• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,219 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 17: Capture

Chapter 17


That night the Fancy Flute was on high alert. Derpy was walking around the deck with a musket in her hands, watching around her with an occasional glance at the strange white moon that seemed to glow with a white light. She shuddered as she turned to continue her march around the ship, looking around in the sky. She peaked over the rail to look down to see nothing but space and stars. She sighed then continued on her watch.

Spike was snoring in the mess deck drooling on the clean bar with the cleaning rag as a pillow. Sleeping nearby was Scootaloo, arms crossed on the table with her head on top of them, snoring slightly next to an empty tankard that had been knocked over. In the hammock room, down the second hatch, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were sleeping close to each other, keeping warm from the chills of the night. In the cabin area behind the helm Daring was sleeping in her room on top of her papers, maps and journals. In another room Twilight groaned in her sleep as she rolled to her side. She struggled in her dream, rolling in her bed gritting her teeth and holding her arm in her sleep, struggling through war dreams.

Octavia, however, was wide awake as she walked through the underbelly of the Fancy Flute. She found the stair well down to the engine room to get some privacy. Ever since the whole twin assassin thing, Octavia couldn’t find anywhere to be alone and away from everypony. Until one day she discovered a stairwell leading to the life boats in the deep belly of the craft. There were two small life boats in the medium sized room. At the end of the suspended walkway that hung over two small bomb bay doors she saw a large oak gun cabinet filled with muskets, pistols and a large sack of chargers. When Octavia tried to open the gun cabinet, it was locked. Ever since discovering this secluded place of peace and darkness Octavia would go there to be alone and decompress her stress from the day. Knowing that nopony would look for her there.

She found the door that lead to where the life boats were. It was a small craft that had its own sail and control system. She didn't go down here much but when she found it one night she had sat in it and had fallen asleep. She woke up just in time to get to work. It was also a private place for her. Octavia walked on the metal walkway between the two boats then stopped at the one to her left. She sighed leaping up to pull herself up and over the lip into the lifeboat. Once she got into the comfortable spot between the two benches on top of the towels she used as a comfortable bed and blanket she closed her eyes and tried get some sleep, knowing she would need it in the morning.

She stiffened, hearing a noise and peeked over the lip to see Vinyl walking into the room, looking round. She snuck past Octavia’s position without knowing she was in the lifeboat. Vinyl reached the end of the walkway to the large gun cabinet. Octavia leaned over to get a better look to see her pull out a key and unlock the padlock keeping the gun cabinet locked. She placed the padlock on the cabinet then open the doors. She removed the small sack of chargers and then placed her fingers on the wall and pulled out a piece of the cabinet wall off. She then reached into the hole for something that Octavia couldn't quite see.

Octavia leaned farther on the side of the boat to get a better look at what Vinyl was doing. Suddenly there was a creak and Octavia felt the small craft tilt dangerously causing her to fall out of the boat landing hard on her stomach on the walkway. Vinyl yelped out turning with a pistol in her hand pointing at Octavia.

“Octavia?” Vinyl squeaked quickly blocking the view of the hole with her body. “What are you doing here?”

Octavia groaned rubbing her face sitting on her knees. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Hey, I’m the captain and I’m asking you a question.” Vinyl sputtered, while she placed the pistol back in the cabinet and locking it with a key. She put the wooden plank back as she locked the cabinet, hoping that the action of locking the cabinet would cover up the movement of putting the plank back into place. She turned to see Octavia standing up.

“So give me an answer.” Octavia ordered leaning against the pillar. Vinyl walked over to Octavia. She stopped just short of her and leaned against the same pillar that Octavia was.

“What were you doing in here?”

Octavia blushed. “I just wanted to be alone. That’s all.”

“Why?” Octavia turned to see Vinyl was inches away from her again. Octavia blushed as she turned, fiddling with her mane. "I couldn’t sleep and well... You've never slept in a separate room before right?”

Vinyl shrugged. “Well, I’d rather sleep with my crew.”

Octavia gave her a look. Vinyl blinked and gasped, "Hell no, not like that! I don't do that kind of stuff with my crew!"

