• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,870 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

Not everyone has the news apparently

"If we're going to rescue those ponies, how are we gonna get a key?" Celestia asked.

Lotus looked over to her. "It's simple, next time they attack, while a team of four stays here to defend, a second team will infiltrate the ship. Vor always keeps a second set of keys on any ship in case of emergency." (A/N I keep void keys stashed around my ships, in case of emergency. Had to)

"Are you sure about this?" Celestia asked.

"I always have a plan." She said as she walked away.

Rhino walked into the throne room with Loki's body. He placed it down gently as the other Tenno gathered.

"Tenno, today we lose a brother. The fight we continue will cost lives, and he is one of them we lost." Lotus said. Ponies such as the Princesses and guards gathered. Flash tried his best to comfort Twilight. Edge stood among the other Tenno.

"We may continue fighting, but this lose will only drive us more."

The Tenno said in perfect harmony. "Rest now, brother. We will use your strength." They all said. Sharp Edge stepped back as they all but their hands above Loki's body.

In a flash of red, Loki's form began to materialize into red chips. They all went into the hands and bodies of the Tenno.

Celestia walked out onto the balcony to see Lotus standing there.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Celestia was taken back, she was about to ask Lotus the same thing.

"I'm fine. What about you, you lost another one." Celestia said.

"I have dealt with the lost of several Tenno. Those are not the only ones." Lotus told her.

"I see..." Celestia said. "Still, you seem to be awfully distant from the others."

"Because something is wrong." Lotus told her.


"Where are the ships?"

"In front of Canterlot like they always are." Celestia told her without glancing.

"Well, let me be the first to tell you that they're not." Lotus said.

Celestia looked and gasped. No ships were seen.

"Where could they be?" she asked.

Celestia quickly flew up to the top of the castle and saw them all heading up north.

"Shining... Cadence..." She whispered softly. Celestia flew back down and told Lotus.

"Why North?"

"The crystal empire is there!" Celestia exclaimed.

Volt walked among the foals, guilt ridden over Rumble being taken away. His only thought was failure. Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser could only cry when they heard the news.

A young colt that wore a hat with a propeller sat on the ground with a puddle of his own tears forming. The dark brown coat around his eyes were damp and his light brown mane was in a mess.

"Young one, what is wrong?" Volt asked. All the other foals were with their parents. Some gathered around Volt in order to thank him.

"My... mom was... she was taken." The young colt stopped to sob some more. "By... those mean.... MONSTERS!" He yelled the last part before sobbing. Sweetie Belle went up and patted him on the back.

"I see. And, what is your name?" He asked the young colt. He kept crying. Sweetie Belle looked up at Volt and said "Button Mash."

Volt looked at Button Mash, "Button Mash, I promise you I will rescue your mother."

"Really... you will?" He said with a sniffle.

"Yes." Volt said.

Button smiled before running and hugging Volt. "Oh thank thank thank you!" He said as he squeezed the Warframe. Volt was unfazed.

"It is a promise." He told the colt.

"Okay, Volt, you're staying here. Ash, you, Ember, Banshee and Nyx will infiltrate the ship to steal a key. The rest will guard the Empire."

"Lotus, why am I staying?" Volt asked.

"In the events that this is a diversion, you will be here to fight off any forces." She said as she walked to the ship.

"But I must go to the Void with the team. I made a promise an-"

"You will keep it. But we don't have a key." Lotus hopped on board with Celestia and several guards.

"Good luck." He said as the doors closed.

Grineer ships flew all around the empire. Shining Armor did his best to blast any with magic.

"What are those things?" He yelled at as one fired a missile at the throne room. The hardened crystals showing no sign of damage.

Cadence hid along with several guards. the explosions and screams from outside brought tears to her eyes. She could hear voices that couldn't have belonged to a pony. They were getting closer. A shadow appeared above her.


The stallion turned around to see his wife being dragged by a creature. It had one long tentacle that held her with a tight grip. (go on, get it out o your system. I know.)

Shining was about to run when an explosion knocked him down. He got back up to see a tall figure with a mask standing over him.

"This one seems to be of importance. Take him." He said.

