• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,869 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

Some just don't know what they signed up for

I noticed an increase of Stalker attacks. One of which was on me last night. It's been going on ever since I've found the Glaive. Whether it's the Forma I used or an attachment to the weapon due to it's connection to Hayden is beyond me.

Celestia looked at the sky with tears in her eyes. How could they go in full force when the Tenno's numbers were slowly dwindling away.

The Lotus gave a stern look and saw a dropship land. Excalibur and Twilight walked out, the pony looking grief stricken as the frozen body of another pony was carried out.

"The Stalker did this." Lotus said. Twilight nodded before joining her friends. All giving hugs in hopes of comforting her.

"Well we have the elements together now." Celestia said, giving them to the belonging ponies. "We have to use them quick." She hurried.

Twilight looked and nodded at the girls as the gems on the necklaces began to glow. They looked to see the biggest of the ships heading towards them.

A ray of magic fired from the six elements and right at the ship. Light enveloped it and nearly blinded everypony watching.


Excalibur exited the room with a brand new helmet. The Avalon gave a more sleek design to him as he walked through out the castle.

He passed a room to show Rumble shaking in his sleep. Getting a closer look, it look as though I was having a horrible nightmare.

The Stalker stood above the tiny pony, tormenting him on the dumb mistake he made of jumping onto the ship. Looking down on the foal, making him feel nothing but fear.

Rumble shot up in bed and looked around to Excalibur standing in the doorway.

"Are you alright?" The Tenno asked.

Rumble checked his surroundings and sighed in relief. "Yeah, but you can get Flitter for me?"

Excalibur nodded his head and walked off. As for Rumble, he stilled kept telling himself it was just a dream.

Lotus walked around and examined Frost's new form. Sleek black armor with golden pieces.

"What happened? Did he get an upgrade?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, he's now a Prime form. His Warframe and weapons now have Orikin like abilities to them."

"Can this happen to any Warframe?"

Yes, but this the first time I've seen it." Lotus explained.

Excalibur joined them in the room. the small amount of ponies and and the number of Tenno left gave the mood of hopelessness. Flash's frozen form was being treated by several unicorns and Twilight herself. Celestia wept on her throne as the sound of explosions sounded outside.

The Warframe approached Flitter and told her "Rumble wishes to see you. It appears he had night terrors of The Stalker."

"Oh my." Flitter gasped as she quickly ran to the room that she remembered that he was left sleeping in.

Lotus had enough of the loud sobbing and walked over. "Get a hold of yourself."

"How?" Celestia asked through her tears. "This is almost a lost cause. How can we keep going?"

"Cause Tenno don't know the meaning of the word surrender." Lotus told her.

Princess Celestia got up and looked her in the eye. "This isn't your world. Why do you keep fighting?"

"Letting the Grineer win a battle is never good on the mind of a Tenno." Lotus turned around to see them all interacting with the ponies. "But we also fighting for the kindness we have gotten that is here."

"We greeted you with force." Luna said.

"Correct. But who wouldn't have? We are here to explore. Had we not arrived, the Grineer would have had a new army."

Celestia was about to speak before an explosion rocked the castle.

Lotus could see a ship heading for Canterlot. More ships appeared near the ship and fired at it.

"That's the one with the Infested." Lotus pointed out.

Pods shot down and let loose the Infestation upon Canterlot. The Tenno took action and jumped into the fray.

Volt led the young mare through the crowds of small foals and their parents. He came across the one he was looking for. All alone and crying to himself.

"There." He said. Milano looked and gasped with happiness at the sight.

"Button!" She exclaimed as she ran to her son.

The young colt looked up to see his mother. "Mom!" He yelled happily as he ran into her hooves.

As the two shared a very happy reunion, Volt felt a small ping in his chest. He had felt it the same time he had reunited Rumble with Flitter.

It felt like happiness.

Sadly, it didn't last long. The ground shook as pods struck down and released the Infested into the streets of Canterlot.

"Wonderbolts are being dispatched to assist with civilians." Celestia informed as Lotus began to monitor the situation.

"What good will they do?"

"They can fight. The Infested don't have guns like the rest."

Lotus saw the point and didn't respond.

