• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 4: The book was opened, that is the reason.

We open to inside Tassel's house, where we see Tassel with a worried look on his face. When he sees you reading, he puts on a fake smile. "Well, welcome back! For those who don't know me, my name is Tassel." He introduced himself. "If you were wondering why I was looking so worried, it's because of what happened in the last chapter." He said as he opened the book in his hands and we see what happened.

"Our two riders meet the swordsman of earth Terra Quake, aka Kamen Rider Buster appeared and destroyed the Golem Megido with strike of the Sword of Tremors. And he has a son name Stone. The king of Parenting! He really stands out!" Tassel yelled out but coughed a bit. "Sorry, a little tickled in the throat." He took a sip of his tea then continue. "After Fluttershy and Pinkie took little Stone for a walk, a Hanzaki Megid send out white books to trap not only Stone and Cadance, but a few other people. Poor Fluttershy blamed herself for what happened. When the riders went to Wounder World and destroyed the Megiddo, the world didn't return to normal, which confused everyone." He closed the book and looked at the readers.

"I'm really worried for them. I hope they can find out how they can fix all this." Tassel said as he pulled out a new book from the bookshelf and opened it. We are then pulled into the new chapter of the story.

In the Northern Base, the three riders told Sophia what happened. "This is very unusual. The people should have returned to this world once the foe was defeated." Surge said. "Then why has it not..." he said while wondering what happened.

Terra slammed his fist on the table in frustration. "I'm sorry, Stone..." He apologized to his son. "I couldn't save you." He blamed himself.

"It must be difficult for you, Mr. Quake." Surge said but Terra looked at him with anger in his eyes, which scared him.

"Children are like treasures." Terra said as he tood up. "Stone means everything to me!" He shouted.

"Mr. Quake..." Flash said as he walked up to him. "I promise you. I will save Stone." He told Terra. Arabia looked at him when he said "promise".

"Again with that promise nonsense?" Terra asked with an unhappy look on his face when he looked at Flash. "Don't make promises you can't keep!" He said as he took hold Flash's jacket. "Your girlfriend made a promise with Stone, right? Then why isn't he here right now, huh?! Where's her shame?!" He asked with anger in his voice. Surge ran to stop Terra.

"Mr. Quake, I must ask you to--" Surge try to stop him but Terra knock him away and hit the giant book next to the stars and fell to the ground.

"Do you know what I'm going through right now as a parent?" Terra asked Flash as he took hold of his jacket again.

"I know Twilight and she will keep her promise, just as I will." Flash answered. Terra didn't say another word and let go of Flash.

Flash then went to check on the girls. "Wait for me!" Surge called out as he got up and went with him.

"What is with that guy?!" Terra asked when the two left. Arabia had an upset look on her face and walked right up to Terra.

At the Megido lar, the hand written device continue to write. "Doesn't look like your Megido amounted to anything after all..." Legeiel teases.

"You really think so?" Zooous asked, and that made Legeiel wonder what he meant. "Just you wait and see." He told them.

Back in Wounder World, the peaces of the destroyed Megido gathered and reformed.

Back at the book shop, the girls were not only comforting Fluttershy but also trying to figure out why the people hasn't returned back to the real world. "Maybe there was more than one there and you just missed it." Spike assumed.

"If that were true, then it would have been with that lizard one." Rarity said while she pet him.

"Then why didn't the people come back yet?" Rainbow complained as she paced around.

"Mr. Quake must be so worried about his son. And it's all my fault." Fluttershy said while looking down.

"No it's not, you couldn't have known this was going to happen sugarcube." Applejack reasure. Just then, Flash and Surge came through the Book Gate back from the Northern Base.

"Hey, how's Mr. Quake?" Twilight asked.

"He's still upset about all this." Flash said as he sat down. "But that Megido's body was really slippery and hard to slice." He thought out loud.

"I was thinking the same thing." Twilight said as she sat next to him.

