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The Awakening

Entry number 231

I'm an idiot. A big, stupid, idiot. What was I thinking? I toook it way too far this time. Today I got into another fight with Lance. He hates my guts now. It was official, Celeste and Lance had just broken up. I went to go talk to her, but when He saw Me talking to Celeste, he flipped out and began attacking me. I have no idea what came over me, I just remember that I began beating the shit out of him (and it was actually pretty damn funny). Everypony saw what had happened and now not only am I thought of as a freak, I'm now also both hated and feared by nearly the entire school. Anyway, after I beat up Lance I started recieveing a lot of attention rally fast. I even made some friends that seemed to be bullied by lance as well.

Discord sat alone on the bench at the 'Ye Olde Sugarcube Shoppe'. His friends said that they were going to meet him there after school. 'Ye Olde Sugarcube Shoppe' seemed to be the student's of Ponyville high's favorite hangout. In fact some of Ponyville High students were sitting on benches and tables all around him. Not far away he spotted Lance sitting by a table laughing and screaming with his friends.

Discord put on his hood to cover up a black eye that he had gotten from his father the night before. His hair was long, messy and was nearly covering his face and he began wearing a black coat with a hood to hide all of the scars, bruises and missing patches of fur that he had gotten from his father. Luckily his friends never asked about it, however he had a feeling that they already knew why he wore it.

Discord stood up to greet his Luna who seemed to be alone. He didn's see any of his other friends. Seed Apple, the friendly salespony who seems to have no other products except for apples, Fyrefly, the pony who had saved his flank quite a number of times, Slugger, an extremely paranoid, shy, little colt and Four Speed, a colt who has a heavy Trottingham accent and seemed to be the exact opposite of Slugger...

"Why, Hello fair Discord. Have we kept thou waiting?" Asked Luna as the shoppe owners bowed at her.

"Why are you talking like that?" asked Discord.

"Thy majesty speaks with the royal Canterlot voice. Our sister hath been educating us how to speak with royal edicate and in a polite manner." said Luna.

"Where's Seed apple, Fyrefly and Tex? Why are you all alone?" asked Discord.

"We do not know where our friends have gone. We have just arrived from the school and we have not seen them ever since." said Luna.

Suddenly, Slugger and Four Speed arrived. Slugger had his usual appearance. His neat, long, yellow mane, his smooth, pink fur and his gentle eyes. Four Speed looked nearly the same as his older brother except he had a messy, blue mane and dirty white fur.

"Umm... H-Hi.." said Slugger.

"Hello, fair slugger. Tis a most splendid day is it not?" asked Luna.

"Uh why's she talkin that way?" asked Four Speed.

"It's her sister, Celeste. She's teaching her how to speak with 'The royal canterlot voice'!" said Discord trying to imitate Luna's voice.

Four speed, slugger and Discord laughed which for some reason really ticked Luna.

"Still thy mouths or feel thy majesty's wrath!" said Luna.

For some reason, It only made the three colts laugh even harder.

Fyrefly andSeed Apple finally arrived after three full ten minutes.

"Hey guys. Sorry we were late. I was busy practicing my flying skills and Seed apple was trying to sell some appples to a few customers again." said Fyrfly.

"Practicing? For what?" asked Four speed.

"I was Trying to make a Sonic Rainboom! The hardest pegasus move ever created!" said Fyrefly.

"What is this Sonic Rainboom that Thou speaks of?" asked Luna.

"Uhh why's she talkin all fancy?" asked Seed apple.

"Thou majesty speaks wit tha royal canterlot voice.'' said Four speed trying to imitate Luna but not doing a really good job.

"Wow... That did not sound like Luna at all..." said Discord.

Everypony laughed.

Discord suddenly stopped and started staring at the mare who had just walked into the shoppe. Celeste was walking towards the counter and about to buy a snack.

"You've been gawking at 'er for nearly three years, partner. When are ya gonna make yer move?" asked Seed apple.

"Are you insane!?" said Discord.

"Why do I have to do it? Why are you guys so intent on trying to get me to ask her out?" asked Discord.

"Well, Ah'm just sayin' y'know. You're like sixteen years old already! And ya haven't even gone out on yer first date!" said Seed apple.''Wait a minute, you're sixteen and it looks like ya haven't aged a day since you first went to ponyville high..." said Seed apple questioningly.

"I'm a Draconnequus. Draconnequuses don't age the same way normal ponies do. It's sorta like how Alicorns age." said Discord.

"Well, tha point is you still haven't got tha guts to march over there and ask her out." said Four speed.

"As if you'd have the guts to do that." said Fyrefly chuckling.

"C'mon discord, Go over there. At least say hi to her." said Fyrefly.

"Oi! Princess! Discord's got somthin' that he wants to tell you!" said Four speed.

"What?!" said Discord.

"Just go up there and say Hi to her that's all!" said Fyrefly. "it's not like she's engaged or anything. There's still a small chance that you can win her over!" said Fyrefly.

