• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,217 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 21: Nightmare's Fall

Chapter 21

Nightmare's Fall

Octavia followed the magical sad feeling past many piles of crystal treasures until she stopped. There was a large crystal wall in front of her with giant, black glass doors. But the wall surrounding the door was dark and dead, not lit up like the rest of the chamber.

“Is this it?” She asked the Heart.

Yes, this is where Sombra is controlling her. The Guardians answered.

Octavia walked closer to the door. She stopped looking at the heart in her hands then around the room. She noticed a large crystal pillar that had fallen during the shake. She set the Crystal Heart on the downed pillar then turned back to the glass doors.

“How do I open this?” Octavia asked studying the door. The doors looked rounded out.

You must place the Guardians together on the door. The Guardians answered.

Octavia sighed then reached into her vest pocket. She pulled out the Crystal Guardians one at a time. She hesitated, then placed the jewels on the glass door in the order she had seen on the hieroglyph wall. Octavia placed the red glowing jewel on the door first. She gasped, seeing the jewel sink into the door. She quickly put in the orange, yellow, green, and blue jewels, to see the four jewels sink into the door, creating a rainbow. Octavia pulled out the last crystal, Luna’s Tear. The stone felt cold and lifeless in her hand; there was no warm purple light radiating from the crystal. Octavia sighed, then placed the dead crystal next to the blue one. She backed away staring at the tiny rainbow on the black glass door.

“Now what?” She asked out loud, shaking with nerves.

Place your hand on the door and concentrate.

Octavia looked down at her hand then at the doors. She bit her lip as she reached her hand to the door. She placed her hand under the rainbow crystals. She felt an immediate reaction at the contact. She closed her eyes and let out a slow breath concentrating on some power she didn’t know she had. She could feel something tingling on her hand as she pressed harder.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a lock unlocking. Octavia gasped, pulling her hand away as she watched the Guardian Crystals fall out of their holes to the ground. The crystals continued to glow, except for the Luna’s Tear. Octavia knelt down on her knee, scooped up the jewels and placed them back in her pocket. When she was done she heard a hissing sound coming from the door and immediately jumped back on her rump, watching the glass doors open. The steam blocked her view of the interior. She coughed from the horrible smell the steam produced. Once the steam had circulated away, she opened her eyes and looked up in awe and fear, seeing something she never thought to exist.

Hanging by large cords and wires, was a young blue alicorn. Her fur was that of a pale blue and her lighter blue mane was shaggy and long, reaching down to her thighs. Her eyes were wide open but only white light came out from them. All around her were wires. Wires and tubes sticking into her head, arms, and body through her old tattered, spacer clothes. Her cutie-mark was visible through an old tear in her trousers. A crescent white moon with stars.

“Princess Luna!” She whispered in awe, staring at the body. She covered her mouth feeling the bile again. Octavia always thought of Luna long dead but she has been here this whole time. Octavia noticed the wires and the tubes flowing glowing liquid into the body and extracting brown liquid out the other side. Octavia went to a chasm and vomited again from the sight. It was horrible to see. Princess Luna might look young or...

“Wait?” Octavia croaked wiping her mouth with her arm. She turned back to the body again. “All of the pictures depict you taller and more regal. You look like an ordinary unicorn.” She whispered spitting to the side coughing.

She is hibernating.

“What?” Octavia asked turning to the Crystal Heart.

Since her capture, we told her to be completely disconnected with her powers to keep herself from truly being processed and controlled.

“Wait so this Sombra daemon... He took over Luna when she discovered this world?”

Correct, Guardians said. Somehow Sombra was strong enough to evade us for a short time and take control of the Princess. He felt her heart and decided to use her own wishes against her.

Octavia blinked trying to think. “I don’t know much of Luna except in small stories. Luna is now forgotten and nopony talks about her. What type of things was Sombra wanting?” She asked staring back at the hanging body.

Freedom. Freedom to continue what he wished before. Creating an empire and destroying the Princesses of Sun and Moon. If he had the Moon,

“He weakens the Sun.” Octavia finished nodding. “He did weaken her to madness.” Octavia said harshly, looking at Luna’s glowing eyes. “Why are her eyes like that?” She asked pointing up.