Twilight then saw some books on a shelf and went to check them. "And Rarity, he told us that he wasn't a lizard..." She reminded Rarity while she checked each book.

"Well if he wasn't a lizard, what was he?" Rainbow asked.

"I agree with Ms. Dash." Surge said as he walked next to Twilight.

"It's gotta be around here somewhere..." Twilight said as she looked through the books.

"What are you looking for Twi?" Applejack asked.

"Please don't misunderstand Twilight. None of her promises are made without consideration." Arabia told Terra back at the Northern Base.

"Then what, huh?" Terra asked.

"The memories she lost 12 years ago..." She started. "The promise she couldn't keep..." She said with a sad look. "I understand she feelings all too well." Everyone in the room was thinking back about what happened 12 years ago.

Then Arabia hold out a yellow Wounder Ride Book with the title says "Needle Hedgehog" and offered it to Terra. "Take this. Please, lend them your support." She told him before she forwarded. "Will you put your faith in Twilight and Flash?" She asked of him.

Back at the book shop, Twilight continue to look at the books on the shelf till she found what she was looking for. "Found it." She said as she pulled out a book from the bookshelf and opened it up.

"An animal encyclopedia?" Spike asked when everyone gathered.

"Oh I have one of my own." Fluttershy said.

"That's nice and all, but how does this help us?" Rainbow asked as Twilight scanned through the pages of the book.

"Right here!" Twilight said as she found the page she was looking for. The picture on the page looked simular to the Megido they saw before. "Amphibia Urodela Cryptobranchoidea." She read the the page.

"Thought I have not seen one in the flash." Surge said as he looked at picture.

"This is it, he's not a lizard after all." Flash said after seeing the page.

"Then what the heck is he? And what is a Amphiba-what ever?" Rainbow asked.

"It's a sanshouuo salamander, also known as a Hanzaki." Fluttershy answered. Flash went over to another bookshelf and pulled out a book titled, "The Folktales and Superstition of the world. ~Rivers and Waterside~".

"What you got there, Flash" Sunset asked when she saw him hold the book.

"Something that might help." He answered as he opened it and read the page out loud. "This creature is said to be able to regenerate, even after its body had been split into two." He closed the book and looked to the others. "So that's why Stone, Cadance, and the others haven't returned. The Megiddo is still alive."

"I see." Surge said as he thought about it. "But this raises another question. Why gather all those people?" He asked.

"Well..." Twilight think back about what that Megiddo said. ("I won't let you get in the way of the birth of our king!" The Hanzaki Megid said.) She then gave the book to Fluttershy and went over to another bookshelf to look for another book and she found it. "Right here!" She said as she pulled the book out.

"Legend of the Man-Eating Salamander?" Rarity read the cover when they all saw what she pulled out. When open the book to see what it says, Twilight read it out loud. "This story is about a salamander who ate a lot of people, allowing him to become the king of their kind."

"Then Stone, Mrs. Cadance, and the captured citizens are to become its prey?" Surge asked with worry in his voice and Fluttershy was more worried than before.

"You're kidding!" Rainbow said, hoping it was a joke.

"So all those people are going to become salamander food?!" Pinkie freaked out.

"He did say something about "the birth of our king"..." Sunset said with a worried look on her face.

"He's creating a giant king salamander using people as its prey. That's gotta be it." Flash said as he paced around.

"Then let's return to the other world and search for where they're being held." Twilight said as she put the book down.

"And the enemy as well." Flash said.

"Agree." Surge said as he, Flash and the girls went out but Fluttershy stopped them.

"Hold it just one second! That world's gotta be huge, right?" Fluttershy pointed out. "How are we gonna find them?" She asked, she then saw Terra coming out from the Book Gate and the others looked to him.

"Mr. Quake..." Surge said when he saw him.

"Girl." Terra said to Twilight. "What did you promise my son?" He asked her.

"I promised that I would show him how amazing books can be." Twilight answered.

