• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,219 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 8: Life Changes

Chapter 8

Life Changes

Vinyl walked down into the mess deck, then past one of the five small tables seeing three faces. Scootaloo’s with two new fillies. A unicorn and an earth pony. She gave them a wave then reached for a mug of cider on the counter. When she took a gulp, she suddenly blinked, realizing she didn’t know who the two other faces were. Vinyl started coughing, spitting out the old alcohol, turning around at the three young faces smiling at her at the table.

“SCOOTALOO!” Vinyl screamed out, slamming the tankard on the counter. Scootaloo sunk into her chair with a gulp and a nervous chuckle.

“Aye, Vinyl?” Vinyl pointed at the two young fillies sitting at the table with Scootaloo.

“Why are there two stowaways on my ship?!” Vinyl screamed out standing up.

Scootaloo chuckled nervously again, scratching the back of her head.

“You see Cap, um, when you told me to fix the engine I had to find new parts in the market. While searching, I ran into these two.” Scootaloo paused to point her thumb at the earth pony filly. “Apple Bloom here knows a thing or two about machines and requested to help me. She's the one who fixed the engines. That’s why we blasted off fast! Isn’t that great?”

Vinyl turned to the yellow Earth filly with a dirty red mane with a small salmon colored newsies cap on her head. She was dressed in a pair of old farmer’s overalls with an old hand-me-down faded orange t-shirt with three red apples sewn on the hem of her sleeve. She made a wave, blushing.

“But when we blasted off on Derpy’s order well... they came along, too.” Scootaloo said chuckling. “That’s Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said, pointing at the filly in farmers clothes. Then she pointed at the white unicorn filly in a light dress. “And that’s Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle had on a cream white dress that was stained with muck from the streets. She had a pair of black leggings on that were also dirty from the streets. She looked like she lived with a middle class family by how clean she looked. Her marshmallow-white coat looked a little smudged with dirt but her pink and lilac mane looked well kept.

“Don’t be upset with Scootaloo, ma’am.” Sweetie Belle said in a high young voice.

“Yeah, she’s right, we only wanted to help.” Apple Bloom said in a light country drawl, grinning.

Vinyl looked down to see that Apple Bloom was wearing old sneakers with wrapped cloth around them keeping her shoes together. While Sweetie Belle was wearing slip on shoes. Vinyl could tell these two were from two completely different backgrounds. One was a poor farmer no doubt and the other was from a middle class family.

Vinyl let out a sigh, rubbing her eyes. “Just go to bed before I put you on watch duty all night,” she yelled causing the three fillies to run away, up the stairs, back on deck.

Vinyl sat down hard in a chair by the table, rubbing her face again. Where has her life got into now? She already had a hard time with one filly, now three of them!? Vinyl groaned again, dropping onto the table, hitting her forehead with a light, “Oww,” as she winced with the future problem of an accidental kidnapping of fillies.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

“There, that took a while.” Twilight said, after using her magic to unlatch the manacles off of Octavia’s wrists. Twilight noticed the chafed areas on her wrists. “Here, I've got some salve that can heal that up for you.” Twilight walked to one of her bags and fished through them for the salve.

Octavia was surprised by how fast Twilight had opened up to her so quickly. By her clothes, Octavia could tell that Twilight was a student from a university, no doubt in Canterlot. Twilight returned with a small jar of salve and started to apply the greasy mess on Octavia’s wrists. Immediately Octavia felt relief from the irritated skin.

“Thank you,” Octavia said rubbing the salve on her other wrist as Twilight started looking into her bags.

“It’s no problem at all, Princess. I’m just doing my duty.” Octavia watched her for a few moments, surprised.

“But aren’t you...”

“Aren’t I what?”

“A unicorn,” Octavia whispered softly, her ears flat on her head with shame.

Twilight looked up holding up a sweater. “Oh that? No,” Twilight looked angered as she reached into her suitcase to pull out a clean white button up shirt. “I don’t believe in the laws about the races and the mixed.”

