• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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CHAPTER II bounty hunter

Author's Note:

I want to thank all of you who read the first chapter. I cant believe how many of you read it. Beacuse of that I decided to put out chapter 2 a little be early.

any way hears chapter two, i hope you all enjoy. Fill free to leave any true criticism on the story.

The small ship flew faster than the two could comprehend. Faster than what was really possible for a ship this size. Then Spike noticed the glowing crystal.

"Uh, Twilight, what is that thing?" He asked.

She was too distraught to look at him.

Spike said nothing but turned his attention back to the crystal. It was almost as if the ship itself was being powered by the thing. As its glow began to dim down, they quickly entered the atmosphere of another planet.

The bird then tweeted.

Spike grits his teeth in a panicky voice he shouts, "What do you mean the landing gear is broken?"

The bird tweeted again.

"Old ship, old ship. That's your excuse, it's an old ship!!!"

The bird tweeted at him again, but he ignored it as he embraced for the impact. Twilight did the same as the ship came crashing down into the sandy dunes of a desert planet.

"Umm, everyone alright?" Twilight asked, rubbing the back of her head.

"Just peachy." Spike smirked, he fell into a basket full of peaches.

The bird tweeted and who'd.

"Yes, owl 3 this is it." Twilight looked around. "It's got to be, around here somewhere," she sighed.

Owl then who'd again.

"A town just south of here, You're kidding someone actually lives on this dirt rock." Complained spike.

"Well, that settles it we'll head south then," Twilight said with a determined look on her face.

"Uh, Twi mind filling me in on a few things?" Spike asked.

"On the way, let's go." She said and headed south.

"Wow, so you're gonna be a knight of harmony," Spike said, astonished.

Twilight smiled at his enthusiasm. "I guess so." She frowned. "I barely even remember my mother. Aunt Tia never really talks about her. To think she was a knight master, twilight smiled wearily. I don't know, Spike, can I really do this?"

"And why not, I mean you're an alicorn aren't you? And a daughter of a knight. He smiled brightly, Heh, I just wish I knew something about my parents."

Twilight looked at her lizard-like friend with sympathy in her eyes.

"I guess I'm just lucky," he sighed. "A random dragon's egg, found in the gutter on a random planet. Who knows what my parents could have been?" He shook his head with a grin.

The two of them along with the droid owl walked for miles and hours at this point. The only thing keeping them from tiring out was the conversation. Otherwise, the organic life forms began to grow dry mouths and swat and beaming sun above them.

Spike coughed a bit due to his dry throat before he continued the conversation. "So when we do find this Star Swirl, how are we gonna be able to defeat the empire?"

Twilight shrugged, "I don't really know. Perhaps Star Swirl has a plan, but first though we have to find him."

"Think he's in town?"

"Let's hope," she said as the two finally could see the outlines of a town in the distance. They walked for another good hour before they finally reached what seemed to be a ghost town.

"Um hello." Spike shouted, "Anybody here?"The town gave no answer. The air was still and quiet."Well, that's just great. How are we supposed to…"

Just then something grabbed all three of them. First, they were blinded and then they were tied up to chairs.

"Hey… Who's there?" Asked spike.

Twilight rolled her eyes, even though she couldn't see out of them... "Yeah, because they're going to just tell us Spike."

"Shut it," shouted a young country voice. "Now I ask the questions here."

"Uh hay, are you a kid?" Asked Spike, but his only response was a slap in the face.

"Now, what are you doing here, Stormtroopers!" Shouted the voice.

"Uh, we are not empire."

"That's just what an imperial spy would say. Now tell us, what does the empire want with our farmland?!"

"We don't know, we’re just..?"

"Likely story". Said the young country accent.

"Scoo ah, I mean Crusader two, hack into that, their droid, that should give us the information we want."

"On it boss. Another young voice said."

The little owl droid hood and tweeted as it struggled its wings out of the grip of its captor. Its meddle feathers then turned into sharp ones as it sliced through its ropes and freed its master and her companion.

"Way to go, owl3." Spike said as he quickly got his arms free and tore off the blindfold. His eyes widened as he saw the seven others in the room. It was a low-lit room, only one light was on in the entire place. Yet it was clear by the look of them they were young. "They're free, they're free!" Shouted a pink griffin."Let's get them!" Shouted a white pony with brown spots. Just then, all of them except a yellow one with red hair jumped on them. Spike and Twilight jumped out of the way and everyone smashed into the walls.

"Uh, you guys are just kids."

The only other one left, set a hoof on her head. "Come on, guys, we talked about this. Ugh, I have to do everything myself." She then grabbed a blaster and pointed it at them. "Alright, now you just sit down ya hear, were the ones asking the questions." By the sound of her voice, it was clear the little redhead was in charge. Instantly, they raised their hooves and claws up in the air.

