• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 19: Flame with Light, blade with blade.

We open to inside Tassel's house where we see him behind his fireplace. "Why..." He started before two more of him popped out from nowhere. "Bonne Lecture everyone! I was a bit concerned at first, but it's a relief that Flash, the main seven, and Light are getting along." All three of them said at the same time before a book flew out and opened itself to show us what happened in the last chapter.

"However, Surge and co. are still at odds with them-" Tassel said as we see Saber and Ember try to protect the two Megid that is Soarin's mother from both worlds from Blades. "-and the Megido have kicked off a new scheme... Will they be alright?" We then see Saber and Ember finishing off the two Yeti Megid after separating Soarin's mom. "I'm so worried about them..." A new book flew out and opened up as we get pulled in to the next chapter.

"SERIOUSLY?!?!?!" The rest of the main seven, the CMCs, Spike, Sprit, Soarin, Spitfire, and Lightning Dust shouted. It was the next day and Flash, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset told the others what Light told them. "Why didn't you say so sooner?" Sprit asked Light.

"I mean really! How were we supposed to know what to do if you don't say "USE ME"?!" Flash shouted.

"Well you didn't ask." Light told them.

"Yeah, but still! You could have done it in the first place!" Spike told Light.

"If we knew your blade could separate human and pony from Megido, we could've settled it without that method." Twilight said but Light was focused on Rarity's phone that she set down on the table.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was over my mom's situation?" Soarin asked.

"Just use me next time." Light said as she still looked at the phone. "Besides, there's more to be cautious about than just the Megido."

"You're referring to Sword of Logos right?" Rarity asked.

"The swordsmen have been relentlessly pursuing your Sacred Sword and Wonder Ride Books." Light said as she slide a bit closer to Rarity's phone.

"But they technically own the books and swords, don't they?" Sprit asked.

"True. They're the ones that distributed the books between the swordsmen of the north and south." Light answered as she moved closer to Rarity's phone. "But right now..."

"Since Sophia disappeared, the Southern Base has been gathering the swords and books..." Fluttershy finished Light's sentence.

"But for what exactly?" Spike asked.

"To reform the chapter of omniscience, as a source of great power." Light answered. "Numerous books listed in the transcript of contents are required, along with the Sacred Swords to guide its restoration. And if that happens, the barrier that separates this world and Equestria will be destroyed and both will merge with Wonder World." She explained as she stood up. "That chapter would then give one the power to rewrite both worlds." She said as she faced them and walked backwards to the table with Rarity's phone.

"And our traitor seeks that power...?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"That's why they exploited Arabia and her uncle..." Twilight said.

"Assuming they aim to misuse it, the worlds will be in gave danger." Light told them as she sneaky took Rarity's phone and puts it in her back pocket. "The Megido is a given, but we also need to set the organisation straight."

At the Southern Base, Mist gathered the others in the main meeting room. "Flash Sentry now wields the Sword of Light." She told them. "Suspicious disappearances have been occurring. While they're likely a Megido's doing, he and Twilight Sparkle may also be involved."

"There's no evidence-" Surge walked up to her and was about to tell her off before she spoke up.

"You saw them covering for two Megidos yourself, did you not?" Mist asked Surge. Surge didn't answer because he didn't know what to say. "Power in their hands poses a threat."

"And we still don't know where Sophia is?" Terra asked.

"The Megido may have her confined somewhere." Mist told Terra. "Or perhaps..."

At the Megido lar. Legeiel yelled in anger over Saber and Ember destroying the two Yeti Megid. "The book was done!!" He shouted.

"Doesn't matter when it's been destroyed." Zooous told him and that just made Legeiel yelled again. "Just keep making more then! We've got a few out there already." For the last few days, Storious and Zooous were going out at night and turning people into Megido and as the people turned into Megido, so do their Equestrian counterparts. "Storious has found us our next target!"

