• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 7: The king's blade, lies within Avalon and the rise of a Paladin Rider

Author's Note:

Unable to draw his sword, what fate lies upon Flash?
Hold those strong feelings close and rise, Arabia.

Come forth, Paladin Rider of the Swordsman of Fire!

Imagine the Paladin Driver like this but silver

We open to Wonder World as we see Tassel flying in the air with his umbrella. He sees you and smiles. "Hello! My name is Tassel!" He shouted as he fly with his umbrella. "And my heart is currently pounding with both anxiety and anticipation! Why, you ask?" He then pulled out a book and open it to show us what happened in the last chapter.

"Flash's sword has been sealed and he can't transform into Saber." Tassel explained as we see what happened. "However, he finally found a hint toward Avalon's location, thanks to Twilight's big brain. But if they manages to get to Avalon..." He sounded a little sacred. "Calibur will be there waiting for them!" He closed the book and looks to you all.

"Lets all hope that Flash will get the power to unseal his sword before Calibur will get it first!" He puts away the book and pulled out a new book. He opens then new book up and we are pulled into the new chapter.

We open to Surge hold the two Wonder Ride Books in his hands. "I refuse to give up on myself." He said to himself. He then walked to the back doors.

"Surge!" Arabia called that stopped him. "What happened to you?" She asked him. Surge didn't answer her and went through the doors in the back.

Flash wondered something about the back room. "The Libération is a training ground, right?" He asked.

"Time passes differently while in the Libération, which places enormous strain on the body." Sophia answered Flash as she came down the stairs. Both Twilight and Spike came through the Book Gate when Sophia told Flash about the Libération.

"So, this "Libération" is like a place to train both the mind and body?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but in worst-case scenario, one's life could even be put in danger." Beat said.

"Sounds brutal." Spike said when he heard what Beat said.

"But Surge went in there knowing that?" Flash asked as he looked at the doors to the Libération.

"Can't blame him, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie told us what happened back in the book shop." Sprit said when she flew out from Twilight's pocket.

"I suppose there must be something he strongly whishes to protect." Sophia said as she to look at the back doors.

"I'll do whatever it takes to reach Avalon and unseal my sword. In order to protect what's dear to me" Flash said to Sophia before he looked towards Twilight who blushed.

"You must have found a lead toward reaching Avalon." Sophia assumed as she looked at Flash.

"Yes, with some help." Flash said as he looked at Twilight.

"The answer was in the books all along." Twilight said with a smile. Twilight then lay out the forbidden book and a book with sword slash techniques in it. "When the world unravels, a bright light and two dragons will come together, revealing the path to a chasm in the world's midst. The king slumbers in the rift of time." Twilight quoted what she read in the books of legends. "These are both verses from the books of legends. And then there's... "When the 13 stories are connected by sword... The world's rift shall be reached." That verse was in the forbidden book."

"The world's chasm, the rift of time and the world's rift." Flash said. "They're from different books, but they all point at the same place. Twilight deduced that it's a world location in an alternate dimension."

"An alternate dimension..." Beat thought out loud.

"And then these words..." Twilight started. "The king slumbers in the rift of time. There's this story of King Arthur. When King Arthur neared death, he was taken to an island named Avalon."

"That would mean..." Sprit started to think what they were saying.

"Avalon exists in an alternate dimension." Both Flash and Twilight said at the same time.

"No one has managed to reach Avalon before." Sophia said. Everyone in the room knew this as well.

"Still, I'm sure Calibur has realized this as well." Twilight theorize. "He's after the great power that's sealed within Avalon."

"Calibur..." Arabia said to herself. Wind saw the gilt look on Arabia's face. Then Flash remembered something.

"A while ago, both mine and his dragon books reacted to each other." Flash told them. "The two dragons..." He then thought about when the two books reacted to each other, he saw tow dragons. One he saw long before, the red one and a black dragon circling around each other.

"And I think I know why he tried to take Brave Dragon from you, Flash." Twilight said before Arabia spoke up. "Then I'll go with you, Flash. You won't be able to stop him if you can't draw your sword."

"Then I'll--" Wind was about to say she'll came with two before Arabia interrupt. "No. This is my duty."

"Me, Spike, and Sprit will come with. Flash will need all the help he can get." Twilight said. Arabia was going to tell her off, but she knew she can't change Twilight's mind.

