• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,869 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

Dark Sector

It was silence that slowly grew to sound as Excaliburs vision cleared. He could here a fire crackling as he stared straight at the sky.

He began to struggle to get up before someone stopped and held him down.

"Excalibur." Lotus appeared standing over him. "You are gravely wounded. I will get Trinity, do not worry." She said as she walked off.

Excalibur laid his head back and waited for Trinity. It was gonna be a long wait. So he pondered, did they win the fight? It was silent and Lotus had the time to get over to where he was and then go back for a medic.

He closed his eyes to rest when he felt himself being revived.

But, it wasn't by Trinity, it felt like a basic revive any Tenno could do.

"Arise Hayden."

Excalibur jumped up and reached for his sword, the only weapon he had left. His hand grabbed for nothing. The Stalker looked back at him. He too, had no weapons

"You are unarmed. Therefore, this would not be an uneven fight." He said as he readied his fists.

Excalibur wasn't in his strongest form right now, yet he managed to raise his fists along with The Stalker. He swung and missed the first and was grabbed and kneed in the face. He hit the Stalker in the stomach and elbowed his face only to be kicked in the ribs.

The Stalker swung, Excalbur ducked and uppercutted his enemy and tried to swing before his legs got kicked out from underneath him. The Waframe struggled to get up with no avail.

"It looks like I won." The Stalker said as he summoned the Hate.

"I'm ending you." He said as he got ready to swing.

"No you won't." A voice said and stopped the swing in it's tracks.

Sharp Edge stood a upon the roots of a fallen tree that overlooked the makeshift arena.

"I won't let you."

"So the honorary Tenno thinks he can defeat me?" The Stalker said as he looked up at the pony.

"I am not here to fight you. This is something between you two." Edge stated.

"Then how do you plan to stop me?"

Without saying a word, Edge used his magic to pick up the Cronus on his back.

"I was given this by an ally. I knew that I would use it to save someone. And now I know who it is."

The Stalker looked back at the struggling Tenno and back at the pony. "You are an assistant to this fight. When this one is over, I'm going to kill you next."

"I await the fight."

"Wait! How are you not mad as you were when I always appear?" The Stalker asked.

"I have come to terms with myself. Your words managed to break me, but I was at a weaker stage."

"What changed you?"

"The Tenno. After years of sorrow, someone gave me a chance to fight for something real. A new ally to stand by in what was the near end of Equestria."

"Then I guess in the end, we are all the same." The Stalker said.

"You might be right."

The Stalker put his Hate on his shoulders. "Well then."

He took off running before jumping up and readied to do a slash dash.

"You're first!" He said as he slash dashed towards the pony.

"Excalibur!" Edge yelled as he threw the sword with magic towards the frame. The Stalker slashed at the pony and knocked him to the arena and away from the two.

Excalibur felt the magic surge through him as he got the blade with his hand. The Stalker looked at the wounded pony and back at his adversary.

"We are ending what was between you and me, Stalker."

"Then let it end." He said as he jumped down.

Excalibur wasted no time as he charged forward and slashed at his opponent, landing a few hit before being knocked away and knocked again. He slid on his feet before running forward and slashing. It was blocked by the Stalker as he slammed the Hate on the ground and knocked the Warframe to the ground. He rolled out of the way to avoid being finished and spun around to get up while cutting away with his sword.

Excalibur jumped up and caught the blade in time to avoid a death swing. He held it off before pushing off and jumping over a swing and sliced at The Stalker, who jumped away to avoid it. He landed down and slash dashed at The Stalker, who blocked it and tried to counter with his own slash dash. Excalibur jumped out of the way to see they were on opposite ends of of the arena made of the wreckage.

"I'm ending this." Excalibur said as he readied a slash dash.

"Die!" The Stalker yelled as he too did a slash dash.

The two collided and an explosion of pure light was the only thing seen.

Excalibur stuck his sword into the ground to keep himself up. The Stalker dropped the Hate as he began to materialize away.

"No... this wasn't... supposed... to happen." He said.

The Stalker looked around to see Trinity and Fluttershy helping Sharp Edge while Ash and Frost Prime looked down on him. He turned back towards Excalibur.

"You of all will know Hayden, that we may share the same fate at the time to come."

Excalibur only stepped aside just as she appeared above and over his shoulder.


After all this time, he could finally see her. He stepped forward weakly and approached her.

Lotus had walked and looked down upon the arena to see The Stalker. She knew what she was to him.

"You..." He raised his hand up to her. "We... were..."

He began to convulse as materialized completely away. All was heard was his echoing screams that faded away.

Lotus looked down on the recovered pony and the tired Warframe.

"We're going home."

Rumble and among the others watched as the Tenno boarded the ship. Edge stepped out, stripped of his armor and eye piece and was greeted by Fluttershy. The two watched along with the ponies of Ponyville as the ship took off and back to the stars.

"So... what now?" Rumble asked.

"We... go back to normal lives I guess." Thunderlane shrugged.

"Sounds good to me." Cloud Chaser said.

Flitter picked up Rumble and held him as she hovered above the crowd to watch as the ship faded away completely.

"So long, Tenno." He said under his breath.