• Published 31st Oct 2021
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Kamen Rider Saber EG Volume 1 - Blaze-saber

The main 7 and Flash Sentry are facing something that threatens both their world and wounder world

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Volume 1, chapter 2: The Sword of Logos, Unsheath the Current

Author's Note:

If you see some of the words in the story in red. I have no idea why, I try to fic it but it won't go back to normal.

Plus I will have the Rider's attack shout in colors to make them look cooler

We open to Tassel sitting in his home and when he looks to you he smiles. "Ah, welcome back." Tassel said with joy. "I must say, the events that unfolded for Twilight and Flash was pretty crazy. But what happened again? Oh right." Tassel open a book and we see the events that happened in the last chapter.

Tassel spoke while we see what happened. "Twilight woke up from her dream that she keeps having on her birthday, she learned that her big brother, Shining Armor and her mother, Twilight Velvet was hiding something from her. She and her boyfriend, Flash got transported to Wonder World with the little girl who was looking for her parents. The fairy from her dreams found her, but she can't remember her, and a Megido attack to complete what ever they planned. And when it tried to destroy Flash, the wounder ride book Twilight had saved him and the Sword of Flames has reappeared and chose him to be Kamen Rider Saber. And with the Seiken Sword driver and the Brave Dragon book, he transformed into Kamen Rider Saber and defeated the Megiddo and returned them back to the real world, but with a new little friend. But then, a man on a blue lion showed up out of nowhere."

Tassel close the book and looked at you. "Wondering who's this man and what does he want? Well, lets begin this new chapter and find out." He went over to the bookshelf and pulled out a new book and open it up. And so we start a new chapter.

"My name is Water Surge. But you may call me Surge." The man on the blue lion answer Flash's question. "Now return me Rekka and the wounder ride book to me please." He asked the stun group with shocked looks on their faces infront of him.

"Is that...?" Applejack started. "A blue...?" Twilight said in shocked. "Lion!?" Flash finished as the lion growled.

"I read in a book that it was polite to introduce yourself after someone asked who you are." Surge staeted. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked

"Oh no, darling. It's not that at all." Rarity said. "It's just, well it's your-" she was about to point out before Rainbow Dash shout out. "Dude, your lion! It's freaking us out!"

Surge just realise that. "Oh, I apologize!" He got off the lion and took out a small blue book and open it, then the lion turned into pages of a book and vanished in to the small blue book. "I'm still not fully versed in this world yet."

As Surge walked closer, the group try to keep their destitens from him. "Guys don't worry, he is a swordsman from the Sword of Logos." The fairy said.

"The fairy is right. You have nothing to worry about, you shouldn't feel suspicious of me whatsoever." Surge said with a creepy smile. There was an awkward silence for a bit.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Rainbow broke the silence. "You're the definition of suspicious!"

Surge cleared his throat as he walked around the pianic table. "The Sword of Logos is a secret guild that has maintained the balance of the world for eons." Surge explained. "The Wonder Ride Book you hold possesses great power." He pointed to the brave dragon book Twilight is holding. "Which makes it very dangerous."

"What exactly is this book?" Twilight asked while she showed the book.

"I'm afraid I can't say anymore." Surge said. "You might still be in danger, so would you mind handing it over?" He asked while holding out his hand, waiting for her to give him the book. Twilight looked at the book.

"I can't do that." Twilight said, making Surge looked at her with a bit of confusion then chuckled a bit.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me correctly?" Surge said.

"This is something very important to me." Twilight said while she looked at the book. "I'm sorry, but I can't hand it over."

Surge was about to say something before that hread something going "Gatring! Gatring!" a couple times before Surge took out a big balkie iPhone and press the green button on it and answer it. "Yse?" He asked the person on the other end. "I understand." He hang up and look to Flash and Twilight. "Please follow me." He asked them.

"Guys, I think I know why he asked you to follow him. If you don't trust him, then trust me." The fairy said. Both Flash and Twilight knew they don't know if they can trust Surge, but they can trust the fairy that saved them. So they followed him with their friends behind them.

