• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 3: A father and a Swordsman

We open to Tassel in his home and he is happy to see us back. "Welcome back readers!" Tassel called out. "Isn't this exciting? Although I'm a little concerned for Twilight after what happened in the last chapter." He said as he walked around the table in the middle of the room. ""Why", you ask?" He asked as he looked to you all and holding a book and open it up to show what happened in the last two chapters.

"The Sword of Flames chose Flash Sentry as its new welder when a Golem Megido transport him and Twilight and a part of the city to Wounder World." Tassel explained. "And after Saber defeated the Megido, he and the girls meat Water Surge, the Swordsman of Water. And he introduced Flash and Twilight to Sophia, one of the gardens of the Sword of Logos. And after working with Surge, also known as Kamen Rider Blades, Flash wanted to know more about the Sacred Swords and the Wounder Ride Books. And after Twilight had a flashback of that girl again, a teen girl about her age who seemed to know her, made Twilight more confused than ever." Tassel close the book.

"Well, I don't know about any of you, but I believe this new chapter is going to Rock!" Tassel jocked as he pulled out a new book from the bookshelf and open it up. Then we go into the book and pick up where we left off in the last chapter.

"Hey Twilight." Said the teen girl on the flying carpet with a smile on her face. "Long time no see."

"Who?!" Twilight asked in complete confusion. Everyone but Surge and the fairy was also confused by this new comer.

The teen girl looked around the room and when she saw Flash she thought to herself, ("Ooh, cute boy alert.") Then the carpet dissaperd when she stepped off it. "I'm sorry, but..." Twilight started as she walked to the girl, "Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked.

"We used to travel through the world of stories together." The teen girl said. "Stories?" Twilight asked. "For example." The girl started as she looked for something to jog Twilight's memory, when she spotted a book on a shelf and picked it up.""Night on the Constellation Railroad"." After Twilight saw that book, she had another flashback.

Twilight's Flashback

We see a young Twilight sitting alone on a train that was going on with no railroad tracks, flying through the constellations around it. The little Twilight was scared, because she got lost trying to catch up with her parents. When she began to cry, a little girl that look like the teen girl walked over to her. "Are you okay?" The girl ask.

"I got lost from my mommy and daddy. And I don't know how to get back to them." Said the young Twilight as she cried.

"Hey it's okay." Said the girl. "You are not alone, you're with a friend." She sat down next to Twilight.

"But my friends are back at my home." Said Twilight.

"Well, you have a new friend right here, right now. My name is Arabia Night." Arabia introduced herself as she gave Twilight a hug.

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight introduce herself as she hug back.

End Flashback

Teen Twilight and Arabia hugged as she remembered her old friend. "Looks like you remember Arabia now." The fairy said as she fly up to the two.

"Dose this means you remember me?" She asked Twilight.

"Yes, you're Sprit. My little fairy friend!" Twilight answered, and that made Sprit smile with tiers in her eyes as she hugged Twilight's face. The three laughed as they were happy to be together again.

"So, you know these two Twilight?" Spike asked as he got out of Twilight's backpack.

"O. M. G! That is so ADORABLE!" Arabia shouted as she picked up Spike and smother him with love.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt. But, do you really know her Twilight?" Sunset asked as she walked up to them and Twilight nodded with a smile on her face.

"Of course I do." Twilight said, but she realised something. "Oh uh Arabia, these are my friends. Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and my boyfriend Flash Sentry. And that's Spike, my dog. It's a long story as to why he can talk." She introduced her friends and her boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you all." Arabia said, even though in her head she went, ("Dang it! The cute boy is taken!")

"The three of us used to play together all the time when we were little." Twilight said. "It's been quite a while, Arabia." She looked to her old friend.

"What am I, a bug?" Asked Sprit.

"And you too, Sprit. How many years has it been?" Twilight asked before she hugged Arabia again. "This takes me back! You've really grown up."

"What a reunion!" Pinkie shouted with excitement.

