• Published 31st Oct 2021
  • 1,835 Views, 135 Comments

Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, Chapter 25: Clad in Smoke, the Crimson Assassin.

Author's Note:

Here's a question for you all: Which Sacred Sword do you like the most and why?

Please leave your answer in the comments down below.

We open to Tassel's house where we see him in his chair with his umbrella out. "Hello everyone, Bonne Lecture..." He saids to you. "Wait, now's not the time for that!" He shouted as he got up and closer to the fouth wall. "A brand new Calibur has appeared. Not only that, but the paladins of shadows: Shade and Umbra has returned.

A book flew out and opened itself to show us Sombra from 12 years ago with Tirek and Chrysalis. "Sombra, Tirek, and Chrysalis turned traitor in search of power..." Tassel explained before we see Night Light took on the mantel of Calibur. "...while Night Light defeated Arabia and his own wife in his search for power to unravel a hidden truth."

"So, what will this new Calibur up to?" Tassel asked as a book flew out and opened itself to the next chapter of this story.

We see both Saber and Ember in their Berserk Forms with the city in ruin. On the ground infront of them are their friends, the other riders, and the kids dead. The only one bearly standing is Spike who is bleeding from the arm. The two roared as they held their heads as if the lost their insanity completely as they creeped to the bleeding Spike. "Twilight... Flash..." Spike said while he breath heavily. "How could you..."

"Stop this... Stop...!" When they creeped to Spike two other people were telling them to stop. The two voices are Flash's and Twilight's telling themselves to stop. "Don't-" They both shouted to themselves but they kept going. Their rider forms then raised before they charged at Spike before they brought their swords down on him. "WE SAID STOP!!" They shouted as their swords came down before they heard a familiar voice, Star's voice.

"Twilight. Flash..." Star said. Both Flash and Twilight woke up in Fantastic Books with Twilight's pop-up book opened to a page with a dragon popped up with their hands on it as it glowed.

"Was that a dream...?" Flash asked Twilight.

"It felt like a nightmare." Twilight said before they realize that they had the same nightmare.

"Twilight. Flash..." When the two looked at the pop-up book, they saw Star with her hand on it as well. "Please help her." She told them as she looked at the Primitive Dragon books.

"Star?!" Twilight shouted as she Flash woke up from a vision. Twilight looked around the room for her long lost friend but she wasn't there.

"That was the voice of the girl that connects our worlds..." Tassel said as he hold the book while he looked out the window.

At the Southern Base, Master Logos is sitting alone as he can sense Star. "She still lives." He said to himself. Back at Fantastic Books, both Flash and Twilight remembers what Star told them to do. Something about to help "HER" and Twilight looked at her lost friend's book.

"I will save you." Twilight said as she looked at the book.

"We'll save her." Flash told her. "But if this keeps up..." They thought about their nightmare and how they were going to kill Spike. They both knew they have to overcome the Primitive Dragon book if they don't want that to happen. So Twilight sat down and continue to read the book she found the other day to find a way to do it.

"Enough controlling us!" Twilight shouted at the books.

At the Southern Base, the Storm Eagle, Saiyuu Journey, Lamp do Alangina, Needle Hedgehog, Tri Cerberus, King of Arthur, and Jack-to-Domamenoki books are on a table. Surge and Wind are in the throne room, kneeling infront of Master Logos and Mist, along with large number of people. "Not only did they fail to stop the rampaging Saber and Ember, but now a new Calibur has emerged with a Shade and Umbra." Mist told the people in the throne room. "Retribution will be necessary."

"Master Logos..." Surge spoke up as he raised his head. "Is it true that an enemy lies among us...?" Wind looked at him and surprised he asked that question and the people in the room were talking amongst themselves.

"Silence, at once!" Mist shouted before Logos raised his hand and the room fell silent. He then gesture to the Surge to continue.

"I still believe that is not true." Surge said. "However, Beat and Terra have left our ranks... What's happening to our-"

"Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle are the cause." Mist interrupted him. "You need but cut them down."

