• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,217 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 19: The Trap Has Been Sprung

Chapter 19

The Trap Has Been Sprung

“Give it up, Princess.” Octavia turned to see Nightmare Moon walking into the room, her horn glowing in her magical aura. “You don’t want any more of your dear friends hurt right?”

Octavia gasped and looked up to see Apple Bloom being pressed to the ceiling. Octavia turned to the pirates, then up at Apple Bloom as she started to show pain as she squeezed her eyes shut and her hands curled into fists. Octavia turned to Vinyl to see her head hanging limp over her chest. Octavia growled and let the screwdriver fall to the ground. Nightmare Moon smiled, snapping her fingers. Two pirates grabbed Octavia as she tried to fight back. Apple Bloom was dropped from the ceiling and caught in the arms of a pegasus pirate.

“Take the princess and her other cohorts into the dungeon with the rest of their friends. But place the Princess in the chair would you?”

The pirates cackled as they pushed her forward through the hallway. Apple Bloom was carried by her shirt and, Vinyl was released and dragged through the hall.

Nightmare Moon turned the corner in time to see Twilight and Sweetie Belle being chained by their wrists to the wall.

“Octavia?!” Octavia gasped hearing Derpy’s voice. She looked into the filled cell to see her friends and familiar faces as well. She gasped to see Tick Tock running to the bars.

“Papa? You’re alive?” Octavia sighed with relief seeing her father again. The pirates forced her down on a chair in the middle of the room. Her arms were forced behind her back and her wrists were bound by rope. Apple Bloom was pushed into the wall next to Sweetie Belle with her wrists up in old chains.

“Apple Bloom, you’re alright too!” Scootaloo called out smiling.

“Well we have ourselves a reunion of friends and family, Blueblood.” Nightmare Moon said laughing, walking to Apple Bloom and gave her a pat on the head. “I swear this will make me cry.”

“You keep your filthy hands off my sister!” Applejack roared through the bars.

Nightmare chuckled as Apple Bloom stared at the older mare with surprise.

“Applejack?” Apple Bloom whispered recognizing Applejack from the family pictures back at the farm.

Applejack smiled softly at her. “It’s me, sugarcube. Don’t you worry none, you’ll get out of here soon.”

“Not too soon, I hope.” Blueblood said watching Vinyl being dragged into a separate cell and locked inside. Vinyl moaned and opened her good eye to glare at Blueblood.

“I should thank you, Captain, for allowing yourself as bait to bring in the princess. I shall reward you when this is over.”

Vinyl spat to the side. “Save your reward for some other jackass!” She whispered harshly trying to sit up on her knees.

Blueblood glared at her. “Well that reward was your freedom, but I can see you've made up our choice. I’ll take you to The Rock where you will rot with all the other worthless bait like yourself.” Vinyl growled turning away from him.

Blueblood sighed walking over to Octavia as she struggled in her bindings.

“Now that we finally have a chance to talk,” he paused to flick his finger over her torn sleeve. “Hmm, what an interesting fashion statement, Princess. What are you wanting to show the galaxy, hmm?” He asked standing in front of her smiling.

Octavia growled noticing her legs weren’t bound to the chair like Vinyl’s were. She looked up at Blueblood then kicked him hard in the shin. Blueblood yelled out jumping up and down holding his leg. The pirates that were watching started snickering.

“Serves you right, you monster! You betrayed your kingdom!” Octavia spat glaring at him. Blueblood growled and slapped her across the face. He grabbed her by the mane and held her so he could glare into her eyes.

“Listen to me you little hybrid trash, I’m keeping you alive for one reason and one reason only, then I’ll be happy to finally give you a slow and agonizing death that you will have you crying to Luna to ease that pain.” Octavia glared coldly. Blueblood found this a little surprising. In the past, even if he gave her a glance, Octavia would be afraid and run off like she should. But now, she’s actually standing up to him.

“You will do no such thing!” Rainbow threatened.

“Let her go Blueblood!” Tick Tock growled. “This is between you and me, it has always been!”

Blueblood smirked. “True, but I am already getting back at you. First killing your wife, then killing your little girl.”

Octavia gasped, her glare gone. She turned to her father. “Mama’s…”

“Yes Octavia,” Tick Tock said with guilt. “She’s gone.”

Octavia blinked, feeling tears in her eyes as she slumped forward. She bit her lip trying to think of a plan to find a way out of this situation. Blueblood sighed.

“Soon the hybrid line will be finished. And then I will be king of the galaxy and finally showing the galaxy that I can be king and boot out all who oppose me!” He smiled turning to Twilight.

“I can be reasonable to you, Miss. Sparkle. You are the most powerful unicorn in the galaxy. You can return with good graces to your name and the name traitor will be erased along with your history if you will join me and become my top officer in my Royal Unicorn Guard.”