Inside of a bed room somewhere is a little boy with brown hair and pur white skin with a little brown spot on his left eye. This boy's name is Pipsqueak, he is a student from Canterlot school and a friend of the CMCs. At this moment, he is building a lego scale model of a castle that looks strangely exactly like Canterlot castle. "Almost done." He said.

After he placed a lego brick in place, he looked out the window and he can see Wonder World out of it. He thought to himself why can't the kids at school see it too. Just then the room went dark and Storious is in the room with him. "How about I grant you the power power to fulfill that wish." He said as he walked closer to Pip before placing the blank book on him. Pipsqueak yelled in pain as the book transformed him into the Ousama Megid.

The Barefooted King!

"Surprise!" The Megido said. "The king has arrived!"

On a bridge, Mist is alone and on her Gatriker Phone with someone. "Flash Sentry has now used the Sword of Light." She told whoever is on the other end. "As expected, he and Twilight Sparkle are the very keys we've been seeking." Once she was done talking to the person on the other end of the phone, she hanged up.

Meanwhile, the Ousama Megid arrive at Canterlot school and is ready to cause chaos. "Alright then! Megidonk Bobbidi-Boo!" He shouted as he pointed his staff at the road and the cars on it with the people inside disappear. "Come on, come on!" Soon the cars reappeared where he is.

"We gotta pin down that true enemy in the organisation..." Twilight said.

"Easy! Just get Surge or one of them to help us!" Sprit said as she flew infront of Twilight.

"We can't right now..." Flash said. "Not while they don't trust us."

"Then we just need to get them to trust us again!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Easier said than done, Sugercube." Applejack said.

"To protect the worlds, the Sacred Swords and Wonder Ride Books along with us swordsmen are necessary." Light told them as she checked out Rarity's phone. "We must return them to the right path. Not to mention, the enemy should reveal themselves if the blades and books are gathered."

"And that will lead to Star." Twilight said as she walked over to Light. Light quickly hide Rarity's phone before Twilight could see it. "Light, do you know anything about her?"

"The girl that disappeared into the book, correct?" Light asked just to be sure.

"Yup, that's the one." Sprit said as she landed on Twilight's sholder.

"She was very precious to you both, wasn't she?" Sunset asked.

"She taught us the joys of reading books. So, I guess you can say she's the resone why I love books." Twilight said. "For me, Sprit, and Arabia, she was an irreplaceable friend. But because of me..."

"It wasn't your fault!" Sprit told her. "The one at fault is that "true enemy"! Right?"

"Still..." Twilight said sounding sad.

"What's wrong?" Flash asked to see what's bothering her.

"Nah. I'll definitely save her." Twilight said. "I heard her voice. I know she's alive."

"If so, the organisation can't ignore this either." Light said before she hold out her hand and when it glowed, a book appeared in her hand. "Long ago, there was once a special woman who first connected the two worlds." When Light told them this and hand Twilight the book, Twilight remember what her father told her, Flash, Spike, and Sprit. When Sombra was Calibur and why he and his two paladins went for Star. They told her dad and mom that Star is a special existence that helps connect the three worlds.

"So Star's like her?" Twilight asked Light.

"Most likely." Light responded. "But she wasn't in Wonder World."

"Then where...?" Sprit asked.

"If that girl chose you, Twilight..." Light said. "...and she knows who Flash is as well. You both really may be fated to obtain power." Rarity's phone made a loud noise that scared Light.

"Why've you got my phone?" Rarity asked as she took her phone back. When she scold Light, Twilight open the book up and she, Sprit, and Flash read what's inside. "People have been going missing apparently?" Rarity said as she read the alert on her phone. Could it be a Megido?"

"It must be!" Sunset said as she had the book Princess Twilight gave her out. "Because the samething is happening in Equestria. Princess Twilight said that ponies have vanished and some others said they saw a monster."

"Hey guys." Soarin spoke up. "My mom wants to talk to us about something."