A trail of lighting, smoke and fire streaked across the sky. They split up into two's with the exception of one who went alone.

Spitfire landed down and began to order people to safety as she was charged by a leaper. She kicked it away and kept near the ponies as they got to safety.

Suddenly, a runner jumped on top of her and raised a claw before getting kicked off by a rushing mix of red and orange.

"Nice one Rookie." Spitfire commented.

Blaze Streak looked around. Being in line for possible recruitment did mean accompanying the team to places that needed help from special forces. He just wished it wasn't the time of an invasion of aliens.

Spitfire called him over to help with the evacuations. Ponies were instructed to stay in their homes until it was all clear. As for the Infested, they seem to have thin numbers around the two ponies. They guarded the last of the ponies as they cleared the street.

"Don't think we'll be able to fly away from this one. I think the others handled their part." Spitfire said as they were surrounded by the few Infested.

"So what about us?" Blaze asked.

"You think you can handle them?" Spitfire asked with a smirk.

As much as the day had been stressful, Blaze responded with "Can you?"

"I can, except for that last one that will be left."

"Guess that's the one I get." Blaze commented.

"Oh, so you are fighting." Spitfire quipped.

Blaze gave a confident chuckle and readied his wings.

The two charged and kicked and punched the Infested away.

Ash threw his Glaive and jumped towards a Charger and caught the Glaive in time to slam it down into it's body. Mag ran by with her Jaw Sword out and swiped away a Leaper. She took out of Burston and fired a few rounds into an Ancient.

Frost sliced his way through the swarms with his Reaper Prime. He pulled out his Braton Prime and gunned down a few waves before using an Avalanche to clear the rest.

"We need a plan to stop all of this."

"But how?" Mag asked.

"Some way. For now, we should take care of the threat at hand." Ash said as he fired his Hind.

Excalibur joined Volt and the two held their ground against the large waves.

"Tenno, I have with me a Datamass that can send the Infested ship into the sun. We need a break to deliver it."

"The team?" Volt asked.

"Nyx, Trinity, and Mag have volunteered for the job. But we must make way for a drop ship pickup." She explained.

"Well this invasion should let up soon. We can take it from there." Excalibur said as he slash dashed off.

Volt used his lighting powers to clear the way and ran off.

Spitfire kicked a charger into the ground and flipped off onto a leaper and flipped kicked him in the same flip and landed down.

"Doing alright Rook?" She called.

"You know it." He called back as he punched a Leaper away.

The mare caught herself staring at the pony for so long, she was caught off guard when a Runner exploded near her. The wind of it blew her mask off and her mane down.

"Spitfire!" Blaze called as he saw her hit a wall. She stumbled back up.

"I'm fine." She breathed out as she charged back at the fray.

Blaze found the numbers for him increasing as he fought off more and more of the Infested.

"Spits, I need some help here!" He called out.

Spitfire heard his calls and turned around to help. She learned to never turn your back on the enemy as a tentacle from an Ancient wrapped around her pulled her away. The mare cried out as she got yanked away.

"Spitfire!" Blaze yelled as he saw her get taken. She struggled in it's grasp as it looked at him.

"You know it's the only way." A voice said in his mind.

"You talk?"

"Do not worry. She will be fine." It said as it began to carry her away, the pony calling for help.

"Let her go!" Blaze yelled as he charged after her and into an abandoned house.

Instantly, a Charger pounced on him. He was pinned to the ground and looked up to see a husk of a very big Infested.

"Now, with the life force of a pony, Golem can join us." The Ancient said. Blaze struggled with the weight of the Charger.

"What are you talking about?"

"We wish for all to be one. With one like Golem, we will all join together. Don't fear it, embrace it." The ancient said.

With that, another Ancient wrapped an arm on the husk to give it life. The chest cavity began to move and reach out towards Spitfire.

"Huh!" She gasped and began to scream in fear before a strip of flesh covered her mouth, muffling them. She kicked and screamed as more and more of the flesh wrapped around her to hold the pony in place. Her body was held in the flesh as needles of it stuck into her skin. Tears formed in her eyes as she feared for what would happen to her.

