• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,217 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Treasured Moon & Stars

Volume 1

Luna's Treasured Moon

By: TigerSwirl448

Edited by: Xhoral1865

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Hasbro & Lauren Faust

Treasure Planet (c) Disney

Castle in the Sky (c) Studio Ghibli


Thirty-five years ago, deep in the Equestrian Galaxy, war waged for seven years in the outer reaches of space. Ponies fought with cannon and musket to end the tyranny of Discord and his legion of pirates and soldiers. Hundreds of ponies perished in the war and many have surrendered or desert to Discord’s side to end the never ending bloodshed.

Princess Celestia, the matriarch of the Equestrian Galaxy called up to arms six young mares to bear a powerful weapon. The powerful weapon is comprised of six magical crystal jewels that hold the spirits of Harmony in which scholars call them, The Elements of Harmony. Each crystal jewel was given to the six mares to fight against the armies of Discord, and creating peace in every corner of the galaxy, one planet at a time. The Elements were given to two unicorns, two pegasi, and two earth ponies. These six young mares symbolized what the galaxy once was: Equal and Harmonious.

After the war, a horrible rise of power came out of nowhere. Pegasi and unicorns dressed in black and red came out and started beating their earth pony brethren in the streets of Canterlot. Nopony knew why but they never wanted to question the attacks, of fear of being disloyal to the Princess and the threat of death. Many earth ponies begged for help but for some reason Princess Celestia, a goddess and mother to her people, turned her back to the screams and murder as ponies begged for her help. Thus this began the huge rebellion against the nobles and Princess Celestia that lasted for six trying years. With Celestia’s new soldiers of black and red at her side she ordered for all earth ponies to be arrested for aiding Discord and to attack all the ponies that dare disrespect her.

Because of the Earth pony involvement many innocent earth families were taken into forced slavery under the Princess' watchful eyes. They watch as their own children were killed by laser and sword. Earth ponies that had wives or husbands that were unicorn or pegasus were dragged to the military camps to be a part of the new empire. No pony has ever understood the coldness in the Princess' heart that day. The Princess called to arms the Unicorn and Pegasi soldiers that were loyal to her and ordered them to destroy any and all Earth Pony havens. This rebellion caused the six Elements of Harmony to be forcibly separated, and thus the Elements were forever forgotten and disappeared.

After the war, the next twenty-three years were hard for any pony with Earth pony blood. These ponies were forever known to be Hybrids. Any pony that had Earth pony blood in them was sent to the slave pits or to the streets. The space ports are the few places in the galaxy where these hybrids can get a job without question but these jobs are usually cruel labor that no unicorn or pegasus can do.

But the most heavily known job for these hybrids was piracy. At least two-thirds of the known hybrid population turned to piracy and used their stolen or custom made sloops of war to attack merchant ships and ransack small ports and planets. Because of this, Earth ponies and hybrids alike are known as monsters and rats.

But one day everything changed . . .

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

The young pegasus Captain ran down the hall grabbing the wall arch to slide around the corner without stopping.

“Move it!” She ordered as two earth pony servants dodged the pegasus soldier as she sprinted down the hall. She can see the shocked looks of her soldiers standing at attention against the tapestry walls watching their captain sprint past them.

She can hear the cries of shock and outrage down the next hall so she started to slow to a walk breathing hard, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her wrist. She stopped by the corner to fix her uniform jacket of scarlet red and her black three cornered hat then turned the corner. She can see family members already there and she can tell that the rumors she heard from the servants’ quarters were true.

The look on all the unicorn and pegasi faces were of stunned disbelief. Some were growling and grinding their teeth and more were thinking, or just staring blankly at the walls across from their positions, no doubt plotting. As the Captain approached the crowd a guard, dressed in a golden uniform of a low officer trotted over from his position by the large doors to the captain. She grabbed his shoulder and squeezed hard giving him a glare. The young unicorn soldier gulped with nervousness.

“Is it true?” She hissed. He nodded, gulping, and turned to the door.

“Gender,” the Captain asked.

“Filly, Captain,” he answered with a tremor in his voice. He was shaking under her blue hand.

The Captain sighed pulling off her hat to reveal her rainbow colored mane as she scratched behind her damaged ear. The unicorn guards eye's widened a bit seeing the tear in her right ear as she scratched behind it. She gave him a glare. The guard gulped, looking away.

“I have a very bad feeling, Captain Dash.” He whispered truthfully looking around.

“Me too,” Captain Rainbow Dash of the Royal Guards flatly stated, pulling her hat back on her head and decided to take control as she smiled at the crowd.