Later the group joined Mrs. Sky and she was freaking out. "Just when I thought I was starting to see a weird world after that pony that looked like me appeared last year, I suddenly turned into a monster!" Mrs. Sky explained what happened. Soarin try to calm her down as she went over to Flash. "So anyway, who or what was doing the swordfighting?"

"Mom! Calm down!" Soarin told her.

"I am calm, I am!" His mother shouted just as a tea maker went off. Light was checking out the tea maker while the others talked. "Ahhh, but I still don't get it! I thought maybe an exclusive article... But who's going to believe it? And I can't see that weird world anymore either! Soarin, does that friend of yours know something about this?" She asked him while pointing at Rainbow Dash.

"Me? No I don't..." Rainbow Dash said but Mrs. Sky was not buying.

"You definitely do! And that goes for the rest of your friends!" She said as she pointed to her friends. Applejack covered her face with her hat while the others just looked away. "Spill the beans!" Mrs. Sky demanded.

"We know nothing!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"It's all over your f-" Mrs. Sky was cut short when Light placed her hand on Mrs. Sky's face. A glow shine as Light was doing something.

"Hey! What are you doing to my mom!" Soarin asked when he and the others saw what she was doing. When Light stopped, Mrs. Sky was confused.

"Soarin? What are you and your friends doing here?" She asked.

"Those bad memories are unnecessary." Light said. "Now she can go in peace."

"Who are you?" Mrs. Sky asked whe she saw Light. As Light returned to check out the tea maker, both Sunset and Twilight went over to her.

"You can erased memories?" Sunset whispered to Light. Just then the book in Spike's bag shine and alerted them. Spike quickly took it out and opened it up.

"We got trouble!" Spike said and the others knew what they had to do.

At the Southern Base, Surge sits and was thinking about Flash and Twilight and if he can still trust them or not. "Don't torment yourself." Terra told Surge. "Flash or Twilight hasn't done anything wrong yet."

"They trusted Arabia's killer!" Wind shouted. "Is that not "wrong" enough for you?" She asked as she looked at Terra.

"And you need to cool off a bit!" Terra told Wind as he walked over to her. "Those two- They're probably in the loop with things we aren't. Listen, our job right now is putting a stop to the Megido and rescuing Sophia. Don't forget that."

Beat lean agenst the wall and thought about what Light told her and Surge the other day. About how the Sword of Logos as it stands does not embody justice and how she and the others are the ones on the wrong path. Beat wondered what Light meant by all that. "Could that..." She thought.

With the Ousama Megid, he had the cars stack infront of the school. "How pleasant, how amusing!" He shouted as the one in Equestria started to appear next to him. Soon the riders arrived at the place and the four puppets appeared with them. "My tummy's itching..." Both Megidos said.

"What's going on?!" Apple Bloom asked as she and the others saw the stack cars.

"Don't know, but we gotta protect the city." Flash said. "Let's go!" He said as he and the others brought out their drivers and the puppets ready their swords. Light however was distracted by the cars.

"Retreating!" Shouted the Megido as he pointed his staff at them and a car nearly landed on them. When they looked up the Megido escaped.

"What?" Light asked when she saw the Megido is gone. "What a coward." Unbeknownst to them, Storious watch the hole thing from where he is standing.

"Just like that." Storious said. "There's no need for fighting." He then left before anyone could see him.

Terra was walking through a tunnel with Beat as he talked to her. "Surge is still brooding and Wind looks like she's about to explode."

"Not a pleasant state of affairs at all." Beat said. "The Sword of Light said that the Sword of Logos was not on the side of justice."

"It did?" Terra asked.

"I can't imagine one of the forefather Sacred Swords lying..." Beat said as she walked over to a wall and lean agenst it.

"We're gathering the books and swords to watch over them. "Terra reminded her. "I do believe in the organisation, but we need to make sure."