Octavia covered her mouth with her hand giggling. Vinyl blushed deeply as she shook her head. “Mares.”

Octavia smiled. “Now for my question. Why are you down here?”

Vinyl blushed again clearing her throat. “It’s none of your business.”

Octavia gave her a look. “What’s hidden in that locked cupboard?

“Nothing but weapons.”

“Hmm, it seems very important if you’re hiding it from me.”

Vinyl blushed harder as Octavia leaned in closer, giving her a look with a quirked brow. Vinyl sighed turning away but gave her a sidelong look, roving her eyes from Octavia’s face, then downwards. Octavia blushed and actually slapped Vinyl across the face.

“Ouch!” Vinyl jumped back placing her hand on her cheek. “What was that for?”

“For looking at places you’re not allowed to look.” Octavia turned away blushing.

Vinyl cleared her throat. “Look... about the other night,”

Octavia stiffened, she’s not ready to face Vinyl yet after that kissing display from before. She had to think of something, but what? What she could say? The only idea she had was probably the most stupid move she’d ever made.

“I've got to go.” Octavia said quickly before she bolted for the door heading up the stairs.

“Hey, wait a sec!” Vinyl ran after her up the stairs, taking them three at a time. She had almost grabbed Octavia's tail when she slipped on the stairs, falling face first onto a step. She sat up as she groaned, holding her hurting but undamaged face. Octavia stopped at the top to look down at her as Vinyl looked up at her. Octavia blushed wondering what she should do. Instead her mind told her to run.

Octavia turned and started running again.

Vinyl groaned. “Damn princess!” She hissed running up the stairs.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Three black cloaked pegasi flew towards the Fancy Flute. The three landed on the yardarms of the mast and smiled, seeing Derpy walking around on deck below. She rubbed her hands together under her long sleeved shirt. The first pegasus pulled out her knife nodding to her partner. He nodded pulling out a heavy bottle. He swooped down landing silently on the rail as Derpy looked up at the sky. She noticed unnatural movement in the sails and pointed her rifle up at the shadow ready to fire.

“He-!” Derpy felt the hit from the bottle as it shattered against her skull knocking her out as she collapsed to the deck groaning. The other two pegasi landed around Derpy as she slowly reached for her musket. A large boot stepped on the musket causing her to look up.

“Who-?” she started.

The blue maned pegasus smirked. “Your worst nightmare.” She stomped on Derpy’s head knocking her out. The mare reached into her pocket to pull out a laser pointer and pressed the blue beam button to signal their ship with a grin on her face.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia panted leaning against the wall shaking fiercely from what she just did. She just left Vinyl on the stairs. She stiffened, hearing a noise and peeked around the corner she was hiding behind. Seeing nothing she leaned farther out to see further down the hall. From behind Vinyl leaped off from the metal pipes on the ceiling landing in a silent squat. Standing up, she walked towards Octavia’s back. Octavia’s ears flicked hearing a noise. She turned, feeling Vinyl grab then push her against the wall. Octavia drew breath to scream. Vinyl covered her mouth with her hand shushing her.

“Hey, hey, hey,” She whispered as Octavia struggled against her. “Stop it!” Vinyl whispered glaring at her. “Geez, can’t you take a hint. I want to talk to you.”

Octavia was still glaring at her. Vinyl lessened her glare and sighed. She removed her hand placing her hand against the wall to lean forward.

“Look,” She said with a sigh. “I want to apologize for the way I acted on you the other night.”

Octavia blinked blushing fiercely turning away to see Vinyl’s hand still on her shoulder.

“It’s alright, really.” She whispered. Letting her feelings come out and not hiding again.

Vinyl used her finger to turn Octavia’s face toward hers.

“No, it’s not alright.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

One unicorn snuck down the stairs to the mess deck to see Spike and Scootaloo sleeping. He waved for somepony above to come down. Two guards came down behind him and one walked to Spike. The stallion grabbed the dragon fast, causing Spike to yelp out. He started fighting against the stallion’s hands. During the struggle Spike’s tail hit a pepper shaker. The pepper shaker clanked on the ground waking Scootaloo. She gasped seeing shadows grabbing Spike. Spike moved his snout away from one of the hands to blow fire, catching the unicorn’s cloak on fire.