Octavia watched Twilight for a moment as she went through her clothes. Octavia can tell Twilight was old enough to be like other ponies her age. She should be in the army killing her race but instead she’s possibly the only unicorn from Canterlot to not have a hatred for Hybrids and Earth ponies. I wonder why? Octavia thought to herself as Twilight turned back to her.

“To me it’s terrible and low of us to think of us higher than other ponies. I never believed in that at all.” Twilight set the shirt on the bed then returned to find some trousers and placed it with the shirt on the bed. Octavia was quite shocked by the elder unicorn. She had never met any unicorns, besides her parents, that treated her equally to their level.

“So, uh, I never got you name, miss?”

“Oh my name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.” She said holding out her hand. Octavia took her hand and shook it. “I’m Professor Daring Do’s Assistant. I just started traveling with her and this is my first expedition out of the Canterlot sectors. I’m excited to see what we’ll find out in the unknown areas of the galaxy.” Twilight said smiling with excitement for the trip.

Octavia looked at the clothes and smiled. “So Twilight,” Octavia started. “Why did you choose this ship out of the others in Fillydelphia?” Twilight could hear the annoyance in Octavia’s voice.

“Well Professor Do said that she does this a lot and mostly it’s cheaper. I didn’t want to use a smuggler or a pirate, of all ponies, to take us to our goals, but the Professor said she grew up with these types so she knows how to speak their language.” Twilight sighed, shaking her head.

“Sometimes the Professor can be rash and yet so right. I learned so much from her already and soon I’ll be an archeologist like her and teach to so many young minds or explore ruins all over the galaxy.” Twilight smiled at Octavia to see her smile back. Octavia chuckled.

“It looks like you have your future set up.”

Twilight nodded, her smile subdued as she looked for some stockings and a sweater. “Well it’s the only future I can afford without taking a job as Queen Celestia’s right hand mage.”

“Wait,” Octavia said in shock. “You know Queen Celestia?” Twilight looked sad for a moment then hurt.

“I knew her. I don’t know her anymore.” Twilight’s ears went flat on her head as she turned away as if remembering.

“She was my teacher in magic. She was like a second mother to me. Telling me to be strong and never show weakness to the enemy.” Twilight closed her eyes, feeling the familiar touch of memory, stroking her face, then a kiss on the head, before pushing her lightly away. Twilight lightly scratched her cheek, where she felt that touch.

“Then, when I came back to her and rejoined her school, she changed. She turned into some other pony I have never known to exist. It’s like she was replaced by some other being that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.” Octavia blinked, watching Twilight turn from sadness to a touch of anger. Though her face was a serious mask her eyes sparked with rage.

“So after she ruined my life I didn’t want to be at her school, so I transferred to Luna’s University which is south of Canterlot. Since then I've worked with Professor Do.”

Octavia gulped, her aunt did something to this unicorn and made her hate her. ”Wow,” Thought Octavia, “I wonder what it was. Probably something that happened many years ago, since Twilight is pretty open about it.”

“So, did she know?” Octavia asked curiously. “Did the Queen know you were with Professor Do?”

“Who, Queen Celestia?” Twilight asked with a scoff. Octavia nodded. Twilight’s hard smile turned into a frown and shrugged. “I don’t think so. She never sent me letters or anything and I never dare to send anything to her. I don’t want her kingdom to control my thoughts like it did to other ponies. My whole family is now against Earth ponies and mixed ponies because of her.” Twilight paused seeing Octavia watching her. Twilight shook her head, chuckling.

“Enough with the boring bits. What about you, Princess? I mean the news spread like wildfire that you and your family were killed. How did you end up here and with our captain?” Octavia glowered at her.

“Well, that ruffian Captain saved me from that terrible pirate, Nightmare Moon, I guess. Then she tricked me into going to see the Royal Guard Station at Fillydelphia.” Octavia heard Twilight wince. Octavia looked up seeing her turn away. Twilight noticed her glare, feeling ashamed and felt that she owed an explanation.

