• ...

The Princess

Entry two
She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my entire life, and I have an apreciation for beauty. But How could she ever love somepony like me? She was a princess and I am merely nothing more than an ugly freak... Anyway I guess that the real story starts when I woke up from that Horrible dream... After that Dream I woke up and Eris was in the doorway looking for me. It seemed as though she had a nighmare as well so she decided to sleep with me for the rest of the night. In the morning we both got ready for our first day at Ponyville highschool...

Eris woke up and stretched her arms yawning and got out of bed. She woke up her older brother as well and got ready for their first day at ponyville high.

Eris stepped into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready while Discord simply put on some deoderant, sprayed himself with a little cologne. Eris spent nearly an hour staring into the bathroom mirror brushing her flowing, white hair and putting on her makeup. Discord ruffled up his hair and arranged it so that nearly his entire face was covered by it. They were the only Draconnequuses in an all-pony school so they didn't want to attract much attention.

Discord and Eris made their way down to the first floor of the cabin to get their breakfast.

Eris picked up an apple and began munching on it while Discord simply walked past the kitchen.

"Aren't you gonna get something to eat? besides Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." said Eris concerned for her brother.

"No I'm good" Said Discord grabbing a can of beer from the kitchen andsitting on the couch.

"You know, if dad finds out that you've been drinking his beer, he's gonna kill you." said Eris.

"I don't care. The drunk old buck won't do anything about it anyways. He doesn't care about us, as long as he's got us as his bucking slaves he's happy." said Discord sipping some alcohol from the beer can.

"Yeah, but thats HIS beer, and if he finds out that you've been stealing from him..." said Eris finnishing up her apple.

"Whatever... just leave me be okay?" said Discord heading for the front door. Eris followed right behind him. As they passed the living room they spotted Stormer laying on the couch sleeping with pile of beer cans and bottles on the floor. Suddenly woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"H-Hey... where are y'all goin'... ?" he asked groggily trying to stand up.

"Today's our first day of highschool..." said Discord trying to hide the can of beer into his backpack.

"Hehehe... right... I forgot bout that..." said the gray Alicorn making his way upstairs. "Welp, y'all have a horrible day, y'hear?" said the gray Alicorn.

Discord and Eris made their way outside of the cabin and into the forest. They followed the path out of the forest and made their way past the Apple family barn. As they passed a yellow pony stepped in their way. She had flaming red hair and a huge smile on her face. Her cutie mark were three individual appleseeds.

"Hello there ma'am and sir, may I interest y'all in a couple of apples?" asked the Pony.

"No." said Discord ignoring her and walking around her.

"Ooh! I love apples!" said Eris jumping happily up and down.

"No, no you don't." said Discord Grabbing her by the arm and dragging her away.

The yellow pony looked more closely at Discord and galloped next to him. "Hey, Don't I know you... ?" she asked him trying to keep up with him.

"I don't think so." said Discord with a slight hint of annoyance and Irritation in his voice.

"Wait a minute... Yeah! yeah I do! You're that Dracone- Draconneque- Draconneq-"

"Yes, I'm a Draconnequus... What's your point... ?" said Discord with a hint of anguish in his voice.

"Yeah! You're that foal who nearly destroyed the eastern wing of the Ponyville middleschool! Distress! O-Or is it... Discern...'' she said rubbing the back of her head.

"Discord..." said Discord sighing with irritation and annoyance.

The yellow pony turned her head towards Eris and asked her "Whats got him down? Why is he so irritable?" asked the yellow pony.

"He's always like this on mondays...'' said Eris.

"Welp, I gotta get to Ponyville High and i'm gonna be late soon..." said the yellow pony.

"What?! No way! We're going there right now!" said Eris beaming happily. "Well, my brother is, but I'm going to Ponyville middleschool." said Eris trying to keep up with Discord.

"Oh how rude of me... i forgot to introdduce mah-self, Howdy, I'm Seed Apple!" Said the yellow pony extending her hoof to Discord.

"I'm Eris!" said Eris grabbing Seed Apple's hoof.

