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The Journal

Twilight slammed her head against the table. She just couldn't find what she was looking for. Twilight had asked the princess if she could come over to the Equestrian archives to look through some old Equestrian documents so she could find a way to fix Fluttershy's broken wing, but couldn't find anything. Twilight had been looking through every single book from every single category she could find.

Twilight gave out a frustrated sigh. How was she going to find what she was looking for? Twilight slammed her head on the table repeatedly until she heard a voice from behind her.

"Good afternoon, Twilight. Are you feeling okay?" asked Princess Luna with a concerned look on her face.

"Oh, princess! I-I didn't see you there! Umm I was just trying to wake myself up that's all!" Said Twilight giving a fake smile.

"Well then, carry on. You know a good cup of coffee really makes you feel awake. If you need anything I'll be at the royal arcade playing a new game based on my adventures on the moon. It's called Woonastuck." said Luna starting to walk away.

"Actually, Princess Luna! I've been wondering... Do you know where to find any spells or remedies that can fix a broken wing?" asked Twilight trying to catch up to her.

"Well, I don't really know. Have you tried the medicine section? Or the potions section?" asked Luna.

"Yes, I did. In fact I tried nearly everything, but I couldn't find anything." said Twilight with a frustrated look on her face.

"hmm... There is this one section in the Equestrian archives that may have what you're looking for. The thing is, it's sealed pretty tight. You're going to need to open it with a password." said Princess Luna. "good luck trying to find the password." said Princess Luna walking away.

"Wait, you're not coming with me?" asked Twilight.

"No, if Tia see's me in there she'd kill me. But don't worry, if you somehow actually make it in there I won't tell her." said Princess Luna walking away. "the room is in the far end of the library in a corridor to your left!" Princess Luna shouted behind her as she walked a way.

Twilight played with the ends of her hair and began curling them around her hooves. Twilight wasnt usually the type of filly who sneaks around and looks at other ponies private things, but she figured that if it might fix Fluttershy's wings.

Twilight quickly made her way to the end of the library and over to a secluded area to her left. There was nothing more than a gigantic wall. Twilight's jaw dropped. Princess Luna said that there was a section here but there was nothing. Just then she remembered what Princess Luna said. she needed to open it with a password. Twilight slammed her head onto the wall. How was she going to find the password? "Okay. think twilight. think think think think think think!"

Twilight began looking around for any clues to see if there was anyway to figure out the password. There was a wheel on the wall. the wheel had four creatures on each of them."so what do all of these creatures have in common?" Twilight asked herself contently. She studied them very carefully. The creatures were Dragons, Alicorns, Lions, Griffins and an alicorn. Tere was also a carving of a humanoid figure with a tail and with wings. Twilight recognized these creatures. They were all parts of Discord when her friends and her fought with him. Twilight reached her hoof up to grab the Griffin's body and left arm. The body Slipped out easily and so did the left arm. Twilight slid it into its place on the carving. Twilight began rearanging the body parts until they all formed a draconnequus.

Twilight waited for something to happen. After five minutes of nothing happening Twilight got impatient. "Huh? i thought that that would work..." Whispered Twilight to herself. then she remembered, Princess luna said that She needed a password. Twilight thought it out, what could The princess probably have thought of as a password? Twilight looked around to find any clues for the password.

Twilight found an old book about dragons laying on the floor. Twilight kept looking. There were Paintings of different creatures an the walls. There was a dragon, a Windigo, a manticore, a minotaur, a portrait of a changeling and a portrait of discord. Twilight Stared at the portrait of Discord. He looked much younger and way more handsome than his current state. ''Huh... it must've been taken painted many years ago..." Said Twilight.

Twilight thought it out. What do all these creatures have in common? perhaps it was because they were all four-legged? Twilight dismissed the thought, it was an invalid guess because a minotaur was a two-legged creature. Twilight thought again. The creatures were all winged?

Then it finally came to her. She walked up to the wall and said "monster". The wall began rumbling and swung open. Twilight Walked inside, feeling quite accomplished. The wall swung shut behind her. "wait!" yelled Twilight, but it was too late the door had already locked itself. Twilight clawed and pushed at the wall, but it was no use. she was simply too weak to open the wall.

She turned around and looked for a cure for Fluttershy's Broken wing. She figured that as loing as she was Stuck there She might as well try to find what she was looking for.

She looked around. The entire room was huge, like it was some sort of storage room. there were many items and old artifacts everywhere. The cloak of Starswirl the Bearded, Queen Chrysalis's crown, and many many more Artifacts. Twilight looked around some more, when something caught her eye. There was a gigantic pedestal with a brown book on it. Twilight walked up to the pedestal and looked at the book. The book was titled 'Discordantly Discord's journal and it had six carvings on it, each in the shape of a crystal. Twilight gasped. Discord had a diary?

Twilight opened the book and began reading it.

Entry one, Discord's journal

I'm not great with introductions but I'll try anyway. Hi my name is Discord, I'm currently living in a cabin in the Everfree Forest with my mother my sister and my step-father. My mother, sister and I have been living underneath my step-father's hoof for years, sometimes when I do something wrong he beats me. sometimes he gets drunk and makes me and my sister sleep outside in his shed even though the temperature is cold as buck. Anyways, aside from that matter, i'm going to attend my first day of Ponyville highschool tommorow and I'm pretty excited about it. The reason I'm so excited is because, the most beautiful mare in the world attends that highschool. Of course I'm talking about the one and only beautiful, stunning, Princess Celeste, so i guess my story doesn't really start until tommorow.

Entry two

She was the most beautiful creature i've ever seen in my entire life, and i have an Appreciation for Beauty...

Suddenly a gigantic claw came out of the book and grabbed Twilight by the neck and tried to pull her into the book. Twilight Struggled and tried to pull off the claw restricting her neck, but it was too strong. Soon enough, Twilight fainted and was pulled into the book.

When Twilight woke up she was in a gigantic, red and black void. It was all empty and it was cold. Beyond the shock and fear alone, Twilight suddenly felt a great pang of sadness go through her. It was as though the void was sucking all of the life from her body. Suddenly Twilight heard a familiar voice come from behind her. ''Hello, Twilight, It's been so long since I've seen you..." Said Discord as Twilight Turned Around to look at him.