“Ladies, gentlecolts,” she said patiently. The royals turned to her. “Please go about your business, the child has been born. You may wait downstairs for the dinner party. Thank you,” she bowed in respect as the royals start walking down the hall away from the birthing chamber. Once they were gone and out of ear shot, the captain turned to the guard. She pointed to his position at the wall where he once stood earlier.

“Stay there and make sure nopony comes near here without my jurisdiction. Understand?” Rainbow said severely making it clear that nopony was to come through the doors.

The guard nodded then nervously saluted, causing his hat to fly off of his head. “Uh, yes, Captain ma’am!” He bent over to pick up his hat then ran to his post then stood there in a guard position with his laser musket at parade rest.

Rainbow Dash sighed, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger feeling a fresh new headache coming on. She walked to the doors. She pulled off her hat, holding the black hat in her arm as she used her other hand to fix her unruly mane. She straightened up, took a breath, then stepped inside the room closing the doors behind her. Inside the first room she could smell the blood left over from the birthing which made her dizzy as snippets of the past flashed through her eyes.

Blood, death, screaming dying soldiers reaching for her begging her to save them or to finish them to end their pain.

“Captain Rainbow Dash,” the vision flashed away when she heard a young male’s voice. She bowed to the unicorn Prince as he walked over. “I wasn't really expecting you until dinner,” he said formally.

“What’s wrong with me wanting to see my favorite student’s filly?” Rainbow said closing her eyes smiling at him. She opened her eyes to see his troubled look.

Prince Tick Tock is the third in line for the throne after Queen Celestia. His light brown fur, dark brown mane, and gray-blue eyes a darker contrast to the lustrous whites of the Queen. His handkerchief, which had an hourglass embroidered to look exactly like his cutie mark, was hanging out of his pocket so he used his magic to fix it. She noticed that he was dressed in his white long sleeved shirt with a black buttoned vest and of course she can see his watch chain hanging from his pocket.

Rainbow Dash knew Tick Tock since he was a young stallion with dreams of joining the guard, hoping to get a better position in the line to the throne. It worked but only for a short while since the war ended before he got a promotion. Rainbow Dash taught him everything he needed to know about defense against daggers, swords, even laser pistols and muskets. He’s like an adopted son to Rainbow and she has to make sure he was taken care of. This included his family, even though it was distasteful to do so.

“I’m just...you know, concerned,” Tick Tock sighed wiping his forehead. “I've already been given so many complaints about my wife Sapphire Melody and now...” He noticed the look on Rainbow’s face of annoyance. He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, Captain.”

“No, Highness, you do not need to apologize for speaking the truth.” Tick Tock nodded blushing. He cleared his throat loudly.

“So um, what did you hear?”

Rainbow turned away looking at the walls trying to avoid eye contact with him. “Forgive me, Highness, but I am down right speechless,” she growled bluntly.

“Oh?” the prince intoned scratching the back of his head.

“I was hoping like many others here, Highness, that your daughter is a Unicorn.”

Tick Tock gave her a stormy look. “She’s more unicorn than-”

“You’re highness?” Tick Tock and Rainbow Dash turned to see the nurse, a pegasus servant. By the mark on her cheek she was a slave and a hybrid. Dash turned away to look out the window as the mare continued to speak.

“You’re wife wishes to see you, again. Would you like to see the filly, too, Captain Dash?” Rainbow turned to the pegasus hybrid then turned to Tick Tock to see him with a stoic face but his eyes shown his anxiety.

“Why not,” Rainbow Dash sighed with a shrug.

The servant bowed low as the Prince and Rainbow walked into the bedroom. Rainbow could hear a foal lightly cry as she walked into the bedchamber to see the Duchess, a unicorn Hybrid. She held in her arms a bundle of cloth with the newly born Princess. Rainbow bowed when the Duchess looked up at her. Tick Tock walked over to the large bed. He leaned over to whisper into his wife’s ear. Rainbow glanced at Sapphire and snorted silently with disgust. Tick Tock married this Hybrid unicorn. Her coat is a silver gray color and her eyes are a captivating lilac purple. Her mane is a black color that reminded Rainbow of the black cannons on the pirate ships she battled fifteen years prior.

She watched as Tick Tock took the bundle from the mare and walked over to Rainbow Dash. He removed the blanket from the filly’s face. Rainbow’s eyes went wide with shock. This foal has a Prench gray colored coat that combined the two parents coat colors perfectly. The filly has a curl of dark gray hair on her head. The filly opened her eyes to reveal two lilac purple irises. But the one thing that made Rainbow pale was that this filly had no wings or a horn. She’s an Earth pony!