Twilight moved her tongue in her mouth and spat into Blueblood’s face. Blueblood yelled out wiping the spit off his face while glaring at the unicorn. “You’ve made the mistake of making me your enemy, Miss. Sparkle.” He growled.

Twilight snorted. “I think it’s the other way around Blueblood, if I wasn’t incapacitated of magic I would be burning you right now.”

Blueblood snorted and walked away. He stood by Nightmare Moon and Octavia.

“Of course there is that reason I wanted to discuss with you Octavia.” Octavia remained silent closing her eyes her and clenched her fists, her fingers were going numb. “If you agree I might let some ponies go free.” Octavia gasped so did everypony else.

“He’s lying!” Rainbow snarled out pointing at him.

“Oh am I?” He asked before leaning close to Octavia’s ear. “If you do as I say I’ll let some of your petty friends live.” He whispered. “I promise you that.”

Octavia gulped, slowly siting up straight, looking at him with a glare. “What do you want from me?” Octavia asked coldly. Blueblood reached down to Octavia’s chest to pick up Luna’s Tear. Octavia blinked realizing that Blueblood didn’t shriek from the burning pain like Daring.


“Hmm?” He asked.

“That’s supposed to burn you. Like it did with Professor Do.”

Blueblood looked at Daring then started laughing. “Foolish girl did you forget who I am?”

Octavia was confused.

“Of course.” Tick Tock groaned out shaking his head. “He’s an ancestor to Luna.”

Octavia gasped, getting the connection. Only the true decedents of Luna can touch and hold the stone. Blueblood chuckled leaning close to her again. “I want you to come with me to Luna’s Temple and use your stone and your gift to bring me it's treasure.”

Octavia stared at him with awe. “The temple?”

Suddenly the dark magical urge came back in full force causing her wince and shake her head. Vinyl sat up staring at her. Twilight let out a yelp of pain squeezing her eyes shut. Rainbow blinked hard shaking her head. Even Applejack was showing signs of pain as she pressed her fingers to her temples.

Daring gasped seeing this, looking at all four mares to see them wither in pain.

“Twilight, what is it? “Daring called out pulling on her chains.

“I don’t know, some dark power is in my head!” She grunted biting her cheek hard to try and level out the pain.

“Describe it,” Daring ordered, seeing Rainbow sitting hard on the ground beside Derpy, groaning as she held her head.

“The dark force!” Octavia yelled out. “It’s calling for the Tear!”

Blueblood looked to Nightmare Moon to see her shrug her shoulders with curious scowl on her face. Daring was trying to think fast.

“What’s going on? “ Spike asked getting worried watching Twilight’s face seeing tears flowing from her eyes.

“Doc talk to me!” Vinyl called out wincing as she tried to sit up without moving too many muscles in her back.

“Of course, remember when Twilight made a connection with Octavia with the Luna’s Tear?”

The friends on the Fancy Flute nodded while the others stared blankly.

“The connection with the Element of Magic is causing the other two to suffer.” Daring said, pointing to Applejack who was now curled up in a ball on the floor, gritting her teeth in pain.

“It’s making my brain turn into apple sauce, what is that thing!” Applejack yelled out.

“Octavia,” Twilight begged, “You have to control it!”

“How can I?” Octavia asked, tears were leaking from her eyes. This force was very strong. She could see its green and red eyes in her subconscious mind.

“Think of something that attaches you to your mind.” Twilight mentioned.


“Try it, try to connect something that will connect you to the present mind now.”

Octavia tried to think but the dark force continued to cloud her judgment. Everywhere she looked the purple shadow blocked her.

Bring me my crystal, the deep voice ordered waving a glowing red hand motioning her to follow him. Come Princess, come and awaken me.

“Awaken you,” Octavia started to relax until her eyes closed, slumping forward in her chair. In her mind the purple-black shadow laughed walking closer to her subconscious reaching for her.

“Octavia!” Vinyl screamed out. “Snap out of it!” The dark force gasped and turned seeing a bright blue light in the darkness as Octavia started regaining her subconscious.

“Come on, Sweet Cheeks,” Vinyl called out as Octavia started to wake up. “You’re stronger than this don’t let that dark force get to you!” Vinyl yelled out standing up, using the bars to help her up. She pulled up the remnants of her shirt to cover her chest.

The dark force snarled and was pushed away as purple magic filtered through Octavia’s mind causing her to open her eyes with a gasp, panting hard. Twilight panted hard as the pressure left her mind. Applejack and Rainbow Dash opened their eyes, rubbing their heads as they sat up.

“What the hay was that?” Rainbow groaned, rubbing her head.