“Ahh, get it off, get if off!” The stallion screamed out slapping his arm as Spike made a run for it.

“Stop him!” A mare screamed out grabbing Scootaloo before she could run away too.

“Let me go!” Scootaloo screamed out.

Spike ran to the steps only to be hit with a club at the top. Spike fell back down the stairs, landing on the floor not moving. Scootaloo gasped, she could only think of one thing to do.

“VINYL!” Scootaloo screamed out before the mare grabbed her muzzle to keep her silent.

“Shut up you little shit, or you’ll get your tongue cut out and I promise it’ll be bloody.”

Scootaloo fought back, but stopped when she felt a knife against her throat.

“Sir!” A female unicorn called to the stallion as he placing a cold rag on his burnt arm.

“What?” He whispered.

“The pirates got two young ones in another hatch. And two of our unicorns caught two others up in the cabins.”

“And?” He asked turning to the unicorn.

“There are empty hammocks and it seems the little pones sleep two a hammock. But there are two empty ones.”

The mare look down at Scootaloo to see her struggling still in her grasp.

“This one called out a spacer called Vinyl.”

Another mare nodded. “There is also the word that the princess is in here, too.”

A mare comes down holding her side. In the faint light the soldiers could tell she was pale.

“Sergeant?” One of them asked with concern.

The mare was panting hard and fast. “They know we’re here.” The mare whispered before collapsing on the ground. The unicorn stallions ran over and checked her body. He turned to the mare with shock.

“She’s dead,”

“By what?” The mare asked in shock as Scootaloo went still, scared to death.

The stallion glared at the mare. “War Magic. We have a fucking war unicorn on this damn boat!”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia turned away panting slightly trying hard to stop her beating heart. Vinyl stroked her face leaning forward.

“If you want me to stop...”

“No,” Octavia whispered breathlessly staring into her eyes only to see those dang goggles over them. Octavia reached up with both hands touching the rims of the goggles. She bit her lip and slowly pulled the goggles down over Vinyl’s muzzle to look into her eyes.

“I never really seen eyes like yours before.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Well your eyes are very rare where I’m from.”

Octavia let the goggles rest around Vinyl’s neck as she looked at the captain’s spikey blue mane. She reached up with her fingers stroking her hair actually surprised to feel that her mane was actually very soft.

“Where are you from?” Octavia asked.

“Manehattan.” Vinyl whispered.

“Where?” Octavia asked in a whisper.

Vinyl stroked her mane tracing her finger down Octavia’s neck causing her to shiver again. “You want to know?”

Octavia looked down seeing how close Vinyl was to her. She looked into her eyes wondering what secrets they hold. This could be her chance in understanding who Vinyl is and what was the problem with her lungs. Octavia reached up and placed her hand over Vinyl’s chest. She could feel Vinyl flinch at that, looking down at her hand. Octavia can feel Vinyl’s heartbeat quicken and felt something else. She concentrated on that feeling and she can feel what Vinyl feels.

Fear, curiosity, pain, and one thing that made her stiffen, love? Octavia looked up into Vinyl’s eyes. Vinyl blinked and her ears went flat on her head. Now she was scared.

“Vinyl, why are you in pain?”

Vinyl blinked looking at her with a raised brow. “What?”

“You’re in pain,” Octavia whispered looking at her hand still resting Vinyl’s chest.

Vinyl cleared her throat looking away. “I’m not,”

“I can feel it Vinyl,” Octavia said firmly. “Aren’t we friends?”

“Well... Yeah but uh,”

“Friends tell friends things right?”

Vinyl groaned. “You’ve been hanging around with those fillies for too long, haven't you?”

Octavia blushed. “I see you in pain Vinyl. You're always coughing, and I've seen you cough up blood."

Vinyl turned away and sighed. “It’s nothing, I had this all my life.”

“It’s serious Vinyl,”

“Look-” Vinyl started but jumped hearing a noise. She looked towards the direction of the stairs.