Continuing to disconnect her magic she can only hold so much to keep her alive. We offer her our services to keep her alive. See the tubes?

Octavia gulped and nodded.

Those give her the nutrients this planet uses to keep us alive. But she still holds magic to keep her stable if she does indeed wake up.

“Can she wake up?”

There was silence in return. Octavia gulped.

“Can she be awoken?” She asked again.

She can but we are not sure how much damage had occurred when Sombra tried to possess her.

“Alright, so if Sombra wanted to control Luna for his empire hungry revenge, then why is she still here? Why does he still want to use her?”

Octavia felt a dark presence behind her causing her to stiffen with fear.

Duck! The Guardians screamed out. Octavia fell to the ground as a sword slashed where her head was. Octavia rolled to her back and gasped to see Nightmare Moon above her.

“You have learned too much, Princess.” Octavia gasped seeing Nightmare’s eyes had changed color that matched the shadow in her visions. She turned to Princess Luna then back at Nightmare Moon getting the connection.

“Of course, you’re Sombra!” She growled pointing at the shocked pirate.

Nightmare blinked out of her shock then started chuckling with two different voices, one was female and the other was a deep grunted male voice. “You are clever. More clever than Blueblood expressed.”

Octavia slowly stood up looking at Luna then at Sombra. “You wanted to use Luna’s body to possess like you did to the Crystal King.”

“Ooh, very good guess.” the voice chuckled more male than female. Nightmare was starting to change colors and size before Octavia. “Or did you cheat and have those Crystal Guardians tell you?”

Octavia glared at the monster. “They gave me clues and I just pieced them together in the puzzle. In having Luna under your control you could cause chaos and get revenge from the Royal Sisters. But of course, there was a problem. The Crystal Guardians told Luna what to do and the only way you could fully possess her is by her magic. Without control of her true magic she can’t be touched. Maybe a little,” Octavia whispered lamely at the end.

Sombra smiled chuckling. “Go on you’re getting better.”

Octavia snarled. “You used her desires and her heart to control her so you decided to make something of that magic she had left that’s keeping her alive to make Nightmare Moon! The Pirate Queen of the galaxy.”

Sombra nodded with a sigh. “Yes, and I was disappointed that I had to keep a mare figure for centuries. But of course, congratulations Princess Octavia. You will be my new host and together you and I will crush Canterlot.” Octavia stepped back to the heart touching it.

“You won’t control me!” She snarled.

“Oh I think I can. I’ll just kill you, take your power, and then possess your body. I find that much easier than using magic or weak hearts.” He walked closer to her as Octavia stood her ground shaking with adrenaline.

Octavia stared him down as his sword poked her throat. “Any last words, Princess?”

“I got one!” A voice called out. Sombra yelped turning to see Vinyl’s sword slash forward, cutting his back. Sombra roared, moving away. Octavia took in a deep breath and sat down hard, panting from the near death experience. She looked up to see Vinyl’s backside standing in front of her, protecting her.

“Nopony touches her!” Vinyl snarled angrily.

“Vinyl?” Octavia asked with a smile.

Vinyl turned to her with a wink. She turned back around then she saw Luna. “What in Luna’s mane is that?” She asked her smile vanished.

“Princess Luna,” Octavia answered standing up. “She’s being held captive under Sombra’s spell!” Octavia pointed at Sombra as his body morphs again healing his cut. “We have to disconnect him from Luna somehow.”

“Somehow?” Vinyl asked with worry turning back to Sombra with a gulp.

“Vinyl, you’re better with wires right?” Octavia begged grabbing Vinyl’s sword.

“Huh? Well yeah but- Hey, give that back!” Octavia pushed her back.

“Vinyl, I was trained with a sword, I’ll hold him back while you try to get Princess Luna out of that thing.” Vinyl turned to the alicorn then at Octavia. Octavia nodded to her. “Trust me.”

Vinyl gulped, looking into her eyes then turned to Sombra as he chuckled.