"But...!" Surge protest.

"Fulfill your duty. Blades." Logos told him. Surge knew that he had to obey but he doesn't want to kill his friends and Wind can see it all over his face. Wind thought about what Terra told her, about to make her own choice but she doesn't know what to chose while Surge is at war with himself. Soon everyone but Mist and Logos left the throne room, leaving the two to talk alone.

"Everything is now in place..." Mist said to Logos. "...including Sophia, as well as our "traitor"."

"You are the only one I can depend on, Sabela." Logos told Mist and she smiled when he called her "Sabela", for that is her rider name.

"Leave everything to me." Mist said before she turned to leave.

"Before you go, I have someone for you to make your paladin." Logos told her and she turned to face him. He snapped his fingers and someone came out from a Book Gate, a teenage girl with dark purple hair with light blue strikes in it, her skin is like Twilight's, her eyes are blue, and her robe has a star covered in glitter. "When you are ready, make her your paladin." Mist nodded yes before she and this girl left the room. When they were gone, Logos looked up and think to himself.

At Fantastic Books, Beat, Terra, and Light came through the door and Light told them what happened the other day. "Calibur, Shade, and Umbra appeared?!" Terra asked.

"The smoke user stole the Sword of Shadows right? Must be a Logos member." Beat theorize. Light stop and was thinking about something.

"Definitely not on our side, whatever it is." Terra said as he and Beat was heading to the Book Gate.

"The Sword of Shadows..." Light said before she turned around and went for the door. As Beat open the Book Gate, Terra noticed Light leaving.

"What's wrong?" Terra asked her before she left.

"Gonna go meet an old friend." Light answered.

"Huh, an old friend?" Terra asked as Light open the door and left.

"Preventing Primitive Dragon from rampaging is our priority." Beat reminded Terra.

"Agreed." Terra said as Beat open the Book Gate and the two went to the Northern Base. At the Northern Base, Flash, the girls, the kids, their principles, Shining Armor, Cadence, Soarin, Spitfire, and Lightning Dust were there and Twilight is at the top of the stairs and continue to read the book while she held her Primitive Dragon book. Flash sits beside her and reads a book as well while Stone was drawing in a coloring book.

When he was done, he gets up and went downstairs to Pinkie Pie was sitting near the bottom and went passed her. Fluttershy looks at her to friends at the top of the stairs while she is at the ground floor as she thought about how they acted when the Primitive Dragon book took hold of them. She saw how the two boney dragon claws shot out from the books and attack both Surge and Rarity before they took their books. "So not only is Calibur back, but both Shade and Umbra are back too?!" Shining Armor asked.

"Yeah, we saw it from here when Flash and Twilight lost control and they were about to attack Fluttershy." Spike answered. Sunset was looking at her journal and was reading the message Princess Twilight sent her.

"Hey Flash, Twilight..." Fluttershy said as she looked up at the top of the stairs.

"What is it, Sunset?" Twilight asked while she keeps reading the book. Fluttershy wanted to ask them say something but she didn't know how to ask.

"Nevermind, don't worry about it." Fluttershy said with a fake smile. Twilight return to what she was reading and Stone moved to the table on the ground floor. And on the table are the three Wonder Ride Books from Surge, and Fluttershy had her attention to those three books. While Shining was talking with the others, Cadence was looking at the key Sophia gave her and wonder what's it for

Back at the Southern Base, Mist is in the hidden room where Sophia is trapped in. "Where have you hidden that book you created?" She asked Sophia.

"How is everyone?" Sophia asked Mist and ignored Mist's question. Mist then gave her a slap to the face for not answering her question.

"How unfortunate." Mist said. Sophia looked at Mist and have concerned for her riders and what they'll do to them. Later, Mist left the Sophia in that room and removed the black robe and puts on the red one with the bird made of mist is light grey on the back. The girl Master Logos introduce to her kneel down and Mist used her Sacred Sword to tap the girl's sholders and a crimson red Wonder Ride Book appeared in the Paladin Driver the girl is wearing. The girl stood up and the two went out.

