• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, Chapter 28: Writing the Past, Drawing the Future.

Author's Note:

Here's a new question for you: If you could become a Kamen Rider, what kind of power would your rider have and what it be called?

Also when you see the a image of a Sacred Sword. It will be in sword mode. Also, I had Cozy Glow and the Young Six have Square Swords to help out.

We open to the Northern Base, the group had returned there to talk. Princess Twilight, Spike, Smolder, and Dragon Lord Ember went back home to Equestria. "Flash, Twilight, well done on overcoming Primitive Dragon." Beat told them.

"What that dragon was searching for all along..." Flash said as he and Twilight looked at their Primitive Dragon books. "...waw her friends."

"Once we learned of her sad tale, it naturally took from in our minds..." Twilight said as she and Flash remembers their talk with the dragon. "We told her a tale of how her old friends were saved by the alicorn Faust and meeting new friends."

"Which became these here Elemental Dragon books." Applejack said as they remember their awesome new forms. Both Flash and Twilight nodded yes by Applejack's comment as they placed both their Primitive Dragon and Elemental Dragon books on the table.

Terra patted the both of them on the back. "Now you two can join us on the frontlines again!" He told the two and they were happy to be.

"Plus, you two defeated Legeiel!" Sprit said as flew around. "And with him gone, that just leaves Zooous and Storious!"

"I get the feeling that they will not make it easy to do so." Spike said. "But guess what, me and Smolder found out that we can switch between our human forms to our dogs and vice versa."

"It's true!" Smolder said. "We've been practicing for a few days and once we show them not to mess with us, they'll be sorry."

"No, the fight still isn't over just yet, even if we defeat them." Light said.

"We still have a foe lying within the organisation." Twilight said.

At the Southern Base in the throne room. Master Logos is sitting in his throne as he laughs with delight before he looks at a book. "The time for the Omniscient Tome's draws near." He said as he looks at the book with a gem on the cover.

Near a warehouse Velvet, Tirek, and Chrysalis were there to discuss what to do next. "I say we go for the Sword of Lightning. It has no wielder so it will be so easy to seal away!" Tirek said.

"One problem. Velvet's daughter is entrusted with that sword and she won't give it up so easy." Chrysalis told him. While the two argued, Velvet was thinking about how saving the world means sealing the Sacred Swords and it's the only way.

"No faltering." Velvet said. "We...will fulfill my desire."

We open to Ocellus's home were we see, her and her family eating breakfast together. "Ocellus, you've been looking a little different these days." Her mother said to her.

"I do?" Ocellus asked as she checked herself. "Something look weird, mom?"

"No, no- You look more resilient." Ocellus's mother told her. "Those new friends influences maybe?" Ocellus understood what her mother what saying.

"I've certainly been through some crazy with my new friends." Ocellus said as she remembers all the stuff she and her friends have been through with the riders and even tge stuff they told them before they met. "Probably helped me grow a little!"

"That's good to hear." Her mother said. "By the way, can you do me a favor? It's for work."

""Our true enemy is within the Sword of Logos."" Terra repeated. The group is talking about how they're going to find the true enemy is. "That's what your father said?" He asked Twilight.

"Yes." Twilight answer. "That was when he entrusted it to me and Flash." She remembers her father asking them to take his place and find the truth.

"He also said this: The resone Arabia's uncle; Sombra betrayed his friends was the path he chosen will save the world and lead to true peace." Flash said. "It's what THEY told him and his two paladins." Beat then took out her sword from the computer and looked at it.

""The path I've chosen will save the world."" Beat said. "Velvet said the same."

"That would mean Sombra caught a glimpse of our worst possible future when he had Kurayami." Sunset said.

"That would also mean that both mon and dad saw those same futures too, right?" Shining Armor asked.

"The fate those bearing the title of Calibur, I suppose." Beat said as she sat down after she placed her back in the computer.

"I guess our biggest mystery is who "they" are supposed to be." Terra said. "The easiest answer would probably be..."

"Master Logos." Twilight said.

"Not necessarily." Beat said. "The organisation has a council of high-ranking "sages". These are four sages with a high degree of authority. The organisation's policies must go through them for approval."

"Regardless, the organisation has been unmistakably corrupted down to its roots." Light said. "Who can say if they're out to protect or destroy balance in the world?"

"And right now, both Surge and Wind are still trapped there." Sprit pointed out.

