the bottles it took. Tricera was about to grab them till the rabbit hopped in front of him and sent him falling to his back as it shot the Primeval with the two ear barrels.

The rabbit looks through the bottles, tosses the lock bottle to the hedgehog after finding it, and it launches the bottle using its ladder to Build who takes the dragon bottle out the saber. (Dragon! Lock! Best Match!) Build turns the crank making the construct appear with dragon side again along with a new one. (Are you ready?) "Build up." (Fuin no fantasy star! KeyDragon! Yeah!)

The construct closed leaving the dragon parts the same but changes tank. Tank was replaced with a gold color with the chest having a lock design, the shoulder being a gold lock with a silver key going through it, a silver chain connected to the shoulder's lock leading to a key blade that's attached to the arm, along with the key's blade going the ring of a lock design wrist, and the image of a lock on the right side of the visor.

Tricera makes a shockwave blowing away the little supports and sees Build in his new form. The Primeval roars racing towards him again. Though this time, Build pointed the key on his arm toward it and twists his wrist a bit making a huge keyhole appear that Tricera falls into disappearing along with it.

Build turns around thrusting his right fist forward as the keyhole reappears behind him with Tricera toppling out and running into the fist, then is followed up with an upper cut to the jaw and an elbow across the face with blue flames appearing with each hit. Tricera growls while backing away using the wheels.

"You're completely predicable." Build says as he makes another keyhole appear behind it, making the Primeval fall into it and appear falling next to a tree. He then thrusts the key blade forward making chains fly out and wrap around the Primeval's legs and the tree, leaving Tricera close to the ground.

"How'd he-" Tricera stops seeing Build already close as he run up to it with blue flames building around his left foot. Tricera holds his katar up to guard as Build spun around once before thrusting his left foot sideways into a kick. The impact of the kick breaks the weapons and sends the Primeval going through the tree. 'His reactions are too quick. Did...did he have this whole battle planned out?' Tricera thought as it flew till hitting the gound and rolling to a stop. "What?! Where am I?!" The Primeval shouted surprised looking around a dark area before see the keyhole ahead of it leading back out close up.

"The law of victory have been set!" Build announced which he then proceeded to turn the crank. (Ready go!) The belt said as Build pointed the key blade to the sky creating a keyhole that he just hovers above him. The same happens with Tricera as it looked up and saw Build looking back at it as blue flames build into the palm of his hand. Build thrusts his hand forward sending a stream of blue fire through the keyhole, pinning Tricera to the ground before it could react and then pushed forward into another keyhole.

(Vortex Finish! Yeah!) The belt said as Build ran forward towards where Tricera comes falling out of the sky with blue flames cover the Primeval and then slashes through it using the key blade. Build stops lowering himself to one knee holding the key blade out like a sword while the other is to the floor as the Primeval explodes behind him.

Build turns and walks over close to Brutus to pick up the primal core and astro switch. Then Engines went over to him to drop the rest of the fullbottles into his hand. Brutus chuckles making Build look over to see him stand as the smoke clears.

"In just one night you found ways to counter and defeat me. Very impressive, Build. I was right to test you." Brutus said as he cracked his neck.

"Yes. Now I believe you owe me answers." Build says as he walked a bit closer. "You said you were from the Dragon Lands. What'd you mean by that?"

Brutus crosses his arms. "You're right. And I am a man of my word." He answered looking directly at Build. "My name is Brutus here. But back in Equestria I was known as Colossus, The Brutal Tyrant by those who either feared me or challenged me. I was one of four of the strongest dragons know to the land back in Equestria's past. Just like me, some of the others in the group are also from Equestria. Like Molten and Scarlet, who are a unicorn and hippogriff."

"Besides you three, are there any more of you that are from Equestria in your group?" Build asked.

"Yes. Each one from Equestria are from a different spieces. Each after a different goal that has lead them to wanting to release the master." Brutus answered. He waited a bit to see if Build would ask anything else. "If that is all, then I shall take my leave." He said turning around as a cloud of darkness appeared a few feet behind him.

"Wait!" Build said making Brutus stop to look back from the corner of his eye. "What's your reason? What made you come here?"

Brutus chuckles. "If you Riders want that answer, you'll have to defeat me again when I've gained my powers." Before Build could question him, Brutus walks into the darkness and disappears along with it.

"Hey, Build!" Build heard Rainbow shout to him. He looks to her, seeing her run up to him smiling along with Rumble and Thunderlane running next to her. "That was awesome. You were fighting like you knew what was going to happen. Think you can teach me how to do that? Ow!" She rubbed her forehead from the pain of him having flicked her.

"I doubt a hothead like you could learn." Build looks to Thunder looking at the two confused. "And it seems like you made it pointless to stay transformed." He said undoing his transformation.

Thunder goes wide eyed seeing Connor having undone his transformation. "Wait, wait, wait! Aren't you-"

"Yes, yes. I'm one of the new students." Connor said sending a message on his phone as the sound of officers could be heard in the distance. "Now quiet while I get us a ride back. It'd be better if we get out of here now."

Before anything else can be said, a silver veil sweeps through them making them disappear the next second as Dusk and the other officers arrived. They look around to see a battle had taken place there but no one was left around.

"Everyone stand down." Dusk said letting out a sigh at the end. "God damn it. Another miss to tell the fuckin' higher ups about."

Canterlot High

"What the?! How'd we get here?!" Thunder asked looking around.

