• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,443 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

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You Activated My Trap Card!!!

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with DarkMagicEn-Forcers story: Dark Magic Attack! Read at your own peril

Isaac was riding on Rarity’s back, taking in the sights of the big city, and he let out a whistle at the tall buildings.

“Man, this place looks a lot like New York back on Earth,” the Veemon commented. “It’s even got cranky cab drivers and everything,” he said, pointing at the closest cabby.

“Hopefully, we don’t get beat up by some kinda vigilante,” Jethro added, sitting on Isaac’s head.

“I want the two of you on your best behavior,” Rarity spoke, looking over her shoulder, “This is very important to me.”

“Aww come on Rares, we’re always on our best behavior.” Isaac waved off her concern. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. This trip’ll go off without a hitch.”

“Something tells me I should have asked Lee and Marty to come...” Rarity muttered, shaking her head. “Here we are.” She stopped at a small building, crammed between two other buildings.

“Rarity, that looks a little...” Jethro started, frowning at the building.

“It looks like a crack den and the Amityville house had a terrifying baby,” Isaac finished for him.

“I promise you, gentlemen, it’ll look quite nice when we’re done.” She kneeled down, letting the two off. “Now, the others are already inside working.” Rarity paused, levitating a list into Isaac’s hand. “I need you two to pick up these supplies.”

“Okay, we can handle that,” Isaac assured her, looking over the list. “Between the two of us we can totally find these things. But uh… can you spot us some bits?” he asked, rubbing the back of his head. “We don’t really carry any ourselves.”

“But of course.” Rarity passed over a bag. “Do your best to haggle, will you? I’d rather you not spend all those bits.”

“Sure, I’ve watched Twilight in the market enough times to know how to haggle,” Jethro said, nodding. “Hopefully the market here is like the one back in Ponyville.”

“Excellent! I’ll see you in a bit, alright?” Rarity asked before walking into the shop.

“Alright Jet, what should we try to get first?” Isaac asked, walking down the street. “There’s a ton of stuff on here. We’ll probably have to digivolve to carry it all.”

“That totally won’t scare anyone.” Jet rolled his eyes. “I say we go for... the gems.”

“So you’re gonna make me carry all this stuff?” Isaac asked with a frown. “Thanks bud, I’ll remember this for later.”

“Hey, you have hands, I don’t,” Jethro responded, waving his legs around.

“Whatever,” Isaac huffed. “I’ll make do. Guess I’ll just have to do this in several trips.” He walked up to the gem shop, pushing the door open and regarding the middle-aged stallion warily. “Hi there,” he greeted.

“What chu’ want?!?” the stallion demanded, glaring down at him.

“We need,” Isaac started, looking at the list, “sapphires, amethysts, rubies, and emeralds,” he listed off. “And we need them kinda need them small because they’re being used in our friend’s dressmaking.”

“Lemme see dat!” The stallion snatched it away, looking it over.

“Do you have it or not?” Jethro asked, giving the stallion a flat look.

“Yeah I got what chu’ need,” the stallion said, putting the list on the counter. “Gimme a sec, the sizes o’ gem you want are in the back room.” He turned around, opening a door and heading into a shelf-lined room.

Isaac sighed, casting his gaze around the shop. He paused, his gaze landing on a strange, black gem. “What’s this thing?” he asked, reaching out to touch it.

“Somethin’ I just got in,” the stallion called back, rummaging around his shelves. “Thought it was jet at first but it doesn’t have the right crystal pattern. Why ya want it?”

“I dunno, it just seems kinda... off...” he frowned, poking at it.

“Isaac, stop poking the gem,” Jethro scolded. “You’ve got claws and if you scratch the thing then you know this guy’s gonna make us pay for it.”

“I’m not gonna break it.” Isaac rolled his eyes, only to be blasted across the shop. The gem glowed brightly, rising up into the air.

“Well, you were right, you didn’t break it,” Jethro deadpanned. “The rest of the shop is probably gonna be another story though.”

“Finally!” a female voice spoke, the gem shattering into a cloud of dust. “Someone was stupid enough to free me!”

“The idiot in question is right here,” Jethro told the figure still obscured by the dust, tapping a foot on Isaac’s head. “So, what’s your name and why were you sealed in a gemstone?”

“Does it matter?” a pair of red eyes asked, glaring at them. The dust coalesced, forming into a LadyDevimon.

“Oh crap, an ultimate digimon,” Isaac said, his eyes widening. “Jet, you digivolve and go get the others. I’ll stay here and distract her.”

“Isaac... we’re the only digimon in the city...” Jet reminded, looking up at the LadyDevimon, gulping loudly.

“I know, but Twilight should be able to teleport you pretty far out of the city. And once you’re in Ponyville, Starlight should be able to teleport you too. I’m low on options here. Unless you’ve got a better plan, this is our best shot. Hey, at least it’s not a Mastemon,” Isaac offered with a nervous chuckle.

“Oh yes,” the LadyDevimon chuckled, stretching out suggestively, “It does feel good to be free.” She smirked, looking down at them. “Perhaps I should reward you two?”

“Uhh… what kinda reward are you talking about here?” Isaac asked, eyeing her warily. “I’m starting to feel like I need an adult,” he muttered.

“A quick death!” she grinned psychotically, slashing at them with her giant claw hand.

“Gah!” Isaac cried, narrowly dodging the attack. “Can’t we talk this out?” he asked, trembling a bit. “I mean, you don’t wanna get sealed away again, right?”

“Oh believe me, I won’t let that happen again! Darkness Wave!” she shouted, sending out a swarm of bat like creatures. Isaac jumped behind a display case, the glass shattering as the bats slammed into it.

“Two of our friends are the Ancient Warriors!” Jethro shouted. “When they find you, you’ll get reduced to an egg and put into a vault!”

“An idle threat if I’ve ever heard one!” She scoffed, grabbing the case and crushing it. “Now do be dears and stay still.”

“No, if we were gonna be making idle threats we’d have said, ‘Stop, or we’ll turn into Imperialdramon on your ass!’” Isaac reasoned, gulping.