Meanwhile in the Southern Base, both Surge and Wind are in the meeting room to talk. "Surge. I'm leaving." Wind told him. Surge looked at her with a bit of shocked and surprised. "Even though Velvet is alive..." Wind thought back when she try to ask Mist about if Arabia is alive. Mist told her that Arabia is gone but Wind didn't believe it.

"Very well." Surge told her. "But Flash did say Velvet seeks to seal all Sacred Swords. Beat's has already fallen victim. You also might-"

"What are you on about?!" Wind shouted. "It's Velvet and she might know if Arabia is alive!" She then made her way for the exit before she stop to say one last thing to him. "I'll be fine." She then walked out. With Wind gone, Surge looked down and thought about what to do next.

"It's time I also steeled my resolve." Surge said to herself.

At the Northern Base. Ocellus walked out from the Book Gate while the others were thinking. "Twilight..." She said. "I got something important to ask..."

"Something important?" Twilight asked. "What is it?"

"Well, uhh... About that..." Ocellus said but having a hard time getting the words out. "Uhm..."

"What's wrong? Not looking like yourself there missy." Terra said.

"My mom works at the same place your mom used to work at and she wanted me to ask you this." Ocellus said. "She wants me to ask you if you can write a sequel to Living by the Sword. Her boss said that Velvet has a peculiar charm to it that really speaks to the heart. But I know very well that you've been busy enough as it is... Yeah it's your mom's work, but it still seemed unfair to ask..."

"I'll write one." Twilight said after a bit of silence. "A sequel to Living by the Sword."

"You sure Twi? At a time like this?" Rainbow asked.

"Now is exactly the time to be writing it..." Twilight said. "That tale about us. Mom would have done when she is in her right mind. This tale will began from my and Sprit's encounter with a mysterious girl named Star."

"That sounds like a great start." Sprit said as she and Twilight remembers the first time they met Star.

"Meeting Star made me love books even more!" Twilight told the others as she remembers the when she, Arabia, Sprit, and Star spend time together. "When I first spent my time with them, it felt like I could see my future. Like, I could be a novelist like my mom or become a rider like my father. But then that happened." She then remember the attack that happened 12 years ago when Sombra was Calibur, Star was sucked into a vortex, and when her father saved her, her mother, and Shining. "After forgetting about the incident... I started having that same dream of it on my birthday again and again. The dream felt so oddly realistic so, I thought just maybe, it was something that actually happened. Because of that, I started to rely on science to and stop believing in magic."

"But soon after, Equestrian magic was brought here by Sunset and you met us!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "During the Friendship Games and the hole Midnight Sparkle thing. And soon we went after to Camp Everfree for a school trip where we got our geos and we had great fun after all that!"

"It was the craziest things that happened to us!" Applejack said.

"I would never dreamed about seeing real magic and be able to use it." Twilight said. "But now I'm so happy to have met you girls. But even then, I still continue having that dream on my birthday."

"And when that day on your 17th birthday..." Flash said as they remember that when the Megido first attack and made the Mall and the area around it disappeared with both Flash, Twilight, and all those people with it. They remember the Golem Megido telling them that books are power to them and how the world will be theirs to rule in accordance to those books.

"Books should bring people joy." Twilight said. "So me and Flash couldn't sit still while the Megido were using them for evil." She, Flash, and Sprit then remember when Rekka appeared and Flash drew it out from the ground. That's when he first transformed into Kamen Rider Saber and fought the Golem.

"And there I was, happy to see Twilight again but also panicking away..." Sprit said. "While Flash fought and beat that Megido."

"I mean, I just desperate." Flash said. "But for some reason, my body just moved like this was all natural to me."

"Probably because you and Twilight are fated to obtain power." Light said.

"Our fate?" Twilight asked as she and Flash remembers Light told them that before.

"Exactly." Light said. "Hence, why Rekka chose you." She told Flash.

"It's certainly true that Flash and Twilight managed to draw out the Burning Sword's hidden power together." Beat said as they remember Rekka glowing bright and was able to separate the victims from the Megido for a short time.

"We were just going with the flow then too." Twilight told them.

"It's a bit late and all..." Gallus said. "These Sacred Swords and Wonder Ride Books things are super mysterious! I kind of want to know more about them!"

"Me too!" Silverstream shouted.

"Yona want to know about swords and books too!" Yona shouted.

"Count me in." Sandbar said as Ocellus nodded in agreement.

