• Published 7th Jun 2023
  • 407 Views, 16 Comments

CRYSTAL WARS 1 LAST HOPE - discordjediknight

Star Wars and My Little Pony inspierd tale. twilight and spike must stop the evil Crystal Empire from taking over the galaxy

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Chapter IX a Swirl of questions

The Lord of Chaos stood patiently along with the troopers in the hanger bay. The only sound in the room was him tapping his foot waiting.

And waiting

And waiting

"Uh what is taking her so long," griped the Lord.

"Um sir it's only been a few minutes and the ship is huge, maybe she got lost." Said one of the shadow bolts.

The Lord of Chaos turned around and threw him into a wall. He then took a deep breath and calmed down. "Hmm maybe I should have an escort go find her, and then I'd be going back on my word." He uttered.

Suddenly his crystal activated and he nearly fell back. All those in the room were surprised by the sudden action. The Lord breathed heavily in his suit of armor and he pulled off the helmet with a look of dumbstruck, as a droid chicken walked up to him.

"Oh, what is it now?!" He complained as the droid opened its beak. A hologram appeared out of the chicken's beak.

"Sir, I'm sorry sir," said the shadow bolt in the hologram said."They took the crystals."

The Lord of Chaos at first showed his fangs but soon turned his distaste into a grin."No worries I'm just going to have to work a little harder. See to it they don't escape this ship alive is that clear?"

"Yes sir. We were knocked out by the traderDash and another clone trooper."

"Anything else to report?" He snarled.

"Yes sir when they left there was the dragon and another pony."

"The princess?"

"No sir. This was a yellow pegusus."

At that news, the Lord went silent his expression unreadable."It can't be. He whispered to himself."

"Uh sir you alright," asked another stormtrooper.

The Lord put on his helmet and ripped out the crystal that was stopped inside the box on his chest. The crystal shot out a sword of fire and energy. He then lowers the weapon but kept it in his eagle claw. "Find them!" He said more furious than they ever heard.

"I want this ship torn apart until you find them and. Bring them all to me I WANT THEM ALIVE!!!"

As he does the other troopers begin their pursuit all except for two.

"Now's our chance," said, Jacky.

She and Rarity marched forward a little bit and then when most of them were out of the star destroyer hanger they snuck onto their ship. As soon as they were on Jacky thought off her helmet." Oh ok, the problem now is we're still in a closed hangar." She panicked.

"And what of our friends?" Asked Rarity as the little dog droid joined them.

"Right now we have bigger things to worry about, if we don't get that hanger open we're never going to get out of here. Where the heck is Twilight?"

Just then the little dog droid barked and spikes voice came out.

"Hay guys you there?" He asked.

"Yeah, spike where's Twilight I thought she was gonna meet us."

"Wait twilights not there, where could she be?"

"I don't know but we're in huge trouble. If we don't get that hanger door open. "

"Alright, alright leave that to us, we also got the crystals, and uh a new friend."

"New friend?" The two questioned.

"Yeah, it's a long story, tell ya some other time."

"Well, guys your gonna have to run 'cause lord chaos knows about you. We overheard him and he's not happy." Shouted Rarity.

"Oh great, any more good news?" Dash mutterd.

"Well, we're on the ship now so I can call in my friend." Rarity shrugged.

"Do you really think they can help us right now?" Asked Jacky

"Better than nothing?" Rarity shrugged trying not to panic.

Jacky deadpanned at that but went along with it. "Spike we need you guys to open that hanger alright?"

"We're on it." Pinkeys chimed in over the communicator.

"Seriously. She fainted." Said darkness. In a surprised tone. "Huh, I really didn't think she was just gonna faint like that. "

"You are not Star Swirl. You're a clone." Shouted Nightmare.

"Hmm, you are not wrong but you're not right."

Suddenly the two screamed out in pain as they collapsed to the ground.

"What was that?" Shouted Nightmare. As she looked at her crystal.

Sombra pulled another from his cloak. It looked like an apple. "Someone activates the crystals it seems, they sense one another, hmm how odd"

"How did you get that?" Shouted Nightmare.

"This, oh I had it. I always had it."
"Give that to me now," she shouted.

