• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter IV The Shadow Bolts

"The phoenix just entered hyperspace, it'll be a little bit before we get to our destination, so I'd get some rest if I were you, got it?"

"And how am I supposed to rest when I'm tied up to purple overhear?" Dash complained.

"I said rest not sleep. Don't worry you're on the second fastest ship in the-"

"Still spitting that none since huh?"

Jacky rolled her eyes. "You'll see well be there soon enough."

"You know I'm with her I'm tied up to hear," Twilight complained. "Well since we got time mind telling us what's going on between you two? You seem to know each other pretty well"

"Ha like I'll talk," Dash muttered.

"Trust me Twi you want to listen to a word that one says anyway."

"Hay what about Star Swirl." Asked spike. "When you had me pined you asked me what I knew about Star Swirl, so what do you know about it?"

The pegusus turned her head away from them all, with a grumpy grunt.

"She's a shadow bolt, trust me ya never want to trust a shadow bolt." Said Jacky.

"What's a shadow bolt," asked Spike.

"Only an elite gang of roughens who work for the empire. Trust me what ever she knows, you wouldn't be able to trust. All the shadow bolts do is lie, steal, and cheat." With that, the bounty hunter left the room leaving Twilight tied up and Spike to hopefully comfort them.

Soon they came out of hyperspace ascending to Mane hatten. It was a fancy world, of casinos and other high-class estates. Most of the planet sparkled and shined through the night, all but one area near the shoreline. Jacky lowers her ship onto the sandy beach in the darkness. Just up ahead were the dazzling lights of the city.

Twilight and Dash sat on a hoverboard used for cargo that was being pushed around by Spike. Twilight and Dash were still tied up in the net when the door opened.

Spike pushed the hoverboard until he reached outside. The smell of the salty ocean hitting his nostrils, the feel of the loose sand under his feet. A damp chill in the air, but a soothing one as the sounds of waves crashed along the shoreline.

Spike took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he closed his eyes, he felt the soft damp breeze hit his scales.

For the first time this entire trip, Spike was reminded of one of his greatest dreams. Just I get off of that planet and see the Galaxy, see the wonders and all the beauty it had to offer, the magic that it held.

Wait magic? Yes, magic. Though Spike knew magic didn't exist whenever he had a chance back on their little world pony vill, spike often got this sense of peace and tranquility, as if magic was real. As he opened his eyes the thought he had before came back to him. If the Knights of Harmony were real, does that mean magic was real also? He didn't have time to dwell on such thoughts as Jacky came out right behind him.

Alright come on everypony, the droids can stay on the ship. I already called in our meeting with Mrs. Ritch. Well, supes to meet her at the grand castle just north of hear. She pointed at a very tall castle structure that overlooked the sea. In some ways, the castle was beautiful, made of gold and jewels, but in other ways it looked like a prison, setting alone away from the fancy lights of the city. All it needed was a bit of lightning and the place would look terrifying, yet its backdrop was that of a starry night sky, over shined by the city not too far away.

As soon as they got to the gates guards in golden uniforms escorted them inside. It was as expected of a castle. But that didn't make Twilight feel at home. If anything the place was far too fancy, with its buttresses and diamond-encrusted lavender curtains. The marble floors were spotless and shined a little too much even for twilights liking.

They soon got to their destination, an over-the-top fancy giant door, once the door slid away it revealed a grand ballroom that must have taken up half the castle.

All sorts of fancy creatures dressed in the finest gowns and suits were there. The conversation stalled a moment to see who was there but quickly turned back into one of gossip, paying no attention to the newcomers.

As they entered the ballroom they headed down the main red carpet to an empty golden thrown, to say they were underdressed was putting it lightly.

Soon someone took notice of them. Excuse me would you, said a unicorn that was surrounded by male suitors of all different kinds of species.

As she turned around and headed towards Spike gasped at the sight. In a dark shade of purple, a glittery dress, with matching gloves that went up past her elbows was a white unicorn. Her dress had little diamonds in the stitching. A light blue almost white diamond shape crystal sat around her neck. Her tail And hair were purple and wavey, her eyes a dark sapphire blue. She was the prettiest thing Spike has ever seen. He was awestruck by the beauty before him. Not a word she said registered with him as she approached Jacky.

