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The Beginning

"Discord! what are you doing here? where am I?" yelled Twilight in an angry tone.

"Oh, you don't know where you are? Come now Twilight I thought you were smarter than that... I thought that you out of all ponies would know what had just happened... Besides with all of the reading that you do, I would've suspected that you would've already read about this kind of thing..." Said Discord in a slightly amused manner.

Twilight glared at his smirking face, when she noticed that he was different. He had smooth skin, looked as though he were much younger, and had a long mane that nearly covered half of his face.

"Discord... w-what happened to you... ?" Asked Twilight in amazement.

"Well, lets just say that a little lotion and hand cream gets rid of the wrinkles..." Said Discord smirking. "Ha! I'm just kidding. This Isn't the real me, I'm just a... Let's say memory... of what used to be 'Young Discord' and another thing, that book that you picked up Isn't just my journal, which by the way you read even though it's my personal journal meant only for me, It's also a 'Cursed object'" said Discord.

"Cursed object?" said Twilight curiously.

"Two things can happen when you pick up a cursed object. One, you are visited by the memory of the previous owner and learn about the history of the cursed object, or Two, the previous owner wakes up as a 'Vengeful Spirit' and tries to rip you to shreds..." said Discord with a smirk.

"But why am I here? why did you bring me here? Why did you choose me?" Asked Twilight.

"Oh, please, Twilight. Choose you? You're pretty and all, but don't flatter yourself, darling..." Said Discord Smirking and playing with Twilight's mane.

Normally Twilight would be annoyed by Discord's condescending tone and conceited little smirk, but with Discord's young body and young voice, Twilight found it sort of attractive.

Twilight dismissed the thought and brushed Discord off of her mane. "So how long am I going to be here anyway?" asked Twilight.

"Quite a while actually. It can go from a few days to nearly a whole decade..." said discord.

"A few decades!?" yelled Twilight in shock.

"No. I said a whole decade not a few decades, and don't worry time is much quicker in here than the real world, so if you spend a few months in here it will only be a few minutes in the real world...'' Said discord floating around her and eyeballing her curiously.

"So how do things work in here anyway? when are we going to learn the history of the cursed object?" asked twilight contently.

"Whenever you want to, It's actually up to you..." said Discord.

"Well then let's get to it. If I'm going to be stuck here I might as well 'enjoy the movie'..." said Twilight.

"Okay then... just wanna warn ya though... some of the scenes in there might be pretty hard to handle..." said Discord.


Discord hugged his mother warmly. He stayed underneath her warm embrace and snuggled warmly underneath her as his mother cradled a baby Draconequus girl bundled in a cloth.

"So my sister is going to be called 'Eris'?" asked the young Draconequus staring into the bundled cloth at his young baby sister.

"Yes, dear. It's a traditional Draconian name just like yours... " said discord's mother smiling as the young Draconequus played with his baby sister's hair.

''Momma, what does my name mean?'' asked Discord staring up at his mother and with his seemingly huge eyes.

"It's Draconian. It means 'Unity and Brotherhood'." said his mother.

"And what does my sister's name mean?" asked Discord.

"It was the name of your great Grandmother, and it means 'Beautiful girl' in Draconian." said his mother.

The young draconequus floated around his mother and began flapping his wings when suddenly a gigantic gray alicorn slammed the door open. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. The Alicorn was drenched in rain and had a crossbow slung across his shoulder. The Alicorn made his way to the kitchen and got a bottle of beer.

"Hello, dear. How was your day of hunting?'' asked Discord's mother.

"Shut up, Helena... make sure none of your damn kids bother me okay?" said the alicorn as he trudged up the stairs and into his bedroom. "I'll be waiting for you upstairs..." said the alicorn.

"Momma, what's papa talking about?" asked Discord.

"Nothing, dear. Just forget about it. Would you like to hear a story?" asked Helena.

The young Draconequus nodded his head.

