• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 408 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter VI a clones choice

The two droids were brought to a room full of other captured droids, droid parts scattered the walls as conveyer belts dragged droids through scanners. If the droids didn't have their restraining bolts they would be shaking in fear of this place. The clone brought them over to a wall with a cable ports.

"My my, for two little droids you guys are pretty heavy." She claimed as she dropped them before she took off her helmet.

"Don't worry, standard procedure is to see what info you have, then to decommission you. Won't take too long, now let's get started." She said as she opens up one of the dog droid ports on its head. She then plugged the cable in and sat back with a bowl of popcorn to watch and review the information.

She watched as the little dog droid was brought to work on a little farm. As the droid was powered up her first sight was of a tall pony.

"Is it on, is it on," said a little voice in the background. "Yep Jacky it's on, our new droid is working..." he said stepping out of the frame. A little pony stepped toward's droid as it barked. "Winona droid?"

"Working, international, navik, on, nature, accent droid. Said her father. Well, put this thing to good use in the fields. "

The pony smiled. "My name's Jacky welcome to the farm come on I'll show you to the corn fields."

"Aww how cute." Said the clone, as she ate her popcorn.

The clone watched as the droid worked the fields day by day until one cloudy day a large ship descended onto the planet.

"Oh, hear we come." She said as the troopers descended on the planet.
She then watched as the planet began to deteriorate. She sighed. "Yeah, that's just the story of the empire huh? It's funny how we're supposed to be the ones bringing happiness to the Galaxy yet time and time again this kinda stuff happens." She shrugged. "Oh well, you can't make everyone happy I guess. Tho I do try my hardest to do just that." She told the droids.

"Ok, you know another thing that I'm curious about is the Who's Star Swirl thing?" Spike asked Dash.

"Me too," she replied. "I wanted help and heard about the last knight of harmony living on some random planet, I go there and Im hunted down." She chuckled. "I've been searching for him for almost a year going from planet to planet. It was just lucky I overheard you talking about him, I was going to have you take me to him." She shrugged.

"Actually, he is supposed to be on that planet," Twilight contributed.

"But I never seen him and I am the only one who lived there," Jacky chimed in.

"Well, when we get out we'll go searching for him, but right now does anyone have an idea how to get out of here?" Aaked Rarity.

Three ships flew into the hanger of the star destroyer. The lead ship sat down as the others landed., As Nightmare approached the lead fighter. Each fighter healed a wonder bolt dragon, while the main ship, a small tie advance opened up to reveal an alicorn. Wearing armor very similar to that of Nightmare. Except he wore no helmet, his hair resembled that of a smokey flame, his eyes a crimson red. His expression was a cocky one as he strolled towards this fellow shadow.

"Nightmare, good to see you as always, tell me where is our leader, this fine evening."

"Likewise, shadow of darkness, Lord Chaos has other things to attend to. So it will just be you and me for now."

Darkness smiled an evil grim. Oh isn't that just like him? I come to report my findings to him directly and he can't even bother to show up. He sighed oh well, let's catch up over some dinner, I'm starving. He told her, and she gave a nod, and the two alicorns left together.

The clone had just gotten done hooking up the owl droid when something fell out of its feathers.

"Oh, what's this she said and looked at the crystal shaped like a star. She then gasped, this is."

Suddenly she felt strange. What is this, she asked slowly. Suddenly she felt something, something she couldn't understand. She a tear came to her eye as she smiled wildly.

She flung her arms out and bumped into the owl droid activating the hologram.

"I could barely even walk when my home world was destroyed." Said twilight I'm the hologram, she was talking to Spike on her Journey through the desert.

"I was always told how it was destroyed by an asteroid but my aunt told me that, she lied to keep us safe, turns out she and my mother were knights of harmony." The pony smiled.

"What do you remember of your mother," asked Spike.

"Nothing really, I was still in diapers when she died on our home world. "She then stopped and grew a puzzled look.

"Only now that I learned me and my aunt were on canterlot when it blew up it doesn't make sense." She continued walking.

"Hay if your aunt survived isn't it possible your mom could of too?"

"I supes so, but if so then why did she not come with us?"

"Maybe they got separated."

"Maybe," she repeated in a deep sigh."Anyway this," she pointed at the crystal around her neck, "is apparently an ancient powerful relic that when put together with the other pieces, has the power to destroy a planet."

At this news, the clone gasped as it watched the recording.

"Woah and your aunt gave you that thing. Should you really be holding it around your neck then?" Spike asked." Hmm, I supposed your right," she took off the necklace, "Owl 3 hold onto this for me, and don't let anyone take it ok."
The owl who'd in response.

The clone then looked at the object in her hooves a bit terrified.

"Wow, so you're gonna be a knight of harmony," Spike said, astonished.

Twilight smiled at his enthusiasm. "I guess so." She frowned. "I barely even remember my mother. Aunt Tia never really talks about her. To think she was a knight master, twilight smiled wearily. I don't know, Spike, can I really do this?"

"And why not, I mean you're an alicorn, aren't you? And a daughter of a knight. He smiled brightly, heh, I just wish I knew something about my parents."

The clone stopped the recording, she heard enough. She glanced at the two doors for a moment before she looked back at the crystal. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes as she took in the same feeling she had before. When she opened them the clone had determination in her eyes, as she clenched her fist.

"I mean I could overpower the systems with a bit of dashes armor but that could trip the system and alert the guards," Jacky said.

