• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,443 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Take Back The Light

“So... why are you wearing a tablecloth again?” Willy asked as they walked down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot. He knew why he was wearing his disguise, a simple cloak, so he could pass for a satyr, but he had no idea why she had changed into some weird ensemble, which included glasses she clearly didn’t need.

“Because, ponies can't know that I’m D.D.,” Daring reminded him in a hushed tone. “So right now I’m A.K. Yearling. And this is like what, the seventh time I’ve told you this?”

“I just don’t see the need for it.” he shrugged, looking around. “You guys come in a ton of colors you know that...”

“If you're suggesting I dye my mane or coat then I will put you back under the rock you woke up from,” she growled, glaring at him.

“Huh?” he blinked. “No, it’s just where I come from nothing was this... colorful. Hell, half these colors don’t even appear in nature.”

“Alright, let me explain why I can't let ponies know who I really am,” she sighed. “If they knew who I really was then they’d also know that my adventures are real. And if the adventures are real then they know that all the crazy artifacts with weird powers are too. Imagine how many dumb thrill seekers or wannabe supervillains would start flocking dangerous ruins in order to have a go at what’s inside them?”

“Huh... that's a good point,” he conceded, nodding his head, “Reminds me of a movie from back home.”

“Really? Is it a good movie?” Daring asked, genuinely curious.

“Hell yeah it was.” he grinned. “The only Indiana Jones movie that wasn’t that great was Kingdom of The Crystal Skull, though Temple of Doom is a close second.”

“Sounds interesting, kinda wish I could see those things. Hey, maybe after we find Rico you can see if you like pony movies?” she suggested.

“You guys have movies?” he asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

“Yeah, movies have gotten so popular that even small towns have theaters. Personally, I laugh my flank off at some of the cheesy sci-fi stuff that comes out.”

“Back home, movies are a worldwide, billion dollar business. But theaters were on the way out. Wasn’t so bad when TV came around but now that most people have the internet, isn’t much of a reason to go anymore.”

“Uh huh,” Daring nodded. “Pretty sure I understood about... half of what you just said.”

“Okay so, TV stands for television. My country has a power grid that sends electricity into people's homes to power various devices. Someone figure out how to send movies and other things like to a box that can display them. So, movies in your home.”

“Sounds cool. Hopefully Equestria will get those soon.”

“And the internet is a network connecting various devices that allows almost instant communication across the globe. It’s the biggest source of information on my world.

“And let me guess, a lot of it is devoted to something dumb like... people showing their cats doing cute things?”

“How do you do that... but uh... no actually. Biggest thing on the internet is porn.”

“Was totally my next guess,” she laughed. “And it’s pretty simple how I do it. I’ve been all over the world, seen a lot of people. You learn how to pick up on things.” She shrugged.

“Is that where you met the guy we’re going to see?” he asked, staring at a minotaur who walked by.

“Nah, we met back in college,” Daring explained. “Considering we’re in similar fields, we shared a few classes. Now, he’s the guy I go to if I need info on Mareyan ruins and details on legends that I can't find.”

“Sounds handy,” Willy said, “Before we came here, we used to go to our friend Jethro for stuff like that, guy’s pretty smart.”

“Heh, I bet. Oh, and we’re here,” she said, stopping in front of a door. Willy reached out, knocking on the door rather loudly.

“Who's there!” A deep voice boomed from the other side. “Unless you have an appointment, go away!” The voice then paused for a moment “Or if you’re fillies selling those delicious cookies!”

“Oh yeah, we totally have an appointment,” Willy bluffed, “Don’t you remember?”

“Steel, open up!” Daring shouted. “It’s your old friend from college!” Grumbling could be heard from the other side and a moment later a cranky looking minotaur opened the door with comically small glasses on his snout.

“Sup?” Willy asked, looking up at him. Steel looked between the two of them and quirked a brow at Daring.

“You don’t normally bring others here.”

“I’m making an exception for him. And don't worry about keeping secrets, he knows everything.”

Steel nodded and let the two of them inside. “So, what are you looking for this time Double D?” Steel asked, preemptively pulling out an old book on Mareyan legends.

“We’re looking for the spirit of light.” Willy looked around, rather taken by the clutter around the room.

“Hey!” Steel called out with a cross look. “You can look but no touching! If anything is out of place when you leave I will piledrive you!” Willy just rolled his eyes, pulling his hand back. “Anyway, there should be something on the Warrior of Light in this book,” Steel said, calming down as he flipped through the book. “Let's see, ah, the warrior was said to have died during his final battle. And like the warrior of fire had a temple built in his honor. It should be around... Rivera de las Lobos.”

“And where is that exactly?” Willy asked, tilting his head. Steel reached under his table and unrolled a map. He then pointed a finger down at a long river.

“This is the river, it's in the heart of the jungle, and it is southwest from here.”

“Oh. Well, good.” Willy nodded. “I hope he’s as easy to wake up as I was...”

