• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,441 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Rock The Dragon

“This jungle is... most unpleasant...” Cinnabar muttered, swatting at a mosquito as it tried to drink her nonexistent blood.

“Hey, at least we haven't run into any of those giant wolves,” Willy pointed out. “Those things are nasty. Though maybe…” he trailed off, rubbing his chin.

“Willy, I know that look. We’re not keeping one as a pet,” Daring glared.

“Oh come on! We could even teach it to fight with a greatsword!” Willy grinned, rubbing his hands together.

“No!” Daring snapped. “I’m already going to need to do renovations on my place as it is. I don't even know how we’d be able to feed the damn thing!”

“Such a buzzkill...” Willy huffed, looking away with a pout.

“Ugh… I’ll think about it, you giant baby. Especially after we do some more jobs,” Daring conceded.

“We’re not going on any ‘jobs’,” Rico cut in, “We’re finding the other spirits.”

“Alright, guess I’ll just have to write a new book to make sure we stay fed,” she sighed.

“Is it going to be about us?” Willy asked, raising his eyebrow.

“It might,” she shrugged. “Though I might have to change up certain details. Otherwise it’d be a real departure from the other books. Confuse the long-time readers. Why, don't want me writing about you two?”

“No but, I dunno, I’d rather it be biographical.” Willy shrugged. “No hiding it, no pretending it’s fiction.”

“Alright, guess there's no harm in that,” Daring nodded. “But I’m going to keep using the nom de plume. You two can have writing credits with your real names.”

“...I have no idea what that means.”

“It means you’ll get credit as a co-author,” she explained. “Which means you’ll get a chunk of the profits.”

“We’ll probably end up donating them...” Willy admitted, “You know, the whole spirit thing.”

“Alright, it is your story after all. There's more important things than bits,” she smiled.

“‘Donate’?” Cinnabar asked curiously. “I don’t know that word...”

“It means to give something away, usually for charity purposes,” Daring explained. “Once we get back to civilization I’ll show you two some charities,” she concluded, looking between Gagate and Cinnabar.

“Will there be more chocolate?” Cinnabar asked, licking her lips.

“Plenty. Hay, I should introduce you to hot chocolate when we get there.”


“Aw, look at her Daring, she’s like a little kid,” Willy chuckled, giving Cinnabar a kind smile.

“Well, she has only had her free will for a couple days,” the pegasus pointed out. “In a way, she is a little kid. And Gagate too.”

“I assure you, I am fully mature.” Gagate looked down at her, finally speaking.

“We just mean that you don’t know how the world works,” Willy assured him. Gagate grunted in response before going silent.

“If we’re going to be hunting down spirits, it might be a good idea to visit Steel again for more info on the ten warriors,” Daring suggested. “Unless you two might know where they’d be?” she asked, looking between Rico and Willy.

“There is one thing we could try... never actually tried before...” Willy looked up at the sky, rubbing his chin.

“What are you mumbling about?” she asked.

“We are the elements of Fire and Light,” Rico spoke up. “We are a part of the universe. In theory, we should be able to sense the other elements.”

“That would certainly save us some time,” Daring nodded. “Give it a shot.” They both stopped walking, closing their eyes and going silent. Nothing seemed to happen, that is, until Willy started to glow red. His eyes shot open, widening.

“Gahh!” he cried, falling to the ground and scratching himself. “Why am I so itchy!?”

“Seriously?” Rico asked, shooting him an annoyed look.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Willy growled, scratching harder. “I just wanted to screw up our search.”

“Why is Willy glowing?” Cinnabar asked, turning to Daring Do.

“Hmm… I think I heard about this from a wandering dragon that I… met during one of my adventures. This is the call of the Dragon Lord. Something’s going down and he’s summoning all dragons.”

“Oh that's just perfect...” Willy muttered, frowning intensely.

“Is there any way to make the glowing stop?” Rico asked.

“Only the dragon lord can undo it. And the only way he’d do that is if Willy answers the call,” Daring replied.

“That's even better!” Willy growled, scratching his cheek like a dog.

“Look, I know it sucks, but we don’t have any other choice. So grab the itch cream out of my bag, and let's head out to the dragonlands.”

“And where exactly are they?” Rico asked, crossing his arms

“They’re… in the mountains… close to an active volcano,” Daring answered sheepishly.

“And there’s the cherry on top of this whole situation!” Willy roared, rubbing the itch cream on himself with little to no effect.

“Does this happen often?” Cinnabar asked, looking at Daring.

“This would be the first time it's happened in centuries. We’re witnessing a once in a lifetime event. So let's be sure to go and see what this is all about. By the way… Cinnabar, can you shapeshift into things other than that gas cloud?”

“Yes I can.” She nodded. “Why do you ask?”

“Well… dragons don't usually have the friendliest of reactions to ponies. So I was kinda hoping you could become a disguise for me?” Daring asked with a hopeful smile.

“Oh.” Cinnabar blinked. “I mean... I could try...”

“Thanks, I’d rather not miss out on this,” she smiled. Cinnabar looked her over, rubbing her chin. She then started to glow, becoming amorphous and latching onto Daring. “Whoa...” Daring shuddered but didn’t stop her. Cinnabar continued to spread over Daring, covering her in an odd looking dragon suit.

“How is this?” Cinnabar asked, moving the dragon mouth.

“It’s perfect,” Daring nodded. “Feels a little weird, but I can put up with it for the sake of keeping dragons away from me. I can say from experience, that you don't wanna see an angry dragon.”

“I shall take your word for it.” Gagate looked over the strange looking costume.

“Alright, so can we get this show on the road already?” Willy asked. “I feel like I’m gonna scratch myself down to my digicore here.”

