• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,870 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

It ain't all cracked up to be

Flash panted heavily as he looked around, only a few guards made it safely. The rest were torn apart by the infested.

"Bastard Tenno." He said out loud. Some help would have been nice. Instead of leaving them all to run for their lives, they just stayed behind and fought the ones that only attacked them.

"So are we good?" A guard yelled out.

"I think so." Flash called back.

"Good, I think Tenno cleared things up outside." Another called.

Flash looked from the safety of the throne room, no fighting was seen or heard. If anything, the dropship with the Princess and Lotus had arrived with a few Tenno.

"The empire has been cleared. I detect no further life forms." Lotus told the scared ponies.

"So what now?" A pony asked.

"You can return to your homes." Lotus told them. "It has become clear that they were only here to investigate. The V.I.P.'s made need to stay with us." She glanced towards the royal couple.

"Do we have to?" Cadence asked. lotus nodded her head sternly.

"It is for your safety." She told them.

Shining looked at his wife. They need what they had to.

"We have to go with them." She told her husband. But another dropship flew overhead.

"But relax for now. I am sending the Tenno on a mission. We're not leaving yet."

The four drop pods opened. Four Tenno took their usual places as they closed and left.

The ceiling tile fell as Nyx and Ember jumped through with Banshee and Rhino right behind them.

"You're mission is to take the void key on this ship. We need it i we're going to rescue the ponies taken to the void." Lotus explained.

"It is done." Nyx said as she and the others took off.

Stealh wasn't an option as Rhino ran into a room and tore apart any marine in his way. No alerts throughout the ship though, he was able to kill most of them while the others were taken care of by Banshee.

They moved on to the next room to see Hek in there with a patrol team.

"Well well well. I knew you couldn't stay away." He taunted.

"We need a void key. Where is one?" Nyx asked.

Hek started to tap on his chin like he was thinking. "Hm... nope." He said. "Kill them." He ordered the marines.

They all opened fire, Nyx absorbed the damage and created a shockwave that blew the forces away.

Hek drove his fist into the ground to force himself up. He looked up to see the Tenno busy fighting and took his leave.

"He's trying to leave." Ember pointed out. The four began to give chase to the next room.

The split upward path had two Tenno running up them as they gave chase. They could see Hek rushing past a wave of troops as he dove through the door. Rhino charged right through them and was stopped with the door closing.

"A lockdown." He stated as he slammed his fist into the door. The crackling laugh of Hek didn't affect him.

"And I don't think we can get out." Nyx said. A heavy gunner slowly creeping up by the access panel.

Banshee quickly ran over, ignoring her teammates objections and quickly began to hack the panel. The Grineer marine closing in on her.

All lines were connected just as he rounded the corner and pointed the gun to her head.

"Go." she said as a single bullet was fired at her head. It tore right through the shields as she fell dead.

Lotus clutched her head in sorrow.

The three went on, knowing the sacrifice made by their teammate. The doors opened to show no marines or Hek. They just kept running.

"The artifact is nearby. Keep searching." Lotus contacted. She ignored the obvious pain of losing yet another Tenno.

The team trudged through the rusty ship. They walked into the next room and were on high alert when they saw the void key under heavy guard. Though it was only one guard. He stood up and looked at the approaching Warframes.

"Stalker. I knew you'd come." Ember said.

"Yes. The death of Phroid won't go without the proper punishment." He said.

Ember looked over to Nyx and rhino and told them "you grab the key. I have to deal with the killer of our brother."

The two nodded and quickly went over to grab the key. The Stalker didn't even bother with attacking them, his sights were set on Ember.

Nyx quickly grabbed the key and ran off with Rhino to evac.

Ember drew her guns and began to fire at the Stalker, who cut the bullets and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Ember heated the air to show a walking form in front of her. She backflipped back as the Hate was swung and nearly took her head off.

She landed on her feet and looked up to be cut with several throwing knives. She dodged a few before being kicked back. She drew her blade and quickly swung at the Stalker. He dodged the swings and jumped back and fired an arrow at her. Ember cartwheeled and caught it with her foot.

She landed to be knocked back by a hit from the hilt of the Hate. The Stalker then slashed at her, a deep gash appearing on her chest. Ember clutched the wound heavily, unable to move.

She looked up to see her foe standing above her.

"You really are one of us." she commented.

The Stalker looked at the reflection of the scythe. "Yeah. I am." And performed a slash dash.