They followed Surge to a small book store and inside was a model train set with small buildings and a small scale model of the book store itself. "Huh, I didn't expect for him to bring us to a book store." Sunset said.

"Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle, I'll be using this space." Surge said while he stand next to a bookshelf at the back of the room. He hold up a book titled "Book Gate" and open it up. "Book Gate" The book said when it was opened. Then the shelf turned into a door that open up when the book said, "Gate Opne".

"Yay! Magic door!" Pinkie pie shouted with excitement.

"This is a Book Gate, not an Magic Door." Surge corrected. "Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle, I've linked this door to our headquarters. Would you both mind coming with me?" He asked the two. "But your friends can wait here."

"Say what!?" Rainbow dash said shooting him with a angry look. Surge saw that Pinkie pie was carrying a box full of sweets. Pinkie noticed he was looking at it before he shook his head back to focus.

"Shall we?" Surge asked Flash and Twilight. They looked to their friends and they knew they were going to be okay. They then looked at each other before they follow Surge into the Book Gate and the door closed behind them. Surge has the hange of it, but Flash and Twilight was struggling to keep balance threw the portal way that had books around the place.

When they finally stopped, they found themselves in a huge library with two giant books next to stairways and a table in the middle of the room with some odd looking computer on it. Flash was surprised to see all this, but Twilight couldn't contain her excitement. "Holy... Holy smokes, this is amazing!" She said out of pure joy. She ran over to the computer to check it out. "I've never seen anything like this!"

Surge try to pull Twilight away from the computer. "I understand your sentiments, but please don't touch anything." He said when a bell rang and at the top of the stairways, two bookshelves split apart and a woman wearing a white dress with long black hair walked out from the space that just opened.

"I am Sophia, a protector serving the Sword of Logos." The woman introduce herself as she look towards Flash and Twilight. "This northern base is located in the North Pole."

"The North Pole?!" Both Twilight and Flash asked in supperis. And it was true, they were in the North Pole. "R-right, the North Pole." Flash said with a smile on his face.

"Um, excuse me Sophia, but what is the Sword of Logos?" Twilight asked.

"We have been operating from here alongside the swordsmen chosen by the Sacred Swords to protect the book of great power that created this world." Sophia answered. "This is how we've been maintaining its balance."

Surge walked closer to Sophia. "Is it all right to tell them?" He asked and she nodded in response.

"Books that hold power and swords..." Flash wounder.

"That Sacred Sword has deemed you worthy of becoming a Kamen Rider." Sophia told Flash. Flash hold up the Sword Driver with the Sword inside it.

"A Kamen Rider?" Flash asked. By hearing those words it made Twilight wounder something.

"Yes. Swordsmen chosen by the Sacred Swords go by that name." Surge explained.

Flash looked up to Sophia and ask, "What should I do?"

"This is a battle that started long ago and will continue into the future without end." She explained. "What you should do can only be dictated by your heart." Sophia told Flash before she turned and walked back into the parted bookshelfs.

Twilight looked to Surge and asked, "Who moved the city to another world?"

"The traitorous swordsman Calibur, and the Megido, monsters of the manuscripts." He told them. Hearing the name "Calibur" send a chill down her spine. "12 years ago, they stole countless Wonder Ride Books..." He had a sad look on his face like he lost something then looked to his Sword driver. "...and many swordsmen fell to their treachery." Flash and Twilight saw his pain he had on his face. "But I will say this." He looked at the two. "We fight with our lives on the line. It's our destiny to protect the books and maintain the balance of the world." He told them with confidents.

Flash was at his home after he and Twilight got back and told their friends what they what they found out and everything. He lay on his bed and looking at the Sword Driver, thinking about what he should do next. He only used the driver to save his girlfriend and the little girl, along with the part of the city. But he felt like it was only the beginning.

At Twilight's place in Twilight's room, she was holding on to the Drave Dragon book and thought to herself, "Kamen Rider..." After hearing that word, it made her wonder if her father was one. Since she saw the same sword her dad wield in her dreams, or memory it had to be true. But after what Surge said about Calibur and his betrayal, it made her wonder if her father is still alive. She looked to the fairy on her dresser that's sleeping in a old slipper, since she had nowhere to go. She hopes that this fairy will help her remember her lost past.

