• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 16: The streak of light, that will save the world

We open inside of Tassel's house where we see Tassel and the cloaked woman there. When Tassel sees you, he smiles. "Bonne lecture, my friends!" He said. "I'm currently very astonished. Why, you ask?" He then opened a book and we see what happened in the last.

"Flash, Twilight, and friends were able to save the world from great peril." Tassel explained as we see Blades and Aqua destroying a pillar of light and then see Saber and Ember delivering the final strike at Calibur. "A truly wonderful ending!" He said as we see the riders and the Main 7 looking up at the sky with smiles on their faces.

"Or maybe not." Tassel said before he looked at the cloaked woman who nodded yes. Tassel then looks at you with a scared looked on his face. "I feel a new disturbance is about to emerge..." A book then fly out and opened up and we are pulled in the next chapter.

We open to the Megid lar where Legeiel punched the air with anger. "Those cursed swordsmen, their paladins, and those Equestrians..." He said with anger in his voice. "How dare they ruin my plan?!"

"How many times has it been now?" Zooous asked Legeiel with a smile on his face. He then walked close to Legeiel. "Your pride's now just a shell of its former self."

"What'd you say to me?!" Legeiel shouted as he pushed Zooous off of him.

"Now, now." Storious said to get the two's attention. "Yes, while your plan did fail..." He said to Legeiel. "It was most certainly a fruitful endeavor. As long as we gather the Sacred Swords and their respective books..." He said as he stood up. "The book of knowledge and power will be within our grasp..."

"In order for our plan to proceed, we require the Sword of Light that was lost a thousand years ago." The woman from the Southern Base told the person on the other end of the Gatrike Phone in a room filled with books. "With Calibur out of the picture..." She continued. "The key now lies within both Saber and his paladin, Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle. I am sure they will lead us to the sword that stands opposite to the Sword of Darkness." She smiled at the thought of it.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Both Pinkie Pie and Stone are playing rock, paper, scissors and Stone choose scissors while Pinkie choose paper. The group returned back to Fantastic Books after they saved the world a few days ago and it was getting close to a new year. "I still can't believe this year is almost over." Pinkie Pie said.

"Boy, have a lot of things happened." Applejack said as she took off her hat.

"Sophia is still missing..." Sunset said. "And both Arabia and Velvet..." They all remember what happened to them. There is a bit of a silence in the room at just the thought of it.

Then Surge designed to break the silence. "Oh, yes. If I recall, in the country of Japony has an old tradition of housekeeping at the end of the year."

"Housekeeping?" The CMCs and Stone asked.

"Is that difficult?" Wind asked.

"Hey!" Twilight shouted. "He means cleaning the house. In the past, in Japony, it was a divine ritual meant to welcome the deity who watches over the new year." She explained.

"Yes, yes, that!" Surge said. "Let us try it together!"

"You mean you want us to do chores?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Cleaning the year's dirt off, huh?" Beat asked.

"Heck, me and my family do that everyday." Applejack said.

"This year was especially nasty, after all." Terra said.

"There's nothing wrong to keeping it neat and tidy." Rarity said.

"Yeah. Besides," Sprit flew to a bookshelf. "this place is dusty for a place called "Fantastic Books.""

"Yeah, sounds fun!" Stone cheered.

"I fell like I'm out voted, so I might as well help out." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's also tradition to finish off with a Japony new year's soba." Celestia pointed out.

"You mean the annual soba!" Surge said as he went over to Celestia. "I always wanted to try it at least once!"

"Leave it to me!" Beat shouted as she looked through a small magnifying glass. "I'll make the most wonderful soba ever."

"That settles it!" Terra shouted as he clapped his hands. "Let's all do some shopping tomorrow!" Everyone agreed to the idea and talk about what they are going to get when they go shopping for ingredients. The only ones who weren't in the talk is Flash, Twilight, Spike, and Sprit as they remember what Night Light asked of them before he died. He asked them to seek out the truth in his stead and look for the one who made Sombra betray the guild.

"Are we really not going to tell them?" Spike whispered to Twilight and Flash.

