• Published 31st Oct 2021
  • 1,824 Views, 135 Comments

Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, Chapter 30: Bonded, Even When Apart. 

Author's Note:

Here's a new question for you all: which one of OOO's form is your favorite?

I like his TaJanDor form.

As we open to the meeting room in the Northern Base, we see Surge stand infront of his friends as they wait for him to say something. Surge took a moment to find his words before he finally spoke. "The true foe was Master Logos. He declared that: "With all the Sacred Swords and Wonder Ride Books gathered, the Omniscient Tome will be restored for the first time in the 2000 years. And its grand powers will be mine.""

"Looks like you were right Twilight." Spike said.

"Now we know exactly who our enemies are." Flash said to others.

"And it was all thanks to Surge and Rarity!" Pinkie Pie shouted with excitement. Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie for a bit before everyone smile but Surge, who looked down with a sad look on his face.

"So the organisation truly was void of justice." Light spoke up.

"Sombra and Night Light's betrayals make more sense with the Master behind them." Terra said.

"We're making an enemy of the entire organisation by taking on Master Logos." Shining Armor pointed out.

"But now we have Sophia and Surge back with us." Twilight said.

"Not only that, but we have each other!" Silverstream said with excitement. "Thanks to Terra's training, we gotten stronger!"

"Yep, and both Spike and Smolder are trying to put their switch to human to dog into battle." Apple Bloom said.

"Exactly. And I'll have our swords in top condition." Beat said.

"Let's stop Master Logos together." Flash said to everyone in the room before he turned to Surge. "Right, Surge?" When he pat Surge's shoulder, Surge stepped back.

"I'm so sorry!" Surge shouted as he bowed. "I obsessed over my belief in the organisation, rather than trying to trust you all... Even so, I ask that you allow me to fight by your side once again!"

"Surge..." Flash said.

"It's fine." Rarity told Surge. "The organisation was a family to you, weren't they?"

"Still..." Surge said.

"But you have us now!" Pinkie Pie shouted with joy. "Right, Surge?"

"Come on, was that even necessary?" Light asked.

"Exactly!" Terra shouted. "We're counting on your help in the fight to come, Surge!"

"Now you're free to go all out, Surge!" Beat said as she brought Surge his sword.

"Blades." Sophia spoke up with a smile.

"Everything's alright, Surge." Flash told him.

"All of you..." Surge said as he began to tear up.

"That's right!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she went over to the table and brought him a pastry box. "How about this?" She opened the box to show Surge it's filled with desserts. Everyone but Surge was amazed by the desserts that were in the box. "I did promise we'd have these waiting."

"You haven't had one before right?" Applejack asked Surge.

"Serious?!" Terra asked in shocked by that.

"His first eclair!" Beat said in surprise as Light walked up.

"My first too." Light said as she reached to take one, only for Rarity to slap it away.

"Surge's first." Rarity told Light.

"Here you go!" Pinkie Pie said as she offered him some. Surge didn't take one as everyone told him to try one.

"Come on! How about this then!" Beat said as she grabbed Surge's arm and made him take one.

"Say aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Sprit said as they hold one up to his mouth. With it so close to his mouth, Surge took a bit of the dessert. "And?" She asked as Surge eat that one bite.

"It's... kind of salty." Surge said and everyone laugh.

"Salty?" Sandbar ask as they laugh.

"That's right! I got something for the rest of us..." Pinkie Pie said as she back up.

"Pinkie?" Sunset asked Pinkie back up before she ran to the back. "Hang on, what's up?"

"Secret! Hey Rarity, I could use a hand." Pinkie Pie respond before she and Rarity went to the back. What ever she has planned, they decided not to question Pinkie Pie.

At the Megido lar, Zooous was itching to fight Surge. "He's mine this time." He said to himself.

"The Swordsman of Water appears to have returned to the Northern Base." Storious told Zooous.

"I got a bone to pick with him." Zooous said with a furious tone in his voice.

"Sorry, but the Sacred Swords come first." Storious told Zooous. "By joining this world and Equestria with Wonder World, we can remake the world as we see fit."

"Fine by me." Zooous said as he stood up and a rainbow bubble appeared. It shows him Pinkie Pie and Rarity in the book shop. "I'll get them." At the book shop, Rarity helped Pinkie for what she has planned, she heard something and when she look up at the ceiling she saw Wonder World. She freaked out when he saw it just as Pinkie Pie went back through the Book Gate.

