• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,443 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Smoke and Mirrors

“I already told you, I’m not eating it!” Alex frowned, glaring up at the show pony.

“That's not what you said,” Trixie smirked, his red neckerchief in her magical aura. “He said he'd eat this if Equestria had marijuana. Isn't that right, Roger?” she asked, smiling at the grinning Guilmon. Said Guilmon was a red dinosaur-looking creature, with a white chest that had a black symbol in the center, as well as several other markings along his body. His eyes were yellow and his ears slightly resembled bat-wings.

“He wasn’t there!” Alex snapped at her.

“You shouted it, I’m sure he heard,” Trixie shot back, sticking her tongue out at the cranky Impmon.

“Oh, you're such a bitch!” he huffed, turning around and sticking his nose up in the air.

“Would a bitch take you in, give you a place to stay and food to eat?” she asked, a smirk on her face. He grumbled, not turning to look at her.

“Come on guys, can't we just get along?” Roger asked. “Ooh, maybe we should have a singalong?” he suggested, perking up. “Ponies like songs, right?”

“Roger... I’d ask what you’ve been smoking... but I’m the one that bought it for you,” Trixie deadpanned.

“I ain’t singing nothing,” Alex huffed.

“Even if it's a song from your favorite band~?” Roger asked with a grin.


“Oh stop being such a baby,” Trixie said, rolling her eyes and floating Alex’s neckerchief back to him. “I hope you know I wouldn’t actually make you eat this.”

“Uh huh...” He took it from her, tying it back around his neck.

“You know, we might be able to squeeze in a few shows before going to Ponyville,” the showmare pointed out. “With the extra money we make we could buy ourselves something nice.”

“Now that sounds like a good idea!” Alex rubbed his hands together, grinning.

“Then let's break out the markers and make some flyers for our performance in the next town!” She smiled. “Roger, do you think you’ll be joining us in the show this time?”

“I dunno...” the dinosaur frowned, rubbing his neck.

“If you do, I’ll make you special brownies~”

“What kinda brownies?” Roger asked, tilting his head much like a dog.

“Fudge and my extra special secret ingredient,” Trixie winked.

“Well... okay!” he beamed, nodding his head eagerly.

“Fantastic!” Trixie cheered. “Then in honor of you finally joining in on the performance, let’s make our next show our greatest one yet!” she proclaimed, thrusting a hoof in the air.

“We’re gonna have to step up our game...” Alex muttered, rubbing his chin.

“You're right about that.” Trixie nodded, using her magic to bring over the necessary materials for their fliers. “Should we open with that new pyrotechnics display we’ve been working on?” she asked, taking a seat at a table.

“I think I got something better.” He moved over to his side of the wagon, rummaging through his stuff before pulling out a vaguely triangular device. “Ta-da~”

“Color me intrigued,” she said with a nod. “...What’s it supposed to do?”

“It’s a digivice!” He grinned. “It’ll let me and Roger digivolve!”

“I think I remember you mentioning that before. That's when you transform into a stronger form, right?” Trixie asked, starting to work on the fliers.

“Yup!” he nodded his head. “Though... it’d be a really bad idea for Roger to do it.”

“Whaddya mean?” Roger asked, sitting across from Trixie. “I wanna be Growlmon,” he whined.

“You wanna be a battle hungry, building sized ferocious dragon-dinosaur while we’re putting on a magic show?” Alex asked, raising his eyebrow.

“...Okay, it sounds like a bad idea when you put it like that,” Roger admitted.

“Exactly.” Alex nodded. “Though to be fair, I have no idea what Impmon’s champion form is.”

“Well, if Cyber Sleuth is any indicator, you have a chance to be BlackGatomon,” Roger offered.

“Yeah, no thanks.” Alex shook his head. “I’d rather not have any weird sex changes, thank you very much.”

“How can you have a sex change if you already don’t have a gender?” Roger asked, tilting his head. “Besides, you’d just be a cat. Not like you’d become LadyDevimon or something. Although....” he started, drifting off.

“What?” Alex asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Sorry,” Roger snickered. “Just picturing you as LadyDevimon. The voice was my favorite part.” Alex glared at them, chucking the digivice at Roger’s head. “Ow. Now that was uncalled for,” he pouted.

“Anyway,” Trixie interrupted before the two of them could go any further. “What's the plan? Do we pass off your digivolution as a transformation spell of mine? Or do you play the part of a rampaging beast that I defeat?”

“Like I said, I have no idea what Impmon’s champion level is,” Alex admitted with a shrug.

“Should we step outside and find out?” she asked. “Or... can you not digivolve right now?”

“Well... digimon usually digivolve in response to danger...”

“Huh... so how were you planning on incorporating this into the act?” Trixie questioned. “Because I don't feel comfortable putting you in danger for the sake of my act.”

“Hey, it was an idea,” he huffed, picking the digivice off the floor.

