• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,443 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Darkness Falls

Isaac let out a groan, pain throbbing through him. “Stay still,” a deep, masculine voice commanded, and a moment later, a large hand was placed on his chest.

“Who are you, are the others okay?” he asked, trying to look at the mysterious figure.

“We’re fine, Isaac,” Starlight spoke from his left, “Just let him fix you.” Isaac relaxed and let the figure work.

“Alright,” Isaac said. “I trust you, Star.”

“There,” the man spoke again, lifting his hand away, “Your data should be stable now.”

“You still haven’t told me who you are,” Isaac said, frowning. “And how’d you know I was made of data?”

The man laughed. “All digimon are made of data. As for who I am, you may know me as Gankoomon.”

“...Do all you Royal Knights just hang out here?” Isaac asked.

“I wish it was that simple.” Gankoomon sighed, helping Isaac sit up.

“So why’d you help us?” Isaac asked.

“It's my duty to help those in need.”

“Even though the one attacking us was a fellow knight?” Isaac questioned.

Gankoomon snorted. “Leopardmon lost his way a long time ago. He is a knight no more.”

“Fair enough,” Daring said. “That guy was as crazy as he was strong.” Isaac gazed at his companions, his eyes going wide. Starlight had a long, ugly crack running along her horn, while Daring’s left wing was in a sling. He balled his fists, a wave of guilt crashing into him.

“I'm gonna beat his face in!” Isaac growled, only to fall backwards as his body glitched again.

“Save your anger,” Gankoomon ordered, looking down at him, “Your body is in no position to fight, let alone digivolve.”

“I can’t believe I was so stupid!” Isaac roared. “I should’ve just kept flying but then he started talking down to my friends. I can’t even reach ultimate on my own, let alone mega. I knew I didn’t stand a chance!”

“I told you to calm down!” Gankoomon growled, “Do you want to be reformatted?” Isaac’s expression fell slightly and he let out a deep sigh.

“Alright, I’m good, for now,” he said.

“Good,” Gankoomon grunted, sitting down cross legged. “Ryudamon should be back soon with suitable firewood.”

“So, what are you doing here in Zebafrica?” Isaac asked. “Is this part of some kind of training you’re doing?”

“I have spent the last ten thousand years wandering this world, waiting for you.” Gankoomon pointed at Isaac. “The digidestined.”

“At the moment I feel like a letdown for you,” Isaac replied with a sigh.

“Your enemies are numerous and strong.” The mega nodded. “But, you must not lose heart.”

“I'm back!” Ryudamon called out, trudging out of the forest, wood piled high in his arms.

“Hey, I’m sorry for getting us attacked like that,” Isaac said, rubbing the back of his head.

“It's okay!” Ryudamon beamed, dropping the wood in front of Gankoomon. Gankoomon nodded at the little dragon, quickly getting a fire started.

“So, if you’ve been waiting for the Digidestined, what’s your plan now?” Daring asked.

“Hopefully to whip them into shape,” Gankoomon chuckled, setting up a stew pot over the fire. “But I imagine you have questions.”

“Yeah, I know about the legend of the ten warriors, but I’ve never heard of you or the royal knights before,” Daring said. “What’s up with that?”

“That's because most of my comrades served under Lucemon,” Gankoomon answered, disgust in his voice.

“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that Crusadermon, Craniamon, Dynasmon, Examon and Kentaurosmon were among those with him,” Isaac said.

“Only Jesmon, Omnimon and myself remained under Yggdrasil’s banner.”

“Were Magnamon, Gallantmon and Ulforceveedramon not there back then, or were they fighting with Lucemon?” Isaac asked.

“What did I just say?” Gankoomon growled.

“Yeesh, I was just checking,” Isaac said. “Considering those are what Roger and I can potentially become.”

“Your friend IS Gallantmon, just as you are half of Imperialdramon.”

“So I’m not gonna turn into a knight,” Isaac said with a sigh. “Darn, ‘cuz I really think I’d look good in gold.”