"Jacky Apple, why it's so good to see you?" She gave Jacky a little hug but Jacky could tell she was doing everything she could, not to get her dress dirty.

"Tell me how's my sisters, Diamond, and Bell."

"They're all good Rarity, they miss ya. Why don't you come home sometime to see them?"

"Rarity gave a happy giggle. Oh dash don't you see I am home. You know just say the word, we could see that old dump and take you in, build you a new farm, and..."

"I already told you. I ain't leaving our home world for nothing. I just need some bits to fix it up, ya hear."

Rarity sighed. "Ah yes. Well with that will get right down to business then shall we?" She turned her attention to the pegasus in the helmet. "Dash Rainbow. And who is the other one?" She asked.

"Oh, she's a client that actually helped me catch her. She ended up getting tied up with the culprit. I'm gonna set her free, I just didn't want to give Dash here a chance to get loose."

"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant Spike." She turned to the little dragon who could do nothing but stare.

Umm is he ok? She asked.

Spikes say hello. Twilight commanded.

"Spike says hello." He mutters then shook his head. "Uh, I mean. Hello, my name is uh Spi...ke."

Twilight rolled her eyes as Rarity giggled a very girly giggle. "Well, it's very. Ice to meet you."

"I'm Rarity Ritch." My home world was once the same as apple jacks but as you can see we have a new one now. "I just can't seem to get this one to see that." She patted Jacky on the shoulder.

"We go way back me and Rarity hear, practically grew up together. Now about my payment?" Jacky asked.

"Oh of course, of course. For the crime of stealing one of our ships, YOU!" She pointed at Dash."Will see your days at an end."

Twilight and Spike gasped. "For stealing a ship. Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

"Oh if it was only that I wouldn't care and just have her work in the mines, however, this one is a Shadow bolt. One less Shadow bolt in this galaxy will do it justice." She then clapped her hoves and the guards shot dash with a stun blast and then untied the net freeing Twilight.

"Wait she might have information I need, please you can't kill her." She spread her wings slightly in excitement.

Rarity gasped. "Oh, an alicorn. Oh, I always wanted to be an alicorn. If I had wings," she squealed like a little filly.

"I'd fly around and do good things, just like the wonder bolts use to do." She then sighed and looked back at Dash. "Too bad wings were given to such vile creatures."

"Whatever it is you need I can assure you she will be no help. I on the other hand will do all I can, she smirked if you stay. Be a part of my party, and become a friend of mine. Trust me anything you're looking for I'm sure I can find, anything is possible if you have the money, and trust me I have the money." She smiled.

"That's very generous of you Rarity, but she's a client of mine, we gotta get going to help her, hay you or ya daddy, ever heard of Star Swirl, have ya?"

"Rarity raised an eyebrow, star swirl, star swirl she repeated a few times. No not a star swirl. Hmm, but I do know if a Swirl. Perhaps he could help you. I know why don't I give him a call, you and..?"

"Twilight," Twilight repeated her name.

"You and Twilight hear go get dressed up and spend some time at the party here. Oh, I have just the dresses for you both. And then I'll call up Mr Swirl, and send you on your way with your money."

She then looked back at the unconscious dash with disgust in her eye. "In the meantime take that one to the dungeons, and have her dealt with in the morning."

With that, the guess took Dash off, as Rarity grabbed Twilight and Jacky's hoofs dragging them upstairs to get dressed. Spike just followed.

"Here you can change in my room." Rarity clapped her hooves and the guards brought out two dresses, one county ess but nicely styled for Jacky, and one almost princes with a stary pattern for twilight that had several shades of blue that faded into one another, looking like the night sky.

"I'll see you when you are ready then and I hope you do enjoy the party tonight. Just a few hours is all I ask ok Jacky? "

Jacky rolled her eyes but grabbed her dress, showing that she agreed to it.

Spike grabbed Twilight's dress and Rarity and her guards left the room.

As soon as they were gone Jacky turned to Twilight.

"Listen up you. Rarity may seams nice and generous, but she is not one to be trifled with. The Ritch family has always been mixed up in the darker markets of the Galaxy. Don't let her pretty dress fool you boy," she said turning her attention to Spike. "She's a gangster. The whole Ritch family. What you did there could have cost us our lives. Your lucky you're an alicorn because if not we could be locked up with Dash right now."

Twilight with a nervously expression uttered the word "sorry."