“He probably will be,” Daring shrugged. “And if my hunch is correct, then Ahuizotl will have found out about this temple too.”

“He’s not very smart is he?” Willy asked, crossing his arms.

“Nope, but he’s good at finding things that I need, so I like to keep him around.” She chuckled.

“What even is he anyway? He’s some weird monkey-cat thing.”

“Huh, never thought to ask him,” she admitted, scratching her chin with a hoof. “I’m usually too busy coming up with quips or kicking his butt.”

“Makes enough sense.” He nodded. “And even if he wakes Rico up before we get there, he’ll just get his ass kicked.”

“Yup, though I hope we get there in time to see it. He always makes the best faces when he runs away.” She snickered.

“You look highly confused.” Willy grinned, casting a glance at Steel.

“You said that this... Rico would get woken up like you. What did you mean?” the grey minotaur asked.

“Well, I am the warrior of fire, recently awakened by one Ahuizotl.” He pulled his cloak off, tossing it onto a nearby chair, making sure to put the fire symbol on his belt on full display.

“Incredible,” Steel muttered. “When you find your friend Rico, be sure to come back here. I’d like to write a paper about the story of the ten warriors legend.”

“Of course,” Willy nodded, letting out a sheepish grin as his stomach growled, “That is, if you don’t mind feeding me now, of course.” Steel rolled his eyes and got up and out of the messy room.

“Am I feeding you too, ya freeloading mare!?”

“I think you already know the answer to that!” Daring smirked. The two of them could hear his grumbling from the other room.

“Nice guy,” Willy commented, taking a seat on the chair he had tossed his cloak onto.

“He might snort like a bull, but he’s really a pussycat,” she laughed, sitting on a cushion.

“I heard that!” Steel boomed from the other room.

“Since you’re being such a gracious host Steel, why don’t I answer a few of your questions?” Willy offered, putting his feet up on the table. “Ask anything you want.” Stee then walked into the room again with a few plates.

“I’ll take you up on that,” he said with a ghost of a smile on his face. “Also, I did not know what you ate so I brought a vegetarian and meat option,” he concluded, putting the food down.

“Both look and smell amazing, thank you.” Willy grinned before diving into his food.

“I’ve learned how to cook healthy food. Gotta keep up the minotaur physique,” Steel commented.

“Yeah, he’s lost a lot of weight since his chubby phase in college,” Daring teased, eating her own food.

“Shuddup,” he growled, blushing fiercely. “Or I’ll start talking about that headgear you had to wear.”

“Headgear?” Willy asked looking between the two.

“For her teeth,” Steel clarified. “She had a bad overbite back in the day.”

“Shut up!” Daring boomed, her whole face red.

“If it makes you feel better, I had braces too.” Willy chuckled. “Now, your questions?”

“Hmm, how did you become the warrior of fire?”

“Well, I bought something from a guy, then poof, here I am as a giant fire dragon.” He blinked before digging into his pocket. “Actually, I should still have it... aha!” He pulled out a small medal. “My friends and I each bought one from a guy, though only Rico and I became legendary

“Interesting,” Steel nodded, jotting down notes. “Why don’t you tell me about your early days in our world?”

“I remember both of us were terrified,” Willy recounted, leaning back in his chair, “We in a world we didn’t know, in bodies that weren’t ours. It was the worst experience in my life. Rico though, he thought it might mean something. That we were sent here for a purpose. I didn’t take him all that seriously... until we came to that village.”

“Was it a Mareyan village?” Steel asked, getting a bit excited.

“Honestly? No idea.” Willy shrugged. “But it was being attacked by a BlackWarGreymon. Rico just dove right in and attacked the guy. I wasn’t going to let him get himself killed so I jumped in too.”

“Hmm, there is an old legend of a black dragon made of metal attacking and destroying a village,” Steel commented, taking more notes.

“Guy didn’t last long with the both of us attacking him.” Willy smirked. “Still not sure what happened to his digiegg.”

“Something tells me we’ll probably run across him or his egg at some point,” Daring sighed. “One thing I’ve learned about villains and legends... they find a way to come back.”

“Well now you just invoked Murphy so now we definitely will,” Willy commented with a groan.

“Hey, I just calls it like I sees it,” she shrugged.

“What else you got, Steel?” he asked, getting back on track.

“Just some basic information of your time before your final battle. You two do have to find your friend after all. And Rivera de las Lobos is not the place you want to be when you’ve woken up after being sealed for millennia alone.”

“Well, after we defeated BlackWarGreymon, we wandered around for a while. We defended other villages from attacks before the warrior of wind AncientKazemon. She explained that the other warriors had appeared not too long before us and that the digimon were heralds of Lucemon.”

“Lucemon... isn’t that the being you fought in your final battle?”

“Yeah, that's right. He was meant to bring peace, but his power corrupted him. He thought the world would be better off under his complete control.”

“Hmm, there's an old minotaur saying. There are two types of peace in the world: peace through understanding, and peace through domination. Sounds like Lucemon was fulfilling his purpose, but went about it in the wrong way.”

