• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,870 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

From the Begining

"We need to move." A nearly emotionless voice said. Another rang into its ear.

"There's the artifact, grab it." A female voice said to it.

Gunfire was all around the artifact as part of the holding chamber for a white, glowing artifact was revieled to all of those in the room.

"Kill 'em." A deep, evil voice said as it fired, bullets not even affecting it.

So what is it? Well it is actually something. But It has a lot of mystery behind it. It was found by someone who calls themselves Lotus. She had trained them in hopes of having them rise up.

They are the Tenno and their the master of their warframes. The Warframe, an exo-skeloton, grants them with abilities unlike any other. Some have peculiar elements behind them such as ice of venom. Others were designed for things such as traps or healing others. They also protect the user with shields and make the user highly athletic.

But back to where we were, the Tenno are sent on missions. This one has them raiding a ship to steal an Orikin artifact. As for what Orikin is, we'll cover that later.

"Volt, get the artifact."

"I'm busy. The Grineer are on me."

Volt, used all the powers he could to clear out the Grinner, who were shooting at him. While his Warframe did have shields, they would run out, leaving him exposed to gunfire.

So Volt ran up the wall near him and backflipped into the group of Grineer, who surrounded him. Weapons trained on him and aiming for the head, ready to kill on a moments notice.

"I guess you have me." His raspy, emotionless voice said to them.

"You're damn right we do." One growled at him.

"No need for such language. We can work this out gentlemen."

The squad of Grineer marines looked at him before laughing. Volt himself would have laughed but instead, took the opportunity to unleash his skill.

All of his limbs curled inwards before he shoot them all out at length, electricity shot everywhere, burning out lights and the flesh of the marines, who all began to wallow in pain as they tried to clear the electricity. Volt saw tat a few were dead and others were distracted, giving him the perfect chance. He rushed around the croup and pulled out his dual Ethers' one blade shorter then the other, and held them out as he spun around, killing or wounding them to the point of bleeding to death. At the last marine, Volt pulled out his Bolto and fired a round into his head.

"Sorry about that. Where were we?" Volt asked.

"The artifact is under heavy guard. We need to clear it if we can get a shot at getting close." A voice said.

"Understood, Ember?"

"What?" A more feminine voice answered.

"Care to clear the way?" Volt asked, though knowing the answer.

"With pleasure." she responded.

Volt got up to where the others are in time to see Ember jump in, kick a marine in the face and unleashed a cloud of flames that burned away at the armor of the marines. She fired her dual vipers at the swarming marines, who were shredded by bullets.

"Grab it." She said.

Another warframe, Loki, ran over and grabbed the artifact. His body glowed a pulsing red as he jumped away to dodge an explosion.

"Lets get out of here." He said.

Volt and Ember wasted no time in clearing their exit. Loki shortly followed them through a path that had two areas above guarded by guard rails. Just as Loki was half way, he turned back and then looked up...

The Grineer marines saw Loki firing and were taking cover by the outer edges of the path, they blind-fired around the corner in hopes of at least distracting him. One barely caught a glimpse of a marine jumping down and behind Loki. He pointed his gun at the back of his head and fired.

The bullet went though his head. Loki "fizzled" before continuing to fire in a straight direction.

"Huh!?" The marine waved his hand through his body. It was like he was a-

The grinner suddenly coughed and spat out blood. He looked down to see a blood covered blade going through his body. He turned his head to see Loki looking at him. If a warframe could express emotions, he would have seen a wide grin.

"Wrong one." and pulled the blade out.

Twilight Sparkle stretched her wings out in exhaustion. Princess duties can be exhausting for someone who, like Twilight, weren't born and raised on preparing.

"Well, at least I don't have a sun or moon to worry about."

Twilight looked out of the window to see the moon shining and the stars twinkling. the moon certainly caught her eye. Twilight's mind began to wonder.

Did the moon glow when Luna was up there?
Did she feel it move?
What was the view of Equestria like?
Did she see other worlds?

That last one certainly caught Twilights mind. while she had read stories of Extra Terrestrial life, she had laways wanted to believe that they were all real.

"Maybe some day."

Loki chuckled to himself as he ran through the corridors of the ship. Clearly proud at the look of the marines face when he saw that Loki had stabbed him.

"Loki, we're waiting by evac. Hurry." Ember called.

"On it." He said.

Loki ran, he should have known the others would have cleared the ship on their way there.

"Now where's-"

Loki turned into to see a chain gun be swung and knock him to the ground. He looked up to see a heavy Grinner gunner aiming right at him. It aimed at his head and got ready to fire.