Just put on the dress, have a few laughs and then with my cash we'll leave.

"At least now we have a lead right, this Swirl guy, might be a big help," Spike replied

Jacky with an annoyed expression uttered, "That's true I guess. Just don't do anything that will get on her bad side, ok. Otherwise, you're on your own." She said and headed to the bathroom to get dressed.

Dash found herself being escorted by the guards. Her weapons and most of her armor taken, leaving her in just her helmet and average clothes. The guard came to claim that when she stopped him.

"Leave the helmet on" she muttered and then continued her path to a cell.

The guard shrugged and closed the door. An electric beam shot out stopping the prisoner from escaping. With them gone and her hooves free dash alone in her sell took off her helmet and sat on the bed in the corner of the room. She has a scar around her eye, and her rainbow color mane barely covers it.

She took in a deep breath as she opened her eyes, they were a magenta color was the most striking thing about her. She looked down into her helmet and began fishing something out of it. She pulled out a small crystal shard. It looked almost like a butterfly. She eyed it carefully, as she let out her breath.

"At least you're still with me right flutters." She said as she turned the crystal in her hoof carefully.

She then closed her eyes as she breathed in and out carefully. Suddenly something made the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she jumped from the bed.

"There, hear," she muttered, as she began to shake in fear.

Rarity rejoined the party for a few minutes but then felt a tinge of fear for some reason. She had a very bad feeling and her expression fell from a smile to one of concern.

"Mrs. Ritch." Asked a fancy stallion. But she informed it and stepped out onto the balcony. She looked up to the skies above just in time to see figures descend toward her.

They landed right in front of her. Five figurines in black armor. One a dragon one a griffin the other three ponies. All had a black lightning bolt Symon carved into their armor.

The one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward. A light blue pegasus by the looks of it.

Rarity after getting over her unethical shock at their arrival stood up straight and tall. She showered no fear of these newcomers as she stomped her hoof.

"How dare you. How dare your master go back on his word, we had a deal."

"The deal's still in effect. So long as you do as we say. As you can see we brought no army with us. We've come in peace. We've only come to collect what our boss wants, and we'll go. Free of charge."

"Why wasn't I aware of your coming? To come to my home unannounced, with such a display is an outrage."

"Outrage, why. Because you don't want to show your true self. Your loyalty to the empire."

"I have no such loyalties to you or your master. We had a deal."

The dragon held out its claw. "Just give us what we want and we'll go." Judging by the voice the dragon was a girl.

Rarity stood, her expression furious. She then looked back at those of the party. All of them were in fear of the five before them, fear and confusion as to what Rarity was doing talking to them.

"Mrs. Ritch, what are you doing with the empires attack dogs?" Said the fancy unicorn from before.

"Mr. Fancypaints I,"

"Don't tell me you're actually working with them."

"No sir no. I just made a deal with them. A teensy little deal that's all." She pleaded.

"What deal, demanded a cat from the crowd."

"You know how the empire is supposedly afraid of coming here due to our work on the black markets? Well, that's kinda a lie. Truth is the reason why they don't mess with us is because I made a deal with them. So long as they get a cut of the profits they won't mess with us. I am not loyal to them in any way. It was a deal to secure us. To secure our safety, please you got to believe me."

She said as the others took steps back from her.

"Alright, that's enough." Said the pegasus before and he grabbed a blaster and shot a ray at the building. It was enough to shake the whole building.

"Now listen up all we want is what we came for and we'll go. If not we'll take down every one of you in seconds."

"We already gave you a cut of our earnings." Rarity declared.

"Remember what the boss gave you. He said as a token of our agreement you may have that, but when he needs it he'll be there to collect it. Well, we hear get it for him, that's all we're here for, hand it over." Said the dragon.

Rarity then placed her hoof on her necklace.

"That's it, give us it and we'll go free of charge."

A shot hit the building shaking it.

"What was that?" Asked Spike

AJ was the closest to the window so she took a look. She was already in her dress.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle, shadow bolts, five of them."

"What are they doing hear?"

"Whatever it is it ain't pretty, they work for the empire, their elite flyers, and are not friendly. We got to get out of here, quick get dressed in your old clothes," she said turning back into the bathroom to change. "I'll contact Wannoa and have the ship ready for take off. The last thing we want is any trouble with the empire."