"No!" Blaze yelled and tried with all of his strength to get free and save her.

As for Spitfire, she lost all of her energy and felt like it was being sapped from her. The husk began to move around and become alive.

"Golem lives." The Ancient declared.

Golem looked around to observe his surroundings before breaking free from the house. The roof shattered as the massive beast broke free and roared.

Blaze knew his time was about to come. The charger was ready to kill.

A blade tore through it and left Blaze unharmed. He got up to see a dark figure standing above him. It looked like he would kill the pony instead.

It only faded away.

Golem was as tall as a house. He ran throughout the until it was stopped by Nyx in the middle of the road.

"Do not go any farther." She ordered.

"We will shall be one. Don't try to stop the inevitable." Golem said as he stepped over Nyx.

Golem found himself surrounded by the Tenno and Wonderbolts plus a very angry Rainbow Dash.

"Do you need me to repeat myself?" Nyx asked.

"Fine then, but once you are defeated, don't say you ignored my warnings." Golem said as tentacles burst from it's body. Spitfire looking in very much pain from the action.

"It's using the life force of that pony to be alive. But getting close to her would only cause you to be absorbed as well." Lotus explained to them.

Spitfire looked down in fear, wondering if she would make it out of this alive. She saw Blaze fly overhead and worried for him as well.

"How do we defeat it then?" Trinity asked.

"How we always do." Ash said as he readied his Glaive.

Golem looked down upon them and the surrounding ponies. Each with a look of determination to stop him. Excalibur held his Skana in a reverse grip form as he charged forward as tentacles tried to strike him. Frost froze them each when they touched the ground while Mag fired at the creature. The rest held off the Infested.

Mag fired bursts into it's head before a green projectile was flung in her direction. She dodged and saw the ground sizzling where she once stood.

"Acid projectiles." She confirmed as she went back to the fight.

Frost sliced through the tentacles and could only hear Spitfire grunt in pain as more grew. But suddenly, he had a plan.

"Excalibur, the removal of the head can easily stop this creature. It is wise for us to do so." He said.

"Understood." He said.

Excalibur waited for a tentacle to strike before taking his chance. As soon as Frost froze one, he ran up it and sliced any that tried to attack him. He jumped up to the face of Golem and sliced at it. While it wasn't decapitated, Golem stumbled back a great distance.

Excalibur landed and sliced away a tentacle.

Soarin kicked away a leaper and saw an ancient walking towards him. He wasn't quikc enough to get out of the way as it's appendage shot towards him.

A rainbow maned pony stepped in the way quickly and was grabbed. Instantly swung over the creature and slammed into the ground, Rainbow Dash didn't get up from the attack.

"Rainbow!" Soarin yelled as he kicked the Ancient to the ground and flew over to her. Scraps and bruises covered her body as she breathed quietly.

"She's hurt!" He yelled.

Trinity ran over to see. "She will be fine." She said as she began to heal her.

Soarin watched over her for the remainder.

Frost jumped out of the way in time to see an chance for Mag to run up the tentacle as he froze it. She ran up, dodging every strike and jumped up to empty her clip into Golems face, causing it to stumble back.

By now, the edge of Canterlot was in sight. Pushing Golem off was an option if they could free Spitfire.

"All in rush I say." Excalibur suggested as Ash landed near them and caught his Glaive.

"I agree." He said.

They each hopped around Golem and waited for Frost to freeze the Tentacles to the ground. Golem became frustrated and did just that as he slammed five to the ground only for them to be frozen in place as the three hoped on and ran along them to the top.

Ash ran up and threw his Glaive and let it knock Golem back as he jumped and sliced it at it's face before jumping away for Mag to slice away with her Jaw sword and hop away as Excalibur did a single slice in time for Frost to join and do the last slice with his Reaper.

Golem stumbled and began to lean back as the body began to fall away. The last leg fell away as he fell off. The chest cavity disintegrated as Spitfire fell through with Blaze flying right through it to catch her.

He landed with her in his hooves back to the group to have her open her eyes. Her suit had burned away from the flesh that sucked the life out of her. She had trouble with standing as well.

"Hey, guess what Rook? You're in." She said as she passed out.