“That is still possible, nothing is beyond you if you try hard enough,” Gankoomon replied.

“Good, I’d hate if Jethro and I were useless in a fight just because we’re separated.”

“I’d like to know why digimon came to this world in the first place,” Starlight spoke up, “Leopardmon referred to Equiss as 'the world of emotion’.”

“Your world exists as a sort of junction between digital world servers,” Gankoomon explained. “At certain points, the overlap is so strong that we’re able to see your world.” He paused, stirring the stew. “In the early times of the Digital World, there was a great war. Human and Beast type digimon ravaged the land, fighting for control.”

“So what happened?” Daring asked. “And what started this war?”

“No one remembers. Perhaps it was simple prejudice.” Gankoomon shrugged. “Yggdrasil saw the misery that afflicted our race and sent Lucemon to quell the fighting and usher in an age of peace.”

“Yeah, and that worked out so well,” Isaac said with a roll of his eyes.

“It was during the ensuing peace where Imperialdramon founded the Royal Knights, serving as Yggdrasil’s agents in the digital world.”

“What happened next?” Starlight asked.

“Over time, Lucemon’s own power corrupted him. Why should he have to obey Yggdrasil when be was the one ruling the digital world. So, he turned the Royal Knights against our Lord and struck him down. Then, Lucemon turned his attention to your world, a world full of emotion, of power.”

“So he wanted to use us as a power source,” Daring said with a look of disgust. “What a scum bag.”

“Emotions, human or pony, can give digimon great power, Lucemon himself drew power from Pride.” Gankoomon sipped at the stew, licking his lips. “It’s how your digimon can digivolve so easily.” He gestured to Ryudamon.

“Well that and all the food Starlight gives me,” Ryudamon said happily. Gankoomon chuckled, patting his head.

“Well, that’s an interesting story,” Daring said, fluffing her good wing. “I just don't see any proof in it. Of course, most pre-discordian records have been lost during the mad god's reign.”

“Coming from someone who lived through it, it’s better some of those records remained lost,” Gankoomon replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “My world’s problems should never have burdened others.”

“There’s nothing that can be done now except make sure we stop the Royal Knights, Piedmon, and Kurata,” Isaac chimed in. “Whatever they’re all planning can’t be good.”

Gankoomon gazed at Isaac for a long while, as if debating something. “From this moment on, I will be your teacher,” the knight declared, his voice firm. “But... You deserve to know the truth. Isaac, you are not who you think you are.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Isaac asked with a tilt of his head, confusion plain in his voice.

“You are a mental copy,” Gankoomon clarified. “Created from what data we could find from Imperialdramon.”

“A-are you saying that the real me is dead?” Isaac asked, blanching. “Or, was the real me never in Equestria at all?” He clutched his head and cried out. “This is all so confusing!”

“You are as real as the life you remember,” Gankoomon soothed, his voice tinged with melancholy. “When the digidestined defeated Malomyotismon, they sealed the digital world off from evil, but,” he gestured to the ponies, “this world was still vulnerable. Especially when Piedmon appeared here.”

“And what does that have to do with me being a copy?” Isaac questioned. “I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to move past that yet.” He trembled slightly, negative thoughts swirling around his head.

“We could not ask the digidestined to risk themselves for a world they do not know.” Gankoomon poured himself a bowl of stew, staring at the liquid. “We salvaged as much data as we could from my fallen comrades and other fallen digimon. It was Genii who copied your minds and printed them into the digieggs”

“This is so intense,” Isaac muttered, holding his head. “I-I can’t believe this.” He wasn't real... Everything he remembered was just a sham. All of it. Were his emotions even real? Was what he felt for Starlight just some part of his programming?. He blinked, feeling a warm pair of arms wrapping around him.

“You’re real to me,” Starlight whispered, nuzzling the top of his head. “So what if you're not Isaac the human? You’re Isaac the Veemon and that makes you special.”