Dash paced around her sell with her helmet on. "Think, think, think." She mutterd as she paced faster and faster. "What could the empire want here? It has to be something important otherwise they'd just send troopers, not the elite squad."Got to get out of here somehow." She grits her teeth. Just then a blast hit the building and it shook the door till the electric field shortened out.

"Or that could work." She shrugged and headed out the door.

Rarity slowly took off the necklace and held it with her hoof. "This was my insurance that the deal would be kept," she looked at the shadow bolts as a storm began to rage above. "What insurance do I have that your master will keep his word now?"

"Trust me you don't want to do that." Said the pegasus.

"Hand it over," the dragon demanded holding out her claw.

"NO DON'T!!!" Shouted a voice who came above them.

The wind began to pick up as a storm became eminent. From a window above stood Dash. She jumped and flew down to Rarity's side.

"If you give them whatever they want, they'll do unspeakable things, don't let them have it."

Oh, look at what we have here." The Griffin said stepping forward from the back. "Ha, fancy meeting you hear Dash." The Griffen took off her helmet, "How've ya, been? You know," she chuckled. "Since you ditched us."

"Gilda." Rainbow Dash said as she took off her helmet revealing her face.

"Soren," she said looking at the blue pegasus, who also took off his helmet.

"Smolder," the dragon took hers off revealing to be orange with hot pink spikes.

"Dust," she said as the other pony took off her helmet revealing an orange main. She was a sea-green pony.

"Bulk," she said as the largest pegasus removed his helmet.

"The gangs all hear," Soren smiled.

"You guys listen, I had to leave. What we were doing was just, just not what we were supposed to be about."

"You left us!" Shouted Dust.

We're supposed to be wonderbolts. The empire turn us into something we weren't, please. She shook her head a tear built up in her eye. Leave them. Leave the shadow bolts. Come join me instead and...

"Join you, the one who ditched us." Soren chuckled. "I think not. With you out of the way I became leader. This is gonna be great. Not only are we going to fulfill our duty. We're gonna catch a backstabbing traitor too. Oh, won't Nightmare be pleased?" Soren smirked. "Get her."

"Oh with pleasure," said Gilda who was the first to swipe at her. Smolder came next, dash had only moments to dodge them and back-kick them away from her.

"Please I don't want to fight you. The empire..."

"The empire is bad, we heard it all before. Were the good guy's Dash. We've been cleaning up the filth of the Galaxy for the emperor. Just give in already." Shouted Dust who tried to tackle her.

Dash dodged and looked at Rarity. "Whatever you do, don't give them that thing". She pleaded, leaving Rarity confused.

"Why should I trust you?"

Why should we trust you"? Shouted the crowd at Rarity.

"I, I."

"I've had enough of this." Soren kicked Rarity in the face, making her drop the crystal. It flew in the air along with her.

As it did the crystal landed in front of Spike he gasped as he without thinking about it began running to her side.

Spike shouted Twilight, who took after him, leaving Jacky puzzled.

"Oh, come on we were supposed to sneak away darn it." She said as she pulled out her blaster. As soon as she did the crowd went crazy nocking her over trying to get away from the fight. Jacky fell down and saw the crystal, she picked it up a bit mesmerized by it for some reason, she didn't know she felt like she had to take it. To keep it safe. As if her life depended on it. She picked it up slowly as she stared at it. Once she was snapped out of her daze by another blast that came from one of the shadow bolt's blasters, she took it and began to run. "Winona," she called into her communicator. "Winona get the ship fired up ya hear?"

A little bark came over the communicator in response.

Spike ran over and helped Rarity to her feet.

"Oh thank you," she replied as she got up. Her dress was now slightly torn, her make-up ruined. A big red bruise was on her cheek, which she rubbed slightly.

Dash slid in front of them punching and kicking the oncoming shadow bolts.

"Get her out of here," she demanded.

Spike's eyes widen as he recognized the voice," Dash is that you, we never did see you without your helmet."

Shut up and do as I say. She said as she punch Bulk in the face, making the muscular pony sway back and forth.

"It's nice to know I'm still the fastest and the strongest out of all of you." She smirked before she flapped her wings making her float slightly mid-air.

"Spike," Twilight cried as she got to him. "We got to help Rarity," he told her.

Rarity looked at her people her home already broken and partly destroyed by the little fight. "A full-on battle would end us all." She said with a slight cry.

