• ...

The Kiss

Entry number 232

Its been a week since I completely obliterated lance and everypony still hates me for it. My friends say that it was for self defense, but I know that it wasn't true. They had seen the way I acted. They had all seen it. I was like some sort of monster. However I must admit that I'm proud of doing what I did back there. I finally got lance to stop bullying me and stop bullying others. Now he just sits in the corner moping around all day. I actually feel kinda bad for him. But anyway, a couple nights ago I felt something that I didn't feel in years. I felt love. Like nearly all love stories it all starts out with a girl and ends with a kiss...

Discord sat in the meadow with his arms folded behind his head. Queen Andromeda had just raised the moon and the starry night sky was blowing warm but gentle winds across the meadow. There was a clearing in the everfree where there were no poison joke or cockatrice nests. A place where there was complete and utter peace. Discord went here sometimes to clear his head and try to contemplate his suicide, however the beautiful night sky and charming words of the tree nymphs kept him from doing so. The tree nymphs weren't really in touch with all the hussle and bustle of the outside world. They usually came here to join their cousins the water nymphs to just talk and have a good time. The nymphs had saved him from putting a crossbow bolt through his own brain or have him hang himself many times with lies like You have so much to live for or don't listen to what any of them say, They're all wrong about you. Tonight however they had decided to just leave him to his thoughts.

"You're life is shit, Discord. You're shit Discord. You're the living, breathing manifestation of shit, Discord. Your life is meaningless. Worthless. You don't even deserve to live, Discord." Discord said to himself as he lay on the ground. One of the nymohs touched his shoulder and shook her head. "What?" asked Discord. "Its all true."

The nymphs suddenly flinched and went back into the ponds and firs that they had all been inhabiting. At first Discord seemed confused but then he realized what had scared them off. An alicorn roughly the same size as Discord had somehow wnadered into the forest and found him. She had Ivory white skin, beautiful, long, straight turquoise hair and dazzling emerald eyes. Her smile seemed to be identical to Celeste's. Her flank however was blank for some reason.

"Umm... can I help you?" asked Discord as she sat down next to him.

"Nope, just wanted to chat." she said beaming. Her Smile was identical to Celeste's but her beam was extremely similar to Luna's. Whoever she was, Discord had a feeling that she was their relative.

"Beautiful night, Is it not?" she asked with a slight Canterlot royal accent.

"Yeah." said Discord trying not to show any emotion.

"Most ponies don't realize how beautiful the night is and try to shun it away with their torches and lanterns." she said staring up at the sky. "They don't know how much of a virtue it is to just sit down, relax and stare up at the beautiful night sky." she said.

Discord agreed on that. He never really understood why everypony was afraid of the night. The night sky was truly one of the most beautiful sight Discord had ever encountered aside from his unrelenting crush for Celeste.

"So, what are you doing out here all alone?" she asked him.

"Just... Y'know, thinking..." he said.

"'Bout what?" she asked him.

Discord didn't know why but he suddenly felt annoyed by all the questions. "About... Everything, I guess." said Discord.

"What do you mean?" she asked him.

"A few days ago I beat up some flankhole and now everypony hates me for it,,," said Discord.

"You know I thought that that was really brave and noble of you to stand up to Lance..." she said.

"So you were there huh? Tell me, Do you think I'm a monster like everypony else seems to think so?" asked Discord.

"I think that you were only fighting back in self defense." she said trying to cheer him up.

"No, I really am a monster..." said Discord. "Did you see how I acted? It was like I was some sort of uncontrollable beast."

Discord hung his head and looked down on the ground. The mare looked upset at first until she took him by the cheek and said "Don't say that about yourself... " she said Looking into his eyes. Discord felt his cheeks suddenly getting hot. He quickly pulled away so that she couldn't see his pink cheeks. She giggled and laid a hoof around him as though she was a lover trying to hug him which made Discord's cheeks turn hot red.

"S-So tell me about yourself." said Discord. "We'd been talking about me all this time. What's your life like?" Asked Discord,

"I live with Tia and Luna at Canterlot." she said. Within his mind discord was saying Aha! I knew it "Sometimes I play with them or talk just for hte heck of it." she said. Heck? Oh... I get it. She's one of those cute, innocent little ponies who never curse Discord thought yet again within his mind. "In fact I'm their cousin. I was actually meant to be a princess just like them but..." she trailed off.