“And I appreciate it Alex,” she assured him. “But... you're my friend. And I’m no expert but... friends aren't supposed to let friends endanger themselves in the hopes of a quick bit.” He sighed, giving her a nod. “So why don’t we come up with some new ideas?” she said with a smile. “Now, we seem to get the best response out of foals. So maybe we should find a way to draw them and their parents in more?”

“Considering that kids tend to love Guilmon?” Alex asked with a smirk, “Who wouldn’t want to hug Roger?”

“Ooh, maybe we should offer to let foals ride on his back too?” Trixie beamed. “What do you think, Roger? Would you be okay with that?”

“I love kids!” he grinned, showing off his teeth.

“...Roger, I’d avoid smiling like that around the foals,” she said. “Oh, and you should take a shower. We can't have you smelling like weed around children.”

“Well, of course,” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Hey, this is our livelihood we’re talking about here. Forgive me if I sound a bit naggy,” she huffed.

“No, it’s fine, I know I don’t do a lot around here...” His head drooped, looking like a sad puppy.

“Please don't make that face,” Trixie pleaded. “It makes me wanna give you a hug and a cookie. And Roger,” she said, quickly recovering. “You’ve been through a lot lately. I understand that you need time to adjust to things.”

“Thanks, Trixie.” Roger got out of his chair, pulling her into a hug.

“Don't mention it, you big lug,” she said as she returned the hug. “Friends... support each other. I know you’d do the same for me.”

“We still need a plan,” Alex reminded.

“True. So we have Roger giving hugs and letting foals ride him. But we need something with... pizazz. Something that we haven't tried before...” Trixie trailed off, tapping her chin with a hoof.

“Hmm... what if we did something with audience participation?” she suggested, her eyes widening with inspiration. “Back before I met you two I once did this thing where I challenged my audience and... I... tore them down. Made them feel awful,” she admitted, her face falling slightly. “So now, what if we did the opposite? What if we picked a foal out of the crowd and made them feel like they were performing part of the act? They’d probably love it!”

“I’m liking that idea.” Alex nodded. “Maybe, give them a little souvenir?”

“That's good,” she nodded, a smile on her face. “... Maybe a hat like mine? With, “Magician in Training” written on it?” she suggested.

“We’ll need to buy some hats...” Alex muttered rubbing his chin.

“We can do that after we finish the fliers,” Trixie replied, floating a marker over to him. “And once we finish preparing the hats we’ll practice our new act!” she exclaimed.

“Right.” Alex hopped into the chair next to her, proceeding to take some of the load off her. Once the two finished their task they stopped the wagon at the closest town, setting up their flyers as they looked for a store carrying what they needed.

“Do you see anything that looks like a clothing store?” Trixie asked, craning her neck.

“Well, let’s see...” Alex peered over Roger’s head, looking around.

“Maybe we should try asking one of the locals?” Roger chimed in. “They might give us some directions.”

“Hey!” Alex called to a passing earth pony.

“Huh?” she asked, turning to them. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw the strange trio, but had no other visible reaction. “Umm... can I help you?” she asked, looking between the three warily.

“Do you know any good hat and/or clothing stores?” Alex asked, trying not to scare her off. The mare nodded and pointed them in the right direction. The three managed to get everything they needed with only the occasional odd look. They then quickly made it back to the wagon where they began their preparations for the new show.

“We are gonna score big!” Alex grinned, rubbing his hands together. “Maybe enough to get a bigger wagon~”

“I just hope the foals like the show,” Roger added. “...Though a bigger wagon could be cool as an added bonus.”

“If everything goes well we should be able to afford quite a bit. Hay, we may even get offers to do things like birthday parties if we’re lucky,” Trixie offered, chuckling nervously.

“Please tell me we won’t actually do birthdays...” Alex looked at her, an unsure look on his face.

“Hey, it puts food on the table, so don't knock it too much. Especially with the way a certain someone eats,” she said, glancing at Roger.

“Ugh...” Alex groaned, letting his head hit the table. “Ya know, no one ever made Houdini or Criss Angel do birthdays...”

“Think of it this way,” Trixie started, putting a hoof on his shoulder. “We might be doing things like birthdays and impromptu shows in towns today. But if enough positive word about us spreads, then we can take our act to large auditoriums.”

“True...” he sighed, lifting his head up. “Besides, foals seem nicer than human kids...”

“That's the spirit. Now, who’s the best magic duo... no, trio in Equestria?” she asked with a grin.

“We are!” Roger cheered, pulling the two of them into a hug. Trixie took that as an opportunity to give him a quick sniff.

“And none of us smell like a college dorm room, so we’re safe to start at any time!”

“Whaddya know about college, huh?” Alex asked, poking her cheek.

“I went... for a bit,” she said, her cheeks discoloring. “But we're getting off topic. Alex, signal the crowd that we’re ready to start the show!”

“You got it boss lady!” He moved outside, tossing a mini fireball at the fireworks to set them off. “Prepare yourself, ponies of Horseshoe Bend! You are about to be graced by the marvelous Trixie and her Illusions!!”