Octavia panted looking over to see Vinyl still battered and bruised. Vinyl smiled seeing her eyes. Octavia smiled back, thankful for having Vinyl there to bring her back.

“Well, that was interesting.” Nightmare Moon said with a bored expression as she bit her lip with anger. Blueblood chuckled.

“Now it’s official, you are going to come with me and open that temple.”

Octavia sat there staring at him. “Are you nuts?” She asked. I was almost possessed by some dark daemon, and now you want me to go to that place and possibly let it out?!

Daring gasped. “Of course, the dark force, it must be a part of this culture.”

“Meaning?” Tick Tock asked as Scootaloo and Derpy held each other close. Daring sighed.

“Octavia mentioned of seeing a vision of Luna and a dark force that probably enchanted Princess Luna to the temple where the Luna’s Tear came from. The Luna’s Tear must be more than just a special tome of magic, but a key into the temple and possibly the key to unlocking the daemon in the temple.”

Tick Tock stared at his daughter helplessly. What could he do?

Octavia shook her head. “Precisely, I’m not going in there.” She winced shaking her head. “No matter who says, I won’t go in there!”

Blueblood glared at her then suddenly smiled turning to Nightmare Moon.

“What?” She asked.

“I have a plan.”

Nightmare snorted. “Do tell?” She said, annoyed.

Blueblood walked over to Vinyl’s cell. He unlocked her cell and grabbed her arm and pulled her out of her cell. He pushed her into the wall placing his hand on her shoulder keeping her in place. He turned to see a pirate with a pistol in his holster.

“You, pirate!” Blueblood ordered pointing at him. “Aim your pistol at the prince.”

“What?” Rainbow yelped out getting up running over to protect Tick Tock. She slammed into a shield of yellow magic and fell back one the ground holding her nose. Applejack helped her sit up, the two mares turned to see a unicorn pirate holding out his hands smirking keeping Tick Tock in the bubble of magic. Blueblood pulled out his pistol and point it at Vinyl’s head causing her to stiffen.

“What are you doing?” Derpy yelled out blocking Scootaloo from the view.

“A little incentive. Remember that promise I gave you Octavia?” Octavia stared turning her gaze from Vinyl to her father, left and right. “If you come with me, I’ll let your friends free but before I do that you’ll have to choose who you want to go free first? This hybrid slave that seems to have a heart for you.”

Octavia gasped seeing Vinyl’s blush as she turned away.

“Or your daddy, the prince of the galaxy?” Octavia turned to see Tick Tock glaring at the pirate.

“Choose wisely.” Blueblood taunted pulling back the hammer hearing the well-known buzz of the pistol being charged. “The one you choose will go free but the other will be shot.” Blueblood pressed the barrel to Vinyl’s forehead.

Octavia turned to Vinyl then to her father with tears forming in her eyes. How can she choose?

“Princess, take your old man.” Vinyl blurted out. Octavia turned to her with shock. Vinyl smiled at her biting her lip. “You have your dad, now. Take him first, and be with him as fucking long as possible.”

Octavia blinked staring at her friend. “Vinyl-”

“No, trust me. You’re better off choosing him.”

Octavia looked down at her feet and swallowed hard. She turned to Vinyl to see her smile closing her eyes as if she’s ready to take the shot. Octavia turned to her father to see him still glaring at the pirates and his brother. Octavia sighed making her choice.

“I’ll do it!”

“Hmm?” Blueblood asked with a toothy grin.

Octavia sighed. “You win alright? Just please don’t kill either of them, I’ll go with you to the temple.”

Blueblood smiled. “That’s a good girl.” Blueblood winked at the pirate. The pirate chuckled lowering his aim and fired. Tick Tock let out a yell as he fell to the ground, holding his leg. Blueblood turned to Vinyl and pistol whipped her hard in the face, letting her drop to the ground. He aimed then pulled the trigger making a shot behind Vinyl’s left knee. Vinyl cursed loudly holding her leg. Vinyl was grabbed and pushed back into her cell as the pirate canceled his magic around the prince. Rainbow ran to his side immediately holding him as Tick Tock grabbed his thigh, biting hard on his lip to keep from screaming out.

Octavia was in shock trying to figure out what had just happened. Blueblood pulled out his knife and cut the ropes off of Octavia’s wrists. He grabbed Octavia by her vest and pulled her up to her feet. Once he got a good hold of her he pressed his knife to her neck.

“Those were warning shots, my dear and if you dare try any funny business I will hurt more than your captain and your father.” He pushed her to the wall. “Start walking.” He ordered.

“Wait a second, Blueblood!” Nightmare Moon called out.