Back at the Northern Base, the others were disgusting about what they're going to about Master Logos as they get Sophia up to speed. "Master Logos has the two sword-wielders Ruby Mist and Sonic Wave, along with their paladins Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst at his command." Flash told Sophia.

"But we think that this Starlight is up to something because she helped us before." Sunset pointed out.

"Ruby being the Swordswoman of Smoke makes her a pain, since physical attacks don't work." Terra added as he remembers when he and Beat first fought her and Starlight. When they try to attack them, both Sabela and Steam kept turning into smoke and attack back.

"Sonic Wave; Durandal attacks by teleporting." Surge told everyone as he remembers when he and Rarity face Wave and Sunburst and each time they try to attack them, they somehow moved to one place after Durandal took out the blade out of its guard and they were some place else. "I was powerless against them... Sorry Flash and Twilight. It was my fault that-"

"It's all right." Twilight told Surge. "Me and Flash are fine thanks to Light."

"His techniques are puzzling since I've never seen his sword before." Light told them.

"But it wasn't just those two teleporting." Sprit spoke up. "When we were trying to find you two, a ripple kept happening and we ended up in a different place. Like down the hall or on the second floor, like time was moving forward for us."

"It's likely the Sword of Time." Beat said after hearing what they said.

"There's a Sword of Time?" Gallus asked.

"So he and Sunburst can manipulate time?" Cozy asked.

"Not exactly, based on what I've heard..." Beat said. "I don't know much either."

"Is Sword of Time a new sword just made?" Yona asked.

"Whatever his powers, we'll get him next time." Flash said. "Right, Surge?" Surge nodded in agreement.

"Master Logos already possesses a portion of the Omniscient Tome." Sophia told them. "Each successor has inherited its great power."

"The Megido are likely getting closer to the Omniscient Tome as well." Twilight told Sophia.

"Missing people are still increasing..." Spitfire told them.

"The same goes for the creatures in Equestria..." Sunset added.

"We'll definitely save the people and creatures who've been turned into books." Twilight said.

"Right now only the Sword of Light can separate them but..." Beat said as she looked at Light. "Flash and Twilight can too."

"At the time, we were just fixated on saving them." Flash said as he and Twilight remembers how Rekka glowed when they separated the victims from the Megido.

"Did Rekka respond to both your feelings...?" Beat asked both Flash and Twilight. "Whatever it is, I'm sure Flash, Twilight, and Rekka can save them." Surge looked at Flash and Twilight with a bit of a jealous look on his face.

"I'm gonna check up on a friend of mine I lost contact with." Light told them as she headed for the door.

"Hang on, we can't separate Megido without you!" Terra shouted at Light.

"My friend is crucial to our victory." Light told them. "Besides, didn't you just say Flash and Twilight could do it?" She asked before she walked out.

"Yeah, but..." Surge said but Light was already out.

"We must prevent the Omniscient Tome's restoration at all costs." Sophia told them. "Those who now reside here are the true Swordsmen who will protect the world. Buster, please find and bring Kenzan back to us. I will meet with Calibur and her two paladins." That last sentence surprised everyone.

"Oi, Sophia..." Terra spoke up to her.

"I won't be as reckless." Sophia told Terra before he could finish. "Please trust me."

"Alright. Leave Wind to me." Terra said as he picked up his sword and headed out just as Pinkie Pie came in.

"Speaking of which, where has Cadence gone?" Sophia asked. Everyone wonder why she wants to know. "Turth be told, I entrusted something important to her."

"Something important?" Sunset asked.

"Do y'all mean that fancy key you gave her?" Apple Bloom asked Sophia, who nodded yes before she glowed a bit and felt pain in her chest.

"A Megido has appeared." Sophia told them.

"I will go." Surge said before he headed out.

"Surge! Me and Twilight are coming too!" Flash said as he and Twilight followed Surge out.

In the city, a Megido was howling to the sky, along with a see through one next to it. It's the Neko Megid.

The two had a group of people corner and frightened. Surge, Flash, and Twilight ran to them with their drivers on with their books in them. "Henshin!" They shouted as Flash and Surge drew out their swords and Twilight pressed the button on her driver and their books opened up.

Unsheathe the Current!
Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!

