• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,219 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 9: "Friends, No, We're Enemies."

Chapter 9

“Friends, No, We’re Enemies.”

The smell of gunk and grime had woken up Rainbow Dash from her position against the wall. She groaned as she tried to move her arms only to hear the clanking of chains. She blew her bangs out of her face to see the dirty chains around her wrists above her head.

“Captain, are you awake?”

Rainbow yawned, smacking her mouth. “Yes, your Highness, I’m still alive if that’s your question.”

Tick Tock, who was across from Rainbow Dash, tried hard to shift his weight, but it was hard to do so in his position. His wrists were bound by chains above his head. This was day four of being prisoners in Nightmare Moon’s pirate ship. Lately the two ponies had been stuck in this cell since their capture.

It took Tick Tock a long time to get over the loss of his wife and daughter and the anger from the betrayal from his brother. Rainbow can’t say she blamed him. She knew what betrayal felt like and the anger and sadness that came with it.

“How are you holding up?” She asked, straining to get her stretched muscles to move from position.

Tick Tock sighed. “I’ve had better days.”

Rainbow smirked. “You never change.”

“Neither do you.”

They both chuckled then winced from the pain in their shoulders and back. They stopped their chuckling to hear the door from above open up with footsteps banging down the steps to their cells.

“Here’s chow,” Rainbow muttered with a smirk. The shadow started stomping in with oversized boots and the clanking of keys on the keeper’s hip. The shine from the lantern reached them, blinding the two prisoners.

“Alright, chow time Royals.” Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut from the light, but something about the voice of this pony made her perk up her ears to try and remember where she had heard that voice before. The cell door opened with a screech as the pony walked in. She shut the door and locked it from the outside of the bars. She reached Tick Tock first and unchained his wrists and allowed the heavy slabs of meat called his arms to fall on his thighs, causing him to sigh with relief as blood rushed back into his arms.

“Here,” the pony handed the bowl to Tick Tock as he started slurping the gooey soup. The pony turned to Rainbow and stopped dead in her tracks.

“Well, I’ll be,” Rainbow opened her eye to see the lantern sitting on the floor, but the light from the lantern revealed a familiar orange face in front of her.

“AJ?” Rainbow asked, clearly surprised.

Applejack scowled at her as she stood up straighter, one hand holding the second bowl and her other hand on her hip, glaring coldly at her.

“Rainbow Dash, or is it Officer Dash? Commander Dash?” Applejack said harshly. Rainbow turned away toward the wall with a glare of her own.

Tick Tock stopped eating to hear the exchange between the older mares. He looked at the pony to see her dressed in the old raggedy, deep blue clothes of the pirates. She was wearing a large black belt with a set of knives and a pistol hanging on her belt. On her head was a well-worn Stetson hat that looked horribly out of place with her outfit. Tick Tock could also see what looked to be an old tattoo on her bare arm, showing what looked to be a dark orange apple rimed in brownish bronze.

“Uh, you two know each other?” He asked carefully still staring at the tattoo, wondering where he saw that picture before.

Applejack started to chuckle. “Know each other? Hell, we were friends, once.” Applejack reached for Rainbow’s chin and forced the pegasus to look into her green eyes.

“But this no good traitor turned her back on everypony she knew.”

Rainbow glared back intently, snarling.

“What?” Applejack asked smiling. “You’re not even defendin’ yourself, Dash?”

Rainbow kept her mouth shut, glaring. Applejack smirked but her face convened being disgusted.

“You have nothin’ left do ya? You were nothin’ without us and you know it.”

Rainbow stayed silent.

“Aren’t ya gonna say anythin’? Defend yer so called honor?”

Applejack shoved Rainbow’s head into the wall, causing Rainbow to wince, but bit her cheek to keep from screaming in pain from the back of her skull.

“Say somethin’ you no good son of a bitch!” Applejack screamed, grabbing the collar of Rainbow’s shirt. Tick Tock blinked at the ferocity from this stranger. What did Rainbow do?

Rainbow opened her eyes, glaring at her. “I have nothing to say.” she said through gritted teeth.

Applejack raised her eyebrow then grinned. “Really, that’s quite interestin’.” Applejack leaned closer to Rainbow’s ear.