“Silk Thread!” Jethro spit a web of silk into her face, causing her to stumble backwards, trying to tear it off.

“And now we enact my plan!” Isaac shouted. “Veemon digivolve to! Ex-Veemon!” His body glowed, stretching out until he was fully transformed.

“Wormmon Digivolve to! Stingmon!” Jethro joined him not a second later, both of them growing too large for the shop.

“Rarity’s gonna kill us when she sees the bill for damages we get from this place,” Isaac noted, his head pressed against the air duct. “Vee laser!” he shouted, attempting to blast LadyDevimon out of the shop.

“That tingled,” LadyDevimon laughed, ripping the web from her face. She darted forward, kicking him through the wall. Isaac was stunned, his head reeling from the hit as bits of rubble fell onto him.

“Ugh, did anyone get the plate number off the truck that hit me?” he asked in a daze. Just then a card fell near by him. “What’s this?” he questioned, a shaky hand bringing the card to his face. “Oh cool, a Yu-Gi-Oh card. A few more and I can make a new deck.”

“I am the Dark Magician, the ace to the king of games, co-protector of all Elements and CMC, the watcher of all displaced, co founder of Neo Domino Town and co bearer of the millennium Items of understanding. If you need my help, raise this card into the air and call my name and I will come to light your darkest hour.”

“A token’s actually a lot more helpful in this situation,” Isaac stated, finally recovering. “Dark Magician, I summon you!” he called out, thrusting the card into the air.

A portal opened up and out stepped the Dark Magician, followed by a huge busty pink dragoness in Dark Magician Girl clothes. “You called?” Dark Magician asked while looking around.

“Why would a dragon need mammary glands?” Jethro asked, gazing at the dragoness, barely dodging a punch from LadyDevimon.

“Is now really the time to be questioning another universe’s dragon anatomy?” Isaac asked, pulling himself from the destroyed wall.

“Are you staring at my breasts, pervy Stingmon?” Dark Magician Girl asked, glaring at Jethro. “And I used to be human before I got turned into a sexy dragon by the goddess of fertility,” she added.

“Remind me not to run into her,” Isaac said. “She’d probably turn me into some tentacle hentai nightmare creature.” He shuddered at the thought.

“So you two got a digimon problem from the looks of things,” Dark Magician stated, while looking in a spell book. “An ugly digimon problem at that,” he added.

“I’m merely pondering why a reptile has the defining characteristic of the mammals,” Jethro shot back, taking flight.

“Sure you are, Pervymon,” Dark Magician Girl said, still glaring.

“You’re not anything to look at either,” LadyDevimon retorted, cracking her knuckles.

“At least I don’t break mirrors when I look into them,” Dark Magician shot back with a small grin.

“Can we have less schoolyard taunts and more dealing with the rampaging she-demon?” Isaac asked, looking at what was going on in front of him in disbelief.

“Darkness Wave!” LadyDevimon shouted, unleashing another swarm at the group.

“Negate Attack!” Dark Magician called out with a wave of his staff, and the darkness wave attack disappeared. “Care to try again?” he asked calmly.

“Nice, what other cards do you have up your sleeves?” Isaac asked, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Here’s one. Swords of Revealing Light,” Dark Magician said as glowing swords appeared around LadyDevimon, freezing her in place.

“Does that help?” Dark Magician Girl asked.

“Well, she’s not racking up the damage bill anymore,” Jethro said. “And light is one of her big weaknesses. That card should be pretty effective.”

“Black Wing!” LadyDevimon shouted, punching her way through the blades. Her left arm shifted into a spike, moving to stab Isaac through the gut.

“Vee laser!” Isaac cried, trying to slow LadyDevimon’s momentum to avoid a fatal wound.

“Oh no you don’t, bitch!” Dark Magician Girl shouted as she wrapped LadyDevimon up with her dragon tail.

“Stun Whip!” LadyDevimon roared, waving her chain whip around before wrapping it around the dragon’s neck, electrifying it.

“Oh, hehe. That tickles, and we haven’t even gone out for dinner yet,” Dark Magician Girl said while giggling from the shocks from the chains.

“So, how badly do you want this digi bitch’s ass to be kicked?” Dark Magician asked with a sigh.

“Like, a lot man,” Isaac growled, shaking his head.

“Then I will show her how much of a knife guy I am,” Dark Magician said as about 1000 knifes appeared in the air all aiming for LadyDevimon.

“Darkness Wave!” she screamed, countering them with her swarm.

“Maybe a bit of teamwork is in order?” Jethro suggested. “We should attack her all at once.”

“Sure. You two could’ve jumped in at anytime for a gang up, you know,” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Vee-Laser!” Isaac shouted, unleashing another beam at the dark digimon.

“Spiking Strike!” Jethro boomed, buzzing in at her back with his stingers pointing down at her neck.

“Twin Dark Magic Attack!” both Magicians shouted as they fired a magic blast at the evil digimon.

“That tickles...” LadyDevimon chuckled, brushing some dust off her shoulder. “You know, you were fun at first, but now you're just getting annoying.”

“Really wish Willy and Rico were here right now,” Jethro said. “We could use the extra firepower… pun intended I guess.”

“I got the fire for that,” Dark Magician Girl said as she started breathing void fire at LadyDevilmon.

“Darkness Poison!” LadyDevimon breathed out a thick purple miasma, which began spreading out toward them.

“Mirror Force!” Dark Magician said as a barrier appeared that sent the purple miasma right back at the dark digimon.

“We’re not even scratching her,” Isaac growled. “If she keeps using that poison attack she could kill ponies here.”

“Such pathetic little creatures,” LadyDevimon laughed, throwing her head back, “A waste of space if you ask me.”

“Well, you smell off to me,” Dark Magician said as he fired a magic beam at LadyDevimon, which hit head on.

“Isaac, do you think we should try DNA digivolving?” Jethro asked, giving Isaac a look. “Paildramon would be a big help right now.”

“And how do you suggest we do that, bug-meister? We don’t have a manual,” Isaac shot back.

“There’s the Pinkie method of trying the fusion dance,” Jethro offered, sounding unsure.