With Surge in his Lion Daisenki form and both Saber and Ember in their Elemental Dragon forms, they ran up to the Neko Megid and try to strike it, but she jumped over and behind them before she kicked them back. The second Neko Megid then burst out dark energy and then the pony counterparts of the people and even Flash Sentry and Princess Twilight appeared as the second Megid became solid. When they turned to face the two Megido, they were gone. The two Neko Megid jumped behind the three and stuck them to the ground. "How dare you interrupt our crafting!" Both Neko Megid told them before they swung their staffs and send slash waves at the riders. Blades blocked one of them as Saber and Ember slashed back as the two Megido continue to attack. Blades was knocked back before Saber and Ember gathered the flames around them and the slash waves before they send them at the two Megid.

Both Neko Megid hissed at Saber and Ember as the two riders charged at them. "Flash and Twilight are amazing!" Blades said when he saw what they did. "When did they..." Saber and Ember clashed blades with the two Neko Megid before they spun around the two riders and try to strike them from. Both Saber and Ember ducked under their attacks and try to sweep their legs, only for the Neko Megid to jump over them and clashed with the two riders. Saber and Ember then pushed the two Megido to the ground with the help of their pony counterparts. The two Megido got up and clashed clashed blades with the two riders. "They're even stronger I remember..." Blades said as he watch them fight. "I also need to-" He placed his sword back his driver as the two Neko Megid jumped over Saber and Ember.

They flipped back before they hiss at both riders and ponies. Saber and Ember charged at the two Megid and try to slash them, but they jumped over them to dodge their attacks. But Blades caught both of them before they could land and all three crashed on to the ground. The two Megido try to get away, but Blades hold on to them as they struggle to get him off. "Flash! Twilight, there's a regular homo-sapiens and a equestrian trapped within these Megido, right?" Blades asked as he tried to hold on.

"Right. We gotta save them by separating them!" Saber said as he and Ember ready their swords as Rekka began to glow bright and its flow to Ember's swords.

"Your swords are glowing!" Princess Twilight shouted when she saw them glow.

"Do it!" Blades shouted as Saber and Ember charged at the two Megid and just before they were about to strike them, they saw people and ponies trapped in the chains on the two Neko Megid. The three riders and two ponies were shocked to see that as the trapped people and ponies called for help. Both Saber and Ember stopped before they brought their swords down as they fear they might hurt the people and ponies if they strike.

"Why are-" Ember said as she and Saber fell to the ground when they try to stop just as the two Neko Megid got free from Blades's grip and back kicked him.

"That's right, we made these from humans and Equestrians." One of the Neko Megid told them.

"What will happen if you attack us I wonder?" The second Neko Megid asked sarcastically.

"How cowardly...!" Both Blades and Flash said.

""If I asked him who the cowardly one really was, fighting because he didn't trust his friends...what kind of face he make~?"" The first Neko Megid said like she was quoting something someone said before.

"What...?!" Blades asked when he heard what they just said.

"That's what she saying." One of the Neko Megid told them before they glowed and turned into the human and pony they have. It was Rarity of both worlds as they fell to the ground.

"Rarity...?" Blades asked when he saw her and her pony counterpart.

"Why...?!" Saber, Ember, Flash, and Princess Twilight asked as they were shocked to see them. Both Raritys looked at them with confusion before they transformed back into the Neko Megid and stood up.

"Now what~?" The second Neko Megid asked. Blades was getting furious with this news.

"How...How dare you do this to her!!" Blades shouted as he drew out his sword and charged at the two Megido.

"Wait!" Saber called out to Blades as he ran to stop him. "If you cut it down, Rarity will-" He tried to tell Blades just before he could strike and push him back.

"Nice of you to notice~" Both Neko Megid told Saber before they kicked off of his back and leap over the two. Those kicks caused both Saber and Blades to fall to the ground while the two Neko Megid run away after they stuck Ember back.

"You two are not getting away!" Blades shouted as he and Saber quickly got back up and try to go after them, only for Zooous to get in the way and struck them back.

"No one's going to save her!" Zooous shouted.

"MOVE!" Blades shouted back as he charged at Zooous. When he got close, Zooous slashed his sword and struck Blades.

"Especially not you!" Zooous shouted as clashed swords with Blades before he struck him again. Blades was knocked to the ground as he transformed back to Surge infront of Saber, Ember, Flash, and Princess Twilight.

"Surge!" Saber said as he and the others checked to see if he's okay.