“Thank you for the meal.” Willy got out of his seat, pulling his cloak back on.

“No need to thank me. You can repay me once you find Rico and help me with my research,” Steel waved off.

“Of course.” He nodded, heading to the door and leaving the others to themselves.

“Alright Steel, I’ll get out of your hair,” Daring nodded, getting up.

“Yes, until you need my help or just want to mooch off my food. Again.”

“Hey, you know I’ve paid you back for everything,” she grinned.

“Just get out so I can go back to work,” he grumbled.

“M-my lord!” a drone called out, rushing over to Piedmon, obviously out of breath from his run through the desert.

“What is it?” Piedmon sighed, looking at the drone over his shoulder. “This had better be good to interrupt me in the middle of something important.” He put down a knife, while a bound and gagged drone attached to a spinning wheel with knives surrounding his body struggled.

“S-sir!” he gulped, standing at attention. “One of our spies in the south has relayed important news, sir!”

“Spit it out already or you’re on the wheel next,” Piedmon warned with narrowed eyes.

“Allegedly one of the legendary warriors has been awakened and another is set to be awakened.” He took a few steps back, eyes full of fear.

Piedmon sighed. “That stupid monkey-cat couldn't even keep hold of two little figurines. Oh well, that wasn't completely unexpected. Still, this is good news. Tell our spy that he can take some more drones and replace the tribal ponies that Ahuizotl is sure to recruit. I want the power of that spirit.”

“Y-yes sir!” he ran off, glad to escape unharmed.

“You sure it’s a good idea to let obviously stupid people handle this?” Simon asked, fluttering over and landing on Piedmon’s shoulder.

“Insulting yourself, are we?” Piedmon laughed. “Because I’m sending you too. With some lovely shadow digimon as insurance.”

“Where the heck are you going to going to get those?” Simon asked, raising his eyebrow.

“I just so happen to have a whole stockpile.” Piedmon did a flourish with his hand, a small crystal ball resting in it. “Just add water and you’ll have a good dozen of them.”

“Alright,” Simon nodded, taking the crystal. “And I just order these things to get the spirits? Or step back and let ’em run wild?”

“You can’t exactly control them as you are now. You’ll need a little... upgrade.” Piedmon tossed Simon another orb, though this one was absorbed into the bat before he could react.

“What the hell was that thing?! Simon cried, looking himself over.

“3, 2, 1.” Piedmon simply counted down, waiting for the data boost to take effect. Simon then let out a groan, feeling the change start.

“Th-this feels weird.”

“Just a little more~”

“DemiDevimon digivolve to! Devimon!” Simon shouted as he digivolved. He was off of Piedmon’s shoulder and stretched out until he stood eye to eye with the dark master. Black was definitely the dominant color of his new form, from his black, curved horns to the hole-filled wings on his back.

The only other colors on him seemed to be the white area around his mouth and a red bat symbol on his chest.

“Now don’t let it go to your head, you’re still a small fry,” Piedmon warned, looking him over.

“Yeah, yeah, I know the difference between champion and mega,” Simon nodded. “I’m just glad to have arms.”

“Now begone with you.” Piedmon waved his hand dismissively, turning back to his spinning wheel.

“Got it, I’ll make sure the bugs don't screw this up,” Simon said, walking down a tunnel.

“You know, you could have warned me about the giant wolves!” Willy growled as he jumped over a rock, running on all fours. A house sized black wolf snapped at his heels, tearing through the jungle behind them.

“What are you worried about?!” Daring shouted. “You can turn into an armored bird-dragon for cryin’ out loud!”

“That can also burn the forest down!” he shouted back, leaping over a fallen log.

“You said you have another form right? Can't that thing take care of the wolf without turning the forest to ash?”

“...Yes. Yes I do.” He leapt into the air, conjuring up a spirit. “Spirit evolution!” he shifted again, this time into a taller humanoid being. His armor was red and orange with white portions along his hands, chest and knees. The symbol of fire was displayed on a belt. His helmet had horns and long yellow hair stuck out of it that went down to his back. “Salamander Break!” He started to spin, both of his arms igniting. He repeatedly slammed his fists into the beast's muzzle before ending with a roundhouse kick. The wolf let out a howl of pain and rage, swiping at Willy with a paw.

“That all you got?” he asked, jumping back. “Salamander Kick!” He leapt forward, his feet igniting in the shape of a dragon, kicking the wolf right between the eyes. The wolf yelped in pain, its muzzle slamming into the ground. “And stay down!” he commanded, landing on his feet and getting into a fighting stance. The wolf let out another whimper and stayed down.

“Good job, Willy,” Daring told him as she trotted up to him.

“Thanks.” He nodded, patting her head. “You okay?”

“You kidding? Giant monsters are basically an everyday thing for me,” Daring boasted, puffing her chest.

“What? Should I just not care if you’re okay or not?” he asked, crossing his arms.”Because I can do that.”