"I would love to know about them too." Cozy Glow said.

"Do you even have to ask?" Smolder asked as she also want to know too.

"I'll take it from here then." Light said. "For starters, the Wonder Ride Books are portions of the Omniscient Tome. They're what the individual pages turned into after being scattered by the conflict with the Megido. To reform the Omniscient Tome, the Megido created imitations of the Wonder Ride Books..." She explained to them. "...known as the Altar Ride Books. At first, they were decaying teleported city blocks to create their Alter Ride Books. But now..."

"I see new books are coming in steadily." Storious said as he looked at the pile of Alter Ride Books.

"We still have plenty of humans and creaters from Equestria connected to Wonder World after all." Zooous said. "Not to mention... This one's been doing good work." He looked at the Charybdis Megido who was reading a book.

"You mean me?" The Charybdis Megido asked Zooous before it stood up and Zooous put his arm around it.

"Unlike Desast, you're nice and loyal to us." Zooous told the Charybdis.

"It's an honour, Zooous-sama!" Charybdis said.

"That being said..." Zooous said. "That Legeiel went and got himself killed."

"Is that an issue?" Storious asked him.

"Nope." Zooous said as walked over to Storious. "Not at all. The books are still coming in. Once we've gathered the Sacred Swords too, we'll finally be able to remake both worlds as we please!"

"Once both worlds and Wonder World have become one, death certainly will come for all of humans and Equestrians." Storious said. "However, the energy of their fear and despair will continue to remain...and continue to provide us limitless power."

"So many people and creaters from Equestria like Soarin's mother and Pipsqueak to suffer for their ambitions." Twilight said in a sad tone. "It's unforgivable."

"Hey, thanks again for saving my mom." Soarin said. "I don't know what I would do if she was gone forever."

"But now, the Sword of Logos also seek to restore the Omniscient Tome, rather than just the Megido." Light said.

"The Sword of Logos was originally formed to protect the world's balance." Terra said. "To ensure the Wonder Ride Books would never again be gathered to reform the Omniscient Tome...is why we distributed them between North and South."

"But now those at the Southern Base like Ruby Mist have forgone the mission and its principles..." Beat said. "...and are trying to gather the Wonder Ride Books into a single place."

"The nine they've stolen from us and are now at the Southern Base." Flash said.

At the Southern Base, Mist and Starlight stands before Master Logos as he sits on his throne with the nine stolen Wonder Ride Books floating around it. "The Wonder Ride Books and Sacred Swords." Logos said. "As we thought, the key to gathering them was Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes. It is as you said." Mist said. "Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle has continued to obtain new powers."

"What truly mysterious man and woman." Logos said.

"You ordered them isolated from the Northern Base swordsmen..." Mist continue. "...such that they would evolve even further, correct? However, won't they soon become a real threat to us?"

"The other swords which intertwined Rekka should naturally awaken before long." Logos told Mist. "They'll fulfilled their role. It's about time we rid ourselves of them." He looked to the side and two men walked out. One has bright orange skin, drak orange hair, light blue eyes and on his red uniform is a sun. The other has black skin, pure white hair, dark blue eyes, his red uniform has a killer whale surrounded by a sonic wave, and this man carried a Sacred Sword. It's the Sacred Sword of Time: Jikokuken Kaiji.

"Sonic Wave...!" Mist said with a smile when she saw the man with the Sacred Sword.

"Sunburst...!" Starlight said when she saw the other.

Somewhere in the city. Velvet, Tirek, and Chrysalis were out for a walk till Velvet stop and Wind run up to them. "Velvet...?" Wind asked when she saw her. "I've finally found you! Now you can tell me if Arabia is alive and where she is! Then we can fight together again!" She ran over to Velvet.

"We can't." Velvet told Wind. "As for Arabia, I can't tell you if she is."

"But why?" Wind asked. "Becoming strong like her has been my goal so-" Velvet, Tirek, and Chrysalis took out their Jaou Dragon book and Jaou Paladin books as they face her. She stepped back when they pulled them out as they placed them in their drivers.

Jaou Dragon
Jaou Paladin

"Wind, I'm sorry..." Velvet told her as she hold up her sword. "But we're sealing your blade too."

"Guess we should thank you for saving the trouble of coming for you." Chrysalis said as they pressed the button on their drivers and they transformed into their rider forms.

Jaou Dragon!
Jaou Paladin!

