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The Star

This is it... this could finally be our chance. Things are finally looking bright for us for once. A royal courrier sent us news today that the queen would be arriving in Ponyville this afternoon to pick us up and bring us to Canterlot Castle. She would be picking up Princess Celeste and Princess Luna from Ponyville Royal Boarding academy and bringing them back to Canterlot for their second half of their studies. She saw me and Eris walking down the road and approached us, and well, let's just say we have some new homes.

Discord sighed as he walked through the halls of the gigantic Gothic estate that passed for an academy. He had honestly hated and wanted to burn this place down since the moment he had walked through the doors and into the school itself.
Everypony was staring at him.They had noticed the fire that had gone up a mere two days ago. Eris and him had been living alone in the cabin and getting by just perfectly as though nothing had changed, nothing had happened. Although Eris smiled at him whenever they passed the halls and when they were studying or reading books, he knew that she would always get an uneasy feeling whenever they were alone together. As though what happened to Stormer- Golden Shining Armour, would happen to her if she made him even the slightest bit angry. He didn't like it. He had felt ashamed for what he did to the Colt who had housed and sort of 'taken care' of them since they were children. Now, to make matters worse the very sister that he had sworn to protect was scared of him.

He sighed once more and brushed his mane from his face as he entered the Dining Hall. He found the nearby lunch table by his friends and sat down, not even bothering to get lunch. He didn't care about food, probably why he was way too skinny for someone his age.

Everypony at the table was quiet. it was not long ago that he had tried to take his own life, a few days later he had killed his own step-father. He had told them what happened, what he did to Eris and what Discord, in turn, did to Stormer. They had kept a straight face throughout all of it, but he saw in their eyes that they had finally gotten up to the point where they were uncomfortable with him when he was around, but since then, they had begun feeling all kinds of sorry and pity for him and giving him special attention as though he was that one kid in the back of the classroom that needed 'special attention'. Luna on the other hand had a taken it to the extreme. Ever since then she had been all sappy, touchy-feely and all emotional. She kept asking him how he was doing, if he needed anything and even trying to have long awkward conversations with him and he even caught he putting her hooves around his shoulder and giving him random hugs a few times too. He knew she was trying to cheer him up and he appreciated it but for some reason it really made him feel uncomfortable. Like, she shouldn't care about some shady, weird, freaky creep like him.

Maybe he was just wallowing in his own self-pity and feeling sorry for himself, maybe Killing Stormer had made him feel as though he didn't deserve even the tiniest luxuries of life, he didn't know. All he knew was that it made him sick to his stomach that a monster like him was getting all this attention.

Luna opened her mouth as though to say something.

"I'm fine." said discord before any sound could escape from her mouth at all.

Slugger pushed his bread, gravy and apples to discord and opened his mouth as well, but Discord pushed back the food and said, "I'm not hungry." before Slugger could even say a single thing.

At that point everyone was uncomfortably silent.

Apple seed was about to say something as well, but was cut off by Discord like Luna and Slugger.

"No, Apple Seed, it is not a fine day today, and no, Fyrefly I will be heading not be going with you to The Sugar Store later, no Four Speeed, It is not fine weather we're having, and Yes Luna, for the last time, I am alright." he said breathing heavily.

They had been asking him the same questions over and over every chance they got to see him. He knew that they were trying to comfort and cheer him up, he knew they only cared about his health, but in all honesty, he thought it was quite irritating and that a monster like him didin't deserve it.

Slugger was about to say something once more, but Discord glared at him making him shut his mouth.

"Discord, sugarcube, we only care about your health. We don't like it when you're upset and-"

"I know, but still." he said getting up from the table and starting to walk out of the Dining Hall.

"W-Wait fair Discord whereth art thou going?" asked Luna.

"Home." said Discord in a low tone but loud enough for them to hear him.


As Discord walked home alone, trumpets blared as a gigantic ivory white carriage descended from the sky and pink rose petals began falling from the chariot. He decided to ignore it and keep walking. Probably just some big-shot baron with fancy clothes coming to show off to the 'filthy peasants'.

He spotted Luna running after him as well as Celeste.

"Huh... ?" he whispered to himself. He decided to ignore them and just keep walking as though he didn't see them.

"D-Discord wait." yelled Luna.

He gritted his teeth as his wings unfolded and he started to take to the sky, but not before being tackled down by Eris.

"W-What?!" yelled Discord. "What is it?" he yelled at the two princesses as they caught up to him and Eris sat down with him on the dirt road.

For a moment they were both silent especially Celeste who looked extremely uncomfortable just being near him.

"D-Discord... We're leaving for Canterlot today..." said Luna looking at the ground and pawing at it a little.

Discord sat back for a moment, one eye-brow raised and his mouth in the shape of a little 'O'.

"I-I wanted to tell you earlier, but..." said Luna looking away. "In fact the carriage that just landed a few blocks from here... is the carriage that our mother rode in from, she's here to pick us up from our studies." Celeste added.

He stared at them both with a blank and hollow expression. If he was sad, or upset that they were both leaving, he was doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

Discord still didn't know what to feel however. Luna had been his friend for how many years. All the things that he had gone through, all of the troubles that he had, he had spoken to her about them. Celeste, the mare of his dreams, the one he wanted even after all that she had put him through, was leaving as well, but then again she was nothing more than a painful reminder of what he was and why nopony would ever love him simply because of what he was.

He turned his head and coldly said without any emotion, said "Goodbye." and kept walking.