“What-” Octavia asked. Vinyl shushed her covering her mouth with her hand pressing against her looking over. Octavia was blushing fiercely feeing Vinyl’s body pressed against hers.

Vinyl released Octavia’s mouth and shushed her silently reaching into her pocket and pulled out her knife. Octavia gulped.

“What’s going on?” She asked silently.

“I don’t know.”

Vinyl left Octavia at the corner slowly walking over to the next corner with her back against wall with her knife ready. She turned back to Octavia telling her to back away. She looked over and after a short moment she gasped walking out into the hall.


Twilight ran over still dressed in her night shirt with a pair of trousers with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle behind of her. Daring was behind them with a pistol in her hand and bleeding from a shoulder wound. She was dressed sloppily, too.

“What-” Vinyl started to ask.

“Pirates!” Apple Bloom whimpered, “They have Scootaloo!”

Octavia walked over surprised. “Pirates?”

“Nightmare Moon's pirates!” Daring said grunting in pain. “They've got the others. They’re coming now.”

Vinyl looked over hearing shouts from the pirates.

“They have royal guards, too.” Sweetie Belle cried. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran to Octavia hugging her waist, crying. Octavia looked up at the others holding the little fillies tight.

Daring sighed pointing to Vinyl, “Get them out of here.”

“What?” Vinyl asked looking at Daring with shock. Twilight turned to Daring.

“Let me help you,”

“No, Twilight, you are just as important as Octavia,” Daring pointed at Vinyl, “and you are the only one I can trust to protect her highness.”

Twilight turned hearing a shout, the pirates and guards were coming. Vinyl nodded. “Alright, let’s get going.” Twilight hugged Daring tightly.

“Be safe.”

Daring patted Twilight on the back. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

Suddenly there was another shout. Professor and assistant turned to see a royal guard standing at the end of the hall pointing at them.

“There they are!” The guard yelled out firing his pistol. Daring shoved Twilight away firing her pistol.

“GO!” Daring screamed out firing again and hid behind the corner as the guards fired back.

“Come on, come on!” Vinyl ushered pushing Twilight ahead of her. Vinyl then grabbed Sweetie Belle and started running.

Octavia was the first at the door opening it. She ran down into the life boat room first then jumped off at the fifth step. Apple Bloom jumped down after her, landing in a squat and fell on her hands and knees, letting out a cry of pain. Twilight scooped up the filly as she ran after Octavia. Vinyl set down Sweetie Belle at the bottom of the stairs. She turned to look up to see a unicorn looking down at her from the top.

“They’re-” The guard started before Vinyl threw her knife making a direct hit in the mare’s throat as she fell back, dead before she hit the ground. Vinyl cursed herself for losing her knife as she closed the door and pulled down the lock lever, sealing the door. She knew that the door would only hold the pirates back for so long. She found a musket on the floor and pressed a button on the top to make a melting laser and melted the lock lever to keep it from being opened and to give them more time to run.

“Get in a boat, now!” Vinyl screamed out running over. “Twilight, catch,” Vinyl tossed the keys to Twilight’s hands then pointed to the gun cabinet at the end of the walkway. “Get some weapons now!”

Twilight nodded as Octavia helped the fillies into the boat. Twilight ran to the cabinet and unlocked the lock to find pistols and muskets with chargers. She found a pack on the floor and started stuffing it with chargers. She slung two muskets around her shoulders and started running to the boat and handed the bag to Apple Bloom.

Vinyl ran to a control panel on the wall by the door and started pressing buttons. Octavia pulled herself into the boat. After she was inside she helped Twilight climb into the boat. There was a loud pop. Everypony turned to see Vinyl curse while she punched the wall next to the control panel.

“Dammit stupid-!”

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“The control panel is fried! I can’t open the doors without the controls!”

Apple Bloom blinked at an idea. “I can help!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Octavia yelled out as Apple Bloom leapt off the boat into the walkway losing her balance a touch. Once she caught herself she ran up to Vinyl’s side. “Apple Bloom!” Octavia yelled out as she grabbed Sweetie Belle to keep her in the boat.

Apple Bloom slid to a stop beside Vinyl. “What’s the matter?”