The creature that held Cadence charged at the figure. Lech Krill took his hammer and swung, the tentacle was smashed off of the creature. Krill slammed the hammer down on it's head, killing it while a squad detained Cadence.

The two were dragged to the center of the Empire where the ponies were gathered. The sight of them made Cadence burst into tears. She tried to bury her face into Shining's shoulder but the two were dragged away from each other.

"This settlement will make a nice base while we plan our assault on Canterlot."

"You're going to attack Canterlot!?" Shining shouted.

"Yes, again." Krill corrected. Another Grineer approached him. Shining guessed it was his second in command.

"Sir, the infestation are coming." He informed.

"Thank you for the news, Hek. It will be dealt with." He said. A squad of marines gathered while Hek stood over the ponies.

"Why are you doing this?" One yelled out.

Hek chuckled and said. "Simple, we need an army. You'll do just fine." He said, an evil chuckle coming from him as he saw the look of terror on the ponies faces.

A lone crystal pony stood up. "I won't." He said.

Vay Hek laughed at him. "You're bravery won't save you."

"I don't care." He said. "You're merely another evil figure."

Hek chuckled evilly. "You've never met someone like me."

The pony looked right at him. "We have. And there will be those who stop you."

Hek grinned evilly before reading his shotgun. He aimed it at the pony who showed no fear. He squeezed the trigger.

A puff of smoke revealed Ash to be in the crowd, who cut the bullets with has daggers or lets his shields take the hit. (yes. It is.)

"Councilor Vay Hek, the Lotus sensed your presence from afar." He said. Ash threw his Kestrel at Hek, but missed completely. Hek was ready to take aim when he saw Excalibur jump in. A sparkle appeared in the sky as Ash's Kestrel spun back down and hit Hek in the face.

"Tenno." He growled. Hek was ready to fire back when he had another idea.

"Tenno are present." He said, the other Tenno joining Ash. "Leave the rest to them." He said with a sly grin.

"Well Tenno, I admit defeat. If you allow me to step away and-"

A gun was pointed at his head from behind. "You're not going anywhere." Ember told him.

A drop ship flew over head, the bay doors opened to show Lotus looking down on the group. Guards jumped down and began freeing hostages. Flash was the one to free his Captain.

"Well then, looks like we all die." He said.

Shining looked at him. "What are you talking about?"

Another dropship flew by, Lieutenant Lech Krill did a shockwave that knocked away Ember from Hek, giving him time to jump onto the dropship as it flew away.

The team fired before hearing something, it sounded like...

"It's the Infestation." Nyx called out as she opened fire. The large numbers of infestation were suppressed for as long as the Tenno could as the guards escorted the the ponies away as quickly as possible.

The oncoming swarm began to get in range to strike the Tenno. One swung at Excalibur, only to be sliced in half. Rhino charged at a group while Ember set them ablaze.

Twilight saw the guards running and only hoped for Flash's safety. She hoped the Tenno would hold them off.

Ember quickly shot one down when she looked to see a problem.

"It's the Jackal." She said, quickly dodging that cleared the Infested.

"Target acquired: Tenno: eliminate on sight It spoke.

"Tenno, I can handle this. Go guard the pony's." Ember said.

They noticed a lack of Infested. Until they heard a scream.

A large Infested jumoed and swung at the Jackal, it swung on it's head before being tossed off.

"Are you sure you can handle it now?" Ash asked. The other Tenno retreating.

"I can attack the Phroid. The Jackal is all yours." Ember said.

Ash was happy with the offer and began to attack the Jackals legs.

Ember began to fire her Vipers at Phroid, catching it's attention. It turned towards her and charged at her. She quickly jumped out of the way and an idea came in her head.

Ash's blade storm skill damaged the Jackals legs severely. Just as one leg gave out, it let out a stomp that knocked Ash away. He got back up quickly and teleported to the robot to attack another leg.

The two jumped away to avoid an attack from their enemies, landing back to back.

"Shall we end this?" Ember asked.


The two jumped at their targets, their blades ready.

Both Warframes caught their breath, Phroid biograded away slowly while the two parts of the Jackal slowly had the power die from it.

"You do realize now that we are targets?" Ash said.

"Yes. Let him come. I want to avenge my fallen brother." Ember said.

Ash looked at her. "We all do."