“Fillydelphia is corrupt. The Royal Guards only work for the slavers. Since Fillydelphia Station is so far away from Canterlot control there are no ponies to tighten the rules, so the guards do whatever they want.”

Octavia sighed. “How come I never knew about this? At least my father would have told me about this.”

Twilight shrugged. “Maybe he did it to protect you.” She said standing up to sit beside Octavia on the bed.

“My parents used to protect me from the outside world of Canterlot until I moved to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and everything seemed to turn its back at me. Everything I grew up to believe was nothing but dung under the hooves of everypony outside my sheltered life. Once I left the school to...” Twilight paused looking hurt with a memory, she sighed deeply patting Octavia’s back. “Once I left to another place and stayed there for so long, I had to have friends to tell me the real meaning of life outside my comfort zone. Since then I learned to keep a watch on to other things to protect myself.”

“Protect you from what?” Octavia asked. Twilight stood up to hold out the extra clothing to Octavia.

“Well for one, I had to understand where ponies stood in political matters since Politics are controlling ponies and their minds. They tell them what to think and how to react to that thought.”

“What would that be?”

“Well, like you for instance. Everypony in Canterlot hates your guts.” Octavia looked spooked by that shred of news. But she kind of already knew that nopony liked her or her parents. Twilight continued carefully.

“So when the news spread that your ship was destroyed and you were killed... there was a sort of party in the honor of your death. They called it mercy to the Canterlot government that the Earth Hybrid Princess is dead at last.” Twilight blushed seeing Octavia’s spooked expression. “I’m sorry I had to tell you this.”

Octavia shook her head, looking down at her hands. “I already knew the Royals never liked me. They never liked my father either. I just wish that I can do something to change everypony about what they’re doing is wrong!”

Twilight nodded. “I know how you feel. I lived before and during the wars, Princess. I fought alongside many ponies and every pony race, mixed or purebred. I admit it was hard to see my friends being reduced to traitors because of our involvement in the war.” Octavia nodded noticing Twilight sadness.

“Two of my dear friends are Earth ponies. They were thrown into prison for fighting a pegasus officer during the tensions of the Rebellion. It was as if the Royals were trying to tear us apart. I think it worked for a time until we finally separated at long last. I had to be a part of the unicorn army, another continuing her career as a Royal Guardpony, another to be a tailor, the others... I don’t know where they are anymore. My Earth pony friends could still be in prison for all I know and... I don’t know where she, my other pegasus friend, went. But I fear for her every day.”

Octavia wrapped her arm around Twilight, hugging her. “Maybe you’ll find them someday.”

“I know I will. That’s why I decided to be an archeologist. Since I met you on this journey I might find news or directions in finding my friends again. And maybe... we can redo what we failed to accomplish. Bring back the harmony that was shattered after the war.”

Octavia was ready to ask what she meant when there was a knock on the door, interrupting the conversation. The door opened and it was Professor Do.

“Hey girls, how are you?” She asked.

“Doing fine Professor, is there anything you need me to do?” Twilight asked, standing up. Daring shook her head.

“No, Twilight, I just came over to see if you were alright. Oh, and Princess,” Daring said coming into the room with a bow. “Um, the Captain told me to give you some clothes for work.”

“Work,” Octavia said in surprise. Daring shrugged.

“Well she told me that since you are here on this boat and not a part of our expedition, you’ll be a new member of this crew and must earn your way and earn your keep.”

Twilight looked at the professor, appalled. “What? She can’t do that!”

Daring shrugged. “Well that’s the rules and-”

“But why,” Twilight asked. “She’s royalty!”

“Not according to the news she isn’t. Remember, she’s dead.” The professor had a look that can peal paint, Twilight suddenly jumped and nodded with her ears flat on her head.