Just then LadyDevimon grabbed her belly like she was in pain... or she needed to go to the bathroom really bad.

“You... insolent little cretins!” LadyDevimon hissed, glowing with a sickly purple aura. “You dare make a mockery of me!?”

“Well, you were threatening to kill innocent ponies,” Isaac pointed out. “As far as I’m concerned, you’ve earned… whatever it is that spell’s doing to you.” All of a sudden, there was a loud gurgle from LadyDevimon’s stomach as she let out a groan.

“I suggest you two cover your noses,” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl put on gas masks.

“Enough!!!” LadyDevimon screamed, shattering most windows on the block. “Denizens of the dark! Hear my command, rise up and serve your mistress!”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Isaac said, gulping and turning to Jethro. “So uh… what was that about trying to DNA digivolve?” he asked with a nervous chuckle. “I’m willing to hear you out on any ideas.”

General panic erupted around the city as various black portals opened up, spewing out dark digimon, including Bakemon, Phantomon and Devidramon. The Devidramon were large black dragons with four red eyes and large, hole filled wings. They had wicked, red-tipped claws attached to long arms that had a skull logo on the shoulder. The Phantomon were reaper-like creatures, with a grey body that looked like a robe and two blue eyes that peered from the darkness of its red hood and cape. The hood bore a radioactive symbol with a skull at its center. The interior of the cape was purple and had various symbols written in the language of the Digital World. The Bakemon looked like simple sheet-ghosts, with black eyes and a mouth full of fangs.

“I’d love to stay and watch you all suffer,” LadyDevimon began, leaping into the air, “But I have a world to explore. Ciao.”

“Bitch!” Isaac shouted up at her, watching her fly off into the distance, “Get back here so we can egg you!”

“I don’t think she can hear you over the sound of her own cackling,” Jethro noted. “We can find her later though. Right now we’ve got a ton of other digimon to deal with.”

“Do you two have any means to call your other Digimon friends?” Dark Magician asked as he blasted a nearby Bakemon. The sheet-like ghost digimon reeled from the blast and let out a low, pain-filled moan.

“Not... quickly...” Isaac grunted, getting smacked into the air by a Devidramon.

“Twilight should be able to send a letter to Spike, but we don’t know when they’d be able to get here,” Jethro offered, dodging a swipe from Phantomon’s golden scythe.

“Then I could bring them here with a teleport spell,” Dark Magician suggested while Dark Magician Girl clashed a Devidramon by sitting on it.

“I mean, you could try...” Isaac blasted a Devidramon in the face, looking over as a huge portal formed on the ground. Slowly rising up out of it was the distinct metal skeleton belonging to MetalPhantomon, clad in a dark cloak. It appeared to be the upper half of a human skeleton, sans the arms, its spine ending on a large, pink glowing orb. A second, smaller red orb sat in the middle of its chest. Its hands were connected to its shoulders via electricity. It wielded a scythe with a pink energy blade, and the massive digimon was half the size of a skyscraper.

“Okay, here comes some back up,” Dark Magician said as he used the spell to teleport the other Digimon to where they are... only for nothing to happen. “Huh. They must be out of reach,” he said, while blinking owlishly.

“Oh joy,” Jethro deadpanned. “And with a MetalPhantomon to deal with too. Isaac, next time you feel the urge to poke a shiny thing that catches your eye, do me a favor and slap yourself in the face.”

“Hey, man! It’s not my fault idiots put dangerous magical objects on display in a public shop! That's like that bookshop in Silent Hill Origins using an actual assault rifle as a prop!” Isaac shot back.

“Excuse me,” MetalPhantomon cut in, looming over the two, “I don’t mean to interrupt your debate but... give me your souls!” he demanded, swinging his laser scythe at them.

“You can stick that scythe up your metal ass you Grim Reaper wannabe,” Dark Magician Girl shot back as she dodged a swing.

“Isaac! Jethro! Whats going on!?” Twilight called out as she and the girls ran into view.

“I touched some weird gem while we were out shopping and the next thing I know a LadyDevimon came out of it!” Isaac answered, punching a Devidramon that charged him. “And she brought friends with her!”

“Mm... look at those souls... so exotic...” MetalPhantomon rushed at the approaching ponies, bringing his scythe down on them.

“No!” Jethro cried moving as fast as his wings could take him in an attempt to put him between the scythe and his friends. “You’re not taking them!”

“Get away from them!” Isaac roared, doing the same. The two started glowing, feeling something well up inside them. Before they knew it, they were shouting something.

“Stingmon!” Jethro thundered.

“ExVeemon!” Isaac screamed, both of them converting into orbs of light.

“DNA digivolve to!” They shouted together, their voices blending together to create a slight echo. The two orbs converged, the light from them becoming blinding as something took shape. The light died down, revealing a new digimon. “Paildramon!” Their new form seemed to be a blending of their features, with the majority of their body seeming more like ExVeemon with Stingmon’s insectile armor. On their back were four wings, the upper pair were smaller and blue while the lower pair were white. Attached to their sides were large blasters, currently pointing backwards. Their head was the most striking difference, a red helmet with a black portion on the top and a white mouth area.

“This should be good,” Dark Magician said with a grin, knowing how this fight was going to go down now.

“Anyone want popcorn?” Dark Magician Girl asked while holding a huge bucket of popcorn.

“I’ll take some of that!” Pinkie beamed, holding a hoof up. “I’m putting fifty bits on Jisaac!”

“Same here,” Dark Magician Girl said while giving Pinkie some popcorn.

“I don’t bet since I already know who is going to win,” Dark Magician said with a shrug.

“So this is the DNA digivolution they talked about,” Twilight noted, taking in Jethro and Isaac’s new appearance. “I’ll have to ask them about this when we get back to Ponyville.”

“Spiking Strike!” Paildramon shouted as he darted forward, blocking the scythe with his arm blades. “Don’t just sit around!” he scowled, “Do something about the rest of the digimon!”

“You got it!” Rainbow nodded. “Applejack, you up for helping me out here?” she asked, getting onto her hind legs.

“O’ course.” Applejack nodded, doing the same. “Can’t have ya’ll goin’ out by yerself.”