“You should be in the boat.” Vinyl scolded.

There was a loud bang being caused by some ponies hitting the locked door beside them. The escapees were running out of time.

“I can help, Vinyl! Really!” Vinyl looked down at Apple Bloom to see her eyes filled with determination. She wasn't going to back down lightly and Vinyl had seen her handy work with the ship’s engines before. She might be able to fix this. Vinyl reluctantly nodded.

“Alright, make it quick.” Apple Bloom nodded as Vinyl stood by the door, pointing her musket at the doorway. Apple Bloom reached in her trousers pocket and pulled out a small screwdriver and started unscrewing the screws of the control panel off. Once done she pulled out the panel carefully and looked inside. She whistled in surprise.

“Do you know how old these wires are?” She asked. Vinyl groaned rolling her eyes.

“I’m well aware on how bad the wiring is kid, just get that thing running!”

Vinyl suddenly heard a strange noise. She turned to the door to see a red point at one corner of the door that slowly became a red line moving across the door. They were cutting through the door!

"Dammit," Vinyl cursed under her breath. She turned to see Twilight getting the weapons ready with a surprising amount of expertise. Vinyl made a mental note to ask the young assistant where she had gotten the know-how to do that if...when...they got out of this predicament. After Twilight had gotten a couple pistols ready she handed one to Octavia and one to Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom reached into her back pocket and pulled out a set of pliers as she stuck the screwdriver into her mouth to start working on the old wires.

“Hurry up kid! They’re cutting through the door!” Vinyl yelled out getting nervous wondering what to do when the enemy came through that door.

Apple Bloom cut a wire causing it to spark and used the pliers to twist the copper wires together causing them to spark again.

“Got it!” Apple Bloom yelled out pushing the panel back into the wall, then flipped a switch and pressed a button. Vinyl gasped turning to see the Bombay door opening.

The door to the stairs blasted open, showering everypony with smoke and debris. Vinyl leaped forward covering Apple Bloom from the blast. Apple Bloom started coughing from the dust and smoke from the blast. Vinyl started coughing too, cursing as she couldn’t stop coughing.

“Vinyl?” Apple Bloom asked with worry, hearing Vinyl’s coughs.

“Get in the boat!” She croaked still coughing.

Apple Bloom got up and limped to the boat. Vinyl crawled to the edge of the walkway to find the control panel for the lever to lower the boat and pulled it down. The boat started to lower as the Bombay door reached the end, opening wide revealing the white moon below. Octavia reached out to Apple Bloom before she could jump over. Apple Bloom made a leap ready to grab Octavia’s hand when she was covered green magic. Apple Bloom was pulled away back into the smoke.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle screamed out as Twilight grabbed her pulling her down into the boat. She pulled out her pistol pointing it at the smoke and dust as it started to settle.

“Fire!” Twilight yelled out. Octavia jumped as Twilight stared firing her pistol out at the dust cloud. Octavia grabbed her pistol and started firing as well.

In the dust cloud on the floor, Vinyl finally breathed in a lungful of air, then started to vomit the blood that had built up in her lungs from the coughing that she had been doing. Vinyl sniffed, breathing hard as she turned to see Apple Bloom fighting the magical hold ot the unicorn guard as he sneered at her.

“Well look what I caught, a little earth pony.” He called out laughing.

Vinyl held out her hand with her weak blue magic covering her horn and hand as she growled. The unicorn stiffened then grabbed his neck, choking, and dropped Apple Bloom from his magic. Apple Bloom fell onto the skinny metal walkway’s edge, she fell sideways with a scream of fright. She caught the edge and hung on. She looked down to see the long drop to the white moon. Apple Bloom whimpered trying to pull herself back into the ship.

Vinyl used her magic to push the choking unicorn into a group of pirates like pins to a bowling alley. Suddenly she let out a strangled cough holding her chest. She felt pain and yet nothing else. Her eyes widened at the realization. She couldn't breathe! She looked over to see Apple Bloom looking at her with fear as she tried to pull herself up. Vinyl fell on the walkway trying to make herself breathe.

