• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,217 Views, 114 Comments

Treasured Moon and Stars: Vol. 1 Luna's Treasured Moon - TigerSwirl448

Octavia is a princess and was saved by a thief named Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl helps Octavia find a planet with treasures galore and a link to discovering the truth behind Princess Luna's disappearance. Crossover with Treasure Planet & Castle in

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Chapter 11: The Blackjack

Chapter 11

The Blackjack

Vinyl peeked at the large glass jar on the shelf, seeing the giant dead bug floating in the alcohol. Yuck, that is nasty. Good thing I don’t see these things on my ship, Vinyl thought to herself, making a face. Daring took Vinyl and Scootaloo to the merchant side of Hoofington where the streets were a tad bit cleaner and where the businesses were set. They walked into this old antique shop. The tiny shop was cluttered with old ancient chairs, books, statues, even strange things like the bug in the jar and several zebra tribal masks and other items.

Vinyl turned, hearing a bell ring, to see an older stallion walk in from the back room. The door shut behind him. The old stallion was a unicorn with a gray coat and midnight blue mane, wearing a monocle over his right eye. He’s dressed like an old druid with a red robe and a black rope cord around his waist.

“May I help you folks?” He asked carefully. Vinyl turned to see Scootaloo sticking out her tongue at the shrunken zebra head, hanging above her. Daring smiled at the old stallion.

“Star Burst,” she asked, walking to him. The old unicorn pulled off his monocle to clean it then placed it back over his eye.

“Do I know you miss?”

Daring chuckled. “Well the last time we met I was an apprentice to Dr. Thunder Cloud before the war.”

“Thunder Cloud,” Star Burst pondered then his eyes widen, turning to Daring, again smiling. “Little Daring,” he gasped laughing. “Look at you! By Luna’s mane, you have grown up so much.” Daring blushed a touch.

“Well, I’m quite surprised you are now here in Hoofington.”

Star Burst cleared his throat, tuning away. “Well... things have changed since you were younger, Daring.” Daring smiled, clenching her right fist a couple of times. Vinyl quirked her eyebrow at that. That was the second time Vinyl noticed Daring doing that.

“Yes, it is a shame. But luckily, I’m nothing like the other pegasi out there.” Daring held out her hand, Star Burst smiled and shook her hand.

“It is nice to see a familiar face. It’s been far too long, Daring Do.” Star Burst said being at ease. Daring nodded. Vinyl sighed, leaning against the wall with her hands in her pockets. Scootaloo leaned against the wall beside her. Star Burst noticed the two strangers.

“If I may be so bold to ask...” He pointed to Vinyl and Scootaloo.

Daring smiled sheepishly at her friends. “Oh yes, uh, Professor-”

“I’m not a professor any more Daring. My license was taken away years ago.” Daring flattened her ears on her head with a sigh.

“You, too?” She asked. He nodded sadly but smiled.

“Well the upside to this is that I have nothing to grade anymore.”

Daring nodded. “Star Burst, the unicorn is Vinyl Scratch, Captain of the Fancy Flute and the pegasus is Scootaloo.” Vinyl winked while Scootaloo nodded with a grin. “They’re with me to get more information on a legend I’m searching for.”

“What legend?” Star Burst asked, making a deep furrow with his brows.

Daring grinned. “Can we talk somewhere in private?”

Star Burst nodded. “Ah... Yes, follow me to the back room. We will continue to talk there.” Daring stopped, turning to Vinyl and Scootaloo.

“Perhaps you two should look for more hands. I’ll be here with Star Burst. If I already left, I will be at the ship.”

Vinyl nodded. “Alright, we’ll be at the nearest pub if you’re done early and need us.”

Daring nodded. “Stay sharp, Captain.”

“Same with you too, Professor,” Vinyl tipped her hat and went out the door of the old shop with Scootaloo behind her. The streets were filled with ponies and creatures alike, looking around the market place. Scootaloo looked back at the tiny shop, shivering.

“That place was downright creepy!” She said shivering.

Vinyl chuckled. “Yeah... It was. Come on Scoots, there’s a tavern nearby.” Scootaloo followed Vinyl towards a giant pub at the end of the street with a large flashing sign with white and black letters that read, “The Blackjack”.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

“Thank you, sir!” Twilight called, running to Octavia who was hiding in an alley. Twilight sighed.