"Your Sacred Swords are mine!" Zooous declared as he charged up his sword with power before he send a slash wave right at them. Saber and Ember quickly stood infront of the slash that is coming at them and try to block, only for a dome to form around. "Once I've had my fun with you that is." He said before he walked away while the dome cept them in place. Soon the dome vanished and the Megido got away. As both Saber and Ember transformed back to Flash and Twilight, Surge yelled out in frustration as he slammed his fist on the ground.

"Surge..." Twilight said as she and Flash got concerned for him.

Back at the Northern Base, Beat had her Gatrike Phone out and Twilight told them what happened. "This has taken a turn for the worse." Sophia said with concern.

"Equestrians have been brought here when their counterparts have disappeared whenever those Megido appeared!" Beat said.

"They are turning people and ponies into accessories." Twilight told them over the phone as she, Flash, their pony counterparts, and Surge went to look for the two Neko Megid. "Also Rarity-" Surge quickly took her phone before she could finish.

"Where is Light?!" Surge shouted into the phone.

"She's not back, and we can't reach her." Beat answer Surge. "The others are out and helping search the city though."

Inside Tassel's house, we see Light in there looking for Tassel. "Strange..." She said. "Did something happen?"

"What is she doing at a time like this?!" Surge shouted before Twilight took her phone back.

"What's wrong Surge?!" Flash asked him.

"Same to the two of! Why are you so calm?!" Surge asked the four. "We need to save both Raritys as soon as possible!"

"We know that!" Both Twilights told him.

"Do you really!?" Surge asked. "She'll be erased if we don't split her from the Megido right?! And Light isn't-"

"Surge, calm down!" Flash told him.

"That's right, you two can save them can't you?" Surge asked.

"You both can?" Pony Flash asked his human counter and Sic-Twi.

"But we've never completely separated-" Sci-Twi said before Surge interrupted.

"FINE, I'll save her then!" He shouted as he ran ahead of them.

"Wait, Surge!" Flash called out as they went after him. Back at the Northern Base, Sophia and Beat heard everything over the phone and were concerned.

"Please excuse us!" Sic-Twi told them before she hung up.

"Surge's too on edge. Not that I can blame him." Beat said to Sophia.

"For now, all we can do is believe in them." Sophia said.

Surge is running through the park as he remembers how Flash's sword can separate the victims of the Megido. "Me too...! I promise to save Rarity." He said to himself as he ran. The two Flashs and Twilights lost Surge as they looked around for him.

"Surge..." Human Flash said as he worry about Surge.

Zooous returned to the Megido lar as he sits in a chair. "Why didn't you finish-" Storious was about to ask before Zooous interrupted.

"Let me have a bit more fun dammit!" Zooous shouted before he stood up. "My blood is crying out...! It's telling me to pulverise them thoroughly first!"

"Hands off!" Wind shouted at Desast as they walked on the beach.

"You wanna get stronger right?" Desast asked Wind as he followed her.

"Shut it." Wind told him in response.

"Follow me if you want strength." Desast told Wind.

"I told you to shut up!" Wind told Desast as she is getting annoyed by him, only for him to laugh in return.

"You'll come around." Desast said before he sensed someone coming, so he vanished.

"Wind!" Terra called out as he ran to her. "The true foe is Master Logos. We need your help!" He told her when he got close. Wind didn't respond for she has a lot of things on her mind. "I know it's hard, but you shouldn't side with Velvet right now! We don't know if Arabia escaped the darkness too! Come with us!"

"Terra you old fart, didn't you tell me to make my own choice?" Wind asked him. "So leave me alone!" She shouted before she took out her sword and try to strike Terra, only for him to block the attack with his sword.

"Wind, you idiot...!" Terra said as he pushed her back. Wind turned and walked away from him. Meanwhile on top of a building where Arabia used to go in the city, both Raritys were on their own.

"Did we really..." Pony Rarity asked as they were afraid of what happened. "...attack those people and ponies? Please tell me we didn't..." Her human counterpart couldn't answer her because even she knew it's true.

"Rarity!" Surge called out as he found them.

"Surge..." Human Rarity said when they saw him and he looked out of breath.

"I knew you's be here!" Surge said as walked over to them. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not alright at all!" Human Rarity shouted as she hugged Surge.

"Naturally..." Surge said as he holds her.

"Please help us, Surge..." Both Raritys asked.

"I will-" Surge was going to tell them before Zooous spoke up.

"I said you're not saving them!" He shouted. When Surge turned, he saw Zooous standing on top of the shack.

