• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter VII splits

Jacky and Rarity along with her dog droid snuck around the star destroyer, as one of the troopers came by the three dived into a small closet until the trooper was far enough away.

"Well, that was close." Rarity complained in a hushed tone.

Jacky said nothing and rolled her eyes as she headed down the hallway, Winona by her side. She then crouched down by a door with a viewport, her partner by her side. She carefully looked over the edge to see what she could. Turns out they were right above the hanging bay, where her ship sat bellow, stormtroopers and workers toward the floor. She then looked and saw that the hanging bay was tightly closed shut.

Jacky sat back down to Rarity. Bad news they have the doors closed. Well have to get it open, if we want to escape, and there's a bunch of workers and troopers we got to sneak past. We might be lucky to but a whole big group is definitely gonna alert them.

Rarity then thought to herself for a moment. "We could wrangle up some disguises, Winona, tell the others they have to meet us in the laundry mat when they get done."

"We don't know where that is," Jacky told her.

"No, but we can find it right?"

Jacky sighed, "It's actually a good idea. Winona, find the laundry mat."

The dog droid acted happy but didn't bark knowing she had to stay quiet.

The bird owl tweeted as quietly as he could.

"Disguises huh, why didn't we think of that before that would have been a good idea," Twilight commented.

"You know it's surprising how easily we've been able to sneak around. Spike added."

"That would be because most troopers are heading to the hangar bay under orders from lord Chaos, including me," Pinky shrugged. "I told you he's preparing to go after Twilight and he plans to use tie fighter and ground trooper on this ship to do it." She then jumped on the back of Dash to get a lift to the air vents. Dash struggled a bit but didn't argue.

"However, as we get closer to his quarters there will be more guards, including shadow bolts." She then crawled into the air duct. "This is our best way forward for now. "

"Arnt those extremely small?" Asked Twilight.

"you'd think so but on such a large ship most of the air ducts are pretty big, big enough for a pony to screen through, umm bit I hope none of you are closterphobic." She replied.

Dash helped Spike up and Pinky took his arm, next the owl droid followed by Twilight, and finally Dash, she moved the crate back over the entrance just in case anyone walked by.

Jacky and Rarity were able to get into the laundry mat for the most part undetected.

"I can't believe how easy this is," Rarity said excitedly.

"No no, you did not just,"

Just then the door opened up and two troopers stood in front of them a third in the back putting on her armor.

Jacky sighed, "Don't you know you're never supposed to say things like that?"

The troopers after a bit of shock tried to grab them, luckily they didn't have their weapons and Jacky was able to blast them with a stun shot, including the one in the back getting dressed.

"Uh, what was that?" Asked Spike's voice over the coms from Winona.

"We were almost caught but we're fine how are you guys?" Rarity replied.

"We're in the air ducts now. Keep it down we don't want to be caught," Spike reminded them.

"Well, we have our disguises now." Rarity smiled at Jacky's deadpanned expression.

Spike sighed at the comment and slowly crept around in the dark. They crossed several crates on their way watch showing a few troopers and one of the shadow bolts. They had to stay very quiet not alert them. Eventually Pinky came to a stop. She waited till a few troopers left and then crawled out of the air duct, as she did she heard her above and turned around with a sequel. It was in fact her captain.

"F I M 2011 there you are what are you doing we've been looking everywhere for you, what were you doing with the air duct? And where is your helmet."

Pinkeys nervously smiled, "Umm that's the thing, after I destroyed those droids, which I totally did do my helmet was sucked up by an open-air vent," she grinned.

The captain seemed to be looking at her closely, but it was hard to tell through the helmet."F I M 2011 your always the strange one. Find your helmet and report back to the hanger bay that is our orders"

"Yes, sir," Pinky soluted. With that, the captain and the other two troopers of her squadron walked past her. Pinky smiled and kept her expression still as they went around the corner.

"Whoo" she let out a breath as she ran a hoof over her forehead. Ok guys it's safe."

The group all carefully crawled out of the air duct with a nervous expression.

"Ok, guys now all we need to do is..."

Just then a voice came over the intercom.

"Hello is this thing on, ahem", the speaker then cleared his throat.

"Twilight Sparkle, yes I know your name, even more, I know who you are and I know your on this ship."

They all gasped at that.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am lord Chaos, and I have something for you. Say hello Celestia."

"TWILIGHT IF YOU ARE HERE THEN RUN! RU..." she was cut off.

"Let me get right to the chase I am a reasonable creature after all. I suggest a simple trade. Your aunt your uncle even your little friends like Dash Rainbow can all go free, your ship returned to you and I'll even through in some credits on the side for the bounty hunter. All I ask in return is my crystal. Hand that over and you'll all go free, no funny business at all. I've even had all my troopers come to the hangar so there is no I'll will between us."

"You have half an hour to decide, if not going to tear this ship apart and take that crystal out of your cold dead hooves." He said darkly.

"Tootaloo." He said cheerfully and got off the line.

"Wasn't expecting that." Spike panicked.

Twilight bit the bottom of her lip as she began to grow worried for her aunt and uncle.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter is short but it does get right down to the point to set up the next big chapters of the fic.
Also i wnat to thank all thies who have read to this point.