“What?” Blueblood snarled. Nightmare Moon gave him a stoic look as Blueblood seemed to project some dark power from his eyes. For a split second his eyes glowed green then flashed away. Nightmare Moon pointed at the prisoners in the cell.

“I think we need to bring some hostages just so the princess here doesn’t do any tricks.”

Blueblood shrugged. “Who can I bring?”

Nightmare smiled and used her magic to grab Daring and float her up. “Her, number one, she is a professor and well known for exploring planets and such. And by her talk earlier, she knows the temple.” Blueblood nodded.

“Bah, let her come. Keep her hands behind back.” A pirate unicorn used his magic to create two walls of magic to prevent the prisoners from escaping. Nightmare Moon levitated Daring out of the cell and ordered her chains removed. The chains were pulled off but her hands were tied behind her back with rope. Nightmare Moon smiled at the two fillies by Twilight.

“And a little one,” Nightmare Moon chuckled as she grabbed Apple Bloom by her shirt and held her up.

“No!” Applejack yelled out running to the bars. “Leave her alone!”

Nightmare Moon laughed. “Don’t worry Applejack, I’ll take real good care of her.” She unlocked the chains then shoved Apple Bloom into a pirate. The pirate then pushed Apple Bloom into Octavia and Daring.

“Earth ponies must stick together right?” A pirate yelled out getting gales of laughter.

Blueblood sighed. “Are we done yet?”

Nightmare Moon nodded giving him warning look. “Yes, let’s go men. Treasure awaits.”

Blueblood turned to Blossomforth and five other guards. “You all stay here and make sure these prisoners don’t escape.” Blossomforth and the soldiers saluted. “Carry on.” Blueblood pushed Octavia forward keeping his pistol pointed to her back. Apple Bloom ran after her and held on to Octavia’s hand as they walked out of the room. Daring was pushed out last, she turned to look at Twilight then turned away.

Derpy sniffed. “What are we going to do?”

Rainbow snarled getting up running to the bars. “You’re all traitors! She’s a princess, a royal you jackasses! A royal that needs your protection!” She yelled out.

“Shut up!” The unicorn yelled out glaring at her.

“Forget it Rainbow,” Twilight said sadly. Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight to see her in tears. “I failed.”

Rainbow stared at the unicorn with a glare. “You can’t be serious. You, Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, the little kid that killed hundreds of enemies in a blink of an eye is giving up saying you failed and sitting around as if it’s game over?”

Twilight looked at her old friend with tears. She shook her head hard. “You don’t get it, Rainbow Dash. Even if Blueblood does get what he wants, he’ll kill her and Equestria will never return to the way it once was. We all failed.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Blueblood kept the pistol aimed for Octavia’s head as they continued down the old halls of the ruined castle. With the guide of the Tear and the magic Octavia lead the group down a secret stair further underground. Octavia kept looking down at Luna’s Tear to see it glowing and vibrating even more against her chest. Octavia stopped at a crossroads where one hall was filled with rubble and the other hall leading to another staircase.

“Why did you stop?” A pirate asked grabbing Apple Bloom for insurance. Octavia gulped closing her eyes holding the Tear in her hand trying hard to keep control of her mind but also listening to the daemon telling her which way to go next. Her ears folded back to her head as she opened her eyes and pointed toward the left hall to the staircase.

“This way, he’s very persistent.” Octavia said with difficulty. The daemon’s power was getting stronger.

“Good, now keep going.” Blueblood ordered. Octavia nodded and lead the large group through the hall. Nightmare Moon snapped and held up four fingers. Four pirates stayed behind to guard the intersection. The group turned and continued down the old broken stairs until they reached the bottom. They followed the skinny hall until they reached a large chamber with a dead end. Octavia gasped staring at the large wall of hieroglyphs. Blueblood growled grabbing Octavia by her mane causing her to yell out.

“I thought you said it was this way?” He snarled.

“It is! I don’t know why there’s a wall here!” Octavia shouted glaring at him.

Blueblood snarled pushing Octavia to the wall then pointed the pistol at Apple Bloom.

“Stop!” Nightmare Moon bellowed. Blueblood snarled at her suddenly his eyes changed causing Apple Bloom to whimper, backing into her pirate guard.


Nightmare Moon grabbed for Daring and pulled her towards them. “This is why I said we bring the professor.” Daring glared at the pirate then looked up at the wall trying to think. “Can you read this, Professor?” Nightmare asked sweetly.


Nightmare Moon shrugged. “Good enough, start translating!” She shoved the pegasus to the wall. Blueblood sighed deeply rubbing his temple.

“Make it quick.” He ordered gruffly, blinking hard. Daring turned to Octavia then up at the wall.

“Did the Tear lead you here?” Daring asked squinting at the pictures on the wall.