"Zooous...!!" Surge shouted with anger. "Why Rarity...?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Zooous asked him. "She's the perfect bait drawing you lot out." Surge stared at him with anger in his eyes. "Feel free to try acting the savory again, like a prince atop a white horse. It's time I paid you back!!" He back flipped down as he transformed into his Megdio form and looked ready to fight.

"Like I need your permission to save Rarity!" Surge shouted as he charged at Zooous while he took out his driver and place his Wonder Ride Book in it and transformed into his King Lion Daisenki form.

King Lion Daisenki
Unsheathe the Current!

Both Blades and Zooous clashed blades to get one over on the other. Both Raritys watched Blades fight Zooous as they clashed blades, but then they felt pain inside them as the Altar Book inside them glow. Both Raritys then transformed into the Neko Megid and purred. The two Neko Megid attacked Blades from behind, causing him to bumped into the wall. After they attack him again, Zooous try to strike him only for Blades to duck under him before one of the Neko kicked him back. Zooous then charged in and clashed blades with Blades as he made him walked back. The two Neko rolled and try to sweep his legs, only for him to jump back to dodge their attack before he pushed back Zooous after they clashed blades. Then both Nekos and Zooous strike at Blades as he used his sword to block their attacks.

"I promise, I WILL save Rarity!" Blades declared as he struggled to hold them back before they pushed his sword down. He then blocked another attack from the three Megido. He looked at his sword and hoped that his sword would glow like Rekka. "There's no light..." He said before they broke through his defense and each one struck him, causing him to roll on the ground. He quickly go up and took a battle stands before looking at his sword. "Is my desire not strong enough?!" He shouted before he charged at Zooous and the two Megido before he clashed blades with Zooous and pushed him back. Blades pulled his sword back before he clashed his sword against the Nekos's staff, knocked them to the ground before he grabbed them and pushed them back to pind them to the wall. He pushed his sword agenst hoping it would separate both Raritys from the two Megid, but nothing. "Why won't it glow?! WHY?!" He asked before the two Neko Megid push his sword off them and kicked him back as they back flip off him. The two Nekos jumped on top of the shack and looked down on Blades.

"Seems like the girl in me things you're pretty useless on your own~" One of the Neko Megid told Blades and that made him frustrated.

"Your opponent is me!" Zooous shouted as he clashed blades with Blades then struck him to the ground.

"Get out of my way!!" Blades shouted as he quickly got back up and fired his Lionic Booster at Zooous. Zooous slashed his two blades in an X to knock away the blast.

"Moves I've seen before aren't going to work!" Zooous shouted.

"What?!" Blades asked before he clashed blades with Zooous. Each time they clash, Blades took a step back as Zooous took a step forward. Zooous then spun around and strike Blades two times before he pind him to the wall.

"I'm fundamentally different from you humans!" Zooous shouted as he kicked Blades before he beat on him repeatedly then threw him right into a wall and Blades fell to the ground. "I simply get stronger to fight even stronger opponents! That's the way it's been now and forever!" He shouted as he kicked Blades as he struggled to get up then grabbed him to pick him up. "Me losing to you just meant I had new prey to get stronger with!" He told Blades before he threw him to the ground. "You've never stood a chance of winning!!" Zooous shouted as he struck Blades when he try to get back up, causing him to transform back to Surge. "It's the exact same resone your mentor died by my hand." Zooous told Surge. The thought of his mentor falling by Zooous made Surge in rage as he struggled to get up.

When he got up, he charged at Zooous with sword in hand and tackle Zooous. From the top of another building, Velvet, Chrysalis, and Trek watched Surge fight. "Following Ice Shard's sacrifice, Surge also..." Velvet spoke as their fight was taken to blow the building and Zooous beat up Surge with no mercy. "This too, is for the world's sake."

"Is this really what you wanted?" Sophia asked.

"I didn't wish for this." Velvet answered. "The future's just been decided."

"Besides, he brought this upon himself." Trek said as Chrysalis nodded in agreement.

"Even so-" Sophia spoke up. "Saber and the others will not give in." She told them as Surge was sent to the ground by Zooous again.

"Begone!!" Zooous shouted as he charged and ready to end Surge. As he brought his swords down on Surge, Flash brought down his sword to block Zooous's attack just nearly in time. Flash and Twilight then pushed Zooous back, just as Spike's, Smolder's, Sandbar's, and Ocellus's Squares and Quake came in and took a battle stands.

