• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,869 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

And the horse you rode in on.

"Tenno, while you were gone, a raid to place to steal back the remaining elements. The Grineer were not pleased." The Lotus explained.

Judging by the crash landing of Twilight and Excalibur, she was right.

"Twilight, are you alright?" He asked, the two glowing orbs inside his helmet shining through.

She got up and quickly wiped off any dirt on her and responded with "I'm fine."

"Don't worry you two. Celestia plans to send a carriage. But the fight up here will have to be finished first." Lotus told them.

"Understood." Excalibur said. He sat on his knee's and waited. Twilight joined him and could only listen to the explosions and gunfire from above.

Lech Krill marched his way through the streets, ordering Grineer to Tenno locations and attacking them himself.

Rhino saw the marines clear as the two met at the end of both roads.

"Well well, greetings Tenno." Krill said.

"Lech Krill, your time ends now." Rhino said.

Krill saw the rest of the marines clear and scoffed at Rhino. "Your blood will run deep." He threatened as he slammed his hammer down.

"I feel no fear when fighting you." Rhino said as he drew his Scindo.

The two stared down each other at both sides of the path. Suddenly, Krill charged down the path, Rhino did the same, reading his Axe.

Both weapons met with such fury, dust flew away from the two bodies as the they met. Krill swung down but had his attack dodged as Rhino swung his foot and knocked him down. Krill rolled to the side in time to avoid a Scindo being slammed on him.

He jumped and slammed his fist into the ground to gain ground as Rhino was knocked down. Lech Kirll attempted to slam his hammer down on him but was blocked by Rhino's grasp on the hilt. The Tenno got up and as it was wrenched away from his grip.

Krill spun around with his hammer and tried to hit Rhino, who jumped back with every turn. The bulky Grineer finished by slamming the hammer down and the ground.

A squad of Grineer chased down the Princess and her guards, who were trying to retreat to the safe room.

"Don't worry. I'm sending help your way. See you when you get here." Lotus told her, even though she couldn't hear her.

The guards yelled and pointed at the sky as a dropship flew overhead and between the Grineer and Celestia. The doors opened to show a mix of emerald green and the gray of a Tenno's armor drop down.

The Grineer looked with curiosity and confusion. "A... pony?"

His head raised as Sharp Edge counted the numbers of seven Grineer in front of him. He smirked then looked back at the V.I.P.'s. He nodded his head, signaling them to go.

He looked back to the assault team in front of him. He always hated guard duty.

"Let's get this over with." He said as his eye piece flipped down in front of his eye.

Sayrn took cover as an explosion shook the ground around her. She struggled to stand up as she got back up and fired back at the surrounding Grineer. She snapped out of cover and fired back at the slowly approaching Grineer. The Tenno ducked down in hopes of recharging her shields in the bullet storm that rained down on her.

She knew the odds.

"Sayrn, do you need help?"

"No Lotus. Sending others may risk themselves as well." She said.

"Understood." Lotus said, signing off from communications with her.

Ash landed down from the dropship and into a fray of marines. Most were killed before he hit the ground while the rest retreated, only to be gunned down from his Hind rifle.

He pulled out his dual Furis and fired them at his sides while quickly throwing his Glaive. He ran to a lone marine and jumped and swiped his hand down as the Glaive returned to him, decapitating the Grineer.

Ash landed and spun the Galive around him as a swarm of bullets were fired at him. Most were cut down while his shields handled the rest. He turned and threw it again and watched it slice down a few marines while running to dodge enemy fire while shooting back with his pistols.

The Glaive came back and Ash spun as he caught it. As he was on his knee's, he looked up to see a gun pointed at him. In a puff of smoke, Ash was gone and the sound of slicing was heard as they all fell dead.

Frost was ready to test his new form, all of his weapons were replaced with newer versions that looked like they were from the Orikin Void themselves.

He brandished his Reaper Prime as he dropped down and sliced a Grineer down the middle, only to look up and see a heavy gunner looking down at him.

In an instant, an Ice wave rippled across his path, freezing and shattering the enemies in their place.

Frost Quickly ran and saw another team round the corner. he tried to turn back and saw another team. He fired his Braton prime at the teams. But it wasn't enough, he was surrounded.

