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The Ruin

Entry 2

I don't know how or why, but I suddenly feel like I'm a step closer to figuring out about my past. Everyone at the castle seems to be sore about what happened a couple of nights ago and seem to be nervous whenever they're around me. I thought I saw somepony a few hours ago, somepony that looked a lot like me... though different somehow. The 'other one' was off in the woods doing something, so I decided to follow them and sure enough I found something quite useful. Underneath the castle is- I have to go now, curfew's at ten thirty and I should've been asleep hours ago. I'll just write it in next time.

Discord sighed as he tossed and turned in the bed of his tower. He sighed and got up, as he walked over to his window and stared out into the night sky. Equestria was so beautiful especially now that he had a new outlook in life. He didn't exactly make any new friends and once in a while he missed his old friends back in Ponyville, but at least no one was bullying him, moreover he had actually earned a bow and an apology from Lance. He smiled as he stared out some more. It was a lonely life. But it was his lonely life, so he couldn't complain.

He pondered some more what would've happened if he stayed in ponyville. Perhaps he would've gone into a downward spiral or a relapse and tried to kill himself again, except this time he would've succeeded.

He sighed and made cradled his head in his arms while gritting his teeth.

"This whole business gives me a headache." he whispered to himself quietly.

Discord lifted his head and noticed something rather strange. There was a dark cloaked figure staring right at him. Deep, deep down below the castle. Moreover, it was staring right at him.

"Wh- Hey!" Discord yelled at the figure.

After a few seconds of awkwardly staring at each other, It decided to move along.

Discord's interest was peaked. Conspiracists? Possible assassin? Somepony with a grudge. It didn't entirely make him any more comfortable that they were cloaked. Perhaps somepony was attempting a heist on the queen's riches.

Discord looked around. He was still awake after curfew and if he was caught would've gotten another scolding from the queen.

He shrugged it off and flew out of the window to where the cloaked pony's location was before it moved. Even in the snow, it didn't leave any hoofmarks. that made Discord uncomfortable. It shouldn't have been far behind, but Discord should've kept his pace up in order to track down the mysterious pony.

He hugged himself as the wind blew and invaded his body with a gust of it's cold breath. Discord's whole body seemed to be shaking in the cold. Something was off though. The wind was blowing cold gales about plains of mountain top, there was snow falling almost like that of a blizzard... In the middle of the summer.

Discord followed the path where he thought he saw the mysterious pony. It had only taken a few minutes until he had decided to give and go home until he saw something curious. It was a gigantic glass door with chrome framings buried in the snow right on the ground underneath him. Usually it was against his better judgment to explore, but this place for some reason called out to him, like a familiar place, a place to rest and relax, to recuperate. He didn't know why he felt like this when he saw the glass doors, he just did. Eventually curiosity got the best of him and he decided to open the gigantic glass doors and explore the uncannily familiar place.

The interior had suddenly changed. Rather than there being ice and rock, which is what Discord expected, there were tiled floors and marble halls. Upon opening the glass door, though, he fell face first and had a brief and forceful make-out session with the floor. He had expected there to be stairs, or a ladder at least. He reacquainted himself with gravity and made his way down the hall. There were strange blue and white crystals lining the cracks in the tiled floor providing an eerie light source.

He made his way through the corridor and found himself inside a gigantic hall filled with carvings and a sword mounted on a pedestal. He made his way through the hall staring at the carvings. The carvings were depicting some sort of strange scene. A battle of some sorts spreading from what looked like Gryffonia all the way to Equestria. Gryffons, Alicorns, Minotaurs, Foxes, Buffaloes and even what looked like dragons were battling against an army of strange creatures. Rather than being carved out of marble like the other carvings, the strange creatures were carved of what looked like black glass. They seemed to be humanoid in form and shape, but each one was different. They looked like jumbled masses of different parts of all the creatures. One particular scene in the carving though caught his eye. It depicted what looked almost like a Draconnequis carved in black glass and red crystal as well and an alicorn carved out of ivory and gold. It seemed like they were battling each other with swords, but it also depicted something else. They were both crying.

Aside from all of the wall carvings and the sword mounted atop the pedestal, the place had no other such structures except for a gigantic insignia on the floor depicting what looked like the royal family's seal, a golden sun, a purple moon with a black star within it's curve and a blue circle with green splotches on it, which he figured must have been Equestria. There was a slot in the middle of all three with cold air blowing through it, perhaps there was something underneath it?

Discord moved on to the sword. If the insignia was some sort of puzzle then he wasn't interested, He didn't do well with puzzles.

The pedestal was carved out of pure marble with swirls of ivory, gold, black glass, and red stone in it. The sword rested atop the pedestal with some words underneath it. There were two verses. One carved in red steel which looked extremely familiar to him for some reason, and one in gold Equestrian reading "The sword of the Golden knight, the demonsbane, he who protected the weak then slew them for the-" the rest was etched out, unable to be read.