"Twilight, why are you so enamored with promises?" Surge asked.

Twilight was not sure how to answer Surge, but then she thought back to her dream. When she was trying to hold on tight to the little girl who was being sucked into a vortex, but neither could hold for very long. "Good question..." She said sounding unsure of herself. "But even I'm not quite sure." She told Surge, before she walked up to Terra. "Still, if we have the power to save others, then we should use it." She said. Flash and the girls smile, knowing she's right.

"Not just for Stone and Cadance, but for everyone else as well." Twilight said. Terra looked at her like he was looking at an long lost friend.

"I see..." Was all he said before he smiled as he walked pass her.

"Was it something she said?" Sprit asked while she was on Twilight's sholder, confused as to why he was smiling.

He looked at the fairy on Twilight's sholder before he said, "Lets get a move on!" He then walked out of the shop. Twilight looked at Sprit and just shrugged before she, Flash, and Surge follow him. The girls follow them, but Fluttershy had to grabbed her bag.

"Wait a second!" Fluttershy called out as she grabbed her bag. "I'm coming too!" She ran to the door before she tripped and fell down on the ground and all the things from her bag, including a familiar item. The small white book that took Stone, Cadance, and all those people. Fluttershy saw it when she was getting up. "Isn't that book..." She said as she started to get a crazy idea.

Elsewhere, in what looked to be a factory. Calibur walked inside while holding an Alter Book in his hand. "Megido that hath been sealed..." He said as he opened the book to reveal a Megiddo face behind chains. "I now free you from your chains." He then flipped the chains and released the Megido from the boom. Black books fly out from the book before they gathered behind Calibur and took form.


"I smell it..." He said as he rose his head in a dark tone. "The world, its books, its swords, they chafe against one another." He said as he stood up. "A remarkable scent in both the best and worst of ways." He said with a bit of joy in voice.

"It's been 12 years since you were last outside." Calibur told Desast. "How are you feeling?" He asked, making Drsast scoffed.

"I don't have to tell you anything." Is what he said to Calibur before he walked away.

Back at the book shop, Fluttershy picked up the white book from the floor. "I must be crazy to do this." She said to herself. "But if I use this book, I can go to where Stone and Cadance is."

With the riders and the girls, they ran to the spot where Stone disappeared. "Okay, once we get there. Rainbow Dash will use speed to search for where all the people is while you three keep the Megiddo busy." Twilight told her plan to save all the people.

The symbol at the end of Terra's sword shine and a book opened up to the other world. Before they could go threw, they heard someone spoke to them. "I thought there was a nice scent..."

When they looked to see who spoke to them, they saw Desast stepped out. "The swordsman of fire is here, I presume?" He asked as he looked at them.

"Who the HEY is that?!" Applejack asked when she saw him.

"Desast..." Terra answered her, the others felt a chill down their spines when he said that name.

"You're still frolicking with these contraptions?" Desast asked as he took out a red Wounder Ride Book with an eagle on the cover and the title saying, "Storm Eagle."

"A Wonder Ride Book!" Surge said when he saw the book.

"Where'd he get that?!" Twilight asked.

"He's killed his fair share of swordsmen..." Terra said with a stern look on his face.

"So now I'm guessing he's after Flash?" Sunset asked with concern. Flash stepped up ready to fight him.

"Mr. Quak, Surge, girls, you all go save Stone and Cadance." He said as he hold the Jack and the Beanstalk book out to Terra. Terra then thought back to Arabia was giving him the Needle Hedgehog book. ("Will you put your faith in Twilight and Flash?" She asked him.)

Terra looked at him and smiled as he took the book from him. "No, this guy's all mine!" He said as he walked pass Flash. He then tossed Flash the book Arabia gave him. "I'll leave Stone to all of you." He said as he ready his sword. He then took out his Genbu Shinwa book and open the cover.