"No. If there is a mole in the guild, then whoever it is might hurt our friends as a warning to stop." Twilight whispered.

"Are you three going to be fine though? You know, after what happened." Sprit whispered.

"We should be fine. As long as we're with them." Flash told Sprit as they looked at their friends.

Back in the Megid lar, the Megid leaders are talking about what to do next. "Thanks to the door that connected this world and Equestria to the Table of Revelations, many humans, ponies, and creatures from Equestria have been connected to the Wonder World." Storious told Zooous and Legeiel.

Storious walked over to a painting that opened up to give him a big blank white book, the size of the Jaou Dragon book. "Now we can harness an alternate method..." Storious said as he took the blank book. "...of creating even stronger books."

Somewhere in the city. A woman was bouncing her baby girl and having fun with her. "You laughing?" The woman asked her baby. "Hey, look at this!" She said to her husband who was staring at something into the sky. "What's daddy looking at all this time?" She asked as she walked over to him.

He stop looking at the sky and looked at his wife. "Can't you see it?" He asked her. "There's a strange world in the sky." He said as he pointed at the sky and in the sky is Wonder World.

In a building, a woman with bright yellow skin and fire orange hair looked saw Wonder World through a window. "There it is again..." She said to herself as she saw Wonder World.

"You see it again too, huh Spitfire." Asked a guy with light blue skin and dark blue hair.

"Soarin, Spitfire, what's up?" Asked Rainbow Dash as she walked over to them and looked out the window with them. "Whatcha lookin' at?"

"It's nothing Crash." Spitfire told Rainbow Dash. "Say Crash, what have you been up these last few days?"

"Oh uh, just hanging with my friends and all that. You know?" Rainbow answered sheepishly.

"You know what I find weird?" Soarin asked. "A few days ago, I saw a pegasus that looked similar to me when I was walking home."

"Yeah, same here." Spitfire said.

"Whaat?" Rainbow asked. "Pegasus that look similar to you? That's just crazy!"

"You should know all about that, Crash!" Said a teenager girls voice close by. Rainbow had an annoyed looked on her face as she turned and saw the source of the voice. The teen is about Rainbow Dash's age, she had bright greenish skin with lightning color hair and eyes. This is Lightning Dust, Rainbow's rival. "After all, we know the kinds of things you and your friends been doing since the Fall Formal. With all that magic mobo jumbo and crazy stuff like that. That freak Sunset really brings trouble with her."

"Hey!" Rainbow shouted as she went up close to Lightning Dust's face. "Don't talk about my friend that way! And don't blame her for all that stuff, or the crazy things with parts of the city disappearing!"

"Hey now you two!" Spitfire shouted as she pulled both Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust apart. "Knock it off! And Lightning Dust, you told us that you too saw a pegasus that looked similar to you that was wearing a black jumpsuit with a green lightning bolt on the sides."

Rainbow Dash smirk at Lightning Dust when Spitfire reminded her. Just when she was about to leave, Lightning Dust caught a glimpse of Rainbow's Wonder Paladin Book in her bag just as Rainbow Dash was about to zip it up. "What's this?" Lightning Dust asked as quickly grabbed the book and looked at it.

"Hey! It's nothing!" Rainbow shouted as she quickly grabbed her book back and ran out of the. Before she left, Spitfire, Soarin, and Lightning Dust caught a glimpse of Rainbow's Paladin Driver in her bag before she closed it.

Both Spitfire and Soarin saw Lightning Dust with a smirk on her face as she followed Rainbow Dash. "We better make sure she does not try and fool around with Rainbow." Soarin told Spitfire who nodded in agreement. Before they left, Spitfire got one last look at Wonder World out the window and in the sky.

As Rainbow Dash walked, a man was talking to himself. "No. I hate this world. The world over there looks... so beautiful." Rainbow stop and heard what the man said.

"Weirdo alert...!" Rainbow said to herself before she kept on walking, with Lightning Dust following behind. Spitfire and Soarin followed Lightning Dust as she followed Rainbow Dash, they even heard what the man said and is surprise that the man can also see Wonder World.