"Oh, so you can give it to Good ol Lord Chaos. Honestly, what comes to your scenes? With these crystals we can overpower him, we can take the thrown and..."

"That's not what I want." She demanded.

"No, no you just want your precious little family back." He grinned. "I am here, and so is our daughter."

"You are not Star Swirl."

"Again you're not wrong, but you're not right either. I am star swirl just not the way you remember." He took a step closer to her.

She activated her crystal a beam of dark purple energy flowed out of it creating a sword. "Stay away from me," she barked.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be." He said in a sinister tone. He then activated his crystal and it turned black as a fiery shadow blade erupted from it.

"I don't want to do this you know." He said pointing the blade at her.

'You're the reason they're all dead." She cried out as he swing at him. He blocked her blade easily and swiftly. "Wrong, think back. You know whose fault this is truly." He then swing down at her as he removed his cape revealing his shadow-like wings.

"It's all his fault,"he yelled and swung at her again. Then two blades of magic clashed against one another.

"It's always been his fault." He said using his strength to overcome hers, sending her back into a wall. she fell with a thud and pulled off her helmet, letting her night-like sparkly hair fall over her face, as she tried to catch her breath.

The little dragon and his companions quickly scurried down the hall.

"I know the way to the control room," Pinky told them as she took off in one direction. This way she shouted whispered.

"Wait pinky." Dash called in.

"Too late," Spike said in surprise.

"OK, NOT THIS WAY". shouted Pinky as a group of a hundred stormtroopers began firing on them. They ran back down the hall and soon were cut off by another group.

"Ok not this way either," Dash replied as they took their third option, straight.The group yelled as they were chased down the hall.

"Uh, Amy one have any ideas?" Asked spike.

'Yeah, run faster." Dash told back.

The yellow pegasus tried her best to keep up but was so weak and tripped over her own two hoofs.

"Fluttershy!" yelled Dash who tried to get back to her, pinkey grabbed Dash though and said keep running we can save her but not if we're all captured.

Just then as a trooper was about to grab the strange bat Pegasus screamed out, over whelmed by everything around her. As she did everything was blasted away from her by an invisible force. While Spike and the others could see no physical barrier they felt it as they got thrown back away from her.

"That is enough." Shouted the pegusus who turned around with a serious look in the eye. She glared at the troopers as if she was staring down into their soaks.

All the troopers stepped back a little frightened of the mare. She brought one hoof up and flapped her mismatched wings taking flight, she hovered in the air as she swiped her hoof to the left. Another wave of invisible force knocked the troopers back again.

She then whispers something into her hoof and dived into the ground..as she did plants, roots, and vines all spread out in all directions from her yet in front of the troopers she used them to make a barrier as she stood up and swung around like a ballerina the plants seemed to followed her motion as the enclosed the area traping the storm troopers.

She then closed her eyes and took in a deep breath letting it out slowly. When she reopened them she collapsed to the ground out of breath.

"Wow." They mouthed together.

"Rarity, how long do you think it will take them to be here?" Jacky asked.

"Uh, I have no idea, but that is a special distress call, he said if I had ever been captured by the empire to use it."

"And this Swirl guy is not Star Swirl." Jacky asked

"Like I said I knew a Swirl, but not a Star Sw..."She was cut off by an odd glowing light behind Jacky.

"What is it," asked Jacky who turned around and gasped at the sight.

In the middle of the cockpit, a strange blue orb appeared and it seemed to grow and grow till a black spot opened up. The black apt grew wider as the blue orb became an outline for it. The black spot seemed to show a story-like atmosphere.

The two ponies curious terrified and weirded out decided to take a closer look against what they believed to be their better judgment. As they did they noticed more details It seems to be some kind of opening to a cave. And inside the cave was a beautiful strand of flouting colorful lights. The sound of soft flowing water could be heard inside of it. And then hoof prints.

The two stood and gasped as an old gray pony with a beard as white as snow walked out. He was a unicorn judging by his horn and put on an old wizard hat with bells, his dark blue robes and matching hat had a starry pattern over it. He has a pair of old glasses which he took off and put away within his cloak as he turned to the two mares who were star struck

"Mr swirl?" Asked Rarity.

