• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 2,869 Views, 129 Comments

Ponyframe - SolidFerret

  • ...

Define "calm" before the storm

"So, how does it feel?" Lotus asked to the unicorn, who was busy looking at his new skin. It had covered his hooves, all of his body except for the tail, his neck and covered parts of his cheeks.

"It feels really weird." He answered.

"The answer I thought you would say. Take your time."

Sharp Edge shook his hoofs and body as he tried to adjust to the new layer of skin. Then, he suddenly ran at top speed at a wall. He jumped to the side and ran along side it. He jumped off, doing a flip before landing.

"Damn, this thing doesn't hold me back." Sharp Edge commented while catching his breath.

"Impressive." Lotus told him. "But I'd like to see your combat skills before we enter battle."

"Lets do it." Edge said.

"Okay, follow me." Lotus lead him into a room that was pure white.

"This is the training area. The Tenno train here and so shall you. The enemies fire live rounds but I know that if you are skilled enough, you will come out on top." Lotus said as she left Sharp Edge in the room.

"Now, I will spawn an idle enemy. He won't move. Show me what you are capable of." Lotus said as a hologram of a Grineer soldier appeared in front of Edge.

"Take him down." Lotus ordered.

Edge spawned a blade from his magic and sliced at the target, killing it.

"Hold on, I need to give you something." The door opened and Lotus stepped in with a device in her hand. she walked over to the unicorn, examined him before holding his head still and putting the device on.

When Edge opened his eye, he noticed the right side was colored red.

"You are currently wearing an eyepiece that gives you the HUD of a Tenno. With this, you can see an enemy's health and shields. You can also check your own shields with this."

"What about health?" Edge asked.

"You merely have the protection and sight of a Tenno, I can not see your health since you aren't a Tenno." The voice went through the part of the piece on his ear.

"Got it." He confirmed.

"Now, you must prove yourself. Take out the wave of enemies. Be warned, they will fight back." Lotus instructed as a small amount of holographic Grineer spawned.

Edge took his blade and blocked the strike of a Grineer sawman. He countered with a slice that turned the sawman into two. It 'fizzled' away as Edge rushed towards the next target. The Lancer fired rounds at him that were deflected by the blade. Sharp Edge took off the hand that was on the trigger and stabbed the Grineer.

He turned to dodge a swing from a Scorpion unit. He dashed forward and slashed at him, dropping him dead. He looked over to see that last two rushing at him. He smirked as he flipped over one who swung his cleaver at him.

He slammed his blade into the ground that split his target in two. Without hesitation, he quickly killed the other marine.

"Impressive. They will most likely underestimate you for being a pony. Use that to show the Grineer what you're truly made of." Lotus said as the doors opened to show Excalibur.

"You're skills have been proven. Now be ready to use them." He said. "Our mission is simple." He said as the two walked to the hangar. "Rescue Princess Twilight, who is being held on the Grineer-taken Corpus ship." He explained.

"We are splitting up. The prison block will be heavily guarded. While I enter, you must keep the Grineer away. After the rescue, we will rendezvous at the top of the elevator." He said as they walked out to the hangar.

"Sounds like a plan." Edge said as he saw the drop ships.

"Good, we will not be in the same area upon entering. Stay alive." Excalibur ordered as he entered the drop ship.

Edge looked at the structure of the holding part of the dropship and ask, "How am I supposed to get in this?"

"You're armor is magnetic to the material of the holding. Just jump in." Lotus said.

Edge took a running start before jumping. Feeling his body get taken by the magnetic force, he spun around to feel himself slam into the holding.

"Good luck." Lotus said as the doors closed, sealing him in.

As he could feel himself lift from Equestria, his only thought was coming back.

Not for his home, but for her.

"Lotus, we have entered the Corpus vessel undetected. The operation will commence on your go."

"It's a go."

Vauban dropped from the ceiling, followed by Ash. Trinity and Ember stood behind the two as they nodded.

"Tenno, i'm currently monitoring two missions at once. Try not to have me busy between the two." Lotus said.

"Understood, with hopes, the Corpus are to distracted with the Grineer."

"One can and pray and tell. Keep your guard up. I'll check in with you later. Lotus out."

"Sharp Edge, do you read me?" Excalibur asked.

"Yeah, I have you." He said nervously.

"Do not be afraid. Use their under estimation as a weapon."

"Got it."

"Remember, make your way to the top of the elevator and wait for me." Excalibur instructed.

"Alright, I understand."

"I'm going in." Excalibur said as he dropped from the ceiling.

"Roger, see you when you got the job done." Sharp Edge said as he dropped the Grineer corpse he made down and followed it.

The metallic halls of the ship were unfamiliar to the pony.

"Sharp Edge, you should see a minimap within vision from the eyepiece. I have marked your objective for you." Lotus instructed him.

"Yeah, I see it." He confirmed as he started moving.

As for Excalibur. he patiently waited by a door. Waiting was a specialty in Tenno. They had waited for reawakening and the skill carried itself from there.

The door opened to show a single Grineer unit walking by. Taking his chance, Excalibur jumped on top to his shoulders and sliced his head off with his dual blades. He fell dead as Excalibur back flipped off.