"She's a fascinating one." Beat said. "I will cross swords with them to ascertain the Sword of Light and Rekka's true intentions." After she told Terra what she planned to do, he scoffed.

"I see our swordsmith's excited." Terra said. "I'll take care of Surge and Wind." He told her before they parted ways.

The group returned back to Fantastic Books and was confused by the Megido. "What was with that Megido?" Rainbow asked. "It just took off when it saw us!"

"Maybe it must've known it couldn't beat us!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Nah. Maybe something else." Twilight said.

"Hello." Pipsqueak said to the group. When they looked, they saw Pipsqueak here with the CMCs and Spike.

"Uh when did he get here?" Lightning Dust asked as she pointed at Pipsqueak.

"We saw him when came back from, the you what." Sweetie Bell told them, just as Luna came in.

"Hi!" Pipsqueak greeted. "And well I just wanted to check out the place where my friends have been going a lot lately. Plus, that mode train set it amazing." He pointed to the train set on the table. While Pipsqueak explained why he was here, Light picked up the Sword-X Women comic book and open it up to read it. "The detailing is astounding!"

"You a fan of dioramas and models, Pip?" Luna asked.

"Well sorta." Pipsqueak answered before he pulled out his phone and pull up an image of the lego castle he was working on. "But I have been working on this for quite some time now. Right now, I'm trying to create a castle I saw in my dreams."

"Woah! This looks great!" Spike said when he saw the castle. The others were also impressed, but Sunset was surprised to see it looks similar to Canterlot castle.

"I must say Pip, you really out done yourself." Luna complemented.

"You know, my mom always wrote books stuffed with her dreams. At least that's what she told me." Twilight told Pipsqueak. Pipsqueak smiled before he felt pain inside him and dropped his phone.

"Pip? Pip, what's wrong?!" Luna asked sounding worried.

"But...I...." Pipsqueak said before he turned his back to them and lift his shirt to see the book in him start to glow. He quickly ran past the group and ran outside.

"Wait up! What's wrong!?" Apple Bloom asked as she, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Spike, Flash, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy went after him. Light watch them leave before she closed the comic book and followed them.

The CMCs, Spike, Flash, Twilight, Luna, Rarity, and Fluttershy ran down the street to look for Pipsqueak. But they stopped to realised that he's long gone before they heard him moan in pain. He hide behind a heged as he felt pain inside, the group that followed him ran over to him. "No..." He told them when they found him before he glowed and transformed into the Ousama Megid.

The Barefooted King!

"What's with the no, no, no?" The Ousama Megid asked as he appeared.

"A Megido?! It was you?" Flash asked when he and the others saw Pipsqueak was the Megido from before. Another appeared next to the first one before it burst out dark energy and the CMCs, Twilight, Flash, Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, and Smolder from Equestria appeared next to their counterparts and the second Ousama became soiled.

"Not again! Let me guess, your world's Pipsqueak turned into a Megido too?" Pegasus Flash asked his human counterpart before the two Megid shouted.

"Let's pile on more and more!" Both Megidos shouted before they pointed their staffs and cars started to pilled in the area they're in. "Surprise! One on top of the other, sparkle-sparkle!"

"Pip..." Both Lunas said as they both care for Pipsqueak.

"Hang on, we're coming to save you!" Twilight told them before she, Flash, Rarity, and Fluttershy took out their drivers and puts them on.

"You're what now?" One of the Megido asked them as they took out their Wounder Ride Books.

Brave Dragon
Wonder Paladin

"Shoo, shoo, you annoyances!" Shouted the other one as they placed their books in their drivers.

"Henshin!" Flash and the three girls shouted as Flash draw out his sword and the girls pressed the button on their drivers and they transformed into their rider forms.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!
~Brave Dragon!
~Wonder Paladin!