Back at the Northern Base, Twilight is getting frustrated with getting no answer. "Nothing." She said as she put the book away. Both she and Flash got up and walked down the stairs to join the others. "I've gone through a ton, but no clues have come up." Beat picked up the two Primitive Dragon books and looked at them.

"Primitive Dragon stole Surge's Wonder Ride Books..." Beat said. Both Flash and Twilight stopped halfway and was surprised to hear that part.

"Sure looked like it!" Terra said as he bumped while he carried a bunch of books. Beat grunted in pain by that bumped. "Maybe these things are looking for books?" He asked as he sat the books on the table. "Ring any bells?" He asked both Flash and Twilight.

"Well, we may not know why those things took Surge's books. But Princess Twilight did found something in the Dragon Lands." Sunset said. "They found a stone mural that looks like it dates back more than a thousands of years. Maybe even before our world and Equestria was rift apart. She said it may take a while to translate all of it to figure out what it all says."

Flash and Twilight walked down and over to the table. But then they remember the young white dragon with a sad look on her face and it was even crying. "Now that you mention..." Flash said.

"It's kinda sad." Stone said as he was coloring. Everyone looked at him and is a bit confused by what he said.

"What are you drawing?" Twilight asked Stone.

"A really sad dragon." Stone answered as Beat picked up one of his drawings and looked at it. The one he is coloring in is a white dragon, curled up, crying, and shrouded by a dark aura. "Even when dead she's still looking for her friends, even though they're long gone."

"Is that supposed to be the dragon from this story?" Flash asked as he points to the Primitive Dragon books.

"Yeah!" Stone answered.

"That's amazing Stone!" Terra shouted with impression in his voice. "You can read it?!"

"Don't you feel sorry for it?" Stone asked his father and the others. "Is there any way we can help her?"

"So I'm not the only one? That's good." Spike said. "When ever I'm around those books, I just have this feeling inside me that just feels sorry for it. And for some reason, it just feels like it's a girl dragon who's in pain."

"You can't change how a book ends." Beat told the two boys.

"Stone says its doable, so its doable." Terra told Beat while both Flash and Twilight thought about what both Stone and Spike said.

"Can't do." Beat said. "Can do. Stone will becide how this ends!" Terra argued.

"Where'd Surge's Wonder Ride Books go?" Flash asked as he saw that they were gone.

"More importantly, where's Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked as she noticed that Fluttershy is missing.

"She must've taken them while we weren't looking..." Beat said before Twilight, Flash, and the rest of the group ran out to find her. "Wait!" Beat try to go after them, but Terra pulled him back.

"Let them go." Terra told her. "When it comes to close friends, sometimes you just gotta go for it."

In the city, the group split up to search for Fluttershy. Twilight, Sprit, Spike, Smolder, and Flash went down a street while somewhere else, Surge was sitting alone on some steps when his Gatrike Phone went off and the one is calling him is Fluttershy. Surge stood up and start to walk away but still wouldn't answer his phone.

"Please don't ignore me, Surge." Fluttershy said. When Surge turned around, he saw Fluttershy standing there with her phone out. "Please..." She put her phone away when he saw her. "I've been looking everywhere for you." She then walked over to him and holds out his three books that were taken from him. "Here." Surge didn't take them back though, so Fluttershy took his hand and place them in it.

Meanwhile back at the Northern Base, Terra just thought of something. "Beat..." He said. "How about we just obliterate books if they're going to rampage anyway?"

"Are you stupid?" Beat asked him. "But if we could seal them..." Just then, the Book Gate glowed and both the girl and Mist came through.

"It's simple." Mist said as she and the girl walked in. "We need but slay both Flash and Twilight, along with the rest of you." Beat had her hand on her sword when Mist threaten them.

"Coming here with just a girl by your side?" Terra asked as he hides the two Primitive Dragon books in his bag. "Underestimating us a bit much no? And who is this girl?"