“Fu-sion, ha!” both of them shouted, performing the dance and touching their hooves together.

“Dragonball fusion, huh?” Dark Magician Girl asked impressed.

“Hay yeah!” Zapp Apple responded, cracking her neck.

“I taught them how to do it,” Pinkie chimed in, eating more popcorn. “And Granny Pie taught it to my sisters and me. Now go hit things, Zapp. This is getting super good.”

“I wonder if this Equestria’s Granny Pie is from another planet,” Dark Magician said to himself while watching the fight.

“Oh, it seems I’ll get both your souls at once,” MetalPhantomon said, slowly pulling his scythe off of their spikes.

“We’d like to see that,” Paildramon scoffed, grabbing his rifles and swinging them forward, “Desperado Blaster!” MetalPhantomon let out a grunt of pain, trying to block the attack with his scythe, but many of the shots still connected.

“Your struggling only makes me angry,” he growled, smoke still coming off him from the attack.

“That's the point, idiot,” Paildramon laughed, flying forward, “Spiking Strike!” MetalPhantomon growled, swinging his scythe upward in a wicked arc to collide with Paildramon’s strike.

“Come on Paildramon! You got this metal clown in the bag,” Dark Magician Girl called out in support. Paildramon pushed a little harder, pushing the scythe away from him.

“Gonna need to do better than that to beat us!” Zapp grinned before she zipped into the sky, slamming into a Devidramon’s gut. The Devidramon let out a sharp cry, dropping slightly before spreading its wings and correcting itself. It then charged at Zapp, roaring at her. She grinned, becoming little more than a rainbow blur, repeatedly slamming into the dark dragon. It let out a roar of pain, glaring at her with its glowing red eyes. Then, the glow sharpened as its eyes locked to hers.

“Need any help on this joker?” Dark Magician asked the fused Pegasus.

“Are ya kiddin’?” Zapp asked with a laugh, easily dodging Devidramon’s claws. “It’s like this thing is standin’ still. Y’all can take one o’ the others though. I’ll wrangle this varmint before y’all can say cider!” She punctuated her statement by uppercutting the Devidramon in the jaw. The dragon let out a low groan before exploding into data, then reforming into an egg. “Better take this little thing to Twilight and the gals,” she said, catching the egg and dropping down to the ground.

“Now it leaves this oversized troater to deal with,” Dark Magician Girl said as she finished her popcorn.

“Uh, ya’ll realize the ghosts are still there right?” Zapp pointed out, gesturing to the remaining Bakemon and Phantomon.

Just then all the ghosts were impaled by a long gold chain that came from the ground. “What ghosts?” Dark Magician Girl asked with a giggle.

“Well, Ah stand corrected,” Zapp said, letting out a whistle as the chain retracted into the ground and all the Bakumon and Phantomon exploded into data, their eggs landing on the ground.

“You're more trouble than you're worth,” MetalPhantomon growled, trying to knock Paildramon from the sky.

“Funny I was about to say the same to you,” Paildramon shot back, hefting his two blasters again. “Desperado Blaster!” he shouted. MetalPhantomon grunted in pain, warding off the blasts with one of its hands.

“Hey oversized troatermon! Your mamma was a paperweight!” Dark Magician Girl mocked while shaking her ass at MetalPlhantomon.

“And you are nothing more than a blathering salamander!” MetalPhantomon shot back, turning his attention toward her. “Grave Scream!!” He slammed the end of his scythe into the ground, causing it to let out an unnerving, soul chilling sound.

“Mirror Force!” Dark Magician Girl said as her barrier sent the grave scream attack back at MetalPhantomon.

“Annoying whelp!” MetalPhantomon hissed, bringing his scythe down on her.

“Magical Hats!” Dark Magician Girl said as she was hidden in one of four big hats, and the evil digimon cut through an empty one.

“I will find you,” MetalPhantomon hissed, preparing to swing at another hat.

“Hey bonehead, I think you forgot something,” Paildramon said, pressing his two blasters into his back. “You let yourself get distracted. Desperado Blaster!” MetalPhantomon let out a cry, flying into a skyscraper and nearly toppling it. “Ooh, that’s gonna rack up the already massive bill we already owe,” they said with a wince.

“Ya’ll tryin’ ta break the city!?” Zapp shouted up at them.

“No!” they answered. “Just his face. The building got in the way though.”

“Just remember. You two are going to be busy with jobs to pay for damages,” Dark Magician said as he noticed MetalPhantomon was slowly getting back up, with a pained, angry look on his face.

“Actually, Celestia has a ‘Digimon attack’ program that pays for damages,” Twilight explained, taking to the sky and blasting MetalPhantomon in the face.

“Well, that takes a weight off our mind,” Paildramon sighed. “Also, nice shootin’, Purple Smart.”

“I’ve had practice.” Twilight beamed, letting out a cry as MetalPhantomon grabbed her in one of his massive fists.

“You’re not gonna hurt our friend!” they roared, charging at MetalPhantomon. “Stinging Strike!”

“Cretin!” MetalPhantomon growled, slapping him away. Paildramon cried in pain, spiraling towards the ground slightly.

“You’ll pay for that, dick!” they grumbled.

“I know a way to free Twilight,” Dark Magician Girl said as she got out of a hat and summoned a huge bomb.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Rarity shrieked, her eyes wide.

“Nope. But I am about to pull a Pinkie Pie with Magical Box,” Dark Magician Girl answered as both the bomb and Twilight were hidden in two boxes that looked exactly the same. Then Dark Magician gave a knock on the box that the bomb used to be as it open to reveal Twilight standing there.

“Thank you,” Twilight said, rubbing her neck. “I was just gonna teleport out though.”

“I know, but old skull wouldn’t have a banging good time if you did that,” Dark Magician Girl said as the box MetalPhantomon was holding opened to reveal the bomb which said a message before exploding. “I am gonna kill you and I *Burg*,” it said with a Scottish accent as it blew up the evil Digimon’s hand. MetalPhantomon let out a loud scream of pain as the explosion hit him, knocking him out of the sky and crashing into the ground.

“I hate you all so much,” he groaned.