"If you are going with Saber and Espada, you'll need to be prepared." Sophia told Twilight before she nodded to Beat. Beat then left the room and came back with a silver belt buckle that was square shaped, a slot that can hold a Wonder Ride Book and a black button on top.

"Long ago, each Kamen Rider had followers that helped them protect the world order. These were the Paladin Riders who where entrusted by the wielders of the Sacred Swords." Sophia told Twilight as Beat put the buckle on her. Then the buckle formed a belt around Twilight's waist.

Paladin Driver

"Since Flash trusts you completely, Twilight. Once his sword is unsealed, he can tap your sholders with it and his power will be sheared with you." Sophia explained.

Somewhere in the Megid lar. Calibur open up the black book Storious gave him. He then read the book and it sounded like he was reading backwards. As he read the book, 13 black Wonder Ride Books circled around him while he hold up his sword and the book he's holding glowed.

"This is how we get to the alternate dimension." Twilight said as she showed Arabia how to do it. She pointed to some pictures in the forbidden book. "We'll need this too." She then pointed to an open book with different sword swipes in it.

"A form of swordsmanship passed down from ancient times..." Arabia said when she saw the second book. "I see!" Arabia then transformed into Kamen Rider Espada and the room went dark.

Unsheathe the Lightning! ~Lamp do Alangina!

Espada then hold her sword before she slashed it down. As she did the blade glowed. She then slashed the sword to the right, then to the center. As she slashed her sword, 13 Wonder Ride Books started to fly around her and started to formed a circle in front of Espada. "The diagram is composed of 13 stories." Flash said as the books formed.

"Upon connecting them with the path of a blade..." Twilight said as Espada slashed her sword and three flew. Espada continue to slash her sword the way she saw in the book and all 13 books flew out. "When the 13 stories are connected by sword, the world's rift shall be reached." Twilight said as the 13 books formed the diagram she drew when they were looking for a way to Avalon. Espada then thrust her sword forward and circles formed around each book and connected. The lines connected to form a hexagon with two six-point stars in it. The shape then disappeared and the Book Gate open up on its own with a bright light shining through.

Calibur continue to read the black book and the 13 black Wonder Ride Books took the same formation. Then the gateway to Avalon open up to him just as it did for the riders. He then walked through it.

"Let's head to Avalon, Arabia." Twilight said as she, Flash, and Spike walked up next to Espada.

"Right." Espada said as the four of them ran into the gateway.

From within the rift. Arabia was detranformed from her rider form and everything was all tippy. The four of them can barely keep their balance. "I'm going to be sick!" Sprit shouted cause she was feeling dizzy while in the rift.

"Hey, look!" Spike shouted. The others saw what he was pointing at. A light shining and Twilight knew what that was.

"The bright light will reveal a path to a chasm in the world's midst!" Twilight shouted. "I'm sure that's where it is."

"Then lets go!" Flash shouted as the group walked towards the light. Little did they know that Calibur was not too far behind them.

At the Megid lar

"Calibur headed off to the world's chasm." Storious told Legeiel and Zooous. "Don't you think we should take this time to accelerate our invasion?" He asked them.

"Then allow me!" Zooous, who is still in his Megid form shouted after he slammed his hand on the table.

"No, I would love to give the honors..." Storious thought of you it will it be. "To Legeiel. It's about time we see your true conviction." He said to Legeiel.

Legeiel scoffed before he smiled. "If that's what you want..." He said to Storious before he took the Altar Ride Book and opened it up to release the Megid with in. The Medusa Megid.

Medusa Jaden

Medusa laughed as she was happy to be free. "How's this?" Legeiel asked.

At the book shop. Sunset burst through the door with a worried look on her face. "Girls! I need to tell you all something!" She shouted. But when she looked around the room, it was only Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash there. "Where is everyone?!" She asked the two.

"Applejack is at the farm helping Big Mac and Apple Bloom with the harvest and Rarity was asked to take Sweetie Bell to the theme park. And Twilight, Sprit, and Spike went to the Northern Base for something about Flash's sword. And Fluttershy is busy at the animal shelter." Pinkie answered.

"What's got you all jumpy?" Rainbow asked.

"It's Equestria! Looks like when ever something from this world disappears in this world by the Megid, something from Equestria disappears too!" Sunset told her two friends. They were shocked to hear that Equestria is also being effected by the Megid. "Princess Twilight send me messages about all of it. I told her all about all the things that we now, but I asked her why it was happening there too."