The blade itself was made purely of red steel lined with black chrome which led down to it's worn out ivory hilt carrying a dark purple crystal as it's pommel.

Discord then noticed something. The sword's blade fit the size of the slot on the floor's insignia perfectly.

"Geez, its like its straight out of a story book or something..." said Discord bemused as he took the sword and slipped it into the slot. For a few seconds nothing happened, but after a while, the insignia started to compress into stairs leading into the darkness below. The sword it seemed started glowing purple and was giving off a dark red aura. It was bright enough that it lit up the whole room. He took the sword with him and used it as a lantern as he roamed down below into the black abyss.

It was quite the same as the hallway before him only it was lined with black glass and red crystals. The deeper he went, the more it started to come to light to him, the symbols he saw back in the pedestal room was ancient Draconian. His mother had taught him a little about it when he was young in the hopes that if there were possibly any surviving Draconians out in Equestria he could've been able to communicate with them.

The hall led even deeper until eventually Discord came upon more primitive backgrounds. The black glass and red crystals were fading in and out and was being replaced with sandstone and dirt. It wasn't long until he found himself in a massive cavern with thousands upon thousands of caskets and impressions in the walls holding bones of fallen ponies. Catacombes. He figured as much. There was one tomb however that caught his eye. A gigantic black fireglass tomb in the middle. The pony he was chasing earlier seemed to be looming over the tomb with a strange aura emitting from him.

The pony looked over his shoulder and saw Discord. For a moment and to Discord's surprise, the pony wasn't entirely a pony at all but rather was some sort of strange humanoid creature. One like that of a griffin, or a dragon? He really couldn't tell.

When the figure had noticed him, the thing charged out of the door behind Discord with surprisingly lightning fast speed and began running down the hallway.

Discord gave chase and yelled after the figure. "H-Hey! Stop!". Discord felt strangely embarrassed. As though yelling 'Stop' would've made the figure slow down or comply at all. The two gave chase towards each other until they reached the exterior of the cave and flew out into the snowy whitelands below.

Discord gave out a last burst of energy and tackled the figure to the ground and tore the cloak off of the thing.

Discord stared in disbelief as the very thing before him gritted it's teeth at him.

A mirror image of discord himself, except with varying limbs and colors and hair shaved on one half of his head leaving the other half to fall dramatically to his left side of his face. It was another Draconnequis.

The 'other' as Discord's brain commanded to be comfortably told, pushed Discord off of it and ran off like a cur into the raging blizzard of the mountain top.

Discord didn't even give chase as he was too stricken to even move.

Were there more like Eris and him out there? Could there have possibly been a village or a society somewhere filled with other Draconnequis? If so, why did that Draconnequis skulking around the castle? What did Discord have to do with any of it? Was his new life in danger?

There were so many questions left unanswered.

After a few minutes of sitting in the cold pondering, the hypothermia eventually got to Discord and his icy cold skin eventually began to sting from the freezing air.

Discord decided to get up and go home. It was a long night.


Twilight gasped when she saw the symbols and the cave. It was no secret that her specialty was knowledge and uncommon ordeals. She had one of the keenest eyes in Ponyville and had been responsible for solving many a predicaments with swift judgment and accurate observations. She had seen some of those symbols before in the myriads of books she'd dug through in the library. Something about Demons and Angels. She'd recognized the unreadable words on the wall as ancient Draconian language. She'd seen it before on her way to the Dragon nest, when Spike had gone and visited the friends he'd made during the great Dragon migration. But what were Draconian texts doing in that cave? And after years of occupancy in Canterlot, why hadn't anypony found that cave yet?

"Discord... did you notice something when you'd entered that tomb?" asked Twilight.

"No, why?" he asked.

"There was something strange about the bones in the impressions in the catacombs..." said Twilight anxiously.

Discord and Eris leaned in closer in curiosity.

"The bones were scattered and mismatched.... Limbs of a donkey... A Dragon's wing bone... A set of sternum, vertebrae and ribs from a griffin... Almost all the bones were mismatched..." said Twilight in disbelief.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Long time no see :) sorry it's been a while, recently starting junior year in high school was tough on me, so what with the studies and stress, you know how it goes. Sorry for the long-ass wait. Even though it's been long, I hope you can forgive me. I know it's not much, but I present to you this chapter. Enjoy, or not, that's up to you. Until next time ^-^

Comments ( 7 )

This story doesn't get enough attention.

Did I word it weird? Sorry. What I meant was: This story doesn't get as many views as it should. Too many great stories are overlooked, such as yours.

3484058 Oh its cool really ^-^ I'm not as good as the authors of my little dashie or the silent ponyville series. I'm happy with what I get :pinkiehappy:

Why did it take me so long to read this chapter? It's really good! Poor Dissy, finding out about the war...

NEAT cant wait till the next chapter!!!!:rainbowkiss:



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