“That’s The Great and Powerful Trixie!” she called out, stepping onto the stage in her persona, two smoke plumes going off behind her. “And what I have in store today is more than just mere illusions, but also magic that is sure to mystify!” she proclaimed, creating a miniature light show with her horn. “Now, Alex the Astounding, shall we grace this good crowd with our first feat?”

“Of course, oh great and powerful one!” He conjured up a fire ball, letting it dance along his fingers. “I propose we start off with summoning the most terrifying beast this side of Equestria!”

“A bold move, Mr. Astounding. But fortune favors the bold!” Trixie exclaimed, lighting her horn up. “Let us combine our magic so we can bring forth the creature!”

“Bada Boom!” Alex shouted, tossing a large fireball at the stage, waving his hands as if to control the flames. Trixie fired a bright beam into the flames while she subtly tapped a trigger for a trap door and smoke machine with her back hoof. When she noticed the smoke seeping out of the stage she nodded over to Alex.

“That is enough, Astounding... the beast approaches,” she said, cutting off her magic.

“Rawr!” Roger burst out of the trap door, posing most frightfully. He blinked before sniffing around, dropping his act.

“Hm.. He’s not quite what I imagined Ms. Trixie,” Alex pouted, rubbing his chin.

“Hmm, perhaps our combined efforts have made the creature... docile?” Trixie offered. “Perhaps he is even... friendly now?” She gave Roger his signal.

“I love friends!” Roger smiled, making sure not to show his teeth. He hopped off the stage, throwing his arms open. “Anyone want a hug?” Several foals cheered, charging at Roger and jumping onto him.

“And there you have it my good ponies, The Great and Powerful Trixie...” she started, striking a pose.

“And Alex the Astounding...” Alex struck a pose next to her.

“Have summoned and tamed a dangerous creature! Mr. Astounding, however will we top ourselves this time?”

“Hm... that is a most excellent question...” He rubbed his chin, tapping his foot. “We may in fact need a volunteer...”

“You may be right, we might need extra magic to do something truly mystifying!” Trixie proclaimed. She then looked over the crowd, noting the faces of all the eager foals. In the end, she settled on a little earth pony foal. “You there!” she cried, pointing at the foal. “You look like the perfect candidate to help us! Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Astounding?”

“Oh, most certainly! He looks like quite the magician!” The little colt smiled, rushing onto the stage and shooting the two an eager grin.

“Why don’t you tell us your name little one?” Trixie asked with a smile.

“I’m Flint!” the colt cheered.

“Well Flint, right now you’re our magician in training,” Trixie told him. “Mr. Astounding, why don’t you tell Flint what we’re doing?”

“We’re going to make the very elements dance!” Alex proclaimed, doing a pirouette, “Think you're up for it?” Flint nodded eagerly at the question, a bright smile spreading across his face.

“Then let’s begin!” Trixie cried with a flourish. “Mr. Astounding, start us off!”

“First! We shall make fire and ice dance!” Alex held his arms out. “Infernal Funnel!” At his command, wisps appeared, one of ice and one of fire. “Hmm. Not the most interesting of minions. Any suggestions, magician in training?”

“Make ‘em bigger!” Flint beamed.

“Bigger it is!” Alex waved his hands, making the wisps grow to adult pony size. Flint’s eyes widened and he clapped his hooves at the sight.

“Now Flint, you and I shall focus our energies on the wisps! Take my hoof.” The colt nodded, taking Trixie’s hoof as her horn started to glow. She fired a beam at the wisps, letting her magic mingle with Alex’s attack. They took on the form of two human shaped dancers. They bowed, starting to waltz across the stage. The crowd oohed and ahhed, stomping in approval as the two dancers bowed again, winking out of existence.

“Wow, that was amazing!” Flint beamed.

“We couldn’t have done it without you, my friend.” Alex smiled at him.

“And in honor of your feat, we present you with this!” Trixie smiled, floating one of the hats they made onto Flint’s head. “Let’s have a round of applause for the magician in training!” she called out to the crowd.

The crowd broke into applause, seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed the show. “Thank you, you have been a wonderful audience!” Trixie beamed, waving at the crowd. Alex took a bow, never losing his smile. “We will be in town for a little while, so if you wish to see more of our magic, come and tell us!” Trixie offered, picking up Roger with her magic and subtly throwing down a smoke bomb as the three slipped inside their home unseen.

“That went off without a hitch!” Alex smirked, fist pumping.

“That was the best reaction we’ve gotten from a crowd yet!” Trixie agreed. “And the look on that little colt’s face as we made those dancers was amazing!”

“I got dog-piled by foals,” Roger chimed in. “I think a few tugged on my ears too.”

“Do you wanna count the bits for us?” Trixie asked, turning to Alex.

“Don’t mind if I do!” he nodded, cracking his fingers.

“And I believe I promised you brownies.” She smiled at Roger as she made her way to the wagon’s small kitchen, pulling out everything she’d need. Roger just watched intently, licking his lips. She finished with the batter and levitated the mixing spoon to him. “Do you wanna lick the spoon?”