"The name is Starlight Glimmer, and this is an easy assumption based on difference in strength." Starlight said. Mist then put up her hands and summon her Sacred Sword with a puff of smoke.

Eneiken Noroshi

"The Sword of Smoke..." Beat said when she saw the sword.

"You were the one?!" Terra asked. "Perfect. I've got a mountain of questions for you."

"And I have none for you." Mist told him as she pulled out a crimson red Wonder Ride Book with a big butterfly on the cover. "We are simply here to pass judgement." She then took her book a blow a small wind to open the cover to reveal the story within just as Starlight took out her Wonder Ride Book and open it up as well.

Insect Encyclopedia
An illusionary passage depicting a swarm of misfortune, dancing in the wind.
Wonder Paladin

Mist and Starlight closed their books before Mist place her book in her sword while Starlight place her book in her driver just as giant version of the two books floated down behind them. "Henshin." They both said as Mist pulled the trigger on her sword and Starlight press the button on her driver and their books opened up for them to transform into their rider forms.

Noroshi Kaisen
Paladin, Stand!
~Wonder Paladin!
The sword-point flutters forth!

As Mist transformed into Kamen Rider Sabela, Starlight's rider form is similar to Sabela's, her armor is crimson red with golden smoke like strikes going up the arms and legs. Her chest plate is crimson red with gold on the sides and has Sabela's emblem in gold in the center. Starlight's sword has crimson blade with a golden handle and guard, and the stone in the guard is a mix of both crimson red and gold.

Both Terra and Beat transformed into Kamen Rider Buster and Slash before they ready their swords. The two riders charged at both Sabela and Starlight but as they were about to strike, the two turned into smoke and attack the two while they are in the smoke. When the smoke clear, both Sabela and Starlight emerge from it while both Buster and Slash were damaged before Sabela and Starlight turned and slashed them. "Kneel before us." Sabela told them as she pointed her sword at them. Then both her and Starlight charged at the two and continue to fight.

Meanwhile in the city on a rooftop, Surge was on top of that rooftop with Fluttershy so they can talk. "You brought them without asking." Surge said to Fluttershy. "Your friends will be angry. Mostly Flash and Twilight."

"You know very well they aren't like that." Fluttershy said. Surge just looked down after she told him that. "You three really want to protect the world..." She said as she sat down. "So why's it so hard for you three to get along?"

"Flash and Twilight are both too dangerous right now." Surge told her.

"I know that." Fluttershy said.

"If this keeps up, I will have to cut them down to protect my friends and the world!" Surge said and he sounded like he's upset. And little did they know that Flash, Twilight, Sprit, Spike, and Smolder found and listening on them. "I don't want to lose any more friends...!"

"Isn't Flash and Twilight your friends too?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Regardless, I'm a Logos swordsman first and foremost!" Surge respond. Surge then paced around as he is still at war with himself. Fluttershy can see that he doesn't want to kill Flash or Twilight, but he also doesn't want to disobey the Sword of Logos either. "Fluttershy... What should I do...?" There was a bit of silence for Fluttershy doesn't have the answer. Flash, Twilight, Sprit, Spike, and Smolder heard everything Surge said and they could not help but feel bad for Surge for what he is going through.

Back at the Northern Base, the fight between Buster and Slash against Sabela and Starlight is not going well for Buster and Slash. Sabela took on Slash, while Starlight took on Buster. Starlight dodged Buster's attack while Slash and Sabela clashed blades. The two proven to be highly skilled as they are able to overpower both Buster and Slash.

Both Sabela and Starlight struck Slash before they slashed Buster a few times then strike Slash again. After Slash rolled on the ground, both Sabela and Starlight charged at them and Buster thrust his sword at them. But they dodged his attack and knocked away Slash's when she try to strike Sabela. After they ducked under one of Buster's attack they both jumped and kicked both Buster and Slash back pretty hard.