“Don’t be such a downer, Willy,” Daring chuckled. “Now that we're a team we can share the responsibilities. You can handle dealing with the monsters, and I’ll handle the death traps, the archaeology stuff, and diplomacy with the natives of the area.”

“Works for me.” He looked around, making sure there weren’t any more wolves coming. “How much longer until we hit the river?”

“Considering we were running for our lives in the right direction... not too long.” She shrugged. “And going by the time of day, there shouldn't be any wolves at the riverbank.”

“Well that’s good...” he muttered, reverting to his default form. “Less chance of burning the forest down.”

“Actually... were those flame wings just for show?” Daring asked, rubbing the back of her head and chuckling.

“What? Tired of flying?” he smirked at her.

“No dummy! If BurningGreymon can fly then we could’ve just flown out of the wolf’s reach!” She huffed.

He blinked. “Oh yeah... we totally could have done that...” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

“Yeah... we’re both kind of idiots” Daring chuckled. “Oh well, now we can remember that for next time,” she concluded with a shrug. He nodded, moving forward, pushing past the vegetation. The two continued until they started hearing the sound of rushing water. The two of them picked up their pace and broke through the treeline to the river.

“So...we follow it that way, yeah?” he asked, pointing downstream.

“Yup,” Daring nodded. “It shouldn’t be much farther, either.”

“Good, I’m tired of walking,” he muttered, looking at his feet. “What I wouldn’t do for shoes...”

“How ‘bout I get shoes tailored for you once we hit civilization?” Daring offered. “Consider it a thank you for saving me from the wolf. Hay, I’ll spring for a whole outfit if you want.”

“Nah, I rock the no shirt thing.” He grinned, putting his hands on his hips and striking a pose.

Daring laughed and put a hoof to her mouth to let out a whistle. “Whoo! Work it, baby!” Willy kept the pose before falling over, laughing his ass off. “Aww, is the show over already?” she asked, wiping a tear from her eye. “I was about to start throwing bits your way.”

“Okay, okay.” He got up, clearing his throat. “We’re getting off topic.”

“Alright, glad to see your energy back,” Daring smiled. “Think you can keep it up until we make it to the temple?”

“I can keep it up for miles.” He grinned cockily.

“Hey! I’m supposed to be the cockiest one in any given area!” she scolded, walking along the river.

“Not any more, featherduster,” he chuckled, shaking his head.

“Well, at least I’m still the best looking,” she smirked, adding an exaggerated sway to her walk.

“You calling me ugly?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Nah, but I am saying that I’m better looking than you.” She smirked.

“Who says?”

“Me,” Daring laughed. “And the sweet body I maintain due to all the boobytrap dodging.”

“As if anyone would find a horse attractive,” he shot back.

“I am not a whorse, firebutt!” she growled, her wings flaring up.

“Uh...” he blinked, looking down at her. “I said horse, not... whatever you said.” She took a deep breath, her wings returning to her sides.

“Okay, it seems we’ve had a communication error here. Now, explain what you mean by horse before I throttle you,” she said, trying to stay calm.

“A horse is a four legged, hoofed animal back home. Humans have used them for labor and transportation for hundreds, maybe thousands of years.”

“Well here, whorse means a mare and or stallion that’ll let anypony have a go at them.”

“Horse is also spelled h-o-r-s-e.”

“Spelling is essentially the same, just throw a W in front of it.”

“...Why the hell not just call them whores then?”

“Whore?” Daring asked, tilting her head.

“Means the same thing, except it’s spelled w-h-o-r-e,” Wily explained.

“Huh, never heard of it before,” she shrugged. “But Willy... never call anypony a horse in public. And to clarify, I’m a pony.”

“I got it. We had ponies back home too.”

“Alright, and uh... sorry I snapped at you,” she sighed.

“I was a bit weirded out when you called yourself out...” he admitted, looking away.

“Another thing we’re doing when this adventure is teaching you and Rico about pony culture. Can’t have you making a mistake like that again. You’d get trampled straight back to a digiegg,” she chuckled.

“It’s gonna get really awkward if anyone hits on us...” he rubbed the back of his head. “Uh...beastilaity is illegal in my country... except Florida. Florida is the cesspool of America...”

“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that ponies... and other creatures didn’t talk,” Daring commented.

“Only humans...” They stood there awkwardly before he coughed into his hand. “So uh... the temple?”

“Yeah, and don't worry about somepony hitting on you... I’ll make sure to keep any mares or stallions away from you if you get uncomfortable.” She rubbed the back of her head, walking downstream.

“Thanks...” he muttered, unable to look at her. The only sounds throughout the rest of their journey was the river and their foot/hoof falls. Just when the moon started peeking over the horizon, they entered the temple, the symbol of light carved above its entrance. “So, traps?” he asked, running his eyes over every visible surface.

“The most common forms of trap triggers are tripwire and pressure plates. Just keep your eyes at ground-level and you should be able to spot them,” Daring informed him.

“I’ll just follow your lead.” He moved behind her, not wanting to blunder into any traps.