"Well, what did she say back?" Rainbow asked.

"She said that she's already trying to figure out why." Sunset answered. "I hope she can figure it out soon. I may not live there anymore, but Equestria is still my home."

Both Pinkie and Rainbow hope that everything will be okay too. But Rainbow was thinking back about how Surge was upset when he was fighting Zooous. He was super upset when Zooous beat him and walked away. "Do you think Surge will be all right?" She asked Pinkie.

Pinkie shrugged with sad looking on her face, hoping the same thing. "What do you mean? What happened to Surge?" Sunset asked. The two had a lot of to tell Sunset about what happened.

Within the Libération. Surge was kneeling as his mind and body was putting through a lot, like Sophia said. On his driver, he had three Wounder Ride Books. Tenkuu no Pegasus, Lion Senki, and Peter Fantasista books are in all three slots.

Surge had his eyes closed as he heard his younger self spoke. "Do you think I could become as strong a swordsman as you?" He remembers back to when he was young and standing infront of his master. His master had snow white skin with ocean blue hair and purple eyes. His master was holding Nagare as well.

"Surge, the way of the blade is never-ending." His master told young Surge as he looked at Niagara. "You must now be negligent!"

"Understood!" Young Surge said.

"I will become stronger." Surge said to herself while he still had his eyes closed. "I swear to avenge my master!" He then slowly got up. As he stand tall, he slowly open his eyes and took hold the handle of his sword before he try to yanked it out while he yelled. But he failed and fell to floor.

He didn't give up though. He tried again and again and again. All ending with him falling to the floor. "The power of the 3 volumes that my master used..." Surge said while on the floor. "I must learn how to use it, no matter what..." He struggled to get back up.

In town. Terra was running through the park with his sword, looking for something. "This should be the place that Beat mentioned..." He said to himself as he looked around. Then he saw them up ahead. Legeiel and the Medusa Megid. "There you guys are!" He shouted as he ran to them.

"Now, Medusa. Instill fear into the humans." Legeiel command the Medusa Megid.

"Very well." Medusa said as she opened a blank white book. The book glowed and that part of the park disappeared before Terra could reach them.

"I'm too late!" Terra said. Then his Gatrikephone went off and he answered it.

Meanwhile back at the book shop. Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie went to go get the others. But when Sunset open the door, they were no longer in their world. "Whoa, what the fudge?!" Rainbow shouted when they saw where they are now.

Back at the Northern Base. Beat was listening to Terra on her Gatrikephone about what happened. "Wind, there's an anomaly." She said while she was on the phone.

"Got it, leave it to me!" Wind said as she got up to head out.

"No, wait!" Beat said to stop her. "This one's like nothing we've ever seen. Three places have disappeared at once!" She told Wind.

"Three at the same time...?!" Sophia asked with a worried look on her face when she heard Beat said that three places disappeared at the same time. A museum, a park, and a restaurant.

With Flash, Twilight, Arabia, and Spike. They were running across a desert with a orang sky. They stop to lool around, like they were lost. "Okay, where do we go from here?" Sprit asked from Twilight's pocket.

"Hey Twilight, Arabia, Spike!" Flash said as he pointed to something out in the desert. "We're getting pretty close."

"Avalon should be nearby." Twilight said when she looked to where Flash was pointing at. Before they could venture on,Twilight felt something dark coming close. When she turned around, they was someone walking to them. They couldn't see his face because the sun covered him in shadows.

"You did well in coming this far." The man's voice was disguised but it sounded familiar to them. "But are you worthy enough to receive its power?" The man asked as he dragged a familiar sword across the sands. It was Calibur's sword, the Sword of Shadows: Ankokuken Kurayami.

Twilight felt the same fear she run threw her when she heard his voice. The others saw him coming closer before he stop and hold up the same book Calibur always use. A purple Wonder Ride Book that had a dragon on the cover like the Brave Dragon book, but the title says "Jaaku Dragon." He then opened the book and revealed the story within.

Jaaku Dragon. There once was a single mythical beast who birthed the darkness that enveloped the world.

The man then close the book and brought his sword up as he place the book on the sliver symbol near the handle.

Jaaku Lead

He then placed the book in a belt that looks like the Paladin Driver, but it was purple with a black button and beltstrap. "Henshin!" The said after he brought his sword up and press the button on his belt with the bottom of it to open up the book to reveal the rider with in. A giant version of the book that appeared behind open up as well and a dark dragon flew out.