Genbu Shinwa

He then close the book and place it in the sword. As it glowed, he stood in the center of a library as a giant version of the book appeared behind him. He then pressed a button on his sword and the book open up to reveal the rider inside it and so did the giant one. As the giant book opened, rocks fly out of it as Terra swing his sword around his shoulder.

Genbu Shinwa

"Henshin!" Terra shouted as the rocks gathered infront of him and he swing his sword down on them. The rocks went everwhere before they gathered on Terra, transformed him to Kamen Rider Buster.

Fracture the Enemy! Divide the land! ~Grumble, rumble! Gekido, the Sword of Tremors!

Buster then took a battle stands, ready to fight Desast. "You'll keep your promise, won't you?" He asked both Flash and Twilight. They both smile at him, then they looked at each other and then to him.

"We will!" Flash said to Buster.

"Lets go!" Twilight said as they ran to the book.

"We'll leave him to your care." Surge said as he followed Flash and the girls, leaving Buster to fight Desast. The two charged at each other and fought as the others went through the book to the other world. From behind a pillar, not far from the others went through the book. Calibur watched them go to the other world.

In Wounder World. Near the creek was a bunch of bubbles gathered in one big one. And inside the bubbles, were the people who disappeared and trapped in the bubbles. Two in pedicure had Stone and a woman with light pink skin with wild pink and yellow hair. This woman is Cadance and in her arms was a baby girl with white skin with purple and blur swirly hair, this baby girl name's Flurry Heart. "It's going to be okay, Flurry." Cadance said to her baby girl.

"Father..." Stone said, as he was scared.

Cadance noticed Stone was scared. "Hey, I'm sure your dad is doing all that he can to find you. Just don't lose hope." She said to comfernt him. The two then heard what sounds like a girl screaming, like this girl was falling out of the sky. And wouldn't you know it, there was. It was Fluttershy who fell from the sky and landed on one of the bubbles before she fell through it. "Fluttershy?!" Cadance asked in shocked when she saw her.

"One of the girls from the bookstore?" Stone asked when he saw her.

"Stone! Cadance! Flurry Heart?!" Fluttershy said after she gathered herself from the fall. "Why is Flurry here?!" She asked Cadence.

"I was holding Flurry when this odd book appeared out of nowhere. And when I opened it, it brought me and Flurry here." Cadance answered Fluttershy. "But why are you here?" She asked her.

"I'm here to help! Don't worry, I'll call for help!" Fluttershy said as she pulled something from her bag, it was fireworks.

"Where'd you get fireworks?" Stone asked when she pulled out the fireworks.

"I bought some from Trixie before I came here." She answered him.

She set off the fireworks from within the bubble she was in. Not too far, the two riders and the girls saw the fireworks. "What could that be?" Surge asked when he saw the fireworks.

"Let's check it out." Flash said as he and the others went to where the fireworks were launched.

Back in the real world. Buster was having a hard time with Desast. He try to slash him with his sword, but Desast jumped out of the way and got out his sword. He then strike Buster with his sword and then he somersault to Buster and brought his sword down on him. Buster try to block the attack with his sword but the attack went through. Buster jumped back after he got hit. "Man, that hurt..." He said, sounding a bit tired and in pain.

"What's wrong, old man? Feeling rusty?" Desast asked, insulting Buster.

"It's been 12 years, y'know. Go a little easy on me!" Buster respond. He then swung he sword at Desast, but he jumped out of the way. Buster jumped too, and as the two clashed blades, Buster got the upper hand and pushed Desast to the ground. He slammed his sword to try and hit Desast while he's down, but Desast rolled out of the way and got up.The two then clashed blades again, trying to get one over of the other.

Back in the other world. Fluttershy's hair was messy, because she launched the fireworks from within the bubble she's in. "Are you okay?" Cadance asked.

"I'm fine." Fluttershy answered her. "I just hope someone saw the those fireworks." She said as she looked around for the riders and her friends.