At the Megido's lar, the hand written device started to writing in a book. This meant the Megidos are at it again. "Things are proceeding well." Legeiel spoke. "A new Alter Book nears completion." Calibur scoffed by this.

At the bookstore called "Fantastic Books", Twilight and Flash was there and she hold out the Wounder Ride Book to him. "Are you sure about this Twi?" Flash asked her because he knew that how much this book means to her.

"Flash, you need this book to transform. And I trust you with my life to use it to stop the Megido." Twilight said as she placed the book in his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Then the Book Gate open up and Surge walked out. "Surge...." Flash called out.

"A part of the city has yet to be recovered." Surge told them. "I'm going to go save those people now. What are you plans?" He asked Flash.

Flash looked to Twilight who nodded to him telling him to go with him. "I'll come with, of course!" He answered Surge.

"This is a huge responsibility that comes with danger." Surge told Flash.

"Even so, I want to save everyone!" Flash told Surge with so much confidants.

"I understand, but do not worry. I will be alongside you the entire time." Surge told Flash who nodded at his words.

The tree arrive at the location where they see a part of the city has disappeared and replaced with a giant book. They see Surg put on a Sword Driver but the sword's emblem was blue and had one curve on it.

Then the emblem glow and a book floated infront of them. "A Sacred Sword allows travel to the other side." Surge explained to them.

"Not so fast you guys!" They heard Rainbow dash from behind them and when they turned, they saw her and the other girls with her.

"Rainbow?! Girls?!" Both Twilight and Flash asked in supperid.

"We're coming too!" Pinkie shouted out as the group ran toward them.

"Oh, this is not going end well." The fairy said from Twilight's pocket.

"H-Hey, wait a second!" Twilight tried to explain but it was to late. The girls crashed into the three into the portal book and its pages started to flipping like a flipbook before closing.

Within the part of the city that disappeared, the same book that was outside reappeared and open up to show a its pages and started flipping like a flipbook before the group coming out of it and crashed on the ground. "Ow..." Pinkie said after they crashed on the ground.

"Ms. Dash, Ms. Sunset, Ms. Shy, Ms. Pie, Ms. Apple, Ms. Bell... This is no place for any ordinary Homo sapiens." Surge told the girls.

"What did you call us?!" Rainbow asked in frustration by him calling them that.

"Calm down Rainbow, it's just another way to say human." Twilight explained.

"Yes, and running head on into us is-" Rarity intrupt Surge before he could finish lecture them.

"What is that?! It's disgusting!" She pointed to the city that looked like it was spit on with asid and they can see the burned pages with in the brunt buildings.

"It's worse than before. The abnormalities are reaching the final stage." Surge explained. He then walked up. "Leave this to me." He told the others. "I will show you how to fight."

"What an apple picking minute, you can transform too, Surge?!" Applejack asked in surprise.

"In the name of Nagare, the Sword of Currents..." Surge started as he step forth. "I will keep this world free from harm's reach." He then hold up a blue Wounder Ride Book that is titled Lion Senki before he opened it up to reveal the story within.

This blue mane records anew the wars of a noble king.

He closed the book then placed it in the center slot in the driver. The book lit up and he was in a library that was surrounded by water and a giant version of the book appeared behind him as he took hold of the handle of the sword before he yanked it out of the driver. And as he did, the book open up to reveal a blue rider with a lion head on his chest. As did the giant book behind him and a blue lion came out of it.

Unsheath the Current!

"Henshin!" Surge said before he slashed the sword in a V like slash and the lion merged with him and his armor appeared on him and it was like the one in the book. And the slashed merged with his helmet completing the transformation.

~Lion Senki! Nagare: Volume 1: When the king of the wilds and Nagare, the Sword of Currents unite, the azure blade shall bare its fangs! Nagare, the Sword of Currents.

Surge has transform into Kamen Rider Blades and he ready his sword for the battle head. The others were both shocked, supperis, and amazed by this just when Blades dodged and roll out of the way of an attack. When they saw who did that they see an Ari Megid.