“Thanks, Star,” Isaac said with a sigh, managing a weak smile. “That kinda helps.” She smiled back, pulling him into her lap.

“What are friends for?” she asked, petting the top of his head. “I’ll always be there to cheer you up, just like you’re always there for me.” Isaac blushed at the action, resting his head against her soft coat.

“Y-yeah well, I’d never leave my friends hanging.” He chuckled nervously, his blush intensifying as he heard the soft beating of her heart. He locked eyes with Daring, who gestured at Starlight. He bit his lip, sneaking a quick look at the unicorn from the corner of his eye. Daring facehoofed before making a series of threatening gestures at him. Isaac gulped, leaning up and planting a kiss on Starlight’s cheek.

Starlight blinked owlishly for a few moments before looking down at Isaac, a faint blush poking through her fur. “Um… what was that about?” he gave her a weak smile, trying to speak, only for the words to come out as nonsense. “Isaac, are you okay?” Starlight asked, waving a hoof in front of his face.

“Will you two just kiss already?!” Daring shouted, glaring at them. The two’s faces exploded into a blush and they started muttering incoherent and incomplete sentences. “Just do it!!” They gulped and turned back to look at each other. Their faces then slowly but surely crept towards one another. Their lips met and they stared into each other's eyes. They then closed and kept their lips pressed together. “Finally!” Daring said with a huff. “You could cut the tension between you two with a knife.”

“S-shut up,” Isaac grumbled, giving her a glare.

“Wow… wasn’t expecting that today,” Starlight chirped, blinking stars out of her eyes. Isaac nodded, sharing her dazed expression.

“You two are so cute right now,” Daring teased with a chuckle. “You’re acting like that was your first kiss or something.” Starlight blushed, not meeting Daring’s gaze. Daring blinked a bit, realization dawning on her face. “Seriously? You’ve never kissed anypony, Starlight?”

“I haven't!” Ryudamon chirped innocently, wagging his tail like a puppy as Gankoomon put a bowl of stew in front of him. He grabbed it, draining his bowl in seconds. Pulling the bowl away, he licked his lips, letting out a hum of approval. Starlight’s blush disappeared and she let out a giggle as she patted her digimon on the head.

“Well, you haven’t exactly been around as long as I have, little guy. But thanks for the camaraderie, I appreciate it.”

“Wasn't he in that egg for centuries?” Daring questioned, eyeing the small dragon. “And you don't remember anything from before being egged?”

“Nope,” Ryudamon answered, scratching the back of his head. “The first thing I remember is Starlight and Isaac.” He frowned, looking up at Starlight. “But...What if I was a bad digimon before? I don't know if I wanna remember...”

“It’s okay, Ryudamon,” Starlight assured, pulling the digimon into a hug. “No matter what you were like before, you’re my partner now. We’ll always be partners. Do you understand?” she asked, rubbing his back. He nodded, nuzzling into Starlight’s soft coat.

“Yeah, I promise that I’ll be a good digimon from now on,” he promised, looking up at her with a grin. She grinned back, kissing his head. Isaac felt a pang of jealousy run through him, but decided to let it slide. Especially considering what had just happened. He smiled as he thought back on it, looking over at Daring and giving her a thankful look. She winked at him, a smile on her muzzle. Gankoomon chuckled and shook his head at them, wordlessly dishing out three more bowls of stew.

“Oh, we still have the digiegg of love,” Isaac chirped and pulled out the egg. “I wonder what I’d turn into if I used it.”

“What, you don't have all of that memorized?” Daring teased, taking her own bowl of stew. “I'm shocked, the digi-expert doesn't know everything.”

“Hey, there are things the show didn’t cover,” Isaac protested as he grabbed his bowl. He took a sip savoring the sublime taste. “Plus, armor digivolving is kinda weak, so I didn't bother looking into it.”

“So then why did you have us come out all this way?” Daring asked, sipping at her own stew. “Seems like kind of a waste if it’s not gonna do much for us.”