“Anything,” Octavia asked, pushing the brim of her sailors cap up to reveal her lilac eyes.

Twilight shook her head. “No, he didn’t know where they were. He gave me some looks though.” Twilight said with a growl. Octavia nodded, fixing her new braided mane.

An hour earlier, Octavia made Twilight help her cut her mane to make it shorter, then braid it to make her look more like the spacer mares that wore their manes long. But her tail had to be shortened to keep up the disguise. In the laundry baskets on the boat, Octavia found an old hat that resembled Derpy’s and placed it on her head to fit the part of a spacer. So far nopony gave her a second glance.

“What now?” Twilight asked. “I will feel more better when we get you back to the ship.”

Octavia shook her head. “No, we have to find them.”

“Why? You never really told me why you’re desperate to find the Professor and the Captain.”

Octavia blushed. “I can’t tell you now, Twilight. I have to find them and tell them myself.”

Twilight sighed, looking out of the alley to see more ponies walking by. She turned back to Octavia, then nodded. “Fine, let’s continue asking around. Surly somepony has seen them.”

Octavia and Twilight walked together through the throng of ponies at some area that resembled a town square, well what was once a town square. There were old ruins of fountains and old stone benches, many of them were broken or destroyed to rubble. Twilight looked up and gasped, pushing Octavia’s head down.

“Ow, why’d you do that for?”

“Shh!” Twilight hushed harshly. Octavia pushed her hand away then looked up seeing a giant hologram screen on a wall of a destroyed building. On the hologram appeared to be some kind of unicorn in Royal Guard attire for higher up soldiers. The black and red suit jacket and black three cornered hat made the mare look menacing. The rank on her sleeves shown that the mare was a Captain.

“Come one and come all! This is a message to all ponies in the Hoofington area!” The unicorn bellowed, from the large speakers on stands, guarded by soldiers dressed in red, white, and yellow with muskets and swords. Twilight gulped, glaring at the unicorn’s hologram as Octavia looked alarmed.

“My name is Captain Trixie Lulamoon from the Canterlotian Unicorn Royal Army,”

“Did she say, Canterlot?” Octavia whispered, looking at Twilight to see that she was scared, keeping hold of Octavia’s arm.

“I have a message to all you street rats, thieves and Earth buckers below. By order from my lord, Prince Blueblood, the fifth in line to the throne of Canterlot,”

“Fifth,” Octavia squeaked. “Uncle Blueblood was tenth in line.” She whispered, looking to Twilight. “How did he reach fifth?” Twilight didn’t answer she just glared at the hologram, feeling her heart hammering in her chest with fear.

The giant Trixie continued. “As you all are very much aware, the attack on ERS Cadenza was a tragic loss for everypony in Canterlot. After much searching we have finally found the leader to these murderers.” Trixie pressed a button on the hologram and revealed a picture of some pony that looked strongly like Vinyl.

“Her name is unknown. This Unicorn is by starting now, an enemy of Canterlot and must be found dead or alive.” Octavia and Twilight looked at one another with shock and fear.

“It is highly possible that she kidnapped Princess Octavia and is holding her ransom.”

“What?” Octavia yelled out. Twilight grabbed her by the mouth and shushed her. Octavia struggled in her hold.

“Quiet, Octavia!” She whispered into the Princess’s ear.

“Prince Blueblood wants revenge for his family’s death and he wants his niece alive. If you find the Princess alive, you will be awarded double if you also give us the Unicorn Pirate.” Trixie grinned as the ponies started cheering for that money.

“The bounty for this Hybrid’s head is two hundred pounds if dead. Alive, it will be two hundred and fifty pounds. With Princess Octavia alive with the ponynapper, then it will be doubled to five hundred pounds.”

Everypony started to whistle and cheer wanting the money.

“Remember, bring these two to the nearest Royal Guard station and you will be paid by me and Prince Blueblood.” Trixie stopped to salute with her hand to her breast. “Long Live Celestia and long live her sun!” The hologram disappeared and the guards started gathering the speakers and equipment as the Hoofington ponies started talking about the money they will get. Octavia and Twilight looked at one another.

“We have to find Captain Scratch!” Octavia said worriedly, looking around.

“Yes, even Professor Do,” Twilight paused to think. She gasped, grabbing Octavia by her arms. “You have to go to the ship and tell Derpy to get everything ready.”