"Do not fear. Come quickly into this portal you will be safe."


Font asked questions. "I told you if you ever need help I would help you so here I..."

"Wait I didn't think you had magic." She uttered.

"Your star Swirl." Jacky claimed.

This made the old man's eyes widen for a moment, but only a moment as he softly smiled. "Yes and no, it is complicated. Much too complicated for me to explain he shook his head. Instead, I prefer Styigin. "

"Well, Stygien we can't just leave, I got to get my ship out of here and all our friends are all over the place."

"How did you come by the name star swirl any way I never told anyone that."

"An alicorm named Twilight is searching for you."

This made the wizard go silent as he looked concerned. "Twilight." He repeated as if scared of the name. "That's not possible."

"It is her aunt who told her to find you." Jacky told him.

"If Twilight is on this ship we're all doomed." He narrowed his eyes.

"Wait what?" Asked Rarity.

"No time to explain, you must listen to me. Stay on this ship! And whatever happens, do not follow." He said before he waved his hoof around closing the portal. "I am going to get your friends so don't worry," he claimed before running out of the ship. The two looked at each other confused as to what truly was going on.

The Lord of chaos stormed through the halls tearing apart every entrance. He'd take one look inside a room then turn around and run off to another looking for any signs of what he was looking for.

Spike Dash and Pinky all grabbed Fluttershy and headed down the hallway. Luckily owl droid was able to open up the doors and they ran as fast as they could despite the extra weight.

"Wow did you see that?" Shouted pinky. "I mean she made plants out of mid-air, mid-air!" She repeated for interfaces.

"Yeah, she totally kicked flank. I had never seen anyone do something so awesome, besides me of course." Dash smirked.

"It doesn't make sense." The dragon claimed.

"What doesn't make sense?" Asked Dash.

"She, she has magic. Is she a knight of harmony, or something else?"

"Dude, she saved our flanks man." Claimed Dash as they got into an elevator.

The bird who'd.

"No one asked you bird brain." Dash claimed as she hit the button to go down.

"I'm with the owl droid we don't know anything about her. Is it really a good idea to take her with us? I mean," he shook his head. Magic. He gasped, and began breathing heavily, "Magic is real."

"Your friend is a knight right?" Pinky asked him. She's real.

"Yeah, but magic. I never saw anything like that in my entire life." He then grabbed the crystal out of his pocket. "And for that matter what the heck are these things?"

"I don't know but I'm kinda hyped to have them. If we can just get them away from the empire we can win this." Shouted dash.

Just then the elevator door opened. A black figure who was about to go into another room stopped as he noticed the elevator.

The three conscious ones all stood frightened with eyes wide.

twilight slowly came to her senses. the world was foggy and black yet she could hear something in the near distance. She rolled over and slightly shivered with the cold ground. she then moved her hoof around looking for a blanket. "Spike," she mumbled. "Spike keeps it down im trying to sleep." But she then opened one eye believing Spike was probably cleaning something and not caring about the noise. "come on really I just had the worst dre..." she gasped as her surroundings registered with her. She jumped up from the ground trying not to hyperventilate. "OH no, no, no, no ,no, no." She shook her head. it wasn't a dream. it wasn't a dream it wasn't a dream, she began panicking.

she then looked over and saw a shadow of darkness Sombra and Nightmare battling it out.

sombra jumped back as Nightmare swung her sword. As he hit the ground black crystals emerged from where he stood and one almost got Nightmare but she took to the air leaping over them. she muttered something and a nightly fog blinded the scene out of nowhere. In a blaze of fire, the fog was gone along with Nightmare. He looked every which way and then settled his eyes on Twilight.

"well well well finally awak," he shook his head. "let me make this perfectly clear, I do not want to hurt you, but you must join me, and your mother, only together can we stop the empire for good."

"you only want to stop the empire so you could rule," she claimed still shivering in fear.

"True, true but I will bring the galaxy to peace."

"no, you won't, you'll just destroy it, using the crystals. I will never let what happened to my home happen again, your not star swirl."