“You’re right, my mistake.” Daring nodded at her and handed the clothing to Octavia.

“Listen to me, Princess. You are in danger now. Many of us still hail to you as a Princess and future Queen but for many years since your birth there have been attempts at your life.”

Octavia nodded. “Yes, I understand.”

“Good, since you are dead, nopony can think about you. But if a Royal recognizes you, you could be killed in an instant, not by that same Royal but by an assassin. The Royals believe that you will destroy everything they have worked for a long time to achieve. So I do agree with the Captain when she said you are now a member of her crew, it’ll keep you in disguise. I’m sorry,” Daring said with guilt. She bowed again then left the room closing the door behind her.

Octavia looked at the clothing then turned to Twilight’s shirt. “Well, I guess this is when Papa would say, 'Even Royals can get down and dirty in life'. I guess this is my time.” Twilight nodded.

“I'm sorry, Princess Octavia, but Professor Do is right. There were many cults wanting you dead, and they will do anything to get you if they recognize you and know you have no allies to protect you.” Twilight sighed again shaking her head. “I’m just happy that my common sense got to me before I allowed myself to drift to their level.”

The two paused staring at one another for a long moment. Finally Twilight sighed.

“I better go make sure Daring’s things weren’t messed up. I’ll leave you alone to get dressed.” Twilight bowed and turned to leave.

“Twilight,” Octavia called out. Twilight stopped, turning to Octavia. “Octavia is fine.” Twilight blushed and nodded.

“Right, Octavia, of course.” Twilight said smiling, Octavia nodded, turning back to the clothes that were given to her; a puffy shirt, a salmon colored vest, loose trousers, and a pair of old socks. Twilight sighed softly before closing the door. She shook her head before walking to Professor Do’s room to get something done and get her mind off of things.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Vinyl sat on the rail by the ratlines smoking a cigarette, her fourth one that night. She sat back against the tight ropes watching the stars with longing. She flicked the bud into the air letting the bud fly into space.

“Ahem, may I join you Captain?” Vinyl turned to see Professor Do in an old, worn out aviators jacket. Vinyl shrugged, patting the railing. Daring smiled and sat down next to her watching the stars.

“I never get tired of watching the stars,” Daring said trying to start a conversation. Vinyl grunted a reply, hiking her leg up to place her foot on the rail so she can lean against her knee. She watched as Daring pointed to the sky at any star in the galaxy.

“Every star is another planet; another world to explore and study its history and geology. It was always a dream of mine to see them all.” Daring sighed in awe placing her hand back on the rail. Vinyl grinned.

“Yeah, same here,” Vinyl whispered looking up again.

Daring was silent for a moment then cleared her throat. “So I see you smoke?”

“Only when I think or when I want to be alone.” Vinyl said shrugging.

Daring watched Vinyl for a long while. “You know smoking is bad for you, right?”

“I don’t care.” Vinyl said harshly, looking down to the deck.

“Really?” Daring asked, then made a smile. “You seem to care a lot about the Princess back there.”

Vinyl spat to the side. “I can care less about her.”

“Oh? Then why did you save her life from those slavers?”

Vinyl seemed to cringe at the statement. “Look, if I left her there I was going to go crazy with guilt anyway, nothing to it!” Vinyl snapped harshly. Suddenly Vinyl started to cough hard for a long period of time. Daring had to hold Vinyl by the shoulders to keep her from falling off the rail.

“Are you alright, Captain?” Daring asked with true concern. Vinyl pulled out a stained rag, coughing into it then spitting over the side.

“I’m fine,” she croaked, clearing her throat. Once Vinyl was done, she started to breathe hard holding her chest. Daring found this alarming, it looked like Vinyl was having chest pains.

“Are you sure? You look like you’re in pain.”

Vinyl nodded. “I’m fine. I’ve had this cough for years. I’m perfectly fine.”

The small bell at the helm started to ring the time. Vinyl and Daring looked over to see Derpy waving at them. Vinyl waved back then leaped off the rail.

