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The Fight

Entry number three

Second day of highschool and I get into a fight. I am such a genius. My dad had to come and pick me up and he wasn't happy about it either. He beat me harder than Lance did. I haven't introduced Lance yet have I? Lance is has a crush on Celeste, only thing is, Celeste is crushing back on him. He's smart, tall, handsome, strong, He's basically everything that I'm not. Why would Celeste choose a freaky loser like me over him? Lance was beating my flank senseless until some filly saved me. I forgot her name, I think it was 'Firefly' or something, Anyway, I recently met this mare who's actually friendly to me. Her name is Luna and she seems to look up to me very much. She's Celeste's sister. Everytime I'm near her, she makes me feel safe. Like I can trust her. Like she's my friend. Anyway, the only other reason I'm friends with her is because she's Celeste's sister. Well, I guess I better wrap this up.

Discord was sitting on a bench and thoroughly examined a multicolored crystal hanging on a chain. He remembered how he got it. His mother gave it to him for his fourth birthday. She said that it was called a 'Harmony Element'. She told him that it would protect him from danger and had the power to deflect magic. His family was in the rock farming bussiness. His mother found it wedged in the ground one day. It was consisted of an Emerald, a Ruby, a Pink Quartz, an Azurite, an amber and an Amethyst.

Seed Apple sat next to Discord and said "Well, howdy! Hows it goin'?".

"Just fine." said Discord.

"Whatcha got there? It sure does look mighty purdy." said Seed Apple

"It's a crystal. My Mother gave it to me." said Discord putting it back around his neck.

Princess Luna was walking around the cafeteria when she spotted Discord. She made her way over to the table and sat next to him. She glanced at Seed Apple and said "Oh... Who's this?" Asked Luna.

"Luna, this is Seed Apple. Seed Apple, this is Luna." said Discord.

"Oh, why, hello Seed Apple." said Luna Extendeding her hoof to Seed Apple.

"Howdy!" said Seed Apple grabbing her hoof and shaking it.

"So why're you guys sitting with me anyways? Don't you guys think that I'm a freak like the rest of 'em?" asked Discord.

"Aw, don't talk like that about yourself, partner." said Seed Apple patting him on the back.

Discord folded his arms on the table and layed his head in them. "Don't try to make me feel better... Besides I know how these guys think. They either hate me or fear me or maybe even both." said Discord. "Sometimes I wonder why even bother with life anymore..." said Discord almost whispering.

"Discord, you can't think like that." said Luna.

"Why not? My dad hates me, Everypony in town thinks that I'm a monster and I'm pretty sure that the only friends I have is myself..." said Discord sinking down even further into his own lake of self pity.

"How could you think that? Discord, We are your friends! We care about you!" said Luna.

"Yeah we're stuck to you like butter on a skillet!" said Seed apple giving him a hug.

Discord tried to push her off and said "Yeah but everypony else-"

"Don't listen to them, Discord. You've been through a lot and-" Luna was interrupted by a giant ivory white alicorn with chocolate brown hair. He was surrounded by other alicorns as well. It was Lance, Celeste's soon to be 'coltfriend'.

"Hey! check it out you guys! it looks like a dragon a donkey and a griffin tried to mate and instead puked out this ugly thing!" said Lance aproaching Discord. The Alicorns surrounding him started laughing.

"Hahaha look he's even got a girly necklace!" said Lance.

"Hey! leave him alone!" yelled Luna standing up.

"Oh! Check it out! he's even got his little girlfriend sticking out for him!" said Lance.

Luna blushed and shrank back a little.

Lance got a little closer to her and whispered "Listen Princess, I'm gonna be bangin' your sister sometime soon so I suggest you start doing what I say. So step back and back off." he said shoving her back.

"Now. Whats your name, little shit?" asked lance turning towards Discord.

Discord simply glared up at him.

"Listen you dirty little foal, I'm going to be prince soon so you'd better start following your superior's orders!" he yelled at the Draconnequus.

"My name is Discord... Your 'majesty'." he said giving him a double handed middle fingered salute.

Lance glared at him and gritted his teeth. He raised his hoof and slapped the Draconnequus across the face. It wasn't long before a crowd gathered around the scene.