"I'll catch y'all later! I gotta get To the School before I get late." said Seed Apple. Seed Apple gave discord and Eris a pat on the back and galloped away.

"She's very nice. I like her!" said Eris walking with her brother.

''Meh..." said Discord emotionlessly.

"Shouldn't we get going? I mean we're going to be late soon..." said Eris worriedly.

"We're almost there don't worry." said Discord.

They eventually made their way to ponyville and stepped into the small, little town. As they walked throught the streets they noticed that everypony was staring at them. upon seeing the two Draconnequuses some of the mares dragged their foals indoors and the rest of the ponies cleared the streets as the two Draconnequuses made their way down the road. Soon enough whispers started to go through the crowd as the two draconnequuses walked down the street.

"Hey, Isn't that the foal who nearly destroyed the Ponyville middleschool?" whispered a mare quite loudly to another mare.

"Yeah, and that's his little sister. You know I hear that they're the only Draconnequuses left in the world, the poor creatures must feel so lonely all the time..." said The other mare.

"Don't sympathize with them! They're monsters!" said the other mare quite loudly.

all of a sudden the crowd of ponies started shouting and yelling angrily at the two Draconnequuses. Soon enough everypony started throwing rocks at them.

"D-Discord..." said Eris clutching to her older brother.

"Just keep walking..." said Discord ignoring the pebbles pelting him.

Suddenly a rock got him right in the face. Discord fell to the ground clutching his face and howling in pain. Discord stood up and Glared furiously at the smirking pony who nailed him right in the face. Discord ignored the bleeding, he ignored the pain, all he could feel was the rage burning up inside of him. Discord Lunged at the colt and pinned him down. Discord raised up his fist when suddenly a loud noise interrupted him. Discord and the colt got up from the ground and scanned the area for whatever just interrupted them.

A trumpet blared loudly as a royal courrier from Canterlot blew into it.

"By decree of Queen Andromeda, the royal sisters; Princess Celeste and Princess Luna are to attend Ponyville Highschool in their studies of Friendship." said The Royal courrier.

A royal Canterlot chariot landed from the sky with two pegasus Guards wearing bronze armor pulling it. Once it touched down on the ground Two Alicorns stepped off of the chariot.

Discord watched in amazement as Princess Celeste graciously stepped off of the wagon. She was the most beautiful creature Discord had ever seen in his entire life. She had beautiful Ivory white skin and smooth fur. Her hair was a hot Pink color and flowed perfectly in the wind. Her Eyes were like two beautiful pink Crystals and her smile was simply intoxicating. Princess luna followed right behind her. Princess Luna was way shorter than her sister but looked pretty similar to her though.

Eris and Discord were suddenly thrown around and shoved as the crowd gathered around The two Princesses.

Luna tugged on her sister's hair and said "Celeste, c'mon. We're gonna be late for school...". Luna dragged Celeste through the crowd and made their way to the school.

Discord pushed and shoved the ponies in his way to get a glimpse of the mare of his dreams. Discord has always had a crush on Princess Celeste but this was his first time seeing her in real life. Suddenly a pony from behind him shoved him and he went tumbling down roight in front of the Princess.

Discord looked around he was dazed and had no idea what had just happened. He then realized that he had just tumbled right in front of the princess.

"Uh I- Uh Princess! Umm I'm so sorry I-I just lost my balance a-and I-" he was interrupted by the princesses sudden giggling.

"Don't worry, It's okay. Hi, my name is Celeste." she said Holding out her hoof.

"Umm M-my name is D-Discord..." said Discord with his cheeks turning hot pink.

"Hey, I know you! You're the mare that my brother has a crush on!" exclaimed Eris running up to the Princess.

"ERIS SHATTUP! I-I mean... Uh... Th-This is my little sister, Eris..." said Discord with a nervous smile and his cheeks now turning red.

"Oh wow! She's adorable!" said Celeste giggling softly and ruffling up Eris's hair.

"Well Discord, I have to get going cause I'm going to be late soon. I'll see you later!" said Celeste walking away. Princess Luna approached Discord and said "U-Umm hi, I'm Luna".