They then brought their swords up and brought them down just as Wind dodged them in time. Wind was about to take out her sword before Shade and Umbra try to strike her, but she jumped back to dodge them. "Please just stop!" Wind shouted as quickly jumped on Calibur's back. Calibur got her off and spun around to strike Wind, but she back flipped and dodge the attack. Wind rolled out of way as they swung their swords at her again. "You're kidding me... Why?!" She shouted as they charged at her. Wind pulled out her sword and clashed blades with them. Each time time they clashed blades, Wind stepped back or dodge each time they try to strike her. Wind quickly pulled out her Wonder Ride Book and open it.

Sarutobi Ninja-den

Wind then close her book and place it in her sword before she split her sword in two.

Twin Blades Divide

"Henshin!" Wind shouted as she charged at the three and she transformed into Kamen Rider Kenzan.

~Hayate, the Sword of Zephyrs!

Kenzan rolled behind them and hold Calibur's arm when she try to strike her. "Where is Arabia!?!?" Kenzan shouted before she was pushed back and then strike a few times by both Calibur and Umbra. Little did any of them know, Desast was watching them.

"Here I was following this pleasant scent..." Desast said. "...and what do I find but the Calibur I killed, rampaging with both a Shade and a Umbra." He watch Shade kicked Kenzan to the ground. Kenzan jumped back up and kicked Calibur back before she dodge her when she thrust her sword forward. "He smells of...the mother of the Ember! This has gotten even more interesting!"

"We got a Megido!" Spike shouted as he had his book out and a page popped up to show them what's happening. The page show them Desast and it also showed them Kenzan fighting Calibur and her two paladins.

"Velvet! Tirek! Chrysalis! Wind!" Flash shouted when the page showed them. "Ok, let's move!" He and Twilight grabbed their Primitive Dragon and Elemental Dragon books before heading out.

"Wait, I'm coming too!" Spike shouted as he, Smolder, Rainbow Dash, and Sprit followed them.

Back at the fight, Kenzan got thrown at a bunch of junk by Shade and Umbra. Kenzan quickly got back up just as Calibur swung her sword at her and she blocked before she ran and flipped over some junk to try to get some distance from them. But they went after her and when Calibur jumped over the junk, she clashed blades with Kenzan when she brought her sword down. "Please stop!" Kenzan shouted as Calibur pinned her against a wall. Kenzan pushed her back before she try to punch her but Calibur caught the punch as Kenzan pushed her back.

Calibur pushed Kenzan aside and to the ground. Both Shade and Umbra charged at Kenzan just as she got up and brought their swords down on her, but Kenzan blocked their attacks with her swords as they came down. They broke through her block and knocked her on of her swords out of her hand. Calibur then struck Kenzan a few times before she kicked her far and to the ground. Calibur then closed her book before she pressed the button on her driver for her finisher.

Jaou Finishing Passage

"That's the second." Calibur said as she brought her down one of Kenzan's two swords.

Jaou Finishing Strike!

The emblem turned black before the hole sword went dark. "My Twin Wind Sword..." Kenzan said as she saw one of her swords be sealed. "Why did you do this, Mrs. Velvet?!"

"Forgive me, Wind." Calibur told her. "This is the only way the world can be saved." She walked to her to seal the other sword before Flash, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and two squares stood infront of Kenzan.

"Stop this Mom!!" Twilight shouted. "Tell us more about the futures you saw! Then we-"

"Flash." Calibur stopped her from continue. "I'm sealing your Sacred Sword as well."

"Looks like she's not in the mood to talk." Sprit said as she hids behind a lamp poll.

"But we're not going to let it happen!" The Square that sounds like Smolder shouted as she ready her sword as did Spike's Square ready his.

"Alright." Twilight whisper. "Then we'll have to stop you for now." She told them as she, Flash, and Rainbow Dash took out their Wounder Ride Books. Flash and Twilight open up their Elemental Dragon books to reveal the story within.

And now, join hands with that primordial power to become the mystical beast that will save all!
Wonder Paladin

After Flash and Twilight close their Elemental Dragon books, they took out their Primitive Dragon books and open them up to place the Elemental Dragon books in them.

Elemental Dragon Get!

They place them books in their drivers before Flash drew out his sword as Twilight and Rainbow Dash pressed the button on their drivers.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!

"Henshin!" The three shouted as Flash slash his sword and both flames and wind covered both Twilight and Rainbow Dash as they transformed into their rider forms.