“I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it,” Isaac responded, “I'll try it out when I'm not about to crash.”

“Okay, what kinda situation calls for a form that’s weaker than the ones you’ve already got?” Daring asked, taking another sip of her stew. “What sense does that make?”

“Like, being able to use the egg of Miracles to armor digivolve into a royal knight,” he shot back, a smirk on his face. “Course, I'd probably end up back down to Chibomon, but it'd be worth it.”

“Yeah, guess that would be worth it,” Daring admitted with a nod. “I’ll have to contact my informants once we get back to Ponyville and see if we can find any other egg based artifacts.”

“Are there a lot of those?” Ryudamon asked, offering his bowl to Gankoomon for more. Gankoomon smiled and happily dished out more for the little mon.

“Well sure, eggs are a common symbol for life deities or fertility deities,” Daring said. “And a lot of times, people honored those deities by making artifacts that showed that symbol. Granted, none of them have been magical to my knowledge so this is the first time I’ve given one any attention.”

“How do you think Twilight will react to us bringing another digimon to the castle?” Starlight asked, glancing at Gankoomon. “He's pretty tall, I don't know if we have any rooms he’d be comfortable in.”

“If no lodging can be found for me, I can make my own in the wilderness,” Gankoomon assured, taking a bowl for himself. “I have done well enough like that for quite some time.” He poked at the fire that the stew was being warmed over, kicking up embers. “Once you are all done eating, I suggest you rest. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

“I believe that's the last one, your Highness,” Raven informed, looking up from her checklist as the guards closed the throne room doors. “That should be everything for the day!”

“Yes!” Coronamon cheered, hopping up from his seat on the throne’s armrest. “Does this mean we can play now?” He looked up at Celestia with a hopeful expression.

“Yes Coronamon, we can play.” Celestia smiled at his enthusiasm, rising to her hooves. “What would you like to play, little one?” Coronamon grinned, tapping his foot on the throne as he thought.

“Aha! That game with the ball you taught me last week!” he declared, looking at her with an excited smile. She giggled, noting how much of a foal her partner was. She conjured up a ball, watching as his eyes locked onto it. He let out an excited squee and bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for her to start the game. His tail swished slightly as his eyes never left the ball.

“Here we go.” She tossed the ball toward the doors, tracking it as it bounced off the metal. He jumped down from the throne and scrambled after the ball. He pounced on the piece of rubber and tucked into a roll as he held it close. Once his roll was stopped by the doors, he hopped to his feet and ran back to Celestia. “That's a point to you,” she informed, taking the ball from him. He let out a little cheer and pumped his fist.

“Yes!” He then blinked for a few moments. “Hey, shouldn’t we take this game somewhere else so Double Luna can use the throne room?”

“An excellent point,” she agreed, patting his head. She grabbed him up in her magic, placing him on her back. “Let's take this game to the rec room.”

“Can we have cake while we play?” Coronamon asked, grabbing onto her back and licking his lips. She stifled a giggle, nodding to Raven as she opened the doors. Awaiting them on the other side was Luna, Lunamon sitting on her head.

“Hello, Sister,” Celestia greeted, walking towards the slightly smaller alicorn. “I take it you and your partner slept well?”

“Of course,” Luna replied, giving the two a bright smile. “Did your kitten claw the rug again?” She gave a small tease, getting a titter from Lunamon. Coronamon huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away. Celestia kept up her easy smile.

“No, Coronamon was on his best behavior,” the solar princess replied. “Did your bunny confuse your horn for a carrot again?”

“Luckily for me, carrots are not blue.” Luna stepped closer, giving her sister a hug. “I missed this.”

“I did too,” Celestia agreed, returning the hug and nuzzling Luna’s cheek. “Simple banter with you makes dealing with the rising threats easier.”

“And we have quite the threat building.” Luna pulled away, a with escaping her lips. “I hate to put such a burden on so few.”