"Yeah that would t be that use full now, would it?" Days replied.

"Well, we can all run right I mean all we have to do is avoid capture," Spike mentioned.

"Yeah not that you don't have a point but I'd rather not let the troopers know we escaped any other ideas," asked RARITY.

Just then the power lines turned off and the door opened. A single guard stood with two droids behind her. The air fell silent and awkward.

"Uh can we help you," asked Dash.

"Actually, I'm here to help you," the clone said before taking off her helmet.

"Help us?" Jacky was the first to speak.

"Yeah, I want to free you, I'll take you to your ship and when I do you get out of here and never return." She said with a serious expression.

"Wait why should we trust you," asked Dash.

"For the same reason, anyone trusts you." She replied.

"Yikes can't argue with that," Jacky commented.

"Why are you helping us," asked Twilight.

"I, I don't know," she shook her head with a sigh. "We clones are supposed to protect and keep the peace. I wanted to make the Galaxy a happy place, she then showed them what was in the hoof. But then again I don't think I know what happiness was until I touched this, I also went through your droids Datta base. And archive memories. Your story." The clone choked on a cry. "Please I don't want the empire to destroy any more, I don't want to destroy anymore." She then stepped forward and bowed down as she presented Twilight with the crystal.

"Please princess twilight, knight of harmony. Stop the empire."

At the clone's words everyone but Spike gasped.

"You're a knight of harmony," Rarity called out first.

She nervously smiled.

"Why didn't you tell us," asked Jacky.

"I uh, well I didn't know if I could trust you." She nervously smiled.

"Trust, trust, you're telling all of us to trust each other, and yet your keeping secrets," Jacky yelled back angrily.

"Yeah way to go,"Dash crossed her arms.

"Excuse me I have the Galaxy depending on me, so you know what it's like to have that kinda of pressure put on you. My aunt was kidnaped my home was raided by the empire, and the place of my birth was destroyed. And I am not a knight of harmony!" She yelled. "Not yet. I haven't been trained, that's why I'm searching for star swirl." She cried.

Those in the room were astonished by the alicorn's outburst, the entire time she seemed quiet and content, regal even, but now.

"I understand Twilight." Rarity was the first to say.

"Yeah we all got our reasons," said Dash.

Jacky hugged her, "and We'll help you too because we're friends."

Twilight returned the gesture," And I'm sorry for my outburst, thank you, guys."
" Ah, look at you guys." The clone hugged Twilight too. Soon every one gave each other a big group hug all except Dash who leaned against the wall and grinned. "uh guys this is nice and all but we have an escape to sort out."

"Yeah, that's true we better get going," Spike replied.

"Wait, we can't leave yet." Twilight stopped them

"Why not?" Asked the clone.

"We need to go and get the other crystal. You uh, what's your name," twilight asked the clone.

"Oh, I'm F. I. M. 2011."

"no your name, not your number." Said dash.

"I've never had a name before,"

"Ok well, I'm not calling you F. I Whatever'" Dash exclaimed as she thought of a name. "Hmm, what to call you."

"What about Berry," said Rarity,

"Or cherry," Spike tried.

"Pinky," Twilight said, "your name will be Pinky. Because your hair is pink."

"Pinky," the clone thought to herself. She then nodded with a smile. "I like that name."

"Ok pinky what can you tell us about the crystals?" spike asked.

"Well I don't know much, everything I did learn I learned because of you."

"No I mean where are the other crystals," Rarity's and Dash's.

"Oh, thire probably kept in lord Chao's special chambers. He doesn't let many people in there."

"Ok can you take us there," asked Twilight.

"Yeah, I know my way around. But why do you want those crystals, isn't this one enough?"

"My aunt told me while in the wrong hands, they can do great
Evil, in the right hands, they can bring peace and magic back to the Galaxy. I don't think these things are just able to destroy, I think they can bring back magic."

"Magic, magic doesn't exist," claimed Rarity.

"The knights were real so magic has to be to right. These crystals, everyone who's touched them all had the same feeling right? We all felt something. I think we're supposed to get all the crystals and put them together, only then can magic truly be restored."

"Ok, that's good and all but how are we supposed to get past the big bad boss?" Asked Jacky.

"Oh, he's about to leave," Pinkeys told them.

"What!?" They all asked.

"Yeah well, you see he's going on the search for you Twilight. Luckily he didn't know you're here or we'd be in so much more trouble." She giggled delightfully.

"Ok, what about Nightmare?" Asked Dash.

"She's busy talking with darkness, those two will keep each other out of the way.

"Darkness?" Asked Rarity.

"Another shadow of chaos, Dash reminded her. Ok so Heres what I think we should do, split up into two teams, one team goes to secure the ship, and the other,"

"Goes to get the crystals, nice thinking Dash," said Twilight.

"Me and Rarity got the ship covered, you guys go with Pinky to get those crystals alright?"

"Oh but will you be able to get to the ship without me, there's a lot of guards." Pinkey told them.

"Don't worry about it, I'm pretty good at sneaking around and I know Rarity for years that she can help."

"I'm good with that," Rarity replied.

"Ok, then we'll all meet up on the golden Phoenix when this is all said and done agreed." Twilight instructed.

"Agreed." They all said in unison.

Author's Note:

Pinky as a clone was something I was excited to incorporate into this. Did anyone guess who Pinky was before this chapter?