"You too, Twilight." Arabia said.

"Arabia Night. She is a member of the Sword of Logos, just as I am." Surge explained as he walked up to them. The others were surprised by this news.

"You know her too?" Rainbow asked.

"I apologize for interrupting your reunion, but do you have any business here?" Surge asked Arabia when she saw the box of cupcakes Pinkie put down on the table.

She then put Spike down and went over to the cupcakes. "Cupcakes!" Arabia said with joy. She took a cupcake and took a bite out of it.

"Ah, the cupcakes..." Surge said with worry.

"Mmmm, aren't you guys gonna eat?" Arabia asked as she lift up the box.

"If it's all right..." Surge said as he went to get one, but was then pulled back by Flash.

"You're an expert when it comes to ordering people around..." Flash said.

"But I do like that about her. You haven't changed a bit!" Twilight said with smile as she took the box of cupcakes from Arabia.

"I agree with you, Twi." Said Sprit. Twilight then took a cupcake from the box and took a bite out of it.

"Hey, save some for the rest of us!" Rainbow demanded as they each took a cupcake.

"This is so exciting! We meet not only one old friend of Twilight's, but another one!" Pinkie said as she jumped for joy. The group took one cupcake from the box, all but Surge who saw Rainbow took the last one.

"The three of us played, huh?" Arabia asked herself with a sad look on her face as she looked at her long lost friend.

"That was the last one..." Surge said.

"You snooze you lose!" Rainbow barged.

"So she's already forgotten about her..." Arabia told Sprit who was on her sholder.

"She didn't even remember me when I found her. So her remembering her will take a while." Sprit said.

Both Flash and Surge arrived at another part of the city that dissaperd by the Megido again. And the one racking the place was the same one Flash fought before, the Golem Megido. "Dude, isn't that the the guy I defeated the other day?" Flash asked as he pointed to the Megido. The Golem Megido turned and saw the two.

"Once their Alter Book has been completed, they can reappear to their leisure." Surge explained. "Shall we?" He asked Flash. The two got ready to transform into their rider forms when an explosion happened behind them and a figure jumped infront of them.

This figure was wearing a grey armor with orange shades on the helmet and carried a big sword on his back.

When he landed, it caused the ground to shake. Flash and Surge fell back when this rider landed. Flash saw the sword on the rider's back while he was on the ground. It was big and grey with an orange blade.

The Golem Megido saw this as well and it was a little hesitant. "You babies should just sit back and watch!" Said the rider as he looked back at the two then back at the Megido.

"Who the..." Flash wounder. The rider the pulled the sword from his back and took out the book in it. Then he placed the grey book in an orange dot on sword and the book glowed and powered up for a finisher.

Genbu Shinwa, Ka-bam!

The rider then copy the book beside him as the book's pages flipped through. He swinged the big sword to a side way stands as the blade glowed.

Gekido Skimming Smite, Ka-bam!

The Golem Megido try to blast the rider, but the rider knock away the blast as he swing his sword. "Grand Judgement!" The rider called out as rocks gathered on the sword as he brought it up and swing it down, destroying the Megido with one strike.

"Holy crap..." Flash said in awe at what he just saw.

"Father!" Called out a little boy with light grey skin and blonde hair and light orange eyes. Both Flash and Surge saw the little boy running to the rider.

"Father?" Flash asked in confusion.

"Stone!" The rider said he saw the boy.

"Father, you were so cool today too!" Stone said with complete joy.

"Right?" The rider ask as he keeled down to the boy. "Your dad's super strong !" The rider bragged.

"That's my father!" Stone shouted. Both Flash and Surge got up from the ground and still wounder who this rider is.

"A swordsman... carrying a child?" Flash wondered. The rider carried the boy on his shoulder as he detranformed. The man before them had dark grey skin, bright orange hair, and orange eyes. He wears a long black cote with a mountain printed on the back of it.