“What? But-”

“No buts Octavia, please, go back to the ship and get ready to run. No port is safe for us now.” Twilight left Octavia alone, pushing through the crowd, hoping to find the Professor before it was too late. Octavia stayed put in the throng of big bad ponies and bounty hunters. She could go back to the ship, but she couldn't let Twilight go do this alone. She has to find Vinyl before the bounty hunters do anything to her.

“Where would Vinyl go? Think Octy think!” Octavia whispered harshly, thinking hard. Then suddenly she remembered something from Fillydelphia.

And we’ll check at Pony Joes’ bar and see if we got any takers for a job. Hopefully we’ll get some good moola with this doe.

“A bar, of course!” She exclaimed, slapping her hand to her face. She ran to the first creature she could get to, a griffin. “Excuse me! Where’s the nearest bar from here?”

The griffin gave her a look and pointed a thumb to a street. “Take third and take a left you should see a huge place called The Blackjack. Best place in town and closest to the port.”

“The Blackjack, thank you,” Octavia called out, taking her leave.

“Uh sure, I guess.” The griffin said confused. Shouldn’t the spacer already know about Blackjack’s?

Octavia ran through the street, dodging ponies and children, then running past a large wagon. She gasped, sliding to a stop in the street, seeing a bunch of guard ponies patrolling the street in front of her. She turned to her left and saw and alley that looked like it opened up to another street, possibly to the street that she had to find to get to Blackjack's. She ran to the entrance and stopped, smelling the foul odor of something dead. She gulped seeing what looks to be a long dead colt near the entrance of the alley. Octavia about lost her breakfast seeing the colt. She covered her mouth then turned back to see the guards still patrolling the street. She sighed and made her choice. She ran into the alley, leaping over several more dead bodies and crates and boxes; she gagged at the odor as she ran through the dark alley.

She turned the corner and bumped into somepony. She fell back on the ground, rubbing her face.

“Well lookie here!” Octavia looked up to see a cyborg pony looking down at her. His red eyes glowed, making a whirling sound as he looked at her. Octavia had never seen a cyborg pony before. Only soldiers that were rewarded for their services only had cybernetic limbs or eyes. But this pony was a full cyborg. She crawled back.

“I-I-I apologize for running into you, sir.” She shakily said, grabbing her hat and started to get up.

“Apologizing? Grunt knows no apologies. Only Grunt knows how to fuck.”

There were three other stallions with him, chuckling. Octavia gasped, realizing that they all had cybernetic limbs and eyes, chuckling at Octavia as she whimpered trying to get herself together. She turned to run but felt the large hand grab her tail and pulled her back. She gasped, trying to get out of his hold.

“No! Let me go!” She screamed out as the stallion wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to his body.

“Ain’t you a precious little flower,” Grunt said chuckling, leaning closer to her ear. “What’s a delicate flower like yourself doing out here?” He whispered sultry into her ear causing her to panic and pull away.

“Help somepony!” She shrieked, but no pony came to help her.

“Look at her screamin’. Let me have her first!” The second stallion retorted, giggling.

“Hey hands off, Scum. Grunt will take her first, since she bumped into Grunt first that is.” Grunt chuckled as he grabbed Octavia’s vest, ready to pull it off.

“Hey!” Everypony turned to see a pegasus mare standing at the end of the alley. Octavia blinked several times, trying to clear her eyes from the tears to see that the pegasus was dressed like a spacer. Her periwinkle mane looked spiked under her cap. She was light lavender with purple eyes. She was dressed practically like Vinyl, she had a short sleeved shirt, an aqua colored vest, dark blue trousers and seaman boots. But she was more cleanly dressed than Vinyl was.

“Let her go, cyborgs!” She called out, pointing at them.

“Oh and who are you to order Grunt around. This is my city, bitch!” Grunt roared, snarling at her. The pegasus smiled shaking her head. Octavia was amazed by how brave this mare was.

“The name’s Cloud Chaser. And I hate it when poor mares like her get raped every day in this city.” She glared coldly at the stallion cyborgs. “Last warning boys, let her go.”

“What? You gonna hurt us missy?” The second stallion, Scum challenged, pulling out a knife. The third stallion nodded, pulling out his short sword. Cloud Chaser grinned, crossing her arms across her chest.