"This is the story of how the Draconian race was born and how they saved the entire world. Once upon a time, there was a war between the ponies, the dragons and the griffins. There was much chaos and destruction during the war, many griffins, ponies and dragons died. Out of all the chaos was born the first Draconequus. The Draconequus was taken care of by princess Nova of the ponies. She showed him kindness and ingenuity. When the princess had passed away, he was founded by Drake the emperor of the dragons. Emperor Drake taught him strength and will power. When the Griffins launched an attack on the dragons, they captured him and brought him to their leader, Bladewing the great. Bladewing taught him to be forward and agressive. When the three leaders were all gone and the three races were still at war with each other, the Draconequus ended the war, however, there was one enemy that tried to stop him, the Oracles. The Oracles were an ancient tribe of zebras deep in the ever free forest. The Oracles told him that he would one day end the war by destroying everything, for he was born out of chaos and shall cause chaos throughout his entire life. He did not believe them. He went to the ponies and convinced them to show kindness to the other two races, and use their ingenuity to help rebuild the damage caused by the war. He then went to the dragons and convinced them to be strong enough to forgive the other two races for their past mistakes. He also convinced the Griffins to move forward with their lives and end the war by forgiving the other two races. In the end the Draconequus was dubbed Discord, the king of Unity and Brotherhood, and the prophecy foretold by the Oracles was wrong...''

"Wow, momma... is that why you named me Discord... you named me after the great king of Unity and Brotherhood... ?" asked Discord.

"Yes, dear." said his mother as she fixed his hair. "Now, go to bed." said his mother.

"But, momma!" said Discord.

"C'mon, I'll even sing that lullaby that you loved so much." said Helena as she dragged him upstairs and into his bed. His mother sat on the bed and ran her fingers through his hair. "Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to go to bed. Drift on off to sleep, leave the day behind you. Drift on off to sleep so that a joyous dream may find you. Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush, now. Quiet, now. It's time to go to bed..." sang his mother to him as she looked at him sleeping graciously, like a little angel, and then exited the room.

As she exited the room she went back downstairs picked up the young baby Draconequus girl and put her in a crib. She kissed the baby girl on her forehead and whispered "Goodnight my little angel...".

As the young, Draconnequis mother left the baby's room, the gray Alicorn stood there behind her and glared angrily at her.

"What did you do with my stuff... ?" he asked in a dangerous tone.

"I-It was all cluttered so I decided to do you a favor and clean your room." said Helena with her voice quivering in fear.

"Whatever! Next time you decide to mess with my shit you'd better think twice or else!" yelled The gray Alicorn grabbing Helena's arm and dragging her up the stairs. Helena struggled and fought him but he was too strong and was able to drag her into the bedroom.

The gray alicorn got her into the bed and began kissing her neck. "Spread your damn legs..." he whispered into her ear.

"M-momma... ?" came a voice from the doorway.

Discord was standing in the doorway clutching his pillow tightly and staring up at the two. "I-I heard a noise..." said the young Draconnequus.

"Get the buck out of here boy!" yelled the gray alicorn throwing a pillow at Discord.

"D-do what he says, dear..." said Helena trying to fight back tears but had already found tears rolling down her cheeks.

The gray Alicorn went over to the door and slammed it shut on the young Draconnequus. As the door slammed shut it hit the young Draconnequus on the nose rendering him disoriented and with a bloody nose. He fell to the ground clutching his nose and crying out in pain.

Suddenly a grunting sound came from the doorway. The young Draconnequus got back up and rubbed his nose. As he stood up he couaght a glimpse of the scene going on in the bedroom through the key hole. the gray Alicorn was on top of his mother trying to force himself on her. Helena was already crying as the gray Alicorn tried to hold her down.

The young Draconnequus watched in horror as his mother was defiled and violated. Tears began rolling down his eyes as he began banging on the door, "Momma! Momma, no!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. The young Draconnequus fell to his knees and began sobbing. "Momma... no...'' he whispered as he sobbed uncontrollably.


Twilight was shocked. She had a hoof over her mouth and her eyes were wide with shock. She just couldn't take it all in. It was all too much for her. "Oh my gosh... Discord... I..." said Twilight to discord with a hint of pity in her voice.

"It's pretty hard to watch your mother getting raped... especially when you're only six years old..." said Discord with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Twilight laid her hoof around Discord's shoulder and whispered, "I'm so sorry... I had no idea..." to him.

Discord shrugged her off of his shoulder and wiped his tears away. "Don't worry Twilight..." said Discord with a smirk. "It's only going to get much worse from here...".