Kurayami, the Sword of Shadows! (Moonlight! Darkness! Slash!) ~Get go under conquer than get keen! Kurayami: Deeiphered. The sword of darkness expunges the light, ruling over the twilight dragon in cold blood.

The man slashed his sword down and he transform into Kamen Rider Calibur. "We knew you'd be here, Calibur!" Flash said as he stood infront of Twilight to keep her safe as well as Spike.

"I'll take care of him!" Arabia said as she ran infront of Flash and took both the Needle Hedgehog book and Lamp do Alangina book and place them both in her driver and pulled out her sword to transform into Kamen Rider Espada, Lamp do Hedgehog. "That way, the Jaaku Dragon book will be ours!" She then took out her Gatrikerphone.


"You three go on ahead!" Espada said as she pressed the button on the phone and throw it behind her as it transformed into the Gatrike Ride.

Ride Gatriker!

In Wounder World. Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were lucky enough to run into Terra while they were looking for someone. "So glad we found you, Mr. Quake. But not what we were hoping for." Sunset said as she and the others all looked around, just when Wind came running to them.

"Yo, Terra!" Wind said.

"Hey." Terra greeted. When she saw what they were looking at, they saw stone status of people all around them. "What the..." Terra said when he saw the stone status. Then they all heard gun fire coming from not to far.

"Stay back! D-Don't move!" An officer shouted as he pointed his gun at the Medusa Megid that was walking towards him. He fell back on the ground and the Medusa Megid's eyes glowed. When the glow reached the officer, he turned to stone. The others saw this and Sunset and the girls took cover as the two riders took out their Wounder Ride Books.

Genbu Shinwa

Sarutobi Ninjaden

"Henshin!" Both Terra and Wind said as they placed their books in their swords and slashed them and transformed into Kamen Rider Buster and Kenzan.

~Grumble, rumble! Gekido, the Sword of Tremors!

Hayate, the Sword of Zephyrs!

The Megid saw them coming at her. "Don't look at its eyes!" Buster warn Kenzan as they charged at the Megid.

"I don't plan on turning into stone!" Kenzan shouted. Buster brought his sword down on the Medusa Megid as she blocked his attack. When she was pushed back, Kenzan charged at her. When Medusa try to attack Kenzan, but she jumped over and slash the Megid when she came down.

Buster swung his sword and struck the Medusa Megid down to the ground. When he was about to charge at her again, Zooous showed up and knock him down. Kenzan was shocked to see him. Zooous laugh while Legeiel watched them from on top of a wall. Legeiel jumped down from the wall and transformed into his Megid form as he came down.

"Whoa, that guy looks hecka strong!" Kenzan shouted when she saw Legeiel. Even Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie saw this as well.

"I don't really get what's going on, but this looks pretty bad..." Sunset said as she and her two friends watch. Storious walked up from behind the the three girls.

Back in the rift. Flash, Twilight, and Spike ran over to the Gatrike Ride and got on. Flash took the steer as Twilight and Spike sat behind him. Flash rave up the Gatrike Ride and was about to drive it when Twilight stopped him while she was riding behind him. Flash was going to ask her why she stop him, when he noticed she was looking at Espada and Calibur fight.

Espada was doing her best, but Calibur was too strong. She try to strike him, but he blocked her attack then slashed his sword at her. Both clashed their swords together. "Arabia!" Twilight called out as Flash drive right at Calibur when Espada jumped out of the way. Flash stopped and Twilight looked back. "There's no doubt he'll follow us if we head to Avalon." Twilight said.

"Twilight's right, we'll settle things there!" Flash said.

"All right." Espada said as she pushed back on her Lamp do Alangina cover back and a flying carpet appeared.

Lamp do Alangina

The group then made their way to Avalon. Calibur got up from the ground and growled in anger as he followed them.

Back in Wounder World. Buster pushed the Megid back as Desast jumped from behind him. When Desast try hit Buster, Buster blocked Desast's attack. "I knew things would be getting interesting!" Desast said as he slashed his sword at Buster again.

Kenzan rolled under Zooous's attack and saw Desast here. "I thought I took out that guy!" She shouted while she ducked under Zooous's attack.

"He just won't die..." Buster said as he struggled fighting Desast. He spun around when he swung his sword to hit Desast, who ducked out of the way and attack the Medusa Megid who blocked the attack. "It's why he's such a pain to deal with!" He complained as he kicked the Megid back and blocked Desast's attack with his sword.