"Stand down! Stand down!" Blades told the group as he knock each spit of acid that was shot at him by the Ari Megid. When one nearly hit them but hit a pillar they saw it burn a hole in it and they were shocked by it. The Ari Megid continue to shoot acid at Blades but he continued to knock them away with his sword. When he knocked the last one away, he swing his sword around and water formed and he blast the Ari with it that launched it in the air. He then slashed the Ari Megid when he jumped into the air, knocking it down to the ground.

When it got up, the symbol on its chest glowed purple and after pages popped out, they formed its minions with swords and charged at Blades who ready his sword.

He slashed each and kicked one that got near. He stabbed one, then slashed another straight through it, then knocking the rest down. The Ari Megid charged at Blades while he had his back turned, but he saw it coming and back flipped on to the top of a building. "An Ant Megido... I sense a horde will follow." Blades suspected. And he was right, more did show up. "As I suspected... But that's fine by me." Blades said before he jumped off the building and push the cover of his WounderRide Book.

Lion Senki

Then a book flipped threw with him standing beside it as he followed along with the book. Water floated around him while he swing his sword. When the water form a lion he cry out his attack. "Lion Wonder!" Then he lunched the blue lion with a slash right at the horde of Ant Megido. The ground the horde stand on got flooded and the lion attack them, they got destroyed when he landed as did the lion beside him as it roared.

The Equestrian Girls and Flash was surprised and amazed by the performance they just witness."Awesome!" Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie shouted with amazement.

"This is but one way to fight." Blades told Flash as he walked to them.

"I knew you were strong!" Flash replied.

"So much power!" Sunset said, she had seen many different kinds of magic but what she saw really takes the cake.

"Yup, that's the power of a Rider from the Sword of Logos." Said the fairy from Twilight's pocket.

"And you finished the fight in no time!" Rainbow added.

"I'm afraid it isn't over quite yet." Blades side as he hold up his hand.

With the Megido leaders, they watwatch Blades fight in a bubble. "The swordsman of water, Blades has appeared." Calibur told the others and they all had smiles on their faces to see this.

"Over here, everyone! Don't panic, take your time." Flash and the girls were get some people in a building out and to safety. When the last man ran out, Flash knew what to do next. "I'll make sure to save everyone. I promise." He said as he took out his Sword driver and put it on, then took out the Wounder Ride Book Twilight gave him and open it up to reveal the story within. Then he closed the book then placed it in the first slot in his driver.

Brave Dragon

The book glowed and like before, he stood in a library shrouded by fire as a giant version of the book appeared behind. He then took hold of the handle of the sword before he yanked it out and the cover of book open to reveal the rider inside it, as did the giant one behind him.

Unsheathe the Flame!

"Henshin!" Flash said as he slashed the sword in a X and the dragon that came out of the book merged with him and his armor was similar to the one in the book appeared on him. He transform into Saber.

~Brave Brave! Rekka: Volume 1: When the brave dragon and Rekka, the Sword of Flames unite, the crimson blade shall pierce threw all evil! Rekka, the Sword of Flames!

The girls saw him transformed and they were amazed by this. "Wow! That's even cooler than Twilight describe it!" Pinkie shouted with amazement. Saber took his sword and charged into battle as he slashed some of the goons with his sword. Three pushed him back while he blocked them with his sword. From behind, one attack him and knock him on the ground and when another try to get him while he was down, Saber quickly dodge and quickly got up and continue to fight. With Blades, he continued to fight the goons as the girls watch when they got the last of the people out and hide behind a pillar to watch the fight. Two Ant Megid spat acid at Saber, but he rolled out of the way their spite.

He then pushed the cover of the book back and it cause it to react like Blades's book did.

Brave Dragon

He copy what the book beside him did as it flipped threw its pages. The flames around him gathered into his fist, powering up a Rider punch as a red dragon appeared behind him. "Dragon Wonder!" Saber called out as he threw his punch and the dragon at the two Ant Megid and a few of the goons, destroying them.

"You wield your sword well." Blades complemented. All of the sudden, a screech started to hrut everyones heads.

"Agh, my head hurts!" Shouted the fairy. From a balcony, a Kirigirisu Megid was the one who made that screeching sound with its pincers before it jumped to a rooftop next to a Ant Megid.

"Humans think they're so clever..." said the Ant Megid.

"So there was another one!" Blades shouted as the Media laughed.

"Look for yourself!" Said the Kirigirisu Megid. "Once this book is complete, this will become the new normal!"

"What?!" Asked Saber and he noticed the symbol on the Ant Megid chest was glowing before both turned and jumped so far they got away.

"I can't go on..." Said Rarity as she and the girls fell to the ground like they were drand.

"Girls!" Saber shouted as both him and Blades went to them to see if they're okay.

"Don't worry, they're still breathing." Blades said as he checked each of them. "Let's take them back and regroup." He suggested.

"Thank goodness..." Saber relieve that they are ok.

After the two got the girls out from that world, they returned back to the North Pole base to figure out what to do next. "What are those guys trying to do?!" Flash asked Surge and Sophia as they walked in.

"They must be replacing lost Wonder Ride Books in order to recreate the book of world creation." Sophia answered.

"A book of world creation?!" Flash asked.

"They intend to obtain that great power." Surge added.

"Then we need to go back there!" Flash demand as he was about to go.

"That place has already been rewritten with the Megido's book." Sophia stopped him with that. "If they continue to rewrite reality, your lives as swordsmen will be at risk." She warned them.

"It can't be..." Surge doubted with a sad look on his face.

"That creep said nothing would ever return to normal if that book is completed." Flash pointed out. "That means if we defeat them before it's complete, then things will still be all right!" Flash theories.

"Recklessness and bravery are two different things." Sophia told Flash.

"Hope exists beyond our resolution!" Flash shouted and those words made Sophia remindedof someone who said that before.

"Those words...!" She said before a glass case glowed and open up to show gears and a Wounder Ride Book inside.

When Flash walked over to it and saw the book he ask, "What is this?"

"It's a book that only you can use. Kamen Rider Saber." Sophia answered him.

Flash took out the book and looked at it and said, "Saber..."

The title of the book was, "Issue the issue, Diago Speedy!"

The two returned back to the disappeared city, only to find it much worse. "I will not accept this world!" Surge said in frustration.

"So this is the inside of a Megido's book..." Flash said when he saw it.

"In the name of Nagare, the Sword of Currents..." Surge said with determination. "I will keep this world free from harm's reach!" He took out his Lion Senki book and open the cover.

Lion Senki

"I will save both the city, and its people!" Flash said before he took out his Brave Dragon book and open the cover.

Brave Dragon

Both then placed their book in their drivers and both books glowed and took them to a library where they were shrouded by both fire and water and giant version of the books appeared behind them. Then both of them yanked out both of their swords and both the small and giant books open up.

Unsheathe the Flames!

Unsheathe the Current!

"Henshin!" Both boys shouted as they slashed their swords to transform in to Kamen Rider Saber and Kamen Rider Blades.

~Brave Dragon! Rekka, the Sword of Flames

~Lion Senki! Nagare, the Sword of Currents

Blades took out his phone Saber saw before. "Gatrike Phone"

He pressed the button on it and folded it together.

~Ride Gatriker!

The phone got bigger and transformed.

"Okay..." Saber said as he place the Diago Speedy book in the third slot on his driver after he put his sword back in the driver and then yanked it out again and the Diago Speedy book open up.

Start Up The Roar!

The book lift off of his driver, got bigger, and transformed into a motorcycle.

~Diago Speedy!

Saber was surprised by that at first but then got impressed. "Let's ride." Blades said as he got on the Ride Gatriker.

"Right!" Saber said as he got on the Diago Speedy. Both the road off into the city.

At the Megido's lar, the hand written device still continue to rewrite the Altar Ride Book. "That Megido has been given another power..." One of the Megid leaders said as he looked at the book. "Surely those swordsmen will be unable to stop it now."

The two riders were neck and neck as the drove their rides down hill and saw what looked to be giant ants. Saber took his sword and slash through them, while Blades used the guns on the Ride Gatriker to blast those ants. In the way of Saber was a truck, so he turned sideways and ducked under it and continue on.