"I shouldn't have opened that book. Books aren't fun at all!" Stone said with a sad tone.

"But Stone..." Fluttershy said. Then the three heard Twilight's voice. "You're wrong."

The three saw Twilight and the others come in. "Twilight!? What are you doing here?!" Cadance asked in shocked when she saw Twilight.

"We're here to save all of you!" Sprit said as she fly up to her. Cadance was surprised to see a real life fairy flying infront of her.

"Books can be amazing as long as they're not being used for evil." Twilight said, but then she saw Flurry Heart in Cadance's arms and was shocked to see her niece here. "Flurry Heart?! Why is Flurry here here?!" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry, Twi. We'll get them out of there." Flash said to calm her down.

"But how do we get them out of those bubbles?" Sunset asked as she and the other girls looked over the bubbles.

"Leave that to me." Surge said as he step forward. The girls saw him pull out his Lion Senki book and they got out of the way. All but Sprit stood behind Surge as he opened the book and pages fly out from the book and took form of the lion.

Lion Senki

Cadance hold Flurry tight when she saw the lion. Then the lion did a water blast at the bubbles the people were in and free them all. "Hey! Warn me next time you do that!" Sprit shouted as she was soaked from the lion's water blast. Then Twilight ran and gave Cadance and Flurry a hug.

"I'm so glad you both are okay." She said as Cadance hugged her back. The people were happy to be free from the bubbles. The only one who was not happy was the Hanzaki Megid who ran over. When the people saw him, they all ran to get away from him. Twilight pulled Cadence away and to her friends, to keep Cadance and Flurry safe. Fluttershy even pulled Stone behind her.

"My prey for the king..." The Hanzaki howled. "How dare you!" He shouted at the riders and the girls with rage.

"I see you have regenerated." Surge said to the Megido.

"I'll save Stone, Cadance, and everyone else!" Flash said as he and Surge puts on their drivers and opened up their Wounder Ride Books.

Lion Senki. Peter Fantasista

Brave Dragon

Flash even open the Needle Hedgehog book Terra gave him.

Needle Hedgehog. This animal survives the law of the jungle barbed with thousands of needles

Surge place his two books in his driver. Lion Senki in the middle slot and Peter Fantasista in the third slot. As the two books glowed, Surge stood in the middle of a library shrouded by water. Then two giant versions of the two books appeared behind him. He then pulled out his sword from the driver and the two books opened up.

Unsheathe the Current!

"Henshin!" Surge said as he slashed his sword and transformed into Kamen Rider Blades.

~Behold, the shining Lion Fantasista! Roar! Shine! The claws of fantasy dwell within the blue swordsman!

After Flash place the Brave Dragon book in the first slot and the Needle Hedgehog book in the middle slot of his driver, he pulled out the sword and the two books open up.

Unsheathe the Flame!

"Henshin!" Flash said as he slashed the sword and transformed into Kamen Rider Saber, in a new Wounder Rider form.

When two books synthesize, the hallowed blade is infused with power! ~Wounder Rider! Dragon! Hedgehog! The brand equipped with two aspects shall be honed!

Cadance was surprised to see Twilight's boyfriend transformed into an armor. "I know, it supperis me when I first saw it." Twilight said to Cadance.

"We'll talk later about all this once that thing is gone." Cadance told Twilight. The others were amazed to see Saber's new Wounder Rider form.

"Try all you want, it's no use!" The Hanzaki told the two riders as he changed with sword in hand.

"Stay safe." Saber told the group as he and Blades charged at the monster.

"Go get'em!" Pinkie cheered. Saber blocked the Hanzaki's sword and kicked him back and Blades use the chains on his right arm and wrapped it around the monster's arm.

"Now's your chance!" Blades called out as he hold the monster with the chains. Saber closed the Needle Hedgehog book from his driver and scand it at the tip of his sword.

Hedgehog! Hmm, hmm... Learning Flash!