"It's getting me hyped up though!" Kenzan shouted with enthusiasm as she attack Zooous. She then dodged Legeiel's attack and struck Zooous when he came at her. When she turned, Legeiel attack her.

"Apologies, but this ends now." Storious called out as he hold Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie hostage.

"We're sorry, we let our guard down." Pinkie Pie said. The girls couldn't do anything to stop him, because he was able to take their geos from them.

Back at the Northern Base. Beat felt like she had to do something to help. "Slash..." Sophia said as she walked up to Beat.

"I need more time." Beat said as she looked up to Sophia. Sophia looked at Beat with a sad look like she's worried about her. Then the doors to the Libération open up and Surge stumbled out from it and fell to the ground.

"Surge!" Beat said as she got up to help him. Surge was covered in sweat from all that time he spend in the Libération. He then got up from the ground and struggled to walk. Beat can see him holding the Tenkuu no Pegasus book in his hand.

Back in the rift. Flash, Twilight, Spike, and Espada were running to a spot where a light is shining above them. "We're here!" Twilight said as she and the others looked around.

"This is Avalon? I thought it was something more." Spike said as he looked around. From behind Flash, Calibur try to attack him but Espada pushed him out of the way.

"I won't let you do that!" Espada said as she counter attack Calibur.

"Arabia!" Twilight shouted as she saw her friend fight Calibur.

"I have no quarrel with you!" Calibur shouted as he fought Espada. He was able to strike her down to the ground with his sword. Espada rolled down hill as Calibur place his Jaaku Dragon book on the sliver symbol on his sword before he place it back in his belt.

Final Lead! Jaaku Dragon. Kurayami: Ending Strike! Learning Flash

He then press the button on the handle of the sword and it charged up with power before he slashed right at Espada. Espada try to block the attack but it broke through her defense and she fell down. "Arabia!" Twilight shouted as she to her but both Flash and Spike kept her from getting hit too.

"Now hand it over!" Calibur demanded as he looked towards them and charged at them. "Hand over Brave Dragon!" He shouted as he perpar to strike. Flash pushed Twilight out of harm's way and perpar to fight back. Both Twilight and Spike saw Flash's Sword Driver glow, as did the Jaaku Dragon book.

Then just before Calibur could hit Flash, a burst energy knock both of them down and two dragons flew out. One was the Brave Dragon and the other was the Jaaku Dragon. The two dragons circle each other as they fly right up to the light.

"The bright light and the two dragons have united!" Twilight said as she, Spike, Sprit, and Flash saw the two dragons flew up to the light. Then the dragons and the light came down before it took form of a door.

"The door to Avalon has opened..." Calibur said when he saw the door. He then walked over to Flash to make sure he doesn't go through it. But Espada run up to Calibur and grabbed hold of him.

"Flash, Twilight, Spike, Sprit, go!" Espada shouted as she hold Calibur back.

"Got it! We'll be back for you!" Flash said as he got up from the ground. Then Flash, Twilight, and Spike ran to the door to Avalon. Calibur was able to get Espada off him and strike her with his sword. Flash, Twilight, and Spike ran through the door while Calibur knock Espada back.

When the went through, they were in an big white void. They couldn't see anything because the place was too bright. "So is THIS Avalon?" Sprit asked from Twilight's pocket.

"But there's nothing here!" Flash said as they looked around.

"If you doubt, so shall it be. If you believe, so shall it be." A woman's voice said. When they looked to see who spoke to them, they saw some one in a white cloak.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked the woman in the cloak.

"Don't seek the great power." The cloaked woman said.

"I need that power!" Flash told the cloaked woman.

"Do not, do not, do not!" The cloaked woman repeatedly said.

"I want to save the world!" Flash shouted. "I need to fix this sword in order to do that!" He said as he walked closer to the cloaked woman.

"Do not, do not, do not..." The cloaked woman keeps repeatedly say.

"Where... where is it?!" Flash shouted as he ran at the cloaked woman.

Back in Wounder World. Zooous punched Kenzan and she couldn't fight back because of Storious had Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie hostage. Zooous punched Kenzan down to the ground. "We don't need these tricks to defeat them." Zooous shouted at Storious. Zooous walked over to Rainbow Dash who was struggling to get free and chocked her. "That's it... I'll just eat you."

"Leave her alone!" Sunset shouted.

