• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter X The Wish

With the Lord of chaos in front of them blocking their way to the hangar the group has to think fast of what to do next. Fluttershy was now tired and drained, so she wasn't going to be able to help.

The Lord of Chaos stood at his full intimidating height before he spoke in his dark robotic voice. "Where is the princess?" He nearly growled. "And what have you done with her?"

"Like we'd ever tell you," Dash called out as she jumped forward in a fighting stance. "I'll hold him off just get back to the ship."

"Hmm, Dash Rainbow. Quiet cocky of you to assume you could ever stand a chance against me. Remember I own the shadow bolts."

Dash closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as she redyed her hooves for a fight. "They're called the Wonderbolts." She opened her eyes. "And you, you may have taken out spot fire, but I can assure you I'm far stronger."

"Brave last words." The chaos lord put the crystal back in the box on his chest. "Care to demonstrate, I won't even need the crystal to deal with the likes of you."

Dash took in one more deep breath and when she opened her eyes they showed a furious determination to win. She lunged forward using her wings to give her a speed boost.

The chaos lord caught her fist a bit too easily, but she was ready with a sidekick, that he was not expecting. He pushed her away before the kick could make contact, his mask made it difficult to determine his mood. With a quick swipe of his, tail Dash went flying into the back wall, but she was not done, she caught his tail and hung on to it as he flipped it around, trying to get her off.

While the two were locked in combat Spike, Pinky, and the droid carefully carried Fluttershy around the battle and over to the hanger bay.

Pinky then sat Fluttershy whole whit onto the droid as she entered another room.

"Pinky, where are you going?" Spike asked.

"The hanger doors closed duh. We got to do something or we're not gonna get out of here." She said as she slipped along.

Rarity was passing the room back and forth muttering to herself as Jacky sat back in a chair.

"Uh, you alright there?"She asked

"Alright, alright no, no. Not alright. Star swirls a wizard, and Twilight, oh we got to go after them."

"Your kidding right, he told us to stay here and wait."

"Yeah but, we can't just do nothing. Our friends are in danger."

Jacky sighed knowing Rarity was right. "And there are way too many stormtroopers to deal with alone." She grabbed her blaster, "Alright here we go."

Rarity smiled excited to do something.

The Lord of Chaos gritted his teeth, tho no one could see thanks to his helmet. He quickly rushed the little dragon just as Dash tried again to stop him.

Just then stormtroopers opened one of the doors and didn't hesitate to fire stun blasts at their enemies, as they did so Rarity and Jacky got there just in time to keep the troopers at bay.

Stygian Swirl snuck around the corner of the star destroyer, with the ongoing fight he could hear in the distance, it was his only chance to escape unnoticed.

He crept into the hangar, where a few guard troopers stood guarding their prisoners. He quickly took them out using some magic making the two clones fall asleep. He then soon untied the two,

Celestia nearly collapsed to the ground. "You, you came."

"Hellow Celestia, he spoke with sorrow."

"Where's Twilight,"

"Sombra took her. Along with Luna."

Celestia struggled to stand and was helped by him.

The two stood in silence for a moment only to be broken by him. "Why is she alive?"

"I wasn't going. To hurt my niece."

"I told you to take care of her!" He yelled.

"And I did, she yelled back, for twenty years. I gave her the life you wanted her to have."

"Oh, great job at that, now the key to the Galaxy doom is in the hands of a madman."

"Yes, you." She spat.

He rolled his eyes at that.

"Discord tried to warm you but you wouldn't listen."

"Discord is a madman himself! He chose to betray us and join the empire. If it weren't for him then none of us would be in this mess!"

With the last yell, Celestia gave a sigh.

"Come on I'll help you and your husband onto the ship". He said using his magic to make him float.

"And what of the others?"

"They will be here soon enough."

Spike held onto his crystal tightly as Pinky activated the doors to the hanger bay. "Twilight where are you?" he muttered to himself.

He then looked outside the window with a worried expression, but the sight of space overtook him. He open his eyes wide as if he could feel something. Something deep inside of him. Something he couldn't explain.

Suddenly the crystal in his claws glowed a bright flash and Spike stood no longer on the star destroyer, but in a forest. In a tranquil forest, he heard a stream of water, he felt a warm comforting breeze, but most of all he felt at peace. He looked above him and a shooting star raced across the sky.

"Where am I" he questioned. But again no answer. He then looked at himself and found he was a tall mighty dragon with large wings, he wore a wizard robe and hat. He felt his face and found some facial hair even, he yelled out in surprise not knowing what was happening. Then he heard a voice call out his name.

"Spike, spike." Called the voice.

"Welcome home spike," another female voice called out.

He then saw figures in the distance but couldn't make them out.

"Spike we've missed you." Said a country accent unfamiliar to him

"Hello, who's there,"

"Oh look spike a shooting star, make a wish," he heard twilights voice say.

"But magic doesn't exist."

"Yes it does spiky," said another unfamiliar female voice. "Make a wish."

"Who, who are you?"