“We all know you mean love, Mr. Handy,” Dark Magician Girl said with a giggle at the joke she made.

“Whaddya say we combine some Dark Magic attacks with a little bit of the Desperado Blaster?” Paildramon asked, pointing their blasters at the still prone MetalPhantomon.

“Sure,” both Magicians said as they aimed their staves at the one armed Digimon.

“Desperado Blaster!” Paildramon boomed, unleashing everything he had at the reaper.

“Twin Dark Magic Attack!” both Magicians shouted as they fired a beam of dark magic at the reaper digimon as well. MetalPhantomon cried out in pain, falling to the ground.

“As Chad from Yu-Gi-Oh GX would say, You go bye-bye,” Dark Magician taunted.

“It matters not that you have defeated me,” MetalPhantomon chuckled as his body broke up into data, “My mistress is free, and soon, she will bring back our glorious lord...”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Paildramon muttered. “Who’s your lord!” they demanded.

“All hail Lucemon!” MetalPhantomon shouted before bursting into data and reforming into an egg.

“Well looks like your Flame and Light digimon warrior friends are going to need those spirits more than ever,” Dark Magician said with a shrug.

“Wait... how do you know about them?” Twilight asked, raising her eyebrow.

“Simple. I am a watcher of all Displaced. There is nothing a Displaced has done that I don’t know about. Like this one time I saw a Displaced Alucard banging a busty human version of you’s brains out in bed,” Dark Magician said with a shrug.

“I really didn’t need to hear that,” Twilight replied, blushing.

“Same here, Ah coulda gone without ever hearin’ about Egghead doin’ the oldest dance in Equestria,” Zapp added.

“Yeah well. A lot of Displaced and versions of you six are very horny these days. Like I know this Lich who has the biggest harem I’ve ever seen,” Dark Magician said back to Zapp.

“Plus Pervy Lich has two dicks to keep his mares happy,” Dark Magician Girl said giggling.

“Well, that was an interesting tidbit we could’ve gone without,” Paildramon commented. All of a sudden, they glowed, splitting back into DemiVeemon and Minomon.

“And you two are back to in-training levels as expected,” Dark Magician said while Dark Magician Girl gushed at the two little digimon.

“I’m hungry...” Isaac complained, pouting at his stomach.

“Me too,” Jethro whined, looking up at the girls with pleading eyes.

“Alright, come on,” Twilight sighed, levitating them onto her back, “We’ll get you some food.” She turned to their guests. “You’re welcome to join us.”

“Sure, I am in the mood for something to eat,” Dark Magician said as both followed the group.

“Where are we gonna go?” Zapp asked as she reverted to Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t think there’s gonna be many places open after that fight,” Dash continued.

“I am sure there’s going to be at least one place open for us to eat,” Dark Magician Girl said happily.

“And the opening’s ruined too...” Rarity sighed, hanging her head.

“It’s not ruined, it’s just… postponed,” Fluttershy offered, patting her friend’s shoulder in an attempt to console her. “I’m sure once everything in the city is repaired you’ll have even better ideas for your new boutique.”

“That is true... hopefully Coco will be cured by then.”

“That or she will make clones of herself,” Dark Magician Girl joked.

“Speaking from experience, making clones of yourself is one of those ideas that sounds good at the time but then spirals out of control and you end up having to watch paint dry to prove you’re the real you,” Pinkie chimed in, nodding sagely.

“Of course but there’s always one that gets away,” Dark Magician said nodding back.

“I doubt it,” Twilight waved off. “I was watching all those Pinkies like a hawk. If there was one still out there, I’d know about it.” Almost to spite her, a rather nicely dressed Pinkie Pie walked down the street opposite them.

“Hehe. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep well at night, Sparklebutt,” Dark Magician said with a small grin.

“What’s so funny?” Twilight asked, looking back at him just as the sharply dressed Pinkie turned the corner onto another street.

“Oh, nothing. Just some old joke I once heard a Displaced say,” Dark Magician said with a shrug before tousling Twilight’s mane a little bit. Twilight huffed, fluffing her wings.

“You know you are making yourself look cute when you fluff your wings like that,” Dark Magician Girl teased.

“I’m not trying to make myself look cute,” Twilight replied. “It’s an involuntary response to irritation.”

“It still makes you look so cute,” Dark Magician Girl said with a giggle.

“Anyway, I bet you lot have some questions for me and Dark Magician Girl,” Dark Magician said as the group came across a cafe that was still in one piece.

“This place looks nice,” Fluttershy said. “And it’s actually open.”

“You’d think they’d have run from the digimon,” Pinkie commented, walking inside.

“Yer average Manehattaner is more stubborn than a mule,” Applejack offered. “And the ones that run a business are even worse.”

“I wonder what kind of cakes they have here,” Dark Magician Girl said while licking her lips.

“I’m hoping we’ll find out!” Isaac chirped, drooling slightly. “Let’s see if they serve non-pony foods too. There’s no way I’m gonna eat hay or flowers.”

“I doubt you could even eat that,” Jethro countered.

“And I’m never gonna try either,” Isaac nodded. “It’s bad enough that Twilight and Starlight force us to eat all that green stuff.”

“A balanced diet is a healthy diet,” Twilight defended, walking over to a booth and setting them on the table.

“Hey, my old diet hit all the major food groups,” Isaac chimed, a grin on his face. “Fried foods, chips, cookies, and the most important one, candy.”

“Something tells me that you were a little overweight before you were displaced,” Dark Magician commented with an eye roll.

“Nope,” Jethro sighed, “you could pretty much see all his ribs. Dude had a crazy metabolism. He ate the most out of all of us, including Roger after a batch of pot cookies and never gained weight.”

“Well that crazy metabolism won’t work for him now that he is in a different body,” Dark Magician said while looking at a menu.

“Yeah, now I can just digivolve the weight off,” Isaac retorted with a snicker.

“Digimon convert whatever they eat directly into energy,” Twilight explained, “They seem to be the most effective form of life I’ve studied so far.”

“Yeah, especially when they can be reborn every time they die. But as anyone that saw Data Squad knows, there is a way to stop that,” Dark Magician said while giving the sky a glare.