The human CMCs and Spike took out the swords Light gave them and pressed the buttons on the handles. Books appeared around them as each of their puppets appeared. As for Light, she was sitting on the ground and was too busy reading the comic book before Spike had his puppet to try and take the book from her. "Come on Light, we need you right now!" Spike shouted as his puppet couldn't get the comic away from Light.

Meanwhile at the Southern Base. Mist walked out to the balcony at the top of the stairs and looked down at Surge, Wind, Beat and Terra in the room. "A Megido has been sighted." She told them.

"A Megido?" Surge asked. Both he and Wind started to went for the door before Terra spoke up and stop them.

"Wait you two!" He shouted before Beat spoke up.

"I'll deal with this." She told them before she headed out. Terra knew that she is really going to fight Flash and know for certain whether or not if he and Twilight are still on the right path.

Back with the fight with Saber, the three paladins, and the four puppets. They weren't doing so well as both Saber and Ember rolled on the ground by the two Ousama Megid. Both Aqua and Reverb used their swords to blocked the attacks when the two Megid went for them. "Let Pip go you monstrosities!" Alicorn Luna demanded as she fired a magic beam at them. The two Megidos used the puppets to take the hits for them.

The two then hit both Saber and Ember with their staffs when they got up and blast back to the ground. "We haven't completed our kingdom yet!" One of them told them. "Boom!" They both shouted as the swung their staffs and nearly hit both Saber and Ember. "Boom!" They hit the ground this time and the power surge went right Saber and Ember.

"Pip..." Saber said as he and Ember struggle to get up. "Light...!" He shouted as he used his sword to steady himself. The two Megidos laughed at this as they knew they have no shot.

"How pleasant! How amusing!" Both Megidos shouted.

"Well you stop reading that comic and protect the world already?!" Smolder shouted as she and dragon Spike pulled Light up.

"I like it!" Light said as she closed the comic book. She then noticed that the others were having truble with the two Ousama Megid. "I see what's going on." She said before putting on her driver and took out her Wonder Ride Book.

Gold or Sliver?

Light then flipped the leaver on her driver and place the book in it. She then pulled out her sword and the book open up.

Unleashed the Radiance!

"Henshin!" Light said as her body turned into dust and went into the sword itself before she got one last look at the cover of the comic book.

~Who is the Shining Sword?[/i[

The sword flew over to the two Megid and slashed them both before it was shot back by Storious. "Can you not interfere, please?" He asked as he came out from where he was hiding. He then transformed into his Megid form and made five copies of himself. As two of his copies went after Saber and Ember, Saber place his sword back in his driver and place the Storm Eagle and Saiyuu Journey books in his driver before he drew his sword back out to switch to his Crimson Dragon combo.

Unsheathe the Flame!
~Crimson Dragon!

The other two copies went after Reverb and Aqua and each copy clashed blades with the riders. Both Saber and Ember dodged the copies attacks while Aqua and Reverb continue to clashed blades with the other two. The last copy went after the puppets and they did their best to fight it. "Come on then.~" Each copy said to each rider as they over power them.

The first two struck both Saber and Ember while the other two knock Aqua and Reverb down. The last copy strike the puppets right at the human CMCs and Spike and they were knocked a few feet back. Little did any of them know, four balls of light floated by and the CMCs and Spike crashed into them.

Soon Saikou got up and flew over to one of the copies and slashed it, while pony Rarity, Princess Twilight, Flash and Fluttershy along with Spike the dragon and Smolder and the CMCs went to check on the human CMCs and Spike. "Hey! Are you guy...okay?" Smolder asked, what she and the others saw confused them. Apple Bloom stood up and she was wearing a yellow Japanese kimono, her eyes glowed yellow, and there's a yellow strike in her hair that was tied up in a bun.

Scootaloo stood up next and she was wearing a blue female business suit while her eyes glowed blue and her hair had blue strike in it. Sweetie Bell jumped up and she is wearing a purple jacket with a cap and her hair is all messy with bright purple strike in it and her eyes glowed bright purple. Lastly, Spike stood up with a red scarf around his neck, his hair is standing up with a red strike in it, and his eyes glowed red.