Discord slowly turned his head back to glare up at the ivory white Alicorn.

Celeste came galloping up to Lance and tried to hold him back. "Lance, what are you doing!? He's just a boy!" said Celeste. Lance pushed Celeste out of his way and began walking towards the young Draconnequus.

"Alright motherbucker put 'em up!" he yelled. He put out his hoof and hit discord right on the nose.

Discord fell down clutching his nose and crying out in pain. He got up and attacked, but Lance blocked it.

Lance noticed blood on the floor then felt sharp pain on his forehoof. Discord had clawed him. Lance glared at the Draconnequus and said "You're going to regret that..." through Gritted teeth.

He came up and threw a storm of punches. Some hit Discord others he easily dodged, but in the end discord was covered in bruises.

Discord crumpled to the floor and curled up in pain. Something inside him was burning with fury. He started to get back up.

Quick as lightning, Discord lurched forward like a striking cobra getting ready to kill its victim. He landed on Lance . Discord pulled back his claw and began to ready his finishing blow, but he hesitated. With the blow, he could've seriously maimed lance, but he hesitated. It was only then that the other ponies who were surrounding Lance earlier began to pull discord off of Lance, hold him down and beat him senseless.

Lance aproached the beat up torn up little Draconnequus. Lance began to punch and kick the Draconnequus.

"You think you're tough! You're nothing more than a stupid little shit!" said lance punching him in the stomach. "Do you honestly think that you could've beat me? I am royalty! I am power! You're just a dirty little peasant!" he said hooking a roundhouse at Discord's face. "And now, you're dead..." said Lance charging at him with his horn glowing. Lance let out a powerful beam of magic towards discord.

Suddenly, the necklace that Discord's mother had given him began glowing. A bubble began forming around Discord and the beam of magic harmlessly bounced off of it.

"What?! What the Buck was that!?" yelled Lance firing another beam of magic towards Discord. The beam bounced off of the bubble yet again.

The necklace began glowing wite and so was Discord's eyes. A gigantice rainbow colored beam launched from the necklace and launched lance off of his feet and into a nearby wall. Discord's eyes returned to normal and he fell to the ground with a thud.

Lance slowly got back up and gritted his teeth. "You're dead..." he said slowly walking towards Discord. He picked up Discord by the neck and began striking him repeatedly in the stomach. He threw the Draconnequus to the ground and began kicking him. "How does it feel... ?" asked Lance with a Malevolent grin. He He picked up Discord and Threw him back down on the ground.

Suddenly, a pink Pegasus with lighning blue hair interrupted him.

"Hey leave him alone you flankhole!" yelled the Pegasus.

"Oh yeah? what're ya gonna do if I don't?" asked Lance in a humorous tone.

"This!" yelled the Pegasus. She flew up into the air and came down kicking the ivory white Alicorn to the ground. Lance got back up and glared at her. He threw a punch at her face but she ducked underneath his hoof and returned his attack with a kick to his shoulder. She threw a punch to his face, and followed it up with a spinning back-kick. Lance fell to the ground with a thud. He glared back at her.

"Get her!" he yelled.

Lance and the other Alicorns began to punch and kick at her, but she expertly blocked each blow and returned them with a brutal counter-attack. She was magnificent. She was like a tornado of kicks and punches. The last pony standing began to run away in fear, but the Pegasus flew up into the air and came down on him. The pony turned around and watched in fear as Death came reigning down on him. The pegasus kicked him in between his clavicle and his sternum. He fell down writhing in pain. It didn't kill him but it did leave him lying in agony. When all of the attackers were down she walked up to Discord and helped him up.

"Ya okay there, buddy?" she asked.

"Umm yeah... just need some time to orient myself..." said Discord.

"You are one crazy bastard you know that! trying to pick a fight with the Equestrian boxing champion and not to mention the son of Duke Blue Crown." said the Pegasus.

"Wha... Boxing 'champion'? 'Duke' Blue Crown? So he's a baronett... He's royalty... No wonder he beat my flank without breaking a sweat... But wait... If he's the boxing champion then... how did you beat him?" asked Discord.

"Well thats simple. My name is Fyrefly, Equestrian kick-boxing champion!" said Fyrefly.