“Tamers too,” Jethro added. “Can’t exactly be reborn if your data is absorbed.”

“And don’t forget about Fusion. I didn’t see any digimon going back to an egg,” Dark Magician Girl said as she ordered a strawberry cake.

“We don’t talk about that ungodly abomination,” Isaac hissed, narrowing his eyes.

“It is the forbidden season,” Jethro agreed. “It never happened. The show took a long hiatus until Adventure Tri.”

“Well they had to edit some parts because they think it’s too sexy for children. Other than that it’s an okay season. Besides, it has fusion as a theme,” Dark Magician said with a shrug. “I suggest keeping the hate of that season on the down low in case one of the girls’ digimon become one from that season like Shoutmon,” he added.

“They turned Lucemon into a sub-villain, you just don’t do that. Hell, they turned Lucemon Shadow Lord Mode into a back up villain.”

“And they made Magnamon bigger and a bad guy until the last episode of Data Squad. So what’s your point?” Dark Magician retorted. “Anyway, let’s move on from that topic, shall we?” he added.

“Sounds good to me,” Isaac nodded, picking out a sandwich from the portion of the menu dedicated to griffins. “So, can you use any magic and trap card you want?”

“Do you guys have names, or...?” Dash asked, looking between them.

“Yes we can use any of the magic and trap cards from the game along with any other spells we make or pick up from spellbooks,” Dark Magician answered Isaac’s question.

“He is the Dark Magician and I am the Dark Magician Girl,” Dark Magician Girl answered Rainbow’s question as she munched on her cake.

“Those aren’t names,” Dash argued.

“Oh yes they are. Have been our names for more than 1000 years, Dashie,” Dark Magician Girl argued back.

“And what about your names from back when you were normal humans?” Jethro asked, ordering the same thing as Isaac.

“We threw away our old human names when we first got displaced. It’s something most Displaced would normally do after they found out they became the character they were dressed up as,” Dark Magician said as he ordered a sandwich.

“I wouldn’t wanna throw away my name and just be called by my digimon name,” Isaac chimed in. “Mostly because my digimon name is constantly changing.”

“True but most Displaced that became digimon stick with their digimon name like BlackWarGreymon or Renamon,” Dark Magician said as he got his sandwich.

“We’ll have to meet them,” Twilight spoke, taking out her scroll and quill, “Any Displaced we should know about?”

“Well those two Digimon are in two different Equestrias, first off. Second, there’s another displaced Digimon that moved into Renamon’s Equestria, I can’t remember her name right now but her token is a gen 1 digivice. The only other displaced Digimon I know is Zoe, aka Kazemon,” Dark Magician said with a bite of his sandwich. “As for others, I have a book that has info of every displaced there is out there. It even updates itself when a new displaced pops up,” he added as pull a book from his robe.

“That's pretty cool,” Isaac said, looking at the book. “...And that's a pretty big book. Just how many displaced are there?”

“I lost count when it passed a hundred,” Dark Magician said with a shrug. “There are some displaced out there that would make you wet yourself in fear,” he added.

“Oh come on, what could someone have chosen to dress up as that would be that bad?” Isaac waved off. He opened the book and started leafing through it.

“Try Kenpachi Zaraki or Displaced Pinkamena,” Dark Magician said as he finished his sandwich.

“Okay… that is pretty scary,” Jethro said, biting into his sandwich. “I’d hate to wind up as cupcakes,” he concluded with a shudder.

“Nah, Fourth Wall doesn’t turn people or ponies into cupcakes like in that fanfic. Plus she is friends with her Equestria’s Pinkie and Rainbow,” Dark Magician said with a snicker. “Her token is a blue bouncy ball with Dash’s cutie mark on it, by the way,” he added as he took a sip of a soda that he had ordered.

“Wait… why does her token have my cutie mark on it?” Dash asked, tilting her head.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know, because you won’t see cupcakes the same way ever again,” Dark Magician Girl warned.

“Humans are weird,” Dash replied, shaking her head.

“Can’t argue with you there,” Isaac shrugged, scarfing down a handful of fries.

“And some of theses Displaced are very deadly. Enough that they knocked off up to all of their Equestria’s Mane six, CMC, Spike, or even the Princesses,” Dark Magician said in a grim tone of voice.

“We’ll have to be careful who we summon, then,” Jethro said. “Thanks for the heads up on that.”

“You’ve already met a displaced with a portal gun who had killed his world’s Spike and has been on the run by hopping from world to world ever since,” Dark Magician said looking a bit cross.

“He killed Spike!?” Twilight shrieked, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head.

“Yeah with homemade Joker venom. Be sure to catch him and call me the next time he is in this world, because I would love to drag his ass back to his Equestria so he can face his Twilight’s wrath,” Dark Magician said with a nod.

“You bet we will,” Twilight growled. “I can only imagine what my counterpart is planning to do to this… bastard,” she concluded, her wings bristling against her sides.

“He seemed like a nice guy,” Jethro spoke, frowning a little.

“He is, but if add poison joke it’s a different story,” Dark Magician said, frowning. “Which is why he must pay for his crime,” he added.

“Sure thing, the instant he comes to our world we’ll catch the guy,” Isaac assured him with a thumbs up. “Nobody gets away with killing my dragon bro, Spike.”

“Good. He is easy enough to catch, unlike other displaced who have killed their six. Plus the guy’s Spike would like a few words with him as we stop off at my world first,” Dark Magician said as he finished his soda.

“I thought you said that his Spike was dead?” Jethro asked, tilting his head.

“Necromancy,” Isaac responded.

“More like TF2 respawn that I have set up in my world for any Mane Six, CMC and Spike to be revived in. After that they can go wherever they want except for going back to their world,” Dark Magician answered.

“It’s gotta be weird to have so many different versions of the same pony running around,” Jethro commented.

“Yeah, I can only imagine what having so many me’s running around would be like,” Pinkie giggled. “I bet it’s non-stop partying!”

“You would think that but most of them are depressed or angry from being killed. So it’s Dark Magician Girl and the first revived’s job to cheer up the ones who chose to stay in my town or world,” Dark Magician said back to Pinkie.