“The daemon, yes.” Daring looked at her alarmingly. Octavia shrugged. “But the Tear and this daemon are acting stronger the closer we get. But he keeps persistently telling me that the temple is past this wall.” Octavia finished placing her hand on the cold wall.

Daring nodded squinting back at the pictures. “Let’s see, uh, well this is interesting.”

“What? “Apple Bloom asked standing by Octavia holding her hand. Octavia squeezed her hand in return.

“Hmm, these hieroglyphs look like the ancient text of the Crystal Empire.”

“Crystal Empire?” A guard asked curiously. “Isn’t that a myth?”

Daring nodded. “Some would claim so yes, but over the past three decades the archeologist community are finding remains and hieroglyphs that pertain to the crystal ponies of old.”

“Can you read it?” Nightmare Moon asked with a scowl.

Daring sighed. “I only know of the Western culture hieroglyphs of the crystal ponies. This script has similar meanings but by connecting some words here,” Daring stared at a picture that looked like a pony rearing in pose. “If this is a picture I think it is, then this should be the letter R in the western culture.”

Octavia looked at the top to see a large carving of what looks to be a pair of eyes in smoke or magic. She shuddered turning away rubbing her arms.

“Alright, uh here’s a rough translation.” Daring said getting everyponies attention.

“Ahem, it says here that there was once a great powerful daemon that took over a crystal king. The Crystal King turned black with dark magic and his eyes glowed with greed and hate. He enslaved his fellow ponies as slaves. When the very First Discordian War came around, centuries ago, the king took up arms with Discord and tried to rule the galaxy.”

“Get to the point, Professor.” Nightmare threated. Daring glared at her then turned back to reading.

“Uh yadda-yadda, gets defeated by the Princesses, freed Crystal Ponies, oh well here is where it gets interesting. It says here, that after the evil king was destroyed this kingdom of crystal ponies disappeared without a trace. Possibly a disease or famine since they lost their ruler. Hmm, it also says that other factions of crystal ponies came here to this moon or wait ... it’s a planet actually, how interesting!”

“Wait this isn’t a moon?” Apple Bloom asked interested. “It’s really a tiny planet?”

Daring chuckled. “It seemed so. The smallest planet in the Crystal Empire before Equestria took the galaxy.” Daring cleared her throat and continue reading. “Many crystal ponies from other planets came and tried to destroy this part of their empire. They built a temple underneath this castle. Oh here we go, something to do with guardians of the temple in the crystal empire. It says here that there were six guardians in all and each guardian has… Well a jewel with magical properties that can give the user magic and direction.”

Daring turned to Octavia as she stared at Luna’s Tear on her chest. Daring gulped.

“Looks like Luna’s Tear might be more than just Luna’s treasure.”

Apple Bloom gulped seeing a small picture showing six earth pony heads with a jewel above them shaped just like the Tear.

“Only a guardian can access the temple and if all six jewels are placed on the altar in the temple’s deepest center, the daemon shall never escape. But if a jewel is taken away from the circle ... the daemon shall try and escape.”

“So that means that if Luna took the, uh, guardian away from its circle then...?” Apple Bloom gulped. Daring shrugged.

“Yes, if what we are witnessing with the dark force ... the daemon must have been able to be set free. Without the sixth guardian of the temple, the daemon can escape and be able to use its influence to take over another soul. The crystal ponies created the guardians to keep the daemon’s influence out of the Crystal Empire.” Daring shrugged. “Of course, it’s still being studied on how the Crystal Empire truly disappeared. We know about this planet and their downfall but it took many decades before the crystal ponies finally vanished.”

Blueblood was tapping his hoof on the ground with growling anger, losing his patience. Daring noticed and cleared her throat looking around on the wall for anything else.

“Hmm, this is odd,”

“What? “Octavia asked.

“This picture here,” Octavia knelt down with Apple Bloom to see the picture of six earth pony heads and five glowing dots. “There are five glowing dots here, no they are crystals and they are glowing.” Apple Bloom pointed at the one dark crystal.

“But this one's not glowing.” She said. Daring nodded.

"True, not that one." Daring looked at Octavia then down at the Tear as it shined brightly. Daring stood up again with help from Octavia. She continued to scan the wall until she found what she was looking for.

“Okay, it says here that all jewels must be present to open a door to unlock the Crystal Central Chamber and the Crystal Empire’s treasure and history within.”

Many ponies gasped at the treasure part. “Treasure?” Apple Bloom asked in awe. Daring gulped reading further her eyes grew grave.

“Daring?” Octavia asked worriedly.

“Enough!” Blueblood roared his eyes spark colors for a moment. “How do we get inside?” Daring gulped thinking, keeping the vital information to herself. She turned to Octavia then walked to the side of the wall where the moss was growing.