“Here I thought you of all ponies would be callin’ me a slave bitch like all them other pegasi guardponies. Or you might have liked to see me in chains? Whipped on the post, screamin’ in agony and you’ll be sittin’ in your little comfy plush chair enjoyin’ every last second of it.” Applejack spat harshly.

Rainbow felt her ears flatten on her head, turning away from her, squeezing her eyes shut. Applejack chuckled.

“I don’t know what else to say to you, Rainbow Dash. I never really understood you. I guess I never will.” Applejack turned to the Prince and grabbed his wrists and forced them up so she could reshackle them in the manacles. Once that was done, she started to walk out.

“What about her?” Tick Tock called out with a glare. “She needs food, too.”

Applejack gasped, stopping at the cell door and made a look of shock.

“Oh my, I forgot poor Rainbow Dash!” Applejack exclaimed sarcastically. She held up the foul bowl with a menacing smile. “Try eatin’ your food the way they made me do it in Solitary.” Applejack sloshed the goopy soup in Rainbow’s face, laughing. Rainbow kept her eyes and mouth shut as Applejack continued to chuckle.

“You know what, those bastards were right,” Applejack sighed, shaking her head, leaning against the wall, looking down at Rainbow. “It is a lot funnier on the other side.”

Applejack left the cage and locked it behind her. “Have a good night sleep, Rainbow Dash. And do you remember that question I asked you? You never did give me an answer.” Applejack kneeled down, glaring at Rainbow Dash through the bars.

“Which side was more loyal? Their side that killed and ranted lies? Or our side, where yer true friends were the whole damn time, before everything went to hell?” Rainbow blew the goop away from her mouth and nostrils as she turned to her old friend with a glare. Applejack snorted standing back up. She took the lantern with her to the stairs. Rainbow remained silent as Applejack’s footsteps receded up the stairs then the door slammed shut, leaving the two prisoners into darkness again.

Tick Tock growled. “She had no right to treat you like that, Rainbow.” He turned to where Rainbow would be in the darkness but heard nothing in reply.

“Rainbow, surely...” He started.

Rainbow let out a sigh. “No, I deserve every bucking insult and beating she throws at me.”

Tick Tock blinked in shock. “But... Rainbow Dash, you don’t deserve any of this treatment. You are a decorated soldier and trusted friend. You’re loyalty is well known.”

Rainbow closed her eyes feeling tears in her eyes.

“Loyalty, huh,” Rainbow whispered chuckling. “Loyalty... for some odd reason Highness, loyalty is all I have left in my useless life. But the most important loyalty is not only to the kingdom, but to friends that care about you. I’m not loyal, Tick Tock. I stopped being loyal since the day we met.”

Tick Tock sat there frozen. “But... You,”

“Look, just shut your mouth and don’t talk about it.” Rainbow hissed, afraid to speak any louder with fear of her voice cracking, letting Tick Tock know that she was crying. Tick Tock closed his mouth, but felt one nagging question.

“You knew that horrible mare?” He asked gently with a glare in the darkness.

Rainbow snorted. “Horrible? That’s not the friend I used to know.” Rainbow sniffed silently. “Ever since the end of the war, I was always asked for loyalty to the Queen. And every officer would ask me about my friends. Do you want to know what lie I say to them, Highness?”

“What?” He asked gently.

“Friends, no, we’re enemies.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia let out a sigh after finally finishing mopping the whole deck of the ship. She leaned forward with her mop, wiping her forehead with her arm. She turned seeing Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle leaning against their mops mimicking her, equally tired. Octavia was really grateful for having the two fillies helping her. Octavia closed her eyes feeling the breeze as she remembered a mere three hours ago, when she first completed her task of swabbing the decks. She was actually happy for herself after completing the hard task.

Until Vinyl came out with a cigarette between her lips, puffing out the rancid smoke. Octavia gave Vinyl a distasteful look as she smoked. Vinyl looked around, giving her the evil grin. Octavia knew the look and knew that something was going to go wrong, very quickly. Vinyl tapped her cigarette with her thumb smiling, innocently. Octavia watched with shock as the long suspended amount of ash fell on the deck. What made it worse was when Vinyl deliberately kicked the clump of ash across the deck, shaking her head, and clicking her tongue.