“She won’t,” another voice screamed out from above. Everypony looked up too late to see an identical pegasus to Cloud Chaser land on Grunt’s face, causing him to scream out, releasing Octavia. The second pegasus leaped off of Grunt’s face and landed on the ground. She let out a cry as she swiped her leg in a round house kick, knocking the cyborgs to the ground or into the wall, groaning.

“But I will.” The second pegasus finished standing back up, dusting off her vest and sleeves. This identical mare is dressed with a puffy long sleeve tunic with a purple vest, she has dark blue trousers, too with seaman boots. Octavia was in shock watching them still reaching for her hat.

“Come on, let’s get outta here!” Cloud Chaser grabbed Octavia and pushed her forward out of the alley. “Flitter, let’s go!” The second pegasus looked up and flew after the two mares, leaving the stallions to groan and curse in pain.

The three mares reached another alley, safely away from the stallions and anypony else. Octavia leaned against the brick wall and slid to the floor, breathing heavily, trying to calm down.

“Nice job, Flitter.” Cloud Chaser said smiling, patting the look alike on the back.

“Thanks for distracting them, CC.” Flitter looked down seeing Octavia was starting to cry. “Hey, are you alright?” Flitter asked worriedly.

Octavia nodded sniffing. “Yeah, just nerves. Thank you so much!” She whispered looking up to see that Flitter does resemble Cloud Chaser but her mane was actually a teal blue green and braided with a pink hair tie.

“Well alright,” Flitter said with concern. “Well, um, I’m Flitter and this is my twin sister, Cloud Chaser.” Octavia nodded to them, seeing Cloud Chaser smiling at the mention of her name. Flitter smiled. “We just recently got off a boat after three months. Damn, I’m sure happy to get out of that old dingy thing.”

Cloud Chaser nodded. “Yeah, we were just on our way to a good tavern when Flitter heard your call for help. So we came and found you about to get in trouble so, we just couldn’t let you get hurt now can we?” Cloud Chaser leaned forward, offering her hand to Octavia. Octavia smiled and took her hand and was hoisted up to her feet.

“Thank you, so much.” She said again, truly grateful for their help.

“So what were you doing in that alley anyway?” Flitter asked looking around, making sure no other threats come by.

“I’m actually in a hurry to find The Blackjack, a tavern close by. I have to find the Captain of my ship before she gets killed by bounty hunters.”

“Bounty hunters,” Cloud Chaser asked nervously, looking around.

“There was a recent reveal that she was charged for a crime and I have to find her before somepony else does.”

“Wait a second,” Flitter interrupted. “You mean that unicorn on that hologram thing is your Captain and...” Flitter gasped. “By Celestia’s mane, is it true? Does she have the Princess hostage?”

Octavia stared at them in stunned silence. “No! She only saved m- Her! She saved her life from that horrid Nightmare Moon!”

The twins gave her looks that tell they were not believe her at all. Octavia groaned.

“Alright... I’m Princess Octavia.” She said loudly, but not too loud for other ponies to hear. The twins stared at her shocked.

“No... You can’t be truly her,” Flitter said shocked. Octavia sighed and pulled off her hat and undid her braid. She fluffed up her mane and stood primly like a Princess and curtsied low.

“I thank you both Madams Cloud Chaser and Flitter for saving my life. If there was a reward I would surly give it to you. Perhaps my Aunt, the Queen herself may give you a reward once I see her again.” The twins stared in shock as Octavia stood back up putting her mane in a ponytail and placed her hat back on her head.

“Please, you have to believe me. Whatever and however my uncle survived that attack, he must have seen Captain Scratch save me, thinking I was kidnapped! Captain Scratch didn’t kidnap me, she saved my life when Nightmare Moon tried to kill me!”

Cloud Chaser turned to Flitter to see her with a spooked look. Cloud Chaser sighed. “Then allow us Princess Octavia, to guard you and take you to this Captain Scratch who saved your life.”

Octavia blinked in surprise. “You mean... you’ll help me even though I’m a mixed Earth pony?”

Flitter blew a raspberry at her. “Please your highness, we were taught better than judging a pony by how they were born. It’s not your fault that you were born an Earth pony.”

Octavia smiled at them. “Thank you so much, again to you both. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

Cloud Chaser and Flitter both bowed to her. “Allow us to accompany you.” Cloud Chaser said smiling.

“Yes, we can’t let you be out here alone.” Flitter added as the two mares stood up straight. Octavia smiled in return.