“Yes please!” He nodded eagerly. She smiled, letting him take the spoon as she continued her work. Eventually, she placed them in the oven, sitting back down across from Roger.

“And now we just have to wait.” Roger nommed on the spoon, a look of bliss on his face. “Is the batter that good?” she asked with a giggle.

“Uh huh!” he smiled, wagging his tail.

“I’m glad you think so.” She reached out and patted the top of his head before turning back to Alex. “How’d we make out so far?”

“We’re in the money!” Alex looked up from their loot pile, giving a thumbs up.

“Then it seems we should keep doing our new act,” Trixie smiled. “And that means you're going to keep joining us out there,” she told Roger.

“Yay!” he cheered, accidentally flinging the spoon across the room. Trixie sighed, picking the spoon up in her magic and quickly cleaning up the little mess.

“So... what do you two think we should do with our money?” she asked, looking between them. “Does it look like we have enough for that bigger wagon?”

“I think so.” Alex looked over with a nod. “Might have to haggle a bit.”

“Well, good thing I have plenty of experience haggling. I actually got this wagon for quite the steal,” Trixie said, rubbing her chest with a hoof.

“I bet you got a five finger discount,” Alex snickered, putting their newly earned bits in their safe.

“A what?” Trixie asked, tilting her head.

“Humans have five fingers. It’s supposed to mean you stole it,” Alex explained.

“I didn’t steal the wagon,” she huffed. “I might’ve been a self-centered bitch back then, but I wasn't a criminal.”

“It’s a joke, Trixie. Relax,” he reassured her, stretching himself out with a yawn.

“Did our performance tucker Alex the Astounding out?” she asked with a giggle.

“Shuddup,” he muttered, “It’s like ten o'clock.”

“Alright, go and get some sleep. Roger and I will be up a little longer eating brownies,” Trixie offered as the oven dinged.

“Yup, see you guys in the morning...” He yawned again before climbing into his bed and dozing off. Trixie trotted over to the oven, quickly pulled out the tray and cut the brownies. She then placed a large pile in front of Roger, and kept a much smaller one for herself as she sat back down.

“Here you are, a reward for doing your job so well.”

“Thank you...” he muttered softly before diving in, all but shoveling them into his muzzle.

“Would you like some milk to go with them?” she asked, taking a bite of her own brownie.

“Yes please!” he nodded eagerly. She didn’t get up, simply grabbing everything with her magic and putting a glass of milk in front of him.

“Let's not have a repeat of the spoon with this, okay?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Sorry...” he blushed. Grabbing the glass, he chugged it down rather loudly.

“No harm done,” she waved off. “It was a simple enough thing to clean.”

“If you say so,” he said, putting the glass down and letting out a loud burp.

“Did you enjoy your role in our show?” she asked, taking another brownie.

“Yeah, kids are great.” He nodded. “You know... I wanted to be a teacher.”

“You still could be,” Trixie offered. “If we save up enough bits I’m sure you could learn to become one here.”

“Think they’d let me?” he asked, looking at her hopefully.

“Roger, Equestria is pretty open to other species. Schools have griffons, minotaurs, and many other species as teachers. As long as you can earn your teaching license, you’ll be fine.”

“Really?” he asked with a smile, wagging his tail like a happy dog.

“Yup,” she nodded with a smile that matched his. “So be sure to keep working hard and save your share of the bits up.”

“Gee thanks...” he sniffled, “That means a lot...”

“You don’t have to thank me. Thanks to you and Alex I’m more successful than I have ever been. Plus... you two have helped me become a better pony.”

“You’re gonna make me cry...” He sniffled louder, pulling her into a tight hug.

“Gack!” Trixie wheezed, struggling to return the hug. “Easy there, ya big lug, you're crushing me!”

“Sorry.” He dropped her in a heap.

“I think I see why you like foals so much. You're practically a giant child yourself,” she said as she picked herself up off the floor. He just nuzzled her, a goofy grin on his face. “Are you finished with your brownies?” She sighed.

“Uh huh,” he nodded.

“Then let's head to bed. We’re going to have a busy schedule until we get to Ponyville,” Trixie said and trotted over to her bed.

“Night Trixie,” he called, crawling into his bed, then curling up and going to sleep.

A few days had passed and the odd trio were finally packing up to leave the town of Horseshoe Bend. Like Trixie had said, they had played a few birthday parties, and even a cute-ceanera. Alex had grumbled the entire time before and after each show, but smiled during each one. Roger continued to help with the shows, and the foals loved him.

“Alright, that should be the last of our new supplies,” Trixie commented, wiping her brow.

“We really need a bigger wagon...” Alex muttered, panting a little, “Too much stacking...”

“Well we can definitely afford it now. That one party paid us very well,” she replied, smiling at him.

“I had no idea ponies came in crystal,” Roger commented, lifting his muzzle out of a bag of chips.