The man smiled as he looked at Flash. "You're him, huh? The one chosen by the sword of fire?" He asked.

At the Megido's lar ,the hand written device stopped. Meaning that the Megido was destroyed, yet again. "I'm impressed, Legeiel." Said Storious. "Look at you, unfazed by Golem's defeat." He said with a chuckled.

"I'll get the next one!" Zooous shouted , then he got up to close to Legeiel's face. "Watch them get devoured." He told Legeiel then walked to open an Alter Book.

"Be careful you're not the one getting hunted instead." Legeiel said.

"What'd you say?!" Zooous asked as he opened the Altar Book in his hand, releasing the Megido from with in.

Hanzaki Sanshouuo

"Show them that we're not pushovers." He told the Hanzaki Megid as he tossed it the blank book to it.

"Then allow me to keep things moving." The Megido said as it stood up. "I'll handle it from here." He said as he walked away.

Calibur looked into a mirror as the Megido walked away. "The swordsman of earth, Buster..." He said as he looked at his reflection.

Back at the book shop, Flash and Surge brought the swordsman of earth and his son to the shop. The girls were surprised to see another swordsman here. "The name's Terra Quake." Terra introduce himself. Fluttershy was hiding behind Applejack when she saw Terra. "My beloved sword is the Sword of Tremors, Gekido." He said as he showed off his sword off. "And this is my son, Stone." He introduced his son.

"I'm Stone Quake!" Stone shouted with pride.

"What a greeting! That's my boy!" Terra said as he rubbed his son's head then laughed.

"Now this guy really stands out!" Sprit said. Because of her size, Terra was big like a mountain to her. "You can say that again." Pinkie said with wide eyes.

"It's really nice to meet you, Mr. Quake." Twilight said as she walked up to him.

"So this guy just sliced the enemy in two with just one go?" Rainbow asked and Flash gave her a node. "That is, AWESOME!" She shouted, confusing the others. "This guy might be the coolest one we meat so far!"

"Sorry about Rainbow there, Mr. Quake." Applejack apologize. "When something impressed her, she can't help but to blur it out."

"Even I think it's cool, and I don't have a possible thumbs." Spike said as he jumped up on to the table.

"Did that dog just talked?" Terra asked.

"Oh yeah, it's a long story about how he's able to." Twilight said as she picked up Spike.

"That's odd." Terra said.

"Mr. Quake, I've been meaning to bring this up for a while now, but..." Surge started. "With your child always in the field of battle, what would you do if he becomes injured?" He asked.

"Wait an apple picking minute!" Applejack shouted. "You bring your own kid in the mist of battle?!" She asked with frustration. Terra then put his arms around the two, and Surge said ouch when he did because of Terra's strength.

"Not a chance." Terra told the two. "I'm the strongest swordsman there is." He said as he looked at his sword, he the walked to his son and picked him up with one arm. "Not to mention, I'm the almighty King of Parenting." He said with a laughed.

"Oh my, your wife must be so proud to have a husband like you." Fluttershy said.

"Thank you. Oh, could you watch over my son for a bit?" Terra asked as he put down his son. "I need to speak to Sophia about something." He said, then he lend over to Surge and whispered. "It's about Calibur." Surge nodded.

"Sure, we can watch your son." Applejack said.

The two swordsmen walked over to the Book Gate and stepped through to the northern base. "So Stone, is your dad always bringing you along when the Megidos appeare?" Applejack asked.

"Sometimes, but I'm glad he didn't bring me to the northern base. It's boring, there's only books in that place." Stone said.

"It's true, I've seen the place and I saw the books. And two of them were big, like human size big." Twilight said. "But books can be fun." She said to Stone. "The world of books is really interesting, you know." Twilight said.

"Twi is right, I thought that books were only for eggheads. But after I read "The Adventures of Daring Do", I had a lot of fun reading it." Rainbow told Stone.

"Not really." Stone said.