"Now uh hold on there…" Spike muttered as the sound of the blaster charged up.

"We're not imperial!" Shouted twilight.

Just then the door opened letting daylight flood the room.

"What in tarnation is going on in here? "Said an orange pony in a trench coat and cowboy hat.

"Jacky's back, Jacky's back," the children all cheered and ran up to her.

She gave a hardy laugh, "Aw shucks guys I've only been gone for a day." She smiled. It was clear they all loved whoever she was.

"Jacky, Jacky when you were away we saw some strange ship land out here and took cover, We then captured the aliens." Shouted the little filly excitedly.

"Uh-huh. I can see that blossom." She smirked at the two strangers.

"Their empire! "Shouted someone from the crowd.

"We are not empire. "Spike replied.

"Yes, you are," said a pink little pony with an attitude.

"Now you hush up Diamond. Their not empire."

"What?" The entire room said.

The pony smirked, "If they were Empire, they have armor on and be clones. Everyone knows that the empire all are clones wearing white armor. Do they look like their clones?" She asked in her heavy country accent.

"Uh well, no," Blossom said a bit let down.

Jacky smirked, "Don't worry sis, you did a good job while I was away. You were just protecting everyone, weren't?" She rustled up her sister's hair a bit. The little one smiled and giggled as her sister took the blaster from her hooves, and stepped towards the two strangers.

"Names Jacky, Jacky apple, this here is my town, what's left of it anyway." She rolled her head. "You came to the wrong place at the wrong time. What’s ya name?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my servant, Spike." Spike waved hello nervously.

"Well I'll be, an alicorn, we don't see very much of your kind around here. She then turned her attention to the droid. Nice droid, real fancy, just what I expect from an Alicorn. If ya looking to sell it, I'd make you a mighty fine deal."

Owl 3 seemed to cower in fear at that.

"Thanks, but we're not selling the droid. However, we do have a ship you can have." She told her.

Spike entered the conversation. "It's broken anyway, and you can sell it for parts, if,"

The country girl turned back to the alicorn.

"You take us to Star Swirl."

"Star who? Sorry sugar, but I ain't never heard a name like that out here. But for your ship, I suppose we could make ya a deal. We don't got much to trade, but my services will be more than enough."

"Ok then help us find him, what are you anyway?"

"Me oh, I'm a licensed contractor, doing my duty to keep these parts safe for all the youngins."

"You're a bounty hunter." Spike committed,

"I am no such thing. I just, uh, am a free officer of the law is all. I crack down on crooks and turn them in for money."

"That's the definition of a bounty hunter," Spike deadpanned.

"One more word out of you, and you'll see my job first hand ya hear." Jacky glared at Spike.

Twilight stepped in front of him,

"Uh yes, well, well pay you then to track him down. Only we don't want him dead, we need to find him."

Jacky smirked. "Hun all bounty hunters know their target is worth more alive, for the price of your useless ship parts, I'll track down this Star Swirl, and I'll even throw in a lift on my ship for ya."

"Oh, thank you." Twilight beamed.

"Yep, now on the ship I got us supplies, go and fetch them then go and get their broken ship ya hear?" She ordered the little ones. They all saluted her and then ran off to do their jobs.

"So Jacky did ya catch another," asked her sister.

"Unfortunately no sis. My bounty escaped me again. But don't worry, your big sister is the cream of the crop when it comes to bounty hunting, my prey won't be able to alood me forever. Now go run your errands." The little filly saluted her big sis and ran off.

"So umm may I ask?" Said the little dragon.

"Let me guess you're wondering what this is all about, huh?"

The little dragon nodded.

"Welp long ago this place," she sighed." This planet was a nothing but green. Crops everywhere from the eyes to see. This was, in these parts, the most profitable farm planet on this side of the galaxy," she sighed. "However, that all changed when the empire took over. They started using our crops to feed their growing military. And wouldn't give us enough time to help the soil. Wasn't long before the entire place became a wasteland and all who lived here left this world to go find work. All except us. We're all that's left."

"Why haven't you left?" Asked spike.

"Why? Cause this is my home, that's why. One day I'm gonna fix this place up. All I need is to get enough bits to do so. Still having so many mouths to feed, of not just my family but those left children in the town, it's taking me a while to get anywhere. She sighed. My ma died not too long after apple bloom was born, my pa soon after that. My brother thought I was a fool for staying here and he even gone off and left me. This is all I have, I ain't gonna leave it."

Twilight smiled at the bounty hunter's words. She then thought of her own world. She was just a baby when the home of the alicorns was destroyed. She wondered if she would have the same feeling towards it that Jacky did if only she knew it.

"Welp, tonight you'll stay with us, we'll leave tomorrow morning when the central star is set, ya hear."

Mhmm the two replied.

With that, the bounty hunter walked away leaving the two and their bird droid alone.