"I'll work as fast as I can." Vinyl whispered, turning away from the princess. Sombra held out his hand and lightning spat out of it. Vinyl yelped and dodged the blast, leaping behind a crystal pillar as molten crystals appeared where Vinyl had been standing. Octavia swung her sword wildly, causing the daemon to growl and give chase after his attacker.

“That’s right, you want me right?” Octavia taunted leaping over fallen crystals as Sombra rushed after her. Vinyl stared at the Crystal Heart glowing inches away from her. She gulped, realizing Octavia’s gone giving her time to get Luna out. She got out from her hiding place headed for the hanging Princess. She pulled out the knife from the sheath in her belt, looking at the wires then at the Princess.

“Wow,” Vinyl whispered and started cutting wires. “My life just gets better and better.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia leaped over a large crack in the ground and hid behind a wall of crystals, panting hard. She groaned looking down at the sword in her hand with a blush.

“Stupid, I haven’t held a sword since I was ten.” She scolded silently to herself. “What was I thinking?” She peeked around the corner to see nothing coming yet. Only red glowing crystals and hot plasma falling from the ceiling in places. This place would turn into a living hell, if she didn't get herself out of the chamber.

“I didn’t lose him did I?” she whispered looking around.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, it was worse than before. Octavia pressed herself against the wall to keep from falling to the ground as shards of crystals fell on her head from the ceiling.

“Great, the temple can’t hold out like this forever.”

“You’re right,” Octavia gasped and turned to see a sword flying towards her head. She slid on the ground as the sword slammed into the wall, making sparks. Sombra looked down at her with a glare. Octavia got up and ran away. Sombra roared out, chasing after her.

The ground shook again causing Octavia to fall hard on the ground. She turned and gasped looking up as Sombra’s sword came down on her again. Octavia rolled to her back and blocked the blow with a feeble block then kicked him in the stomach. Sombra backed away with his giant hand over his stomach as Octavia rolled to her feet and ran away again. Sombra growled getting even angrier than before.

“You can’t run forever!” Sombra roared out as he followed her

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Tick Tock continued to try to and best his brother as the continued to trade blows. Blueblood backed away and tripped on a large shard of crystal and fell hard on his back. He let out a scream, watching his sword fall from his grasp and skid several feet out of his reach. He felt a poke on his neck and looked up to see Tick Tock standing on top of him, his sword point digging into the soft flesh of his throat.

“I have beaten you at last, traitor.” Tick Tock said with a wolf like growl.

“Please, brother, I beg of you! Let me live, I will give you a pardon for you and your daughter and-” Blueblood was sweating and crying like a foal.

Tick Tock applied more pressure to his sword, causing Blueblood to quit his begging. “No, I’m tired of you bribing your way in life. It is time you face the consequences of your actions brother. To death!”

Blueblood covered his face as Tick Tock prepared the blow. Suddenly the earth shook violently, causing Tick Tock to fall onto the ground. Blueblood looked up and gasped at what he saw, as did Tick Tock. Octavia was fighting against a large, black mass of shadows.

“Octavia!” Tick Tock yelled out, forgetting his brother. Blueblood smiled and crawled away. He reached the entrance of the chamber, stood up, and ran away.

Rainbow slashed at the last pirate panting hard from her fight. She turned and gasped seeing Blueblood running away.

“Get back here!” She yelled out running after him. Tick Tock looked over to see Blueblood running like a coward with Rainbow Dash right at his heels.

“Get him, Rainbow.” Tick Tock whispered as he grabbed his sword and started running through the chamber to aid his daughter.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Vinyl finally cut the last wire with a sigh. “There, that should do it. Now, about these tubes?” She leaped down on the ground looking up at the hanging princess, trying to think of a way to disconnect the large tubes without hurting her. Vinyl gasped to see the large pod-like well retracting the clear tubes out of Luna’s body. When the last glowing tube faded away, Luna fell forward. Vinyl braced herself and caught Luna in her arms. Vinyl grunted catching her and was surprised by how light she was. She carefully kneeled down placing Luna on the ground on her back. Vinyl blinked seeing that her eyes were still glowing white.

“What’s wrong with her?” She whispered patting her cheek trying to rouse her awake. Vinyl heard roar and turned her head behind her. She gasped seeing Octavia running towards her, leaping over some fallen giant crystals. She looked exhausted and scared to death. She jumped over a rock and tripped. As she was trying to right herself she fell back onto the ground, not moving. Her body couldn't run anymore.