“Thank you, again. Now hurry, the tavern is close by. I just hope that she’s there and not somewhere else.” Octavia lead the way with the twins close behind her.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Twilight reached the shopping district, pushing and dodging past ponies, searching for any signs of her friend Daring. And sure enough just when she turned the corner into the merchant district she gasped, seeing Daring leaving a shop pulling on her bowler hat.

“Daring!” Twilight called out, running to her. Daring was in shock seeing her assistant running to her.

“Twilight, what, in Luna’s Mane, are you doing here?! I thought I told you-”

Twilight shook her head, tears in her eyes. “It’s horrible Professor! Octavia wanted to come after you so I went with her and we saw a message from Trixie!”

“Trixie,” Daring asked in shock, remembering the unicorn from Twilight’s stories from the war.

“Yes, she’s the Captain of the Canterlot Unicorn Royal Army now!”

Daring took Twilight inside the shop she just exited, surprising Star Burst.

“Daring?” He asked in shock.

“Not now,” Daring retorted, placing Twilight into an antique chair to talk to her. “Did you say that Octavia was out here?”

“Well, yes, but I told her to go back to the ship. But that’s not important right now-”

Daring glared at her, grabbing her arms and shook her twice. “Octavia is important Twilight! She’s a Princess!”

“Prince Blueblood called up a bounty for Captain Scratch’s head!” Twilight yelled out. Daring blinked in surprise seeing Twilight breaking down again. Daring sighed rubbing her face.

“What’s it for?”

“Prince Blueblood believed that Captain Scratch kidnapped Octavia. The bounty was for both of them, double if they’re both alive.”

Daring stood back up, pulling off her hat, then scratched her mane. Twilight sighed, trying to control her emotions. Daring turned away from her assistant, clenching her jaw. She walked around for a few seconds, thinking. With a snarl and a roar she punched the wooden wall, then placed her forehead against the wall panting hard. How come everything always points to Them? It was always Them, the ones that started this whole rebellion bullshit. And now somehow they finally figured out that Octavia was alive and out here, not in Manehattan. Thought Daring.

“Of all the times...” Daring paused and turned to Twilight. “Twilight, get back to the ship immediately.” Daring ordered, trotting to the door.

“Where are you going?” Star Burst asked. Daring found her hat and placed it on her head again.

“I have to get to Blackjack’s, that’s where Vinyl is. I’ll tell her of the news and we’re getting out of here. Twilight, I need you back on that ship and protect it at all costs.”

Twilight nodded, standing up, shaking. “I’ll do my best, Professor.”

“Good, now get going.” Twilight nodded, running past Daring and straight for the docks. Daring turned to her old friend to see him in shock.

“That’s... She’s the Element of Magic. I remember seeing her as a young mare getting a reward from the guards during the Discordian War.”

Daring nodded grimly. “Yes, she was. She’s a brave woman.”

“I thought all of the Elements were dead or brainwashed. Like that Pegasus Rainbow Dash.” Star Burst said smiling a touch, feeling a bit of relief seeing the unicorn hero not go rogue.

Daring sighed. “It was tragic to see such young powerful friends turn into monsters. I’m just blessed that Twilight was smart enough to get out of the brainwashing. She would have been far worse.” She paused then tipped her hat. “Be careful, Professor. Thank you for everything you told me.”

Star Burst bowed his head. “I hope you do find what you are looking for, Daring. I just hope-”

He stopped hearing the door shut. He watched Daring run into the city. He sighed looking into the book he used for his short lecture. He stared at a drawing from his journal depicting what appeared to be some sort of coffin with the majestic sleeping Luna within.

“I just hope we’re not too late in saving the Galaxy.”

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Vinyl took another hearty swig of whiskey and let out a sigh. “Ah yes, this is the life eh, Scoots?”

Scootaloo gave her a look.

“What?” Vinyl asked quirking her eyebrow. Scootaloo turned away. Vinyl sighed, setting her chair back on four legs slamming her tankard on the table scaring Scootaloo.

“What’s wrong?” Vinyl asked then burped. Scootaloo glared at her.

“You turned down everypony that wanted to sign up.” Scootaloo waved her hand over her nose. “And you’re drunk.”

Vinyl snorted, taking another drink from the tankard, finding it empty. She scowled then sighed, placing her elbow on the table and set her chin on her hand.