“Oh yes, the Crystal Empire returned not too long ago. Though from what I heard most crystal ponies just elect to stay there,” Trixie informed them. “I’d offer to take us there to see more, but our wagon wouldn’t make the journey through the tundra.”

“Maybe we could take a vacation there,” Alex offered, sitting on the edge of their wagon, letting his legs dangle off.

“And where would we leave our wagon?” Trixie asked. “Know anypony we could hire as a wagon-sitter?”

“Well you do know a princess.”

“Yeah but... I wouldn't feel comfortable asking her for a favor. I kinda... went power mad due to a magical artifact and enslaved her town the last time we met,” Trixie blurted out, a deep blush on her face.

Alex blinked, taking a minute to digest that information. “Uh... why?”

“I was in a bad place in my life,” she sighed. “My first wagon was destroyed in that town and I was mad at her for showing me up. Like I said before, I was a real bitch before I met the two of you.”

“You’re not now,” Roger assured her, pulling her into a bear hug.

“Thank you for that,” Trixie replied, hearing several joints popping. “Let’s hope it stays that way. Now, let’s move on to the next town. Let’s see if we can make even more there,” she said with a smile.

“Okay!” He dropped her, climbing into the wagon.

“Ugh, can you not drop me like a sack of flour?” She groaned and got in the wagon after him.

“You guys realize one of you has to pull the wagon, right?” Alex asked, looking back at them.

“...Not it!” Trixie called out.

“Not it!” Roger agreed.

“...I’m not tall enough to even reach the harness...” Alex reminded them.

“Ugh, fine, I’ll do it,” she groaned as she walked back out to the front of the wagon. She set herself up in the harness and started to pull. “You really need to get a growth spurt or something. Start... pulling your weight around here,” she joked back at Alex.

“The only one who could pull your fat ass is Roger,” he shot back, smirking.

“Keep that up and your dinner is going to Roger,” she warned with narrowed eyes.

“Lighten up, will ya?” Alex rolled his eyes. He reached over into his stash of snacks, located under his bed, rummaging around for anything worthwhile.

“You never insult a mare’s weight, even jokingly,” she told him, turning her nose into the air.

“You realize, I have no idea what a healthy weight for a horse is, right?” he teased, before frowning. “That's definitely not a bag of chips...” He leaned down, looking under the bed.

“Alex, we’ve been over this. I’m a pony. Whorse means something really bad in Equestria,” she reminded him.

“Don’t horses live in that Saddle place?” Roger asked, lounging on his bean bag chair.

“Umm, maybe?” Trixie half shrugged. “I’m not too well informed about Saddle Arabia.”

“Hey uh, guys...” Alex called, still looking under the bed. “We got a stowaway.” Trixie stopped the wagon, unhitched herself, and slipped inside.

“What are you talking about?” she asked. “Is it somepony that thought they could steal from us?”

“How about a foal that we did a show with?” Alex offered, dragging Flint out from under his bed.

“Flint!” Trixie gasped, rushing over to the colt. “How long were you hiding under there?!”

“Um... a few hours...” The colt looked down, his hat sliding over his eyes.

“He must’ve slipped inside while we were putting our stuff away,” Roger offered.

“It looks like we have to turn around,” Trixie sighed, adjusting the colt’s hat. “His parents must be worried sick by now.” This caused the colt to rub his arm, not meeting her gaze. “Y-you do have parents, don't you?” she asked carefully.

“No...” he admitted, wilting a little. Trixie blinked, exchanging a brief look with Alex and Roger.

“Group meeting,” she said as she levitated a juice box and a small pack of cookies to Flint. “Here, take a seat on the couch. The grownups need to have a talk.”

“Thank you.” he nodded, taking them, hopping onto the couch.

They watched him for a moment before they huddled up on the opposite end of the wagon. “Okay,” Alex started, looking between them, “So... do we take him back?”

“I-I don't know,” Trixie admitted, shaking her head. “I mean... we’d just be taking him back to an orphanage.”

“Why don’t we ask why he tried to come with us?” Roger suggested, peeking over at the kid.

“That's not a bad idea,” Trixie nodded, pulling away from the huddle. She trotted over to the couch, sitting on her haunches in front of the colt. “Flint, why did you sneak into our wagon?” she asked softly.

“I wanna be a magician!” Flint chirped, a big smile on his face, “I thought you could teach me!” Trixie blinked again, looking over her shoulder at the two digimon.

“Y-you want me to teach you to be a magician?”

“Uh huh!” he smiled. “You're the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie trotted back over to Roger and Alex, clutching her chest.

“Help, you two, I think I’m having a heart attack from the cuteness,” she whispered.

“I think the kid gave me diabetes....” Alex muttered, shaking his head. “Okay, we gotta focus here.”

“You're right... What should we do?” Trixie asked. “We can’t take him with us... can we?”

“Ever consider having an apprentice?” Roger inquired.

“N-no, I can’t say that I have,” she admitted. “But, can we afford to raise him? I know we have a bit of extra money now. But a foal is a lot to worry about. Especially considering he needs an education.”