"Sweetie Bell!! What are you wearing?!?!?!?" Rarity and Aqua asked as they are horrified by Sweetie Bell's new look.

"Well, this is a big trun around!" Sweetie Bell spoke in a different voice before she dance like a hip-hoper.

"What ever this is, I will show them my strength!" Apple Bloom said in a strong deep voice as she cracked her neck.

"This could be very butieful." Scootaloo said in a swave voice. Each of the girls sounded like full grown guys for some reason.

"Hey, why do you sound like guys?" Pony Scootaloo asked as she and the others were confused by all this.

"Nevermind that! Looks like we are in the middle of a fight, and when I'm around we don't do sit ups and we don't do warning shots!" Spike said with his voice sound a bit aggressive before he and the three pull out sliver belts with four different color buttons on them and a symbol on the front as they puts them on their waist. " We turn our fights up to eleven, from the start (to the finish), at a climax!"

Spike pressed the red button on his belt, Scootaloo pressed the blue one, Apple Bloom pressed the yellow button, and Sweetie Bell pressed the purple button on her's and each belt made different sounds as the pulled out a rectangular train pass. "Henshin!" They each said as they scanned the passes and they transformed.

Sword Form

Rod Form!

Ax Form!

Gun Form!

The others were shocked that they just transform into Kamen Riders and then Spike did a pose as he spoke. "Ore... sanjou!"

"You... mind if I reel you in?" Scootaloo asked as she too did a pose.

"My strength, it has brought you to tears. Wipe your tears with this." Apple Bloom said after what looked to be a sumo pose.

"Is it okay if I kill you? Can't hear your answer!" Sweetie Bell shouted as spun around and did a pose. Then they each took pieces on the sides of their belts and put them together to create wepons. Spike made a sword, Scootaloo made a rod, Apple Bloom made an ax, and Sweetie Bell made a gun. They then charged and join the fight.

As Saber and Ember clashed blades with two copies of Storious, Spike came and slashed his sword at one of the copies as Sweetie Bell blasted the other. Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom struck the one copy of Storious that is fighting Aqua and Reverb. Saber try to fly up but on the copies used some energy rope to grab him and another blast him. Saber fell to the ground and Ember stood infront of him to protect him.

"A fascinating technique, but still powerless before me." Saikou said as the sword attack one of the copies and clashed blades with it.

"Did that sword just talk?!" Spike asked as he fight the other copy.

"Let there be light!" Saikou shouted before the sword shin bright.

Release the Radiance!
Good Luck.

The bright light destroy the remaining copies leaving the real one left standing. "That's handy." Scootaloo said.

"How interesting." Storious said. "Is this yet another power of the Sword of Light?" He asked before Saber and Spike charged at Storious and clashed blades with him. As they fought Storious, the two Ousama Megid continue to stack cars.

"Stack on up and up!" The two Megid shouted. The sword's button glowed and the shadow appeared.

Who is This?
Saikou second Chapter
The shadow born from the light;

"Now that's something you don't see everyday!" Sweetie Bell shouted when she saw the shadow. The shadow turned and we see Slash walk in.

"Sword of Light, I want to understand your intentions!" Slash shouted to the sword.

"Then carry out your duty as a swordswoman!" Saikou told Slash. Slash ready her sword before both her and the shadow charged at each other clashed blades.

"Guess that just leaves us with the two over there." Apple Bloom said to Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo before the three charged at the two Megid and fought them. With Saikou and Slash, Saikou pushed Slash back and the shadow pushed the button on the sword.

Release the Radiance!

When they clashed blades, sparks came off the Sword of Light and Slash knew something. "This attack...!" She said before she spin around and pushed the shadow back with a slash of her sword and cancel out the attack.