“Welp, my watch is done, if you want to stay up Professor, be my guest. I’m hitting the sack.” Vinyl said, giving Daring a single finger salute to her brow before walking to one of the three hatches and headed down.

Professor Do watched as Vinyl walked away with her hands in her pockets. She sat there staring at the mare with interest and concern. That wet cough reminded her of other times she witnessed it. Daring leaned against the ratlines and watched the stars as Derpy took watch. Vinyl might be in real pain, but that pain can lead to her death if she doesn’t get help soon.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

The next morning, Octavia woke up from sleeping on the floor in Twilight’s room. She slowly sat up, pushing the blanket off of her, yawning. The light from the porthole blinded her, making her groan in pain. She laid back down to where the beam of light didn’t hit her face again. She rubbed her eyes then looked around to find the room empty. She sat up blocking the sunlight to see Twilight’s bed made, but there were signs that Twilight had woken up earlier.

Octavia sighed looking down at the PJ's Twilight loaned her for the night. She scratched herself in an un-princess like way since she was alone anyway.

Octavia slowly stood up with help from the bed, she stretched her arms in the air trying to wake up. She found a note with her name on it in Twilight’s handwriting. Octavia took the note and read it.


I hope you don’t mind that I let you sleep in. You looked so exhausted last night that I thought it would be best for you to get extra sleep considering what Captain Scratch has in store for you.

Anyway, she did stop by to tell you to wake up so I was able to stop her. She left you a pair of boots outside the room and she insisted that you wear the clothing she gave you last night saying that you will be doing some work.

I’ll be where ever the Professor will be all morning if you want to talk. That is, if Professor Do doesn’t give me anything to do first. See you at breakfast if you don’t sleep past that time of course.


Octavia was surprised that she had actually over slept. She never over slept past seven at least. She had to admit, she did feel better sleeping in for a while at least. She sighed, reading the letter a second time before folding it back up and putting it back on the nightstand. She proceeded to get dressed in the old clothes that Vinyl requested she wore. She groaned and pulled on the large puffy shirt with the sleeves cut to her elbows. There were patches over several places on her shirt. She found the doublet that was the color of salmon and several more patches on the vest. She checked the inside to see that indeed there were large holes where the patches cover on the outside.

After she was dressed she took a look at herself in the mirror and groaned at herself. She looked like Vinyl, except Octavia has a salmon colored vest and not a dirty brown one. She had found the dirty gray-black trousers that Vinyl recommended and pulled those on to realize that they were super loose around her waist. She looked around the room to find something to keep her trousers up. She found a belt in a basket of all places and wrapped the black leather belt around her waist and had to pull the length all the way to the last hole. The pants were still loose but not as loose as before. She found the pair of socks Twilight loaned her for now, since the pair Vinyl recommended were old and smelly. She was now ready. She started for the door. As she pushed it open, she heard a scraping sound. She stopped and peaked around the door to find a pair of old black boots. Octavia picked them up, then retched at the smell from the boots.

“Does the Captain know what foot hygiene is?” She groaned out. She sighed in defeat as she pulled on the black boots and fixed the pant legs into the boots.

Once she was done, she stood up and all of a sudden felt very strange. She wiggled her feet in her socks and boots. It’s the boots! She never wore boots like these before, only sandals or slip-ons that hurt her heels. But for some odd reason, she can feel support in the boots and that felt good on her feet. She sighed and headed for the door to the quarterdeck.

Octavia reached the outside and gasped in awe, hearing and seeing giant dragons flying in the air. She quickly ran down the stairs past Vinyl to see the dragons better. She gaped in awe, staring at one of the giants flying right over the ship, roaring. She turned hearing a scream. Then she looked up to see a filly swinging on the ropes, sliding down them, and leaping for another line, swinging like a monkey.

