• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,871 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

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The ships used to evac the team of tenno pulled into the hangar of their H.Q. The team dropped down and landed on their feet. They were greeted by a woman.

"Welcome back Tenno." she said. Loki stepped forward as the red pulse gave way on his hand. Out came the orikin artifact.

"Why thank you Loki. We needed this." The Orikin artifact floated by Lotus as she walked away. Ember walked over and thought out loud "How can she not ask if we're okay?"

"Because Ember, I know you're all okay." Lotus called back.

"So I assume that answers your question." Volt said. Ember simply shrugged him off.

Excalibur looked around. It seemed as though every Tenno serving right now had arrived from a mission. He could see Rhino and Trinity getting back from a mission. Frost and Ash were in a corner and Vauban finished training with Banshee while Nyx and Sayrn wrapped up a sparing match.

The bridge door opened to reveal Lotus standing there.

"I knew you would come Excalibur." She said. Excalibur was used to her predicting skills.

"Lotus, i'm confused. Why are we all here? There has to a mission we should be out handling." Excalibur said to his leader.

"Well, I consider it blind luck. turns out, that artifact your team brought in wasn't an artifact. It was coordinates to an unknown planet." Lotus exclaimed.

"Were you planning on sharing the news with the others?" Excalibur asked.

"They are being briefed in a moment. We have the route set."

Excalibur nodded his head. "Very good."

"Come on Rumble" Thunderlane called to his little brother, "We're almost there."

"You said that like an hour ago." Rumble complained. "Where are we even going?"

The two were were in a forest. Sweet Apple Acres could be seen behind them.

"You'll see." Thunderlane answered, followed by a chuckle.

Rumble only rolled his eyes at the answer. Thunderlane always gave him the answers he never wanted.

A branch hit Rumble in the face. He looked to see Thunderlane had passed them. Rumble ran through to see their destination. A pond that glimmered in the sunlight.

"We're here." Thunderlane announced happily to his little brother. Rumble breathed to say something before being tackled into a tight hug.

"Rumble!" A female voiced squealed as he felt something rub his cheek. He knew who it was

"Please stop Cloud Chaser."

"It's Flitter." she responded.

Rumble only groaned and said, "Still. Can you stop?"

"Aw, but I don't want to. You're to adorable." She said as she nuzzled him some more.

Cloud Chaser landed next to Thunderlane, who looked at the two with a smile on his face.

"Glad to see you two made it."

"And the first ones here." CC added.

"Good thing, Rumble would have blown a fuse if you two hugged him in front of everypony."

"Well Flitter can't help it. She loves Rumble way to much for that." Cloud Chaser said as she looked at her sister.

"Come on Flitter, quit it." Rumble asked weakly, as if hoping she wouldn't here.

"What do you say?" Flitter teased, knowing that he liked it.

"Ugh. Please." Rumble said under his breath.

"Good boy." Flitter finished with a big, wet kiss on his cheek and went back to her sister.

Rumble look at her hover over to them. Sighing he put a hoof out to her.

"Come back."

"Bastard Tenno took our map piece. Had barely just finished installing the coordinates." The captain of the Everest had bickered.

"So we can assume they're on their way their as well." A voice that sounded like the speaker breathed in when they talked said.

"Of course." Everest said. "I will meet them there."

"Or get there first." the voice said. "If you do your job, the planets inhabitants will assist you when you arrive."

"It will be done, General." Everest bowed before the transmission was cut off. The light flickered a little.

"Need to get that power source fixed." Everest complained. "If that idiot rookie hadn't done a lockdown, I wouldn't have cut the wires killing him."

The multi-color, flowing mane had given off warmth and light as Princess Celestia sat at her throne. The sun had rose and Luna slept peacfully. She had a "rare" relaxation day where she felt as if there wasn't a thing to worry about.

Wrong! Just as she was closing her eyes, a rumble shook the throne room. At first, she suspected it was her. But a guard lost his balance and fell over. That confirmed that Canterlot was being shook by something.

"What is that!?" Celestia used her royal voice.

"OUTSIDE!" A guard that burst in yelled at the top of his lungs. Celestia and the others ran out to the balcony to see a ship floating right in front of them. Princess Celestia saw it, and promptly fainted.

"Tenno, we're here." Lotus announced. all of them jumped up at the announcement. They all gathered at the docking bay without a word. Once all gathered, Lotus held up her hand.

"This planet seemed to have been off the map for quiet some time. It is unknown if they are aware of our battle so please avoid a confrontation."