"My, my. Aren't you just the bold one, Equestrian." Storious said to Sunset who was shocked to hear what he called her. "It's no surprise that these geos are infused with Equestrian magic. It's been so long to feel it in my grasp." He hold the three girl's geos in his hand. Zooous then picked up Rainbow Dash and fling her up in the air.

"Stop!" Buster shouted after he knocked Desast back. Zooous was ready to eat Rainbow when she comes down.

"Enjoy your meal." Storious said to Zooous when he puts dark chains around Sunset and Pinkie, then walked away. Rainbow then came down and she had her eyes closed, waiting for it to be over.

Zooous then opened his mouth wide so that he can swallow her hole. But the Blades slashed him out of the way and caught Rainbow Dash. When she opened her eyes, she saw Blades holding her. "I apologize for the delay." Blades said to Rainbow.

"I'm just glad I'm not monster chow. So thanks Surge, for the help." Rainbow said with a small blush on her face.

"Surge!" Buster said after he pushed Desast out of the way.

"Surge!" Wind shouted when she got off the ground.

"Surge!" Sunset and Pinkie Pie said.

"I already said this before." Zooous said as he got up from the ground. "There's no way you can defeat me!"

Blades set Rainbow down and used his sword to break the chains around Sunset and Pinkie. "Thank you, for saving Rainbow!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she hugged Blades.

"Yes, allow me to handle this." Blades said as Sunset pulled Pinkie off him. Blades then took out
Peter Fantasista and Tenkuu no Pegasus books and open the covers.

Peter Fantasista

Tenkuu no Pegasus. There once was a mythical beast who shone from the heavens with its pale wings.

He then quickly closed the two books and place them in his driver and yanked out his sword to open all three book and transformed into his Wonder Combo.

Unsheathe the Current! ~The mane of the blue beast flutters in the sky! Fantastic Lion!

Nagare: Volume Three! The azure blade bares its fangs, bending the galaxy to its will!

"In the name of Nagare, the Sword of Currents..." Blades said as he prepared his sword. "I will strike you down!"

"Okay, I got to admit. That's so cool!" Rainbow said when she saw Blades's three volume Wonder Combo.

Zooous brought out his blades and charged at Blades. As Blades stepped back as Zooous slashed at him, he slashed his sword two times and damage Zooous. Blades then pressed the cover of the Lion Senki book and jumped up high in the air.

Lion Senki

As Blades came down, he surf on water that appeared and slashed at Zooous. When Zooous and Blades's blades clashed, Blades turned into water and slashed through Zooous. While Kenzan and Buster took on Desast, Legeiel, and the Medusa Megid, they saw how strong Blades had gotten. "He's strong..." Wind said as she was impressed by Blades new form.

Zooous got up from the ground and he was mad.

"Where is it?!" Flash said to the cloaked woman. The three were still in the white void.

"If you doubt, so shall it be." The cloaked woman said. "If you believe, so shall it be."

"You said that like 10 times already!" Spike shouted.

"Where?!" Flash asked as he charged at the cloaked woman.

"Flash, wait!" Twilight stopped him. "This might be a test."

"What do you mean by that?" Sprit asked as she flew out from Twilight's pocket.

"If you believe, so shall it be..." Twilight quoted the cloaked woman. "Everyone, close your eyes and believe! Trust me!" She then closed her eyes.

"I trust you, Twilight." Flash said as he closed his eyes. Spike and Sprit were the last to closed their eyes. Everything went dark and it was just the four of them. As they had their eyes closed, they heard something calling out to them. A Wonder Ride Book that was shining as it fly by Flash and the others.

"It's here." Flash thought as he reached out with his eyes still closed. He reached out to the glowing book and grabbed it. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was holding the Wonder Ride Book he heard. "Hey, I got it!" Flash said. The others open their eyes and saw what Flash was holding. The King of Arthur book.

King of Arthur

"Thus begins the trial to prove your worthiness." The cloaked woman said. Then the white void made a noise and the four were transported to some kind of cave. As they looked around, something was coming at them firing at them.

Back in Wounder World. Blades was fighting off both Legeiel and the Medusa Megid. He pushed Legeiel back, then slashed Medusa. When fought off Legeiel and the Medusa Megid, Kenzan and Buster fought off Desast.

When Desast used his sword to block Buster's attack, Kenzan slashed her swords while at him. But Desast used Buster's sword to block her attack.