In another moment, he made an avalanche as nearly all of the marines were killed by the ice.

"Frost, when this is over, we need to discuss about this new form." Lotus told him.

"Yes we do Lotus." His voice echoed.

Rhino was charged through the wall of a building as Krill smashed the walls from swinging his hammer wildly.

"Die Rhino. Your blood will be seen soon, do not delay."

Rhino dropped all weapons and let out a roar as he charged Krill through several walls of the house and grabbed a tube on Lech Krills back, he bulled one loose and was met with another hammer swing. He grabbed the hammer and pulled it away and tore the other tube with both of his hands and slammed Lech Krill into the ground. The Tenno quickly raised his foot and Rhino stomped down onto the Grineers head.

Edge sliced through a marine and quickly defeated another.

"Edge, Fluttershy is safe now." Lotus told him.

"That's great." He said.

Edge began to let his mind wander, she was safe.

So why was something scratching at the back of his head.

"She would be fine if you bastards never came here in the first place." He yelled as he slashed up a Grineer.

"She should be right by me! She's be safe!" He yelled out loud. He eviscerated a marine before tearing another apart.

"Damnit, why is he here?" Edge thought out loud.

Flash had been separated from the rest of the guards. He ran as until he got to the very edge of Canterlot. Looking down, he saw Twilight and Excalibur and smiled at seeing his princess safe.

"You're done for." A deep voice said to him. Flash turned around to see a Grineer Trooper pointing a shotgun at him.

Flash edged back a bit and had his hoof slip from the cliff. Instead, he readied his spear.

"Do you think you can kill me?" The Grineer asked.

Flash looked down at Twilight and back. "With my dedication, yeah."

Knocking the shotgun aside, Flash stabbed the hands, then the torso as many times as he could. He screamed as he drove the spear through the body of the marine.

He did it. He successfully killed a Grineer.

"Screw you Tenno, I don't need your help!" He yelled.

He turned and got the worst shock as he saw Rhino charging at him.

Sayrn was running on what health she had left. It seemed as if she had every Grineer raining down on her.

Out of energy, ammo, and nearly her health, Sayrn leaned back and looked to the sky. It looked so peaceful from this point of view.

A Grineer unit jumped up from behind and put a bullet in her head.

Rhino ran throughout the battle, it seemed as if most Grineer were leaving. Yet he knew there was a major target to take care of.

"Screw you Tenno, I don't need your help!" A voice called.

Rhino looked over and saw the worst sight to his vision.

Flash was so caught up in his victory, he failed to notice the darkness of The Stalker approaching him, pulling out Hate and ready to kill the pony.

Rhino charged at full speed at Flash, knowing he would reach him first.

The guard looked and saw the angry looking Warframe charging at him.

"Crap! I'm sorry!" He yelled, panic filling his voice.

The Stalker swung the top of the Hate against the ground and towards Flash, who was still unaware.

"Move!" Rhino yelled as he knocked Flash away and onto the ground.

The blade went straight through Rhino as he was lifted up into the air.

"No!" Twilight yelled from the ground as he saw the limp body hanging over the edge of Canterlot.

The Stalker pulled the blade out and let the body fall over the edge. He turned his head to see Flash struggling to catch his breath.

"All how it should have went." He commented. "Speaking of."

A hand grasped the helmet on Flash with such strength as he was lifted up over the edge. Flash grunted in pain as he felt his guards helmet crack under The Stalkers hand.

Twilight looked up and lost her words. A tear began to fall from her eye as she saw the sight of Flash struggling with no hope of getting free.

Flash looked down and The Stalker could have sworn that he saw Twilight looking back in his eyes.

A black flame engulfed Flash's body before quickly being frozen. The hand tilted forward as Flash Sentry was let loose and to tumble down to the ground.

"NO!" Twilgiht yelled as she flew up and caught the body. She was pinned to the ground as the two landed very hard. Excalibur ran over and saw Twilight look at Flash's face. His stuck in one of fear while she felt nothing but sorrow.

The Stalker looked up to see more and more Grineer ships approaching. He could see the world burning, it almost made him feel happy.