"What if they're hostile?" Vauban asked.

"Simple, they may just be defending. Disarm them and pin them down." She said. "Any other questions?"

"What do we know about this world?" Banshee asked.

"Little next to it supports life. We're looking at a brand new planet."

One last voice asked, "Where are we currently?"

"In front of what appeared to be the Capital."

If Tenno could facepalm, they would have broken something at hard they'd hit their face.

"I know, not a good start, but we'll get there with peace."

Lotus then swung her hand down. The bay doors opened. It revealed several equine with spears trained at them. Ones with shields protected one that laid on the ground.

Excalibur led them in as he jumped off and onto the balcony. The ponies became more cautious as Frost and Ash jumped down. Followed by Loki.

The rest jumped and covered the balcony. Lotus stepped down and saw the look of fear, confusion but determination in the faces of the horses. Noticing the one they were protecting, Lotus spoke her first words on the new world.

"Is she dead?" She asked them.

Sweat rolled down their faces as they looked over at their leader. One young pony examined her to see that she was breathing.

"No, no she's not." He responded nervously.

Lotus nodded and said "Good, I'd hate to start off on the wrong foot." Clearly surprised but not showing it, she had never seen a race such as this.

"Who goes there?" A voice called out from within the castle.

Princess Luna ran out and saw the strange creatures standing in front of her, several guards, and-

"SISTER!" She yelled as she ran over and put herself between the aliens and her sister. Her horn pointed right at them. The action alone caused one guard to rush towards them with his spear raised.

"Disarm." Lotus ordered.

Ash tossed a shuriken into the air and quickly caught the spear and and proceeded to take it, twirled it and hit the guard with the hilt, before jabbing it into the ground.

The shuriken landed and stuck in the ground next to it.

Lotus did her best to not laugh at the look at the guards face. "I assure you, we're not here to be hostile."

Luna was getting nervous. "Who...who are you!?"

"I am Lotus, and these are the Tenno." Lotus waved her arm to present the current Warframes.

"Tenno? We've heard no such thing." Luna exclaimed.

"Then your world has been under the radar." Lotus said to herself quietly.

"Well, what are you here for?"

"We are simply here to see what this world is. Perhaps we can discuss this when miss..."

Luna stood up, She ordered the guards to lower their weapons and then, walked towards them slowly.

"I understand we were not the friendliest to greet you, so lets try this again. I'm Lotus."

Luna looked up at her, "I'm Princess Luna."

"Sergeant, you have my trust that nothing will go wrong this mission?" Captain Everest said.

"My word." He said back.

"Good, I know your team can do it. We haven't seen any Tenno on the ground yet. Stay alert."

"Will do." The transmission cut out as the shuttle rocked back and fourth. The leader of the team looked at the team of ten plus him.

"This operation is simple, see whats down here and recruit them to our cause of wiping out the Tenno." He growled at the end of his sentence.

The rocking ceased as they knew that had landed. "This is said to be heavily populated, try to not act hostile."

The doors opened, sunlight filled the shuttle as they stepped out to see the look of confused...ponies?

"What world is this?" One growled. They saw a pony with wings and a horn approach. It only made her stand since the other ponies had ran or hid.

"Hello, i'm Twilight Spa- Princess," She corrected herself, "Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"A friendly greeting. Wasn't expecting that."

Twilight was taken back by the sound of their voices, they sounded very inhumane. Like that of a monster. Still, she couldn't let the sound of ones voice take back from who they were.

"Well, we don't often have a new race show up." Twilight said with a chuckle.

"Hm... we wish to speak to the leader of this settlement." the one in the front said.

"I'm her." Twilight said.

"Well, perfect. We can set off our offer shortly."

"What offer?"

The team of Grineer hoped to actually talk first in hopes of breaking the ice so their recruitment isn't that of just coming in and taking.

"Lets talk in private first."

Princess Celestia opened her eyes to see Luna and a concerned guard standing over her.

"I'm alright." She said as she stood up and saw several strange figures before her.

"Greetings, I believe we haven't met. I'm Lotus." She stuck out her hand.

Celestia was taken back by the offer, and by the the strange creatures that stood around the throne room. but nonetheless, she took it with her hoof.

"I'm Princess Celestia, welcome to Equestria."

Author's Note:

Don't you love how the Tenno, who are they only to see what this place is, is attacked and met with force.
The grineer are there to take ponies and train them to be viscous killers. They get such a warm welcome.