"That's some interesting swordplay." Saikou complemented. The two waved their swords as the Sword of Light was covered in shadow and Slash's sword was covered in pink light. They then slashed at each other and the two slashed waves clashed with each other before an explosion pushed the shadow back a tiny bit. "I guess Shadow really isn't enough..."

With Saber and Spike, the two swung their swords as Storious step back from each slash and clash with them. The two manage to strike him back just as Slash and Reverb came from behind and Storious clashed blades with them. "Return Sophia to us!" Slash demand as she clash blades with him. "We know it was you!"

"What are you blabbing on about?" Storious asked. "Has your Northern Guardian disappeared?" He pushed both of them back.

"What?!" Slash asked. "You didn't know?!" Back with the fight with the two Ousama Megid and the CMCs, they continue to fight as the cars continue to stack. The two Megidos knock the CMCs back before they yelled in joy.

"Haha, it's done!" Both Megidos shouted before they pointed their staffs at Saber, Ember, and Spike. "You're open!" They blasted at them and both Saber and Ember fell to the ground as Spike and the shadow rolled out of way. "Let's keep on cracking!"

"You're sure that we can use you to separate the human and pony from Megido?" Saber asked Saikou.

"Just try it. Now then..." Just before the shadow could hand Saikou to Saber, Storious struck him from behind and clash blades with the shadow to keep it from handing the sword to anyone.

"That would inconvenience us." Storious said. Ember, Aqua, and Spike charged at Storious and swung and clashed blades with him. As the two Megid laugh at this fight happening infront of them, Slash, Reverb, and Scootaloo strike them while Apple Bloom use her ax to strike one of them in the back. Then Sweetie Bell used her gun to blast the two from a safe distance.

"You dare?!" They both shouted as they counter attack.

"Beat!" Saber shouted before he clashed blades with Storious. "Those two are a human and a pony from Equestria!" He shouted to Slash as he hold Storious's arm. "Both young and need help!" He shouted as he dodged each of Storious attacks.

"A human boy and cult?" Slash asked after she kick one of the Megido back.

"We know it's hard to believe, Darling. But it's true!" Aqua told Slash after she and Reverb knock the second back.

"The Megido have been turning people into Megido!" Reverb told Slash.

"Now that's a really big surprise!" Sweetie Bell shouted. Storious was able to knock Saber to the ground.

"Just please stop attacking!" Ember shouted at Slash before she clash blades with Storious. After hearing each of them, Slash tightened her grip on the handle of her sword.

"I can't do that!" Slash told them before she charged at the two down Megid on the ground. When they got up, Slash slash her sword at them a few times and knock them back down.

"Beat!" Saber shouted.

"Help me...!" Both Pipsqueaks called out from within the two Megid. "Help me!" Slash heard their voices.

"What?" Slash was surprised by what she just heard. Storious's sword glowed as he slashed as he spun around and hit everyone. When the smoke clear both him and the two Megidos were gone.

"Oi! Come back you cowards!" Spike shouted.

"No! Pipsqueak!" Both Lunas called out but got no answer.

"Did you see that?!" Saber asked Slash. "They're turning both people and the beings from Equestria into Megido to create their books!"

"Why do you wield the Sword of Light?" Slash asked Saber. "Do you and Twilight desire power?!"

"We don't!" Ember shouted as she was getting annoyed with them thinking that as she pushed Slash. "The Sword of Light can save both the people and their Equestrian counterpart by separating them from the Megido!"

"It can?" Princess Twilight asked as she, Flash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, Smolder, the CMCs, and alicorn Luna was surprised by this news.

"You both swear you aren't seeking power?" Slash asked both Saber and Ember one last time.

"We just want to save them, and anyone else suffering due to the Megido's books!" Saber told Slash.

"Then..." Slash spoke. "Prove it with your blade!" She told both Saber and Ember as she raised her sword.