"But what?" asked Discord.

"M-My parents... They were cruel dictaters and their titles were revoked. T-They would sometimes beat me and my little brother... Until one night they took it too far and killed him..." she said as tears began falling from her cheeks. She held onto Discord even tighter than before. "Queen Andromeda rescued me and adopted me then she executed my parents..." she said.

Discord felt as though it was his fault for asking. He tried to think of a way to cheer her up. He got up and held his claw up at the sky. A pink fluffy cloud of cotton candy and began making chocolate rain fall from it.

The Alicorn's eyes suddenly lit up and her mouth turned into a smile.

"Wow! H-How did you do that?!" she asked getting up.

"It's an old trick that my mother taught me. Whenever I was sad or lonely, she would make this to cheer me up..." said Discord rubbing the back of his head. "I-It's nothing really..." said Discord.

The mare averted her eyes to Discord, her eyes half closed. She pushed Discord down on the grass and kissed him.

Celeste stepped through the shrubs and bushes of the everfree. She wanted to tell Discord the truth about how she felt about him. But at the same time she was sort of horrified about what he did to Lance, She had honestly known that Discord had a crush on her ever since she had met him. She was just too afraid to tell him that she felt the same way about him. Lance was a cold-hearted, inconsiderate jerk. However, Luna had told her so much about Discord. About how nice he was, how he was shy and his trouble with his family. She stepped into a meadow filled with flowers and tall grass. Luna had said that this was where he went to clear his mind.

"Discord I have to tell you somethi-" Celeste stopped abruptly.

Discord was on the ground with another mare on top of him and they were eating away at each others lips.

Celeste felt her heart sink. Tears began forming in her eyes. She felt as though her heart had been torn out and stomped on. She turned away with tears running down her cheeks. She ran away not even looking back.

Discord felt... good... There was a tingling somewhere in between his legs. However he couldn't help but feel as though this wasn't right. He barely even knew this mare and they were already on top of each other sucking lips, Discord pushed her away.

"Listen... " Said Discord. "Y-You're a nice filly and all it's just that..."

"You love her and not me..." she said staring down at the dirt.

Discord felt bad. It was a low blow. Her quivering lips and saddened, Innocent-looking eyes had already made him feel bad but when Discord suddenly started seeing tears, he started feeling as though he was the most despicable Pony in the world. Discord laid an arm around her and tried to comfort her.

"M-Maybe we should... y'know just be friends!" Ouch, friendzoned. That did not make her feel any better.

The mare got up. "Listen I'm so sorry that any of this happened it's just that I get so lonely and I-"

"N-No don't blame yourself It was just... Y'know... " said Discord trying to find the right words to say.

"Well I'd better get back before Celeste and Luna get angry." she said smiling at him. "I swear You'll give me all of your love If it's the last thing I do..." she whispered so that Discord couldn't hear her. "I'll be the perfect mare for you and then you'll see... You'll give me all the love in Equestria..."

"Umm... W-What was that?" asked Discord nervously.

"Oh... N-Nothing! Don't worry about it!" she said Giving her innocent little smile. The mare began going up a hill and walking towards the forest.

Discord sat back. She was a nice filly and all but something about her just... Creeped him out. "W-Wait!" yelled Discord. The mare Turned back to face him. "Whats your name?" Discord asked The mare.

She smiled a smile that gave Discord chills and her eyes narrowed as if she were reading his soul and raping his mind. "I am Crystal. Princess Crystal..." she said turning and walking away.


Twilight was giggling throughout the whole time.

"Aww that was your first kiss wasn't it?" she asked him.

"Y-Yes..." said Discord. Discord decided to have a little fun and play around. "So, Twilight..." said Discord. "How was your very first kiss... ?" asked Discord.

"Umm.. I-I haven't had one yet... " Said Twilight. "That is if you don't count the one that you gave me..." said Twilight with her cheeks turning pink. Twilight decided to change the subject. "S-So what's going to happen next?" she asked.

Discprd hung his head. "unfortunately, This happy moment eventually led up to... " Discord Trailed off with tears Running down his cheeks.

"What is it?" asked Twilight laying a hoof over her friend's shoulder.

"Just watch... As My heart is ripped from chest and stomped on..."