“Have faith, Sister,” Celestia said. “Two of them are already legendary warriors. And they all have knowledge of our enemies. They can stand against the growing darkness.”

“Um... Celestia.” Coronamon poked her head. “I think something bad is going to happen.” Celestia craned her head back, arching her brow at the digimon.

“What do you mean, is something wrong?”

“Look out!” Lunamon cried as something burst through the throne room’s ceiling. It was encased in green armor, held aloft by six purple wings.

“I hope I'm not interrupting any intimate moments,” the creature commented, his voice full of mockery. “I'd hate to get between such devoted sisters.”

“You must be ShadowSeraphimon,” Celestia commented, a golden barrier around her, Luna and the two digimon as rubble from the ceiling fell around them. “What brings you to Canterlot at this time?”

ShadowSeraphimon chuckled, spreading his wings. “I think one of you has something I want, even if you don't realize it.”

“And why would we give you anything?” Luna scoffed. “You work for our enemy and have defiled our home. Leave now, or else you will be turned to an egg.”

“I'd like to see you try, nag,” ShadowSeraphimon taunted. “Strike of the seven dark stars!” He brought his hands to his chest, summoning up a cluster of energy orbs. He thrust his arms out, sending them at the barrier. Luna lit up her horn, adding her magic to Celestia’s. The orbs struck the barrier, the sisters grunting, but holding fast as the barrier held.

“Lunamon, stick close to me!” Luna shouted. “We will deal with this foe together.”

“I have to protect you!” Lunamon jumped off her head, glaring up at the opposing digimon. “You ready Coronamon?”

“Oh yeah!” Corona boomed, hopping off of Celestia and cracking his knuckles. “Nobody attacks my partner and gets away with it.” They both started to glow, drawing power from their caretakers.


“Coronamon!” they shouted together. “Warp digivolve to! Flaremon!”

“Crescemon!” Flaremon was the first to emerge from the sphere of light. He had become a large, bipedal lion with a long golden mane. His upper chest was covered in grey metal and he had two red blades on his arms. Crescemon emerged right after him. She had her crescent blade in one hand and what looked like a pickaxe in her other. Her upper body was covered in powder blue armor with spikes coming from the shoulders and her face was covered with a black helmet. Along her back were several quills and pink ribbons waved from the pointed ears of her helmet. And on her feet were greaves that looked like rabbit heads.

“...Did you expect that?” Luna asked, turning to Celestia, her eyes wide in awe. Celestia shook her head, sharing her sisters awe.

“No, but I am glad for this,” Celestia said. “Now, let’s take care of our intruder.” Celestia flared her wings and shot into the air, her horn glowing with her magic.

“You think two runts and a pair of old hags can stop me?!” ShadowSeraphimon laughed, spreading his arms out. “There's nothing you can do to harm me, whelps.”

“Your overconfidence will be your undoing,” Celestia stated, covering herself in her magic and charging ShadowSeraphimon in a golden streak. He tried to move out of the way, only to pause when he saw his wings covered in a blue aura.

“Ice Arrow!” Crescemon pulled a quill from her back, transforming it into a frozen arrow. She nocked it, unleashing a barrage of ice arrows, aiming for the dark angel’s head.

“Purifying Howl!” Flaremon shouted, howling and sending out a crimson energy blast. The three attacks merged, forming a white glow as they slammed into ShadowSeraphimon. He flew back through the throne, smashing through the back wall.

“Luna, let’s combine our magic again,” Celestia said, lighting her horn up as she landed beside her sister. “This time, you take the lead. We will give him no quarter.”

“Strike of the seven dark stars!” Seven orbs rocketed through the new hole, impacting various parts of the room. They exploded, bringing more of the ceiling down.

“Dark Archery!” Crescemon shouted, pulling out more quills and sending out arrows of dark energy, reducing the rubble to dust before any of it could hit them. “Hey Flaremon, let’s dance,” she said, grinning and nodding her head towards the hole in the wall.