~Elemental Dragon!
More and more elements makes for a formidable bond!
~Wonder Paladin!

Saber, Ember, Whirlwind, and the two Squares charged at Calibur and her two paladins just as they charged at them. Their sowrds glowed as they clashed agenst one another. Saber and Ember took on Calibur, Whirlwind took on Umbra, and the two Squares took on Shade. Saber and Ember threw rocks at Calibur they hold each other in a lock. They broke free before they stuck Calibur with lightning as Whirlwind moved as fast the wind and slashed Umbra while the two Squares overpowered Shade. Both Saber and Ember use wind to push Calibur back a bit before she slashed at them with darkness. The five of them were able to overpower as they pushed the three back. Saber place his sword back his driver as Ember pulled the claws on her Primitive Dragon book just as Saber pushed the cover on his book back twice before Ember pressed the button on for their finisher.


Saber, Ember, Whirlwind, and the two Squares jumped high and came down with a five powerful Rider Kicks at Calibur, Shade, and Umbra. Their kicks landed and they were sent tumbling to the ground. "I'm sure there's a way to save the world without sealing the swords!" Saber shouted.

"No, there isn't!" Calibur shouted as she, Shade, and Umbra got up from the ground. "I've seen all our potential futures... Just the same as my husband and Sombra must have..."

"Dad and Sombra?" Ember asked when she heard that part.

"And believe us, Sombra did see it and told us!" Shade shouted.

"And so did your father when he took the Sword of Shadows and that's why we betrayed the guild!" Umbra shouted. "All to save the world from absolute destruction."

"But because Sombra chose his methods poorly, he died without fulfilling his wish!" Calibur told them as they stood up. "That why I've returned and brought back Tirek and Chrysalis! I'm sure it was Night Light that sent me back here... To save this world's future in his place!" The three closed their books before they pressed the button on their drivers for a finisher.

Jaou Finishing Passage
Jaou Finishing Strike!

They charged at the five before they slashed them. Flames covered both Saber and Ember as wind covered Whirlwind and the two Squares jumped out of the way. Both the flames and wind surrounded the three before they gathered above them and formed a flamnado before they struck them as it cane down. It sent them flying high into the wall and as they fell to the ground, they transformed out of their rider forms. Saber and the two paladins transformed back to Flash, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash as the Squares vanished and both Spike and Smolder came out from where they were hiding and they all came over to Velvet, Tirek, and Chrysalis.

"Regardless of how you feel about this..." Velvet told them. "We will fulfill this mission we've been entrusted." The three stood up. "Even if it costs my life." The three then walked away from them.

"Mom!" Twilight called out as they walked away but they continue on as Rainbow Dash helped up Wind from the ground.

"WHY?!" Wind shouted to Velvet as they walked out of sight. "WHY DAMMIT?!" She knocked Rainbow off her and she slammed her fists on the ground. "I'm... I'm gonna get even stronger... Arabia... If I do, I'm sure you'll... tell me if Arabia... is alive or not..."

"Wind..." Flash said as he and the others felt sorry for her. Wind got up and hold on to her sword that didn't get sealed as she lipped over to her other sword and picked it up as she walked away. Desast lower his sword down and walked away after he saw the hole thing. Soarin and Spitfire came just as the fight was over and saw everything and felt sorry as well before they looked up and saw Wonder World. They haven't seen it for a while, so they shook their heads before looking back up and saw nothing. They both figured that it was just their imagination.

They soon returned to the Northern Base and told the others what happened. "Sorry Ocellus... looks like Twilight's not in the mood for writing right now." Sandbar said.

"I know..." Ocellus said as she looked at both Flash and Twilight that are on the stairs.

"No..." Twilight said. "I'm gonna start it. To close this tale..." She and Flash stood up from the stairs. "To save those suffering from books... And to return those after being turned into Megido... I will spin the tale of my and Flash's fight alongside our friends. They're separated from us right now... but Surge, Wind, my mom, Tirek, and Chrysalis will be a part of it."

"Twilight..." Sunset said after hearing all that. Everyone agreed with her as they know they need one another to save the world.

"Your mom won't be alone this time." Flash said. "We have to fight together to be able to change our doomed future! And as promised, we'll save your friend Star. Only we can decide...how this story ends."

"The Omniscient Tome is mine." Logos said to himself as look at his book. "All that's left is the begin that connects our worlds." He began to laugh maniacally.

The Story Continues

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