At Fantastic Books. Twilight and Flash were alone with Sprit as they thought about how are they going to find the truth like Night Light asked. They even thought about what he said about Sombra betray the guild because he was corrupted by someone within the Sword of Logos. "The true enemy is within the guild..." Twilight whispered.

"The only question is, who is it?" Flash asked just as Spike came in with a orange dog in his arms.

"Uh Spike. What's with the dog?" Sprit asked when she, Twilight, and Flash it.

"Oh, I found her on the streets and thought she might be lonely." Spike answered. "And she kinda reminds me of me when I was a dog. I feed her some food and well we kinda bonded. I named her Smolder, because when I first saw her she gave me a smoldering look." After Spike explained the dog, the woman from the Southern Base came in.

"I heard you two took care of Calibur." She said to both Flash and Twilight.

"It's you. You're from the Southern Base..." Twilight said.

"Ruby Mist." She told them her name. "But I prefer to be called Mist. I've come to scout you two."

"Scout us?" Flash asked Mist.

"Flash Sentry. Twilight Sparkle. We place great value on your strength." Mist told them. "Will you work as a swordsman and a paladin of the Southern Base from now on?"

"Wait, you want Flash and Twilight to leave the Northern Base and go to the Southern Base?" Sprit asked Mist who nodded yes.

"Thanks but we're good." Flash told Mist.

"We'll stay and fight alongside our friends here at the Northern Base." Twilight told Mist.

"I see. Well, I wish you the best." Mist said before she turned and left.

"Well that was odd." Spike when Mist was gone.

Later the rest of the main seven, Shining Armor and Cadence came back and was talking about their day. Rainbow Dash even brought up how Lightning Dust was insulting Sunset and everything. Fluttershy started to adore Smolder when she saw her. Sunset noticed that both Twilight and Flash weren't paying attention. "Hey, Flash and Twilight. Are you two okay?" She asked.

"Didn't you both hear what I just said about Lightning Dust?" Rainbow asked the two.

"Sorry, something was on our minds." Twilight said. Sunset could easily use her magic and look into their memories to see what's bothering them. But after everything that has happened, she decided to asked them.

"Is it about your dad, Twilight?" Sunset asked. Both Flash and Twilight nodded yes to answer her.

"He said that the true enemy is within the guild." Flash told them.

"Really?" Shining asked when he looked at his sister, Spike, and Sprit who nodded yes. "If that's true, then..."

"Is it okay to believe him just like that?" Rarity asked. "I mean, we all know what he did to your mother and Arabia..."

"No matter the reason..." Twilight said. "What he did to mom, Arabia, and everyone else is unforgivable. He was in the wrong. But he told us something." Everyone else listen to what she is about to tell them. "Dad was constantly searching for the answer to the incident 12 years ago. With all the sins he had to bear..." She had sad tone.

"Just like mom and Arabia." Shining said. "It's tragic, when you think about it."

"That's why we want to uncover the truth." Flash said. "Doing so will help Twilight keep her promise to Arabia while we are protecting the world." Everyone nodded when Flash said that.

Twilight saw the pop-up book next to her and picked it up. "Could that pop-up book have something to do with it too?" Fluttershy asked.

"Star gave me this pop-up book." Twilight said as she opened the book and the Wonder World page popped up. "She was a mysterious girl who suddenly appeared before me and Sprit." She remembered the day she and Sprit first mate Star.

A young Twilight and Sprit were sitting under a tree and reading a book, when a young Star walked up to the two. "I found you!" Star said. Young Twilight and Sprit looked up from the book and saw Star standing infront of them with a smile on her face and holding the pop-up book.

"Who are you?" Young Sprit asked the young Star.

"And what did you find?" Young Twilight asked.

"My name is Star and I found you two, of course." She answered the two. The next thing they knew, they let her sit down with them and they looked at the pop-up book together. "Your mom writes some really cool stories, Twilight!" They laughed together as they enjoyed each others company.

"It wasn't long before our childhood friend Arabia joined us." Twilight told her friends, boyfriend, and sister in law. We then see a young Arabia running up before waving to her friends. She soon joined them under the tree. "The four of us would often read books, write stories, play swordsmen, and talk about stuff. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. But..."