“We are going to visit a princess...” Alex rubbed his chin. “We could ask her for some help... maybe rent a place out?” he smiled. “Think about it Trixie! We could start a club!”

“Then I guess Flint is staying with us,” Trixie sighed. “I’ll have to make it official though. Roger, get in the harness and turn us around. We’ve gotta notify the orphanage that we’re adopting Flint.”

“Yay!” Roger hopped out of the wagon, hooked himself up and turned the wagon around.

“So kid, how old are you?” Alex asked, sitting next to Flint.

“I’m seven!” Flint answered, happily sipping on his juice box.

“That's pretty big.” Alex nodded. “You look good with that hat ya know? ‘Course we’ll have to get you a better one.”

“But I like this one,” he whined, clutching the pointed hat defensively with his front hooves.

“Alright, alright,” Alex soothed, putting his hands up, “You’ll need a costume though.”

“We can worry about that later,” Trixie chimed in. “It’ll be quite a while before Flint will be ready to join in on the act. He has a lot to learn about magic.”

“He’ll do fine,” Alex chuckled, putting his hands behind his head.

“When can we start the lessons?!” Flint asked, bouncing in his seat.

“When we get to the next town,” Trixie assured, patting his head.

“Hungry?” Alex asked, moving to their kitchen set up.

“Uh huh, those snacks didn't fill me up,” Flint replied, his stomach letting out a loud growl.

“Anything you want?” he asked, peeking into their fridge.

“Grilled cheese!” Flint beamed. “That's my favorite!”

“Grilled cheese it is!” Alex smiled, put a frying pan on the stove, and pulled the ingredients out while it warmed. Flint smiled as Alex began to work, and it wasn’t long before the sandwich began sizzling in the pan. A little later, and he set the sandwich on a plate and put it on the table, waving Flint over. “Dig in!” he smiled. Flint did so with gusto, scarfing the sandwich in a matter of moments.

“Thank you!” he cheered, muzzle covered in crumbs.

“Geez, you eat like Roger,” Alex commented, taking the plate and putting it in the sink.

“Sorry,” Flint replied, a blush on his cheeks.

“It's fine, we can work on your manners after your first magic lesson,” Trixie giggled.

“We shouldn’t be much longer getting back to town,” Alex said, taking his seat, “I wanna say five minutes?”

“That's good,” she nodded. “Though we still need to figure out sleeping arrangements for Flint.”

“He can take my bed,” Alex offered, “I can sleep in a basket or something.”

“I’ll be sure to use the extra pillows and blankets to make it as comfortable as possible for you,” she told him with a smile. “Thank you, Alex.”

“Don’t worry abou–” He was cut off as a loud roar pierced the air.

“Uh... guys...” Roger called, slowing to a stop.

“... What is it, Roger?” Trixie asked, fighting to stay calm for Flint’s sake.

“Um...there's a digimon attacking the town.”

“Seriously?” Alex asked, jumping out of his seat. “Can you tell what it is from here?”

“It... looks like a Kuwagamon,” Roger answered. “But it’s kinda hard to tell.”

“We have to do something about that.” Alex got up, snatching the digivice off the counter. “Trixie, you stay here with Flint.”

“Alright... but are you sure about this?” Trixie asked. “You said it yourself that you don't know what you’ll turn into. What if... you lose control?”

“We’ll be fine, Trixie.” Alex gave her a reassuring smile. “You just sit back and watch the show, yeah?”

“Put on a good one, Alex the Astounding,” she replied, returning his smile.

“Why of course Ms. Great and Powerful.” He gave a bow before jumping onto Roger’s back. “Come on we got ponies to save!”

“You got it!” Roger nodded and charged into the town, a determined look in his eye. The two of them reached the town in no time and had to push past the fleeing ponies. Eventually, they came up close and personal with the rampaging Kuwagamon, blindly attacking buildings as it went. “Ready?” Roger asked, crouching a bit.

“Ready as I’ll ever be...” Alex gulped before hopping off Roger’s back. “Badda Boom!” he shouted, throwing a fireball at the giant bug. The Kuwagamon let out a roar, turning its attention to Alex. Before it could do anything else however, Roger charged at it.

“Hot Bite!” he shouted, biting one of the Kuwagamon’s legs. It roared, shaking its leg and tossing Roger into a nearby wall. “Ow...” he groaned.

“You okay?” Alex asked, looking over at him.

“I’m good... things are kinda spinning, but I’m good,” Roger answered, slowly getting up.

“We may have gotten in over our heads...” Alex muttered, looking back at the Kuwagamon.

“Plan D?” Roger suggested.

“The hell is plan D?” Alex asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Duh, D for digivolve,” Roger rolled his eyes as though it were obvious.

“Oh yeah, and how do you plan on doing that?”

“Uhh... power of friendship?”

“That is a very bad plan Rog.” Alex sighed, pinching his nose.