“That’s because I don’t see what’s good for me. I only trust my own Scoots. And the whiskey, this Blackjack knows her Whiskey. I agree with that pegasus mare serving the boys upstairs. Blackjack is the Queen of Whiskey.” Vinyl said with a sleepy grin.

Scootaloo sighed rolling her eyes. “And this is why we hardly get anymore ship mates. And why you tell me not to give you the strong whiskey.”

“Shut up, a’ight?” Vinyl scolded, turning in time to see a striped mare walk past her, Vinyl swiped a whiskey bottle off the tray the mare was walking around with. Vinyl reached into her pocket to produce her pocket knife and popped the lid off the bottle and took a long drink from it. Scootaloo groaned laying her head on the table.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

Octavia entered the Blackjack tavern with the twins behind her. Immediately they could smell the booze, smoke, and old cooked food. In front of them they can see the giant bar counter being minded by a cyber-pony unicorn mare. She looked up, her eyes sparkling in the red glow. Octavia gulped, looking to her left to see a bunch of Diamond Dogs laughing and joking in their dog language. To the right she can see the tavern reached farther into the building, she could see all types of ponies drinking, eating, and well kissing. Octavia stuck out her tongue. Cloud Chaser and Flitter walked up to stand by Octavia keeping a wary eye for danger.

“Now ,uh, what does this Captain look like again?” Flitter asked looking around, pulling out a knife from her belt.

Octavia sighed seeing a large staircase leading to the second floor of the establishment. She watched as a gray pegasus in a purple mane flew to the counter, grabbing a few drinks then flew back up to the second floor serving guests. Past the Diamond Dogs on the left side of the tavern, Octavia could see a small band of three, two stallions and a mare playing peaceful music. The two stallions played guitars as the mare played a flute.

“She’s white with a blue mane. She’ll probably have her goggles over her eyes.” Octavia answered swiftly, looking around. This place was massive. This place must have been very successful and popular for it to reach this size. Octavia looked around, seeing spacers, pirates, thieves, cyborgs, and even other animals like griffins, zebras, and very few dragons.

“Hey, Flitter, you go upstairs, I’ll stay with Octavia.” Cloud Chaser said nodding to her twin. Flitter nodded with a salute and used her wings to fly to the balcony above them to search for the wayward Captain. Octavia turned to Cloud Chaser with a smile, who just winked and motioned for Octavia to lead the way.

Octavia started searching at every table and stool for a white and blue pony. But after five minutes of searching she was starting to think that it might be possible that Vinyl never came to this bar. Suddenly Octavia yelped out tripping over something and fell hard on the wooden floor, groaning.

“Watch it, I’m walking here!” A young voice screamed out as ponies that saw the fall laughed. Octavia gasped recognizing the voice.

“Scootaloo, is that you?” She turned to see Scootaloo rubbing her head, fixing her bandanna. She gasped, seeing Octavia then point at her.

“What are you doing here? Who’s that?” Scootaloo asked, moving her pointing finger to Cloud Chaser. Cloud Chaser ran over to help Octavia stand back up. Octavia smiled gratefully at the pegasus, turning back to Scootaloo.

“Later, where’s Captain Scratch?”

Scootaloo thought for moment. “Why?”

“It’s important Scootaloo! Where is she?” Octavia asked, starting to lose her patience.

“You know this kid?” Cloud Chaser asked pointing at Scootaloo.

“Later!” Octavia yelled out, finally losing her temper.

“Sweet Cheeks,” Octavia turned to see Vinyl walk over with a glare. Her walk looked shaken and unsteady. Vinyl grabbed her by the arm, pulling Octavia close. Octavia blinked seeing Vinyl’s eyes, they looked bloodshot as she swayed slightly. Suddenly Vinyl smirked, her glare gone.

“What’s up?” She asked giggling, pointing her finger at the ceiling.

“Captain Scratch? What’s wrong with you?” Octavia asked trying to pull away from Vinyl’s grip. Vinyl ignored her question almost falling over if it weren’t for Cloud Chaser grabbing her to keep her steady.

“I was gonna to ask youse the same thang, Princess Sweet Cheeks.” Vinyl said her glare returning only to be replaced with a look of flirtation.

“Vinyl,” Scootaloo whispered desperately. “Not so loud.”