Buster swung his sword at the two before they did the splits to dodge his sword. They then jumped and thrust their swords as like a drill and struck Buster. They then flipped and struck Slash when she try to charge at them and she fell to the ground. "My, aren't you both tough?" Buster asked before he clashed blades with the two.

"I'ma drown you both out with my ultimate sound!" Slash shouted as she got up and switch to her sword to gun mode and use her Bremen no Rock Band book. "Fire!!" She shot a powerful blast at Sabela and Starlight, but only for their bodies to become smoke and the two blasts went through them and hit Buster. "WHAT?!"

"It's no use." Sabela told Slash. So Slash continue to fire at the two, only to have the blasts literally go right through them.

"Fire!! Fi-" Slash shouted as the two walk to her before they struck with their swords.

"What is the organisation trying to achieve here?!" Buster asked as he got up from the ground. He then charged at them and try to strike them as they dodged his attacks. "Don't you find any of this strange?"

"We do not." Both Sabela and Starlight said as their bodies burst into a big puff of smoke and dreams of smoke went everywhere. "You were as good traitors the moment you doubted our cause. That man's and girl's word is absolute." Sabela told the two before they reformed and slash them and Buster fell to the ground.

"Are these really..." Buster said as he gets up. "...instructions from the Master?!" He raised his sword and charged at Sabela and Starlight. When he swiped his sword at them, their bodies turned to smoke and his sword went through them. The smoke flew around and attack Buster while they did.

"Stubborn one, aren't you?" Starlight asked as Buster fell to the ground from those attacks.

"Don't you have anything to say about all this?!" Buster asked as he struggled to get back up.

"Silence, fool!" Sabela shouted at him just as Slash try to get her from behind, only for Sabela to strike her down. While on the ground, Sabela step on her back. "The Master's will and mine are one and the same. The one who will help fulfill his grand ambitions, is me!" She poked her sword on Slash's back, and that made her scream "ow". As she pressed down on her back and she yelped in pain, she pressed a button on her sword.

Noroshi Vapoursect

"Stop!" Buster shouted after he got up and swung his sword at Sabela and Starlight. Starlight duck and roll out of the way, while Sabela turned into smoke and went up high. When she reformed, she had butterfly wings on her back as she flew up high in the air.

Illusionary Smokescreen Strike!

While in the air, she sends multiple slash waves right at both Buster and Slash. From behind a door, Stone saw the hole fight and went to go get help.

"I think, you already know the answer." Fluttershy told Surge. Just then, Flash, Twilight, Sprit, Spike, Smolder walked out and up to him. "Flash! Twilight! How long have you five been here?"

"I presume you heard us." Surge said. "Please hand me Rekka and the Wonder Ride Books." He told Flash.

"I can't." Flash refused.

"I don't want to take your lifes, Flash!" Surge shouted.

"When they were possessing me and Flash..." Twilight spoke up. "He and I saw a white dragon. She looked sad the whole-"

"Does she have something to do with Primitive Dragon?" Surge asked and interrupted Twilight. Both Flash and Twilight looked at each other and unsure if it is.

"We don't know..." Flash answer.

""I can't". "I don't know."" Surge repeated what Flash and Twilight had said before and sounding upset about it. "That's all you've both been giving me, and I've had enough! You're just oblivious to the danger you both pose since neither of you can't remember anything about your rampaging!" The hole time he is shouting, he stepped closer as Flash and Twilight stepped back.

"Hey, lay off!" Spike, Sprit, and Smolder shouted. "It's not all their fault!" Spike pointed out.

"Yeah, we don't." Flash said before he looked at Twilight and she has the same scared look on her face as Flash. "We're terrified of how much we could be hurting everyone without even knowing!" He shouted as he remembers the nightmare he and Twilight had. "But we can't just leave that little dragon! But we don't even know how to help! That's why we're lost!!"

"Again, who IS that dragon?!" Surge shouted at the two. "And why are you both so obsessed with "her"?! Did you tell her you both would save her?"