Twilight remember the day her friend was being sucked into the vortex and she lost her friend. "I swear to keep the promise I had forgotten about!" Twilight said.

"Well, you're not going to be alone in this." Sunset told Twilight. "We can at least help you both. Do you have any leads?"

None of them answered because they didn't know where to start. Then Twilight spoke up. "The omniscient and omnipotent book where the world's future has been written..."

"Not to mention the true enemy within the guild..." Flash said. "There's just so much to uncover!"

"Ooo! This is like a mistory game!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she was dressed in a detective outfit after she spun around. (It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it.)

"It is sorta like that, Pinkie." Twilight said. "But I know what we must do. We find those answers with Surge and the others. The 12 year old truth." Little did they know, Lightning Dust was listening on them and heard everything they were talking about the guild and about finding some true enemy. While Lightning Dust was on one side on the outside of the bookshop, Spitfire and Soarin were on the other and they too heard everything.

The next day Surge was at a lottery both while he went shopping for cleaning supplies and when he got something, Mist walked up to him. "Sophia has been captured by the Megid." She told him.

"Is that true?" Surge asked in surprise by this info.

"We've been ordered to convene at the Southern Base." Mist said.

Somewhere in an unknown location. Sophia wakes saw that she is somewhere with a barrier around her. Later we see Beat coming down some stairs with Terra holding his son in his arm. "Soba! Soba!" Both Terra and Stone chant. They stop when they saw Mist.

"I'm afraid that both Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle will betray the guild." Mist told the two riders.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Terra asked as he put his son down. "Why would we believe that?"

"I don't think they're the traitor types." Beat said. When Mist looked at her, Beat quickly put the bag she is holding infront of her face.

"Did anyone predict that Sombra Dark and Night Light would betray us?" Mist asked. The two thought about it and they really didn't predict that Sombra and Night would betray them. "Only they entered the door to the Table of Revelations with Calibur. The boy and the fairy were just tag alongs. Those who come into contact with such power would be entranced to obtain it. It would continue the chain of betrayal."

"A chain of betrayal..." Beat said as she thought it over.

"Sombra Dark and Night Light sought power and betrayed the guild." Mist continue. "Both Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle has also come into contact with that very same power. No one knows what happened within the pages of that book." The two riders looked at each when she said that.

Somewhere in the forest. A woman with camping gear is walking along a path as she stretch out her arms. "The great outdoors sure beats being in the messy city!" She said to herself. When she looked up at the sky, she can see Wonder World. "I can still see it... Whatever, I must be tired." She told herself as she continued on.

"So once we tell the others what Night Light asked us, we can get on to find out who the enemy is." Flash said to the group. They along with Celestia, Luna, and the CMCs were caught up to speed and agree to help out.

"Hey! Maybe we can be riders too!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Maybe when you're older, kiddo." Rainbow Dash said as mess with Scootaloo's hair.

"Flash. Twilight." Surge said as he, Wind, Terra, and Beat were up ahead. "Do you both mind handing over your Wonder Ride Books, Sacred Sword, and Paladin Driver?" Flash, Twilight, and the others were confused.

"Wait, what's going on?" Flash asked as he noticed Surge, Wind, Terra, and Beat did not look happy.

"Lady Sophia has been captured by the Megid." Surge said.

"Wait what?!" Rainbow asked as she and the others were shocked to hear that.

"Because of that, the swordsmen of the Northern Base now take orders from the Southern Base." Beat told them.

"And what do Flash's sword, my driver, and our books have to do with it?" Twilight asked.

"These are our orders from the Southern Base." Terra answered.

"I do not want to do this either, so please continue to fight on our said." Surge asked.

Both Flash and Twilight is not sure what's going on. Hiding not to far is Lightning Dust who's still followed them after what she just heard yesterday. She even spotted Spitfire and Soarin here as well. But she will talk to them later about this. "No, I'm afraid we can't do that." Flash said.

"Why is that?" Surge asked.

"Well, my dad told us something." Twilight said. "He told us that true enemy is within the guild."

"What are you on about?" Wind asked. "You aren't making any sense!"