"If that's the case..." Twilight said as she walked over to Stone. "We'll teach you how fun it can be to read books. I promise." She said as she hold out her pinky finger. Sprit saw this and that made her remember a time when her, Twilight, Arabia, and a third friend made a pinky promise, well for Sprit it was a hand and pinky promise.

Stone just scoffed at that. "You're so weird." He said to Twilight.

"Well that's just rude." Rarity complaint.

"Oh, I know! Let's go for a walk." Pinkie suggested.

"A walk dose sound nice." Fluttershy said.

"Kay, Pinkie and Fluttershy. You both can take Stone out for walk, we will wait for Surge, Arabia, and Terra to get back." Sunset said, as both Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

"Okay, come on Stone." Fluttershy said as she hold Stone's hand.

"Onward!" Pinkie shouted as the three went out.

In the forest somewhere, the Hanzaki Megid was standing on a bridge holding the blank book in his hand over a creak. "At long last, the birth of our king draws near!" He said as he hold up the book. "Gather, my prey!" He opened the book and it glowed and the pages was sent out. A giant book appeared in the area, it open up and that part of the forest disappeared.

In the city, the blank white book appeared to random people. One in a basket of a bicycle, in a man's briefcase, in front of a woman as she walked, even inside of a dinning room of a house.

"Twilight is a bit strange..." Stone said as he, Fluttershy, and Pinkie walked down the park.

"But she's not wrong about books being fun to read!" Pinkie said, then she spotted an ice cream stand serving soft serve ice cream. "Ooooh! Soft server! Fluttershy, watch over Stone! I'll go get us some!" She shouted as she went to get some.

"She always love to make others smile." Fluttershy told Stone. "And if you give books a try, you might just like it." Stone turned to site down and saw the blank book on the bench.

"A book?" Stone asked.

"Where did that come from?" Fluttershy asked, wondering who left it there.

Stone walked over to it and picked it up. "Are books really that interesting?" He asked as he hold the book. Pinkie returned with three ice cream and saw Stone holding the blank book.

"Uh Fluttershy, didn't Flash and Twilight told us that the Golem Megido hold a blank book like that?" She asked Fluttershy with concerned.

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy said with worry in her voice. Then they both saw Stone about to open it up. "Wait!" They both yelled out as they ran to stop him. But they were too late, Stone open the book and it glowed. Then a large version of it appeared over him before it land on top of him and he dissaperd.

"What the heck?" He asked before he vanished.

"Come back!" Pinkie called out as she and Fluttershy try and save Stone.

"S-Stone is gone..." Fluttershy said with so much worry.

In the Northern Base, Terra told the information about Calibur to Sophia. "I see you have met Saber." Sophia said as she walked over to a bookshelf. "What do you think of him?" She asked Terra.

"I'm disappointed." Terra answered. "He's just a boy, and I can tell he has no experience." He said as he sat down. A woman walked out from the back, she was wearing overalls with a deep pink shirt. She had wild long velvet hair, bright pink skin, and fire pink eyes. "I have no idea how he was the one chosen by the Sword of Flames."

"I thought it was going to be that Twilight girl." Said the woman as she looked in a book. "Apparently, she and her brother was there during the battle 12 years ago."

"Wait what?" Terra asked in surprised. "Beat, is that true?!" He asked as he got and went over to her.

"It appears so." Beat said before she walked back to the back.

"She had Brave Dragon on her and not Flash." Surge told Terra.

"But it looks like she's lost her memory." Arabia said with a sad look on her face.

"But it was it was Flash's bravery and his determination to keep her safe was likely why he was chosen to be Saber." Sophia theorize.

Terra was speechless about this news. But then the door opened and Flash came through. "Mr. Quake!" He called out to make Terra look. And when he looked at Flash, he looked like he had bad news.

"Stone has disappeared?!" Terra was told the news when Flash took him back to the book shop by Fluttershy and Pinkie.

"We're so sorry!" Fluttershy said as she was crying.