"We haven't..." Twilight shouted. "We haven't, but still!" Both she and Flash remembers what Stone asked. About if there's any way they can help her. They even remember what Star told them to do. She told them to help her before she looked at the two Primitive Dragon books. They even remember that Stone said that, "even when dead she's still looking for her friends." And that could be it. "That's it...! Star was talking about that dragon! Thank you, Surge! We do still want to save her!"

"You both are crazy!" Surge shouted. "But that part of you is exactly what I like about you both." Fluttershy, Spike, Smolder, and Sprit had a face of confusion when he said that.

"Well same here!" Flash shouted. "We only fought for this long cause we had you!" The four still had confusion on their faces as Flash went on. "Because that Surge who treasures and believes in his friends was with us!"

"Well you're exactly the same!" Surge shouted.

"Alright, break it uuuuup!!" Fluttershy shouted as she got between them. "Now please, take a seat." She, Spike, and Smolder pulled the three and sat them down. "Now then, you know you three basically started a love confession there."

"Which was pretty weird and confusing for us." Sprit said. There was a bit of silence of the three.

"Alright, so..." Surge broke the silence. "If you both manage to talk things through with that dragon, will Primitive Dragon cease to rampage?" He asked them.

"We want to save her regardless." Twilight said.

"The next time you both lose control I will have no choice but to cut you both down." Surge warn them. The silence returned after that before Flash and Twilight turned to look at Surge.

"We'll leave it to you then." Twilight said.

"Yup, you both are as crazy as always." Surge said as he turned away and smiled.

"Flash! Twilight!" Stone shouted as he ran up to them. "Couple of ladies showed up at the Northern Base saying: "We're here to pass judgement"." Flash, Twilight, and Surge stood up and the group headed back to the Northern Base as Fluttershy got her phone to text the others what's happening.

Back at the Northern Base, Slash was thrown from the second floor by both Sabela and Starlight. Slash fell next to Buster just as Sabela and Starlight jumped down just as everyone arrived to see the two new riders. "Stop!" Both Flash and Twilight shouted as they took out the Dragonic Knight and Dragonic Paladin books.

"Don't!" Buster shouted to them. "You two can't transform!"

"Blades, pass judgement upon these traitors." Sabela told Surge as she pointed her sword at Flash and Twilight. Surge however just stood there while Rarity hold his arm. "Fulfill your duty."

"Looks like he just doesn't want to." Starlight said. "Such a shame too." Sabela then press the button on her sword just as Buster and Slash stood up.

Super Noroshi Vapoursect

Smoke appeared behind Sabela as something shot out and trapped both Buster and Slash in what looked to be a web. Spider legs grew out from behind Sabela as the two try to get free.

Single Billowing Insect Dance Flash!

The legs then attack them and the two transformed out of their rider forms as they fell to the ground. Starlight then picked up Beat's Wounder Ride Book when they fell. "You're next." She said to Terra as she walked to him.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Both Flash and Twilight shouted as they stood infront of Terra to protect him.

"You need to get out of here...!" Terra told them. The two didn't move as they stare at the two riders that hurt their friends. They then looked at Surge and the rest of their friends.

"Henshin!!" They both shouted as they placed their books in their drivers.

"Primitive Dragon was sealed precisely because no one could control it." Tassel told Light. Light had to go to Tassel for some help.

"I still believe in Flash and Twilight regardless." Light said as she walked over to the window. "What the new Calibur's up to is what's bothering me right now. Now that this Calibur is with a Shade and Umbra."

"That's for you to figure out." Tassel told her before he turned and face you. "I have an appointment with someone!" He walked off and vanished.

We are then back to where were before, with Flash and Twilight looking at Surge. "Henshin!!" They both shouted as they placed their books in their drivers. But before they could transform, the two Primitive Dragon books flew out just as Sabela and Starlight charged at them. Just as Flash draw out his sword and Twilight pressed the button on her driver, the two Primitive Dragon books knocked the Dragonic Knight and Dragonic Paladin books out and took their place.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!