"Your father was the traitor, remember?" Terra asked Twilight.

"And he is the one who killed your mother and Arabia..." Surge said with a sad look at the memory. Everyone had one because of the memory of that day.

"But we feel like we can trust his last words." Flash said.

"Yeah, we made a promise to uncover the truth from 12 years ago..." Twilight said. "And find the one who sought power."

"Power..." Terra said as he and Beat remember what Mist told them. "She was right..."

"A chain of betrayal..." Beat said with pain in her voice as she shot both Flash and Twilight a look.

"Boy! Girl!" Terra shouted at Flash and Twilight. "Hand over your sword, driver, and books at once!"

"We're not going to!" Flash argued.

"I promise Arabia that I would save Star." Twilight told them. "Flash will help me and we need the power of the Sacred Sword and Ride Books to fulfill that promise!

"Think it over, you two." Terra said. "There's a limit to what you can do with just two. But with us on your side..."

"We can't trust the Sword of Logos anymore!" Twilight shouted, interrupting Terra. Surge had a look of disbelief at what Twilight just said.

"Are you kidding me?!" Wind shouted. "Your dad freakin' killed your mom and Arabia! If you're actually gonna believe him, then you're as much of traitors as he was! I'm gonna kick your butts!" She shouted as she took out her book.

Sarutobi Ninjaden

Lightning Dust, Spitfire, and Soarin watch as Wind place her Sarutobi Ninjaden book in her sword before she pulled the one sword into two.

Split the Twin Blades!

"Henshin!" Wind shouted as she slashed her swords and charged at both Flash and Twilight as she transformed into Kamen Rider Kenzan.

~Hayate, Sword of Zephyrs!

Rainbow Dash use her magic and quickly got the CMCs, Sunset, Spike, Smolder, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence out of the way. Flash and Twilight dodged Kenzan's attack just in time. "This does not look good!" Sprit said on Sunset's shoulder. Lightning Dust, Spitfire, and Soarin were shocked to see one of the riders that saved the city are right here. When Kenzan went for another attack, both Flash and Twilight took out their books to block her attack.

Brave Dragon
Wonder Paladin

They quickly put their books in their drivers and Flash draw out his sword while Twilight pressed the button on her driver.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!

As flames covered Twilight, Flash slashed his and the slashes made Kenzan step back. "Henshin!" They both shouted and they transformed into Kamen Rider Saber and Ember.

~Brave Dragon!
~Wonder Paladin!

Lightning Dust, Spitfire, and Soarin were in awe from seeing Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle transformed into Kamen Riders. The two riders clashed blades with Kenzan. "Listen to us!" Ember shouted as they try and hold Kenzan. "The guild might be trying to deceive you!"

"I have had enough of this!" Surge shouted. "The guild wouldn't deceive us! They're the family who raised me!" He shouted at Ember with anger in his voice. Surge then took out his book.

Lion Senki

"Henshin!" Surge shouted as he place the book in his driver and draw out his sword to transform into Kamen Rider Blades and charged at both Saber and Ember.

Unsheathe the Current!
~Lion Senki!

Rarity took out her driver and book to transform into Kamen Rider Aqua.

Paladin Stand!
~Wonder Paladin!

Aqua clashed with Blades just before he could reach Saber and Ember. Aqua did her best to keep Blades back, but Blades pushed her back and Kenzan struck both Saber and Ember. Blades kicked Aqua back then struck Saber. "I hate fighting, but..." Beat said as she ready her sword.

"We have no choice." Terra said as he and Beat took out their books.

Genbu Shinwa
Hanselnuts to Gretel

"You are not going to hurt my sister!" Shining Armor shouted as he ready his book.

"You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" Rainbow shouted as she and the others ready their books.

Wonder Paladin

They all transformed into their rider forms. Terra into Kamen Rider Buster, Beat into Kamen Rider Slash, Applejack into Kamen Rider Quake, Rainbow Dash into Kamen Rider Whirlwind, and Fluttershy into Kamen Rider Reverb.

Fracture the Enemy!
~Grumble, rumble! Gekido, Sword of Tremors!
Jam With the Bayonet!
~Suzune, Sword of Echoes!
~Wonder Paladin!