Up ahead, there was a tunnel full of giant ants blocking their path. Blades use the guns on the Ride Gatriker to blast through the ants and Saber continue to slash through them as he drove to the top of the tunnel as he continues to strike the ants and Blades blast the ants. Saber got back to the ground and they continue on through the tunnel and got out as the ants exploded behind them.

The two riders jumped over a big gap on a highway and made it across and continue on. But as they got to the other side, something hit them so they had to stop and the thing that hit them was the Kirigirisu Megid. "I'll turn you two into a part of our book too!" The Megid shouted.

"No doubt that's the one controlling the ants..." Blades theories.

"Hold on, the story is the Ant and the Grasshopper. That would mean the grasshopper is protecting the ants. Go and find the shinning ant! That's the queen multiplying their numbers!" Saber told Blades.

"Got it! Find the shining ant..." Blades said as he went to find the Ant Megid.

"Like I'd let you get away!" The Kirigirisu Megid shouted as it jumped at them.

"You'll have to face me first!" Saber shouted as he knocked it away.

With Blades, he drove till he saw the shinning ant. "There it is!" The Ant Megid saw him and summon more giant ants to slow him down. "Here's gose!" He pushed the button on the handle of the sword.

Final Page!

Then he shot a giant blast of water right at the giant ants and put the Ant Megid in a bubble. He the jumped off from the Ride Gatriker and yank out his sword.

Lion! One Volume Strike! Water!

"Leo Cascade!" Blades shouted as he did his Rider Kick right at the bubbled Megido, destroying it and landing back on the Ride Gatriker. And from the explosion, something came flying out and Blades caught it. It was a greenish blue Wounder Ride Book. " "Jackun-to-Domamenoki." They used a Wounder Ride Book's power..." He wonder just when the Kirigirisu Megid came flying pass him, with Saber riding up to Blades.

"Did you defeat the queen ant?" Saber asked Blades and he show him the Wounder Ride Book he got.

"A Wonder Ride Book can be used like this as well." Blades told Saber as he place the book at the tip of his sword with a sliver book shape on it.

Jack and the Beanstalk! Hmm, hmm...

He then shot out seeds at the Megido and when they hit it, water splashed all over it and it nearly crash landed. "It can learn?!" Saber asked after witnessing that.

"It doesn't matter what you do!" The Kirigirisu Megid shouted as it floated in mid air. "This will become our world!" It laughed as it flew higher in the sky.

"What?!" Saber wounder what it meant, Blades then looked to him and said, "Please, give it a try!" He then hands him the book.

"I'll give it a shot!" Saber told Blades as he place his sword back in the driver and closed the Brave Dragon book, then placed the new book in the third slot on his driver.

"Wait, it's too early for you to try two volumes!" Blades warned Saber as the giant versions of the two books appeared behind Saber. Saber then pulled out his sword and the two books covers opened up.

Unsheathe the Flames!
When two books synthesize, the sacred sword is infused with power!
~Wonder Rider!

Jack and the Beanstalk
The blade equipped with two attributes will be honed!

Blades was surprised by Saber's new form. "Or, uh, maybe it isn't." He said while Saber checked out the vine on his left arm as he swing it back and forth. He then shot the ground with some seeds and that got Blades scared. "There's no meaning in attacking the ground! Aim above! " He told Saber.

"It's fine this way!" Saber told Blades as a green book appeared and a giant beanstalk shot up in to the sky.

"Wait, what?" Blades was confused by this. Saber got on the Diago Speedy and revved it up. The Kirigirisu Megid noticed Saber riding up the beanstalk on his Diago Speedy.

~Rev up those tires and awaken the crimson body within! With the blade as a symbol, the flowing words accelerate with every issue! Diago Speedy!

"Get back here!" Saber shouted at the Megido as he drove up the beanstalk.

"That's a brilliant way to use that power!" Blades said with a impressed tone. When Saber got close to the Megido, he slashed and it send it flying down. Untill it stopped midair.

"It's too late, no matter what you do!" The Megido shouted. "This book is nearly completed!"