“Good call, don't worry though. After a few of these temples, you’ll be an expert trap spotter,” Daring told him, carefully scanning the floor as she walked. He based his movements off hers, not making any sudden movements.

“I think we're getting close, the traps have been picking up,” she whispered to him.

“I couldn’t tell the difference,” he whispered back.

“Be ready, I haven't heard any voices, but Ahuizotl might still be here waiting to ambush us.” He nodded, clenching his fists. The two stopped in front of two large doors that had the symbol of light carved into it, along with a carving of the warrior of light himself.

“You ready, Willy?” Daring asked.

“Born ready.” He nodded his head and cracked his knuckles. She nodded back at him, carefully opening the door to peer into the room beyond.

“All I see is an altar thing, but that doesn't mean anything,” she whispered to him, digging through her saddlebag and pulling out a whip. She crept inside, signalling Willy to follow from a distance. He followed her in, making sure he didn’t make a sound. Daring kept the whip in her mouth as she made it to the altar. She examined her surroundings again before turning her attention to it.

It was barren, covered in dust and choked with vines.

“Guess we need an artifact like Willy did. Good thing Ahui should be showing up with it any minute now,” she smirked to herself.

“What’s up?” Willy asked from the doorway.

“Looks like we need an artifact,” she told him over her shoulder. “But I know a certain friend of ours will have it so hide somewhere. We’re setting a trap.”

“I do love me a good trap.” He grinned at her.

“And all good traps have bait, so I'll stay right here,” Daring grinned back. “Now hurry up. Knowing Ahui, we won’t be waiting long.” He nodded, hiding behind the door. Daring nodded and had to hide a smirk as she pretended to study the altar. A few minutes passed before she finally heard noise from outside the altar room. Willy took in a breath, preparing himself. Ahuizotl strode into the room with his usual posse of pussycats and locally recruited tribal ponies.

“I could set my watch to him,” Daring muttered under her breath with a smirk. She then turned and glared at him. “What do you think you’re doing here, Ahui?”

“Daring Do!” he shouted, hissing at her. “I should have known you’d be here!”

“Yeah, and I beat you here too. What, did you run out of catnip for you and your pets and stop at the store?” She chuckled.

“You stopped me from controlling Fire, but you won't stop me from controlling Light!” he growled, ordering his cats to attack.

“Your memory's getting bad, Ahui!” Daring grinned as she dodged a swipe of a claw. “I seem to recall that it was the spirits themselves that didn’t want anything to do with you! But... you are right that I won't be the one keeping you from light,” she smirked.

“What!?” he demanded, glaring at her.

“Oh, where are my manners?” Daring gasped as she bucked a jaguar in the face. “I forgot to introduce you to my new partner.”

“Sup?” Willy asked, grabbing his tail and throwing him into a wall.

“Ahuizotl, this is Willy. My new partner.” Daring explained as though nothing had happened.

“So pleased to me you.” Willy grinned. “Daring’s told me so much about you.”

“And Willy, I’d like to you to meet Ahui,” she beamed. “Now, he can be a little awkward at these kinds of gatherings so bear with him.”

“I should have known... you’d suck up to a strong male.” Ahuizotl chuckled, getting up. “Mares like you always throw yourself at those better than you.”

“Wow... that was like... 32 different flavors of sexist right there,” Daring blinked. “I think I need one of those safe spaces I used to point at and viciously mock back in college.”

“Oh come on D.D,” Willy started, “You gotta respect his culture.”

“No I don't,” Daring scoffed. “His only culture is rape culture!” She shouted in a nasally, awful voice.

“What are you two even talking about?” Ahuizotl asked, looking between them like they were crazy.

“Eh, that's not important right now,” Daring waved off. “Now, give us the artifact that I know you have so my partner and I don't have to hurt you. Well... other than your pride anyway.”

“You’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands!” He shook his fist at her.

“More like burning hot dead body,” Daring pointed out. “Willy?” She motioned for him to go over to Ahuizotl.

“Of course.” Willy grinned, summoning up a spirit. “Beast spirit evolution!” he shouted, transforming into BurningGreymon.

“Ya sure ya don't want to just do this the easy way, Ahui?” Daring asked. “I’d hate to have to find a new nemesis at this point in my career.”

“I’ll have to stop you there,” a new voice spoke from the doorway. They all turned to see a dark, devilish figure standing in the shadows.

“And who the hay are you supposed to be?” Daring glared at the new figure.

“That's a Devimon!” Willy snarled, glaring at the newcomer.

“I’m the one who’s going to be walking away with those spirits,” the Devimon spoke, narrowing its eyes. “Why don’t you just save me the trouble and give up?”

“And why don’t you kiss my flank!” Daring snarled at Devimon. “There's no way Willy and I are letting you take Rico’s power.”

“I figured you’d do it the hard way.” He snapped his fingers and a large red creature burst through the wall, roaring at them.