The two then slashed both Sabela and Starlight back when they got close. Shining caught Twilight's Dragonic Paladin book as he, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna saw both Saber's and Ember's Berserk Forms as the two roared. The girls stood infront of them just to keep them safe now that Saber and Ember are like this. Rarity saw Surge struggle with himself as he saw both Saber and Ember in these forms, like there's something he doesn't want to do. Both Saber and Ember roared as dark aura cover them.

Terra quickly got up and move out of the way when they try to attack him. "Not good!" Beat shouted as Terra rolled out of way. Saber then pind him to the wall as Ember went after Beat who was trying to get some distance from her.

"I told you so!" Terra shouted as he used his sword to keep Saber back to try not to get hurt. "Now you've made things harder!" He then knocked Saber to the ground as Beat kicked her down the stairs. They both got up and Surge watch as they creeped towards Terra. "Flash! Twilight, stop!"

Surge's hand was shaking as he raise his Wonder Ride Book but struggle to place it in his driver. He thought back to when Flash told him how scared of how much they could be hurting everyone without even knowing. But he said that he will have no choice but to cut them down and they told him that they'll leave it to him. Saber and Ember nearly hit Terra and Beat but they barely dodged them. Rarity and the others can see Surge struggle with his book as Terra use his sword to block Saber's attack but his book went flying out when he did.

Saber was about to get it when a bright light shine and Saikou appeared and blocked Saber from getting that book. "Light!" Everyone but Surge shouted when they saw her back. Surge looked and saw both Saber and Ember coming at him, but as they came to them a small spot of shadow being to form before it got bigger and Calibur, Shade, and Umbra appeared to block the two. Shining could not believe his eyes as he gripped Twilight's Dragonic Paladin book. "Shining?" Cadence asked when she saw him place his driver on and open the book.

Dragonic Paladin

"Henshin!" Shining shouted as he pressed the button on her driver and he transformed into Kamen Rider Drake, Dragonic Paladin form.

Paladin Stand!

Saber and Ember knocked the three back before they try to attack them but they jumped out of the way. Drake then try to strike Umbra only for the two to clashed blades before Umbra kicked him back. Saber clashed blades with Calibur while Ember try to clawed Shade as she pounced on him and he is holding her back at best he could. The three fire riders pushed the three shadow riders back. Shade and Umbra place their swords in their holders on their belts and press the button on the handles, while Calibur used the sword to push the button on the driver. All the while, Saber and Ember pushed the claws back while Drake place his sword in the holder on his belt and press the button before he and Saber drew out their swords and Ember pressed the button on her driver for a finisher.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!
Finishing Slash!

Saber and Ember send the dragon claws at the three while Drake send multiple slash waves. Calibur, Shade, and Umbra blocked the attacks while their swords are covered in darkness.

Single Flash of Knowledge!

The darkness flow on to the claws as Umbra send a slash wave right at Drake just as she send one last slasg at her. The darkness soon reached Saber and Ember as some happened inside their minds. Both Flash and Twilight were in some kind of forest with the trees all dead and it looked like it is raining. Behind them, walking to them is the same young white dragon. They both turned and saw her standing there. "Who are you?" Flash asked the dragon. The dragon didn't answer him as it looked down.

"Why do you always look so sad?" Twilight asked her, but still no answer. All the dragon did was raised her head and hold out her claws to them. While this was happening inside their minds, Saber and Ember cried out as they damage both Calibur and Shade while Drake's and Umbra's hit each other and all three of them transformed out of their rider forms and fell to the ground.

When Flash, Twilight, and Shining looked up, they saw that Shade had transformed back to Trek and Umbra transformed back to Chrysalis. But when they look at Calibur, it was someone that know very well. Only she wears a purple and black dress with Calibur's symbol on the back and her hair had a black line with the purple and white. This person brought a shocked looked on everyone but Cozy Glow and the six other kids. It is the mother of Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet. "Mom...?" Both Twilight and Shining Armor asked when they saw her. This has left them with a most questionable question: how is Twilight Velvet alive?

The Story Continue

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