“Look there, Sweet Cheeks, you’ve missed a spot. And you know what they say to missed spots, right?” Vinyl smirked, taking another draw from the foul weed. Octavia looked at her with a glare. Vinyl continued that evil smirk, blowing out the smoke from her mouth.

“That means, if you missed one spot, you’ve missed a lot of them. Re-swab it.”

Octavia gaped staring at her. “You’ve got to be joking?! After all the work I’ve done?”

Vinyl shook her head, frowned a touch, and pointed at the deck. “Re-swab the deck, Sweet Cheeks.”

“It’s Octavia!”

“Look, get to work or you won’t have time for your dinner ration. Chop, chop, Princess Sweet Cheeks,” Vinyl ordered again, sweetly. Octavia stayed still and silent as Vinyl walked away, tossing the cigarette bud over the rail into space as Octavia fumed and tried hard to keep her mouth shut.

Over hearing the exchange, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said they will help. Octavia promised to repay them in full. Apple Bloom just shook her head and said nothing to it. Sweetie Belle agreed. After cleaning the deck a second time, Octavia let out a sigh using her sleeve to wipe the sweat off her face.

“What now?” Octavia asked seeing the star being blocked by a planet, it’s getting dark soon.

Apple Bloom went down on her back panting. “Sleep!”

“Food!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, causing Octavia to laugh.

“Well, well, well,” all three looked up to see Vinyl walking up, with her hands in her pockets and that ever present smirk on her face.

“I see you had some unintentional help.” Vinyl said frowning, looking at the two fillies.

Sweetie Belle helped Apple Bloom back on her feet. The two fillies blushed at the statement. Vinyl looked at the deck and tapped her boot on the boards, examining the boards. Octavia grinded her teeth, promising to attack Vinyl if she tried another missed spot jest again. Instead Vinyl nodded once her face looked serious and that smirk was long gone now.

“Hmmph, not bad, for a Royal that is,” Vinyl said shrugging, crossing her arms across her chest, staring at the sky, trying to avoid looking at Octavia. Vinyl scratched her neck pointing behind her to the direction of the mess deck.

“Get some chow, you’ve worked past lunch time anyways.”

Octavia blinked at the tone of kindness in Vinyl’s voice. She almost sounded impressed.

“Really,” Octavia asked surprised.

Vinyl nodded. “You’re a part of my crew now,” she said seriously, looking straight into Octavia’s eyes. “And that means equal rations. Get something to eat while the stew’s still warm.”

Vinyl turned and walked away, heading for the mess deck. Octavia let out a sigh, leaning against her mop, relieved that Vinyl didn’t make her work, again.

“Thank Luna’s Moon!” She exclaimed smiling, shaking her head. “I thought she was going to trick me, again.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “She wouldn’t.”

“Why’s that?” Octavia asked confused. Sweetie Belle tugged on Octavia’s vest getting her attention.

“Professor Do got on to her after she played that trick on you.” Sweetie Belle answered with a glare at the Captain’s back. “If my sister was here, she would have given her a good talking to.”

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “Yeah, so would my sister... before she left. Big Brother would have made her clean the decks herself.”

Octavia chuckled. “You two have family?” She asked silently. The two fillies nodded.

“Well,” Sweetie Belle started, “I only have my big sister, Rarity now. Mom and Dad died in the war.” She said sadly, looking down at her feet. Apple Bloom glared at the sky.

“My Ma and Pa died when I was still a foal. I lived with my brother and sister and granny until ... the guardponies started destroying our plantations, creating prison holds and stuff.” Apple Bloom said crossing her arms across her chest, showing her anger.

“My big sister left with some smugglers to go and get more work and more money for the farm. She never came back.” Apple Bloom gasped rethinking her statement. “I mean she did come back, only for a short while though and promised me that she would be back. That’s what my big brother always told me. I was three when she left. That was ten years ago.”

Octavia smiled kindly at the earth filly, ruffling her mane. Apple Bloom smiled a touch looking up at her. “Just so we’re even. I’m probably alone in this world, too.” Octavia said sadly.

“How would that even happen, Princess?” Sweetie Belle asked confused. Apple Bloom nodded.

“Yeah, don’t you Royal types have huge families or somethin’?” She asked confused.