Four speed and Slugger seemed to be amused by the entire scene. Luna however looked annoyed.

Discord walked up to Celeste as she greeted him.

"Why hello fair Discord. Tis a most splendid day is it not?"she asked Discord.

"Uh y-yeah!" said Discord stuttering.

"Hast thou cometh to inform me of something?" She asked me.

"Uhh N-No I just w-wanted to say Hi." said Discord.

"Very well then." Said Celeste. "T-Theres something that I wished to inform you of to, butI was t-too afraid to say..." said Celeste with her cheeks suddenly turning pink.

"U-Umm... Fair Discord... I ha-" She was Cut off as Discord was punched by a clenched hoof.

Celeste stepped back in shock. Discord struggled to get up after the punishing blow, but he managed to get up.

"L-Lance, What art thou-" said Celeste as she was cut off by Lance grabbing Discord and slamming him against the ground.

Discord cried out as Lance began kicking him in the stomach. At this point a crowd started gathering around the scene. Discord began coughing up blood as Lance kept beating him mercilessly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing... ?" he said silently as he began circling Discord.

Lance took Discord by the head and tore his hood off revealing the black eye. Next he tore his coat off revealing his beatened black and blue body.

"Looks like daddy got angry at ya again didn't he?" asked Lance with a smirk.

"H-How did you... ?" asked Discord silently.

"Luna tells Celeste everything and Celeste told me everything about you..." he whispered with a smile.

Discord's eyes suddenly widened.

"Hehe that's right. How did you like getting a beating from daddy again?" Asked Lance loud enough for everypony to hear. "Aww what's wrong Discord? Do you need your mommy? Oh that's right..." said Lance with a huge, conceded smirk. "She can't help you can't she... ?" Asked Lance chuckling.

Discord felt a sudden surge of rage deep within him. The Harmony element around his neck began glowing and his eyes began gleaming dangerously red.

Lance began backing away slowly in fear, as Discord began slowly walking towards him.

Discord lunged at him and began beating Him mercilessly. He didn't hold back. He didn't even stop to take a breath. Discord kept beating Lance until Lance began begging for mercy.

"O-Okay! i get the point I'll stop!" said Lance holding his hooves over his face and quivering in fear. "P-Please just stop!" said Lance as blood gushed from his face.

Discord suddenly felt a sudden surge of animosity and rage come from deep within himself. It was as though sweet, sweet retribution was taking play! Lance, the pony who had made his life miserable, Lance, the Pony who had beat him a countless number of times, Lance Blueblood, the most rich and powerful Baronet in the land was kneeling before him, begging for mercy. It felt... Good...

Discord Took lance by the neck and said to him I will make you regret the day you ever messed with me. I will make you suffer.... His voice sounded Distorted. As though it was the voice of a dragon a pony and a griffon and many other creatures speaking at the same time.

Tears started falling from Lance's face as he begged and pleaded for Discord to spare him.

Discord gave a monstrous, beastly, psychotic smile. It was as though a monster was awakening deep within him. He Smashed Lance's head againste the hard ground and kept grinding it into the pavement until he heard a cracking sound.

Discord's eyes and appearances suddenly returned to normal and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Lance stood up dazed and bloody. When he stood up everypony gasped. he felt a small ting of pain as an ivory white object fell from his head and hit the ground. He looked down to see what it was. He realized in horror what it was.

Discord stood up disoriented and dazed, unsure of what just happened. he looked forward and saw in horror what he had done.

Lance was sitting on the ground crying as he held his severed horn in his hooves and blood was pouring from the cavity on his forhead where his horn used to be.

Discord stepped back in shock and horror.

"I-Ididn't mean to..." suddenly a stone hit him in the face and mony others started pelting his body. Ponies everywhere were pelting him with stones and shouting at him calling him a Monster and a Freak, Creep and many other words.

Discord's friend's began trying to form a protective barrier separating him from the crowd.

"Now hold on just a sec there. Don't get mad at him It wasn't his faul-" Seed apple was cut off by the sound of Discord Weeping and running off into the forest.


Twilight had her hoof over her mouth. Was it really possible to have your horn be broken off?

Twilight began turning her head towards Discord when suddenly she realized that Discord was Laughing uncontrollably. Twilight began backing away from him slowly.

"D-Discord? Are you okay?" asked Twilight with a nervous laugh.

"I-I'm perfectly fine said Discord. "I just remember how fun it was giving that Bastard what he deserved said Discord. "Anyway, Shall we continue?" asked Discord.

Author's note

Hey guys! I just wanted to say how awesome you guy's have been! Thank you all for the constructive criticism and support. Since this story is to entertain you guys, I just wanted to ask; What happens in the world of 'The equestrian Archives' after Discord's story? I would like you guys to vote and tell me in the comments below which 'Equestrian Archives' You would like me to do next , Nightmare moon or The great and Powerful Trixie?