“Octavia,” Vinyl whispered with worry. She looked down to see that Luna was wearing a sword belt and in her sheath was a sword! Vinyl turned back to Octavia to see the shadow coming into view. Vinyl took the old sword and left the princess to protect Octavia.

Sombra chuckled walking over to see Octavia down on the ground. “At long last, I’ll be free and you’re going to help me, child.” He reached his giant hand to her.

Vinyl leapt over the rock and slashed the shadow hand causing the shadow to scream out, staggering back as he held his severed arm. He growled staring at the meddling unicorn standing before him. “Not on my watch pal.” She smirked.

The shadow growled, his hand reforming onto his arm. “You know, I’m just about tired of you, unicorn. You have been meddling in my plans for the last time. Face my wrath!”

Vinyl shook a touch but kept her smirk up. She chuckled. “I’ve fought and killed many ponies bigger than you, tubby!” She taunted.

The shadow smirked. “You’ve never fought with the likes of me.”

The shadow swung first, Vinyl leaped back surprised by the speed. She was used to fighting slow, lumbering idiots that only grabbed a sword as a weapon to attack. She’s actually fighting with a better swordsman. She dodged another slash and another. He was getting closer and faster. Vinyl hit the wall and rolled to the side as the sword sent up sparks on the wall. Vinyl turned and was ready to take a hit against her blade. She gasped feeling his strength causing her to leap back to stay up. He laughed as Vinyl tried to stay up.

At the most horrible of times, the earth shook again. Vinyl looked up, hearing a crack. She gasped seeing a huge part of the ceiling started to fall over them. Vinyl jumped away as far as she could, landing hard on the ground. She heard the crash behind her and was blinded by dust. Vinyl coughed out the dust in her lungs reaching for her sword. She turned to look behind her to see the large crystal rock, but no shadow daemon. She let out a sigh in relief, the daemon was squashed by the rock. She breathed hard for a second until she was grabbed by the neck by a giant hand. She yelled out as she was lifted up a couple of inches off the ground.

“So, you thought I would lose to you?” Vinyl struggled in his grip, swinging her legs around trying to get down. “Well don’t you worry, this will be over quick.” Vinyl’s eyes widened with fear.

Octavia woke up after the shake, coughing from the dust in the air. She looked up and gasped to see Vinyl being held by her neck by Sombra. She tried to get up but couldn't, staring with shock as Sombra plunged his sword into Vinyl’s stomach.


♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Blueblood sprinted through the halls of the dungeon and jumped over the debris and dead bodies on his run for freedom. He was panting hard as he turned to see Rainbow quickly catching up to him. He let out a yelp of fear and tried to quicken his speed. Rainbow growled, pushing off a corner right behind him.

“You won’t escape me, Blueblood!” Rainbow threatened, a hint of anger in her voice. Blueblood took a left turn and spotted an open door. He ran to the door and shut it behind him. Rainbow reached the door in time to have it slammed into her nose. Thanks to the slam from earlier her nose was now running with blood.

“Dammit!” She yelled out lifting up her boot. She kicked down the old door and continued her pursuit.

Blueblood jumped out of the castle seeing a new sight. He gasped looking around him. The glowing white forests were dead and dying. Ash was floating in the air as hidden volcanos were appearing from cover, spewing lava and crystals in the air. The sky had turned a blood red with ash laden clouds, creating the most hellish scene that Blueblood had ever seen. Blueblood turned to see a life boat with some dead soldiers in it. They had been killed by the volcanic eruption. He ran to the life craft and pushed the dead bodies out of the boat so he could operate it.

Rainbow ran out of the castle and stopped in shock seeing the devastation around her. “Damn, all of this over a dumb crystal?” She asked out-loud looking around. She heard something and turned to see Blueblood escaping on his lifeboat, it was already too high for her to chase.

“Shit!” Rainbow screamed out losing him.

“Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash turned to see Blossomforth with Applejack leaping out of another lifeboat. “Where are the others?” Blossom asked landing in front of her covering her mouth from the ash.