Octavia looked away from the strange new filly to see two other fillies at the railing with Professor Do pointing at the Dragons, probably teaching the two fillies about them. One of them was Scootaloo, while the other was another new filly that Octavia didn’t recall meeting before. Twilight was sitting by the stairs to the quarterdeck, drawing or writing in a journal, watching the dragons with awe. Twilight was now wearing black trousers and not her plaid skirt.

“Well, look who decided to show up!” Octavia stiffened and looked up to see Vinyl staring down at her from the quarterdeck.

“Hey Derpy, take over,” Vinyl called out. Derpy flew from out of nowhere with a salute.

“Aye, aye,” she said smartly as she took Vinyl’s position at the helm. Vinyl looked at the control panel to check the navigation controls then she leaped over the control panel and landed in a squat, right in front of Octavia. She stood up, dusting herself off with a smirk on her face. She pulled her goggles on top of her head above her horn fixing her mane.

“Did you have a nice night sleep, Sweet Cheeks?”

Octavia glared at her. “My name is Octavia,” she snarled.

“Yeah, yeah,” Vinyl said walking past her towards a door under one of the two staircases to the quarterdeck. She opened it and reached inside. She closed the door with her heel, carrying a bucket and a mop.

“First things first, here,” She pushed the mop into Octavia’s hands as she walked past her. Octavia blinked and turned following Vinyl.

“Why-” Octavia snapped before Vinyl held up her hand to stall Octavia’s protest.

“Wait here, be right back.” Vinyl said turning around and headed to the first hatch nearest the quarterdeck and went down to the mess deck. Octavia stood there confused as she watched the dragons fly by. She heard a scream of surprise, then the swinging filly from earlier fell and with a grunt from the rope she hung upside down in front of Octavia, causing her to yelp with shock. The filly noticed Octavia and grinned.

“Hi! I’m Apple Bloom!” This Apple Bloom exclaimed smiling. Octavia chuckled to herself then gasped noticing how tangled Apple Bloom was in the ropes.

“Oh dear,” she exclaimed. “Here let me help you.”

Octavia dropped her mop and grabbed Apple Bloom with one arm around Apple Bloom’s middle to lift her up and use her other hand to try to unravel the tangled mess of ropes from around the filly’s waist, shoulders, and legs. Once most of the worst of the tangles were unraveled, Octavia helped Apple Bloom to the deck. Apple Bloom started giggling, pulling off two lines of rope off from around her chest.

“Thank ya kindly, ma’am. Wow, I guess I went a little too short on that last jump.” Octavia looked up to see all the shroud lines connecting to the giant single mast to the rails.

“But isn't that a little too dangerous?” Apple Bloom shrugged.

Before she could answer, Vinyl called out, “Think fast!” Vinyl tossed the bucket to Octavia. Octavia caught it and let out shriek of surprise as cold water sloshed out onto her chest. She glared at the Captain.

“Hey, nice catch,” Vinyl said smirking at Octavia’s annoyance.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Octavia asked. Vinyl made a pose as if she was thinking.

“Hmm let’s see here... I saved your ass twice so far, so you owe me.”

“I owe you?”

“Yeah, Sweet Cheeks-”

“Octavia,” Octavia shouted in interruption.

“Whatever, listen, you owe me for saving your butt and as such you are stuck here until we’re done with this expedition with Professor Do over there.” Vinyl said pointing to Daring and Twilight who both waved, standing with the fillies. “So since you owe me and you’re a member of this crew, you will be doing all the chores that a ships filly, like yourself, will be going through.”

“Which is?” Octavia asked. Vinyl grabbed Octavia by her sleeve and pulled her with her toward the bow. She stopped Octavia and grabbed the bucket from Octavia’s arms and set it down on the deck. Apple Bloom ran over with the dropped mop, giving it to Vinyl.

“Thank you,” Vinyl said patting Apple Bloom on the head, then tossed the mop to Octavia. Octavia yelped, fumbling with the catch before completely catching the mop handle.