They were back at school standing next to the bleachers at the field while the school was still in the middle of lunchtime. Connor walks past the three and sits down letting out an exhausted breath. He then takes out the fullbottles he just got and begins looking them over.

Connor grins looking at each bottle. "Seven new bottles with each making a best match with each other. Not a bad haul if I do say so myself." He looks to the three and sees Rumble chuckle with Rainbow next to him smirking at him while Thunder gives him a deadpan look. "What? I got more bottles to add to the arsenal along with seeing my inventions work completely great with no problems. I have the right to be happy." He said with a frown.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." Rainbow said as she and Rumble laughed. Though they stopped when Thunder walks up to Connor.

"Thank you, Connor." Thunder said as he stood in front of Connor. "I was completely useless in that fight. If it wasn't for you, I don't think either of us would've survived. So, thank you very much for saving Rumble. I really owe you big time." He had said looking down through half of it but when he looked back up, Connor was looking away with a down look in his eyes. "What's up? Did I say something wrong?"

Connor shakes his head in response. "No. I'm just not use to this and I'd rather not." He gets up making Thunder back up a bit. "You don't need to thank me. I was doing what any good Rider would've done." He says smiling. "Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go get lunch before the bell rings. I suggest you guys do the sa-Hey!" Connor shouted from Thunder putting his arm around his shoulder as Thunder pulled him along towards the school with Rumble and Rainbow following.

"I'm with ya on that one. I'm starving." Thunder says smiling. "Come sit at my table. I'll introduce you to my friends. I'll even pay for your lunch,"

"Maybe next time." Connor said slipping out of Thunder's arm and walks next to Rainbow. "I still need to talk to Rainbow about the winning conditions of our bet for the musical event coming up."

"Wait! Really?!" Rainbow smiles seeing Connor nod confirming. "Yes! Oh, my band is so gonna wipe the floor with you." She said with a competitive smile.

Connor rolls his eyes smiling. "Yeah, yeah." He said waving her off.

"Alright then. I'll hold you to that." Thunder said smiling. Then looks to Rumble. "Come on, Rumble. We should get lunch while we can."

"Yeah. Though" Rumble walks up to Connor and hands him back the empty bottle. "Thanks for saving my big brother, Connor. I knew I could count on you." He said smiling. Rumble goes back next to his brother as they start to leave. He turns back to wave to Connor. "See ya later, Connor. I'll come by the cafe now and then to hangout sometimes."

Connor smiled waving back as the two left and stops to look at Rainbow annoyed as she nudged his shoulder with her elbow looking at him with a grin.

"Looks like someone's got themselves a fan." Rainbow jokingly teased him with a smile. "Hey by the way, what made you change your mind about the musical event? You didn't seem that interested in it. So...why?"

"It's not that I wasn't interested in it. I just thought it'd be better to keep our schedules clear in case kaiju showed up." Connor answered before looking towards the school. "But...the way you stuck around yesterday, you reminded me that we aren't just Riders. We're also regular teens that should be making the most of what we're given. So, I thought the best way to thank you for that is by competing against you to see who can make a better band."

Rainbow chuckles before playfully punching his shoulder. "Yeah. You can try but we both know who's going to win. Me!" Connor had shouted the last part along with her, making her laugh. They started walking to the school. "You know, you might not think it but...just like Rumble, I think you make a great hero." Connor smiles hearing this. "Hey, I just remembered, what happened to Rumble's core? I don't think it ever got back to him yet."

Connor shrugs. "Drago probably still has it. He'll most likely give it back later when no one around can see. Which reminds me." He took out his phone, that's taken on a normal appearance, and begins looking over some data on it.

"Wait. I thought you finished the invention you were working on." Rainbow said confused while trying to look to see what he was working on. "Is that a dragon Engine support?"

"Nope. I just put it on hold so I could fully focus on Brutus. Plus, I'm just working on this in case something...'awesome' happens as you would put it."

As the two continued talking heading towards the school, they didn't see Drago sitting at the top of the bleachers across from them smiling as he watched them leave towards the school. He chuckles thinking of how they didn't take notice of a glowing orb having gone into Rumble as the two groups were separating. Once the orb enter Rumble, the hole in it filled and an image of a tornado made of thunder clouds appeared in it.

"I agree, Rainbow. Our Build really is a hero. Now just to figure out what's going on with Sunset." Drago says as he got up and started heading to the school as well. "Hm...why do I feel like something is wrong?"

The Everwood Forest

In the middle of the forest, Brutus was sitting inside a cave tossing an object repeatedly into the air.

"Next will be your turn, Zero-One." He said stopping to look at the object, which is a lock looking object with a strawberry at the front with 'L.S.-06' on it. He pushes a trigger button on the side making the top of the lock lift up open. (Ichigo!)

To Be Continue

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. I'm planning to use the notes from now on to explain things about the Riders abilities or weapons, or maybe other things down the line I've yet to think about. Like for instance todays chapter.

I want to talk about the Vortex Saber. I used this chapter to try and demistrate why I made the saber the way it is. Unlike the original, the Drill Crusher, the saber is able to use more than one bottle. It was designed to work similar to the belt by giving three different ways of using fullbottles with it. First is 'Solo Attack' which is just using a single bottle the same way as the original, the second is 'Cross Combo' which either uses the bottles abilitles as a combination or combines them into an attack, and lastly is 'Vortex Match' which is a finisher that uses bottles that are best matches to strengthen and boost the attack.

I thought a weapon like this would suit this Build best based on how I made him think and fight.