"I'll make you go stiff with fear!" The Medusa Megid shouted as her eyes glowed at Blades. Blades swung his sword and a reflection of the Medusa Megid was shown from a floting pool of water that appeared. Medusa then got a taste of her own medicine. "Aaaa! My eyes, my eyes!"

"With my swordsman's pride on the line, I will keep the balance of the world!" Blades said as he placed his sword back in the driver.

"Go for it!" Pinkie cheered.

Blades then pressed the button on the handle of his sword, then yanked it out for a finisher.

Final Page! Unsheathe the Current! Pegasus, Lion, Peter Fan. Three Volume Slash! W-W-W-Water

He stood beside a book that flipped as he copy what was happening in the book. "Hydro Vortex!" Blades declared his finisher as his sword glowed. Medusa try to shoot at him, but he swung his sword to block her attacks. He then shot a big blast of water at Medusa and it lift it up in the air. He then jumped and slashed the Megid.

When the Megid fell to the ground, she exploded in a big splash of water behind Blades. Then the part of the city returned back to the real world and all the people who got turned to stone returned to normal. Blades detranformed back to Surge and sigh in relieved.

"Hey Surge!" Pinkie called out as she jumped on him and hugged him. "You did it! You were great!"

"What has..." Surge was confused by Pinkie's hugging.

"She's just thanking you for saving me and everything." Rainbow said as she walked up to him and pulled Pinkie off him. "Oh and thanks for the save." She had a small blush on her face when she said that.

Terra and Wind walked up to the group, but Wind saw that Sunset had a worried look on her face. "Hey, why the long face? We won." Wind said.

"Not a total win. Me, Rainbow, and Pinkie lost our geos and they know what I am." Sunset said.

"You mean those jewels you girls always have that are infused with Equestrian magic and you are a unicorn from Equestria?" Wind asked, surprising not just Sunset but also Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

"YOU KNEW?!?!?! All three girls asked in total shocked.

Back in the cave with Flash, Twilight, Spike and Sprit. They jumped of the way from the blast the thing fired at them. Flash then opened up the King of Arthur book and revealed the story within.

A brand of righteousness is struck down from a valiant king.

He then placed both the Brave Dragon book and the King of Arthur book in his driver. He then took hold of the handle and hope that he will be able to pull it out. When he pulled on the sword, he was able to pull it out from the driver and the two books open up.

Unsheathe the Flame!

"Henshin!" Flash shouted as he slashed the sword and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber as flames covered him, in a new Wounder Rider form.

When two books synthesize, the hallowed blade is infused with power! ~Wonder Rider! Dragon, King Arthur.

The others were amazed and relieved to see him as Saber, just in the nick of time. Before Saber did anything, his sword glowed and so did the driver on Twilight. Both knew what this meant, so Twilight quickly kneel down and Saber tapped her shoulders with his Sword of Flames.

Then a Wonder Ride Book appeared in the Paladin Driver. The book had Saber on the cover and the title says Wonder Paladin. Twilight stood up and press the button on the driver to open up the book. It revealed a rider inside with flames behind it.

Paladin, Stand!

"Henshin!" She shouted as a giant version of the book opened up and flames ingalfed her. When the flames disappeared, she had a full body armor on. The armor had a chest plate that looked like a open book that had Saber's symbol on it. Her armor boots were red and the arms were red with yellow fingertips. Her helmet was similar to Saber but without the sword on top. She had a dragon head on her right shoulder like Saber. She had two sword holders on the sides of her blet. She even carried a sword that look like Saber's, but instead of the emblem it had a red stone on it.

A entrusted one that has been given the power of the Sacred Swords, will help protect all that is good! ~Wonder Paladin!

The monster fire at the two. The Paladin Rider swung her sword just as Saber swung the sword in his left hand.


The two swiped the fire ball away. Both Spike and Sprit were amazed by the two. The monster fire at them again and they swiped it away again. It did again with the same results. The swords Saber hold started to glow as he spun around. The Paladin Rider quickly put her sword in her holder and press the button on the handle of the sword.

Final Page! King Slash! Paladin Slash!

Both then slashed their swords right at the monster and destroyed it. Both Saber and the paladin detranformed back to Flash and Twilight. Both were worn out and glad to retrieve the power of King Arthur.

"I was able to wield King of Arthur's power..." Flash thought to himself. "But..." He then looked at the King of Arthur book and thought about what the cloaked woman said. About a trial to prove his worthiness.

The story continues!

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