After he placed it back in his driver, he pressed the button on the handle of the sword. Spikes formed on the sword and surprised Saber a bit. He then slashed the sword right at the Megido and the needles on the sword shot at it. Saber then slashed the sword at the Hanzaki, causing it to fall to its knees and explode. "All right!" Saber said when it exploded.

But as Saber sigh, a piece of the Megido hit him and freaked him out. But that one piece of the monster gathered smaller pieces of its self and regenerated. "Regenerate!" The Hanzaki shouted as he surprise the two riders and spun around, slashing them.

Back in the real world, Buster and Desast continue their fight. "The young guys are doing their best..." Buster said as he blocked Desast's sword with his, then kicked his sword to knocking Desast back. Desast quickly balance himself and struck Buster a couple of times and got behind him. "So I can't afford to lose here!" Buster told himself as he slashed his sword at Desast. But Desast blocked the attack with his sword and flipped Buster over himself and to the ground.

Desast fell when he flipped Buster, but quickly got up and charged at him. Buster blocked Desast's sword with his armored arm and brought his sword down to try and hit Desast. But Desast dodged it and thrust his sword forward to hit Buster. Desast then kicked Buster back to the ground. "Time to finish this." Desast said.

"Whoa there. Don't just decide that for yourself!" Buster shout as he got up from the ground. Buster then close the book on his sword and took it out. He then pulled out the book Flash gave him and opened the cover.

A tale of fantastical heights unravel when a boy receives a bean that became a giant beanstalk.

He then close the book and place it in his sword. As it glowed and a giant version of the book appeared behind him, he pressed the button on the handle and the book open up and he upgrade his armor.

Jack-to-Domamenoki Fracture the Enemy! ~Grumble, rumble! Gekido, the Sword of Tremors! Gekido: Remastered. The colossal armored sword fractures the earth, bringing forth the might of the North!

Desast was not impressed by this. He just slammed his sword down and sparks went off the ground and dragged a cross. "Calamity Strike." He said after he brought up his to the air and charged at Buster. Desast swung his sword like no tomorrow as he went straight to Buster. Buster blocked Desast's attack, but the attack pushed him back and knew he couldn't block it for long. So Buster scand his Genbu Shinwa book with his sword.

Genbu Shinwa Ka-bam! Gekido Skimming Smite Ka-bam!

Buster stopped in place as four big vines reached behind Desast and stopped his attack. "Grand Revolution!" Buster called his new attack as he knocked Desast back and slingshot slashed pass him with the vines. Both Desast and Buster fell to their knees as they felt the damage they took from each others attack. Desast felt like something was missing, so he checked himself and he lost the Wounder Ride Book. When he looked towards Buster, he saw Buster holding the Storm Eagle book.

"I'll be taking this." Buster said as he hold the book. Desast laughed at this.

"Fine by me." He said, like he doesn't care about the book at all. "Things will only get more interesting. It's all yours." He said as he walked away and vanished.

Buster detranformed back to Terra when Desast left and got up from the ground. "Saber... I entrust my son to you." Terra said, hoping that he and Blades will save his son and destroy the Megido.

Back in Wounder World, Saber got hit by the Hanzaki. Blades charged and try to strike the Megido, but it blocked his attack and counter attack Blades. Both riders recovered and try to slash the Hanzaki, but thanks to its slime their swords slide off it. The Hanzaki took this opening and struck both riders with his sword.

Both riders then slashed their swords at the Megido, but it just knock both slashes away. Both riders took this opening and Saber kicked the Megido as Blades try to punch it. But the Megido blocked their attacks and counter them, knocking both of them to the ground. "This is troublesome." Blades said as he got up. "I'm sure his power has increased!" He assumed.

"Surge!" Saber called out as he got up. "Three Wonder Ride Books can be used together, right?" He asked.

"You're correct, but why--" Blades asked, but the Hanzaki charged at them and try to strike them before he could finish. But the two dodged the attack.