“Dear sweet Celestia!” Daring called out in surprise, jumping back from a large piece of rubble. The beast resembled a T-rex, being bright red, its stomach white, with green stripes and green spines running down its back.

“Okay Daring,” Willy started, the devices on his arms flipping so their barrels faced forward, “You get Rico and I’ll take care of these gu-” he started before a black and red variant of the T-rex burst in. “Just get Rico!”

“And you don't get egged!” she called back, turning and glaring at Ahuizotl. “I don’t have time to ask nicely anymore,” she growled, flapping her wings and charging at the strange monkey-cat. Her hooves collided with his stomach at blurring speed, knocking the wind out of him. “Artifact, now!” He grabbed the back of her shirt with his tail hand, tossing her away.

“Wildfire Tsunami!” Willy shouted, his body igniting into flames. He flapped his wings, sending a flaming tornado at the red T-rex. It let out a pained roar before dispersing into shadow. “What?” he asked before the black one rammed into him, the two of them tumbling down the temple’s side and into the jungle.

Back in the temple, Daring had corrected herself midair with her wings and glared down at Ahuizotl. “Damn it, why are you such an idiot!? Look at the situation around you!”

“All I see are obstacles to my rise to power!” he growled, getting to his paws. “If you think I’m going to let you and your new master win, your more arrogant than I thought.”

“It’s not arrogance knowing I’ve kicked your sorry butt every! Single! Time! Even when I was on my own!” she roared, dive bombing him. He ducked, shooting his tail fist into her gut.

“Well you won’t win this time!” he hissed, pointing for his cats to attack.

“How many times have you said that now?” Daring asked, cracking her whip. “I’ve lost count.”

“Just be quiet!” he hissed. “You!” he turned to his pony minions. “Get that jewel onto the pedestal! Now!”

“Thanks for telling me you don't have it!” Daring beamed, turning her attention to the minions and dive bombing the closest one. The pony let out a cry, turning tail and running out through one of the holes in the wall. “Not that one,” she said to herself as she whipped another minion in the face. The poor guy let out a familiar scream, falling over, clutching his face, leaving only a single mare wearing a saddlebag.

“I won’t let you have it!” she snorted, giving Daring a death glare.

“You know what, I like your moxie!” Daring smiled. “And for that moxie I’m gonna give you something special.”

“Bring it!” she snapped, standing her ground.

Daring rolled her eyes, swinging her whip so it wrapped around the mare’s leg. Then, she flapped her wings, straining to bring the two of them airborne and continued to slowly ascend. Once she thought they were high enough, she let the mare drop. The mare tumbled a bit before bursting into green flame, revealing herself as a changeling. She buzzed her wings, taking flight just before she hit the ground.

“Screw you!” she hissed, baring her fangs.

“Eh, not really into bugs, sorry,” Daring shrugged. The changeling growled, zipping at her, spitting goo at her wings. Daring dodged the goo and cracked her whip toward the changeling’s face. “Mind telling me what you’re doing here? Ahui’s never gotten help from changelings before.”

“I’m not telling you anything!” The changeling turned her head, the whip hitting her armored cheek. “Get out of my way and maybe I won’t leave you a husk.”

“The fact that you're keeping secrets just proves you're not working for him,” Daring smirked. She pulled the whip and cracked it toward the changeling’s back. She let out a shriek, the whip tearing through the delicate membrane of her wings. Daring chose that moment to rush the changeling, kicking her down to the ground while she grabbed at her saddlebag.

“Y-you can’t...” she whined, trying to stand up. Daring ignored her, warily reaching into the saddlebag and pulling out a jewel.

“Yes!” She whooped, turning to the altar. “I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got a friend to rescue!” she yelled, speeding to the altar. The changeling whimpered, wincing as her tattered wings buzzed, watching Daring with tears in her eyes. Daring made it to the altar and slammed the jewel into place, panting from pushing herself so hard.

The pedestal lit up, light traveling down it in a spiral, spreading out across the floor via channels, making both statutes light up.

“Come on and wake up already, Rico!” Daring cheered. The statues exploded outward, releasing the spirits, which floated in the air serenely. “Don’t just float there, wake him up already!” Daring growled at the spirits impatiently.

“Death Claw!” Devimon shouted, extending his arms out, grabbing onto the spirits, bringing them toward him.

“No!” Daring shouted, readying her whip again. She brought it down, aiming for his wrist.

“Why do any work when you can just let the heroes do it for you?” He laughed, her whip just barely missing him.

“You bastard, I won’t let you walk away with those!” Daring snarled.

“What are you going to do to stop me?” he asked, letting out a maniacal laugh.

“...I’ll do whatever I can. I can't just let Willy lose his friend. I promised I’d help him wake Rico up.” she said, looking for an opening.

“Those spirits are mine!” Ahuizotl shouted, jumping at Devimon, biting into his arm. Daring saw that as a chance, rushing up to Devimon and cracking the whip down on his other wrist with all her might.