"He opened a book he picked up, then he..." Pinkie explained. "Like Fluttershy said, We're so sorry!" She said as she bowed.

"We let this happen right in front of us..." Fluttershy said with gilt.

"Apologies won't bring my son back!" Terra shouted with anger and that made Fluttershy and Pinkie flinched.

Surge came out of the Book Gate, "It seems that there are others vanishing in a similar fashion." He told the others and that made Terra wounder something.

"So they've been sucked into the other world?" Terra asked. "I'm coming for you, Stone." He said with determination as he was about to head out.

"I'll go too! The Megiddo just need to be--" Flash said before Terra stopped him.

"Know your place and stand aside, boy." Terrra told Flash.

"No, I going to help." Flash argued.

"I'm coming too, I made Stone a promise." Twilight stepped in.

"A promise?" Terra asked as he looked at Twilight. "Do whatever you want." He said before he left. And just when they were about to follow him, Twilight got a text from Shining. When she looked at it, her eyes widened with fear.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Sprit asked.

"It's Candace. It looks like she was sucked into that world too." This meant now Twilight has to go, not only to save Stone but to save her sister in law.

The others but Fluttershy left. "It's was my fault, but..." She wondered what to do next.

Flash, Surge,Terra, and the girls made it to the other world only to find no there. "No one's here..." Flash said.

"Wait, this is the bench that disappeared with Stone!" Pinkie pointed to the same bench that Stone stand next to before he dissapperd.

"Where are you, Stone?!" Terra called out but no answer. "I'm coming to save you, so hang on!" He then took off.

"Hey, hold your horses! Going alone is too..." Applejack stopped him before he interrupted her.

"I didn't ask for your help, farm girl!" Terra shouted then continue on.

"We should muster ourselves and search for Stone, Mrs. Cadance, and the others." Surge suggest.

"Agree." Flash said.

"Okay, lets split up and cover more ground to look for everyone." Sunset suggested.

Before they could, the Hanzaki Megid walked towards them. "I won't let you get in the way of the birth of our king!" He shouted with sword in hand.

"The Megiddo..." Surge said when he saw it.

"Its a lizard?" Spike asked.

"How dare you, I'm no lizard!" The Hanzaki Megid shouted.

"We can save Stone and Cadance if we take this guy down!" Flash said as he puts on his driver.

"I concur with that assessment." Surge agreed with Flash as he puts on his driver. The girls stepped back as they hold up their Wounder Ride Books and open the covers.

Brave Dragon

Lion Senki

Both of them closed the covers and place their book in the slots in their drivers. Then both took hold of the handle of their swords before they yanked them out.

Unsheathe the Flame!

Unsheathe the Current!

"Henshin!" Both Flash and Surge said before they slashed their swords and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber and Kamen Rider Blades.

~Brave Dragon! Rekka: Volume One. When the brave dragon and Rekka, the Sword of Flames unite, the crimson blade shall vanquish all that is evil!

~Lion Senki! Nagare: Volume One. When the king of the wilds and Nagare, the Sword of Currents unite, the azure blade shall bare its fangs!

The two riders were ready for battle and charged at the Hanzaki Megid. The three clashed blades and knocked it back but continue to fight.

At the Northern Base, the woman named Beat walked out from the back to see what was happening. Arabia just stood by the stairs but then Sophia spoke up. "You must be concerned about Twilight." She said as she walked down the steps.

"When I think what happened 12 years ago..." Arabia started. "Perhaps she's better off not knowing." She assumed. "I was responsible for that. It's a sin that I have to bear." She told Sophia.

"Do not take the blame entirely." Sophia told Arabia. "Even if the swordsman of darkness who betrayed us is your..."

In the Megidos lar, Calibur looked out a window knowing what's happening. "Swordsmen have appearing one after another..." He spoke in a dark tone. "With obtaining the sacred Wonder Ride Books as my goal..." He tightened his fist. "The day I reach Avalon is near." He told himself.