"Flash. Twilight..." Surge said when he saw them.

"We're saving both Raritys, aren't we?!" Twilight asked as she and Flash charged at Zooous with the Squares and Quake as they transformed into Saber and Ember, Elemental Dragon forms.

~Elemental Dragon!

Each of them clashed blades with Zooous as they ganged up on him. "We WILL save them!" Saber said as they made Zooous step back with each clash. Just as both Saber and Ember brought their swords up, they started to glow bright. Saber and Ember charged at the two Neko Megido and jumped at them ready to strike.

"It's pointless." Velvet said. "The future won't change." Both Saber and Ember slashed both Nekos and as they step back from the damage from the attacks, both Raritys separate from them partly but quickly returned back in them.

"Rarity!" Surge called out when he saw her.

"It didn't work..." Ember said when both Raritys didn't separate fully.

"Never mind, one more time!" Saber said as he ready his sword while Zooous knocked back the Squares and Quake back.

"No you don't!" Zooous shouted as he charged at Saber and Ember to stop them as he clashed blades with them. He then pushed their swords back before he slashed them a few times before they stumbled back from another attack.

"Flash! Twilight!" Surge, the Squares, and Quake called out as Saber and Ember rolled on the ground and Surge transformed into his King Lion Daisenki form.

Unsheathe the Current!

Blades charged and clashed blades with Zooous, along with Quake and Spike's and Sandbar's Square. They pushed him back before they swing their swords and struck him. Blades then swung his sword at Zooous, only for him to knocked his sword away. Zooous then struck each of them a few times to cause them to fall to the ground. Both Ocellus's and Smolder's Squares strike Zooous in the back before he turned around and blocked their attacks, then flipping them over his shoulder. "Come on, what's worng?!" Zooous asked Blades as he picked him up to punch him in the face to causing him to fall to the ground. Zooous then kicked him so hard that cause him to crash at a tree. Blades saw his sword where it was knocked away and crawled over to it, only for Zooous to stomped his hand when Blades try to reach for it. "Weren't you gonna beat me down?!" He asked as he beat Blades to the ground.

""How weak!"-" Both Neko Megid shouted as they pinned down the Squares and Quake. "-is what she's saying~" The one with human Rarity inside her said. ""Why did expect anything. What a disappointment~""

"Y'all lying!" Quake shouted. "Rarity would never say anything like that!" Blades lay on the ground and thought back to everytime Rarity supported him.

"I'm so sorry, Rarity..." Blades said.

"Get up!" Zooous shouted as he grabbed him.

"I'm so weak and pathetic..." Blades said to himself as Zooous made him stand up. "I can't save anything...!" He quickly grabbed Zooous and pinned him to the tree. "Flash, Twilight, please save Rarity!!"

"Surge...!" Saber said when he and Ember saw what Blades was doing before they quickly got up and charged at the two Megid. "This time for sure!!" They both shouted as they raised there swords and they began to glow bright. Pegasus Flash Sentry flew in and knocked the two Neko Megid off the Squares and Quake as Princess Twilight use her magic to chained them up.

"Flash!! Twilight!!" Both Raritys called out from within the two Megid.

"I see them! There's still time!" Ember said as they ready to strike as Zooous knocked Blades away and he transformed back to Surge as he hit the ground. Both Saber and Ember stopped and saw that Zooous was about to end Surge.

"Go cry to your mentor on the other side!" Zooous told Surge as he jumped high in the air. "Seeya!" He shouted as he came down.

"Surge!!" Saber and the others called out as they stood infront Surge and hold up their swords to block the incoming attack. Surge watch as they took the hit and the Squares were destroyed while Saber and the two paladins transformed out of their rider forms as they fell to the ground.

"Yup, you all are a blast." Zooous said as the two Neko Megid broke free from the chains and rolled over to him. Flash, Surge, Twilight, and Applejack crawled over to each other but stop to face Zooous. "Alright, we'll take it from the top again." He told them as they scold him. "Do your best to struggle."

"Bye nya~" Both Neko Megid told them as they turned to leave.

"You okay, Surge?" Flash asked Surge.

"WHO CARES ABOUT ME?!" Surge shouted with anger towards himself. "WHY?!" He shouted when he looked at Flash and Twilight. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TWO SAVE RARITY?!"

"Surge..." Flash said as they know that Rarity would not like that they sacrificed Surge to save her and her pony counterpart. But now they must find a way to save both Raritys before it's too late.

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