“Let's.” He cracked his knuckles, wearing a big grin on his face. “First to put a crack in his armor has the best princess.”

“Then it seems like my princess will prevail,” Crescemon retorted, using her lapine legs to leap through the hole in the wall. Flaremon laughed and dashed to catch up to her. “Lunatic Dance!” Crescemon danced, brandishing her weapons together.

“Kurenai Shishi no Mai!” Flaremon roared, his arms lighting on fire and letting loose a flurry of punches and kicks on ShadowSeraphimon. Crescemon’s eyes lit up, seeing her chance to strike and slashing her weapons in an X shaped pattern. ShadowSeraphimon used his seven wings as a shield to block the attacks.

“Shadow Shockwave!” ShadowSeraphimon retaliated with a burst of power, sending Flaremon crashing into Crescemon. He flew in closer, slashing at him with his claws. Just as he was an inch from Flaremon’s face, a large beam of magic struck the corrupted angel right on the symbol of his helmet.

Celestia rammed into his side, kicking him back out of the hole. She took a breath, summoning forth the power of the sun. Her mane and tail exploded into flames, her eyes burning like coals.

“You will not touch my partner,” Celestia growled, her voice echoing slightly. She lit her horn up, the warm gold color replaced by a white hot glow. She sent out a beam of solar energy at ShadowSeraphimon’s chest.

ShadowSeraphimon brought his arm up, conjuring a mirror shield into existence. It absorbed the beam, and he created a second one. “Dark reflection!” The same solar ray fired out of the second mirror, its color a sickly black. Celestia threw up a barrier, sliding along the carpet as it made impact. Her wings flared and she gritted her teeth as she tried to dig her hooves in the ground.

“Fiend! You would dare corrupt the sun?!” Luna channeled the power of the moon, adding to Celestia’s, reinforcing the barrier. “You shall pay for this sacrilege!”

“Luna, do not attack him carelessly,” Celestia advised, coming to a stop. “He can throw our attacks back at us. We must figure out the limits of this ability before using our full power.”

“And how do you suggest we test those limits?”

“We try multiple methods of attack and see if he cannot reflect something,” Celestia replied. “First, let’s try a physical assault. We will get him from the front and back.”

“Okay, I will take the front,” Luna said, poising herself to rush the corrupted digimon. Crescemon jumped onto her back, drawing another arrow. Celestia flapped her wings and flew towards ShadowSeraphimon, Flaremon running under her. Luna charged up her horn, moving in a blur towards the corrupted digimon.

ShadowSeraphimon turned sideways, holding his shields up. “Dark Reflection!” His mirrors shimmered, shadowy figures appearing in them. Flaremon slashed at the shield in front of him, his eyes widening as his reflection turned into a shadow. Its torso emerged from the shield, slashing back at him. He brought his hands up to block the attack, but was sent flying as the figure struck him. “As I said, you fools, you have no way to harm me.”

Celestia landed next to Luna, her brow furrowing in thought. She grabbed Flaremon in her magic, bringing him over as she threw up a barrier. “Alright, perhaps trying to break the mirrors is our best course of action,” she whispered.

Luna gave a grunt of acknowledgement. “It seems we won't be holding back anymore.” She drew in more of the moon's power, her body shifting into a shadowy, ethereal form. Celestia did the same, placing a barrier around her body as it converted into solar plasma.

”Let’s each go for one of his mirrors,” Celestia said, speaking directly into Luna’s mind. ”I’ve noticed that his attacks only ever come from one of them so one of us should be safe.”

”Let's.” Luna wrapped ShadowSeraphimon in shadows, firing a beam of moon magic at her captive. Celestia copied her actions, Firing a beam of pure solar magic at ShadowSeraphimon’s other mirror. The two poured all of their magic into the assault.