“Let's get the dog his flea medicine.” Rico chuckled, starting to walk again. Willy grumbled something, but continued to walk, letting Daring take the lead since she knew where they were going. Willy didn't know how long they were travelling. The unending itching made it impossible to gauge time. He felt some relief when they started seeing dragons flying overhead. That same feeling was shot in the face as soon as they started to see the ocean.

“...I may have neglected to mention that the dragonlands are across the ocean…” Daring admitted, rubbing the back of her head.

“Don’t worry about it.” Willy summoned up a spirit. “Beast Spirit evolution!” he shouted, transforming into BurningGreymon. He snatched the others up, starting to fly over the water. The rest of the trip was spent in relative silence. Willy decided to just follow the dragons, eventually coming to a large crater. He landed in a clear spot away from the other dragons, putting the group down. “So, where the hell’s the dragon lord?” he asked, scratching his chin.

“What are you supposed to be?” a gruff voice asked from the side. Willy turned to see a red and yellow dragon, obviously a teenager, glaring at him.

“The name’s Willy, and I’m a dragon. Didn’t the glowing give it away?” Willy asked, still scratching. “You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya?”

“Are you calling me dumb!?” The dragon growled, baring his fangs.

“Congratulations, you’re smart enough to tell when you’re being insulted,” Willy said with a sarcastic clap. “Now buzz off.”

“Why I oughtta!” The teen snorted, his body tensing up.

“Get outta my face before you do something stupid. Yeah, you should.”

“Leave him alone, Willy.” Rico rolled his eyes, looking around.

“You’re right,” Willy nodded. “He’s not worth the time. Let’s just get this ungodly itching to stop so we can leave.”

“The heck is that thing?” the dragon asked, turning his ire to Rico.

“I’m Rico,” he answered. “I’m a friend of Willy’s.”

“You brought a non-dragon here!?”

“Why not,” Willy shrugged. “I was in a hurry to get here. We’ve got important stuff to do once the dragon lord makes the glowing stop.”

“Only dragons allowed, idiot!” the teen snapped, snorting some flames.

“Well he’s here now, not like I can send him back,” Willy shrugged.

“Are all dragons so overly aggressive?” Gagate inquired, looking at the teen.

“Grrr, I’ll show you overly-aggressive!” the teen roared, trying to punch Gagate. On his end, Gagate just took the hit, barely reacting to the punch.

“You're right, you did show me overly-aggressive,” the gem replied. He raised his hand, knocking the teen away with a flick to the forehead.

“Good job, Gagate. As a reward, we should get you some more plates to eat,” Rico said, patting the gem’s side.

“That is most pleasing.”

“Gagate, you're the only guy I know who likes the taste of plates...” Willy commented, taking stock of the dragons around them. “It doesn’t look like there's a lot of females here… I think.”

“Maybe dragons just have a higher chance to be male,” Daring shrugged. “Kinda like how mares outnumber stallions.”

“That's a thing?” Rico asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Yeah, couldn't tell you the specifics of why though. I'm no Biologist.”

“Weird...” Rico muttered, keeping an eye out. Most of the dragons gathered were teenaged, with the older, larger dragons hanging out on the nearby cliff face.

“See anything interesting?” Willy asked, going back to scratching his chin. “And it looks like dragons here are just as colorful as everything else in this world,” he commented, looking at the gathered dragons.

“Willy...” Rico tapped his knee.

“What is it?” he asked, looking down at Rico.

“Look.” He pointed out across the plateau. Standing with a short, purple and green dragon was a Veemon and a Guilmon.

“Whoa, wasn't expecting to see any other digimon here,” Willy said. “Think we should introduce ourselves?”

“You didn’t tell us digimon lived in this world,” Rico frowned, looking at Daring.

“I didn’t know,” she said. “I’d only ever heard of digimon when Willy told me about ‘em.”

“Then yes, we’re going to go over.” Rico started to walk over, gesturing for them to follow. They did so, walking up behind the odd trio. “Boo,” Rico said in the Veemon’s ear.

“Gah!!” the little dragon yelped, spinning around, his eyes wide. “Seriously!?”

“...Hold on a sec’, I know that pansy scream…” Willy said, his eyes going wide. “Isaac?”

“Who you calling a pansy?!” Isaac growled, glaring up at the larger digimon.

“The guy that passed out when he asked out a girl,” Willy smirked. “That's who.”

“Willy!?” Isaac gasped, his eyes going wide.

“Yup, and the Strabimon that made you scream like that is Rico,” he grinned, pointing at Rico.

“Hey buddy,” Rico waved, acting nonchalant.

“Dude!” Isaac rushed over, nearly glomping Rico.

“Still as touchy feely as ever,” Rico chuckled, patting his back. “So, who's the purple dragon and the Guilmon?”

“That's Spike and big red is Roger,” Isaac explained, pulling away from him.

“Roger?!” Willy beamed. “Is that really you?!” he asked, looking the Guilmon over.

“Huh?” Roger asked, looking over, tilting his head.

“...Smoke pan everyday?” Willy asked, seeing what kind of response he’d get.

“I have to get brownies, I don’t have any fingers,” Roger responded, holding up his clawed hands.

“Yup,” Willy sighed, shaking his head. “You're Roger alright.”

“Who else would I be?”

“You just had some of those brownies, didn't you?” he chuckled.

“Maybe...” Roger admitted, “I had to do something about all the itching...”

“I understand, it's been driving me crazy too. Glad to see you again buddy,” Willy grinned.

“Where the hell have you guys been!?” Isaac asked, looking between the two.

“Well, we got sent here thousands of years ago. We fought with the other elemental warriors and banished Lucemon to the Void,” Rico explained. “But we were weakened by the fight, and the Mareyans built temples in our honor. Then we got woken up by Daring Do a few days ago.”

“Daring Do is real?” Isaac blinked.

“Uhh nope,” Daring said from her disguise. “He was just kidding about that part.”