“Begone from me!” Devimon growled, flaring his wings out, knocking them back with a burst of dark energy. Daring let out a cry of pain as she hit the ground. She weakly glared at Devimon as she struggled to her hooves.

“Need... spirits... Rico,” she huffed and puffed, nearly collapsing again.

“Why don’t I just put you out of your misery now?” Devimon asked, putting his foot down on Daring’s chest, pressing down ever so slowly. She let out a cry of pure agony, struggling as she felt herself being slowly crushed.

“St...” She tried saying something, but didn’t seem to have the energy. As if in response to her pain, both spirits shined intensely, bathing Devimon in pure light. He stumbled backward, screaming in his own agony, desperately trying to hold onto the spirits. Daring felt the pressure on her ease and she greedily gulped for air. “Stupid spirits, just go back where you belong already,” she chuckled, her voice barely above a whisper. Her head then fell to the side, having passed out from the pain.

Both spirits slipped out of Devimon’s hands, merging into a being not too different from Willy. He stood about the same height, and like his friend, was shirtless. Unlike his friend though, he looked more like a purple wolf or dog with long claws.

“Plague of darkness, you dare to hurt an innocent?” Rico growled, narrowing his eyes at Devimon. Devimon just growled at Rico, trembling with anger

“Death Claw!” He boomed, thrusting his arm toward Rico. Rico ducked under it, rushing forward.

“Light Nail!” he shouted, his claws shining brightly. He slashed at Devimon’s chest before diving away, using his speed and smaller size to his advantage. Devimon grabbed his chest, groaning as he felt where he had been struck. Devimon shot a glare of pure malice at Rico and sent a wave of dark energy toward him. Rico grunted, tumbling backwards, smashing through the pedestal. He got to his feet, summoning up one of his spirits. “Spirit evolution!”

“Grrr... Lobomon,” Devimon spat at the newly transformed Rico.

“Begone from my sight!” Rico glared, getting to his feet. He now stood slightly taller than the average human male, clad in grey and purple armor. His helmet was wolf shaped, with blonde hair running down to the bottom of his neck. He pulled out a pair of sticks, beams of light extending from the top.

“I can’t exactly do that,” Devimon told him, flexing his claws. “I came here for your spirits, and I intend to have them. Even if I have to pry them out of you.”

“You can try! Lobo Kendo!” Rico leapt forward, slashing at Devimon, teeth bared. Devimon brought his claws up defensively, hissing as the beams made contact. He flared his wings again, sending dark energy right at Rico’s face. Rico grunted, pushing back harder. “I’ll cut right through you!”

“Darkness will consume you first!” Devimon boomed, sending wave after wave of energy at Rico.

“Terror Cluster!” a new, synthesized voice shouted before what sounded like a huge cannon went off. Willy was slammed back into the temple, pushed into the ground by a powerful laser beam.

“Ugh... I am really glad digimon don’t bleed,” Willy groaned. “Otherwise I’d look like a mess right now.”

“Willy! Get off your lazy ass!” Rico snapped, slashing at Devimon again.

“Rico!” Willy beamed, getting out of the rubble he was under. “Glad to see you’re back buddy!”

“Willy!” Rico snapped again. “Pay attention!”

“Got it,” Willy nodded, pointing his arm cannon at Devimon. “Fighting evil digimon comes before reunion.” He then fired at Devimon’s face. Devimon hissed, flying into the air to avoid the barrage.

“Get them!” he ordered his minions before taking off into the night sky. A hulking, rust colored T-rex climbed into the room, a massive cannon strapped to its back.

“Okay so, if memory serves...” Willy started,taking a step back, “RustTyrannomon is a mega level...”

“Your memory does serve,” Rico nodded looking up at the cannon. “But... why is a mega level taking orders from a champion?” he wondered aloud.

“Fusion then?” he asked, getting into a stance.

“Well, it was either that or run away,” Rico replied, getting into his own stance.

“Right.” Willy reverted to Flamemon, summoning up his spirits. “Fusion spirit evolution!”

“Fusion spirit evolution!” Rico boomed, summoning his own spirits. “Beowolfmon!” He struck a pose, slinging a large, golden sword over his shoulder.

“Aldamon!” Willy roared, having transformed into a mix of Agunimon and BurningGreymon. “Oh this feels good.” Willy smirked, flexing his muscles.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Rico nodded. “So, ready to send Rustbucket over there to the scrapheap?”

“You're damn right I am!” Willy’s arm blasters rotated forward and split open.”Atomic Inferno!” he shouted, launching a barrage of super heated fireballs at the mechanized dinosaur.

“Cleansing Light!” Rico shouted, missiles firing out of an opening in his left hand. The missiles rocketed out toward the giant cannon. The RustTyrannomon roared, backing out of the chamber, its metal skin starting to melt under the intense heat. Its cannon sparked, the barrel cracked and useless.

“That looked like it hurt!” Rico chuckled, flying out after it.

“Yeah, wanna see if we can finish him off with the next shot?!” Willy laughed, right behind Rico.