ShadowSeraphimon cursed under his breath, feeling one of his shields beginning to melt. Pressing the advantage, Crescemon and Flaremon joined in the assault, pelting ShadowSeraphimon with arrows and fireballs. ShadowSeraphimon grunted, both of his mirrors cracking under the strain. “You can come out anytime you like,” he muttered under his breath.

“Crimson Lightning!” Crescemon let out a cry of pain as a blood red energy whip cracked across her back. She whirled around, firing an ice arrow.

“Go for one of the princesses you wretch,” ShadowSeraphimon growled. He made a quick decision, focusing his attention on Luna. “Dark Reflection!” A dark beam that mirrored Celestia’s flew out of his straining mirror and headed for Luna’s horn. Luna dropped her attack, dashing out of the way. Crescemon cursed as her arrow hit nothing. A figure emerged from the darkness and smirked at her.

“Grisly Wing!” The Myotismon threw open his cape and a swarm of bats flew out towards her. She leapt into the air, holding back a cry as the swarm grazed her leg. She growled, pulled out more of her quills and nocked them.

“Ice Archery!” she cried, letting out a flurry of arrows down at the Myotismon. The Myotismon stood his ground, weathering the assault. “Dark Archery!” Crescemon changed tactics, firing arrows of darkness.

“You think darkness can harm me?” Myotismon laughed, throwing his arms out. “Nightmare Claw!” A black shadow-like ghost emerged from his cape, soaring towards Crescemon. Unable to dodge the spectre, Crescemon went still as it passed through her. Her body lost all color and she collapsed, unmoving. “I wonder how much stronger I’d get for absorbing a future Olympos XII?” Myotismon asked with a smirk, looming over her. He flicked his wrist and a bloody whip flew out, electricity arcing across it.

“What a bright idea.”

Myotismon turned his head, his eyes widening as Celestia began to shine like the sun. He hissed in agony, desperately shielding his face as the light got brighter. Crescemon felt the paralyzing effects weaken slightly with his growing pain. She tried to move, only succeeding in opening and closing her jaw.

“Flaremon!” She shouted in a strangled voice. “Turn up the lights! Myotismon can’t stand the sun!”

“With pleasure!” Flaremon lived up to his name, lighting himself up like a pyre. He shared a grin with Celestia, stalking closer to the cowering vampire.

“Agggh!” Myotismon cried, smoke rising off his body. “ShadowSeraphimon! Please help me! I feel like I’m gonna die here!”

“Useless idiot,” ShadowSeraphimon sneered in disgust, turning his gaze back to Luna. “Enough of this game.” With a beat of his wings, he barreled toward Luna, punching his hand into her chest. She cried out, her form reverting due to her weakened state. He removed his hand, now covered in fractal code surrounding it like a digital halo. He opened his fist, two dark figurines floating in his grasp. “Just as I thought.” He shifted his gaze, watching as Luna plummeted to the ground, unmoving.

“Luna!” Celestia cried, turning from her assault on Myotismon to rush to her sister’s side. “Speak to me!” She cradled her sister’s head, careful to reapply her barrier to contain the solar magic radiating from her. Flaremon grabbed Crescemon, jumping to her side. Celestia glared at ShadowSeraphimon, the urge to attack him rising. She then looked down at Luna and gritted her teeth. Her conflicting thoughts ran through her before her horn lit up. In a flash of light, the four of them were gone, leaving ShadowSeraphimon to turn his gaze to the gasping Myotismon.

“Get up,” ShadowSeraphimon commanded, the disgust evident in his voice. Myotismon groaned and slowly got into a sitting position.

“Ugh, the only downside to this form is the weakness to sunlight,” he groaned, standing up on shaky feet. “I can’t wait to reach mega and be done with that.”

“Are you done?” ShadowSeraphimon turned away, gazing down at the spirits in his hands. “We have more important things to deal with than your whining.”

“Yeah, I’m done,” Myotismon grumbled, dusting himself off. “Let’s get back to Piedmon so you can get your praise for a job well done.” ShadowSeraphimon spread his wings, flying through the hole in the ceiling.