“Loud? This isn’t loud. THIS IS LOUD!” Vinyl obnoxiously yelled into Octavia’s face causing the mare to gasp covering her nose smelling the heavy alcohol on Vinyl’s breath.

“Captain, you’re drunk!” She exclaimed.

“No... Really?” Vinyl asked sarcastically keeping that flirtatious smirk on her face. She turned, reaching for a half pint of booze left over on the bar about to drink it. Octavia grabbed the pint and set it down.

“Captain Scratch, stop this nonsense, listen to me.”

Vinyl glared at her, the smirk gone from her face. “Oh, boo-hoo-hoo, you want to know what I think, Sweet Cheeks. I think you are nothing but a beautiful ass that deserves a good whooping for being such a royal ass hole!” Vinyl said laughing.

Vinyl tried to move her feet only to trip up, falling forward. Octavia gasped and caught her, glaring at the drunken lout. Octavia stiffened, feeling Vinyl’s hand in a place where it shouldn’t be, her thigh over her cutie mark. Vinyl must have felt Octavia’s jump since she giggled then passed out in Octavia’s arms. Octavia blushed brightly at the contact.

“She’s out,” Cloud Chaser said looking around. Octavia shook her head then sighed softly, feeling her face cooling down a touch from the blush.

“Scootaloo, how much has she drank?” Octavia asked worriedly, trying to get a better hold under Vinyl’s arms. Scootaloo shrugged.

“Meh,” she answered cryptically.

“That’s it, Meh?” Octavia asked staring at Vinyl in shock. Scootaloo shrugged again.

“What, she drinks all the time.” Scootaloo answered, crossing her arms across her chest. Octavia groaned, wishing she could slap her forehead right now. Flitter flew over and landed before them, she looked spooked but smiled seeing that they found Vinyl.

“Oh, you found her?” Flitter said, folding in her wings then looked behind her.

“Yep, what’s up Flitter?” Cloud Chaser asked, taking an arm of the sleeping spacer.

“We got trouble,” Flitter said now looking scared.

“What kind of trouble?” Scootaloo asked.

Suddenly the tavern doors bang open and everypony went silent, even the music from the band stopped, staring at the Royal Guards walking in. One of them was a sea foam green unicorn with hard golden eyes and a scar along her jawline to her neck. Octavia gulped, that was the scariest unicorn she had ever seen.

“That kind of trouble,” Flitter whispered lowering to a crouch.

“Is that who I think it is?” Cloud Chaser asked with worry, kneeling down. Octavia and Scootaloo kneeled down with the twins

“Yep, that’s Colonel Lyra Heartstrings, veteran of the wars and a brutal officer of the Hoofington quarter.” Flitter answered grimly, getting worried. Octavia gulped hearing Vinyl let out a groan.

The Colonel, Lyra Heartstrings, stepped forward and leapt up on the counter, kicking the pints and tankards of drinks. The cyborg unicorn behind the bar jumped back, missing the unicorn's tail, glaring at her. She reached under the counter and pulled out a laser pistol. The striped mare and the Pegasus stood by her, holding out their weapons. The gray pegasus held up a pistol and the striped mare held a pair of knives.

They heard the sounds of guns cocked and loaded, pointing at them. The cyborg snarled audibly, pulling out the charger from the handle, tossing it to one of the royal guards. The Pegasus did the same too, glaring at the guards. The striped pony made a sigh rolling her eyes before sliding the knives to the side, hearing a stallion scream out in shock as the knives flew past his face. Once the three ponies were disarmed, the cyborg crossed her mechanical arms across her metal chest.

“What do you want, Heartstrings?” The cyborg snarled, threateningly her red eyes glowed menacingly.

“Shut up cyborg, this is my town not yours.” Lyra snapped turning back to the crowd.

The unicorn shut up, fixing her red and black mane, glaring at her. The Pegasus mare sighed in relief as the rifles were tucked away. The striped mare groaned then leaned in to the unicorn.

“Why can’t we just kill them?”

“Shut up,” the unicorn snapped harshly.

“Listen up! I got word from the streets that this unicorn came in here!” Lyra pulled out some kind of sphere and used her golden magic to make the sphere glow then reveal a hologram of Vinyl’s picture.

“Where is she?” She threatened looking at the bar keep. The cyborg’s hands went up.

“Look, I don’t know any pony unless they sit on this counter. I haven’t seen her before.”

