• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 408 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter VIII family reunion

Twilight took a few steps as she began to think.

"Umm, twilight?" Asked spike. Shaking her out of her thoughts.

"I have to go, I have to go save my aunt."

" Well go with you," Spike smiled.

"No," Twilight shook her head. "Those crystals might be the Galaxy's last hope. Spike, I'm in trusting you with our last hope," she said placing her crystal in spikes claws. "Go and get the other crystals. We'll meet on the ship."

Overhearing the conversation dressed up like stormtroopers themselves, Jacky decided to chime in.

"We're right near the hanger bay, twilight if you can distract them I might be able to get to our ship and blast him apart."

"Sounds like a plan," twilights voice came from the dog. "Jacky, do you know anyone who might be able to come and help us?"

"Afraid while I know a lot of ponies, it is one who will stand up to the empire," she shook her head.

"Oh, but I do. Rarity chimed in. If I can just get to that communicator I can call in a friend of mine, but I need to be on that ship to do it, otherwise, the empire might track out communication."

"Well, it's a good thing I'll be a distraction then, isn't it? Be ready to move when you see me." Twilight said.

"Will do," they replied determined.

Twilight smiled somberly. She then took in a deep breath and was about to walk away when Spike stopped her by placing a claw on her leg. She turned to the little dragon.

"I, uh I don't think we should split up. I mean, I. Supposed to protect you, aren't I?"

"And I'm supposed to protect that crystal, spike your the one I trust most, don't worry I'll be back soon."

"Twilight I have a bad feeling about this."

"So do I," she said back to the dragon and pulled him into a hug.

"But don't worry it's only temporary." She gave him a smile and turned to the others, who smiled back, and with that, she took off to save her aunt.

Nightmare walked quickly down the hall with a look of determination in her eyes. She quickly got to the droid decommission room and scowled at the sight of it. She took only a few glances around before she quickly took off down the hall. What she didn't know is that someone was following her. Still eating his apple Shadow followed curious about the situation.

With twilight gone, the others ran down until they saw two shadow bolts guarding an entrance.

"There that's it," Dash whispered. Pinky nodded in response, and Spike shook his head worriedly.

"Ok, how are we gonna get past those guards?" He asked.

But before he could turn to get an answer Dash rushed in, with a back kick and a punch the guards fell back. They tried to get back up but Dash quickly put them both into a headlock as Pinky readied her blaster, quickly the two were able to take out the shadow bolts leaving the room free and unguarded.

"Ok, never mind." He moved out of the way for the owl droid. The owl went to a plug and plugged in its claw. With a few twists and turns the door opened revealing the inside of the room. They entered cautiously.

The Lord of Chaos stood in his space suit with rows and rows of stormtroopers behind him, .ore shadow bolts stood on either end of him.

The door then opened up and the Lord grew slightly excited judging by his posture, he was instantly let down when it was just two stormtroopers.

"You two get in formation!" He barked angrily.

The troopers stood straight and nodded. Unbiounced to him they were Rarity and Jacky.

The two quickly and somewhat awkwardly headed to where they thought their formation should be.

"Now what," Rarity whispered.

"Now we wait," said Jacky.

Down the hall twilight rushed. She took a turn to the left and kept running as fast as her hooves could take her. Suddenly as she took another turn she came to a screeching stop as she almost ran into a tall grey pony eating an apple.

"Uh, uh."

"Oh, you must be that princess the Lord said he wanted." Said the tall pony in a tired tone. "Hmm strange, you look like,"

Just then nightmare turned back and saw the two standing together.

"Get away from her," she growled.

The tall pony turned and saw a nightmare. "Ah, so that's what you were doing." He grinned as he took his last bite of an apple, with it still in his mouth he continued, "You and lord chaos are always keeping stuff from me, but this," he swallowed," this is quite the surprise."

"You have nothing to do with this." Nightmare demanded with a slam of her hoof.

"Oh, don't I. And what of you Twilight?" Asked the unicorn.

Twilight jumped at that," how do you know my name"...she asked.

"Oh simple really, because I named you that," he smirked viscously.

Nightmare's eyes grew wide, and she began to shake with fear. "Your, your."