Each rider charged at each other. One side trying to get Saber and Ember while the others are trying to help them. Buster clashed with Quake and Drake, while Slash took on Reverb and Whirlwind. Aqua continue to fight Blades while Kenzan continue on to attack Saber and Ember.

The paladins and Saber were doing their best as they try to hold their own. But the other riders are more experience, they were able to over power them. Buster quickly switch to the Jack-to-Domamenoki book and tie up the paladins in vienes.

Then he clashed blades with Saber and Ember, slamming his sword into the ground with theirs. "Stay still and hand over your Ride Books!" Slash told the two as she try to reach for their books. Saber moved Buster quickly infront of them and jumped out of the way. Kenzan struck both of them to the ground. Ember pushed Kenzan off of them just as Blades went in for an attack.

Saber blocked Blades's attack, causing them both to roll on the ground. When they both got up they clashed blades. "Why won't you listen to us?!" Blades asked. "Have you truly been entranced by the great power?!"

"Entranced? What are you talking about?!" Saber asked. He then pushed Blades off him and got up. Slash try to get him from behind, but Ember blocked her attack. Each rider then ganged up on both of them. The paladins saw their friends in trouble and try to get free from the vines.

"The messenger of the Southern Base told us what happens." Slash said. "That great power turns people into traitors!" Saber kick Blades back just as Ember did the same with Slash. They then spun around to move them away from them.

"A messenger from the Southern Base?" Ember asked. Then they both knew they are talking about Ruby Mist. Ember just then thought of something about the Southern Base. "That's it! The traitor's in the Southern Base!"

"Is that what you're going with?!" Kenzan asked before she charged and swung her swords at both Saber and Ember. The two blocked her attacks before she spin kicked them then struck them with her swords. They both fell to the ground by the attacks.

Buster put his sword on his back as he walked to both Saber and Ember. "Do as you're told and go back to the lives you had before!" He told them.

"We can't..." Ember said before the two struggle to get back up. "I'm keeping my promise. No matter what happens!"

"And I'm staying by her side, no matter!" Saber shouted.

"You're gonna get owned!" Kenzan shouted as she charged at the two. Saber and Ember blocked her attack and moved her aside. But she the kicked them into Buster, who grabbed both of them. Kenzan then slashed them both while Buster hold them. When she went for another attack, Saber and Ember got free from Buster's hold and Kenzan struck him instead.

"Buster!" Slash said as she caught him when he stepped back from the attack.

"Man, did both them and Night Light go through the same thing?!" Buster asked.

"We have to stop Saber and Ember!" Slash shouted as she and Buster charged at them. Each time Saber or Ember blocked, dodged, or to their attacks, they thought to themselves that they don't want to fight them. For they are their friends. They did their best not to attack back against them, but with the others trapped in vienes they won't last much longer.

Kenzan then slashed her swords and they both took a step back. "You're both too weak!" She shouted switch her sword to its Shuriken Mode, then took the book out of it to scan it. "Fight like you mean it!" She shouted as she jumped and threw her sword at them.

Sarutobi Ninjaden Nin nin!
Hayate: Skimming Strike! Nin nin!

Her sword struck both of them a few times it send both flying to hit a wall and fall to the ground. Mist watched the hole thing as she is on her Gatriker Phone. "It has begun." She told who ever is on the other end.

At the Megid lar, the three watch the riders fight both Saber and Ember through a bubble. "It's time for us to play our part." Storious said. "We must collect the lost pages of the Table of Revelations." He hold out the blank book. "Write us a new story, will you?" He asked Legeiel.

Legeiel smile as he took the book from Storious. "Keep your eyes peeled." He told the two as he was walking out.

Back with the fight. Both Saber and Ember looked up from the ground and saw that they are out match. Kenzan walked over to them and looked ready to end them. As she raised her sword both Sunset and Spike couldn't stand to watch anymore. "Please, no more!" Spike shouted as he and Sunset ran got infront of both Saber and Ember, ready to take the hit.