“Hey, I just got kicked through a wall. So forgive me if my brain’s not in top gear at the moment. Besides, not like you got a better plan,” Roger pointed out.

“Right...” Alex turned, taking a step back as the Kuwagamon let out a roar, flying at them.

“If I don't make it out of this, tell Trixie...” Roger started turning to Alex. “...That she can have the rest of my pan.”

“...Those are your last words? Really?” Alex asked, shaking his head.

“What? It was some good stuff. I’d hate for it to go to waste.”

“We are so getting egged...” Alex groaned, hanging his head.

“Come on man, let’s try focusing on friendship and all that good stuff,” Roger encouraged. “That always worked on the show.”

“Yeah, and kids were almost always in danger of being killed!” Alex shot back.

“I see your point, but... Imma try and do it anyway,” Roger replied as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Guilmon digivolve to!” he shouted, getting into a stance.

“It’s not going to work you idiot!” Alex shouted, trying to push him out of the way as the giant bug bore down on them.

“No!” Flint shouted, diving between them and the bug, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Flint!” the two digimon cried simultaneously, while Alex’s digivice started to glow.

“Guilmon digivolve to!” Roger shouted again as he started to glow and shift. “Growlmon!” he boomed, the transformation complete. He was now the size of a small house, sporting a white mane and two forward facing horns.

“Impmon digivolve to!” Alex shouted, his body changing as well. “Wizardmon!” he boomed, his body covered in a mostly yellow outfit. On top of his head was a blue, pointed hat that had a skull on it. He also had a blue cape to match. The cape and hat obscured most of his face, leaving only his eyes and a small bit of brown hair exposed. In his right hand was a wand with a sun atop it.

“Pyro Blaster!” Roger roared, launching a fireball into the Kuwagamon’s face, knocking it away before it could hit Flint.

“Electro Squall!” Alex cried, thrusting his wand out and summoning a thundercloud above the downed Kuwagamon. A lightning bolt then slammed down into it. It roared, flying up, shaking its head. “Looks like it wants some more,” he commented, giving Roger a look.

“Let's show it what happens when you attack nice ponies!” Roger snorted, rushing down the street and barreling into the Kuwagamon.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Alex smirked beneath his cape, pointing his wand at the Kuwagamon’s face. “Thunder Ball!” he shouted, sending a ball of electricity straight at the overgrown bug, which exploded on contact.

“Pyro Slash!” Roger ran forward, slashing at Kuwagamon with his flaming elbow blades. The bug let out one last roar before dissipating into shadows.

“...What the hell just happened?” Alex asked. “Where's the egg?”

“I dunno...” Roger blinked, leaning down, sniffing around for the egg.

“Flint!” Trixie shouted, galloping toward them. “What were you thinking running off like that?!” she demanded, picking the colt up in her magic to bring him to eye level. “You nearly got yourself killed!”

“I didn’t want them to get hurt...” Flint looked down, his ears pinned to his head.

“Oh, Flint,” Trixie sighed. “That's very admirable, but you have to know your limitations. I’m... I’m just so glad you're safe,” she sniffled. as she wrapped her hooves around Flint, bringing him into a hug. He hugged her back, nuzzling her chest. She then turned her attention to Alex and Roger, not letting go of Flint. “So this is what digivolving looks like, huh? I like it.”

“Uh huh.” Roger leaned down, giving Trixie a long lick, leaving her covered in saliva.

“...Okay, liking it less now.” She shuddered. “Was that really necessary?” she complained with a frown.

“Sorry,” he laughed sheepishly.

“It’s fine,” Trixie sighed, “I’ll just need to take a shower before we can go adopt Flint now. I smell like brimstone.” She stuck her tongue out in disgust, shuddering again.

“You guys were awesome!” Flint smiled, looking between the two digimon.

“Heh, thanks kid,” Alex said, a smile hidden under the cape.

“Aww, it was nothing,” Roger grinned and rubbed the back of his head, a faint blush on his muzzle.

“You're like a big scary dragon!” Flint beamed up at Roger.

“Really?” Roger asked, tilting his head. “Like this?” he asked as he struck a pose. “Rawr, I’m gonna burninate your thatched roof cottages!” Flint giggled while Alex just shook his head.

“So... is this going to be permanent?” Trixie asked, looking up at Roger. “Because I don’t think we can afford a wagon big enough to fit Roger.”

“It’ll wear off at some point...” Alex rubbed the back of his neck. “I think.”

“Okay, you think or you know?” Trixie asked, getting serious. “Because as it stands, Roger’s going to have to be an outside digimon from now on.”

“Aw...” Roger pouted, looking down.

“Roger... if you tried to climb into the wagon like that, you’d crush everything,” she deadpanned.

“I know...” he said with a sigh.

“Hey, it might not be all bad,” Alex offered. “Being stuck outside might give you a chance to forage for mushrooms,” he finished, nudging Roger’s leg with an elbow.

“That's not a bad idea,” Roger smiled.