“They’re still down there, I was chasing Blueblood.” Rainbow answered before she started coughing from the ash in the air. Blossom reached into her pocket to pull out a wet handkerchief for Rainbow to breathe into. Rainbow thankfully took the cloth, placing it over her muzzle.

“Are they still alive?” Applejack hollered out with a handkerchief tied around her nose and mouth.

“I don’t know,” Rainbow answered with worry. Then she felt something in her mind and turned to the castle. “Something’s wrong.” She whispered. She turned back and headed inside the castle.

“Rainbow Dash, wait!” Blossomforth yelled out. Applejack placed her hand on her shoulder.

“I’ll go after her, stay here,” Applejack ordered as she took off after her friend.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

“Nooo! Vinyl!” Octavia screamed out. She got up and ran as fast as she could. Sombra pulled out the blade and dropped Vinyl to the ground. Octavia slide on her knees to her, then wrapped her arms around Vinyl holding her up.

“Vinyl, Vinyl, say something!” She cried. Vinyl opened her eyes smirked at her, she was shaking.

“Hey, Sweet Cheeks,” She whispered.

Octavia shook her head. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!” She cried, pressing her forehead against Vinyl’s face.

“And now you have failed.” Octavia looked up, hugging Vinyl tighter as Sombra smiled down at them. “Give up,” He ordered.

Suddenly Sombra screamed out when a brown arm wrapped itself around his neck. Octavia was in shock.


Tick Tock grunted with effort as he reached for his sword and stabbed it into the giant daemon’s chest. “Get out of here, now!” He screamed out, holding on tight as the daemon swayed left and right trying to get the prince off his back. Octavia stood up feeling blood soaking into her pants. Vinyl was bleeding fast and needed help.

“Vinyl! Vinyl, stay with me!” Octavia begged, reaching under Vinyl’s arms and dragging her away from the fight. She turned and gasped to see the Crystal Heart was still where she left it and was still glowing. She could see Luna laying on her back her eyes still glowing. Octavia turned to Sombra then at the ancient princess.

“Why are her eyes still glowing?” Octavia asked dragging Vinyl with her. She looked ahead of her to see a trail of blood from Vinyl, it was getting worse!

Her conscious is still connected with Sombra! She’s not released! The Guardians answered. Octavia watched as her father held on tight to Sombra and still causing him pain. She carefully laid Vinyl on her back by Luna trying to think fast.

“Princess!” Octavia turned to see Rainbow and Applejack running toward her.

“Captain Dash?” Octavia asked with shock seeing the captain and her companion. Rainbow and Applejack both stopped with shock to see Princess Luna in the flesh.

“What the hay,” Applejack whispered stunned pulling off her hat.

“Is that,” Rainbow asked with fear. She only saw pictures of the sleeping alicorn before them.

“It’s Princess Luna,” Octavia said quickly trying to keep Vinyl up. “Vinyl,” when she heard no reply she looked at Vinyl to see her eyes closed and blood slowly dripping from her mouth.

“Oh no! Vinyl wake up, you have to wake up!” Octavia cried patting her cheek trying to bring her back. Applejack looked at Rainbow to see her worried frown.

“I’ll get her,” Applejack said grabbing Vinyl and carrying her in her arms. She turned to Rainbow. “I’ll be back,” Applejack didn’t wait for a reply as she ran out of the temple dodging the hot spots as she ran.

Octavia grabbed the Crystal Heart as it glowed to her touch. She felt the ground shake again and fell over. Rainbow grabbed her by her arms to keep her from falling over.

“Where’s his highness?” Rainbow asked looking for him.

“He’s over-” Octavia turned pointing but gasped to see Sombra teetering on a ledge of a chasm with Tick Tock still keeping his hold on him. “Papa!” Octavia screamed out seeing him.

Rainbow turned and gasped she got a good hold on Octavia. Tick Tock smiled, seeing them looking at him. Rainbow grabbed Octavia before she ran over, holding her tight. The prince saluted then punched the daemon in the face as the earth trembled again. The shadow daemon fell over the edge with the prince. Rainbow closed her eyes turning away, keeping a very tight hold as Octavia screamed and cried trying to get out of her hold.