“Octavia, pull off the moss, here,” Octavia nodded walking over and started grabbing handfuls of the dark green algae off the wall until more hieroglyphs were found. Another pirate walked over to use his sword to scrape off the rest of the moss to reveal an indention in the wall with hieroglyphs circling the indention. Octavia wiped off the dirt and the grime looking at the strange reading on the wall.

“What is this?” She asked. Daring walked over to read the hieroglyphs looking at the small indention then at Luna’s Tear.

“Place the Tear inside.” Daring ordered.


“Trust me.” Daring whispered stepping back.

Octavia gulped picking up the Tear and looked at the indention in the wall. She looked to Daring to see her nod at her. Octavia stood there thinking of what to do. She can hear her father’s words warn her, Never, ever take this pedant off. Not for anything or anyone. Octavia gulped with worry. She held the jewel in her hand then pulled off the pendant, snapping the chain off her neck.

For a split moment she heard many voices in her head screaming. She shook her head hard from the empty feeling in her head and body as she placed the Tear against the wall. She stepped back seeing the wall suddenly close around the Tear holding it in place. Octavia went against the wall then holding her head feeling horrible. Her stomach made flips and flops causing her to get nauseous, her vision turned colors and blinding.

What’s happening to me? Octavia thought as she held her head as if a pony was smashing her head with a mallet.

The pirates stared at the Luna’s Tear as it started to glow purple, the hieroglyphs around the tear started to glow purple too. Everypony followed the purple light as it travel through the walls in the chamber then towards the hieroglyphs wall. The crystals behind the pictures started to glow purple, even the eyes above the door flashed purple. After the whole room turned purple the ground started to tremor.

“What’s going on?” Apple Bloom asked feeling the ground shake. Blueblood smiled looking up see a line of purple cutting straight down the middle of the hieroglyph wall.

“This is it!” He cheered as the wall became a door as the stone slabs started to move towards the opposite walls opening. Everypony covered their eyes seeing a bright white and purple light. Octavia slowly slumped to the floor. Apple Bloom ran to her side.

“Octavia, are you alright?” She asked. Octavia was silent, blinking and hard trying hard to keep from getting sick.

The door finished opening with a dull thud and the light vanished as everypony walked through the doors and started cheering. Blueblood grabbed Octavia and hoisted her up to her feet pushing her forward. Octavia would have fallen over if she hadn't caught herself against the wall. Blueblood shoved her into the crystal room.

Apple Bloom was left alone as she looked at the Tear on the wall. She gulped and reached up and grabbed the broken chain and pulled. After the third tug the Tear popped out of the socket. The Tear flashed once and turned dark. Apple Bloom gulped again then stuck it in her pocket. She ran after everypony else into the chamber without realizing what she just did.

Daring noticed though. She watched the runes where the Tear sat before started to glow from purple to red. Daring made a ghost of a smile as she was pushed forward into the room.

“Good girl, Apple Bloom.” She muttered. “Good girl.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Upstairs in the dungeon room the ponies stiffened, feeling a rumble coming from below them.

“What was that?” Sweetie Belle asked with worry.

Twilight looked around trying to think. “I have no idea.”

“Whatever that was,” Applejack growled. “It can’t be good.”

Tick Tock slowly stood up gritting his teeth from the pain. “We have to do something!” He snarled.

Rainbow shook her head with a glare of her own. “There is nothing we can do now. We’re nothing but sitting ducks.”

Blossomforth turned to another pegasus guard, a golden yellow with an aqua blue mane and winked. The pegasus blinked both eyes twice. Blossom made a ghost of a smile. Vinyl who was watching stared at the white pegasus with confusion.

“Arrgh!” The pegasus guard screamed out falling to her knees holding her stomach.

“What’s wrong?” The stallion next to her yelped out.

“Something’s wrong!” The pegasus screamed out hugging herself.

The unicorn guard walked over. “What’s wrong with you?”

Blossomforth pulled out her knife and slit the unicorn's neck. The second stallion gasped as the pegasus jumped up from the ground to punch him in the face. She pulled out her sword and stabbed him through the stomach.

“Traitors!” He snarled.

The pegasus glared at him. Head-butting him hard in the head and letting him fall dying to the ground. She shook her head and spits on his corpse. “Remember my boyfriend, you bastard?”

Blossomforth reached into the unicorn’s armor and pulled out the keys. Rainbow stood up with shock. Blossom tossed one key to her partner as she start unlocking the chains on Twilight and Sweetie Belle first.

“Blossom?” Rainbow asked with awe. Blossom smiled back at her as she helped Sweetie Belle.