After hearing her words twilight took a moment to look around her. Taking in the scenery. What was once a nice night minutes ago now was a horrible sight to behold.

The sky was now filled with dark swirling clouds, and the sound of thunder filled her ears. The wind was a bit of a sting, smoke came from the building's walls where it was struck and the people were scared. Terrified and running away.

Jacky's words chimed in her head.

"This planet was a nothing but green. Crops everywhere from the eyes to see. This was, in these parts, the most profitable farm planet on this side of the galaxy," she sighed. "However, that all changed when the empire took over."

She then looked at Rarity as she remembered what their original home looked like. She may have given up on her last planet but she found a new one here. She then thought back to what her aunt told her about her home world, and how it was originally destroyed.

"The home of the alicorns was destroyed, not by an asteroid. But by a power indescribable. This here. This here is a powerful relic. It is but a single piece of that great power. So long as this crystal does not fall into the empire's hands, what happened to our home world will never happen again.โ€

You were wrong anty." She mutters with a slight tear. "The empire can do "this even without the crystal."

"What Twi?" Asked spike.

"We can't leave. We must stop them. Here and now, before they destroy this city."

"But how, they are elite guards Twilight?" Asked spike.

"I like the statement, but I am afraid this is my fault for making a deal with the empire."

The two gasped.

They said they would leave me alone if I gave them a cut of my money. They then came here to get my necklace, I don't know why but Rainbow was determined to not give it. I think she's right. I think we got to go."

"That necklace, it was a crystal, wasn't it? Kinda like this one." Twilight said pulling hers out.

"You have one too, what are those things anyway and what do they want with it?"

"It's a powerful relic that when put together with the other pieces of I can destroy a planet," Twilight told her. "We're supposed to find star swirl so he could help us stop them."

"Swirl, right. Hay where is my necklace anyway?"

"And where's Jacky," asked Spike.

Jacky meanwhile was running like crazy trying to get to the ship. Finally, she got there just in time as the engines started heating up.

The owl droid who'd a few times.

"Beats me all I know is that we have to get out of here." She ran to the cockpit. The owl droid followed her who-ing and howling at her yelling in his robotic language.

"I am not gonna go back there, look your just a droid. I could sell you for parts, thire all goners as far as I'm concerned." Jacky began flying the ship away from the fight.

Meanwhile, dash backflipped and kicked sirens head in, she then punched Gilda's beak took flight, and dived into Dust sending her into the dirt.

"You can't take all of us on," Smolder said as she got up.

"Really seems like I'm not doing half bad," Dash said raising her fist in the air.

Rarity, Spike and Twilight stood not knowing what to do. Spike then got on the communicator. Jacky, Jacky, you there he called.

Jacky rolled her head as she heard her name in the communicator.

The bird still who'd at her in the background.

The five then all stood up blasters ready at Dash who stood in a fighting position mid-air flapping her wings slightly to keep flight.

"You can't outrun us. As soon as you take off we'll be tight on your tail." Gilda told her.

"Wanta bet," Dash said confidently, though it was clearly false judging by the sweat running down her brow.

Just then the Phoenix came in guns blazing.

"I MUST BE OUT OF MY MIND!" she shouted at the droids in the cockpit. Who only tweeted and bark happily.

The shadow bolts took to the skies dodging every fier from the ship.

They shot back a few times shaking the Phoenix. "Come on girl hold true," AJ muttered through grit teeth.

"Oh thank God," Twilight smiled as Dash chuckled, "alright I'm starting to like that ship."

AJ took the ship in and did a dive before opening the hatch. "Get in," she yelled flying towards them.

Twilight grabbed Rarity and Dash grabbed Spike as they took to the skies being scooped up by the falcon.

"Ok, everyone buckle your seatbelts we're going sonic." She yelled as she pulled the lever.

But before she could a lightning bolt struck the ship powering it down. The entire ship then stood still encased in a bubble of purple magic.

"Oh no," Dash muttered.

Jacky looked out in front of her and there hovering in mid-air was a black terrifying-looking Alicorn draped in nightly armor.

Who's that, asked Spike. as he and the others entered the cockpit. Dash looked out the window and replied in a shaky voice.

"That would be Nightmare."

Author's Note:

Oh boy the stories picking up now. Once aging apple jack is kinda taking my fav spot to write for in this story.