Octavia kneeled down so she can look up at the young fillies. “Well that is true I’m supposed to have a large family but my father was... denounced from his family so it was only me and my parents and that was it.”

The fillies looked at her shocked. Octavia smiled again. “But as a Royal, I’m sort of in league with those ponies that made the horrible laws. But I have made an oath since the day I learned the history of our galaxy.”

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked confused.

“To bring back harmony to our galaxy; never turn against our Earth pony neighbors. Return the unity of all three species and live together in peace and harmony. I swore to give young colts and fillies like you two,” she said tickling the two fillies with a grin, causing them to giggle. “Give you two a great future without fear of race or discrimination of each other.” Octavia stood up seeing their smiles. “But you want to know something I’ve learned so far?” Octavia asked.

“What?” The two fillies asked.

“You two and uh Scoots?”

“Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom corrected.

“Right, you three together are the goals I want to see: Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth ponies living together as friends, not enemies. If only the Royals can learn from fillies like you three.”

After a pause smiling at the fillies, Octavia sighed looking at the stars. “Let’s get something to eat shall we?”


“I’m starvin’!”

Octavia allowed the two fillies to race each other to the mess deck as she recounted on what she just said. It felt so right saying those things. Dreaming of a future galaxy with friendship and harmony, she sighed with a thought.

“I just hope it won’t lead to another war.” She thought out loud.

Octavia walked to the first hatch closest to the quarterdeck, which she called first hatch, taking the stairs to the mess deck below to see everyone already sitting around eating or drinking. Twilight was sitting near Professor Do, sketching in her journal, she looked deep in focus as she continued to making long strokes with her charcoal. Daring was busy writing in her journal, making notes and flipping back into her journal to read, then return to her page and write some more.

At a large table, Spike, Derpy, and Scootaloo were playing some game with dominoes. Scootaloo slid a domino in, smiling as Derpy and Spike both looked up and gasped in shock. Octavia turned to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom gathering some stew and biscuits. Octavia turned to see Vinyl sitting in a chair, leaning against the wall, pulling out another cigarette, lighting it.

Octavia shook her head and walked through the small aisle between tables toward the small kitchen in the back, getting her some food then balked seeing the soup. She turned seeing Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom giving her looks, staring at the same brew. Octavia sighed, looking into the dirty pot then took the dipper and pour a spoonful of stew into her bowl seeing chunks of meat. She was vegetarian, as all ponies should be! Why was there meat in this stew?

“You look green there, Sweet Cheeks.” Vinyl taunted, laughing, getting a glare from the Princess. Vinyl chuckled, puffing some smoke out of her mouth. Octavia blushed, feeling her ears flatten on her head with annoyance.

“What do you feed your crew, Captain Scratch?” She asked using her mother’s own tone with the servants, when somepony made a terrible mistake. And that would usually be finding poison or metal shavings in the food meant for Octavia.

Vinyl shrugged, pushing herself forward so the chair can sit on all fours.

“Listen, Sweet Cheeks, on a ship, you eat what you get. And Spike’s a good cook.” Vinyl said, pointing at the blushing dragon, shuffling the dominoes for a new game. “And besides,” Vinyl continued, grinning. “It’s better than moldy, rotten vegies, aye?” Octavia growled. Vinyl just snickered at her response. Vinyl stood up, stretching her arms in the air hearing her back pop a few times.

“I’m taking first watch,” Vinyl called out heading for the stairs.

“Aye, Cap!” The spacers call out but continued their game as Vinyl climbed up the sitars to the air outside. Octavia walked to Twilight’s table and sat down with the more sophisticated ponies on this boat. Octavia gulped, lifting up her spoon and started poking at her stew. Twilight gave her a sad look.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with that pony.” Twilight mentioned. Octavia sighed.

“It’s alright. It’ll take some getting used to.” She paused, taking an experimental taste of the stew and shuddered at the flavor. But it’s passable. Twilight made a face nodding.

“I know,” she said sadly.

Octavia smiled a touch then bit into her biscuit but heard a crunch and felt pain in her gums. Octavia yelped covering her mouth with shock, staring at the hard biscuit she bit into.

“By Luna! What are these?”