“You really think I would allow my soldiers to work with pirates? Besides I know where my true loyalties lie, Commander.” Blossom said saluting to Rainbow before she start unlocking her cell. Rainbow pushed the door open and smiled at the younger pegasus. The two pegasi shook hands and smiled at one another.

“I guess I misjudged you.” Rainbow said bashfully.

Blossom nodded. “Well you have to keep the façade. It is great to see you again.” Blossom turned to the second pegasus next to her as she helped Vinyl out of her cell.

“Rainbow, this is Corporal Raindrops.”

Rainbow blinked. “Lieutenant Blue Wave’s cousin?”

The yellow pegasus nodded with a hard scowl. “Yeah, I’ve been dreaming of doing that for a while.” She snarled turning to the dead guards. Rainbow chuckled.

“Well you sure act like him.”

Applejack helped Tick Tock out of the cell as Twilight checked her horn under the bandages.

“So, friends of yours or ours?” Applejack asked as Derpy, Spike, and Scootaloo walked out of the cell. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo hugged each other happy to see one another again. Rainbow smiled.

“AJ, you mean to tell me you don’t remember Blue Wave? He was a Wonderbolt that was pulled out early because of wing injuries. The one with a water vortex as a cutie mark?”

Applejack blinked. “That Blue Wave?” She turned to Raindrops as she raised a brow at Applejack.

“So, you’re the Element of Honesty. Heard a lot about you.” She said holding out her hand. Applejack shook her hand in return.

“Hmm, firm grip, defiantly a soldier.”

Raindrops shrugged. “It runs in the family. I would be a Wonderbolt if it weren’t for the queen.” She gulped seeing the prince and bowed. “Apologies highness for not, uh,” Raindrops paused lamely.

Blossom bowed as well. “Forgive us highness. We had to keep up our act.”

Tick Tock chuckled. “I can care less as long as you’re our allies.” Applejack helped him on the chair as he relaxed for a moment, holding his leg.

“The more important matter is getting my daughter back before Blueblood kills her.”

Blossom and Raindrops looked one another with worry.

“That could be a problem.” Raindrops stated crossing her arms across her chest.

“Why?” Derpy asked.

Raindrops sighed. “We were planning on getting you lot out of here as fast as possible. There might be fifty guards and fifty pirates but you need allies to get you all off this planet.”

Rainbow sighed with defeat seeing her reasoning. “They’re right, the most important thing to do is to get civilians out of here as fast as possible.”

“What about Octavia?” Vinyl asked holding the wall with her hand to keep from falling over. “I agree with the old man, we have to get her back before Jerkblood kills her off. He’ll even kill the professor and the kid.”

Applejack nodded. “I want my sister back.”

Rainbow groaned rubbing her face. “This would be so much easier if we didn’t have so many civilians. I would go myself.”

Vinyl blinked with a plan. “Twilight, you do healing magic.” Vinyl said pointing at her. Twilight blinked.

“Well yes but-”

“Heal the old man, at least get as much of his leg healed as possible.” She ordered. Twilight nodded and walked over to Tick Tock and placed her hands on his bloody knee and concentrate for a moment.

“What’s the plan?” Spike asked. Everypony turned to Vinyl. Vinyl sighed then pointed at Derpy.

“Strip off their clothes, I need a new shirt.” Derpy nodded running to the unicorn guard and started unlatching his armor. Vinyl turned to Spike. “I’m going after the princess.”

“What?” Sweetie Belle asked “But there are a bunch of pirates and guards in the way. You can’t go out like that.”

Vinyl nodded. Twilight sighed standing up. “Finished.” She panted as Tick Tock tested his leg with a wince.

“Better, thank you.”

Twilight bowed her head. “It’s no trouble at all, highness.” She turned to Vinyl to see her staring at her.

“Heal me, mostly my leg. I can care less with my back at the moment.” Vinyl ordered.

Twilight was worried. “But Vinyl, you’ve lost a lot of blood and you’re still weak.”

Vinyl nodded. “I know, but that didn’t stop me before.”

Blossom nodded. “You’re the Vinyl Scratch from the Fillydelphia Slave Arena are you?”

Everypony turned to her with shock. Vinyl blushed but nodded. “Yeah, I was.”

Blossom nodded. “Defiantly got you on the right side. We saw what you did to the assassin.”

Vinyl nodded with a shameful blush on her face. “I’m not happy with that but, I had to protect Sweet Cheeks, right?”

Twilight placed her hands on Vinyl’s shoulders and took in a breath. “Concentrate with me. Use your magic with me.” Vinyl nodded closing her eyes feeling Twilight’s magic and her own magic flow inside her body. In a few seconds Twilight released her as Vinyl sighed shaking her head from the flow of magic. She blinked to see through both eyes. She looked down to find most of her bruises were healed. She looked at her back.

