• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Author's Note:

Being a fan of both Star Wars and My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic I wanted to write my own take on the two. How ever i didnt want to stright up, adapt Star Wars. This is my own take on the story using ellements of both Star Wars and MLP. I hope you enjoy, what i hope will be a short trillogy.

Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away …

Once there was a magical crystal known as the crystal heart, it was the source of all power in the galaxy. It brought light and happiness to all. However, there were forces of evil who thought if they could get their hands on it, could take power for themselves. A war broke out over its power, leaving the crystal cracked.

To stop such evil from taking over, a new organization was created in the hopes of protecting the crystal from any more damage. The Knights of Harmony order were once the keepers of peace throughout the galaxy and protected the source of all magic.

That was until,

A young knight destroyed the crystal and joined the forces of evil to rule over all. Since then, the galaxy has lost all magic.

Chapter 1 Escape

A young drake was staring up at the night sky. Eyes wide at the thousands of stars. As he did, a shooting star passed by. He smiled at it. When he was very young, his caretaker the princess told him. "If you make a wish on a shooting star, it will come true."

But he knew those were just fairy tales and definitely not possible. Magic didn't exist in this or any other world. Still, he couldn't help but close his emerald eyes and beg the cosmos to give him one wish. The one thing he never knew. The one thing he wished he did know.

As he breathed in and out, he uttered the words. “Who were they?”

Only to be interrupted by the princess herself.

“Spike! Spike.”

The little dragon rolled his eyes. He was a violet color, with emerald scales running down his back. He was young and didn't have a pair of wings yet, being only 14. He got up and headed back inside from the balcony of the study.

He lived in a royal observatory tower, along with his caretaker, who in fact was a princess. A purple alicorn with the name Twilight. Quite a rare species in the galaxy, but not unheard of. Their home was destroyed by an asteroid over 20 years ago

“Spike!” She yelled.

“Right here…” he said as he set his claws over his ear holes.

She had a dark purple main with some pink highlights. Her hair like all alicorns sparkled like the stars. She had a horn and two mighty large wings, that Spike was a bit jealous of. He knew he'd get wings when he was older. But what he wouldn't give to fly. Especially off-world.

“Oh Spike, sorry, but the queen has requested my presence in the royal hall. I'm, gonna need you to watch for any sign of the Crystal Empire while I'm gone.”

Spike shrugged. “You know the Crystal Empire would never come out this far in the galaxy.” He told her.

“Still, it was important to keep an eye out for any ships. She replied. I know it's boring, but it's an important role.”

A droid rolled over to them and tugged on the princess dress.

“Yes, yes, I know, owl3. Spike I have to go, and do me a fav and clean up a little while I'm gone. She said as she walked out the door.”

Spike smiled at that but turned around. The library was a massive mess made by the princess and her research. Papers were everywhere, sprawled out on the floor. Holographic maps and archives scattered the walls. None of it was put away. Spike slapped himself on the forehead as he sighed.

“Sure, leave me to clean your mess. As usual.” He thought to himself. “It's not like I have anything else to do.” He huffed before picking up a broom that was leaning against the wall.

Owl droid and the violet alicorn ran to the main hall of the castle just as the morning sun began to rise.

Owl droid who'd a few times sounded like squeals and squawks of his robotic language.

“Don't worry owlishes I'm sure it's nothing. But if it is a private meeting the queen wishes to have, then I'm afraid I can't let you in.”

She walked forward, leaving the owl droid floating in its place.

As she approached, the grand doors leading to the throne room slid aside. The throne room was bathed in the bright light of the morning sun. It looked as if Twilight walked into a fairy tale.

The castle walls stood high. Widows of stained glass depicting the history of how they got there lined the walls of the great hall. The largest of the windows was a big round one depicting the sun, and a white throne stood in front of it. But to her surprise, the queen was not there.

Instead, she was in the corner staring at a stained-glass window.