"Then I'm gonna borrow this!" Saber said as he took the Peter Fantasista book from Blades's driver.

"What are you intending to do?" He asked Saber as he closed the two books in his driver and place his sword back in the driver.

"I think we have a chance if we use three books at once." Saber answered as he opened the Peter Fantasista book.

Peter Fantasista

Twilight, Cadance, Stone, Sprit, and the girls watch as Saber place the book in the third slot on his driver. All three books glowed and when he stood in the middle of a library, three giant versions of the three books appeared behind him. Then Saber yanked out the sword from the driver and all three books open up. Saber then transformed into his new Wounder Rider form.

Unsheath the Flame!
When three books synthesize... ~The hallowed sword is brimming with power! ~Wounder Rider!
Peter Fan!
The power of three books aspects has brought forth the advent of an almighty blade.

The Hanzaki try to strike at Saber, but he blocked the attack and knock the monster back. "So this is the power of three books!" Saber said as he was amazed by the power he feels. Even the girls were in awe by this.

"Peter combined with dragon and hedgehog!" Sprit shouted in amazement, then both her and Rainbow Dash shouted, "So awesome!"

"Peter Fan?" Stone asked in amazement when he saw Saber's new form.

"Looks like you have a interest in the Peter's Story." Rarity said as she noticed Stone bewilderment.

"First things first..." Saber said as he took a battle stands. He then took the hook and chains, and throw it right at the Megido. When he missed it, he pulled it back and the chain wrapped around the Megido. He then flicked the cover of the Needle Hedgehog book and pulled the Megido towards him.

Needle Hedgehog

Saber then slashed the Megido after it got close to him. A red, yellow, and blue slashes form from the sword. As the Megido got up from the ground, the hedgehog on Saber's chestplate eyes glowed and spikes shot out from the Hanzaki's body and it fell back to the ground. "What is with this unorthodox fighting?" Blades asked as he watched Saber fight.

"I'm not going that easily!" The Hanzaki Megid said as it struggle to stand up.

When it did, it charged at Saber and try to strike him. But Saber round house kicked it away. Saber then charged at the monster and kicked it back to the ground. "I determine how this story ends!" Saber said as he placed his sword back in the driver and press the button on the handle of the sword, for a big finisher.

Final Page!
Draconic Fury!
Peter Fan!
Three Volume Strike! F-F-F-Fire!

From behind Saber, the three Wounder Ride Books appeared and opened up and the red dragon emerged from the Brave Dragon book, yellow needles fly out from the Needle Hedgehog book, and a greenish blue fairy fly out from the Peter Fantasista book. "A dragon and a fairy?" Stone asked when he saw the two mythical creatures.

"Peter Pan is friends with us fairys, so it would make sense..." Sprit said as she flew to the other fairy. "Show them how it's done, girl!" Sprit told the other fairy. After the two double high five each other, the other fairy grew to human size with big muscles and that surprised the girls and Stone.

"Muscular and... cute?" Blades said in confusion when he saw that.

"What kinda..." Twilight was just as confused as Blades.

"Can you do that, Sprit?" Sunset asked.

"No, I think it's just her." Sprit answered.

The other fairy winked before she took the chain and Saber swing it around with fairy, and the dragon breath fire on the fairy as the chain swung around near it. Saber swung around a few times before he launched the fairy with the hook right at the Megido. "Off you go!" Saber shouted as he threw both the fairy and the chain.

"HI-YAAAAAA!" The fairy shouted as she was shot right at the Megido and knock it down to the ground with a pile driver.

"Oooo, that had to hurt!" Pinkie flinched when she saw the fairy did that to the Megido.

"I don't get it..." Twilight said, still confused by what she was seeing.

"But... it sure is exciting!" Stone said, amazed by what he was seeing. The fairy nodded at Stone and blow him a kiss before she shrunk back down and spikes shot out from the Hanzaki's body; more than before.

"I can't regenerate like this...!" Was the Hanzaki Megid's last words before he exploded and was destroyed for good.

"Amazing!" Cadance said as she, the girls, and Stone ran to Flash.

"You okay, Stone?" Flash asked.

"Yeah, that sure was interesting!" Stone said with amazement in his voice. "Could I read some more books when we get back?" He asked Twilight. She, Flash,and the girls were so glad that Stone is now interested in books. Twilight gave him a smile as she nodded yes to Stone.

"You all know, you going to have to explain to me about all this when we get back." Cadance told Twilight and her friends.

Back in the real world, all the people who opened the small white books returned back to the real world. When Cadance and Flurry returned back to their home, Shining saw his wife and daughter returned and didn't waste time when he rushed over to them and hugged them. "Are you both okay?!" Shining asked his wife who gave him a node. She knew she had a lot to tell him, but Shining already knew what happened to caused her to return.

Fluttershy return to the book shop and she couldn't be more happy to be back. Stone returned back to the spot where he was taken. He turned to see his dad there. "Father!" He shouted with so much joy as he ran to Terra.

"Stone!" Terra said as he keeled down to hug his son. As the two reunited, Terra thought about Flash and his promise. "A man who keeps his promise, huh?" He asked himself.

Back in Wounder World. Flash stretch his arms out and Twilight was happy that her sister in law and niece was back to the real world. "All's well that ends well!" Sprit said as she landed on Twilight's sholder.

"You can say that again." Flash said as he was tired from the fight and fell to the ground.

"Whoa, you okay there partner?" Applejack asked. Flash nodded as he tried to get up.

"Using three volumes can even burden the body of a seasoned swordsman." Surge explained. "Very reckless of you, I must say." Surge said as he helped Flash up.

"Come on! Let head back so we can celebrate!" Pinkie shouted with so much joy as she bounced around. As Surge helped up Flash, he saw someone, that send fear though him. When the girls and Flash saw what he was looking at, they also had a sense of fear going through them. Pinkie even froze in the air when she saw him. (Its Pinkie Pie, don't question it.) Twilight was frozen with horror as she saw the amored man from her dreams. The one who betrayed the Sword of Logos, Kamen Rider Calibur.

"That's..." Twilight said with so much fear in her voice as she had a flashback of her dreams. "The swordsman from my dream..." She thought to herself. The armored man drew out his sword and the others but Twilight move back. He then walked forwarded, closer to them. Sunst saw that Twilight wasn't moving, so she grabbed her to pull her back. But as she grabbed Twilight's arm, Sunset's magic reacted on its own and she got flashes of Twilight's dream. And when it stopped, Sunset quickly pulled Twilight back.

At the Northern Base. Sophia sensed something was wrong and knew what it was. "The swordsman of darkness...." Sophia said.

Back in Wounder World. Flash and Surge transformed into their rider forms and try to fight Calibur. But Calibur was proven to be stronger than them as he easily blocked their swords. Calibur then pushed their swords back and slashed both Saber and Blades. "His strength is off the charts..." Saber said as he was on the ground.

"Hand over Rekka, the Sword of Flames and Brave Dragon at once." Calibur demand in a dark tone. He then placed his sword in the holder on his belt and pressed the trigger on the handle on the sword.

Uncover the Darkside!
Explicating Flash

Both Saber and Blades quickly got up, but Calibur brought his sword up high and dark energy gathered into the sword, before he pull the trigger again and send a power slash right at the two riders. But before it could reach them, a bolt of lightning stike the ground and blocked the dark slash. Both the two riders and the girls saw who it was that's blocking the attack. She looked to be a rider with the same driver as Saber and Blades, only between the blade and the handle was a yellow emblem. And on her left shoulder, was looked to be a golden oil lamp.

She swiped the attack away and that send Calibur to a different part of Wonder World. With the girls and the two riders, they all wounder who this new rider is and why is she here.

The storycontinues

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