“Biscuits, Princess,” Daring said, flipping through her journal, without looking up.

“These are biscuits?” Octavia asked in shock staring at the hard food item in her hand.

“Mm-hmm, most biscuits are hard as rocks. Be lucky you don’t have weevils in them.”

“Weevils, Professor?” Octavia asked, dreading the answer. Daring closed her journal, placing her finger over her place, opening her mouth but the head of Apple Bloom popped up next to Octavia, surprising the Princess.

“Bugs!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, smiling, raising her hand in the air.

“Bugs?!” Octavia exclaimed, staring at the biscuit in her hand, letting it drop on the table revolted. As the biscuit hit the table like a rock. Daring chuckled, shaking her head as Twilight gave the same look of disgust and horror, pushing her own biscuit away.

“How on Celestia’s earth?” Twilight asked gulping back bile.

“Weevils are often found in the flour. And in turn get mixed with the biscuit batter. But of course that’s not the only unusual food source on a ship like this.” Daring said smiling a touch.

“Please, Professor,” Twilight begged. “No more.” Octavia nodded, pushing her bowl to the side. Apple Bloom took the bowl away to share with Sweetie Belle, to Octavia’s horror. Daring noticed her look then sighed sadly.

“I see Apple Bloom has lived long enough to understand the “Waste Nothing” way.”

“Waste Nothing?” Octavia asked confused. Daring nodded, making a grimace. Twilight sighed turning through some pages in her journal to the front.

“Yes, ponies like Apple Bloom, or even worse than her, often live with little or no food at all. So when food is given or sent their way, they take it and waste nothing. They would eat anything.” Twilight said, starting to draw again her appetite forgotten.

Octavia turned to see Apple Bloom eating the soup as if it would be her last meal. Sweetie Belle didn’t eat as fast as her friend but Octavia can tell by the look in her eyes as they sparked with joy of having food. Octavia’s ears went flat on her head feeling horrible, staring at the hard biscuit.

“I guess I’ve forgotten how lucky I was compared to other ponies like me.”

Twilight placed her hand on Octavia’s hand and squeezed.

“I understand. I too felt the same way when I first went to my first poor space station outside of Canterlot. It makes me wonder what I would’ve done if I was in their situation. But of course, ponies like us understand the needs of the poor and slave classes, unlike some others.” Twilight said harshly, turning back to her journal.

Octavia lost her appetite, thanks to the bugs in her biscuit lesson, and decided to leave. She excused herself and decided to thank Spike for making the dinner. Spike looked up, surprised, and nodded, saying it was his job. Octavia walked past the players as Derpy made another win, Scootaloo and Spike both yelled out insults of cheating as Derpy took the bits, laughing.

Octavia walked up the stairs into the cool breeze of night. She stared at the stars for a moment thinking when she suddenly heard something. She looked around hearing a whistle being played.

The melody! The same melody she heard on her first night on the ship. The whistle was louder now. She turned and gasped silently, seeing Vinyl sitting at the pole pointing out of the bow. What was that called again, a bow spirit? Octavia thought. Octavia shook that out of her mind as she approached carefully, tip-toed closer, hearing the beautiful tune.

Octavia took a seat on the rail as Vinyl continued to play the tune. Octavia closed her eyes, hearing the music take her away. Dancing with an unknown pony as the music continued to play. At first Octavia thought it was her father dancing with her when she was a little filly. She twirled with him as the music continued. But this pony felt nothing like her father. This pony’s shape was off and even his size.

The music stopped beautifully, ending Octavia’s vision. Octavia opened her eyes, feeling wet tears on her face. The song was so peaceful and beautiful. She watched Vinyl close her eyes with her face up to the air. Octavia gulped, thinking if she should announce her presence. She saw Vinyl’s ear twitch and she turned, opening her eyes then gasped staring at her with shock. Octavia’s face went red, stepping back on the deck. Vinyl closed her mouth, turning away. Octavia thought quickly.

“That was beautiful,” Octavia said carefully, turning away. Vinyl spun around and went back on deck, sticking the long silver flute-like whistle into her vest.

“What are you doing here?” Vinyl asked sourly.

Octavia cleared her throat, thinking. “I was going to bed when I heard you play.”

Vinyl blinked then cleared her own throat, scratching her cheek. She remained silent turning away, pulling her rolled up sleeves down her arms to get warm.

“Well, I guess... Good night, Captain, until morning.” Octavia said bowing her head and turning away.

“Wait a minute, Princess.” Vinyl called out, stopping Octavia in her tracks. Octavia turned with a query look.


Vinyl cleared her throat again and coughed to the side. Octavia blinked with worry. The cough sounded bad and sickly. Vinyl turned away, pulling out rag and started coughing into the rag then spitting over the side.

“Are you alright?” Octavia asked with concern.

“Yeah, fine. This is normal.” Vinyl said with a croak clearing her throat again sticking her rag into her pocket wiping her nose.

“Are you sure?” Octavia asked. Was this from her smoking those cigarettes?

“Yeah, listen follow me.” Vinyl ordered, walking past Octavia. Octavia blinked, having a funny feeling in her gut; it was just a split second when Octavia thought she felt a horrible pain in her body. When the feeling passed, Octavia was hoping it wasn’t the biscuit she ate.

“Alright as a new member of my crew, you have to sleep with the rest of the crew.” Octavia stopped.


Vinyl smirked at her face. “You are a member of this crew. That means, follow me.”

Vinyl started down the steps to the second hatch to the cargo deck. Octavia stopped, looking around the dark interior. Vinyl used her magic to create an aqua blue orb of light to float over her hand, revealing a large empty space with four hammocks strung between four different poles. Two hammocks on each set of poles one on top and another one on the bottom.

Vinyl reached into a barrel and pulled out a heavy load of cloth and tossed it to Octavia. Octavia didn’t notice the cloth and was covered by it with a squeal, falling on her back trying to get the hammock off of her. Vinyl snickered, shaking her head. Octavia pulled the hammock off of her, glaring at Vinyl with a messy mane.

“This is your new bed. String it up over there.” Vinyl ordered, pointing to another set of poles with metal hooks hanging from the poles. Vinyl sat back on a barrel, watching Octavia clip her new bed on the hooks at the low level. Octavia turned to make a statement but noticed Vinyl was turned away, holding onto her chest, making a grimace of pain. She stopped and thought about what she knew of the captain so far.

Octavia doesn’t know much of this mysterious Captain Vinyl Scratch. She is a Unicorn Hybrid with an Earth pony parent, since she called herself a Hybrid. She somehow knew much of the society behind the Royal society; she even knew about the Slave Empire and how it worked. But was there anything else? Octavia cleared her throat, causing Vinyl to turn to her, pulling her hand away from her chest placing it on her hip.

“Alright, so are you all set?”

“I guess so,” Octavia answered, nodding.

Vinyl nodded, turning away. “As a part of this crew, you have to have a watch rotation.” Vinyl said looking at the barrels, placing her hand on one of them. Octavia noticed how pained she looked. Even though she had that grin on her face Octavia could tell through her eyes that she was in pain.

“Captain, are you sure you’re alright?” Octavia asked, placing her hand on Vinyl’s shoulder. Vinyl turned to her with a scowl and a glare. Octavia blinked and pulled her hand away, she turned away with a blush. Vinyl lessened her glare and sighed.

“Yeah, I’m fine, really.” Vinyl said watching Octavia nodding slowly, not believing a word she said. Vinyl thought for a moment then sighed again before turning to the stairs.

“Alright um, your watch starts tomorrow night. No need to worry about one tonight.” Octavia blinked and turned to watch Vinyl walk to the stairs with her hand on the wall for balance and her other hand wrapped around her stomach as she continued up the stairs slowly.

Octavia stood there for a moment longer then decided to walk to her new bed and sat down, feeling the low drop and yelped as she sank into her new bed. She looked at her boots that were in the air then at her hammock. She sighed and pulled off her boots and set them under her hammock. She pulled off her vest and placed the doublet vest on top of her boots. She turned to the stairs where Vinyl disappeared and felt that feeling in her stomach again. Vinyl didn’t look good. No, she looked horrible. Octavia gulped rubbing her nervous stomach.

She heard footsteps and looked up to see the three fillies coming down, waving good night to Octavia. Octavia grinned back, watching how the fillies slept together. It turned out that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle slept together while Scootaloo took a hammock for herself. It made sense to have the small ones share a hammock. So no doubt that Scootaloo and Spike share a hammock. Then Derpy and Vinyl sleep in the two different hammocks.