Back to the fight, Saber and Blades were handling the Hanzaki Megid well. But it was still a tough one. When Saber land his sword on its arm, it just slide of it because of its slime. "He's all slimy!" Saber said when he slipped.

"Now that is revolting!" Rarity said in complete disgusted.

The Hanzaki Megid then slash Saber. Then Blades try to strike it, but his sword just slide down its back. Then the Megid strike Blades. "Our swords are sliding off his body!" Blades pointed out.

"How can they fight something if their hits just slide off it?!" Rainbow asked. The Hanzaki Megid then charged at the two riders and try to slash them, but they ducked out of the way and try to slash through his middle of his body. But like the other times, their swords just slide off him and the two fell to the ground.

"Ow!" Sprit said from Twilight's pocket.

The Hanzaki Megid took this chance to strike down the riders one the ground. The two rolld out of the way but when they got up, he strike them into the water. "Just try and slice me if you can!" Hanzaki taunted them.

"You asked for it..." Saber said as he took out the Peter Fantasista book and open its cover.

Peter Fantasista. A story of hopes and dreams unfold from the heart of a boy who never grows up.

He closed the book then placed it in the third slot on his driver after he placed his sword in it, then he yanked it out opening both books.

Unsheathe the Flame! When two books synthesize, the sacred sword is infused with power! ~Wonder Rider!

Dragon! Peter Fan! The blade equipped with two attributes shall be honed!

"All right! Use that fairy power!" Sprit shouted when she saw this and fly out. Saber launched the hook right at the Megido and the hook didn't slip off. The Hanzaki try to get it off but Saber was not letting it go, until a fairy fly out of nowhere and pulled the chains up, lifting up both Saber and the Megido and slammed into each other. "Ooo, you might want to reel it in sister!" Sprit said when she saw that.

Then fairy spun both of the around a few times. "Why are you using it so unconventionally?!" Blades yelled out when the fairy spine the two before the fairy let go and Saber crashed into him.

"Ow! That had to hurt." Sunset said when they saw all that.

"Wow, you fairies are stronger than you look." Rainbow said to Sprit.

"Yeah. We are like ants, we're small but strong!" Sprit gloat.

"What in heaven's name are you doing?!" Blades asked as the two riders got up.

"My bad." Saber said.

"Please hand Peter Fantasista over to me." Blades asked. "It seems more adept for my way of fighting." He said while he hold out his hand.

"You think?" Saber asked as he took out the Peter Fantasista book from his driver and his left side returned to normal. "It's all yours, then." He said as he hand him the book.

"My thanks." Blades said as he took the book. He then put his sword back in the driver and closed the Lion Senki book, then open the Peter Fantasista book.

Peter Fantasista!

He then placed it in the third slot on his driver like Saber did, next to the Lion Senki book. Both books glowed and then two giant versions of the two books appeared behind him. Blades the pulled out his sword and the two books open up.

Unsheath the Current! ~Behold, the shining Lion Fantasista! Nagare: Volume Two! Roar! Shine! The claws of fantasy dwell within the blue swordsman!

"Witness yours truly." Blades said in his new form. "This is how you use matching Wonder Ride Books." He then charged at the Hanzaki and the two clashed blades as they fight. And this time, each of Blades's attacks didn't slip off. He then took hold of the Megido and spun him around before he threw him to the ground. Blades then pushed back on the cover of the Lion Senki book and took hold of his hook.

Lion Senki! Peter Fantasista!

He then throw the hook and in created balls of water as they surrounded the Megido. Blades then charged into one of the water balls, then came out of another and attack the Megido, as did a blue lion. This went for about few times before the Megido got knocked on to the ground. Blades landed and the others were amazed by what they just saw. "That's sick!" Pinkie shouted as she clapped at what she saw.

"Yeah, but you're not getting all the fun!" Saber said as he took out the Jack and the Beanstalk book after he put his sword back in the driver and closed the Brave Dragon book. After he placed the book in the third slot on his driver, he pulled out the sword and the two books open up.

Unsheath the Flame! When two books synthesize, the sacred sword is infused with power! ~Wonder Rider!

"Ever thought of using Jackun like this?" Saber asked as he spun his arm around before he shot green seeds at the Megido.

"What a trifling attack!" Hanzaki Megid said as he knocked the seeds away as Saber charged at him. The two clashed swords, but then Saber ran back a few feet away.

"H-Hold on a moment..." He said as he pushed back on the Jack and the Beanstalk book's cover.


"You're retreating already?" The Hanzaki Megid asked. But then vines grow under the Megido and pulled him to the ground.

"That's it!" Saber said before the vines grow into a giant beanstalk and launched the Megido into the air.

It cash landed a few feet behind the two riders as they heard Pinkie laugh. "Nice one Flash!" She called out.

"Didn't expect that, did you?" Saber asked Blades.

"That was outstanding!" Blades completed. But then they all saw Terra on the other side of the small river and not looking too happy.

"Terra..." Saber said when he saw him.

"First!" Terra started as he walked to the Megido. "As you are servants of evil..." Everyone can see the anger in his eyes as he went on. "Second! The rage of the earth trembles before you..." The girls went behind some trees, just to be safe. "Third! I'll face you head-to-head! No excuses!" He shouted out with rage.

"This guy's intense..." Rainbow said as she and the other girls watch.

"Agree, he must be really angry about his son." Rarity said.

Terra then hold up a grey Wounder Ride Book with the title says, "Genbu Shinwa" before he opened it up to reveal the story within.

Genbu Shinwa! There once was a mythical beast armed to the hilt who held one corner of the Four Sacred Beats.

He closed the book and then slammed it into the rectangle spot in his sword. As it glowed, Terra stood in the middle of a library and a giant version of the book appeared behind him. He then pressed the button on the handle of the sword and the book open up to reveal the rider inside it. As did the giant one behind him.

Genbu Shinwa

Terra swung his sword over his shoulder as bolders surrounded him from the giant book. "Henshin!" He called out as the boulders gathered infront of him and he swing his sword down on them and he transformed into Kamen Rider Buster.

Fracture the Enemy! Divide the land! Grumble, rumble! Gekido, the Sword of Tremors! Gekido: Remastered. The colossal armored sword fractures the earth, bringing forth the might of the North!

The others were amazed by his transformation, because it was the first time seeing him transform. "Give me back my son!" Buster shouted as scanned the book in the orange square in his sword.

"Genbu Shinwa, Ka-bam!"

Like what he did to that Golem Megido, he was ready to finish this. "We should get out of the way... Get down!" Blades yelled as he ran to Saber.

"DUCK!" Sprit yelled out as she went back into Twilight's pocket.

"Grand Judgement!" Buster called out as he swing his sword around and the riders and the girls ducked down and strike the Hanzaki Megid.

Intense Gekido Skimming Smite! Ka-bam!

The Hanzaki Megid exploded as Buster had his back to the explosion. "This guy is amazing..." Saber said as he and the others got up. Buster then detranformed back into Terra, as did the other two riders.

"Wait, something's not right here." Terra said as he noticed something was wrong. The others looked around and saw that they were still in Wounder World.

"Hey, how come we're still here?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, shouldn't we have returned back to the real world by now?" Rarity asked with concern in her voice.

"The world hasn't returned to normal!" Surge answered.

They saw the bench was still here, but they want to know why the world didn't return to normal. "What's going on?" Flash asked.

"Stone should have returned along with the city after defeating the Megiddo." Surge explained. "However..." He said with fear in his voice and looked worried.

Flash looked to Terra who looked worried sick. "Terra..."

Terra gripped his sword tight before he slammed it down in frustration. "Why...?" He asked. "I turned him to rubble!" He shouted to the skys. Twilight was extremely worried, if the Megiddo was destroyed but they're still there. How can they fix all this?

The Story Continues!

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