“You may say what you want now while you still can, Captain. Because the next time I see you I won’t be so kind,” Tick Tock said threateningly, snapping Rainbow out of her stupor. She turned to Tick Tock with a glare of her own.

“Alright, let me start with this, Highness,” she pointed to the foal. “This...this is blasphemy! You are lucky that she is your daughter or I would have to kill her myself!”

Tick Tock turned to see his wife scared to death. It was no secret that Rainbow and Sapphire Melody never got along since Tick Tock married her. Sapphire Melody was born in the Manehattan streets, left there as an orphan to die or to be a slave. But somehow she managed to live long enough for the Prince to stumble upon her and deciding to give her help. Soon this help became a popular thing. The Prince and the Hybrid fell in love and they held a secret wedding. And Rainbow being Tick Tock’s true guardian and close friend never really agreed with the pairing, fearing for their lives and for her own.

“But,” Rainbow began getting the Prince’s attention. Tick Tock turned back to his teacher and friend to see her glow with a blush. “But... I will make an exception with this one. You are like... my own son and I want what is best for you,” Rainbow said with a light smile. Tick Tock grinned. He turned to his wife to see her calm down but she was still apprehensive.

“Do you want to hold her?” Tick Tock asked. Rainbow Dash was so surprised by the question that her wings popped open with shock.


“I asked if you want to hold her. You are like my second mother after all,” Tick Tock said grinning.

Rainbow Dash looked around, then behind her to make sure the door was closed. She gulped, thinking that this was her only chance to hold a foal. She couldn't bear children of her own and was heartbroken at the memory of learning that when she was in her teens. But what if she dropped the filly or she doesn't like her?

Tick Tock smiled and handed her the bundle anyway making her yelp in shock.

“Highness,” Rainbow yelled out trying to hold the foal without dropping her.

“Just hold her for a moment will you?” Tick Tock asked as he walked to a writing desk and start searching the pockets of his black tailored suit that he laid on the desk. Rainbow Dash just stood there very still, holding the little foal in her arms shaking with nerves.

“Uh Highness,”

“Just one more minute,” he said grinning with mirth enjoying the uncomfortable look on Rainbow’s face. Rainbow didn't know what to do in this type of situation. She looked up then noticed Sapphire holding her arms up showing Rainbow how to hold the foal correctly. Rainbow gulped fixing her arms gently then got a perfect hold of the foal.

The foal blinked looking up at her in her eyes. Rainbow just stared back feeling like this baby was looking straight into her soul with those eyes. The foal uncurled her tiny fist to reach for strands of Rainbow’s mane. Without a second delay the foal let out a yell and yanked Rainbow’s hair making her wince with a curse.


“Oh where did I put that paper...Just a moment, Captain,” Tick Tock said still searching for whatever he was looking for. Rainbow winced when the evil filly yanked her mane, again.

“TICK TOCK!” she screamed out his real name, making Tick Tock jump at the volume and turn to see Rainbow in a fix. “A little help here,” she said with as much coldness as she could. She yelped again feeling another hard tug and the filly started to giggle at Rainbow’s face. “That little-” she started hearing the filly laugh louder at Rainbow’s expense.

Sapphire was giggling behind her hand seeing the horror on Rainbow’s face. “Forgive me, Captain Dash,” she said getting Rainbow’s attention. “But I say that she really likes your mane,” the Duchess said, giggling again making Rainbow glare at her.

“I could care less if a foal liked my mane or not. Tick Tock get your daughter to let go of me!”

Finally Tick Tock yelled an exclamation, holding a folded piece of paper in the air. He walked over and stuck the paper between his teeth to reach for the foal, unclamping her hand from around Rainbow’s hair and getting a sigh of relief from the Captain.

“Thank you,” Rainbow said flatly, fixing her mane and pulling out a rubber band out of her pocket to put her hair into a ponytail. Note to self, put hair up when seeing a foal, she thought to herself. Tick Tock held the foal in one arm as he unfolded the paper with his other hand smiling at his teacher as she fixed her uniform top and dusted herself off.

“So,” Rainbow asked with her hands behind her back, glowering at her student. “What’s the fillies name? Something earth like?”

“No,” Tick Tock said placing the paper on the desktop. He looked down at his daughter and stroked her cheek making her giggle. She grabbed his brown fingers looking at them with interest. “My wife and I thought of a beautiful and unique name.”

“Which is,” Rainbow asked crossing her arms across her chest putting her weight on one foot.

“Octavia,” Tick Tock said softly. The filly cooed after she was named.

“That’s it? No second name?” Rainbow asked surprised.

“Not yet my teacher,” Tick Tock said with a smirk. “Octavia will be the sixth in line to the throne, now. Once she reaches the royal age she will be given a second name that reveals her title to the world as the first Earth mare to be a Princess.” He looked over at Rainbow to see her rolling her eyes with a sigh.

“Listen, I’m happy you want to make a statement with her, Highness,” Rainbow started sadly. “But face it, she will be killed sooner than later. You should have seen your cousins and brothers outside. They were not happy.” Tick Tock nodded solemnly, holding Octavia’s little hand.

“I know, but I’ll make sure Octavia lives. Once she turns sixteen she’ll be taken to Canterlot and from there she’ll surely be protected,” he paused, thinking. Rainbow sighed turning to the window to see the birds flying by the window.

“Rainbow Dash,” She blinked hearing her name not her rank. Rainbow turned back to the prince straightening up her posture. “As my friend and guardian, I wish for you to do this for me, for us.” Tick Tock said indicating Sapphire and Octavia. “I wish for you to guard Octavia. Secretly of course, not all guards are as watchful as you.”

Rainbow blinked and turned away with a deep sigh. If she agreed to this request she would be looked at as a traitor. She can’t get into that ditch, again. She was almost executed when defending two particular Earth ponies she knew as a young mare. Now she’s a Captain of the Royal Guard. Can she really risk her career for an insignificant Earth pony Hybrid that shouldn't have been born in this day and age?

Rainbow let out a sigh turning back to Tick Tock then to the mother. “Listen to me very carefully, Highness. I have a reputation to keep. I can’t be seen watching that...Hybrid mess,” Tick Tock blinked at the force of her words. “But...I will watch her if she’s alone. I’m not going to like it Tick Tock, I must be loyal to all royal family members in this house. And you know my orders are to your older brother, Blueblood.”

“I understand,” Tick Tock nodded, it’s not hard to see that he was very disappointed.

“If he orders me to kill her...” Rainbow cleared her throat to show she didn't want to continue talking about the possibility.

“You wouldn't kill an innocent foal would you?” Sapphire Melody asked, the fear in her voice evident.

“My loyalty is renowned, miss. But...my loyalty goes to those I truly care about most.” Tick Tock’s ears perked at that statement and grinned. Rainbow grinned back placing her hat back on her head. She walked to the door, her hand on the knob. She turned to see Tick Tock return the filly to his wife. Sapphire held her daughter dearly kissing her on the head. Rainbow felt guilt as she turned away. She pulled the brim of her hat lower over her eyes.

“Highness,” she stated without turning. “Octavia, is a beautiful name for a beautiful...Princess. I look forward to watching her grow into a beautiful young mare.”

“Thank you, Captain Dash,” Tick Tock said holding his wife’s hand.

“And one last thing,” Rainbow said coldly. “If there is a royal family member higher up than you or Blueblood that gives me the order, I will have to kill her.”

The room went deathly quiet from the cold threat as Rainbow opened the door and left the room feeling tears of regret in her eyes. She walked past the servants cleaning the linens then out the double doors seeing the soldier still standing at his post. He made a salute seeing her. Rainbow waved her hand in return as she walked away wiping her eyes trying hard not to cry. She marched down the hall for the tenth time that day, continuing her vigil of the halls.

There was so much she has to think about as the voices of a certain friend rang in her head, Where do y’er true loyalties lie, Rainbow, with the soldiers or us, y’er real friends?

Author's Note:

Alright, here is one of many stories I have made over the last year. Hopefully Treasured Moon and Stars gets popular, I have been working on this trilogy for most of the summer. Hope you enjoy. More is on the way.

Alright one of the first things I did for the 2014 new year, was the plan that I would re-edit my first story for you guys. Since another reader told me on another story that I jump tenses a lot ... I knew that not only do I have to change tenses but I have to (sometime) fix TMS 1 since half of the story jumped tenses a lot! So as of Jan. 5th, 2014 the prologue got a new face lift. It was mainly tense and comma problems that had to be fixed. But yeah, it looks like a real book, huh?

Big thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing. He helped me out big time with this and he'll be helping me for the rest of the fic. So for those of you guys that have read TMS 1 before the edit, did you notice a difference? If you did I hope you find it easier to understand. And for the new readers, did you enjoy the story?