Although they didn't see and he didn't want them to see, he had a few small tears just at the edge of his eye-lids, ready to escape and fall to the ground.

Luna and Celeste on the other hand simply felt heart-broken. Nothing else. Nothing more than 'Goodbye'. It had hurt them, a lot. But they didn't know how painful it was for him.

Eris gave Luna and Celeste warm hugs, crying and pleading for them not to leave. They calmed her down a little and told her to be a good little filly, kissed her on the forehead one last time and began walking towards the chariot.

Celeste looked back at Discord and saw the trail of tear stains on the dirt behind him.She felt her heart drop as a few tears escaped her own eyes as well.

"Hello, girls, are you ready to go back home?" asked The Queen as she gave them both a gigantic squeeze. "it's been so long! I swear, Luna you're no longer the quaint little filly you once were, you look so much more mature, and Celeste, have you grown taller?" she asked.

"Y-Yes... Thank you, mother.." she said.

She had noticed the dried tears on both of their faces and asked them about it. They both said that they were sad that they were leaving behind the town and all of the friends that they had grown to love.

"Aww, that's very sweet." said their mother. "But your old friends waiting back at Canterlot, and you can still visit some of your friend's here, when you two become Queens." she said.

"Ye-Yeah..." said Luna.

They both got into the carriage and waited for their mother to get in as well. Before Queen Andromeda headed back into the carriage, she noticed something. A young foal walking down the road far ahead. Her curiosity got the best of her.

She told the Princesses to wait for her in the chariot while she did a little shopping, or if they wanted, to do a little shopping themselves, before they left for Canterlot.

Queen Andromeda approached the young foal from the behind and gasped only when she realized it was a Draconnequis and had not noticed the young one following him.

Discord turned around, not recognizing her, he simply mistook her for some old baroness strutting around the streets to show off he glamour and wealth.

"Can i help you?" asked Discord turning around and telling Eris to stay behind him.

She simply sat there, jaws agape as she stared at the living spectacle right before her very eyes. She had thought the Draconian and Basaliskian Race to be extinct, that the last Draco-Basaliskian Prince, Discordias the third of the Kaos family, had been finished off by Golden Shining Armour himself. Could this be... ?

Discord and Eris kept staring at her with their distant eyes. Discord had been through enough today, he decided that he didn't need this.

"Listen, lady I-"

"Young colt... Where are you from... ?" she asked barely a whisper.

Discord looked her over sort of puzzled. He was always told by his mother never to give personal information to strangers. But he made an exception. What was the worst a middle-aged Alicorn could do to him?

"The Everfree." he said.

The Alicorn's jaw dropped as she gaped at him in awe and looked as though she were about to stumble back. She had been told the secret of Golden Shining Armour. That before he died, he had raised a Basalisk child to be as though one of his own. Could this really be the lost Basilisk child? The one that she had read about in the old journal of Golden Shining Armour? The one he had said he would raise like a child and keep away from any harm? Perhaps even... Prince Discordias himself!?

"Hey, you okay there, lady?" asked Discord.

Eris simply stared back.

"Young colt, do you have a place to live? W-Who are your parents... ?" she asked him uneasily.

Discord stared down on the ground suddenly with a troubled expression and simply replied, "He's... He's dead... and so is..."

The Alicorn stared at him with a look of both complete pity and awe on her face. She suddenly realized that this truly was the child of Corporal Golden Shining Armour.

She laid a hoof on his shoulder and held his chin up so she could look him in the eye. "You do not have someone to take care of you, anymore?" she asked him.

Discord simply shook his head as he suddenly remembered what Stormer had said to him one time. You are alone. You will always be alone and no one will be with you, no one wants you, no one needs you. You are alone in this world, no one will care for you. You walk this path alone... His eyes became huge as tears began to fill them.

He only then noticed the royal filligree and the royal sun symbol on her horseshoes and her neckbrace. He suddenly fell to his knees and began stuttering, "Y-Your majesty, p-please I had no idea tha-"

She hushed him and brought him back to his feet.

"You will live with me, as my son..."

"W-What... ?" said Discord with his eyes widening and suddenly grabbing Eris's paw.

"You will live with me at Canterlot castle. You will be treated as my son, as my protege and prodigy." she said smiling at the sudden look of surprise, shock and joy on the young Draconnequis's face.

"Y-You're serious!?" yelled Discord as both Eris and him beamed with excitement.

"My royal courtier will arrive tomorrow and pick you up as royal guests." she said walking back to the royal carriage.

Within the carriage itself an ovejoyed Luna and a somewhat happy Celeste were waiting as they held their heads up against the door panel, eavesdropping.

Discord and Eris looked as though a couple of young foals once more happy. "T-Thank you! Thank you so much, your highness!" yelled Discord.

Discord stared up from the old two story cabin within the everfree forest and smiled up at the stars. He saw at the slightest one particular star flashing across the sky brightly almost humanoid in shape. He smiled at the beauty and majesty of it, and all at once all the doubt, sadness, grief and anguish he had felt in his life had suddenly disappeared. There was only joy. Things were going finally be looking up for both him and his sister from now on. They were both royalty now and no pony will ever mess with them, lest they wish to have their hooves sliced off and fed to them.

The Star flew across the sky and disappeared into the night and the wind whispered to him sweet lies and fabricated comforts, but one particular phrase was heard within the wind itself as the star reappeared and flew across the sky majestically. That single phrase was, My son... I love you...