"Spike! Sunset!" The paladins, the CMCs, Sprit, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Blades called out. Just before the sword could come close to hit them, a cloaked figure blocked it. Then the cloaked figure grabbed Kenzan's arm and pushed her back.

The cloaked figure then spoke in a familiar voice that Saber, Ember, Spike, and Sprit recognized. "Sacred Swords are for protecting the peace of the world. Not for whatever this is."

"Who are you?!" Sunset asked the cloaked figure. The cloaked figure then removed her hood to reveal her face. Her skin looked sliver while one eye is gold and the other one is sliver and her hair had a gold and sliver pattern and she looked to be the same age as Celestia. This woman then pulled out an odd looking driver and place it on her waist.

Sacred Saikou Driver

"I am the blade who protects the world." The woman answered. She then pulled out a Wonder Ride Book titled "Kin no Buki Gin no Buki."

Kin no Buki
Gin no Buki

She then opened the book to reveal a short story within.

Gold or sliver?

She then closed the book and pulled the lever on the driver before placing the book in it. She then took hold of the handle and raised it as it is a sword.

Release the Radiance!

"Henshin!" The woman shouted as her hole body turned into dust and went into the sword itself.

~Who is the shining sword?
Saikou: First Chapter
The sword wielding the power of gold and slive

The sword was floting in the air and moved around on its own. Everyone who saw this were both shocked and surprise to see something like what just saw. "She turned into a sword...?" Blades asked in confusion.

"It can't be...!" Slash shouted.

"I am the sword, and the sword is I!" The woman's voice came from the sword itself. The sword the struck Kenzan then Buster. Slash try to block the sword's attack but it eventually strike her before striking Buster again then to Blades. Kenzan try to get a hit, but it's impossible to hit something that is just a sword. The sword then struck her when it flew passed her.

"She has appeared, just as predicted." Mist told whoever she is talking to on the phone. Slash, Buster, Kenzan, and Blades were struck again before the sword flew above them.

"Let there be light!" The sword said as a button on its side lit up and it spun around.

Release the Radiance!
Good luck

As it spun very quickly, it came down on the four riders and stuck them at once. After the attack, they then transformed out of their rider forms and fell to their knees. The sword then freed the paladins from the vines.

At the Megid lar. Storious and Zooous saw the sword through the bubble. "The long lost Sword of Light..." Storious said.

Saber and the paladins gathered as the CMCs, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Smolder went over to them and the sword floated infront of them just before it glowed and the woman returned in its place just as the others transformed out of their rider forms. "We should..." Beat said to Terra as they along with Wind and Surge stood up.

"Yeah, we should retreat." Terra said.

"I ain't done with you yet!" Wind shouted as both Terra and Beat hold her and carried her away. "The heck are you doing?! Let me go!"

"This is truly a shame..." Surge said as he looked at Flash and Twilight with a disappointed look before he turned and left.

The woman then turned to look at both Flash and Twilight. "We meet again, Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle." The woman said with a smile on her face. "What a wonderful day this is!" Just then, Lightning Dust, Spitfire, and Soarin came out from hiding and went over to them.

"What the?! How long have you three been here?!" Rainbow asked when she saw them.

"Uh, a while. We saw the hole thing too. And even I'll admit, it looked so awesome." Lightning Dust said.

"Now that we got that out of the way, who the hey are you?" Applejack asked the woman.

"My name is Radiant Light." She answered. "The most wonderful sword who protects the world."

Back in Tassel's house, Tassel himself jumped out of his seat. "She has revealed herself at last!" He shouted with excitement in his voice. "But the bond that Flash and the main seven shared with their friends has been broken. I'm very worried..."

Somewhere in the forest. The woman set up camp and heard something. When she looked around, she saw Legeiel standing there with the blank book in his hand. "I shall give you an amazing power." He told the woman.

The woman stood up and Legeiel threw the book at her. When it hit her, she got covered in dark power and felt pain. Soon the book opened up and she transformed into a Megid.

Shirayuki Yeti

The Story Continue

Author's Note:

There are cracks within the Sword of Logos?!

The Sacred Sword of Light appears!!

When the rider who has the Sword of Light transforms, her words will be like this when she becomes the sword.

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