“Let's just go,” Trixie sighed. “I’d like to take my shower before Roger’s slobber completely dries.” The two digimon nodded, following the showpony back to the wagon. After that, the adoption was a fairly simple affair. After showing sufficient identification and filling out a number of forms, Trixie was made Flint’s official guardian.

Though, due to her past deeds in Ponyville, it was under a probationary period. Trixie would be heavily monitored, and one slip up would mean she would lose custody, along with the possibility of jail time. This seemed to make the colt happy enough though, as he bounced around the trio while they headed out and off to the next town. While Roger was pulling the wagon, he and Alex finally reverted back to their previous forms.

“Yay!” Roger beamed. “I don’t have to sleep outside tonight!”

“Quit yer yapping and keep pulling!” Alex shouted back. “We’ve got places to be and ponies to entertain!”

“Sorry!” Roger offered as he hitched himself to the wagon again.

“So... you’re my mom now?” Flint asked, looking up at Trixie.

“I-if you want to call me your mother... then that’s fine,” she stammered, not sure what to say.

“Yay!” he smiled, glomping her. Trixie’s face was overtaken by a blush, but she returned the affectionate act by embracing the colt.

“Heh, so how you feeling, Mom?” Alex teased.

“Shuddup, Alex...” Trixie muttered, nuzzling Flint’s head.

“If you’re my mom... does that make Mr. Roger and Alex my dads?” Flint asked with an innocent expression. Trixie had to suppress a giggle at that question, smirking at Alex.

“Well, uh...” Alex blinked, rubbing the side of his head.

“Well?” Trixie asked, still smirking. “Are you going to answer his question?”

“Give me a minute!” Alex snapped at her. This caused Flint to let out a weak whimper, and tears welled up in his eyes.

“D-do you not wanna be my dad?” he asked with a sniffle.

“Hey, I never said that.” Alex knelt down, looking into his eyes.

“Th-then what's wrong?” Flint asked, tilting his head and seeming to calm down.

“Well, us being your... dads implies that we’re dating Trixie.”

“But... you all live together, and... you’re all taking care of me. Isn’t that what moms and dads are supposed to do?” Flint questioned innocently, seeming confused.

“He does have a point Alex...” Trixie frowned.

“Alright, Flint, I guess this means that Roger and I are your dads,” Alex said with a weak chuckle, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yay!” he cried, glomping Alex, rubbing his cheek.

“Didja get that, Roger?!” Alex shouted as he hugged Flint. “You and I are Flint’s dads now!”

“Yay!” he called back.

“I knew he’d be on board with the idea,” Alex chuckled. “So it looks like we're all one big, happy, crazy family now,” he said, a faint smile on his face.

“Heh!” Flint laughed, hugging Alex.

A changeling slowly walked down the tunnels of the hive toward the throne room. They were in no rush to get there. They bore bad news... and Piedmon hated bad news. The drone made it to the room and sighed in relief that Piedmon wasn’t torturing other changelings for his amusement.

“M-milord, I’ve come with a report,” the drone said with a deep bow.

“Yes? What is it?” Piedmon asked, glaring down at the drone.

“Well... that Kuwagamon you sent out to dispose of those two travelling digimon was... defeated.”

“And where are they now?” he asked coldly, his eyes narrowing.

“I-it seems they’re heading towards Ponyville.”

“I see... do we have any spies in Ponyville?”

“O-one, milord. Due to the presence of the Elements of Harmony, we’ve had to tread carefully.”

“And who is this spy?” he asked, rising out of his throne.

“Drones do not have names milord. But... I could contact them for you,” the drone offered, bowing again.

“Do so, now,” he instructed, an edge to his voice. The drone nodded, bowing as they rushed out of the room. “Why is it so hard to find good help?” Piedmon sighed.

“Sir.” Another drone walked in, bowing her head low.

“What do you want?” Piedmon asked, regarding the drone with a cold expression.

“We believe we have located the spirits of Metal,” she spoke up, not daring to look at him.

“Good, then go tell that idiot Simon to not screw up their retrieval. If he comes back empty clawed again then I’ll get really angry,” Piedmon warned, the air seeming to get heavier in the throne room.

“Of course my lord, I shall see to it myself.” she turned, quickly trotting out of the room.

“Hmm, I did threaten to feed Simon to that Keramon... Oh, I haven't checked on him in a while. Who knows how much data he’s eaten by now,” he chuckled darkly. “Oh the things he’ll do once he's finished the data buffet I gave him.”

Piedmon strode out of the hive, the changelings either bowing or scrambling to get out of his way. He walked out onto the hot desert sands, looking around. “Hmm, I wonder where he is? Oh, Steven!” Piedmon called out.

“Gotta... have...more...” Steve muttered, devouring what was left of a Gigadramon wing.

“Ahh, that's what I like to see,” Piedmon chuckled. “Someone doing their job correctly.” Steve briefly paused to look at him before going back to eating. “I’ll leave you to your meal, be sure to eat as much as you can. I’ve got big plans for you after all,” Piedmon started to cackle loudly as he strode back to the hive.