A blade went through its back and out its head. It was silenced and fell over dead. Loki got up and saw who he knew it was.

"Where have you been Excalibur?" Loki asked.

"Making sure the rest of the ship isn't here." He said as he flung the blood off of his Skana and re-sheathed it.

"Where are they if I may ask?"

"Some are dead. The rest are on their way."

Loki and Excalibur turned to see a door be blown down. The captain of the ship pointed at them.

"Get them!" He yelled as he pulled out a cleaver.

"Move." Excalibur said as he and Loki took off.

The two ran as the mob of marines chased and shot at them. They only turned around to either fire back or cut a bullet. The comparison could be made to two teens in trouble with a town. The two ran up a slope that lead to a door that need a bypass. The two opened it quickly and ran in. The Captain pointed his men in. But only a hand full made it before a beep rang out.

"Lockdown has initiated."

Lotus rang up again. "Ship is entering lockdown. You'll need to override the system." Before getting off.

"That will take a moment." Excalibur commented before dashing towards the group of rookie grineer. The blue streak was fast, but when three of the fifteen suddenly split in two, it was quiet a shock for them.

"What?" One commented before getting shot in the face by Excalibur's Lex.

Meanwhile outside, The Captain of the ship had looked around to see who locked down the ship.

"I better know who and now!" He yelled angrily amongst his men. He came upon a rookie who had finished typing in the system.

"What? It seemed like a good idea to me." He grumbled.

The Captain walked over and raised his cleaver.

"Wait!? I'm sorry! Please! No!"

Excalibur dodged another swipe from the prod wielding marine and slashed him with his sword. He pulled out his Latron and fired a round into a marines head who was about to shoot Loki. He then super jumped and landed into the crowd. Using radial blind, he stunned the men and quickly used radial javelin to finish the rest.

Loki appeared beside him. "Done?"

"About to ask you the same thing."

The door opened and in rushed the Captain with a bloody cleaver along with the guns-blazing marines.

"It's a shame we have to leave." Excalibur commented as he took off with Loki.

"Rumble wake up." Thunderlane called out. Rumble's eyes snapped open at the realization that he had slept in.

"Aw man!" He called as he shot out of bed. He ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth. Then quickly ran downstairs and grabbed his backpack and flew out the door.

"Poor thing skipped breakfast. Rumble!" Thunderlane called to his little brother. He flew out the door to see his little brother going top-speed.

"Wait!" He called as he flew towards his brother. He caught up and playfully tackled him before carrying him back home.

"Buddy, it's Saturday."

As soon as those words went into Rumbles ears, he face-hoofed.

"Are you kidding me? I woke up just to hear that!" Rumble exclaimed as he dropped his backpack. Thunderlane chuckled as he sat down next Rumble on the couch.

"Sorry. But man, you were going top speed." Thunderlane grabbed his little brother and held him up.

"I had to go faster than usual to catch you." He pulled his brother down and jabbed a hoof into his sides. Rumble squealed out in laughter.

"Might have to take your wings." Thunderlane said playfully. "I want to be fastest flyer." He let his brother go to catch his breath.

"Well why did you wake me anyways?" Rumble asked.

"Because we're spending the day with Cloudchaser and Flitter." Thunderlane told him.

"Aw man." Rumble moped.

"Oh, don't give me that."

"But Flitter and Cloudchaser treat me like a baby and call me "cute" and "adorable". It gets on my nerves."

Thurnderlane chuckled. Flitter and Clouchaser adored Rumble. They always greeted him with hugs and kisses. Though Thunderlane could tell that Rumble actually liked it.

"Come on buddy, when you're older, you'll learn to like it."

"Well there's the problem, i'm not older. I'm little."

Thunderlane put a hoof on Rumbles shoulder.

"One day." He said to his little brother with a smile.

Rumble walked out to the porch and looked up while waiting for Thunderlane. It had been ten minutes but the words stuck to him.

"One day, I'll be big and strong." He said.

"Yes you will. Now lets get going." Thunderlane said.

The two took off...

...running from the grineer that chased them relentlessly. Excalibur and Loki had found their way around to where the evac point was. the door opened to find Volt and Ember aiming at them.

"We have to leave." Loki said.

"Lets." Ember added.

The four entered their exit holds. After fitting in, they held on tight and pressed their body up as much as they could as they felt the suction of air loss as they entered space. Lotus got on the radio.

"Nice work Tenno. We'll examine the Orikin artifact when you get there. Nice work."

Author's Note:

So how was it...

"It sucked"

Well I wrote the damn thing. I know it sucks.