"ah at last I am, but I'm not, I really should be thanking you really. He swung his sword at her again, which she barky dodged. "After all it was you who destroyed the home of the alicorns giving birth to me." He grinned viciously.

"Twilights eyes widen in fear, that, that makes no sense." She said a gasped. "I destroyed our home world..I was just a baby how?" She questiond.

"I suppose it doesn't. oh well," using his magic made another sword beam from his crystal. He swung down on twilight only for lord nightmare to swing hers up.

"How dare you defy me." He yelled at her,

"I," she said out of breath… " well… not … let you… hurt my daughter.' She then pushed his blade with hers away from them both. She grabbed a hold of the crystal letting in all the energy flourish within her.

She used the crystal and swung her horn downward at it, a beam shot at Sombra who was barely caught with his own.

He smirked at the defiance lord nightmare had. He pulled out of the blast range making her bounce back. "Then you will suffer as well, pity I didn't think it needed to come to this."

Twilight stood up and joined her mother. Shadow rolled his eyes. "Oh, look at what we have heer. A daughter and a mother. Fighting for everything they hold dear. Not realizing the whole truth." He chuckled before jumping at the mother-daughter pair.

"Here take this, I don't need it," shouted Nightmare as she tossed her the crystal. as twilight caught it a beam of white light shot out of it blocking sombras blade.

"That's it, your catch on quick. let's see how well you are at fighting," he said taking a step back. Suddenly a blast of black fire was shot at him from Nightmare, which he dodged effortlessly. Together they battled against the shadow alicorn.

Having only one blade he could only block one oncoming, yet he had his own tricks up his sleeve, being a master of magic, he used him to create a mist around him, one that made his movements difficult to detect. As Twilight swung her blade she often only met mist as he went after the weaker of the two, her tired mother struggled to keep up with both of them.

Even Twilight was breaking a sweat as she tried to stay on top of his movements barely dodging his blows.

Out of breath and barely able to stand twilight could no longer defend herself. She could no longer put her energy into the crystal making her blade short-circuit. With a hardy swing, her mother barely blocked lord shadow knocking out her crystal. It made a ting noise as it hit the ground landing just before the doorway of the hall.

Just then an old pony walked in dressed in a blue robe, and a wizard's hat.

Twilight looked at that old pony standing in the doorway. "Star," she muttered but could barely stand.

darkness laughed a hardy laugh, "well well well, if I didn't know any better id say id be seeing double."

"Hellow sombra."

"It's lord Darkness now."

The old pony picked up the crystal and looked at it with a look of disappointment.

"Well would you look at this. two halves of the same pony, yet hear I gain strength and stand tall while you, you grow weak, and can barely stand at all. what do you think of her, after all, she is our daughter." he smirked.

"no, she is star swirls of which you and I are neither," he said sounding wise making the show pony chuckle.

"and please do tell me who was exactly who destroyed the home of the alicorns." he smirked.

the old wizard took in a deep breath and activated the crystal. "I know your game, and I won't let you win." he said as he then jumped over Twilight and nearly sliced her head off if not for Sombra catching it with his blade, making Twilight gasp in horror.

"you, you saved me?" she asked confused.

Sombra swiped up his blade catching the old wizard off guard.


"It was an accident" he old pony replied before he used his magic to grab Nightmare in an Arora, he then began to crush her within it. "an accident I will not allow again."

"So your just gonna destroy all the alicorns is that it?" said the shadow pony before he swung another slash at him. without a crystal he was able to create a barrier and pushed him backward.

"I must do what is right for the galaxy," he said as he began shrinking the aurora-crushing Nightmare more.

"NO!"Shouted Twilight as she took the crystal forming another blade and swung it at the old pony. This time the blade turned a dark purple almost black as her eyes began to glow white. she flapped out her wings and gained the upper hand on him making him lose his concentration.

"I won't let you hurt her," she demanded. Suddenly the crystal began spurring out electrical charges everywhere and began zapping the area around it.

Twilight turned her attention to it confused and frightened as it seam to grow extremely hot in her hooves. She dropped it falling to the ground only to be caught by Sombra. Barley consensus.

Author's Note:

😆 Didn't see that one coming, did ya?