“Seriously Daring?” Rico asked, deadpanning the mare.

“I… fine, yes Daring Do is very real,” she sighed.

“Huh...” Isaac blinked again. “Didn’t see that coming...”

“Just don’t go blabbing about it,” Daring told him. “I don’t need everypony knowing I’m real.”

Isaac was about to open his mouth when a loud booming voice caught their attention. They turned to see an immense, greyish green dragon, looking down at them from an outcropping in front of of their plateau.

“Dragons of Equestria, hear me!” the dragon shouted, his voice echoing for miles. “I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!” He paused, looking down at the crowd. “Agree with me!” The crowd, minus Spike and the digimon, started cheering his name.

“Who is that?” Spike asked looking up at the dragon lord.

“I think they said his name is Torch,” Rico said.

“No I meant the one next to him.” Spike shook his head, pointing to the smaller dragon hovering next to the dragon lord’s head.

“That's Princess Ember,” a dragon behind them answered. “If I were you I’d stay away from her. Torch might eat you if you talk or look at her too much.”

“Oh hey, it's that jerk from before,” Rico muttered, looking back at the dragon.

“His name’s Garble,” Spike spoke up. “He’s just a big jerk.”

“We know, he tried starting something with us, only to get tossed away by Gagate,” Willy told them. “Are you looking to get dropped like a sack of rocks again?” he asked, turning to Garble.

“You just got lucky!!” Garble growled, letting out a snort.

“No, you did,” Willy said. “You were lucky that Gagate didn't punch you. If he had you’d be eating nothing but soup for the rest of your life.” Garble growled before another order from the dragon lord had them all mumbling in sadness.

“Uh… what just happened?” Rico blinked, looking at the suddenly crying dragons.

“He just said that he has to step down from being the dragon lord,” Daring answered.

“This is why I have summoned you!” Torch boomed. “To compete for the throne in the Gauntlet of Fire!” The assembled dragons started cheering.

“Heh, a gauntlet of fire would be easy for me,” Willy chuckled. “Though I’m not interested in winning any thrones.”

“Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame-cano will be crowned Lord of the Dragons!” Torch then threw the rather small scepter into the nearby volcano, setting off a small eruption. As soon as that happened, every dragon stopped glowing.

“Finally!” Willy cheered, throwing his arms in the air. “Sweet relief!”

“When the scepter disappeared, the dragons stopped glowing! We are learning so much!” a rock muttered and the newcomers realized the rock next to Spike had two sets of eye holes cut into it.

“Roger… who’s in the rock costume?” Rico whispered.

“That's Twilight and Rarity,” Roger whispered back.

“I’m gonna guess that they're ponies like Daring, right?” he whispered again.

“Yup!” Just at that moment, one of the ponies sneezed.

“Uh, excuse me!” Spike called out rather quickly, rubbing his nose.

“Ugh, you even sneeze like a pony,” Garble admonished, glaring at Spike.

“ The Gauntlet is dangerous, for I designed it myself! Only dragons with my ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!” the Dragon Lord boomed, causing most of the crowd to cheer.

“I don’t want to be Dragon Lord or dragon toast, and I stopped glowing, so let's sneak out of here!” Spike called out, starting to push the fake rock.

“Ah! Where do you think you're going, little dragon?!” the Dragon Lord demanded, turning the crowds attention to Spike.

“Oh, uh, hi, your Lordship. Uh, I was just going home!”

“You don’t get to leave unless I say you can!” Torch roared.

“Dad, look at him,” Ember cut in, “He's just a runt. Besides, he doesn't even wanna compete. Let him go.”

“He is rather tiny, heh. I could squish him with my pinky claw.” Spike let out a nervous chuckle at that remark. “That wasn't a joke. It was a fact. When I want you to laugh, I will say ‘be amused!’.”

“Of course, your Lordship. I, uh, guess I don't understand dragon customs. Another reason why I shouldn't compete,” Spike offered, sweating bullets.

“Hm, very well then, little dragon. I release you,” Torch sighed, waving Spike off.

“Thank you!” Spike beamed and turned to Ember. “And thank you.” He then started pushing his rock again and Ember started flying off.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To prepare for the Gauntlet,” Ember answered with a bit of a huff.

“No you’re not. You're not much bigger than that runt I just sent home.”

“But I’m smarter than most of these boulderheads and you know it!” Ember protested, waving a claw over the crowd.

“Being smart won't help you win this Gauntlet!” he countered. “It was designed for a big, strong dragon to win, because it takes a big, strong dragon to lead! Besides, I said no!

“Grrr, I hate when he does that!” Ember growled, clenching her claws tightly at her sides. The crowd ignored the father and daughter fighting. Instead, they chose to talk amongst themselves.

“Ha!” a female dragon laughed, “When I become Dragon Lord, I will make burps an official greeting!”

“Ha, you? Please! When I win, I’ll pillage Equestria for all their pillows. Why should those ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks?” another dragon beamed, puffing out his chest.

“That's nothing!” Garble interrupted, “When I’m in charge, the first thing I’ll do is get revenge on those puny ponies! They’ll regret they ever crossed Garble! We'll take whatever we want from Equestria and burn the rest!”

“You couldn't even take over a kiddie pool, let alone an entire country,” Willy laughed. “Man, you are just a little ball of hormones, rage, and insecurity, aren't you?”

“So, you’ll throw away the lives of your own people and that of ponies over... what?” Rico asked, raising his eyebrow. “They kill your parents or something?”

“No, a couple of ‘em made me and my friends look like idiots!” Garble growled.

“Wow, I hit the nail on the head with that insecurity assertion,” Willy commented. “You want to commit genocide over wounded pride? You're literally worse than Hitler.”

“There's only one thing to do, and only I can do it!” Spike declared, having been conversing with his pony friends. “I have to win the Gauntlet of Fire!”

“No offense little guy,” Willy started, kneeling down in front of Spike. “But you should probably leave this to me.”

“It's the only way to protect Equestria from the dragons,” Spike replied with a frown, “You heard them! They have horrible plans for ponies if they win! So somehow, I have to do it!”

“I wouldn't destroy Equestria,” Willy rebutted. “My meal-tic… I mean friend lives there. I give you my word as the Warrior of Fire that I’ll win and keep Equestria safe. And I’ll punch Garble in the face... though that one’s just as much for me as it is for you.”

“He’s right,” Twilight spoke, getting their attention, “It's too dangerous. Besides, if you win, you'd have to stay here!”

“I know, but there's no other way to keep my friends safe.” Spike put on a determined look, starting to walk toward the gathering crowd.

“Did… did he just completely ignore the promise I made on my title?” Willy asked, dumbfounded. “Did he momentarily go deaf or something?”

“Sometimes the world goes on autopilot,” Isaac explained. “It happens.”

“It does not happen, Isaac,” Twilight argued, rolling her eyes, “But if Spike is going to compete, then we're staying to cheer him on!”

“You won't have to worry about him,” Willy told her. “I’ll keep him safe while I win this thing. Should be a piece of cake to do both.”

“Hey, we’re competing too!” Isaac proclaimed, gesturing to himself and Roger.

“Can either of you two go ultimate like me?” Willy asked, flaring his flaming wings out for effect.

“What's that got to do with anything?” Isaac snorted.

“I’m taking that as a no then,” Willy replied. “And it has plenty to do with things like strength.”

“Whatever,” Isaac huffed, moving past him, Roger in tow.

“Seriously Willy, can your ego get any bigger?” Daring asked, shaking her head.

“Wait... is that... Daring Do?” Twilight asked, recognizing the voice.

“Yeah, it's me,” Daring sighed. “And you’re one of the mares that tracked my house down and found out that I’m real, right? Twilight Sparkle, I think it was?”

“...How do you not know who I am? I’m a princess, former Element of Magic?”

“Hey, I know all that stuff,” Daring scoffed. “But right now the only thing I have to identify you by is your voice. You are still in your disguise after all.”

“Says the hermit who lives in the jungle...” Twilight muttered as she and Rarity moved out of sight.

“Hey! I like living in the jungle!” Daring growled. “I like the ambience.”

“Let it go Daring.” Rico shook his head. “Now come on, let's get a good seat.”

“Good idea,” Daring nodded. “Should be fun seeing Willy punch that punk’s face in,” she concluded, following the crowd.

“Are you actually a dragon?” Torch asked, looking down at Roger and raising an eyebrow.

“Sure I am,” Roger replied. “I’ve got claws, I’ve got a tail, and I spit hot fire. Plus that glowing, itchy thingy you did worked on me, so I have to be a dragon.”

“You and those pipsqueaks should just go home!” Garble taunted, looking down at them. “You can’t even fly!”

“You calling me a pipsqueak?” Isaac asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Hey Garble?” Willy growled, narrowing his eyes at the teen. “Mock and insult my friends again and I’ll make it so you won't be able to fly anymore. Got it?”

“Veemon digivolve to! Ex-Veemon!” Isaac shouted, suddenly glaring down at Garble. “Who's the pipsqueak now, huh?”

“Guess that's my cue,” Roger smiled. “Guilmon digivolve to! Growlmon!” he shouted, towering over Garble as well.

“Cat got your tongue?” Isaac laughed, crossing his arms. Garble just gawped at the two of them, unsure of what to say.

“I’d run along now,” Willy told him. “Isaac and I don't like you very much. And Roger’s high enough that he’ll do whatever we tell him to. So leave before we make you leave.”

Garble shook with rage before shoving Spike off the cliff and flying off in a hurry.

“And that just tears it!” Willy roared, shooting off the ground and after Garble. “Isaac, Roger, one of you catch Spike!” He called back to them.

“No, it’s cool!” Spike shouted, popping up from under the water, “I was planning on swimming anyway!”

“I hope you realize I’m not carrying...” Isaac commented, looking at Roger.

“Fine,” Roger pouted. “Guess I’ll just swim with Spike.” He sighed and jumped into the water, making a large splash. “There, now you go keep Willy from killing that Garble creep!” he shouted as he started to swim. “Maiming and disfiguring is cool though. He is a genocidal maniac after all!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Isaac spread his wings, flying after them.

“Garble!” Willy boomed, closing in on the red teen. “I’m gonna rip those wings of yours off and force feed ‘em to you!”

“Shut up you weird... metal toothed loser!” Garble called back. Willy pointed one of his arms at the drake, the cannon on it flipping forward.

“Pyro Bar-” Willy started before a giant worm burst out of the ocean, firing a blast of water that knocked Willy out of the sky. Another dragon was hit as well, both falling into the ocean like rocks. Willy growled, the water around him steaming and bubbling from the heat he was giving off. He started to swim, his wings not working properly in the water.

“See ya loser!” Garble cackled, quickly flying out of sight.

“He's gonna drown!” Spike gasped, diving in after the other dragon.

“Spike!” Twilight shouted, she and Rarity having changed disguises, now hidden behind seaweed on a little raft. Neither dragon surfaced for a few moments before Isaac swooped down, grabbing the two from the water. He flew over to the island, dropping them both on the shore. Willy pulled himself ashore as well, shaking the water off of him.

“Okay, I think that little dip cooled my head,” Willy said, releasing a deep breath. “I probably won't rip Garble to pieces when I see him and should be able to think clearly.”

“Good, he’s just an idiot teen,” Isaac scowled, shaking the water off like a dog.

“An idiot teen that plans on destroying an entire country,” Willy rebutted. “There's only so much I’m willing to shrug off as hormones running rampant.”

“Whatever...” Isaac rolled his eyes, looking over at Spike and the other dragon. “You guys okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Spike said, rubbing the top of his head. “What about the armored guy?”

“I dunno, why don’t you check on him?”

“Hey, are you okay?” Spike asked, peeling the dragon’s helmet off to reveal… “Princess Ember!” He gasped.

The princess coughed a few times before locking eyes with him. “What do you think you're doing?!”

“Saving your ungrateful scales,” Rarity huffed. Isaac and Willy just turned to her with stares of utter disbelief.

“Did that seaweed just talk?” Ember asked, getting to her feet. She stalked over to them, pulling the front part of the seaweed aside. “Ponies!?” she exclaimed, her eyes wide. “What are they doing here!?”

“They’re my friends!” Spike explained, putting himself between Ember and the mares.

“Friends?” Ember scoffed. “Dragons don’t do ‘friends’.”

“Well this dragon does,” he shot back.

“Looks like the world's doing the autopilot thing,” Willy sighed. “We’re being ignored again.”

Ember blinked, looking at the digimon. “You two are the weirdest dragons I’ve ever seen.”

“Never mind,” he corrected. “I’m a BurningGreymon,” he told her. “But you can call me Willy. All my friends do.”

“A what now?” she asked, picking her helmet off the ground.

“It's a type of dark dragon. I’m also the very embodiment of fire,” Willy explained.

“I’m just an Ex-Veemon.” Isaac shrugged.

“I have no idea what that means either,” Ember deadpanned.

“I’m a pure breed of Veedramon, which is a big, blue and white dragon.”

“Whatever,” she dismissed, “I don’t care as long as none of you get in my way. I have a Gauntlet to win.”

Spike blinked. “But I thought your dad said that—”

“I don’t care what my dad said!” Ember growled, getting in Spike’s face. “I’ll show him and every dragon that thinks I’m just a little princess there are better things than being big and strong!” Up ahead, Garble was knocked out of the sky by a boulder, crashing into the beach next to them.

“Hey, if it isn't the drake I was looking for,” Willy smirked, looking down at Garble.

“Don’t leave me here Spike!” Garble called out, grunting as he tried to move the boulder.

“Don't worry, I’ll get that boulder off you,” Willy assured him. “But first I’m gonna knock you out. Can't have you coming back and trying to do something underhanded,” he said as he flexed his claws. Despite this, Spike moved off, helping Garble push the boulder off. “Stupid world and its autopilot bullcrap,” he muttered.

“Ha-ha!” Garble taunted, getting to his feet and shoving Spike back. “Knew you'd do it. Your pony friends made you soft.”

“Uh huh,” Spike replied with an annoyed frown. “You’re welcome.”

“For what? I didn't say thank you.” Garble blinked, sniffing the air. “Wow, you even smell like ponies.” He moved his head, sniffing again. “Or is it coming from over there?” He sniffed, looking in the direction of the disguised ponies.

“Uh, that must be me!” Ember chimed in, having put her helmet back on. “I robbed some ponies on my way over here.”

“Huh, I like your style.” Garble smirked. “Have I met you before?” He leaned closer, narrowing his eyes. “You kind of look like—”

“My old neighbor!” Spike interrupted. “Uh…” he paused, his gaze wandering along the beach. “Sandy Rockshore!”

“Stupid slingtails knocked me down!” Garble growled, looking up at the strange, rock hurling creatures stationed around the flame-cano’s crags. “But I've wasted enough time making small talk. Get it? Ha-ha! Because you're too small to win this!” He spread his wings, flying into the sky. “I'm funny.”

“No you’re not, you're a loser!” Isaac called after him. “He’s like a living stereotype.”

“Yeah, almost cartoonishly one dimensional,” Willy agreed. “Alright Isaac, after what happened in the ocean back there I think I’ve learned my lesson. Let's work together and warn each other about any boulders in our blind spots, okay?”

“Sure, I can do that.” Isaac nodded, flapping his wings. Willy grinned and flew up after him.

“If they're working together, so should we!” Spike smiled, looking up at Ember.

“Why did you cover for me back there? You could've had one less competitor.”

“I could ask you the same thing,” Spike countered. “You could've told Garble about my friends.”

“Psst!” Rarity called out, waving Spike over. “Spike, are you sure it’s a good idea to be teaming up with Ember? You don't know her too well,” the fashionista pointed out.

“I do know she could've told Garble about you, but she didn't,” Spike pointed out, “I think we can trust her.”

“Her behavior does seem contradictory to everything I’ve noted about dragons so far,” Twilight offered.

“Hey, you, little fella!” Ember called out. “I've thought about it, and your idea makes sense! Let’s do it.”

“Really?” Spike asked with a grin. “Great! It's a deal!”

“Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever pony friends do,” Ember informed, kneeling down so he could get on her back.

“Good luck! We’ll meet you at the top!” Twilight cheered.

“What is your name?” Celestia asked, sitting across for the recently captured changeling. Both she and Luna dropped everything they were doing after Twilight had informed her of the changeling’s attack on the Pie rock farm.

“Drones do not have names. And even if I did, I would not tell it to you!” he spat, glaring at the princesses.

“Why did you attack the rock farm?” she asked, in a calm, patient voice.

“...” The drone remained silent, turning away from her.

“My sister asked you a question,” Luna stated firmly, giving the changeling a hard look.

“What is Chrysalis’s plan?” Celestia asked, leaning forward, “Why does she need the spirits of the elements?”

“My queen has no plan like that,” the drone replied cryptically. “She only makes plans for the good of the hive.”

“I get the feeling that you are in trouble.” Celestia gave the drone a warm smile. “Please, if you tell us, perhaps we can help?”

“You ponies have helped us changelings enough as it is!” The drone hissed, turning back to her. “Treating us like monsters for our appearance and what we eat, pushing us away to the desert, and nearly wiping us out!” He roared, slamming his forehooves on the table. “That is the only ‘help’ we’ve ever received from your kind!”

“Your queen invaded our nation!” Luna roared back, getting in his face. “If your race needs love, you could have come peacefully, but no, your queen decided to try and enslave us!”

“After you ponies took the land that was once rightfully ours!” the drone boomed. “Your castles are built atop places that once housed locations sacred to my kind. We simply reacted in kind to your invasion!”

“I don’t recall ever seeing changelings in the Everfree,” Celestia added calmly, “And if Canterlot was a sacred place, why did none of you ever come to me about it? I would have gladly built the city elsewhere.”

“We were chased away long ago. Back when the three tribes of ponies still bickered and fought. They're the ones who took everything and dubbed us monsters.”

“Neither of us were around during that time.” Celestia shook her head. “If you had simply come to me, I would have done everything in my power to help your people.”

“Fine,” the drone sighed, hanging his head. “My failure sealed my fate anyway. He will destroy me if I return now.”

“He?” Celestia asked, tilting her head.

“He calls himself Piedmon,” the drone explained. “He and his tiny, winged minion invaded our hive some time ago. He has taken Chrysalis’s place on the throne and forces us to do his bidding. And the worst part is… he treats as playthings. Even my queen is not safe from his awful antics, but he is so strong that we have no choice but to follow him. He plans on doing something horrendous with the spirits. That’s why I took the earth ones. But… when I used them I felt… strong. Strong enough to depose him and restore my queen’s honor!”

“A digimon?” Celestia asked, her eyes going wide. “How long has this been going on?”

“For… a few months now I believe,” the drone answered, thinking it over.

“Why haven’t you come to us for help?” she asked with a frown.

“Well for one thing, we’ve already established that changelings hate ponies,” the drone reminded her in a condescending tone. “And for another thing, he has our larvae and eggs held hostage.”

“I see...” She nodded, letting out a long sigh. “I promise, we’ll do our best to save your hive.”

“I have no reason to trust you. But, it is as I said, I have no hope if I were to return to the hive now,” the drone sighed, hanging his head. “Do as you will with me, I will cooperate with whatever fate you choose for me.”

“We’re not going to hurt you.” Celestia smiled, using her magic to undo his shackles.

“Though we will be keeping an eye on you,” Luna continued. “You will have a day and night guard assigned to you to watch you at all times of the day. Aside from that though, you will be treated as a guest in this castle.”

“Why...why are you treating me so well?” the drone asked, a look of confusion on his face.

“For one thing, you were very cooperative with us,” Celestia smiled. “For another, you have suffered enough due to this Piedmon. And lastly, you were correct in your statement. Ponies have not had a good history with changelings. I would like to start changing that today. Now, I will send a letter to my niece. Her magic should be able to keep you fed and comfortable.”

He got up, moving toward the door. He paused, looking back at them. “Thank you...”

“You’re welcome,” the two sisters said together. He turned, walking out of the room.

“We must also send word to the element bearers and the digimon,” Luna said as soon as the drone was out of sight. “This is a matter that they should be made aware of.”

“Of course.” Celestia nodded. “We have to find the spirits before this...’Piedmon’.”

“Yes, I shudder to think what he is planning, or what he is doing to that drone’s hive at this moment.”

“It will be most difficult to free them from his hold, if he is truly holding their young hostage.”

“Perhaps we should talk more to this drone later?” the younger alicorn suggested. “He may be able to tell us about the layout of his hive so we may better formulate a plan.”

“There is a scholar on the legend of the ten warriors.” Celestia started to walk, making her way to her long disused war room. “Hopefully he can help us find the spirits.”

“It seems we have much to plan for. It is good that we already have one of the warrior’s spirits. We can only hope that this trend continues with the others.”

“We can only hope...” Celestia agreed.

“Who the hell made this place?” Isaac asked, zipping through several pairs of spiked walls, which slammed together every few seconds.

“I dunno,” Willy replied, nearly losing the tip of his tail in one of the spike walls. “But I know who’s gonna break ‘em!” He grinned as his cannons flipped forward. “Pyro Barrage!” he shouted, firing heat bullets at the next spike wall. It broke apart, freeing several dragons that had been trapped in between the teeth. “Wanna take the next one?” he asked, turning his head to Isaac.

“Sure.” Isaac grinned. “Vee-Laser!” He took out the next one, quickly pulling ahead.

“Random destruction is fun!” Willy beamed, firing more bullets at the crushing walls.

“Uh...” Isaac just stared at his friend, raising his eyebrow.

“What? This is my beast form for a reason,” Willy said, looking back at Isaac, still firing away.

“You could at least try to control yourself.”

“...Fine,” Willy sighed, putting his cannons away. “I’ll stop. Buzzkill,” he muttered, picking up speed.

“You’re the one going all destruction happy!” Isaac growled.

“Hey, I cleared a path for us, didn't I?” Willy countered, waving a claw towards the destroyed spikes.

“You could have killed someone!!”

“I was being careful not to hit the dragons! I’m not an idiot!”

“Uh huh. Whatever you say, flame boy.”

“Blue Balls,” Willy shot back.

“At least I don’t look like a Yu-Gi-Oh reject!”

“Screw you, Yu-Gi-Oh is awesome!” Willy boomed.

“Yeah? Big whoop, wanna fight about it?” Isaac glared, flaring his nostrils.

“You don’t want to fight me,” Willy chuckled. “I could go Aldamon and whoop you in a second.”

“Don’t give me that ‘this isn’t even my final form’ routine! Why ya gotta level up, huh? Scared you can’t beat me like you are?” Isaac taunted.

“Isaac, let’s not start fighting now,” Willy sighed. “I haven’t seen you in a really long time. I don't want us starting something. Especially when we’re in the middle of something important.”

“Such a wuss answer.” Isaac rolled his eyes. He paused, slowing his flight to a hover. “You feel that?” he asked, glancing down a disused looking corridor.

“You think that tunnel leads to the scepter?” Willy asked, looking at the corridor.

“Nope.” Isaac shook his head before moving down the path, looking around.

“So what are we doing here then?”

“I got no idea...” Isaac muttered, turning out of sight.

“Uh huh, if you’re gonna just do some leisurely exploring. I’m gonna go get that scepter,” Willy said, turning back away from the corridor.

“Come on!” Isaac called back to him.

“Dude! I’m trying to keep Daring’s country safe here!” Willy shouted. “I don’t have time for your aimless wandering!”

“Let Spike do it!”

“I just met the kid!” Willy countered. “I’m not gonna trust him with something this important!” He then started rushing back where they came from, going after the scepter.

“Will you just come on!?” Isaac shouted back at him. “Spike’s got it, man.”

“La la la! I can’t hear you!” Willy shouted, flying as fast as he could. Willy eventually found his way to the scepter’s chamber, watching as Ember and Garble tussled on the floor. “This’ll be...easy...” He turned, eye twitching, watching as Spike hefted the scepter into the air. “Oh come on!” Willy roared. “Stupid autopilot bullcrap!” he growled, gritting his teeth.

“Leave her alone!” Spike shouted, glaring down at Garble.

“What?! You?!” Garble called out in shock at Spike. “You have the scepter? But that means that you’re…”

“The Dragon Lord.” Ember smirked. “Dragon Lord Spike.”

“You know what?!” Willy boomed, stomping through the chamber. “Screw you, world, and your autopilot! I’m taking that scepter!” He then yanked the scepter out of Spike’s hands. He turned on his heels, extending his middle claws into the air and started walking out of the flame-cano.

“That's not yours!” Ember hissed, zipping over and yanking it from his claws. “How about you go in the corner and think about what you’ve done!?’ she ordered, the scepter glowing, causing him to glow as well. Willy seized up, fighting the urge to scratch.

“Listen here little girl,” he said with narrowed eyes. “Nobody gives me orders,” he continued, grabbing the scepter again. “I am fire itself!” He boomed, covering his body in fire.

“Willy! Give the scepter back.” Rico glared, walking into the chamber, arms crossed.

“I’m doing what I want,” Willy shot back. “I have had a long day between the ungodly itching, the water blasts, the Hitler Youth dragon over there, and being ignored because this world just does things on its own. So I’m gonna throw a giant friggin’ monkey wrench into the wheels of destiny!”

“Willy, give the scepter back,” Rico repeated. “Now.”

“Fine,” Willy huffed, tossing the scepter over his shoulder at Ember’s head. “Let's just go get drunk with Daring. I need to forget today.”

“You’re acting like a child,” Rico countered, “I told you you let the beast spirit color your mind.”

“I don’t need a lecture right now,” Willy dismissed. “What I need is hard liquor, and lots of it.”

“Thank you,” Spike cleared his throat as Ember passed him the scepter. “Garble! Go start your long journey home. And give every dragon you see on the way a hug. Don't tell them why.”

“Aww, but that’ll be super embarrassing,” the teen whined, slumping over.

“I command you to do it!” Spike smirked.

“I can’t believe this,” Garble grumbled, hugging a nearby dragon.

“And the autopilot continues,” Willy sighed and turned to Rico. “Let’s meet up with Isaac and Roger and bounce.”

“Hey! Big jerk guy!” Spike shouted after him. “I order you to uh... dance like a ballerina!”

“Ignore him and leave,” Willy hissed, walking away.

“Is that why you’re dancing?” Rico asked, a smirk on his face as he watched Willy start to dance.

“...Rico, turn into Beowolfmon and knock me out,” Willy said in an oddly calm tone as he did a pirouette.

“Nope, you wanted to be a dick.” Rico shook his head, moving past him. “So, you came here with Roger and Isaac, yeah?”

“Rico, I’m serious man!” Willy shouted after him. “I’m so angry right now, I’m a little worried the beast is gonna go wild!”

“It’s called karma, Willy!” Rico shouted back, walking out of the chamber with Spike, Ember and the pony duo.

“You can stop dancing when you apologize,” Spike added, sticking his tongue out.

“Grrr… I’m sorry I lost my temper and tried to steal the scepter,” Willy said through clenched teeth, spinning. The compelling force stopped, allowing Willy to control himself once more. “I am gonna smash that scepter into tiny pieces,” he muttered under his breath.

“Aw did I miss everything?” Roger asked, stomping into view, still dripping water in his wake.

“Yes,” Willy answered as he turned back into Flamemon. “Spike got the scepter and nothing else happened,” he concluded, following after Rico.

“Spike’s a king!?” Roger gasped, leaning down to peer at the small dragon. “That's awesome.”

“Heh, thanks,” Spike chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Wanna lift?” he asked, wagging his tail.

“Thanks Roger!” Spike beamed, climbing onto Roger’s back. “Oh, sorry we left you behind by the way.”

“Don’t worry about, we all good.” Roger waved him off, letting the others on as well.

“Oh, um... here Ember...” Spike mumbled, holding out the scepter.

“What? No, you’re the Dragon Lord now,” Ember protested.

“The Dragon Lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father!” Spike pointed out. “Besides, you'll make a great leader. I was just doing this to protect the ponies, but I know you'll protect them just as well as I would have.”

“You sure about this?” she asked, looking between the scepter and Spike.

“Absolutely.” Spike nodded. “My home is in Equestria with my friends.”

“Well, you have at least one friend here too.” She smiled before blinking a bit. “What are you doing?” she asked, looking down at Spike.