"Were your family spike, always have been," said a male voice, again unfamiliar to him.


"We're all here for your spike. Just as we've always been." Said another odd voice.

"Close your eyes, and make a wish. What do you want to spike, what is you wish for?" Asked twilights voice.

"I, I." He clenched his eyes tightly closed. "I wish I knew who my family was." He said with a tear." I wish I could protect them," he sobbed." I wish I could stop the empire and free the Galaxy, but most of all," he clenched his large teeth, "I wish I knew, I wish knew," he yelled out with tears. He sobbed and opened his eyes slightly looking at the crystal still in his claw. "I wish I knew what I am supposed to do, right now" he whispers.

As soon as he did another flash came and he once again stood on the star destroyer. The crystal in his hand ignited into an energy sword in Infront of him.

Pinky gasped as she saw the sword of green light.

Dash and the chaos lord were battling it out but both froze in the surprise of the little dragon's sword

But only for a moment as the Lord of chaos leaped over to him crossing his blade against the dragons.

He was done messing around and with a mighty push he pushed spikes blade aside, spike scared of what was happening couldn't focus and the crystal's green energy disappeared. Chaos grabbed Spike by the shirt and held him in his claw.


He shouted.

"Here take it I don't want it anyway. He panicked and pushed the crystal in the Lord's face.

The Lord walked spikes claws away nocking the crystal out as well

"I don't care about the crystal, where is my..."

"Put him down, you big meanie!" Shouted a small but mighty voice.

The Lord of Chaos turned to see who dare talk to him like that.

Fluttershy stood with the crystals in her hooves. She activated them, creating white rays of energy swords.

The Lord of Chaos mask showed no emotion, but his body became rigid as he dropped the dragon. Spike fell to the floor with a thud, as the Lord turned his entire body to face his new challenger.

Fluttershy was the first to make a move swinging her sword at him but he blocked it easily. She swung again but he blocked that as well.

Rarity and Jacky tried to keep the troopers busy but as soon as Spike was let go Pinky and him ran over to meet up with them.

I opened up the hanger. Come on we got to get out of here.

You don't have to tell me twice. Rarity commented before she took down the hall, followed by the others

The stormtroopers tried to follow but were caught off by Dash who punched a few of them in the head. She then took off after them. at first but stopped just short as she watched Fluttershy battle against the chaos lord.

Fluttershy was struggling to stand, and could easily be overpowered, but for some reason, the chaos lord only stood on the defensive, silent.

Dash suddenly tackled the chaos lord when catching him off guard knocking him into a wall.

"Run! Shouted Dash, and the two mares took off to their ship. Leaving the chaos lord behind.

As soon as they got to the hangar they all ran into the ship taking off as quickly as they could.
"Hold on guys, we're going super Sonic", Jacky yelled as she hit the switch sending the ship flying into hyperspace.

"Sir," the caption trooper said in a dull voice as she helped him up. "Should we go after them?"


"What sir"

"No, let go. They will be back. Where's Nightmare?"

"She was defeated," said the pony of darkness as he stepped into the doorway. "and her advisor took her crystal. And got away. I tried to stop her but was surprised at how strong the princess was. My apologies my Lord." The dark pony bowed. "I have failed you."

The Lord of darkness said nothing and walked past his shadow of chaos.

"My Lord," asked the dark pony. but the chaos lord said nothing and walked away. Not seeing the smirk that grew on the pony of darkness face.

The ship flew fast and as it began its descent into the planet of the old fame lands the ship itself began to fall apart.

Uh, Jacky. Shouted spike a bit worried.

"Yeah, yeah I know, but we just had to get out of there. Brace yourselves this isn't gonna be an easy landing." She said as she gripped the hand of the ship and pulled it up best she could. Those inside buckled down tightly as the ship rattled and shook. A fiery heat wave crossed the bow of the ship as it came down.


the golden phoenix smashed into the desert landscape sliding into the dirt sand of the planet.

"Ok, I'm really starting to hate flying," Spike called out.

"Everyone alright," asked an old pony voice.

Spike turned to see who it was.

"Huh, who are you?" He asked.

"Oh, that's star swirl, told ya I would find him for ya." Jacky grinned l.

"Hay I'm the one who knew how to contact him", rarity spat.

"Hay you also got Twilight's aunt and uncle way to go." Dash smiled.

"Twilight," Spike said as his eyes grew wide. "Where's Twilight," he panicked. "You, you saved her right?"

Celestia stood tall and looked at Spike with a look of authority and sorrow. She didn't have to say anything.

Spike already knew the answer. As he took a shuddering breath. Twilight he whisperd to himself.

"Twilight" he began to cry, he took in a deep breath and cried out at the top of his lungs.


To be continued

Author's Note:

Wow 😨 talk about a cliff hanger... Yes thire will be a part two. 😁

Tell me what you all thought of Crystal Wars I.
I hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 4 )

Great chapter!

Thank you, I hope your looking forward to...

Yes. Also, if Spike is Luke Skywalker, then does that mean that Twilight is Darth Vader?

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