“Now, Sweet Cheeks, here’s your first assignment. Swab the decks with this,” Vinyl ordered, pointing at the mop in Octavia’s hands.

“Swab, what does that mean?” Octavia asked a little confused.

“She means mopping the decks of the ship.” Apple Bloom said motioning with an imaginary mop across the deck.

“You've got to be joking!” Octavia said appalled. Vinyl grinned at her sweetly.

“Aww, is the namby-pamby, Princess scared to break a nail?”

Octavia glared coldly at her. Vinyl glared in return, her smile gone.

“Look, it’s called work, Princess. Maybe you should start working for yourself once in a while.”

Octavia gasped at that. Octavia wasn’t afraid of doing labor, she was taught to take everything to the fullest if it was given to her. But mopping this whole ship? That’s torture! Vinyl chuckled at her shocked face, not really knowing about Octavia’s upbringing. After a moment of glee, Vinyl returned to being serious by glaring at her. Octavia backed away a touch at that.

“Listen to me, very carefully,” Vinyl said severely. Octavia gulped. “You won’t be given any special treatment anywhere, now that you’re with me on this boat. The only special treatment you’ll get from me is probably a slap in the face.” To emphasize her point, Vinyl slapped the back of her hand on her other hand making a loud slap noise causing Apple Bloom and Octavia to flinch at the sound. Vinyl placed her hands back on her hips glaring at Octavia again.

“Nopony cares about us and they surely don’t care about you. So you should start getting to work because that’s all you’re good for now.” Octavia stood there in stunned silence at that hurtful statement as Vinyl walked past her.

“Oh and one other thing,” Vinyl said. Octavia turned around to see Vinyl pointing her finger at her. “When I get back, I better see this deck spotless. Or I will give you enough extra work to where you won't be able to sleep.” Octavia gulped but held her glare. “On my ship, when I tell you to do something, you better do it. Is that clear?”

Octavia just gave her a curt nod with a glare. Vinyl chuckled.

“You actually look cute when you’re angry.” Vinyl taunted with a laugh, seeing the blush on Octavia’s face. Once Vinyl took the second hatch below decks, Octavia was left alone with Apple Bloom.

“So,” Octavia said looking at the mop.

“So,” Apple Bloom said back grinning. Octavia grinned back and started mopping, trying to remember how the servants did it in the palace. Stick the mop into the bucket then pull it out and start swabbing.

Twilight looked up from her journal with a sad sigh after hearing what was said across the boat. Vinyl was cruel and there was no reason for the Captain to treat Octavia like a slave.

“It’s not fair, Professor,” Twilight stated firmly, erasing a mark she was doodling in her journal.

“What’s not fair?” Daring asked, looking through her telescope at the last of the dragon migration as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle argued about what a dragon slayer cutie mark would look like.

“Why would the Captain treat Octavia like that? She’s a Princess. A Royal,” Twilight said pointing at Octavia with a disdainful gaze.

Daring sighed, pushing her telescope together into a small tube. “Twilight, there are things you have to do to get by.”

“I understand that but still-”

“Twilight Sparkle, have you ever owed any debts to any pony?”

Twilight looked up at her with a raised brow. “Huh?”

“Did you have to repay a pony for something you did or they did?”

“Well once or twice. But what does this have to do-”

“The Princess owes a debt to Captain Scratch. Until that debt is repaid, expect this treatment for the rest of the voyage.” Daring said severely, turning away from Twilight.

Twilight sighed, drawing in her journal again. “I still don’t think this is right.”

Daring grinned slightly at Twilight’s statement. She’s right though, Vinyl shouldn’t have treated Octavia like a slave or the lowest member of society. Daring sighed shaking her head looking out into the sky again.

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 is up for you all to enjoy. Let me know if there are any mistakes.

Chapter 9 will be up in two - four days. There is more adventure to come.
Jan. 12th, 2014: Chapter 8 is up and edited. Huge thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing help. If there are any mistakes please let me know.