Octavia and Cloud Chaser slowly tip toed in the back of the crowd holding Vinyl up. Scootaloo and Flitter kept low behind them.

Lyra snorted looking at the cyborg and her two workers. “Well we were told she was spotted coming to your bar. You also have a reputation of taking rebels and traitors in your care then send them off to who knows where. Ain’t that right, Jack?” Lyra said glaring at her. The unicorn cyborg growled her eyes went bright.

“Well I’m telling you now Heartstrings, I haven’t seen that unicorn around here.”

“Hey there she is over there!” A colt screamed out on a table pointing down. After the outburst, ponies moved away from the table to reveal Octavia and Cloud Chaser with a Vinyl hanging between them. Lyra opened her mouth to yell out but couldn’t. Her eyes were focused on Octavia. Octavia gasped seeing the unicorn pull out her laser pistol.

“Run!” Octavia yelled just as Lyra pulled the trigger, missing Scootaloo by a hair, breaking a drinker’s glass.

“Running now,” Scootaloo screamed out, using her tiny wings to gain speed.

As Octavia and Cloud Chaser slowly lumbered out the door, they stopped and gasped to see the streets covered with Royal Guards and bounty hunters. Suddenly a pair of shutters in the second floor sprang open and a stallion pointed down at them.

“Stop them!” He yelled out. “It’s the Unicorn Pirate!” The Royals and bounty hunters alike turn to see Vinyl between Cloud Chaser and Octavia.

“Get them!” A mare bounty hunter screamed out running towards them. Octavia thought fast and pushed Vinyl to Cloud Chaser.

“You and Flitter get Vinyl to the docks!” She ordered looking for anything to use for defense. She noticed a drunken pegasus sleeping on the sidewalk. Hanging loosely from his holster was a laser musket pistol.

“What!?” Cloud Chaser asked with shock.

“Go! I’ll distract them!” Octavia screamed out, running to one of the drunks sleeping on the street and grabbed his pistol. Cloud Chaser and Flitter took Vinyl’s arms and flew in the air. Scootaloo yelled and jumped away in time to watch a guard and a bounty hunter slam into each other, knocking each other out in the process.

Octavia turned to see Lyra barge out of the bar, looking like she was in a bar fight. Lyra fixed her three corner hat looking around. A drunken griffin flew out of the bar into Lyra. The griffin screamed out, wrapping his thick bicep around Lyra’s neck. Lyra grabbed the griffin’s shirt and threw him over her to the steps, knocking him out.

Octavia’s finger pulled the trigger on accident and the laser hit the sign right by Lyra’s head, causing the Colonel to duck. She looked for the source of the shot then snarled seeing Octavia staring at her with shock. Scootaloo stopped next to Octavia as she stood frozen in fear. Scootaloo grabbed Octavia’s arm, tugging it.

“Come on!” Shouted Scootaloo. Octavia blinked out of her stupor and fired the pistol again as the Colonel ducked in cover, behind the stone stair case to the bar.

Lyra pulled out her own pistol and fired back. Missing the pair by hitting the corner of a building the two mares ran past. She growled and stood up. She unloaded the capsule of her pistol then put in a new charger, hearing the pistol whine softly in a charge. She followed them around the corner and started sprinting to the docks, leaving the rest of the guards to end the bar fight.

Author's Note:

Here is Chapter 11, and we get some more new characters. We got the twins, Cloud Chaser and Flitter and Lyra and a few Easter egg characters. Did you find them? It took me a while to plan this chapter and I decided to have some fun since this is Hoofington . . . If you've read FOE:PH then you noticed three of the Easter eggs already. As of the other three, try to figure that one out in the comments. ; ) I'll be super surprised at whoever noticed those last three.
Jan. 15th, 2014: Chapter 11 has been edited. Big thanks to Xhoral1865 for the editing help.

Alright since it has been like two months since posting this chapter, how about I give you guys the answers to the Easter eggs. That is if you haven't found them yet and confused. If you are familiar with Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons then you noticed, Blackjack, Morning Glory, and the crazy Rampage right off the bat. Then the other three were actually trickier to spot. What was familiar about the two guitarists and the flute player in the bar? Who is known to play the flute in a modernized band? (Another clue if you still don't get it. Who's the voice of AJ and RD? If you know that then you know what her other job is and now you now the answers.) :twilightsmile: