• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 4,441 Views, 143 Comments

The Joke's on Equestria - Grey Ghost

The dark master Piedmon has entered Equestria and seeks to conquer it. A Displaced story with an extended cast.

  • ...

Key-Swords Are Impractical

“”Why is this happening now of all times?” Isaac grumbled, dodging a beam from a Gizumon. “Today was going to be a good day.”

“I blame Twilight,” Jethro grumbled, holding onto the dragon’s head, “She just invites trouble.”

“She’s lucky the fridge is always stocked,” Willy grumbled, punching a Gizumon in the face. “Otherwise living in that castle wouldn’t be worth it.”

“I suggest you cut the chatter, might break your concentration,” Kurata taunted, stepping out of an alley. “And you don't want that to happen around me.”

“And there’s the mad scientist stereotype,” Isaac noted with a huff.

“Ugh, why can’t it ever be a candy breathing dragon or something nice coming after us for once?” Willy asked.

“Quit complaining!” Rico growled, kicking a Gizumon in the face.

“Fist of the Beast King!” Leomon shouted, firing off an orange energy blast from his fist, protecting Fluttershy from a Gizumon.

“Hey, I can fight and complain at the same time,”Willy retorted as he grabbed a Gizumon and threw it into a group of the artificial digimon.

“What are you even doing here, Kurata?!” Isaac shouted, confrontationally pointing an accusatory finger at Kurata.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked with a chuckle. “I’m here to delete you bothersome vermin. To ensure that you can no longer thwart my plans.” He smiled and pushed his glasses up. “ I even brought a friend.”

“You have friends?” Willy asked. “And here I thought that anything with a nose was put off by that stench you’re pumping out. Seriously dude, deodorant, learn to use it.”

“You won't be mouthing off in a few moments.” Kurata grinned, a red sigil appearing next to him.

“I don't like the look at that thing,” Lee commented, eyeing the sigil nervously.

“Guys,” Isaac said with a gulp. “That’s the symbol for Daemon.”

“You know, I was really hoping to never see that guy again...” Willy growled, glaring at the sigil.

“Oh, don’t be that way,” Daemon said as he popped his head from the sigil. “It’s been far too long since we saw each other, Warrior.” He pulled the rest of himself out, flaring his wings in the process.

“Well, we’re boned,” Isaac deadpanned.

“Boned, nothing,” Alex scoffed, throwing a fireball at the demon. Daemon didn’t flinch, looking down at Alex.

“Now be honest, did you really think that would do anything to me?” the cloaked demon asked.

“Got your attention, didn't it?” Alex snarled back.

“Well, you have my attention,” Daemon replied with a laugh. “Now, what are you going to do with it?”

“Put you six feet under.” Willy jumped between them, narrowing his eyes.

“Oh, you mean that thing you couldn’t do when you were at full strength?” Daemon asked with a laugh. “The most you could do was seal us all away.”

“Digidestined! I summon you to aid Ponyville in this hour of need!”

A bright flash consumed the small group, leaving the rest to clean up the leftover Gizumon.

“Seriously, we get summoned now of all times?!” Isaac huffed, taking in their new surroundings.

“Doesn’t matter!” Willy growled, “We can’t let them run loose!”

Sora tensed, tearing his eyes from Trixie to those that he had summoned. “What do you mean? Situation report!”

“Oh, nothing too major,” Isaac said sarcastically. “Just the Demon Lord of Wrath and a mad scientist who has the ability to create artificial digimon that can delete other digimon. Oh and he can splice people with digimon so they can digivolve.”

“It is so good to see you two again,” Daemon greeted, looking down at Willy and Rico, “Of course, you were... taller then.”

“Yeah, and you were whimpering behind Lucemon when we showed up,” Willy shot back. “Are you ready to join your boss out in the void?”

“Just great,” muttered Sora. “Another villain manages to sneak in during a summon.” His eyes shot over to Trixie. Good thing she’s too surprised to really react to this yet, but I need to do something fast.

“How did you even find a Demon Lord, Kurata!?” Lee asked, growling at the man.

“I’m not going to tell you my secrets,” Kurata laughed. “Just know that I’ve been researching the Demon Lords for some time now. I’ve got plans for a certain member of their ranks. Though,” he turned to the purple demon with a disturbing grin. “I’m still waiting for another member to show up.”

“Oh, can it four eyes!” Alex shouted, “We know someone busted into Tartarus, and since your friend over there didn’t just appear out of nowhere, that's obviously where you found him.”

“Demon Lords, huh.” Sora stepped forward, hands clasped casually behind his head as he faced the scientist. “Got to say, that’s a new one on me. But I’ve got my own problems going on right now, so how about you just take your pet demon and scuttle on back to your own universe.”

“Ha!” Kurata laughed, fixing his glasses, “You obviously know nothing. This is Daemon, the Demon Lord of Wrath. He’s the strongest digimon here, and the strongest being on your world. Naturally, I despise working with digimon, but I’m willing to make a few exceptions.”

Sora looked the demon digimon up and down before shrugging. “Strongest on my world, huh? Eh, I’ve sent my armies to fight bigger and tangled with others with one arm tied behind my back.” He turned to look around at the surrounding ponies, what few remained watching the spectacle. “And that’s not a brag, folks; it’s true. Lost a bet with my marefriend. Anyway,” he turned back to Kurata, “I’m afraid I must insist that you depart. Otherwise, I’m going to have to force you, and that’d make me all sweaty.”

“Daemon, if you would please.”

“Such arrogance is rather... refreshing...” Daemon spoke, amusement in his voice.

“Nice to see you’re so confident,” Willy said. “Seeing as we whupped you pretty thoroughly last time. Hey Rico, who was the one that personally booted his fuzzy ass into Tartarus back when we were fighting with the Ancient Warriors?” he asked with a smirk.

“Sounds like I’ve got some pretty strong allies,” said Sora, looking them over before turning back to Kurata and Daemon. “Well, since nonchalant confidence didn’t get my message across, let’s try straight-up intimidation.” In a flash of light, Oblivion appeared in Sora’s left hand, pointed straight at Daemon, while Oathkeeper rested in his right. Sora’s eyes had lost their casual light and were as hard as steel. “I am Sora, Warrior of Light, Bane of Darkness, High General of the Equestrian Keyblade Army, Master of the Keyblade, and Protector of the Heart. You will leave this world immediately, or you will face a force unlike any you have ever seen. Count it a mercy that I’m giving you this chance and not calling in my allies.” He grinned savagely. “They would not show my level of restraint.”

Daemon stared down at him, an evil gleam in his eyes. “You think me some mere devil? I am the very representation of wrath. Do you truly think you can beat sin itself?” In a blur of motion, he grabbed Sora’s head, punching him clear into the Everfree.

“Okay, I’ll admit you’re strong.” Daemon turned his head to see Sora standing behind him, Oathkeaper replaced by a menacing, scythe themed keyblade. “But yeah, the World’s Shadow hit harder. My turn?” He slenderwalked again, twisting about to slash both keyblades across Daemon’s chest. Daemon just stood there, the blades not even tearing his robes. “Huh. Good armor.”

“Is that all your blade is capable of?” Daemon sneered. “I’ve seen mere Devimon with sharper claws than this. And that strike before was just a warm up. And speaking of warm up, Evil Inferno!” he shouted, shooting a stream of fire at Sora’s face.

Sora ducked before slenderwalking back aways and switching out for Oathkeeper and Wishing Star. “To be fair,” he said, “my blades aren’t actually sharp. They’re pretty much iron pipes against anything that isn’t pure darkness. Channel magic pretty well, though. THUNDAGA!!!” A massive storm cloud formed above Daemon, sending twin bolts of plasma straight for his skull.

“And here I thought you were going to be entertaining,” Daemon replied, not the least bit affected. He turned, locking his eyes on Trixie. “You.” He pointed, his eyes widening. “You have a most delicious hate.”

Trixie stepped back, starting to realize that she may be out of her depth, even with the alicorn amulet. Nevertheless, her pride forced her to stop and stand tall. “Of course Trixie possesses a burning hatred! This town humiliated Trixie and cost her everything.” Her eyes flashed red as she grinned evilly at Sora. “But once Trixie defeats this measly keyblader, she will prove that no being in Equestria is as powerful a mage as the Great and Powerful Trixie!!!”

“Oh you are just the most delicious little morsel,” Daemon laughed, slowly walking over to her. “All that rage, all that… wrath. You are like a walking buffet for me.”

Sora glanced from Daemon to the slowly retreating Trixie, the gears turning rapidly in his head. It was a gamble, but… “I’m afraid you won’t get a very good meal from her,” Sora said, watching closely and switching to his heart-sight. “Trixie herself doesn’t have enough hatred to fill a thimble. Depression and pride, sure, but almost all of her hatred is coming from that amulet around her neck.”

“Then, I shall take that!” Daemon darted forward, wrapping a huge hand around the squirming mare. He held up his other hand, proceeding to siphon out said emotion from the necklace. No sooner had he finished than he found himself flying backward as Metal Chocobo and Ulima slammed into his chest, knocking Trixie from his grip.

“Thanks for that,” said Sora, catching the dazed Trixie as the now powerless amulet dropped from her neck. “That would have been irritating to deal with while fighting you.” He turned and beckoned Mayor Mare over, draping Trixie over her back and switching back out of his heart-sight. “Get yourselves behind cover. Things are about to really heat up. Sorry for any collateral damage.” The mayor nodded, turning and running back towards Town Hall.

“Mmm, it has been far too long since I have eaten that much hatred at once,” Daemon said, patting his stomach. “I can already feel my strength growing.” He flexed his claws, seeming to be testing them.

Sora slowly circled him, bringing himself closer to the other digimon that had been summoned. “Any tips to help bring this guy down?” he muttered to them. “I’d rather not go all out where others could get caught in the crossfire.”

“I don’t think you understand who it is you’re fighting,” Isaac spoke in a harsh whisper, “You know the seven deadly sins? Well he IS wrath. He and the other demon lords are so powerful, their true might is split up amongst their multiverse counterparts. When one Daemon is destroyed, the others get stronger.”

Sora sighed, rolling his neck. “Guess there’s no holding back then, is there? Strategies?”

“Don’t die.”

“Perfect. Final Form it is, then.” A bright flash of light enveloped Sora, just as it had every time he’d transformed. However, something was different this time. The beams of light emanating from him began to darken one by one, slowly fading to gray and then black. The bands of darkness twisted around Sora, obscuring him from sight and collapsing down into a sphere. Finally, the sphere burst open, revealing a lanky, black humanoid figure with glowing yellow eyes crouched down where Sora had been standing.

“Screw RNG, ya know...” Isaac sighed. He turned to the dog and imp. “Lee, can you guys go check on Trixie?”

“Yeah, no worries, Isaac, I should be able to make sure she’s okay,” the blue dog said. “Time to see if my EMT skills transfer over to ponies.” He jogged away, heading towards the town hall.

“I find it odd,” Daemon spoke, locking his eyes on the imp, “That one of my fellow lords would oppose me.”

“One,” Alex growled, holding up a finger at the lord. “The most I can digivolve to is Ultimate, so I’m no Demon Lord. Two, even if I was able to reach Mega, I wouldn’t work with your brimstone smelling ass. And three, and this is an important one, I don’t like your face. I’m not gonna betray my friends.”

“One cannot simply fight against fate,” Daemon chuckled, spreading his wings, “Whether you like it or not, you are one of us... Beelzemon.”

Any further words were cut off as Sora launched himself silently at Daemon, crossing the distance in an instant and raking his claws through Daemon’s left wing before dropping down to grab his leg, pulling it out from beneath him. Daemon landed with a thud, shooting Sora a look.

“I do not like to be interrupted,” he growled. “Evil Inferno!” he shouted, sending out more fire towards Sora. Sora simply crouched down, weathering the fire before leaping forward onto Daemon’s chest, raking his claws against the demon’s face over and over, his arms little more than twin blurs. Daemon spread his wings wide, growling. “Chaos Flare!” He sent out a large tower of flame that consumed both himself and Sora. Sora leapt back, trailing fire and smoke as he tumbled along the ground, finally landing on his feet and claws as he skid to a stop. Daemon returned to his feet, the fire dying down around him. “I believe it is time I took this seriously.” Daemon threw off his robes, revealing his entire form. He had black fur atop his head that went down to his back. In the middle of his forehead was a blue jewel. His body was covered in red fur with grey skin showing in places. His left arm extended past his knee, his left hand twice as large as his right. “There we are, now I can truly enjoy myself!” he proclaimed, his arms and wings spread wide.

“We’re not just gonna let him do that, are we?” Isaac asked, looking at the others.

“You’re goddamned right we’re not!” Alex said, clenching his fist. “I’m personally gonna show this guy what I think about fate. Impmon digivolve to! Wizardmon!” he shouted. “Thunder Squall!” he boomed, a dark cloud forming over Daemon and a bolt of lightning striking down on the demon lord.

“Feisty one aren’t you?” Daemon laughed, looking down at the champion digimon, letting out a bone chilling laugh.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Kurata asked, looking at the Gizumon, “Round up the ponies and start collecting magic.”

“I don’t think so, crazy eyes,” Willy said. “Fusion spirit evolution!” He brought his spirits together, transforming. “Atomic Inferno!” he cried, firing bullets of heat at the Gizumon. They scattered like roaches, avoiding his blasts.

In a flash of darkness, Sora leapt upon the nearest one, slashing away until it fell twitching to the ground. He immediately turned to the next, pouncing like some demonic cat and sinking his claws deep into it.

“Guess I should join in too. Fusion spirit evolution!” Rico transformed, hefting his golden sword over his shoulder. He darted forward, swinging at the nearest Gizumon.

“Veemon digivolve to! ExVeemon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to! Stingmon!”

“Kicker Dive-Kick!” The various digimon looked up to see a mare barded in blood-red armor crush a Gizumon under her hooves as she plummeted from the sky. She looked up, snapping a quick salute. “Cloud Kicker, Captain of the Ponyville Branch of the EKA. Leave these shrimps to us.” A Kingdom Key appeared in her mouth as she shot off to her next victim, several other ponies now entering the fray with keyblades of their own.

“Well, that was pretty cool,” the ExVeemon commented. “Do you think they took a dramatic timing class or something?”

“Just make sure to grab the digieggs!” Stingmon shouted. He looked at ExVeemon. “You ready?”

“Of course,” the ExVeemon nodded. “Let’s just hope we don’t get sent back to in training level again. I’d rather not deal with the teasing. ExVeemon!”


“DNA digivolve to!” they shouted together, turning into orbs of light. They collided together, a new form slowly taking shape. “Paildramon!” they cried, the light finally dying out.

“Try to keep from making any more patients!” Lee shouted, having taken his gloves off, checking Trixie’s pulse. Trixie groaned, her eyes fluttering open as she began to take in her surroundings.

“Wha- what happened to Trixie?”

“You were under the influence of a magic amulet,” Lee answered, still checking on her. “Then a Demon Lord absorbed all the negative energy out of it and freed you from its influence to become stronger.”

Trixie’s eyes narrowed at the strange being as her half-awake mind tried to understand him. “Magical… amulet? Amulet…” Her eyes shot wide open and she sat up, gasping and grasping at her neck. “I-it’s gone? It’s really…” She leaned forward, beginning to sob into her hooves. “Oh, thank Solaris! Thank Luna! It’s gone. It’s finally over.”

“Glad to see you’re okay,” the strange dog said. “Also… who the hell is Solaris?” he asked, scratching his head.

Trixie glanced up, her surprise momentarily halting her tears. “You *sniff* you don’t know who Prince Solaris is? How could you not know the Prince of the Sun?”

“You mean Celestia? The princess of the sun right?”

Trixie raised an eyebrow, scooting away slightly. “Trixie is quite sure that you’re mistaken. I have never heard of a princess of the sun. The only princess in Equestria is Princess Luna, and even that is-” Trixie was cut off as a black figure was sent hurtling between her and Lee. They both looked over to see Sora shaking bits of debris off before he launched himself back out of Town Hall. “Th-th-that. That w-was… the Devourer,” she finished with a whimper.

“Yeah, he’s fighting Daemon right now and decided to use his full strength,” Lee clarified for her. “Don’t worry, friends of mine are out there helping. We’re perfectly safe here.”

Trixie shuddered, watching as Sora tore into Daemon again. “I’m honestly more worried for that demon he’s fighting. That amulet… it connected me to something… bad. Something dark that wished only to consume all light and warmth. It was a monster, a monster of the deepest darkness.” She turned away from the battle. “And it was terrified of that… thing that’s fighting the demon.”

“Yeah well, unfortunately for us, Daemon will be fine.” he sighed, shaking his head. “Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins?” Trixie shook her head.”In ascending order there’s, lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. That guy.” He pointed at Daemon. “He represents wrath, the very sin itself. What he took from that amulet is only going to make him stronger.”

Trixie paled, starting to shake where she stood. “Two true demons,” she whispered. “We’re all dead.”

“Hey.” he booped her, pointing to the red and white warriors. “You see those two? Those are my friends Willy and Rico. They represent fire and light, the very elements themselves. We’ll be fine. They’ve fought Daemon before and won. Locked him away in Tartarus.”

Trixie flinched as a loud crash sounded, signaling the destruction of an entire house as someone was sent flying through it. “And with how much collateral damage?” Trixie asked rhetorically.

Lee sighed, shaking his head. “Any is too much.” He went quiet, sitting next to her. “You wanna talk about it?”

Trixie barked out a choked, desperate laugh. “About what? About how Trixie was almost consumed? About how she will never be able to see a shadow without flinching for the rest of her life? About how she almost had an entire town damned to bucking darkness all because she was so buysomeapples bitter at a mare for defending her yaying home that she went and bought a yaying piece of horseapples that almost destroyed everything!!!”

“My mind’s been controlled before too,” Lee said quietly. “When I first came to my Equestria with my friend Marty, Sombra found us and used his dark magic to enslave us. I can’t remember a thing of what he made us do. I couldn’t tell you how many lives he most likely had us end. I just know that whenever I see a shadow, I wanna run. And I nearly break down into a panic attack in the dark.”

“At least you didn’t offer your mind to him on a silver platter,” Trixie muttered. Nevertheless, she turned to face him, a small glint of hope in her eyes. “How do you do it, then? How do you go on?”

“Because I know, I have to. A lot of bad things are going on in my Equestria. I might not look like it, but I have the power and responsibility to protect people.” He paused, looking into her eyes. “And because I have to make up, at least in part, for what Sombra made me do.”

Trixie looked down, biting her lip as she digested his words. “But… Trixie doesn’t have to. Trixie… I don’t have any power. Any responsibilities. I could just vanish from the face of Equestria and nopony would give a flying feather.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Lee offered, patting her back. “I think if you stayed in this town for a while, you’d find ponies that would end up caring quite a bit if you were gone. And as for the power part. If you work for it, I think you could find a lot of ways to become something better.”

“Maybe,” said Trixie, trying to believe it. “Maybe somewhere. But not here. Not after everything. Trix– I’ll try elsewhere. Somewhere they don’t know my reputation.”

“You know, our Trixie did the same thing.”

Trixie looked up, raising an eyebrow. “Your Trixie? Wait a minute, you’ve been talking about ‘your Equestria’ for quite a while now. What exactly do you mean?”

Lee gave her a wolfish grin. “Trixie, there are an infinite number of universes out there, and infinite versions of Trixie Lulamoon, each unique in their own way. Hell, my Trixie lives in Ponyville now, she’s trying to open her own theatre. She even has her own apprentice, an earth pony colt named Flint, who she adopted.” He cleared his throat though. “But as I said, my Trixie, and an I imagine a lot of other Trixies, also put on that amulet and tried to take over the town, some even succeeded.”

Trixie’s jaw dropped. Sure, she had considered the possibility of other worlds - a possibility confirmed by the memories of Sora that she had had forced into her head - but she’d failed to grasp the full scope of implications that followed. “...adopted?”

“Yeah, she’s a proud mom. Here.” he reached into one of his discarded gloves, pulling out a picture. “Take a look.” The picture was of the whole gang, fresh from their adventure from the beach, though Trixie seemed to focus on her counterpart, who was hugging Flint.

Trixie took the photo in her magic, gazing down at it in shock. “I… I never would have imagined…” Her eyes filled with tears as a small smile found its way onto her face. “I suppose, if another me in another world could find a life like this, maybe-” She was interrupted as another loud crash rang out nearby. Quickly handing the photo back, she chanced a look back at the raging battle. “Perhaps we should postpone this conversation for a later time when our lives are not in mortal peril.”

“You think you’ll be okay?” Lee asked, glancing at Trixie.

Trixie hesitated before nodding slowly. “Trixie believes so. At least, as much as she can be.”

“Alright, then I’m gonna head out and help the others fight Daemon. You and the others stay safe,” he told her, rushing out to join the fight. “Gaomon digivolve to! Gaogamon!”

“Spiral Blow!” he opened his maw, sending out a whirlwind of energy. The attack hit Daemon in the back. He didn’t react to the blow, though he did turn back to Lee with a smirk.

“A sneak attack, huh? Too bad for you that you’re not strong enough to pull that off.”

“Atomic Inferno!” Willy cried, showering Daemon with a barrage of super heated fireballs. Daemon let out a hiss of pain, jumping out of the way of Willy’s attack.

“We can still hurt you!” Rico growled, rushing forward, slashing at Daemon, catching him across the chest. Daemon growled, his wings flaring out wide.

“Chaos Flare!” he boomed, creating a pillar of fire that surrounded Rico.

Seeing an opportunity, Sora dashed forward from behind, leaping up from behind Daemon and tearing into his right wing, tearing strips of the leathery appendage away with each swipe. Daemon cried out, grabbing Sora and flinging him off by his throat.

“Evil Inferno!” Daemon shouted, launching fire at Sora just as he hit the ground. Sora once again crouched down, weathering the attack as the flames washed over him. When the attack finally ended he got up, shaking soot off of himself as he began slowly circling the demon.

“Looks like you need more time to recover than you thought,” Kurata commented, giving Daemon a smug look.

“No, it seems as though I’ve been underestimating this one,” Daemon said. “He’s quite the resilient little cockroach, I’ll give him that. But I can feel that amulet I drained still giving me more power. He will be turned to ash soon enough.”

“Hmm...” Kurata frowned, seeing the last of his Gizumon being smashed back into a digiegg. “I believe we have what we came for don’t you?”

“I suppose, though I don’t know why you bother with those toys,” Daemon sneered. “They are broken so easily.”

“They serve their purpose.” Kurata removed his glasses, wiping them off. “Besides, my... benefactor has seen fit to supply me with however many I need.”

“Hmmph, and look at all the good they can do. Your fake digimon do not measure up to the real thing. Even with their special ability.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Kurata placed his glasses back into position, pulling out a small orb. He pressed a button on the side, tossing it away. It exploded outward, opening up a wormhole.

A flash of light turned everyone’s attention to Sora who stood tall, shadow form cast off and grinning hugely. “Oh, goody,” he said, summoning a massive draconic keyblade and lining up a shot. “Looks like I get to use this thing again.”

“I highly doubt that,” Kurata scuffed. He turned, walking toward the portal.

Sora scoffed, stepping to the side so that Daemon stood between him and the wormhole. “Yeah, like I’m just going to let you walk off after all of that.” The keyblade began crackling and sparking as lightning coursed up and down its length. “Let’s see how hardy you are compared to Ansem.”

“Oh dear, another thick headed idiot,” Kurata sighed, turning toward Sora. “You really shouldn’t mess with forces beyond you, boy.”

“And you shouldn’t come into my world and start mucking around. Now, you look like you’ll vaporize instantly if this next spell hits you, so I suggest you scuttle on off before I let it fly.” Sora’s grin turned a bit savage as his eyes returned to Daemon. “You, however, might survive. Maybe. I’ll give you a few seconds to brace yourself.”

“Insolent whelp,” Daemon growled, “do your worst. You’ll find the lord of wrath to be quite hardy.”

“Daemon, I suggest you brace yourself,” Kurata spoke, stepping away from the wormhole.

“Too late. THUNDAGA!!!” A massive beam of pure plasma shot from the keyblade, heading directly for Daemon. Kurata just smirked, crossing his arms. An instant before the bolt hit, a beam of energy exploded out of the wormhole. It seemed to tear at reality itself where it struck, creating a rift out into the void which swallowed the blast.

“Just remember this boy, don’t toy with things you don’t understand.” Kurata nodded at Daemon, stepping into the wormhole.

“I didn’t need your assistance,” Daemon grumbled, following him through the portal.

Sora glared after them as the wormhole collapsed in on itself. “Okay, that was just cheating.”

“...That’s...” Willy stared at the rift, his eyes wide.

“You don’t think..?” Rico asked, looking between the other digimon.

“That Kurata just fired a space oscillation beam?” Paildramon asked, looking up at the rift.

“That’s what I was afraid of,” Alex grumbled, “That’s just one more reason why we need to take him down.”

“Anyone want to explain to those of us in the dark what an oscillation beam is?” asked Sora, dismissing Elemental Might.

“Okay so, how much do you know about digimon?” Paildramon asked, looking down at him.

Sora raised an eyebrow before clearing his throat. “Di-gi-mon!” he sang. “Digital monsters. Digimon are the champions!” He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and smirking. “And you just repeat that a few thousand times, right?”

“The Frontier theme is way better,” Willy commented, returning to Flamemon.

“Wouldn’t know,” said Sora. “I hardly remember anything from my old world that doesn’t involve Kingdom Hearts. Start from ground zero and work up to beams of void-opening energy.”

“Okay so, imagine this is Earth.” Paildramon reached down, picking up a rock. “And this the digital world.” he grabbed a piece of wood. “Now, Kurata invented a device called the Space Oscillator, that cut a tunnel between the two. After he merged with the demon lord Belphemon, he swallowed several of them, allowing him to fire Oscillation beams, creating tears between the worlds.”

“Interesting,” said Sora, staring at the tear. “So… why does that matter, and how do we close them?”

“It matters because that means Kurata still has Belphemon...” Paildramon shuddered.

“And him having access to two demon lords is bad news,” Lee said. “I can only imagine what he’s planning.”

“Geeze,” muttered Sora. “One of them was hard enough, even in my Shadow Form. I don't envy all of you if those are your villains.”

“Two of them anyway, there’s still Piedmon and... Lucemon,” Willy spat, bearing his fangs, “You wanna know how outclassed you, and by extension, us are? Daemon was the third strongest demon lord. Lucemon is the first, the lord of pride. He’s so strong, that it took all ten of the very elements of nature to beat him and all we managed to do was kick him out into the void.”

“Which doesn’t seem like a permanent solution anymore,” Sora noted, gesturing to the tear. “So, any tips on closing these up, or does Ponyville just have a new tourist attraction?”

“It should close up on its own,” Paildramon assured, “Kurata didn’t do enough damage to completely destroy your dimensional barrier or whatever you have.”

“Probably just that barrier of the World,” muttered Sora, examining the edges of the tear. “Heck, if I somehow managed to get my hands on some gummi blocks, I could probably build a ship to go exploring out there.” He stepped back, shaking his head and summoning the Kingdom Key. “Still, shouldn’t just leave it alone if we can do anything about it. If we take the keyblade’s ability to lock things and add a bit of domain interpretation to include sealing or closing, then I should be able to…” A beam shot from the keyblade, striking the bottom edge of the tear. Sora slowly directed it upwards, closing the hole as if he were pulling up a zipper. With a final flash, all traces of the hole in reality vanished.

“Huh,” Paildramon muttered, looking up at the repaired sky, “That's handy...” he glowed, splitting into DemiVeemon and Minomon.

Sora clapped his hands, grinning around at the assembled digimon. “Well, now that the mad scientist and his pet demon are gone, how about introductions? I’m Sora, Warrior of Light, and these,” he gestured to the gathered keyblade-wielding ponies, “are the Ponyville division of the Equestrian Keybladers Army. On behalf of this world, welcome to our Equestria!”

“Thanks, I’m Willy, the element of fire. That's Rico, the element of light. The baby dragon over there is Isaac, the bug is Jethro and the giant Akita over there is Lee.”

“Hey, I am not a baby!” Isaac cried, shaking a tiny fist at Willy. “Call me that again and I’ll kick you in the shins!”

“Says the guy who's barely a foot tall,” Willy snickered.

“I see,” said Sora. “Well, I’d thank you for helping me with Trixie but, now that I think of it, all you really did was bring an even bigger bad to the party.” He raised an eyebrow, smirking at them. “Why exactly did I summon you lot again? What’s next, going to hit me over the head with a staff while telling me to get lost?”

“I do have a staff, ya know,” Alex pointed out, hefting his staff. “And I’m Alex, by the way.”

Sora nodded before turning back to the crowds. “Don’t worry, everypony. Fight’s over. These guys are like me, ripped from their own world and flung into an alternate version of Equestria.”

“So basically another Tuesday in Ponyville?” asked Cloud Kicker, causing the whole audience to laugh before they began dispersing.

“You should visit ours sometime, it’s a nice place, once you get used to the big castle,” Willy muttered, stretching out his limbs.

“Hey, spikey haired shonen guy!” Isaac shouted, “You got any food!?”

“Seriously dude, you can’t recognize Sora from Kingdom Hearts?” Jethro asked with an arched brow. “What kind of mega nerd are you again?”

“The giant, impractical key sword should have been a pretty big clue,” noted Sora.

“That's not the point! I’m hungry!” Isaac whined.

Sora sighed, turning to Cloud Kicker. “Captain Kicker. Think we can provide some grub for our new friends?”

“And by friends, you mean the monsters that brought a demon into town and then proceeded to destroy a quarter of said town in the ensuing battle?”

“Yeah, them.”

Cloud rolled her eyes before mock-glaring at the digimon. “I’m sure we can find something around here fit for their consumption. Greens, meat or both?”

“Meat please,” Willy said before mock glaring at Cloud, “And remember to respect your elders.”

“If I meet any who prove worthy of respect, I’ll be sure to.”

“Girl, I’m ten thousand years old.” Willy glared, snorting smoke.

“And Discord’s age doesn’t stop me from calling him an insane weasel with a physical identity complex,” Cloud countered. “Kickers care about deeds, not age. Any other preferences?”

“I’d like both, please,” Lee said, licking his lips.

Cloud nodded, gesturing the mayor over with a wing. “Berry and the others should be in Twilight’s library looking up how to stop Trixie. Kind of a moot point now, but the town could really use one of his parties. Tell him to help himself to Sora’s meat for our guests.”

“Well well,” said Sora as Mayor Mare ran off. “Color me impressed. Is this the same mare who was questioning her qualifications to lead only a year ago?”

Cloud looked down, smiling as she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. “Heh, guess it’s just in my blood.”

“Well, there you have it then,” said Sora, turning back to the digimon. “One town-wide Berry Bubble Party coming right up. Hope you’ve been to one back where you’re from, or you’re about to suffer three different flavors of insanity.”

“Dunno who the hell Berry Bubble is but yeah, we’ve had a Pinkie party before,” Willy replied, putting his hands behind his head.

“Looks like we’re in an Equestria that has rule 63 counterparts of ponies we’re familiar with,” Jethro chimed in. “Though some are still the same, like Twilight.”

“Speaking of Twilight,” said Sora, looking around, “somepony should go find her and tell her that the whole Trixie thing’s been resolved. Now that I think of it, where has Trixie gone off to?”

“I hope she stayed in town,” Lee remarked, returning to his smaller bipedal form.

“Hm.” Sora closed his eyes, opening them to reveal twin orbs of light. He scanned the surrounding town, muttering to himself. “Joy. Relief. Relief. Joy. Uncertainty. Lingering fear and suspicion. Relief. Platonic love. Sibling love. Romantic love. A-hah! Self loathing and regret mixed with a steady ember of hope.” Sora switched out of heart-sight, pointing to an area of empty space. “Fillies and gentlecolts, I present our vanishing mare.”

Said area remained empty for a moment before a ripple appeared, revealing a set of hooves and flowing up to reveal legs, a torso and finally Trixie’s head. “Heart-sight is cheating,” she muttered, trudging over.

Sora just waved her off. “Yes, yes. And so is scanning for nervous excitement when playing hide-and-seek, but let’s talk about you. I’ve got to say, I wasn’t expecting to see such a strong kernel of hope. Not that it’s not a good thing, but where did that come from?”

Trixie blushed a bit, looking over at Lee. “Just… just a sign that things could get better from a… a friend.”

“Hey,” Lee said. “Hope you weren’t planning on leaving town yet. We’re just about to have a big party with a ton of food. It should be fun.”

“And if you’re anything like our Trix, you love a good party,” Alex chuckled, leaning on his staff. “Our Trix was even able to keep up with Applejack and Rainbow Dash in a cider chugging contest.”

“Well, naturally,” said Trixie, a bit of her old bravado returning. “Nopony can handle their alcohol like the Gr- well, like Trixie.” She slumped down a bit, sighing and looking around. “But Trixie should probably go. Trixie can’t imagine that Ponyville would be too accepting of Trixie after all the trouble she caused.”

“Our Ponyville accepted you,” Lee commented, “And if they accept Starlight Glimmer, they’ll accept anybody.”

“Wait. WHAT!” Sora glared at Lee, fury dancing in his eyes. “Your version of Equestria forgave that vile, despicable, soul-destroying-” He cut himself off, closing his eyes and forcing several deep breaths. “Different world, Sora,” he muttered. “Tearing off their cutie marks almost definitely didn’t have the same effect there.”

“Yeah and then she kinda went nuts with vengeance, stole Star Swirls time travel spell, altered it and went back in time to prevent Rainbow Dash’s original Sonic Rainboom.”

“Um, okay,” said Sora. “And the significance of that is…”

“That singular event gave each of the girls their cutie mark. Without it, none of them would have become who they were supposed to be. Twilight wouldn’t be Celestia’s student, Fluttershy wouldn’t have discovered her talent with animals, etc. And more importantly, none of them would have become an element of Harmony,” Lee explained.

“As Twilight tells it, each time Starlight prevented the Rainboom, it resulted in increasingly horrible Equestrias: one where Equestria was in a losing war against Sombra and the Crystal Empire, one where Chrysalis defeated Celestia, and even one where Nightmare Moon ruled and banished Celestia to the moon.”

Sora sighed, shaking his head. “You know, the more I hear about what’s going to happen or what has happened or could have happened, the more this whole world starts to sound like a bad anime.”

“See!” Isaac beamed. “I’m not the only one! But uh yeah, Twilight talked Starlight down and took her on as her friendship student.”

“Of course she did.” Sora sighed, staring off to the north-east. “Well, I’m afraid there won’t be any time-travel shenanigans or friendship students in this world.” His eyes hardened. “Starlight didn’t make it out of our confrontation alive.”

“Y-you killed Starlight?” Isaac asked, a look of horror on his face.

“She ripped the hearts out of at least three score ponies,” Sora snapped. “The only reason she wasn’t consumed by darkness is that her heart, like her mind, was shattered beyond repair. Trust me, death was a mercy, and letting her roam free would have meant allowing scores more, possibly hundreds more, to be damned to darkness by her hoof before she was finally fully consumed.”

“Different world Isaac,” Willy soothed, reaching down to scoop up his tiny friend, “Just be glad it wasn’t our Starlight.”

Sora inhaled deeply, letting all of his tension flow out as he exhaled. “Yeah, different world. I’m guessing that mine is the only one unlucky enough to have cutie marks tied so directly to the heart. You can’t take one without taking the other here. I’d wager that the effects were much more subdued in your world?”

“From what we gathered, it was a friendship cult obsessed with Equality,” Rico stated, shaking his head, “It was after our time.”

“The cutie mark removal really affected Pinkie,” Jethro commented.

“I’ll bet,” said Berry. “I mean, I know I wouldn’t like having my cutie mark removed. How would I throw parties? Or bake cakes? Or use my Berry Sense? That’d be just horrible!”

“Huh... so this is what the uncanny valley looks like...” Lee muttered, picking up Jethro.

“Hehe. Silly Lee. I don’t look like Uncanny Valley at all. Uncanny Valley looks like this!” Berry pulled a painting out of… somewhere and showed it to everyone. It was a beautiful painting of a picturesque valley. One could not imagine a more perfect looking place.

And for some reason, it gave everyone there a distinct feeling of wrongness.

“Looks like Berry has the same sense of humor as our Pinkie,” Isaac said, climbing atop Willy’s head.

“Let us pray that they never meet,” said Sora. “So Berry, how long until you’ve got the party set up?”

“Negative two minutes!” he chirped cheerfully.

Everyone looked up and around, surprised to find that a huge party was, in fact, going on in full swing all around them.

“Yup, totally Pinkie,” Rico muttered, moving over to take a seat, setting Jethro on the table.

“Sup?” Willy asked, waving at Twilight and her friends.

“Um, hi,” said Twilight awkwardly, still trying to figure out how she’d gotten there from Zecora’s.

“Twilight, these are a few more of the displaced,” said Sora. “They came to help out with Trixie who, as you can see,” he gestured to a suddenly very self-conscious Trixie, “has been freed from the dark influence of the dark amulet.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, shooting back and forth between the new displaced to be studied and the seemingly repentant Trixie. Deciding that potential friendship took precedence over studying (barely) she approached Trixie. “Are you okay, Trixie?”

“Trixie is fine,” Trixie muttered, looking away.

“She needs a caring touch to help her figure everything out,” Alex spoke, putting his hand on Trixie’s back, “But you should know,” he turned to the others, “This whole mess is your fault.”

“Our fault?” asked Applejack, her eyes narrowing. “And just what do you mean by that?”

“Well, let’s review the facts.” he cleared his throat. “Trixie originally came to Ponyville to put on a show. This involved her putting on airs, exaggerating and boasting about her talents. You know, being entertaining. For some idiotic reason.” he pointed to Applejack, Blitz, and Elusive. “You took that personally. Then got pissed when Trixie humiliated you all for her act. Then two school children lured a giant bear into town, probably because their parents didn’t teach them the difference between fact and fiction. Said giant bear destroys Trixie’s wagon, her home. Twilight, who isn’t really to blame here, defeats the bear, which leads to rumors and stories that ruin Trixie’s livelihood and her career. Which in turn sends her into a downward spiral and her quest for revenge. So yes, this whole thing was started because of you idiots. You almost completely RUINED Trixie’s life and you don’t even care.”

All was silent for a minute before Trixie cleared her throat. “Rebuttal: Trixie did put forth an ‘anything you can do, I can do better’ challenge.”

“Trixie,” Alex started, looking down at her, “That’s your job. You are a showmare, it’s your job to oversell yourself, it’s all a part of the act. Believe me, you and I have been putting on shows since you hatched me. Hell, it’s even how we ended up adopting Flint. You don’t have to apologize for doing your job. Nothing excuses them for getting their egos bruised by someone whose job it is to entertain people. The only one not on the hook is Twilight, though, you could say she exacerbated the issue by, you know, not helping Trixie after the giant bear destroyed her home and livelihood.”

“Oh, Trixie doesn’t doubt that these three have no right to be upset that Trixie upstaged them.” Ignoring the trio of glares, Trixie continued. “However, it was not they who went into the Everfree Forest searching for an Ursa Major. If anypony is to blame, it is the two colts who believed Trixie’s tale.”

“Actually…” all eyes turned to Spike as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That one’s my bad. I told Snips and Snails that I wouldn’t believe anything that Trixie said unless an Ursa Major came walking down the street for her to vanquish.”

“Spike,” said Twilight, wrapping a hoof around his shoulders. “You couldn’t have known that they’d be foalish enough to actually go and look for one. And besides, Trixie’s still the one who decided to stoop to revenge.” She winced and grinned awkwardly over at Trixie. “Uh, no offence.”

Trixie sighed, looking down at her piece of cake, not even questioning where it had come from. “None taken. That one was Trixie’s failing.”

“Not to mention that it wasn’t Trixie who brought a demon with them when they were summoned,” added Sora. “Nor was it her or the digimon who summoned them in the first place.”

“So, um, does that mean that it’s everyone’s fault?” asked Fluttershy.

Thinking for a moment, Twilight nodded. “Everyone except you and Berry, yes.”

“So, if personality traits are constant, Twilight must be brimming with questions, so ask away while we eat,” Alex offered, moving to grab himself a plate.

Twilight grinned, summoning a quill and notebook. “Right! Now, from what I know of the infinite multiverse, there are probably already several different versions of me making encyclopedias of the various displaced already, so there’s no point in me making an entirely new set of notes on the basic workings of the displaced when I can just copy another me’s set.”

“And by ‘you know’,” said Spike, “you mean ‘Sora and Prince Sol pointed out to you’, right?”

Cheeks flushing a little, Twilight coughed into her hoof. “Yes, well, anyway. This means that my only real questions are about your specific abilities. What can all of you do? What sort of magic and/or weapons do you have? And please, don’t tell me anything about the future if you can avoid it.”

“Well, aside from being fire itself,” Willy started, summoning up a large hammer. “I have Grumblemon’s hammer. Still haven’t really used this in a fight though. Might have to change that pretty soon.”

“We’re actually a type of life form that doesn’t exist in your world, digimon,” Isaac spoke, still on Willy’s head.

“I see,” said Twilight. “And what exactly qualifies a digimon?”

“We’re not made of flesh and blood,” Jethro explained. “We’re beings made of pure data. Essentially sentient computer programs… which you probably don’t know what that is because you haven’t been through the mirror yet.”

Twilight peared over the top of her notebook. “Mirror?”

“Forget about it,” Sora said quickly. “Trust me, you’re better off not getting involved with the old coot’s crazy dimension mirrors. Or the internet, for that matter.”

“Anyway, digimon don’t really age like other life forms, nor do we reproduce. Hell, we don’t even die,” Isaac continued, speaking with authority.

“Unless our data gets absorbed by another digimon,” Alex corrected. “Or deleted by something like those Gizumon that Kurata had with him.”

“If a digimon is killed, they reformat back into a digiegg, though, they may or may not remember their previous life.”

“Fascinating,” muttered Twilight, scribbling furiously. “And how many different species of digimon are there?”

“There are hundreds of them,” Lee answered. “Though we fall into four basic categories: Vaccine, Data, Virus, and Free. Though most free are baby digimon.”

Twilight paused, raising an eyebrow. “Vaccine? Virus? Those sound more like medical terms than species categories.”

“Well, sort of,” Isaac shrugged. “A virus is a term used for malicious computer programs that infect software and data. And in some cases, anti-virus software are referred to as vaccines.”

“There are several stages of development digimon fall into,” Alex took up the explanation, “First is the digiegg, then fresh, in-training, rookie, champion, ultimate and mega. There is a level above mega, ultra, but so few digimon have that level of power, it’s not really worth talking about.”

“Especially considering that one of those digimon is from the forbidden season,” Jethro commented, shuddering. “And referring to it by name would give it power.”

“I see,” said Twilight. “And what do you mean by, ‘forbidden season’?”

“It’s a long, very complicated explanation,” Willy replied, shaking his head.

“They’re like me, Twilight,” said Sora. “They were humans who were tricked and wound up in a version of Equestria that had elements of the world that they were based on worked into it. Instead of keyblades and heartless, they have digimon. Digimon was actually a fictional series, just like Kingdom Hearts was, although the story was told over a different medium.”

“I see,” said Twilight. “And I’m guessing that the ‘forbidden season’ refers to a certain period from the work of fiction?”

Sora shrugged. “Most likely. I was never that interested in Digimon.” He looked around, staring at the various keybladers enjoying the party. “You know, I often wonder what the base version of this world would look like. You know, without any influence from human fiction.”

“I could tell you if you want,” Jethro told him. “I actually watched MLP back on earth. Though I didn’t get to see season six,” he pouted. “...Though I guess I’m technically living it now,” he concluded.

Sora just stared at him, his face completely blank. “What are you talking about?”

“Equestria, it’s the setting of a cartoon called ‘My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic’,” Jethro explained, “The first episode starts with the day Twilight was sent to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun celebration.”

All ponies present stared at him, jaws hanging loose. Sora’s face remained carefully blank. “Berry?”


“You got enough alcohol to make us forget that little tidbit?”


“Ah… Got enough to let you, Trixie and the rest of the Bearers forget?”

Berry reached under the table, pulling out a giant keg of the Apple Family’s hardest cider. “Waaaaaaaaay ahead of you,” he said, beginning to pour seven mugs.

“Good. Good. At least you seven will be able to go without an existential crisis.”

“Eh, it’s no different than knowing you have multiversal counterparts,” Isaac retorted, shrugging.

“Yeah, there might actually be an Isaac out there that can ask out girls without fainting,” Willy teased, patting the blue dragon on the head.

“S-shut up Willy!” Isaac growled down at him.

“You know,” said Sora as he enviously watched the ponies at the table chugging down their amnesia inducing drinks, “this actually makes me glad that I don’t remember my life from before I came here. I can easily think of other Soras as being copies of the video game Sora, and I don’t have an original identity to angst about whether I’m the original or just a copy over.”

“When it comes to multiverse stuff, it’s pretty wrong to assume there’s an ‘original’ version,” Rico pointed out. “It’s just that all the universes exist simultaneously. It’s not like cloning where there is a base life form to work from.”

“Actually,” said Twilight, having already finished her second mug, “most ponies theorize that there is a single root world from which all alternate worlds stem, one that is most common to all of them. This would probably be the Equestria that Sora talked about, the one without any influence from outside sources.”

“Wait a minute,” said Rainbow Blitz, his eyes going wide. “But if that base Equestria is the fiction in their world, then what does that mean about fan-fiction?”


“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you,” said Berry, pulling out an entire keg for each of them.

“I’m just surprised how quickly Twilight can drink her cider,” Alex commented. “I had no idea the little nerd had it in her. I’m impressed.”

“And I’m impressed with you,Spike,” Sora said, looking down at the young dragon. “I can’t believe you’re holding together even with all of this.”

“Eh,” said Spike, waving him off. “The conversation started getting confusing so I just tuned it out. When I saw Berry pull out the really hard stuff, I knew I’d made the right decision.”

“I take it your Equestria doesn’t have DBZ style fusion?” Lee asked, popping a muffin into his mouth.

“Yeah, that was pretty cool to find out,” Isaac said. “And apparently Pinkie and Maud are able to fuse into one pony. Not gonna lie, I wanna see that.”

“No idea what you’re talking about, and I’m pretty sure I’m happier that way,” grumbled Sora. “Hey Spike, could you go and get me some normal Cider?”

“Sure thing,” said Spike, hopping up and walking off.

As soon as he was out of earshot Sora lowered his voice and leaned forward. “Now, I do have a question for you now that the only other ponies here won’t be able to remember our conversation come tomorrow. What’s this I’ve heard about Twilight becoming a Princess somewhere down the line?”

Sora leaned back out of the way just in time to avoid Twilight’s massive spit take. “WHAT?!”

“Forget that, or remember that you’re probably living in some nerd’s fanfiction. Your choice.” Once Twilight had gone back to chugging down cider, Sora continued. “I heard it from another displaced, but never got the chance to ask for details.”

“It happened in the season three finale: Twilight managed to solve Starswirl’s final spell, and as a reward, was ascended into alicornhood. She didn’t get her own castle until she and the girls managed to find six keys for a box created by the Tree of Harmony, which allowed them to defeat Tirek,” Jethro replied, letting Rico feed him some cake.

“Tirek, huh?” said Sora. “Never heard of him. Guess I’ll have to watch out for that. But you said it was Starswirl’s final spell? The one that blew him to smithereens?”

“When Twilight originally invoked it, it switched around the girls’ cutie marks, except her own.”

“Huh. Different effects for different casters. Or maybe her connection to the Element of Magic allowed, and will allow, her to survive it with just that nasty side effect. Going to have to stay out of that little adventure to make sure I don’t mess anything up.”

“Tirek was the season 4 finale. Season five opened and ended with Starlight. Season six though... opened with princess Flurry Heart.”

“And we’ve already covered that Starlight is now a non-option,” Sora mused. “I assume Flurry Heart is going to be Gleaming and Bolero’s child? I can’t imagine anyone but the Prince of Love having a kid with a name like that. Plus, you know, Princess.”

“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor actually, and she’s a natural born alicorn.”

“So like I said, Prince Mi Amore Bolero and Princess Consort Gleaming Shield.”

“She freaking broke the Crystal Heart,” Isaac piped up.

“Yeah, but she’s also diabetes inducing cute,” Jethro added. “Seriously, if I had blood, it would’ve been replaced with syrup by now.”

“And let’s not forget she had the wings of an adult,” Lee commented.

“Sounds like something to look forward to,” said Sora, looking over the seven ponies that now lay passed out on the table. “But it looks like we’re going to have to wrap this up. I have to get all of them home.” Sora suddenly gained a malicious grin that would have fit better on a crocodile. “By the way, you all seem to know them better than I do. What combinations would freak them out the most if they woke up in bed together with massive hangovers and no memories of the night before?”

“AJ and Blitz, Elusive and Fluttershy, Berry and Twilight,” Jethro listed off quickly.

“What about Trixie?”

“Put her in with Twilight and Berry.”

“Will do!” Sora stood up, stretching as he prepared to haul off the sleeping mares. “Well, I suppose this is where we part ways.”

“Actually, we have to round up those Gizumon eggs,” Willy cut in, “We can’t just leave them here.”

“Magnera.” A swirling vortex appeared above Sora’s head as he summoned Wishing Star, gathering all of the digieggs together above his head before setting them gently around him.

“Alright Alex, Rico and Willy, you three divide the eggs up amongst yourselves,” Isaac said. “Looks like we’ve got a few more occupants for Celestia’s vault.”

“Ah, that reminds me,” said Sora, reaching into his pocket. “When you next see your Celestia, Luna and Twilight, show them this.” He pulled out a small stack of photos, each one showing a glowering Solaris in a frilly pink skirt. “Distribute them to any other displaced you see as well. We’re trying to spread them across the multiverse to troll every version of Sol and Celestia out there.”

“Right...” Lee blinked, taking it. “You take care of Trixie, yeah?” he asked, slipping it into one of his gloves.

Sora nodded. “Will do. Digidestined, our contract is complete. May you always walk in the path of light.”

Author's Note:

A crossover with Show Stoppers story, A Heart Eclipsed check it out, it's pretty good.