“So... they don’t go where they're supposta’?” Applejack asked with a frown.

“Afraid so, their world won’t allow them to return since they already died there,” Dark Magician answered with a frown.

“That sucks,” Isaac sighed. “But I guess the fact that they revived is still a good thing.”

“Ah was talkin’ more like, they don’t go to their final restin’ place.”

“It wasn’t the time for them to go there yet. Wouldn’t want them to have a short life like if you bucked an apple that wasn’t ready to fall from the tree yet,” Dark Magician said to Applejack.

“Ah suppose that makes sense,” Applejack admitted. “Though it still don’t seem natural.”

“A lot of things are sometimes like that,” Dark Magician said, nodding. “But our first revive has been very helpful around town,” he added.

“Well, at least they acclimated to your world,” Fluttershy offered. “I’d hate to have to come to terms with something like never being able to go to my world again.”

“We’d break the multiverse to get you back, Shy,” Isaac assured her.

“Yer darn tootin’ we would!” Applejack said, patting the pegasus on the back.

“That or you all could alway come visit by using mine or Dark Magician or Scout’s token,” Dark Magician Girl said.

“Or we could just make sure that none of us die,” Twilight said. “I’d rather not try and figure out how to bend the laws of reality itself. I’ll leave that to Discord.”

“True. So let’s move on to something else to talk about, shall we?” Dark Magician said with a shrug.

“I’m cool with that,” Isaac nodded, sucking down a milkshake. “Anything you had in mind?”

“Well, nothing really... Unless any of you have spotted a Number Monster in this world, and I don’t mean a digimon,” Dark Magician said with a shrug.

“Can’t say that we have,” Jethro told him. “But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t one running around. All sorts of crazy things seem to happen around here.”

“Well, if any of you spot someone acting odd with a glowing number on their body, let me know,” Dark Magician said calmly.

“Sure thing,” Isaac told him. “You’ll be the first to know if we see one.”

“Good. The minute you tell me, myself and my first revive will be here faster than you could say digivolve.” Dark Magician said with a nod of his head.

“How many of the numbers have you found?” Jethro asked.

“Three so far. The first, Number 39, belonged to my first revive, which is why I bring her along when dealing with Numbers. The second one, Number 95, I got when I was summoned by a friend of a displaced Emerl from the Sonic games, and the third one, Number 13, belongs to Rin, a Dungeon Keeper displaced,” Dark Magician answered while counting with his fingers.

“Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you,” Twilight noted. “Good luck with the rest of these numbers.”

“Thank you. We are going to need it when we find the other 105 Number monsters,” Dark Magician Girl said happily as she took a sip of a milkshake she had ordered.

“So what's so special about these number monster things?” Dash asked. “Are they dangerous or something?”

“They are very dangerous depending on the kind of Number Monster, and the weak willed pony it takes control of to spread chaos. It can be even more dangerous if the Number monster was controlled by a strong willed pony that is very good or evil,” Dark Magician answered.

“Okay, definitely gonna be keeping an eye out for something like that,” Dash said. “And since I’ll be travelling with the Wonderbolts, it should be pretty easy for me to find somepony out there being mind controlled.”

“And keep an eye on the Wonderbolts, in case the number decided to take control of one of them... or you,” Dark Magician warned.

“Can do,” Dash replied, snapping a quick salute. “There’s no way I’d let my superiors get brainwashed. It’d ruin the team's image, after all.”

“Good. I can tell you are a strong willed Rainbow Dash, so if the Number goes for you, you will be able to control it just like my first revive can,” Dark Magician said with a knowing smile.

“Strong willed is one term for her, but we just prefer t’call her too stubborn for her own good,” Applejack teased, smirking at Dash.

“That's rich coming from the pony that tried to buck an entire part of the orchard by herself,” Dash shot back.

“Yeah that’s what I call pot meets kettle,” Dark Magician Girl said, giggling at Applejack.

“Hey, will you let us know if you ever run into an Omnimon?” Isaac spoke, looking up at Dark Magician.

“The fusion of your two last friends you’ve yet to meet again?” Dark Magician asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t happen to know where they are, would you?” Jethro asked. “You did say that you kept an eye on all Displaced.”

“Well... the last time I saw Omnimon he was in the void, and rather far from this world too,” Dark Magician answered, while looking up in thought.

“Well, that’s not very helpful for us,” Isaac sighed. “Not unless we find some way to travel safely into and out of the void.”

“Or try to fish him out of the void by using your tokens,” Dark Magician suggested. Isaac and Jethro silently exchanged looks for a few moments.

“It couldn't be that simple… right?” Jethro asked.

“Well, it’s not like it’ll hurt to try,” Isaac offered. “We’ll have to test this out once we get back to the castle.”

“Either that or send a message across void in the hope he’ll find it,” Dark Magician said.

“I hope we can reach those two,” Isaac said. “It just doesn't feel right for the group to be split up like this.”

“We know that feeling,” Dark Magician Girl said sadly.

“We have the hope that we’re just mental copies, and the real us are still back home,” Jethro spoke, looking at Dark Magician. “Any chance that could be true?”

“Unfortunately, no. There have been no mental copies. Believe me, I have checked both from viewing them in my world and reading the fics,” Dark Magician said sadly.

“Reading the what now?” Isaac asked, caught off guard.

“Oh yeah that’s right you didn’t come from the same version of earth that Dark Magician Girl and I did. Well, in the earth I come from, all Displaced are fanfics for MLP,” Dark Magician said with a facepalm, while Dark Magician Girl just giggled.

“So… our lives are being written down right now by somebody?” Jethro asked, an uncomfortable look on his face.

“Huh... just like Neverending Story...” Isaac mumbled, “The first one at least, not the third one.” He looked at Jethro. “Keep an eye out for a Jack Black pony.”

“Jack Black pony?” Dark Magician Girl asked confused.

“Yeah, his cutie mark would be his half of the Tenacious D birthmark,” Jethro added, nodding at Isaac.

“Ah. That kind of reminds me of Saxton Bale,” Dark Magician said, nodding.