"What a distrustful swordswoman." Saikou said. "Listen to them-"

"It's fine!" Saber shouted as he and Ember took a battle stands. "This is something..."

"That we have to do." Ember finish Saber's sentence.

"Should we try and stop them?" Smolder asked.

"No. If they must prove their trust to her, then this is what they must do." Alicorn Luna told Smolder. "This is what swordsstallions did back then to earn respect and trust of others."

Everyone watch with anticipation before Saber, Ember, and Slash charged at one another. Saber and Ember clashed blades with Slash as they passed one another. Saber then brought his sword up and clashed blades with Slash as did Ember. When Saber thrust his sword forward, Slash spun around to dodged his attack. Ember the try to get an attack in, but Slash blocked her attack with her sword. "Impressive as always!" Ember said to Slash.

Slash pulled Ember aside before she try to slashed her. But Ember bend back and dodged her attack. Saber then placed his sword back in her driver and press the button on the handle, just as Ember place her sword in her holder and press the button on the handle.

Final Page!
Unsheathe the Flame!
J to the West!
Three Volume Slash!
Paladin Strike!

After they draw their swords out, the blades were covered in flames as they perpar to strike. They then slashed their swords, sending two flame waves right at Slash. Slash block the attack with her sword, then swiped the attacks away. Both Saber and Ember were surprise by this so Saber pulled out the King of Arthur Ride Book.

King of Arthur

After he took out the other two books and place his sword back in his driver, he place the book in his driver and draw out his sword again.

Unsheathe the Flame!
When two books synthesize, the hallowed blade is infused with power!
~Wonder Rider!
King Arthur!

With the Kingexcalibur sword, he slashed the sword down and the giant version of it came down on Slash. But Slash used her sword to block the giant sword and it hit the ground. Saber then side slash with the sword and Slash jumped over the giant version when it came at her. Saber then slashed the sword down after that.

King Slash

Slash put up a sound barrier to block the attack. "Weak! Far too weak!" Slash shouted as she slashed her sword and broke through the attack and send a slash wave at them. Both Saber and Ember use their swords to blocked the incoming attack, but it broke through their defense and the two rolled on the ground.

"Ohhh, I see." Saikou said as she watch the fight.

"We're not done!" They both shouted as they pulled the Dragonic Knight and Dragonic Paladin books.

Dragonic Knight
Dragonic Paladin

They place them in their drivers and Saber draw out his sword as Ember pressed the button on her driver and they both transformed into their Upgrade forms.

Unsheathe the Flame!
Paladin Stand!
~Dragonic Knight!

With his Dragonic Booster, Saber fire a blast at Slash just as Ember use her sword to do the same.


Slash slashed her sword to create a sound barrier as the flames were shot right at her. It broke through and did little damage. "Like this, and this?" Saikou had the shadow copy what Slash did with her sword to create the sound barrier. "The Swordswoman of Sound quite outstanding."

"You said it! This fight has gone beyond the climax!!!" Spike shouted as he watched the fight and is really enjoying it. Both Saber and Ember fell to their knees from their energy being dran. Just then, the book Sophia gave Spike went. "Eh? Why is this making a noise?" He asked as he took out the book.

"Oh dear. Flash! Twilight, we got trouble again!" Aqua shouted before she and Reverb transformed back to Fluttershy and Rarity. Both Saber and Ember heard her as they got up and transformed back to Flash and Twilight. Spike and the CMCs transformed out of the armors and followed them.

"We have to go..." Flash told Slash before they ran off. "We need to save Pipsqueak! Light!" Both the shadow and the sword vanished and Light appeared in their place before she followed them. "Come on, hurry up!" Them along with their Equestrian counterparts went to where the two Megid are.

Slash transformed back to Beat after they left. "I couldn't hear anything reverberating from your blade..." She said.

The Story Continue

Author's Note:

What do you guys think of me putting Kamen Rider Den-o in this? Let me know your thoughts of it in the comments down below.

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