She’s free! The Crystal Guardians screamed in Octavia’s mind. She turned blubbering like a fool to watch as Luna’s eyes blinked twice then the white light vanished to reveal two normal pony eyes. Luna went limp then her head rolled to the side her eyes closed. Rainbow turned to see what happened with shock. She turned to where the prince was then to Octavia still in her grip.

“We have to go,” Rainbow urged releasing Octavia so she could lift up the alicorn princess over her shoulder. “Ooh, she’s pretty light.” Rainbow thought out-loud shocked.

“But what about,” Octavia whimpered walking to the chasm. Rainbow grabbed Octavia by her vest and pulled her back.

“He sacrificed himself for you, let’s go, now!” She pushed Octavia away to the entrance. There was an explosion far behind them, the two mares turned to the back of the chamber as they felt a rush of heat. Rainbow gasped now panicking.

“Like right now, right now, move!” She screamed out, shoving Octavia to the entrance with Rainbow at her heels. The two mares leapt over the debris and bodies as they ran for the exit. Rainbow turned as they climbed the stairs and sure enough, lava was flowing towards them. Applejack turned the corner in front of them and stopped.

“Hurry, move it, move it!” Rainbow yelled out.

Applejack nodded, turning around running for it. Applejack opened the door letting the two mares run through, feeling the heat herself. They all ran for the life boat outside the castle where Blossom was waiting. Applejack grabbed Octavia and lifted her into the craft then helped Rainbow pull Luna into the boat. Once Rainbow was on she nodded to the guard. Blossom nodded in return. She pressed a few buttons and they started to float up to the sky.

“Where’s Vinyl?” Octavia begged looking at Applejack.

“She’s up there waiting.” Applejack answered pointing up to the ship. Octavia looked up to realize the only ship left in the sky was the Fancy Flute, the other three ships were long gone.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash and boom. Everypony looked down to see the ruins they just escaped turn into a gigantic volcano. All the history, the treasure, and lives were gone.

Octavia sat at the bottom between two benches staring blankly into the sky. Rainbow placed her wet rag over Octavia’s face to keep the ash from entering her lungs. Octavia didn't care. She just closed her eyes and began to cry.

Blossom looked up to Rainbow. “The prince?” Rainbow shook her head turning away. Blossom nodded. “I see.” She whispered sadly.

They reached the belly of the ship and floated inside. Apple Bloom looked over to Sweetie Belle. “That’s everypony, call it!” she called out leaping to the control panel to close the hatch. Sweetie Belle nodded and ran for the speaker tube by the wall.

“Blast off!” she screamed out. The ship made a lurch as the rockets launched them off into space, away from the moon as it continued to burn.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

That night, Octavia sat on a stool watching Vinyl shakily breathe on the flat table in one of the cabins. Octavia turned to see Luna sleeping on a cot across the room, her breathing was full and free but Vinyl’s was shallow, fighting to live. Octavia held Vinyl’s hand not knowing what to do.

The door opened behind her. She turned to see Twilight walk into the room with a sad smile on her face.

“Applejack and Rainbow told me what happened.” She said silently. She found a stool and sat down by Octavia.

“Can’t you heal her like you did with me?” Octavia asked silently.

Twilight shook her head. “There is so much magic can do. But seeing as how far Vinyl is, I don’t think I could make a difference.”

Octavia’s chin quivered as she turned away sniffling. Twilight bowed her head trying hard not to cry. “If you wish, Octavia, I can give her an anesthetic spell to ease the pain and make it easier for her to go in peace.”

Octavia sniffed shaking her head. “No, I‘ll do what I can to bring her back.”

Twilight turned away. “Octavia, there is nothing we can do to make her better. She’ll die and there is nothing-”

“There has to be something!” Octavia shouted staring at her. “I should have taken that sword in the gut not her!”

Twilight closed her eyes and turned away. She stood up and walked to the door. She paused at the door turning back to Octavia. “If you need anything or... if she leaves, you let me know.”