“So, how’s it feel to know people are watching you, too?” Rainbow asked, chuckling at Isaac and Jethro.

“Reading us,” Jethro corrected.

“Whatever,” Dash waved off, “the point is, a bunch of people are looking in on your lives. I bet they even know about Isaac’s little secret,” she teased, nudging the DemiVeemon.

“I ain’t got no secret!!” Isaac hissed, growling at her.

“Oh, so Starlight knows all about your thing for her?” Dash asked, smirking.

“We know you got a crush on her like Spike having a crush on Rarity,” Dark Magician Girl said with an evil smirk. Isaac clammed up, a dark blush spreading across his cheeks.

“Sh-shut up,” Isaac grumbled.

“Why?” Dark Magician asked with a knowing grin.

“I don’t wanna talk about me and Starlight,” Isaac huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Whatever floats your boat,” Dark Magician said with another sip of his drink.

“Thanks, really don’t wanna think about that stuff right now,” Isaac said, going back to his food.

“Yeah, not until you’re older,” Dark Magician said with another sip.

“Hey! I’m an adult!” Isaac protested, stomping on the table.

“In human years, yes. Digimon years, not so much, after all you did hatch from a digiegg some months ago,” Dark Magician teased.

“I am not a baby,” Isaac growled.

“I dunno, sounds like somebody’s cranky,” Dash teased. “I think we might need to get a pacifier and set somebody down for a nap.”

“And maybe read him a bedtime story,” Dark Magician Girl teased as well.

“Why am I friends with any of you?” Isaac pouted, turning away from everybody and going back to his meal.

“Aw, is the baby upset?” Dash asked, a mischievous smirk growing across her face.

“Dash, you’re lucky I can’t armor digivolve right now,” Isaac warned, shoving some fries in his mouth.

“Maybe we should stop and pick up some foal supplies before we go home,” Dash suggested, snickering.

“Ooh, that sounds like a good idea,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Isaac could come and keep Punimon company. I could even take some pictures,” she concluded eagerly.

“T-that's not funny!” Isaac blushed, growling at them.

“It is rather funny,” Rarity chimed in, giggling with a hoof covering her mouth.

“The look on your face is priceless,” Dark Magician Girl said, giggling.

“Ugh, I am really hating being tiny again,” Isaac groaned. “I can only hope I’ll reach rookie again pretty quick.”

“I’m just glad I got my shell,” Jethro commented, grinning at them.

“Why is that? Is it easier for you to hide in?” Dark Magician asked.

“No, they can’t put anything on me.” Jethro smirked, looking at her.

“Laugh it up over there dude,” Isaac pouted. “I’ll find a way to torment you too.”

“Now now. No need for two babies to fight,” Dark Magician said to the two Digimon.

“Stop calling me a baby!” Isaac hissed. “I am a grown ass man!”

“Do I need to wash your mouth with soap for saying a bad word?” Dark Magician Girl asked, grinning.

“That’s it, I’m done feeding the trolls,” Isaac grumbled, resuming his meal in silence.

“Anyway, trolling aside, are there anymore questions you have for me or Dark Magician Girl?” Dark Magician asked.

“Well, all we really needed to know was about our friends,” Jethro said. “I think we’re out of questions.”

“Well in case Dark Magician Girl and I need to head back, my sister might want me to help her with something. Or watch her burn Scout’s back side again,” Dark Magician said as he and Dark Magician Girl get up from their chairs.

“Alright,” Isaac said. “Do you need our token or something in case you wanna summon us?”

“No need. We might find them somewhere in our world,” Dark Magician said as he opened up a portal. “Well, until next time, so bye for now,” Dark Magician said as he stepped into the portal.

“And don’t forget to pay your babysitter, little Isaac,” Dark Magician Girl said, giggling as she stepped in the portal right before it closed.

“Remind me to kick her ass next time we see her...” Isaac growled, angrily finishing his meal.

“I liked her, she was funny,” Dash said, snickering.

“Well,” Rarity sighed, “It looks like we’ll have to put off the grand opening for a few days at least...”

“Look at it this way,” Twilight started, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “This gives you more time to make sure that this is the perfect grand opening you wanted. And hopefully Coco will be over her cold by then.”

“That is true...” Rarity nodded, perking up, “You don’t mind staying a few extra days, do you girls?”

“Are you kidding, of course we don’t mind,” Dash assured her. “There’s this new show playing that Fleetfoot won’t shut up about.”

“What show is that, Dashie?” Pinkie asked, looking over.

“Uh… can’t remember the name exactly,” Dash admitted. “I think she said something about a phantom. That sounded cool.”

“Phantom?” Fluttershy asked with a frown.

“Oh, I’ve heard of that show,” Rarity chimed in. “Coco told me she did the costumes for it. Though I don’t know if you’d like it darling, it’s a love story.”

“You don’t think...?” Isaac asked, looking at Jethro.

“They’re clearly talking about a pony version of Phantom of the Opera,” Jethro told him. “Which could be interesting.”

“Shall we head back to the hotel?” Rarity asked, placing payment on the counter.

“Eeyup,” Applejack said, getting up. “But we have to make a quick stop at the store. We do have to grab baby supplies, after all,” she teased, putting Isaac on her back.

“Applejack, you keep that up, and I’ll stop helping you with your apples.” Isaac glared, holding onto her neck.

“Fine, then ya won’t get any more of Granny Smith’s apple pie,” she shot back, a smirk on her face. “And it also means ya won’t get the first taste of zap apple jam with the rest of us Apples when that season rolls around.”

“Hey! That's not fair!” Isaac cried, pouting adorably.

“Ya don’t get to reap the benefits o’ work that ya don’t do,” Applejack said with a sagely nod.

“Fine...” he muttered, looking down.

“Alright, enough teasing,” Twilight spoke, placing Jethro on her back, “I think we’ve all had a long day and I think we could all use some rest.”

“Yeah, DNA digivolving took a lot out of me,” Jethro said, yawning and getting settled on Twilight’s back. “Sleep sounds good right about now.” They all shared a nod, walking out of the cafe and back to their hotel.