“Let’s.” Rico held his sword up, summoning up a bluish aura. “Frozen Hunter!” He pointed his sword at RustTyrannomon, sending the aura out in the shape of a wolf.

“Solar Wind Destroyer!” Willy held his hands together, creating a small orb of fire. He pulled his arms away, making it grow in size before hurling it at the beast. RustTyrannomon let out one last roar of agony before seeming to just evaporate into nothing. “Okay, that is freaky,” he commented.

“No digiegg...” Rico muttered, reverting back to Strabimon. Wally shifted back into Flamemon and nodded in agreement.

“The same thing happened when I was fighting those other Tyrannomon.”

“Come on, we have to check on that pegasus.” Rico turned, leaping up the side of the temple.

“Ah crap, Daring!” Willy shouted, rushing back into the temple and stopping by the unconscious pony’s side. “Daring, how are you?”

“Wha..?” Daring whined, opening one of her eyes lazily, looking up at Willy. He let out a sigh of relief and gave her a soft smile.

“You are one crazy little pony,” he shook his head. “Taking on a Devimon by yourself.”

“I made a promise...” she groaned, trying to get to her hooves.

“I don’t think you’re in any condition to be moving,” Willy frowned, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“We should make shelter,” Rico commented, looking out at the night sky, “We still have a few hours before dawn.”

“Good call, Willy nodded. “Good thing we’ve got the perfect shelter right here,” he smiled, patting the temple floor. Rico nodded, heading to one of the holes.

“I’m going to get some wood, try to make a proper bed for her?”

“A-and see about helping that changeling I was fighting,” Daring croaked. “She was pretty banged up when I left her.”

“We’re the only ones here,” Rico responded, looking around the room.

“Darnn, I was hoping she’d stick around,” Daring groaned. “I know she wasn't working for Ahui. I figured we might’ve found out why she wanted to get a hold of your spirits.”

“I’ll try looking for her,” Rico promised before leaping outside.

“I should have stuck by you...” Willy sighed as he got up, collecting various materials from around the room.

“Hey, remember what I told you earlier today?” she asked with a weak grin. “Since we’re partners and all, we share the work. My share just happened to get me a bit banged up this time around.”

“Yeah well, that doesn’t make it okay.” He made her a bed of leaves, with some cloth over it. “I’m gonna pick you up, okay?” he asked, kneeling down.

“Do it quick,” she said, sucking in a breath. “Like taking off a band aid.”

“3-2-1.” He quickly lifted her up, gently placing her back on down on the makeshift bed. Daring hissed slightly, but made no other sound.

“Ugh, when we get out of this jungle, I’m drinking. You in?” she asked, looking up at Willy.

“Yeah D.D., you can count me in.” He grinned, holding his fist out. She slowly tapped her hoof against his fist, returning his grin.

“Guess I gotta offer Rico a position on the team, huh?” Daring asked with a chuckle.

“Yup.” He nodded, draping his cloak over her. “You just get some sleep okay?”

“Fine, mom,” she teased as her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing slowed. He got back up, letting out a sigh. Making sure that the immediate area was safe, he moved out, trying to track down the missing changeling.

“Well? Where are my spirits?” Piedmon asked as Simon walked into the throne room. Currently, Chrysalis and several other changelings were in clown make up, doing their best to entertain him.

“...The thing is...” Simon paused, not sure what to say to avoid Piedmon’s wrath. “The warrior kinda... woke up.”

“They what?” Piedmon asked, sitting up, narrowing his eyes at Simon.

“I uh... had them... the spirits... in my hands, but they started shining with this bright light and reformed the warrior of light,” Simon gulped, preparing himself for the worst. Piedmon was silent for a moment before slamming his fists on his armrests, cracking the throne.

“How do you fail a task so simple!?” he roared, getting to his feet and glaring down at the Devimon.

“I don’t know!” Simon admitted. “One second I’ve got the spirits and was about to finish that adventurer pony off, the next, those things are burning me and reviving the warrior!”

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t delete you!?” Piedmon demanded, glaring at Simon balefully.

“I-I think I know where another set of spirits are,” Simon trembled, closing his eyes. “When the light spirits were burning me I thought I saw a flash of something. The metal symbol... among minotaurs in their homeland.” Piedmon stood still a moment before looking him over, then sat back down.

“I suppose you can still make yourself useful, but know this, my patience wears thin. Fail me again and I’ll personally feed your data to that ravenous friend of yours.”

“N-no problem, I won’t screw this up. I’ll leave right now,” Simon turned, walking out of the room as fast as he could.

“Did I tell you to stop?” Piedmon asked, turning his attention back to the changelings. The changelings all jumped, returning to their clowning around. One reluctantly threw a pie in Chrysalis’s face. “Now that is priceless.” Piedmon laughed, more at her misery than the actual gag. Chrysalis bit her tongue, restraining herself from doing anything that would endanger her hive. But... with things as they were she would need to do something drastic, and soon. Otherwise there was no telling what Piedmon would do to them.