Octavia didn’t answer. Twilight sighed and closed the door behind her. She turned to her left to see Daring and Derpy standing by the door waiting. Twilight shook her head. Daring sighed rubbing her eyes. Derpy sniffed wiping her nose with her sleeve and walked away.

“I’ll tell the others.” She whispered gloomily. Twilight nodded. Derpy walked away leaving professor an assistant alone.

“She won’t accept it that-” Twilight whispered.

“Let her do what she wants right now, Twilight.” Daring interrupted with a sad sigh.

Twilight stared at her in shock. “But she’ll-”

“She has to learn about life, Twilight.” Daring said softly bowing her head. “She lost her father and she’ll lose her friend.” Twilight stared at Daring for a long moment then nodded. Daring chuckled, it sounded forced as she shook her head.

“Sometimes I think the Gods of Old try to remind us ponies what they can do. They can take who they want and leave the others to cry and rot.” Twilight looked down at her feet clenching her fists. Daring sighed and wrapped her arm around Twilight.

“Come along, let’s go outside and rest for a bit.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Twilight whispered sadly following her friend outside.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia watched Vinyl’s chest rise and fall, getting slower and slower by the hour. How she’s alive, is a miracle. She had to think of something to do and keep Vinyl alive until they could find a doctor or a healer. Octavia reached into her pocket and found the cold, dead Luna’s Tear with her cutie mark on it still. Octavia closed her eyes thinking what would have happened if she took the blow and not Vinyl?

She groaned at the thought and reached over to Vinyl's head and stroked her mane. She sniffed, realizing her blue messy mane was still as soft as when she had first touched her mane, before all of this had happened. She gulped, placing her other fist over Vinyl's stomach where the wound was still slightly bleeding. She pressed her head against Vinyl's forehead under her horn, praying, begging for Vinyl's life.

At the side sitting on a desk, the Crystal Heart started to glow faintly. The five other Crystal Guardian jewels started to glow as well. Octavia continued to pray as the Luna’s Tear started to glow in her clenched fist. A sliver of magic started to flow out of the Crystal Heart and the Crystal Guardians start to float into the air. The five crystals flew over Octavia and Vinyl. Octavia and Vinyl started to glow in a green light.

Scootaloo was walking down the hallway sniffling when she spotted something on the floor. She looked down to see a green light coming from the room where Octavia and Vinyl were staying in. She opened the door and gasped seeing the green magic and the two mares glowing. She turned and ran off leaving the door wide open to tell Twilight.

Octavia opened her eyes feeling warmth all over her. She gasped with shock seeing Vinyl covered in a green aura. Then she looked down at herself to find herself glowing green as well.

“What’s going on?” She whispered sniffing staring at her arms. Suddenly the green aura faded away, the five jewels slowly levitated to the table before Octavia’s hands and the room was back to normal. Octavia lifted her fist to find it covered in blood where she was feeling the warmth. Not on her fist, but in her fist.

“Sweet Cheeks?” Octavia gasped looking down to see Vinyl smiling weakly up at her. “What’s going on?”

Octavia dropped Luna’s Tear on the table hearing it strike the wood. She looked down and gasped to find that the Luna’s Tear was glowing purple again! She looked at her bloody fist then at Vinyl’s stained shirt and bandages. She unwrapped Vinyl’s bandages and gasped at what she saw. There was no open wound like seconds before, but a freshly healed scar.

“Impossible!” She whispered in shock staring at the six crystals then looked at Vinyl to see her smiling sleepily at her.

“I felt your light.” She whispered weakly. “You called for me.”

Octavia blinked once then started crying, hugging Vinyl gently. “You’re going to be alright.” She whispered. Vinyl smiled and nuzzled her neck.

“I think I will be.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

“Prince Tick Tock?” A regal voice asked.

“Dead, your majesty.” The blue hologram of a pegasus dressed as a general answered to the darkness.

“Hmmph, what a pity. The hybrid wife?”

“Dead as well, your majesty.” The pegasus said bowing.

“What of the hybrid child?” A younger regal voice asked. The pegasus scratched her eye patch clearing her throat.

“You pause, General?” The elder regal voice asked disdainfully.

The hologram gulped. “Apologies, Majesty, we are just not sure as of yet.”

“Explain,” the younger ordered.