Then finally what felt an eternity she gasped in air breathing. She looked at Apple Bloom, then at the boat that was slowly going down. She heard the lever being pushed behind her. She turned to see a pegasus dressed as a pirate grinning down at her. Vinyl looked up again to see Twilight still firing her pistol at the pirates and guards. Octavia fired less, with a low chance of hitting somepony. Vinyl looked back at Apple Bloom as she turned to see the Bombay hatch slowly coming towards her as she struggled to get her foot on the edge to pull herself up.

Vinyl had an idea she looked up at the winch. She grabbed her musket and aimed it up at the winches.

“Hey!” The pirate yelled out as Vinyl pulled the trigger. The shot missed the winch causing the ponies to duck.

“Fire at the winch!” Vinyl screamed out then kicked at the pirate at his leg causing him to jump back. Vinyl stood up on the walkway ready to fight tooth and nail. Twilight heard the scream and looked up at the winches then down noticing the Bombay door was closing with Apple Bloom hanging on tight to the edge of the opening.

“Octavia aim at that winch up there, I’ll take this one!” Twilight ordered aiming her pistol up. Octavia noticed Vinyl fighting and Apple Bloom hanging on.

“But Vinyl and Apple Bloom!”

“On my count!” Twilight yelled out ignoring the plea. She had to get Octavia out of here.

Vinyl was punched in the face as she limped away from the pirate. She lifted up the musket to fire at her, but instead of a laser she heard a fizzle and a snap. The charge is empty. With nothing better to use Vinyl flipped the musket over and swung it at the pirate knocking her out. She turned hearing more coming for her.

“Now!” Twilight yelled out as she and Octavia both fired their shots breaking the winches. With the winches broken the lines of rope let loose causing the boat to fall hitting the Bombay door. Apple Bloom screamed out hearing the bang right behind her, holding tight.

“Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle screamed out grabbing her red tail. Octavia reached over grabbing Apple Bloom by the suspenders of her pants pulling her into the boat. She gasped seeing Vinyl knocking out another guard with her fist.

“Vinyl come on!” Octavia screamed out trying to keep the boat balanced as it teetered to the opening. Vinyl turned hearing her call. She looked at her biting her lip trying to choose the best course of action. Making her choice she stood up, staring at Octavia, not moving from her spot of the walkway.


Vinyl shook her head with a small smile of regret on her face. Octavia gasped feeling the boat tip further to the opening. She looked up to see a guard ready to grab Vinyl

“Vinyl, jump!”

Vinyl noticed the fear in Octavia’s eyes then turned in time to dodge the guard. Vinyl grabbed the guard’s pistol and fired it in the guard’s head, spattering blood on her pants. Vinyl looked at Octavia with sadness. “GO!” She screamed out.

Twilight grabbed Octavia and pulled her to the seats as the life boat fell through the opening. The mares and fillies screamed out feeling the fall. Twilight jumped to the control panel and pulled the string for the sail to pop out of the metal box at the back. The back the solar sail caught the sun rays and the engine started sputtering then roared to life. Twilight soon gained control of the craft and started flying. Octavia looked up in time to see m unicorn magic grab a hold of Vinyl and zapped her before she was gone out of sight.

Octavia sat down hard on the bench in shock. Twilight turned away from the ship, knowing that looking back at it wouldn't bring back her new friend. She looked over to see Octavia crying into her hands. Sweetie Belle was holding Apple Bloom against her as the scared fill cried from the pain in her ankle and the near-death experience of hanging for dear life. Twilight looked down at Apple Bloom's exposed ankle to notice it swollen from her fall down the stairs.

Twilight turned to concentrate on flying when she heard a old but familiar sound that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up in fear. She turned and let out a small whimper at what she saw.

"Brace yourselves!" Twilight cried out, trying to steer the boat away.

Everypony turned and gasped, seeing that an energy ball was hurtling towards them.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Vinyl was dragged up the stairs then was dropped to the deck groaning.

“Vinyl!” Vinyl slowly raised up her head to see Scootaloo, Derpy, Daring, and Spike tied up in rope or chain. Daring and Spike were unconscious on the floor. Scootaloo and Derpy were awake and staring at her. Vinyl was grabbed from behind. She yelled out as her arms were pinned against her back and a pair of shackles clasped around her wrists.