Twilight walked forward a few steps, then bowed her head as she curtsied.

“You called for me, your highness.”

The queen turned her gaze to the princess. But she didn't move another muscle. Her expression was impossible to read, as ever.

“I did call you here.” She said in a cheerful tone. “But not as the queen…”

Twilight raised her head, a bit confused.

Finally, the queen took a step towards her.” But as your aunt…” She smiled almost as brightly as the morning sun itself. She was a tall white alicorn in a silver and gold dress.

Twilight instantly let down the formal facade, running over to her and swinging her front legs around her. The queen returned the embrace, but her expression turned back to the stern one as she looked out the window.

“Twilight.” She said softly but sternly.

“Yes, Aunty”. She asked.

“Since you are now of age, there's something I must explain to you. Something's that must remain secret.”

Her niece shrugged with a smile. “I can keep a secret.”

The alicorn queen nodded. “Come, follow me. There's something I wish to show you.”

Spike finally had most of the area cleaned up in the observatory.

“Ugh, come on, Twilight.” He muttered to himself, finding uneaten plates of food.

He then decided to take a break and look through the telescope.

“Hmm, maybe I can see another shooting star”. He told himself out loud.

As Spike searched the skies, the queen walked down the hallway with her niece behind her. They both came to a dead end.

“Aunt Tia?”

The queen did not look back at her, Instead, she moved a lamp on the wall revealing a keyhole. She then stuck her horn in it and whispered something.

To the princess's surprise, the room shook as the wall opened, giving way to a passageway of stairs.


The queen said nothing and walked forward.

Twilight didn't know what to do except shake her head and follow the queen down. They traced down the winding steps until they came to a small cavern.

Twilight eyes widened as she gasped at the sight before her.

It looked like some type of ancient temple. One far older than the castle upstairs.

Large grand columns stood holding the room up. In the center sat a very odd pedestal. On the pedestal was a glowing crystal shard cut in the shape of a star.

“Twilight, do you remember the Tales of the Knights of Harmony?” The queen asked with a smirk.

Twilight jumped at the sound of her aunt's voice. For a second, she forgot she was there as she took in the room.

“Umm, yes. The Knights of Harmony were a group of knights, I think. They held peace and harmony in the galaxy according to ancient books. But not much is known about them since all of it was destroyed by the Crystal Empire.”

The queen smiled, but a look of sorrow filled her eyes.

“Twilight, the story of how we came here. It was a lie.”

Twilight spun her head to her aunt. A look of confusion on her face.

“The home of the alicorns was destroyed, not by an asteroid. But by a power indescribable. I was not on our home world when it happened. I was in canterlot at the time.”

“Canterlot. But I thought that place was a myth.”

“No. it is in fact the very center of the galaxy. I was chosen long ago to be a knight myself. As was your mother.”

She walked over to the pedestal.

“Once, the knights were keepers of the peace. But then those of chaos got the upper hand and With it, they destroyed our home. Using the power of the crystal heart. They took more than just my home, though.

This here.” She looked down at the crystal. “This here is a powerful relic. It is but a single piece of that great power. I took it along with you and fled. Barely escaping with my life. So long as this crystal does not fall into the empire's hands, what happened to our home world will never happen again.”

Twilight was speechless. She didn't know what to say or do.

“As soon as I got to this planet I hid amongst its people, knowing what I am. They look at me as a deity and soon after married becoming queen.”

“And uncle. Does he?”

“No. He knows nothing about me being a knight. Nor does he know that this room exists. He's not a fan of the empire, that's for sure. He is after the leader of the rebellion, But to keep him safe. We can never tell him. Or anyone for that matter. Not a word. Not even a speck. No one can know.”

Twilight looked at the crystal. “But, but, Why… Why tell me? And why now?”

“Because I do not have much time. Now that you are of age, as a knight I must start your training.”