“We were given so many confusing reports from all over the galaxy Majesties. We just don’t know if the hybrid is alive or dead. Our last report from Prince Blueblood stated that she and her associates were dead.”

“Dead by what, General Dust?” The elder asked.

“Death by fire, your majesties.”

“Yet you have more to tell us?” The younger voice asked with a threatening tone. The hologram gulped audibly, rubbing her neck with a look of worry in her single golden eye.

“Permission to speak freely?” The hologram asked staring straight ahead with her hands behind her back.

“You may,” The elder regal voice answered.

The hologram sighed. “I was given word that Twilight Sparkle has returned from hiding.”

“Twilight Sparkle?” Both regal voices asked with shock.

“Yes. We also got word that Rainbow Dash has chosen the path of traitor and Applejack, the escaped earth pony, has finally revealed herself at last working with pirates. The last message we received from Blueblood had stated that they were dead.”

“Were, General?” The younger voice asked with disdain.

The general gulped. “Some soldiers are spreading rumors that the traitors with the princess are heading to the Outer Rim of the galaxy, far away from our ships and patrols.”

“Anything else we should know about, General Lightning Dust?”

The pegasus, Lightning Dust gulped. “That should be all of my report, Majesties.”

“Good, until next week?”

“Of course, majesty,” General Lightning Dust said. She placed her fist on her chest in the traditional Pegasus Salute. “All hail, Celestia!” The hologram fizzled off leaving the two majesties in the dark of the study.

“So what do we do now?” The younger voice asked. “Princess Octavia was a threat before and now she’s a much bigger threat. I say we send more assassins and finish her off now!”

The elder majesty raised up her dark hand hushing the younger. “Not so fast, my dear,” the regal voice said tapping her golden fingernail to her desk. “We’ll take care of the princess in due time. When she returns from her escapade to the Outer Rim she’ll have to return.”

“You’re not seriously going to wait while that fugitive with those blasted Elements of Harmony to come by for a spot of tea?! No Majesty, we have to destroy them now!”

“And tell me dear, how much good are the Elements without the other three? They have Magic, Loyalty and Honesty. Where are Generosity, Laughter, and Kindness, hmm?”

The younger paused trying to think. “Well Kindness is gone, disappeared without a trace. Laughter is supposed to be dead, I saw her corpse myself. And Generosity ... The last I heard of her was that she owns a tailor shop in Fillydelphia Station.”

The elder chuckled. “So, go capture Generosity and take her to The Rock.”

“The Rock? Why put her there? Shouldn’t we execute her while everypony still sees her as a traitor?”

The elder voice sighed taking a sip of her cold tea. “We can make it look like an execution.”

“I’m listening,”

“Send Blueblood a message that we’ll borrow Captain Lulamoon’s Special Forces to burn down the tailor shop and take the traitor to The Rock and have her spend the rest of her days there. I don’t want those Elements of Harmony back together even in spirit.”

“And the hybrid?”

The elder smiled. “We’ll just prepare for her arrival and make it as bloody as possible. She won’t stop me from total domination. Now be a good little princess and sleep with that husband of yours.”

The younger chuckled. “Oh yes, I’ll give him more fun tonight.”

As the younger left the room, the older majesty chuckled. “Oh Octavia, I’m so going to enjoy your visit.”

Author's Note:

Well? How was that? Was that a good ending? Hehehehe, this is just the beginning the of a huge story, fellahs. Book 2 will be up in 2014. In Mid-January or Early-February, not sure yet.

So who do you think those two regal voices were? What are they're plans? What about Rarity? What about Vinyl and Octavia, will they be a couple? Hmmm . . . . you just have to wait until next time on TMS.

After you read this chapter, check out the Author's Notes & Sneak Peek chapter. I'll talk about how TMS was created, Thanks to all of you, and not to mention four music links to songs that inspired this story and the next one, and you'll get a sneak peek of Book 2 and what to expect next time.

Hope you all enjoyed the story. I'm not done just yet. :raritywink:
Feb. 9th, 2014: Chapter 21 has been edited! Huge thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing help for this whole story. If there are any mistakes we missed, please let me know. Thanks.