"I'm Discord... thanks for saving me..." said Discord.

"Don't mention it, kid." she said patting him on the back.

"If you don't mind my asking... Why did you save me?" asked Discord.

"Well, I didn't want to see your handsome face get beat down." said Fyrefly winking at him.

Discord gave her a puzzled look.

"Hahaha just take care of yourself kay, kid?" and with that she flew off.

"What was that about?" asked Discord as Luna and Seed Apple aproached him.

"Discord! Are you okay? are you hurt?" asked Celeste as she aproached him.

"umm I'm fine thanks for asking." said Discord with his sheeks turning pink. OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH she's actually concerned about me!.

"I'm so sorry about Lance. He just has such a fragile temper and-"

"No forget about it. Really. It's okay." said Discord.

"Well, just be careful okay?" she said walking away.

"Yeah... sure..." said Discord staring at her Flank as she walked away.

"What is going on here?!" yelled a voice from behind them. It was the principal.

"Oh, my... you!" yelled the principal pointing at Discord. "Did you do this?!" he yelled.

"Wha- n-no! No I didn't do any of this!" said Discord.

"Young man, you're coming with me." said The principal dragging him away.

"Wait! you can't do that its not his fault!" said Luna.

"With all due respect princess, I have had first hand experience with these types of hooligans." said the principal dragging Discord away.

"Yeah! Take him away!" yelled Lance trying to stand up.


Discord fell down as his father hit him again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" yelled Stormer. "Trying to pick fights on the first bucking day of school." he said.

"I-It wasn't my fault... He started it..." said Discord gurgling blood.

Stormer punched him in the stomach. "Thats still no excuse you little shit!" he yelled at the Draconnequus.

"I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry... I-I just don't know what went wrong..." said Discord with tears welling up in his eyes.

"I had to bucking leave my poker game to pick you up from School! Do you now how many bucking bits I've lost already?! That was my only chance to get them all back!" yelled the Gray Alicorn. Stormer picked him up by his neck and struck him in the stomach again. "Maybe you wouldn't be such a problem if you were dead..." said Stormer.

"I-I'm sorry, dad. I'm so sorry... Please..." said Discord with tears streaming down his eyes.

"But no. I need you as my servant..." said Stormer."You're a sorry little buck you know that..." said stormer. Stormer kicked the young Draconnequus one last time and walked away.

Eris walked through the front door. "Dad, Discord, I'm home!" she said as She walked through the door. "Discord? Discord where are yo-" She spotted her older brother laying on the floor covered in cuts and bruises. Eris ran to her brothers side and tried to help him up. "Discord... Discord, are you okay?" she said.

Stormer walked back into the room with a belt in his hooves.

Discord began to back away in fear. "D-Dad! Please no! I-I'm sorry! Please! Don't h-"

Stormer thrust the belt down on discord and repeatedly hit him with it over and over again.

Eris was trying to pull her father back from her older brother but failed as the was struck down as well.

"You stupid little filly!" yelled stormer as he started beating both Eris and Discord.

Throughout the Everfree the sound of two young Draconnequus's cries of pain, the sound of leather hitting flesh and the sound of a fist pounding tender skin began to fill the Forest and continued on throughout the night.


Twillight turned her head. She couldn't bear to watch an innocent young foal get beat down.

"Discord?" said Twilight.

"Yeah?" asked Discord. He was laying on a cloud of cotton candy that he had made up from thin air, had his arms folded behind his head and his eyes closed.

"You could've seriously hurt that guy when you raised your claw... Why did you hesitate?" asked Twilight

"I'd... Rather not atlk about it..." said Discord getting off of his fluffy pink cloud.

"Discord...what was the real reason?" asked Teilight. "And you fought back Lance, why didn't you fight back your father?" asked Twilight.

This time Discord didn't answer.

"Diacord! Tell me why!" yelled Twilight.

"...Because I was scared..." said Discord, "I was just nothing more than a young foal trying to pick fights with giants...' said Discord.

Twilight looked down. "Oh..." she said. It was pretty hard to remember that beneath that hardened, brutish appearance was nothing more than a scared, innocent little boy who had been victimized all of his life. But it was only one of the many beatings that he would get throughout his life.