“Training to use this crystal. In the wrong hands yes it can be very dangerous but in the right hands. This crystal along with its counterparts can bring peace and harmony to the galaxy once more. It can bring back the magic.”

Spike was still looking through the telescope.”Nope, nope, notta.” He said as he moved the telescope around. “Not a darn thing in….”

Suddenly, his eyes grew in horror.

A large triangle ship suddenly entered the area.

Spike placed a claw on his head as he shook in fear.

“The… the empire.”

“THE EMPIRE!” He screamed out and ran out of the room yelling.

“The empires here, the empire here.” He ran to the great hall. But found it empty.

Owl droid floated by him.

“The empires here. Where is the queen, I must tell her.”

Owl Droid tweeted.

“You don't know. You don't know!” He yelled.

The owl whooped a few times.

“They went in that direction?” Spike pointed a claw.

The owl nodded.

“Thanks.” He called back and ran off shouting “The empires here!”

As he did, a tie fighter and a shuttle flew into the atmosphere of the planet.

“Of all the luck we had.” Muttered spike.

Suddenly he ran past a hallway. But backed up as he noticed an open path that he had never seen before.

He then decided to see if the queen was down there.

Twilight picked up the crystal. As she did, she could feel its power flowing through her.

Suddenly, Spike ran down.

“Spike!” yelled the queen.

“Woah. What is this place?”

“Spike.” The queen said with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, yeah.” He said cheerfully and then panicked. “THE EMPIRE IS HERE!”

“WHAT!” Shouted the two alicorns in unison.

Just then, they heard shots being fired. The town was being bombarded with aerial assaults.

The owl droid came down and who'd a few times.

“A message. What message?” Shouted spike.

The owl hovered for a moment as it blinked twice, activating a hologram coming from its eyes.

It was none other than the king. He was a dark gray, almost black unicorn with black hair. Quite the handsome being. He looked as if he just ran a marathon as he gasped for air. “My dear family, Celestia, Twilight, if you are getting this message then the empire has taken me, hostage. And will soon attack our home world. I know with the destruction of your home world, alicorns have found little place in the galaxy. I hoped to build a place to keep you safe, but this is the worst place to be. Please go into hiding and remember. I love you both.”

Celisitah grits her teeth. Holding back tears as another bombardment of tie fighter blasts hit the ground, shaking the area. “Twilight spike follows me!”She shouted. As she ran into another small cave.

The two friends and the droid followed the queen, the sound of water flowing up ahead. Until they reached another opening. By the look of the roots, it was clear this place hadn't been touched in years, as vines and plants scattered the walls and ceiling. In front of them was a massive waterfall that hid the cave. And in the center of the area was a small craft.

Celestia wasted no time as she opened the cockpit of the ship and connected the little droid bird to its wing of it.

“That will never fit all of us,” Spike said as he noticed the size of the cockpit.

“No, but it will fit you and Twilight.”

Twilight eyes widen. “Aunty.”

Celestia quickly hugged her. “There is no time. You must take the crystal. Find Star Swirl. He's the only one who can train you now. The ship already has his planet locked on target, just fly autopilot and it will take you straight to him.”

“Spike, protect twilight. Can you do that?”

Spike was bewildered. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

“Spike!” Shouted the queen.

“Yes, I… I can but, But you?”

She tossed Twilight into the cockpit along with Spike. Suddenly, another blast came from the tie fighters.

“Go. go now.” She said, shaking, holding back tears.

Spike hit the button to close the cockpit door. The droid took over and flew them out of the makeshift hanger, flying out and heading for space.

Twilight was too much in shock to say another word. “Aunty,” she whimpered.

Spike didn't know what to say.

Just as stormtroopers came rushing into the cave.

“Be safe,” Celsitah uttered, as the Stormtroopers captured her.

“We got her.” Said one of the troopers into their communicators. “Queen Celestia is captured alive.”

“And the princess”. Said a deep voice on the other end.