“It’s healed!” Scootaloo cheered. “Well mostly.” Vinyl nodded.

“Good enough.” She said as she bent her knee and smiled. “Hmm, very good.”

Twilight sighed. “I knew I didn’t have enough power so I borrowed your magic to complete the healing process.” She sat down hard on the ground panting.

Vinyl nodded and turned to see Derpy holding up a stained shirt from the unicorn who had his neck slit. Vinyl nodded pulling the remains of her shirt off throwing the bloody cloth on the floor. She took the new shirt and pulled it over her head. She sniffed the shirt and glared at the two guards.

“Celestia, do you guards even use deodorant?” Raindrops and Blossomforth shrugged. Vinyl rolled her eyes. “Whatever, give me his belt and weapons. I’ll need every laser powered gun he has.”

“You’re crazy.” Raindrops retorted. “You can’t go after them alone.”

Vinyl chuckled pulling the belt around her waist. “Please, I’m not going alone.” Vinyl pulled out a knife and handed it to the prince. Tick Tock looked up at her as she flipped the knife to hold the blade. “She’s your daughter, right?”

Tick Tock took the knife nodding to her. He stood up and smiled at the unicorn. Vinyl blinked then looked down at Twilight.



“Take Twilight, Spike, Scoots, and Sweetie Belle with you to the Fancy Flute and get that ship started. Kill all the guards and pirates.”

“Not all!” Blossom called out quickly. Everypony turned to her. “There are pegasi and unicorns on our side. Baltimare Station ponies are on your side. Raindrops or I can send the signal and the guards on our side will fight back.”

Vinyl nodded. “Then you two are coming with us when we escape?” Raindrops and Blossom looked at one another.

“We’ll think about it.” Blossom answered with a smile.

Vinyl then pointed to Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Your princess and your sister, too.”

“But Vinyl,” Scootaloo asked tugging her shirt. “What if something happens to you?”

Vinyl kneeled down looking into Scootaloo’s eyes.

“Just like in the arena alright? If something does happen to me just keep going. Don’t look back.”

Scootaloo turned away. Vinyl ruffled her mane and stood up. She turned but gasped, feeling something wrap around her waist. She looked down to see Scootaloo crying into her back. Vinyl sighed then looked at Sweetie Belle and pointed at Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle nodded grabbing Scootaloo and pulled her back.

Vinyl turned and watched Rainbow as she grabbed a sword belt from the dead guard and pulled on the belt. She pulled out the sword and checked its sharpness. Applejack found the pistols and held them out checking the charges. Applejack handed the extra blade to Tick Tock as he too tested the sharpness.

“Don’t you worry,” Vinyl said turning to Twilight mostly. “We’ll get them back. And when the last pony comes on the ship and tells you to fly, you fly. No lagging, no nothing. Just fly as far away as you can into the outer rim galaxy.”

“The Outer Rim?” Twilight asked speechless. “Those are where the rouge planets are and where the pirates rule!”

Vinyl nodded. “I know, but until everything is said and done we’re all fugitives if any soldier lives.” Vinyl turned to Derpy and Spike to see them looking at her sadly just as they did in the arena so long ago.

“Keep each other alive, alright?” Vinyl said. Derpy and Spike nodded firmly.

“Just come back. This time we won’t watch.” Spike said firmly turning towards Twilight and helped her stand up. Vinyl looked at Blossom and Raindrops.

“I trust you two to keep my family alive up there.”

“You can count on us.” Blossomforth said saluting. Raindrops smirked and saluted. Vinyl saluted in return and started for the door.

“Remember to fly away.” Vinyl called out pointing to her friends.

“We will. “Derpy retorted, trying hard to hide her tears. Vinyl waved for her party to follow. Tick Tock nodded, running ahead with Rainbow and Applejack behind him. Vinyl stopped to watch the two rouge soldiers lead her friends out the other direction. Vinyl gave them all a last look before finally turning and running down the hall.

Just like the arena, Vinyl said in her mind as she caught up with the older ponies. You live or die.

Author's Note:

Here you are, Chapter 19. Oh boy, here it comes, a showdown. Just two more chapters left! What's gonna happen next? I'm getting excited!

It was during Season 3 that ideas about the Crystal Empire popped up in my mind while writing the story. It's also a perfect place to put the ending. Also it's a fun and different way of telling the Crystal Empire story. Hmm, do you guys know who this shadow is? And what's influencing Blueblood at the moment? Oh and Blossomforth and Raindrops join the cast. Did you expect that? Are they good guys or bad guys? Hmm . . . you just have to keep reading and find out.
Feb. 8th, 2014: Chapter 19 has been edited by the awesome Xhoral1865. But thanks to him. If there are any mistakes let me know. Thanks.