"Nope." He rolled his eyes. "Sombra, Sombra swirl, star swirls long gone, I am what's left of him. you although you know me better as SHADOW OF DARKNESS. AT YOUR SERVICE." He said with a bow. "Though soon I do hope you'll be able to call me emperor."

Twilight eyes widen at this news and then turned to Nightmare. "WAIT WHAT!"

"You, star swirl, me him." She uttered as she looked back and forth confused. She then fainted at the twos feet.

Meanwhile, Dash Spike Pinkey and Owl entered the chambers of the chaos king. The room was dimly lit making it feel more early than it actually was. The only thing in the room was a statue. And at its base sat the other crystals. Dash walked over nervously as she looked at the statue.

"Now that's weird." Said pinky as she looked at it.

It was a statue of a mare, from her stature she had long hair that cover her eyes. She looked at id she was about to cry. A pegusus being on her left a bat on her right, as she stood over the crystals.

"Huh, why would he have a statue like that?" Spike asked.

"Beats me but I'm a bit scared." Dash emitted.

"Let's grab those crystals and get out of here I don't want to look at them for too long," Pinky told them as she was about to grab a crystal.

Just then Spike heard a sound, "wait' he shouted surprising the two mares.

"Huh, what?" They both replied.

"Can you hear that?"

"Hear wa..." Dash began but was cut off by the sound.

"Uh, guys." Pinky said turning back to the stature." Is it just me or do you hear a heartbeat?" She asked nervously.

"No, I hear it too. But why." Spike shook his head.

"Uh let's just grab those crystals and get out of here this place is creeping me out," Dash said trying not to sound scared.

They all agreed and placed their hands watch on a crystal, as they did the crystals all began to glow. Spike looked down at his claw as his crystal began to glow as well, suddenly a beam of light came from the crystals and hit the statue. They stopped the crystals all terrified. Suddenly thought the statue burst to life. The stone-cold layer turned to ash as something fell on top of them. They stood up bewildered by the event that just took place.

The stature was no longer a Statue, instead a buttercream yellow mare with a rosy pink main stood in its place.

She began to sob and cry. Since she was on top of Dash, she was the first to place a hoof on her shoulder.

As soon as she did the mare jumped back in surprise. She then quickly scurried away, trying to become as small as she could in the corner, wrapped up in a ball.

"Ummm," Pinky said speechless. Not even the cheerful clone that never shut up seemed to have any word for this situation.

Spike stood up and decided to take a chance..he took a few steps towards her and held out his claw. "Hello there." He smiled. "Don't worry we're not gonna hurt you." He said with as soft a tone as he could.

The mare looked up. Her teal eyes shined through her pink main."Who, who are you?" She asked with wine. "Where am I? Why have you brought me here?"

"Oh um, I'm Spike that's Pinky and Dash.

"We didn't bring you here," Dash replied.

"Yeah, we didn't know you were the stature, how weird," claimed Pinky.

"Sta, statute?"

"Yeah, you were a statue a second ago. And now you're free."


"Uh-huh, come on well take you away from this place."

"Oh," she said wiping away her tears. She then got up and brushed herself. She saw the crystal on the ground and with a wave of her hoof, the crystals all began to float towards her.

This surprised the others. "You, your a."

"A what?" She asked nervously.

"How did you do that?" Asked dash.

"Oh you mean magic," she tilted her head."hmm, I have no idea."

"What!" They shouted making her jump back in fear.

"I'm sorry I just have always been able to do magic. I can't explain it." She whines.

"No no, it's ok, we're just surprised is all. Can you remember anything?"

"Hmm, oh, she thought back. Umm, I remember my friend."

"Your friend."

"Yes my best friend, oh how I miss him so. I can't wait to see him again,"
"Oh, what was his name?"
"Oh, discord. Oh you'll love him he's such a jokester but he's really a sweetheart once you get to know him," she smiled.

"Uh ok well we'll try and find your friend once we get out of here," Dash said as she held out her hoof.

The strange pegasus took her hoof and followed her out the door.

"Uh by the way, what's your name?"

"Name, oh I'm Fluttershy."

Author's Note:

If you think these reveals are wacky you haven't seen anything yet.😏