"I'm Discord." said Discord with a smile.

"M-May I walk with you to school?" asked Luna rubbing her hoof and her cheeks turning bright pink.

"Umm sure I guess..." said Discord.

"So tell me about yourself, Discord." said Luna beaming happily.

"Well sometimes I go out into the forest and explore." said Discord.

"Oh that's cool. What about your Family? You don't look like any creature I've ever seen before." said Luna.

"M-My mother... She's dead... " said Discord looking down and with Tears forming in his eyes.

"O-Oh I'm so sorry..." said Luna,

"Nah, It's okay... It's not your fault.... It's my father's fault... He killed her..." said Discord quietly. "H-He doesn't even care about me and my sister..." said Discord now with tears falling from his cheeks. "S-Sometimes I just feel so Ignored and shunned... sometimes I just feel so..." Discord trailed off.

"So alone..." Princess Luna finnishing Discord's sentence.

Discord told Luna about everything. About his drunk, abusive step-father. About how he watched his mother die. He told her about his life about how he just felt like he shouldn't even bother with life anymore. Discord felt like he could trust her. He felt like he was safe with her. Like she was his friend.

Suddenly Princess Celeste called Luna. "Luna! Where are you?" called Celeste.

"Well I'll see you later I guess..." said Luna. Luna galloped towards Celeste and Entered the Highschool along side of her older sister.

"Aww, You have a crush on him don't you... ?" said Celeste smirking in an amused manner. "My little Luna has her first crush." said Celeste.

"Shut.Up." said Luna bemused. "He's been through a lot, Celeste... I feel bad for him..." said Luna.

"Well you can feel bad for him later, right now we have to get to class." said Celeste.

Discord stepped through the front door. As soon as Discord stepped through the front door everypony started staring at him. Discord felt like his every move was being judged. Like if he made one wrong move everypony would pounce on him and tear him to shreds. it wasn't long before whispers started to transgress through the halls, just like when Discord and Eris walked through ponyville.

All of a sudden, the bell started ringing and everypony dispersed from the hall. Discord sighed with relief, if everypony were to stare at him any longer he would've had a nervous breakdown.


Discord yawned in boredom. This was his last class for the day and then he would have to go back home to his demonic father. Discord layed his head on his desk. Magyck 101 was turning out to be more boring than he thought. Since when am I ever going to need magic in my life anyway? he thought to himself.

Discord turned his head to the left and looked out the window. He spotted multiple fillies in volleyball uniforms running around and giggling as they tossed around a volleyball, however there was one that caught his eye. Princess Celeste was wearing a tight volleyball uniform and was running around and tossing a volleyball around.

Discord's cheeks filled with blood as he watched Celeste bend down to pick up the volleyball.

Suddenly Discord felt a sharp pain in his forehead. The teacher just threw an eraser at his head.

"W-What?!" exclaimed Discord as he stood up and looked around. The entire class was laughing at him.

"Discord, since you're obviously too preoccupied with looking out the window and staring at fillies, why don't you tell us what it takes to get a young filly to love you... ?" asked the teacher.

"Uhh... a... lot of money... ?" said Discord as the entire class laughed yet again.

"No..." said the teacher.

"Umm... some magic... ?" asked discord and the class laughed even louder.

''Try again..." said the teacher glaring at him impatiently.

"A spell... ?" asked Discord.

"What kind of spell?" asked the teacher.

"A love spell... ?" asked Discord.

"Correct." said the teacher. "Love spells are just as dangerous as love poison, because they can have the same effects. It is important for you all to learn that magic is very dangerous and has some risks in it... " the teacher trailed off as Discord looked out the window yet again and stared at the princess.


"Aww, you had a crush on her!" said Twilight.

"Shut up..." said Discord in annoyed tone. "Besides... it would only be a short amount of time... until that love was torn to pieces by that filly..." said Discord.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight curiously.

Discord's face glared angrily at the his claw and his paw. "You'll see..." said Discord.