“Attention on deck!” A guard screamed out as he stood up straight. The royal guards all around stood in attention, saluting as a fancy stallion walked on the decks of the Fancy Flute. Vinyl gasped recognizing the stallion from the ERS Cadenza. The stallion turned and stiffened seeing her. Two guards grabbed Vinyl by her arms and forced her up on her feet.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the servant that got away.” Vinyl glared at him.

“Prince Blueblood, I presume?”

“You presume right, unicorn. And you are?”

Vinyl stayed silent glaring at him. She heard grunts of pain and turned to see three ponies being pushed on board by pirates and forced to sit down on the deck. Vinyl stared with awe recognizing Octavia’s father and the rainbow pegasus guard from the Cadenza. But the third pony looked horrible. An orange earth pony with an old hat on her head. She was dressed in rags that resembled the pirates’ outfit. Vinyl suddenly felt a hand grab her mane and pull back making her yell in pain.

“Answer his royal highness’s question unicorn!” The stallion holding her yelled.

“Scratch!” She snarled fighting glaring at the prince. “Vinyl Scratch!”

Blueblood’s eye brows went up staring at her. “What did you say?” Blueblood whispered surprised. Everypony was now looking at the two unicorns.

“The name’s Vinyl Scratch I’m the captain of this ship.”

“Vinyl Scratch, eh?” Blueblood turned and smiled. “Bring Captain Dash over here.” He ordered. Rainbow growled being grabbed and forced forward to stand in front of Vinyl. “Captain Dash, please tell this young unicorn about that friend of yours. What was his name?”

Rainbow Dash glared at the prince then turned to Vinyl.

“Captain Vinyl Scratch.” Rainbow grumbled glaring at him.

Vinyl stiffened at the name.

Blueblood chuckled. “Never thought I would see the same Vinyl Scratch standing right in front of me. Except I was sure that he was older and she was a stallion.”

Vinyl’s ears went flat on her head shaking her head. “But-”

“Oh that’s right, who was the little filly he couldn’t stop talking about? What was her name?” Vinyl’s mouth dropped open feeling dread in her stomach.

“Ah yes, a Gracie May?” Vinyl looked down on the deck scared. He can’t be talking about her father. The same stallion she took her alias from. The same stallion she thought to be dead. He was alive all this time? Vinyl thought to herself, still in shock.

Blueblood nodded to his guard to push Rainbow back to the prisoners. She stared at the young unicorn mare with new eyes. Tick Tock turned to Rainbow Dash with shock.

“Is that,” he asked.

“I think it is.” Rainbow whispered nodding to him.

Blueblood chuckled. “Well, Miss May,”

Vinyl looked up with a snarl pulling against her guards. “You’re a liar!”

“Oh, I’m a liar?”

“I heard you make that call to Nightmare Moon!”

Blueblood stared at her with surprise. “How?” Vinyl glared at him. Suddenly Blueblood gasped staring at her. “It was you,”

Vinyl spat at him in the face causing him to yell out backing away. “Why you little bitch!” He screamed in outrage. The guard behind Vinyl pulled back her mane causing her to yell out. Blueblood leaned close to her face glaring at her,

“You’ll regret ever being in my presence!” He spat angrily

“Sir, the princess is escaping!” A guard screamed out pointing down to the moon.

“I got ‘em!” A pirate called out reaching the spark cannon on the pirate vessel. Vinyl gasped.

“No!” Vinyl screamed out trying to fight back. Daring groaned opening her eyes from the yell. She watched as Blueblood ran to the rail to look down. He gasped seeing the small life boat flying. He turned to the pirate ship and ran to the ship.

“You imbecile! We’ll lose the Luna’s Tear!” He tried to grab the pirate and pull him off the cannon only to be kicked away. The pirate took aim and fired at the life boat. Rainbow and Tick Tock stood up to watch over the rail. Rainbow turned to see Vinyl with wide eyes trying to fight back.