Octavia got comfortable in her bed and noticed that thanks to her weight in the middle, both flaps of the hammock closed over her, giving her a dark cocoon. She squirmed to get comfortable then soon she fell asleep, curling her fist over Luna’s Tear feeling safer holding on to the jewel.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Professor Do walked out from the first hatch. She wanted to breathe after being in the mess deck for so long. She looked over to the side to see Vinyl standing by the ratlines, smoking another cigarette and lightly clearing her throat, then spitting over the side. Daring stuck her hands into her coat pockets and stood next to Vinyl.

“Evening,” Daring said silently. Vinyl nodded in return with a grunt. The two mares stood silent, watching the stars. Daring sighed. “Captain, I want to make a request.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Look Professor, if it’s about Octavia, I’m not going to let her slack off in her new position, got it? So just drop it and let me handle her. She’s a part of my crew now. You’re not the Captain of this boat.” Vinyl snapped getting irritated. Everything just had to be perfect for little Princess Perfect.

Daring closed her eyes with a smirk. “I wasn’t thinking about the Princess, Captain Scratch.” Vinyl turned to her with a glare. She leaned, against the rail, pulling out her cigarette to let the smoke trail out of the corner of her mouth with the wind.

“Huh, so what do you want?” She asked. Daring nodded, letting out a breath.

“The nearest port is Hoofington.”

“Yeah, what about it,” Vinyl asked.

“I have a colleague there that I need to speak to. He knows more of the legend of Luna’s Moon and Luna’s Tear; he’s the main historian in the galaxy with the knowledge of the legend.”

Vinyl nodded. “Hoofington, huh... hmm isn’t that the space station with mutants?”

Daring nodded with a grim expression. “Yes, I’m afraid so. Because of the uranium mines on Uranium Peak most ponies that go in either die or become mutated.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Hmmph, heard some crazy stories about that place. I can hardly believe them.”

Daring chuckled in return. “There are many stories from that planet alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if those legends were real, even on Hoofington space station.” The two chuckled again at the thought. After a moment of silence the talk went serious again. Daring sighed.

“I would recommend you get extra members for your crew.”

Vinyl turned with a raised brow and a frown. Daring nodded.

“If we keep going on this route Captain, I fear for your crew and the Princess especially. After your little stunt back in Fillydelphia Space Port, it won’t be too crazy to think that the agents from the Royals will want her head. She has nowhere to go Captain. She is nothing but a Hybrid now. She has no claims to land or money. And with the possibility of Prince Tick Tock dead, nopony will protect her. Not even her uncle Prince Blueblood will dare lift a finger to help her. He would rather give her the boot.”

Vinyl nodded thinking that Daring was truly right. Octavia was now a fugitive, a criminal for merely existing. Without aid or a guard, Octavia would walk into an alley and get raped then killed. Nopony will give her any sympathy. Vinyl flicked the cigarette bud away, blowing the smoke out of her lungs.

“So you want me to hire some more hands? I don’t have enough room, Professor.”

“Well at least get two or four more able-bodied spacers. I could care less whom you hire Captain, but consider my warning. With the possibility of the Princess here, there will be more trouble than pirates or Royal Guards chasing you.”

Vinyl nodded with a sigh. “Alright Professor, we’ll dock at Hoofington Space Port. We’ll be there in a couple of days.”

Daring nodded with a small smile. “Glad to hear it, Captain Scratch. Good evening to you, then.” Daring said saluting with her finger to her forehead. Vinyl saluted back with grin.

“Night, Professor. Sleep tight.”

Author's Note:

Chapter 9 is up. Hope you guys are enjoying this. Chapter 10 will be up soon, possibly after my parent's anniversary.

So any questions? Did you guys catch which Treasure Planet scene I used in this chapter? If you caught it great. :) Can anyone guess what happened between Rainbow and Applejack? Start speculating. And are there any mistakes I missed? Please let me know if there are any.
Jan. 13th, 2014: Chapter 9 has been edited. Special thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing help. If there are any mistakes please let me know. Thanks. :twilightsmile: