• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,445 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Home is Where The Mon Is

Trixie was hefting a large box into a home in Ponyville using her magic. Kudamon was around her neck and was examining the home.

“So, this is where we’ll all be living from now on?” Kudamon asked.

“Yup, my little friend, this is our home now!” Trixie smiled, trotting inside.

“I like it!” Roger chirped. “It looks cozy.”

“It was great of the princesses to help us buy this place,” Alex added, carrying a smaller box in.

“And if our theatre plans go well, they’re getting permanent VIP seats to shows,” Trixie said as she placed her box down among the others.

“Can I be in a show?” Monodramon asked, setting a box down.

“I don’t see why not,” Trixie told him as she started to unpack one of the boxes. “We can work something out in our new routine. Isn’t that right, Alex?”

“Of course!” Alex beamed, “Always room for more.”

“Sweet!” Monodramon cheered with a fist pump. “I’ll be sure to do a good job you guys.”

“We don't doubt you for a second,” Trixie assured him, patting his head.

“Heh, I wonder what mom and dad will have you do?” Flint questioned as he put down his own small box next to Monodramon.

“We’ll figure it out later,” Alex told him, “We have to unpack still.”

“Are you starting to regret being back in your rookie form?” Trixie teased, as she continued to unpack the box she was working on. “If you were still in training, you’d be able to just sit back and relax.”

“Nah, having hands is well worth the trade off.”

“Even though I won’t be feeding you anymore?” she pressed with a mischievous smirk.

“Yup, even that.”

“Yeesh, get a room already you two,” Roger muttered under his breath, chuckling and rolling his eyes.

“Roger, you wanna reenact a chase scene?” Alex asked, conjuring up a fireball.

“Alex,” Trixie started, looking at the impmon with a frown.

“What?” He asked, looking at her. Nm

“Take it outside,” she said. “I’m not going to have you start a fire in the house before we even fully unpack.”

“I wasn't going to burn the place down.” He frowned, crossing his arms.

“And do you think I’m going to let you take that chance?” Trixie asked, putting a photo of them all up on a shelf. “This house was made possible thanks to the princesses. I’m not going to let anything happen to it.”

“I hear ya...” He extinguished the fire ball, sighing a little. Roger smirked and made a whip cracking sound behind Alex. Alex looked over his shoulder, glaring at the dinosaur. Roger then let out a little whistle, moving over to unpack another box.

Flint giggled, finding their antics amusing. Trixie continued to unpack, ignoring Roger and Alex as she pictured what their home would look like once the unpacking was done. She smiled a bit at the thought.

“Having a nice dream?” Kudamon asked, snapping her back to reality.

“Oh, I was just picturing what this place will be like when we’re done moving in,” she replied.

“Good, I take it?”

“Yes,” Trixie answered. “I think that our crazy little family will be quite happy here.”

“Good.” Kudamon shifted a little, making himself comfy.

“It feels nice to have a real home after living in a caravan for so long,” Trixie commented.

“Do I get a room?” he asked, looking down at her.

“We’ll have to see how many bedrooms there are,” Trixie told him. “You may have to share with somebody.”

“I'd prefer to share one with you.”

“I’d assume so since you seem to like being as close to me as physically possible,” she teased, patting his head with a smile. He nuzzled her hoof, chuckling softly. “If it comes down to it I’m sure Flint and Monodramon wouldn’t be opposed to sharing a room.”

“I... wouldn't mind that...” he nodded, looking over at the two.

“But, we can worry about the room arrangements later,” Trixie said, picking up the pace. “For now, we’ve got all these boxes to unpack and only so much daylight to do it with.”

“Should I digivolve?” Kudamon asked, wanting to be of use.

“I don’t see why not,” Trixie told him. “Just be careful with your tail when you do.” He nodded, jumping off her.

“Kudamon, digivolve to! Reppamon!’ He glowed brightly and shifted into the larger form.

“Okay, why don’t you help me with this box?” Trixie asked.

“Just tell me where it needs to go.” Trixie nodded, pulled an item out of the box and pointed him where to go with it. He grabbed it in his mouth, carrying it to where it had to go.

“Well, looks like we’re gonna have to clean off certain things that are gonna get slobber on ‘em,” Alex commented as he set up the kitchen.

“I do not slobber,” Reppamon growled.

“You’ve got things in your mouth, you’re gonna get some saliva on them,” Alex retorted.

“Don't argue with the fox,” Trixie instructed.

“Fine, not like your blue butt is going to be doing the cleaning anyway,” Alex grumbled, returning to his task.

“Are you gonna fight?” Flint asked with a frown, looking between them.

“Of course not, little guy,” Alex assured him, ruffling his mane. “Besides, Trixie would automatically win. Mostly because she can threaten to kick me out of the act. And without the act, I don’t make money.”

“That doesn't seem fair.”

“Well, sometimes life can be a little unfair,” Alex told him carefully. “You just have to know how to work around the unfairness.”

“Mom, why are you unfair to dad?” Flint called out.

“What?” Trixie asked, having not heard their conversation and trotted over to the two. “I’m not unfair to Alex. Where did you get that idea?”

“Dad said he had to do what you want or you’ll kick him out of the show,” Flint parroted, much to Alex’s horror.

“Oh he did, did he?” Trixie said, narrowing her eyes at the Impmon.

“Uh...” Alex gulped, letting out a nervous chuckle.

“I think you and I are going to have a little talk upstairs,” Trixie said, using her magic to tug on Alex’s ear and lead him upstairs.

“Hey come on! Lemme go!” he whined, trying to pull away.

“Oh no, I’m not gonna let you fill our son’s head full of silly ideas and get away with it,” she retorted, not releasing his ear. “Now take your lumps like a mon.” He sighed, letting her drag him along.

“Monodramon, you may wanna cover Flint’s ears,” Roger said. “I don’t know if those two are gonna get loud or not.” Monodramon nodded, doing so. “Good job,” Roger said. “And now, we continue to unpack and pretend like we don’t hear anything if things go south.”

“Should we be worried?” Reppamon asked with a frown.

“Nah, once Trixie gets whatever point across she wants to tell him, they should be fine,” Roger told him with a wave of a claw.

“If you say so.”

“I don't see what we have to talk about...” Alex said, crossing his arms.

“Do you really think I’d kick you out of the show just to win a stupid argument?” Trixie asked, pouting slightly.

“No...” he grumbled, looking away from her.

“Then why did you tell Flint that I would?” she asked, still keeping an even tone.

“Because that's how human relationships work.”

“Well, neither of us are human,” she reminded him, smiling and rubbing between his ears. “Well, physically you’re not anyway.”

“Stop tryin’ to butter me up.” He frowned, looking up at her.

“How am I trying to butter you up?” Trixie asked, still rubbing his head.

“You know how.”

“What, the rubbing of your head, or by implying that you’re still human on the inside?” she asked with a smile as she continued to rub between his ears.

“Come on, stop...”

“Eh, I don’t think I will,” she dismissed, carrying on. “This is pretty therapeutic. Plus, you’re cute when you’re annoyed,” she teased, a smirk on her face.

“I could burn your hat off you know,” he threatened.

“You could,” she admitted with a nod. “But you won’t. You wouldn’t risk hurting your favorite meal ticket.”

“You're not a meal ticket,” he protested.

“It was a figure of speech, but if I’m not a meal ticket, what am I?”

“I... have no idea...”

“Wait, how could you not know?” she asked, seeming confused. “I mean, after everything we’ve been through… aren’t we friends?”

“Of course we are!” he nearly shouted at her.

“Then how do you not know what I am to you?” Trixie asked, her confusion growing.

“Gah, why does everything have to get so complicated?!” Alex growled, kicking a chair. Being a gift from the princesses, the house had come fully furnished. The room they were in had a small bed, desk and chair, sized for a foal.

“I wasn’t aware that things got complicated,” Trixie pouted. “I mean, we have fun together, we work well off each other when we put on a show. All of that comes so naturally.”

“Well, they did,” he huffed, not looking at her. He looked back at her. “Jesus Trixie, we’re even raising a kid together!” Trixie paused, seeming to quietly put the pieces together. She paled, realization dawning on her.

“Oh buck… we’re basically married.”

“See!?” he asked, tugging on his ears, “It's all just so fast...” Trixie pouted a bit, sitting on her haunches next to him.

“Well… it’s not like fast is a bad thing,” she offered. “I mean, I like to think we’re doing a good job so far with Flint. We make a good team.”

“I don't know...” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I don’t either,” she admitted. “But, I do know that I can’t picture things without you around. The show, this house being a real home, none of that would work.”

Alex sighed, going quiet.

“So… where do we go from here?” Trixie asked, rubbing the back of her head.

“I dunno... Are we... a couple?”

“I… I guess we are,” Trixie said, blushing furiously. “I mean… we work well together… right?”

“Right...” Alex nodded.

“So, should we go on a date soon or something?” Trixie asked. “Ya know, couple stuff?”

“Do you... want to?” He asked, looking back at her.

“It is kinda why I asked,” she said, chuckling weakly. “I wanna see if we can make things less complicated for us.”

“It might be... fun...” he offered.

“I think you’re right,” she said, pulling him into a weak hug. “So, when should we have our first date?”

“That's a good question.” He returned her hug.

“Hmm, what if we catch a movie sometime this week?” Trixie asked.

“Sounds fun to me. Any ideas?”

“Well, we could look in the local newspaper to see what’s playing. Is there any genre or type of movie you’d prefer?”

“Anything but a chick flick.”

“Agreed,” Trixie said with a shudder. “They’re so boring. And you could switch out the characters from them into any other chick flick and nothing would change.”


“Ooh, slasher, monster or psychological?” she asked, perking up at the idea.

“Ponies have slasher movies?” he asked, giving her a weird look.

“Oh yeah, you’ve gotta check out the original Nightmare Night movie,” she said eagerly. “It’s a total classic.”

“What's it about?”

“A young colt kills his family except for his baby sister on Nightmare Night and gets sent to a mental hospital. He escapes years later and manages to find his sister who has been adopted and tries to finish the job, again, on Nightmare Night,” Trixie explained.

He stared at her for a few moments. “That's the exact same plot of Halloween, except with ponies.”

“Oh, so there’s a human movie that has the same plot as one of our own,” she said. “Hmm, that sounds pretty interesting. I think Twilight has a projector and a screen, wanna borrow those, get the movie, cuddle up and see how similar the two movies are?” Trixie asked.

“Sure why not... Trixie is there a 'Friday the 13nth?’’

“Yes, that’s another classic of the genre,” she said with a nod. “Though I prefer Nightmare Night over that one. The music is really good in that and I just think it’s a better movie overall.”

“Nightmare on Elm St?”

“Ooh, I love that one. The second one is underrated in my opinion,” she replied.

His eye twitched. “Terminator?”

“Yup, that movie’s good too,” she nodded. “Though, it’s a bit more sci-fi and action than horror.”

“I think I'm going to go lay down...”

“Do you need me to go and get you anything?” Trixie asked, giving him a worried look.

“Yeah, a one way ticket out of the uncanny valley...” he muttered, rubbing his head.

“Hey, how do you think I feel?” she asked. “It’s strange for me to hear that humans have made similar movies to our own as well.”

“At least you didn't see my version of those movies...”

“Well, you haven’t seen any of our versions of those movies yet either,” she offered.

“But I'm going to, which will make it worse,” he pointed out.

“Well. at least you’ll have something to help remind you of home,” she said. “So that’s something.”

“That is true,” he admitted, giving her a small smile.

“See, the mare is always right,” she joked, rubbing his head again.

“Keep that up and I’ll burn the house down,” he shot back.

“No you won’t,” she replied with a knowing grin. “Now cut it out or I’ll be forced to resort to drastic measures.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?” She smirked, leaning down and kissing his nose.

“Something like that, but a bit lower.”

“I uh...” he blushed, staring up at her.

“Gonna start behaving now?” she asked, though she already knew what the answer would be.

“Alright, alright.” He frowned, crossing his arms.

“I’m glad,” she told him, smiling. “Now, let’s go downstairs and finish unpacking with the others. After that, we can start planning our date.”

“But, we’re equal in this relationship,” he stated firmly, “None if that 'guy/girl is in charge’, and neither of us is getting kicked out of bed if the other gets pissed.”

“Are you saying you want to share a bedroom with me already?” she asked. “How bold, we haven’t even been on a proper date yet and you want to cuddle with me every night,” she teased, rubbing a hoof on his chest.

“You know what I meant,” he huffed.

“Maybe, but I am an insufferable tease,” she replied with a chuckle. “Plus, it’s fun to see you get flustered.”

“Bah.” He pouted, looking away.

“Oh, don’t be like that,” she said. “Or do I have to resort to those drastic measures?”

“Try me.” She smirked again, grabbing his face with her hooves and kissing him on the lips this time. She pulled away, both of them blushing this time.

“Whoa...” he blinked, standing there dumbstruck.

“Yeah… that was… I think I felt those sparks that ponies always talk about,” Trixie said, her expression mirroring his.

“Anyway...” he cleared his throat, “We should get back...”

“You’re right,” she said, snapping out of her daze. “We can’t be lazy and leave the unpacking to the others. Come on.” She let go of his face, turning and walking out the door with a bit of a spring in her step. He followed, a smile on his face.

“Hey guys,” Roger said, happily taking over Alex’s job of setting up the kitchen. “None of us heard any yelling. So, are you two good now?”

“Totally.” Alex nodded, grabbing a box and sorting through it.

“The two of us came to an understanding.” Trixie nodded as well, sorting through a box.

“That's good.” Reppamon smiled, licking her cheek.

“Thank you, Reppamon,” Trixie told him, straightening her fur out and patting his mask. “And you’ve done a wonderful job while I was upstairs with Alex.”

“Thank you.” He bowed his head, wagging his tail.

“And you’re doing a good job as well,” Trixie praised, going over to Flint and hugging him. “I’m so proud of the good little colt you are.”

“Thanks mom!” He smiled, hugging her back.

“Oh, you don’t have to thank me, just keep being you. And if you do that, I think you’ll be popular with mares one day,” she said, ruffling his mane with a maternal smile on her face.

“Really?” He asked, looking up at her.

“Of course, it’s mother’s intuition,” she told him, now patting his head.

“You’re silly!” He giggled at her.

“Maybe, but my intuition is rarely wrong,” she assured him as she returned to her unpacking. He joined her, the group working into the afternoon.

“Ugh, I’m so hungry,” Roger groaned, sprawled out on the sofa that they had put in the living room.

“Lunch break?” Alex asked, stretching out

“That sounds good,” Trixie agreed. “What do you guys want for lunch?”

“Hayburgers?” Flint asked hopefully.

“You two can eat your hayburgers,” Alex waved off. “The rest of us will eat some real food in the form of hamburgers.”

“What’s a hamburger?” Monodramon asked, tilting his head.

“It’s a food that has a warm meat patty, usually beef, between two buns. And there’s a nearly infinite number of toppings that you can put on it,” Alex explained.

“Oooh...” Monodramon looked off into the distance, his mouth watering.

“Yeah, you can put things like chili on it, or lettuce and stuff,” Roger offered, his own mouth watering.

“Let's go out, then.” Trixie levitated her bit bag over, making sure she had enough to eat out.

“Woo!” Roger cheered, springing up from the couch with his tail wagging. “Let’s go and get some food!”

“We got enough for all of us?” Alex asked, looking at Trixie.

“Thanks to our shows we’ve got more than enough,” Trixie assured him. “Even with the cost of our theatre.”

“Then let's go!” Alex strode over to the door, stepping outside. The others followed him, each of them sticking close to one another as they searched for a restaurant. “Know any place good?”

“Hmm, there’s a diner nearby that Fluttershy said is good,” Trixie said. “She said they have a varied menu.”

“After you, Trix.” Trixie smiled and led her little family through the town. After a few minutes they were outside the diner and they walked in.

“Nice place,” Alex commented, looking around.

“Yeah, Fluttershy has good taste,” Trixie agreed as they sat in a large booth.

“I'll be right with you!” a waitress called, glancing over at them.

“Please hurry, we’re hungry,” Roger told her, turning on the puppy dog eyes.

“Rog, let the girl work,” Alex scolded.

“Yeah, yeah,” Roger pouted, laying his head on the table.

“You can't be that hungry.”

“Hey, I’m a growing digimon. I need a lot of food so I can reach ultimate like you.”

“You'll be fine.”

“I’m pretty hungry too,” Monodramon commented, rubbing his stomach.

“Alright, alright, how about I tell you guys a story?” Alex offered, looking at them.

“I’d love to hear a story!” Flint chirped, giving his attention to Alex.

“You sure? You might not be old enough.”

“Oh just tell your story,” Trixie told him. “I’ll cover Flint’s ears if things get too racy.”

“Okay okay. Now listen in close, as I regale you with the tale of Tony Stark and how he became the Invincible Iron Man.”

“This sounds awesome!” Flint chirp, his eyes sparkling.

“Oh it is, and it only gets better from there.” Alex began his tale, speaking of a rich man without a care in the world, who sold weapons to the highest bidder.

“Wow, this Tony guy sounds kinda like a jerk,” Flint commented, frowning a bit.

“Oh yeah, total jerk, but, he had a change of heart. One day, while out testing his weapons with the U.S army, they were attacked and Tony was injured by one of his own weapons.”

“That sounds like what goes around comes around,” Kudamon interjected.

“A few pieces of shrapnel with stuck in his chest and the only thing keeping them from going to his heart and killing him was a magnet,” Alex continued, “His captors offered him treatment, but only after he made them weapons.”

“Did he do it?” Monodramon asked, leaning forward. “Did he make them weapons?”

“Not a chance. He built a primitive arc reactor to power the magnet in his chest and secretly, he built a suit of armor. When he put it on and escaped, he had become Iron Man.”

“That’s so cool!” Flint cheered. “So what did he do next?”

“He escaped of course,” Alex replied, “And when he did, he immediately announced that his company would no longer make weapons.”

“It seems experiencing what they could do himself caused a rather large change of heart,” Trixie commented.

“Yup, but his change of heart left a lot of people unhappy.” Alex nodded. “But, Tony stuck to his guns, he was going to help people. So he built better and better versions of his suit, helping as many people as he could, fighting off insidious villains such as the Crimson Dynamo, Mandarin and Titanium Man.”

“He sounds like a real hero,” Trixie said.

“And then...” Alex put on a low voice, speaking slowly, “There came a day unlike any other, when Earth’s mightiest heroes united against a common threat. On that day, the Avengers were born, to fight the foes no single hero could withstand.”

“That sounds like the Power Ponies!” Flint gasped, his eyes widening at the thought.

“I assure you kid, the Avengers are much cooler.” Alex smirked. “Thier ranks include the Invincible Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, the Mighty Thor, the Astonishing Ant-Man, the Deadly Wasp, the First Avenger Captain America, and the Unparalleled Hawkeye.”

“They all sound super cool!” Flint agreed. “Can you tell me more about them?”

“‘Course I can, after we order.” He gestured to the waitress, who had trotted over, pencil and notepad in magic.

“My son and I will have your hayburgers please,” Trixie said with a smile.

“The rest of us will take hamburgers,” Alex added. The waitress nodded and jotted the order down.

“How would you like those hamburgers cooked?” she asked. “And would you like anything on them and the hayburgers? “

“We’ll take ours medium.” The waitress nods again, jotting it down again.

“Alright, we will have this out for you in a jiffy.”

“Thanks!” Flint smiled at her.

“Oh boy, this is going to be good,” Roger said, sniffing at the air.

“Yeah it is!” Monodramon agreed.

“I’m looking forward to this,” Kudamon said with a nod. “Though I might need some help eating it,” he concluded with a frown.

“Aw, do you want me to feed you?” Trixie teased.

“If you wouldn’t mind,” he said with a nod.

“Of course.” She reached up, petting his head.

“Thanks Trixie, that means a lot to me.” He nuzzled her cheek a little.

“Your welcome, Kudamon.”

“Here you go,” the waitress chimed, placing all of their food onto the table. “Everything is cooked to order. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“Thanks!” they all chimed in together, not even hesitating before starting to down the food.

“Mmm, I think this hamburger is amazing,” Monodramon said, a blissful smile on his face.

“Told ya it was good!” Roger grinned, biting into his own hamburger. Alex grabbed a bottle off of the table.

“Eh, it needs more ketchup.” He then applied a liberal amount of ketchup to his burger.

“You put ketchup on everything,” Roger pointed out.

“Yeah, that’s because there’s not a lot out there that I’ve found that doesn’t taste better with a little ketchup,” Alex retorted, happily eating his burger.

“Weirdo,” Roger responded, shaking his head.

“Coming from you, that’s rich,” Alex shot back with a roll of his eyes. “I’ve seen the stuff you eat after some pan.”

“That's not the same thing and you know it!”

“Uh huh, sure it isn’t,” Alex told him. Roger pouted, focusing on his own meal. “Oh quit pouting,” Alex said, rolling his eyes. “Here, have some of my fries.” He grabbed a handful of fries and put them on the dinosaur’s plate.

“Aw, thanks.” Roger smiled, wagging his tail.

“Eh, don’t mention it,” Alex replied with a shrug. “I just don’t like seeing you get all pouty.” Roger leaned over, licking Alex’s head. “Gah!” Alex cried, grabbing a napkin and rubbing the spot where Roger licked him. “Hey, none of that.” Roger smirked, doing it again. “Roger, we’re not in the house,” Alex pointed out, a flame appearing on his finger. “So I’m gonna ask you, you wanna recreate a chase scene?”

“I dunno. Wanna try chasing a Growlmon with a spine?” Roger shot back.

“Wanna be chased by a Baalmon?” Alex retorted.

“Weren't you the one which said they weren't going ultimate for a while?”

“Just figured I’d one up you on that one,” Alex said with a shrug. “But I can always stick to Wizardmon.”

“Boys, you can have your little contest later,” Trixie scolded playfully.

“Yes ma’am,” Alex groaned, letting the flame on his finger die out. She giggled, patting his head. Roger snickered, making the whip cracking sound and motion again. Alex frowned, grumbling under his breath. Trixie patted his head again, giving him a smile.

“Keep that up and I'll bring the artillery,” she warned, winking at him.

“Uh… I think we should forget about this stupid chase thing, Rog,” Alex said, gulping a little. She giggled, shaking her head.

“I don’t get it,” Roger commented with a tilt of his head. “What’s the artillery supposed to be?”

“Don't worry about it,” Trixie informed him.

“Alright.” He shrugged and went back to his fries. They ate quietly, enjoying a peaceful meal.

“Wow, this really is a lot like Halloween,” Alex commented, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

“Is that good, or...?” Trixie asked, looking at him.

“It’s really good,” he assured her. “Actually, it might be a bit better than my world’s. Seeing a bunch of cute ponies getting axed instead of people makes the deaths have more punch.”

“That's... good to know.” she nodded, turning back to the movie.

“Thanks for showing this to me, Trixie,” he said, smiling at her. “Though I never thought you’d be a horror fan.”

“We should have done this sooner.” She nodded, putting her arm around him.

“Seeing the movie or becoming a couple?” he asked, putting his own arm around her.

“Both.” She leaned down, pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widened in surprise, but he returned the kiss. Meanwhile, the killer was suspending a pony against a wall using a knife. She closed her eyes, keeping the kiss going. He wrapped his arms around her, relishing the moment as he closed his own eyes.

She finally pulled away, panting heavily.

“You… are one hell of a kisser, Trix,” Alex told her, panting as well as he stared into her purple eyes.

“So are you.” She smiled, nuzzling him. His smile started to match hers and one of his hands started stroking her back.

“This, this right here is one of those moments I wish could last forever,” he said with a content sigh. Meanwhile, the main character of the movie screamed and ran from the killer.

“We’ll have a lot of moments like this,” she assured him.

“Glad to hear it. So, when should we tell the others about us being a couple?”

“Whenever you want!” She smiled, nuzzling his head.

“I think the first person we should tell is Isaac,” Alex said with an evil grin. “I mean, he’s such a supportive friend. He’s sure to be happy for the two of us.”

“Oh, that's mean.” She giggled.

“You know you love the idea,” he said, poking her in the chest.

“I didn't say I didn't.’

“I’m pretty sure Twilight’s gonna be running out of ink and paper by this time of week. So that means that she’s gonna be sending out Starlight to buy more stuff. And where Starlight goes, Isaac is sure to follow. Wanna tell them while they’re out and buying supplies?” he asked, his evil grin growing.

“Oh, you are evil! Let's do it!”

“Should we bring a camera?” he asked. “Something tells me the look on his face will be priceless.”

“Nah, that's too cruel.” She shook her head.

“Fine, I’ll just burn the sight into my memory,” he huffed. “Still, this should be good.” He snickered to himself, picturing the moment.

Trixie just rolled her eyes, snuggling up with him.

“Isn't court over yet?” Coronamon asked, lounging across Celestia's throne.

“It will be over soon,” Celestia assured him, petting his head. “It will only be a little longer before Luna comes in to begin Night Court and we will lower the sun and raise the moon.”

“Why are ponies so boring?” Coronamon whined, stretching out like a house cat, frowning out at the remaining petitioners.

“Are you calling me boring, little one?” Celestia asked, a feigned pout on her face.

“No...” he muttered, looking up at her.

“That’s good, I’d hate to think you’re getting tired of me. Now, be patient and let me do my job and I’ll be sure to do something fun with you once Luna takes over,” she told him with a warm smile.

“Okay...” he sighed, splaying out on her throne.

“I’ll even have your favorite snack sent to our room,” she promised, looking down at him with a knowing smile.

“Really?” He asked, perking up.

“Of course, when have I ever lied to you about food?”


“Exactly,” she replied with a giggle. “Now, I’m going to have the next petitioner come forward. Please be patient until Luna takes over.” He nodded, going quiet for her. Celestia motioned to the guard at the foot of her throne who called the petitioner forward. Said petitioner was a middle aged unicorn mare. Coronamon watched, swishing his tail. “Tell me, my little pony, why have you come to see me today? I will be sure to do what I can to help with your issue.”

“Is your... 'cat’ going to interrupt?” the mare asked, looking at Coronamon.

“His name is Coronamon, and he is not a cat,” Celestia corrected, hiding her slight irritation. “And he has promised to be on his best behavior. So, what is your grievance?”

“A lot of us are rather...” the mare stared at Coronamon. “Worried about this digimon situation. Some are not convinced you are doing enough to protect us.”

“I assure you that I am doing all that I can about the digimon attacks,” Celestia told the mare. “Just recently the Elements of Harmony and I warded off an attack on the seapony city and prevented any lives from being lost.”

“And yet you allow them to freely roam our borders,” the mare countered.

“Yes, and I also allow griffons and minotaurs within our borders. Despite certain members of their species committing crimes here. I assume you’re trying to make a point?” Celestia asked, fighting off the urge to glare at the mare.

“These creatures are far more dangerous than any other race we know of!” the mare snorted, stomping her hoof.

“And yet, they are our best bet at dealing with the threat,” Celestia countered. “Do you know what manner of creature was instrumental in protecting the seapony city?”

“Your leniency is going to get us all killed!” The mare growled, gritting her teeth.

“It’s a good thing that you are not the one on this throne,” Celestia said. “Otherwise Equestria would have gone to war countless times in the last millennia. Now, I am dealing with the digimon threat. And how I treat digimon who have not once shown themselves to be a threat is my business. Is there anything else you want to scream at me like a scared little filly? Or is it all out of your system?”

The mare trembled in barely contained rage, taking a deep breath. “No, nothing else your highness.”

“Fantastic,” Celestia replied with an overly sweet smile. “Now, please make way for the next petitioner. A princess’s work is never done, after all.” The mare gave a curt bow, quickly trotting away. Celestia’s smile twitched for a split second, signaling the guard to bring yet another petitioner forward.

“Y-your Majesty!” a guard shouted, rushing into the room, panting heavily.

“What is it?” Celestia asked, leaning forward on her throne. “Is there some sort of problem?”

“We just received word from the patrol sent to check up on Tartarus,” he paused, catching his breath, “Somepony broke in.”

“Do we have word on the condition of Cerberus and a reason for this break in?” Celestia asked

“Cerberus is fine, thankfully but...” Celestia raised her eyebrow looking down at the guard.

“What is it? What has happened?”

“Lord Tirek is missing.” He gulped. “There are reports from the other prisoners that he traveled into the depths of the prison with a group of mechanical monsters.” Celestia took a deep breath, attempting to remain calm.

“Send word to Princess Twilight, we may need to enlist her help in recapturing Tirek. And give her every detail of the story that you possibly can.”

“Yes ma’am!” He saluted, galloping out of the room. Celestia leaned back on her throne, rubbing her temple with a hoof.

“Things just keep piling up around here,” she mumbled.

“Celestia?” Coronamon asked, looking up at her with a frown.

“What is it, Coronamon?” she asked, looking down at him until their eyes met.

“I have a very bad feeling about this...”

“I do too, but Twilight and the Digidestined will be working to solve this issue. Neither of them have let us down yet. Plus, Firamon can offer assistance if things get out of hoof,” she assured him with a smile. He smiled back, giving her a toothy grin.