“Octavia!” She screamed out, hoping her scream could warn the princess of the danger.

“Princess?” Rainbow whispered looking down in shock.

“What?” Tick Tock yelled out looking over the rail as well.

They watched as the ball struck the boat at the engine. The boat tipped forward out of control and disappeared past the bright white clouds that cover the moon.

“No,” Tick Tock whispered turning away sitting down hard on the deck. Rainbow blinked sitting down hard as well next to him in shock. Vinyl noticed the looks on the royals’ faces and collapsed on her knees. She failed. Daring felt a surge of anger as she growled.

“You bastard!” She screamed out shocking the crew of the Fancy Flute. “Do you know what you've just done? You just killed innocent mares down there!"

“Shut up!” A pirate yelled out threateningly.

Daring snarled struggling in her bindings. “You killed the Element of Magic you fools!”

Rainbow gasped even Applejack staring at the professor.

“What did you just say?” Applejack asked.

Daring growled staring at the prince. Blueblood just shrugged smiling a touch, happy that he got one threat out of the way.

“You really think I care about a traitor unicorn?”

“When I get out of these chains Blueblood I’ll murder you!” Rainbow Dash yelled out fighting in her chains the pirates had to grab her to control her.

Nightmare Moon then stepped on the deck of the Fancy Flute, glaring at everypony around her until her eyes fell upon Vinyl. She smiled, walking over as she pulled her knife.

“Well, lookie here,” Vinyl looked up and gasped seeing the pirate queen. “It’s the unicorn that stole the princess from me and hurt many of my pirates.”

“Nightmare!” Blueblood yelled out pointing at the moon. “Your pirates just blasted the Luna’s Tear into the moon!”


“SO?!” Blueblood shouted. “So we might have just lost it!”

Nightmare Moon sighed then kicked Vinyl into her chest knocking her to the deck on her back.

“You give up too easily, Prince Blueblood.” With her fingers Nightmare Moon called forth her magic. Her dark blue aura covered Vinyl and slowly made her float. Vinyl opened her eyes fighting against the magic.

“What are you planning?” He asked. Vinyl struggled as she was righted side up. Nightmare Moon chuckled looking into Vinyl’s burning eyes.

“You have very strong feelings for the hybrid princess don’t you captain?”

Vinyl growled kicking her legs around trying to get out of the magical hold. Vinyl froze suddenly then started to scream feeling Nightmare Moon’s magic get into her head.

Nightmare Moon started laughing. “Oh my, you really love the princess don’t you?” Nightmare Moon clicked her tongue shaking her head. “Isn’t that typical. A hybrid unicorn is in love with the hybrid princess.”

“A hybrid?” Blueblood asked aghast watching Vinyl curl up whimpering from the pain in her head.

“You see Prince, we can get your pendant back. We just need a little incentive.”

Blueblood stared at her for a moment then turned to Vinyl watching her crying silently.


Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes with a sad sigh. “Have you ever fallen in love, Blueblood?”

“Of course not, I don’t have time for such silly things.”

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes again shaking her head. “It's time we use a lover’s heart to get that pendant.”

Blueblood stared at her for a moment shaking his head. “That will never work.”

Nightmare snarled at the prince. “You just leave this to the mares. If what I speculate is true, we might use the princess’s heart against her.” Vinyl glared at the tall mare snarling. Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I’m going to have fun with you.”

Nightmare lowered her finger and Vinyl slammed on the deck. Nightmare Moon lifted up her finger and Vinyl went back up. Rainbow snarled fighting against her bindings as Nightmare Moon continued to play basketball with the unicorn. Applejack turned away hearing the slams until finally Nightmare Moon released her magic. Vinyl fell hard on the deck unconscious

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait guys here is Chapter 17: Capture.
Now this chapter took a heavy influence by Treasure Planet as well, did you notice it? Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Oh boy, what's gonna happen next? It's getting exciting and maybe a bit dark just a warning to you guys. Don't be afraid to comment, I like to hear everyone's thoughts about the story.

Feb. 3rd, 2014: Chapter 17 has been edited. Big thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing. We're almost done. Just a couple of chapters to go then we're all done.