Saber stood on top of beanstalk looking down at the Megido. "I don't think so. I'll be the one to write how this story ends!" He told the Megido after he put his sword back in the driver. He then press the button on the handle on the sword.

Final Page!
Jack and the Beanstalk
Two Volume Strike, F-F-Fire!

A book open up like a pop-up book, with Saber doing a Rider Kick untill it became real. "Flamming Dragon Crush Kick!" Saber called out as he did his Rider Kick, the Megido try to hit him with slashes at him, but they had no effect as he came in. When he stuck the Megido, behind it was at least nine pages to a book as Saber pushed it right at the book like it was pierced by a sword and the Megido exploded. When Saber landed, a Wounder Ride Book was sent flying at him and when he caught it he saw the title of the book. "Peter Fantasista."

"With my swordsman's pride on the line..." Blades said as he tood on his Ride Gatriker. "I will keep the balance of the world!" He then press the button on the handle on his sword before he pressed the button on handle twice for the finisher.

Final Page!
Unsheath the Current!
One Volume Strike! Water!

Like with Saber, Blades swing his sword like the book next to him. Water flow from the sword as he did. As the blue lion appeared behind him, he called out his attack. "Hydro Stream!!" As he ride the Ride Gatriker, he strike the giant ants that he pass leaving an explosion behind him. Stopping next to Saber and the city returned back to normal and the real world. "Looks Like we did it!" He said to Saber.

"Looks like it." Saber said as he hold up the Peter Fantasista book.

At the Megido's lar, the hand written device stop writing, that means the riders defeated the two Megido. "This only accelerates my plans." Calibur told the three Megid leaders as he chuckled.

Back at Fantastic Books, Flash and Surge were there with the girls who recovered. Rainbow was jealous that she missed out on what they had done, but a little impressed. Twilight was glad that her boyfriend made it out alive. Flash even show them the two Wounder Ride Books they got when they defeated the two Megido. "Hey Surge!" Flash said, "Your sword skills were freaking insane!"

"I really wish we were there to see it to!" Pinkie said, "I mean, look at my phone!" She show the others her phone, only for them to see nothing on it.

"Uh Pinkie, what are we supposed to be looking at?" Sunset asked.

"I took pictures of that place, but when I checked to see how they turned out when I woke up, they just disappear!" Pinkie explained.

"That is odd, wounder how that happened." The fairy said from the table with train set on it.

"Anyway, mind telling me more about those books and swords?" Flash asked Surge.

"Wonder Ride Books and Sacred Swords, to be precise." Surge corrected. "There's still a lot you can learn. And feel free to call me Mr. Surge from now on." He told him and the girls.

"We'll help you too, Surge!" Pinkie called out.

"You're being rather forward, Ms. Pie." Surge said. "I'm okay. I respectfully decline your offer." He told Pinkie.

"Hey, we can help! We took on like giant women, out of control robots, even demon girls!" Rainbow shouted.

"Oh well. If that's the case, then we don't have to share any of these!" Pinkie said as she pulled out a box full of cupcakes inside.

"Cupcakes? I've only read about them, mind if I--" Surge said as he try to take one, before Pinkie quickly pulled it away from him. "No, a swordsman must have have self-restraint and maintain their body..." He told himself before he looked back at her. "But sugar can help the brain, so what's the problem?" He asked himself.

"I see what you're doing Pinkie, and I like it." Rainbow whispered to Pinkie.

"Partner, you know we can hear what you're thinking." Applejack pointed out.

Twilight was looking at the Jack-to-Domamenoki book,and thought to herself if there's anymore like these. But then she had a flashback where she was younger and she opened a pop-up book with a giant tree, draons, and other mythical things. And with her was that little girl from her dreams smiling with her. When flashback ended, she thought to herself, "That girl again..." Then, all of the sudden the Book Gate open up and who they all saw supperis them. A teenager girl, about Twilight's age, sitting on a flying carpet. This girl had midnight blue hair with golden yellow strikes and a crescent moon pin. She had bright yellow skin and sky blue eyes. The girl was wearing dark blue dress.

"Hey Twilight." She said while she looked at her with a smile. "Long time no see."

"Who?!" Twilight asked in complete confusion.

The Story Continues

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