“It’s called a hug!” he grinned, hugging the taller reptile.

“Oh, I don't know if I like it. But… okay,” Ember replied, returning the hug with a faint blush.

“Aww...” Twilight muttered, watching with a smile while Rarity let out a giggle.

“Ember and Spike sitting in a tree…~” Roger sang with a big smile on his face.

“Roger, chill,” Rico instructed, gesturing for him to tone it down.

“Fine, I’ll just go back to being the living bus for everybody,” Roger sighed. “Though I don't have as many mysterious stains as that one bus that ran by our school,” he chuckled.

“So... where’s Isaac?” Spike asked, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, he started walking down a random corridor to let you get the scepter,” Willy informed them. “I was gonna let you know when we passed it so we could pick him up.”

“So, you ditched him?” Rico asked, raising his eyebrow.

“We kinda ditched each other,” Willy shrugged. “Look, the beast spirit was amping up my negative emotions and left me focused on one thought: get the scepter, protect Daring’s home.”

“Celestia probably would have just threatened to not lower the sun,” Roger commented.

“...Who’s Celestia?” Rico and Willy asked in unison.

“She rules Equestria!” Twilight pipped up, smiling, “She controls the sun while her sister, Princess Luna, controls the moon.”

“Huh, we didn't have anything like that back when we were fighting Lucemon,” Rico commented.

“Yeah, they kinda just moved on their own like they did back home,” Willy added.

“Come on, will ya!?” Isaac’s voice called out, echoing through the passageways.

“Marco!” Roger called out, walking toward where he thought he heard the voice originate from.

“Roger!? Get your ass over here and help me!” Isaac called.

“Isaac, what's wrong?!” Roger shouted, breaking out into a sprint.

“Get out of the ground!” Isaac commanded, followed by the sounds of grunting.

“Isaac we’re… what are you doing?” Willy paused, watching the strange scene before him unfold.

“Look!” Isaac moved back, revealing a red and orange egg half buried in the ground with a horn sticking out the top.

“Whoa, the Egg of Courage,” Roger said, leaning down and sniffing the egg.

“How are you having trouble with that thing?” Rico asked, looking between Isaac and the egg. “It’s meant for you.”

“It weighs like a ton!” Isaac countered, crossing his arms.

“Well, what do you want us to do about it?” Willy asked as Roger tried digging it out of the rock. “The thing only responds to the one that it wants to work for.”

“I dunno.” Isaac sighed, slumping down a little.

“Have you tried using your digivice?” Roger asked, digging away. “Maybe that’ll help.”

“Twilight has the stupid thing...”

“Here you go,” Twilight chimed in, using her magic to float the digivice over to Isaac. “Now try.”

“Oh hey, thanks Twi...” Isaac blinked, taking it. He reverted back to Veemon, pointing the digivice at the egg. “Digiarmor energize!” The egg started to glow, lifting up out of the rock it had been stuck in.

“What exactly is Isaac doing?” Rarity asked, looking between the digimon.

“Well, season two introduced a different type of digivolution,” Rico explained. “Certain digimon can use special digieggs like a powerup. Though in this case, it’s actually weaker than his Ex-Veemon form,” he admitted.

“Really?” Twilight asked, scribbling away at a scroll.

“Yeah, and Isaac should be able to use another Crest Egg for a different form,” Willy explained.

“Veemon digivolve to! Flamedramon! The fire of courage!” Isaac digivolved again, though this time into a tall, wingless, slimmer version of Ex-Veemon. He was decked out in red and orange armor with clawed gauntlets, and on his head he had a matching helmet that had a horn similar to the one on the egg.

“Looking good, Isaac,” Roger complimented, stopping his digging.

“I feel good,” Isaac replied, jab at the air a few times.

“You should show Starlight your new form,” Roger commented. “I bet she’d like it too.”

“We’re getting distracted,” Ember cleared her throat, “I have a title to claim, remember?”

“Well excuuuuse us, princess,” Willy snickered. “You heard her Isaac, turn back to normal and hop on Puff the Magic Dragon so we can finally leave.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Isaac reverted to Veemon again, climbing onto Roger’s head. “Kinda crowded up here...”

“It’s not so bad,” Spike shrugged. “Well, unless you have personal space issues.”

“Nah, it’s cool.” Isaac shook his head.

“I gotta say Roger, your back is surprisingly comfy,” Willy commented, relaxing.

“Thanks!” Roger smiled, moving out of the flame-cano. “Huh... now what?” he asked, looking at the water with a frown.

“Yeah, this could be a bit of a problem,” Willy said, scratching his head. “What if we have Roger go back to being Guilmon, then Isaac and I digivolve and divide up who we carry between those that can't fly?” he suggested.

“I can just teleport us,” Twilight said, getting back into her disguise with Rarity. Her horn glowed and suddenly, they were back up on the cliff.

“Huh… so that's how you beat us up the cliff,” Ember said, looking the mare up and down.

“Did everything go well?” Gagate asked, moving over to the group, Daring in tow.

“Yup, Equestria won't be invaded so we can go and find the other spirits now,” Willy said with a thumbs up.

“Oh yea about that,” Isaac started with a smirk,”We found the Earth Spirits!”

“You what?!” Willy and Rico shouted simultaneously.

“Totally true. We got Lee and the others looking after em!”

“Take us to them,” Willy said with a grin. “I bet ya we can just absorb them or something.”

“Yay, take us back to Ponyville, Twilight!” Roger cheered, throwing a claw in the air.

“I can’t teleport us across a continent...” Twilight deadpanned, giving him a flat look.

“We took a chariot.” Isaac gestured into the distance.

“Well what are we waiting for! Let's go!” Willy grinned, starting to walk off.

“You do realize Twilight can just teleport us to the chariot, don't you?” Isaac asked, raising an eyebrow at him.