Excalibur silently ran into the room and saw a security camera. Drawing an arrow, he took out the camera, only catching the of a few Grineer in the room. He snuck up behind them and stabbed one with the sworn and the other with the dagger.

"Huh?" The Marine in the center looked behind him and saw Exca-

The two blades ripped from the bodies and went through him. His body fell forward while his legs fell backwards.

"Simple." Excalibur commented as he drew his bow and ran off.

"Excalibur, it appears there are plans for Everest to move off of this ship as soon as General Sargas Ruk arrives." Lotus said.

"Is he an assassination target?"

"Negative. The mission still stands. Find Princess Twilight and get her out of here." Lotus commanded.

"Order received." Excalibur said as he ran to the next room.

"We're in." Vauban said.

"Split up. Ember and I will retrieve the artifact while you two rescue the hostage." Ash said.

"It is a plan." Trinity said as she and Vauban ran off.

"Lets move." Ember said.

Vauban and Trinity ran through and charged at the corpus forces, since they were in a full force of four, stealth wouldn't matter.

The alarm sounded that notified the ship, alerting all forces of their presence.

"This mission should go easy for us." Trinity said.

"You two," Ash contacted, "we have a problem."

The two looked over to see a lone Corbus crewman running. He turned around to shoot before stumbling and falling down. He was pulled back where blood sprayed the walls around the hall.

"I see." Vauban said as he pulled out his blade.

A creature rounded the corner, it looked as if a sickness had became alive and attacked someone.

"Lotus, it appears this ship is infested."

"More bad news, Sgt. Nef Anyo abandoned ship and let Rarity there with the Infestation. Orders stand. Find her and the artifact."

"Our problem, a Corpus vessel has appeared." Ash said.

"It is assumed that Anyo fled there. Whoever commands it must have came here to assist him."

"This mission remains." Trinity said as Vauban took care of the wave of infected.

"We need help. Reaming Corpus have found us." Ember said.

"Trinity, you can go. I will find Rarity." Vauban said. Ember nodded and ran off.

Using his telsa grenades, he covered a path and ran, nearly unscathed from the Infestation.

"This ship is rather small. Did Nef only plan a recon mission?" Lotus wondered.

"It seems so. A ship with such a small build is designed for such missions. the ship Anyo fled to most likely is the invasion frigate."

"Also, i'm reading what looks to be plans to blow up the ship you're on while it's guns are trained on the Grineer ship."

"I have to admire their plan." Vauban said as he reached the prison block. A rather strange sight was Rarity hanging from the bridge with a bright blue rope tide around her. Her eyes laid closed while hey face showed no emotion.

Vauban quickly jumped up and cut the rope. He caught her as he landed and got the tazer ropes off of her.

"Rarity, wake up." He shook as she opened her eyes.

"Am I... safe?" She asked.

"Yes, we are leaving." Vauban sad as he helped her up.

"We have the artifact. But the numbers are overwhelming. We have to leave now." Ash said over radio.

"Rarity, can you walk?" Vauban asked.

"Yes darling. Lead the way." She said.

The door opened to show several infected clawing their way towards the two. Rarity shrieked at the sight as Vauban gunned them all down.

"We must move. Quickly." He said as he ran off with Rarity following.

Most of the telsa grenades were still working and the path was mostly clear. The few that weren't were easily dealt with at the hands of Vauban.

They ran into a circular room. "It says that evac is on the other side of the next room. Hurry." He said as he ran to the end of the room.

Rarity was bout to get out when something wrapped around her hind hoof and pulled her back in. It let her go and she hit the wall. A swarm of infected surrounding her. She screamed as one leaped at her.

Vauban quickly stabbed it and tossed it back. He fought a few more before seeing he odds.

"You have to leave. I'll stay and fight them." He said.

"but you won't make it." Rarity said, tears forming in her eyes.

"You must. We came here for you." Vauban argued as he shot a leaper.

"But why, you don't know me. Why sacrifice yourself?" Rarity pleaded as tears fell.

Vauban looked at her said "Because... I made a promise to get you back safely from someone."

Rarity began to bombard hi with "who?"

"But I was also ordered to keep a secret. You must go."

"Who would want to keep a-" Rarity figured it out. "SPIKE!" She yelled out in anger. "It's that crush on me, isn't it."

"It appears you already knew the secret, a mistake on his part." Vauban said as he killed another Infested.

"No, you can't." She said as she ran over to the Warframe.

Vauban had enough and threw her out of the room. She begged him not to as he shot the control panel, preventing the door from being opened.

"Vauban! Vauban, please! VAUBAN!" She yelled as the gun fire and blade swinging ceased and was drowned out by the growls of the Infested.

"Rarity, we wish for this not to happen. But Vauban made his choice." Ash said from behind her.

Rarity only sobbed before she weakly walked to extraction.

"Hey, I see dropships!" Spike exclaimed happily.

They landed on the balcony. When they opened, Spikes smile went to a concerned look from Rarity's condition.

"Rarity, are you okay?" He asked. The other ponies were silent.

Rarity said no words, her messy mane and red eyes told a sad story.

She wanted to scream, blame him for the death of her rescuer. But she stopped when she remembered, what would Vauban had wanted.

She stepped off of the ship weakly and over to Spike. she pulled him into a very tight hug as she quietly sobbed.